// // Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved. // Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information. // // #ifndef _SBUFFER_INL_ #define _SBUFFER_INL_ #include "sbuffer.h" #if defined(_MSC_VER) #pragma inline_depth (20) #endif inline SBuffer::SBuffer(PreallocFlag flag, void *buffer, COUNT_T size) : m_size(0), m_allocation(NULL), m_flags(0), m_buffer(NULL) { CONTRACT_VOID { CONSTRUCTOR_CHECK; PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(buffer)); PRECONDITION(CheckSize(size)); NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; SUPPORTS_DAC_HOST_ONLY; } CONTRACT_END; m_buffer = UseBuffer((BYTE *) buffer, &size); m_allocation = size; #ifdef _DEBUG m_revision = 0; #endif RETURN; } inline SBuffer::SBuffer() : m_size(0), m_allocation(0), m_flags(0), m_buffer(NULL) { CONTRACT_VOID { CONSTRUCTOR_CHECK; NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; } CONTRACT_END; #ifdef _DEBUG m_revision = 0; #endif RETURN; } inline SBuffer::SBuffer(COUNT_T size) : m_size(0), m_allocation(0), m_flags(0), m_buffer(NULL) { CONTRACT_VOID {; CONSTRUCTOR_CHECK; PRECONDITION(CheckSize(size)); THROWS; GC_NOTRIGGER; } CONTRACT_END; Resize(size); #ifdef _DEBUG m_revision = 0; #endif RETURN; } inline SBuffer::SBuffer(const SBuffer &buffer) : m_size(0), m_allocation(0), m_flags(0), m_buffer(NULL) { CONTRACT_VOID { CONSTRUCTOR_CHECK; PRECONDITION(buffer.Check()); POSTCONDITION(Equals(buffer)); THROWS; GC_NOTRIGGER; } CONTRACT_END; Set(buffer); #ifdef _DEBUG m_revision = 0; #endif RETURN; } inline SBuffer::SBuffer(const BYTE *buffer, COUNT_T size) : m_size(0), m_allocation(0), m_flags(0), m_buffer(NULL) { CONTRACT_VOID { CONSTRUCTOR_CHECK; PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(buffer)); PRECONDITION(CheckSize(size)); POSTCONDITION(Equals(buffer, size)); THROWS; GC_NOTRIGGER; } CONTRACT_END; Set(buffer, size); #ifdef _DEBUG m_revision = 0; #endif RETURN; } inline SBuffer::SBuffer(ImmutableFlag immutable, const BYTE *buffer, COUNT_T size) : m_size(size), m_allocation(size), m_flags(IMMUTABLE), m_buffer(const_cast(buffer)) { CONTRACT_VOID { CONSTRUCTOR_CHECK; PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(buffer)); PRECONDITION(CheckSize(size)); POSTCONDITION(Equals(buffer, size)); NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; SO_TOLERANT; SUPPORTS_DAC_HOST_ONLY; } CONTRACT_END; #ifdef _DEBUG m_revision = 0; #endif RETURN; } inline SBuffer::~SBuffer() { CONTRACT_VOID { NOTHROW; DESTRUCTOR_CHECK; SO_TOLERANT; GC_NOTRIGGER; SO_TOLERANT; SUPPORTS_DAC_HOST_ONLY; } CONTRACT_END; VALIDATE_BACKOUT_STACK_CONSUMPTION; if (IsAllocated()) { DeleteBuffer(m_buffer, m_allocation); } RETURN; } inline void SBuffer::Set(const SBuffer &buffer) { CONTRACT_VOID { INSTANCE_CHECK; PRECONDITION(buffer.Check()); POSTCONDITION(Equals(buffer)); THROWS; GC_NOTRIGGER; SUPPORTS_DAC_HOST_ONLY; } CONTRACT_END; if (buffer.IsImmutable() && (IsImmutable() || m_allocation < buffer.GetSize())) { // Share immutable block rather than reallocate and copy // (Note that we prefer to copy to our buffer if we // don't have to reallocate it.) if (IsAllocated()) DeleteBuffer(m_buffer, m_allocation); m_size = buffer.m_size; m_allocation = buffer.m_allocation; m_buffer = buffer.m_buffer; m_flags = buffer.m_flags; #if _DEBUG // Increment our revision to invalidate iterators m_revision++; #endif } else { Resize(buffer.m_size, DONT_PRESERVE); EnsureMutable(); // PreFix seems to think it can choose m_allocation==0 and buffer.m_size > 0 here. // From the code for Resize and EnsureMutable, this is clearly impossible. PREFIX_ASSUME( (this->m_buffer != NULL) || (buffer.m_size == 0) ); CopyMemory(m_buffer, buffer.m_buffer, buffer.m_size); } RETURN; } inline void SBuffer::Set(const BYTE *buffer, COUNT_T size) { CONTRACT_VOID { INSTANCE_CHECK; PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(buffer, size == 0 ? NULL_OK : NULL_NOT_OK)); PRECONDITION(CheckSize(size)); POSTCONDITION(Equals(buffer, size)); THROWS; GC_NOTRIGGER; } CONTRACT_END; Resize(size); EnsureMutable(); // PreFix seems to think it can choose m_allocation==0 and size > 0 here. // From the code for Resize, this is clearly impossible. PREFIX_ASSUME( (this->m_buffer != NULL) || (size == 0) ); CopyMemory(m_buffer, buffer, size); RETURN; } inline void SBuffer::SetImmutable(const BYTE *buffer, COUNT_T size) { CONTRACT_VOID { INSTANCE_CHECK; PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(buffer, size == 0 ? NULL_OK : NULL_NOT_OK)); PRECONDITION(CheckSize(size)); POSTCONDITION(Equals(buffer, size)); NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; SUPPORTS_DAC_HOST_ONLY; } CONTRACT_END; SBuffer temp(Immutable, buffer, size); { // This can't really throw CONTRACT_VIOLATION(ThrowsViolation); Set(temp); } RETURN; } inline COUNT_T SBuffer::GetSize() const { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; SUPPORTS_DAC; return m_size; } inline void SBuffer::SetSize(COUNT_T size) { CONTRACT_VOID { INSTANCE_CHECK; PRECONDITION(CheckSize(size)); THROWS; GC_NOTRIGGER; } CONTRACT_END; Resize(size); RETURN; } inline void SBuffer::MaximizeSize() { CONTRACT_VOID { INSTANCE_CHECK; THROWS; GC_NOTRIGGER; } CONTRACT_END; if (!IsImmutable()) Resize(m_allocation); RETURN; } inline COUNT_T SBuffer::GetAllocation() const { CONTRACT(COUNT_T) { INSTANCE_CHECK; NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; SO_TOLERANT; SUPPORTS_DAC; } CONTRACT_END; RETURN m_allocation; } inline void SBuffer::Preallocate(COUNT_T allocation) const { CONTRACT_VOID { if (allocation) THROWS; else NOTHROW; INSTANCE_CHECK; PRECONDITION(CheckAllocation(allocation)); THROWS; GC_NOTRIGGER; SUPPORTS_DAC_HOST_ONLY; } CONTRACT_END; if (allocation > m_allocation) const_cast(this)->ReallocateBuffer(allocation, PRESERVE); RETURN; } inline void SBuffer::Trim() const { CONTRACT_VOID { INSTANCE_CHECK; THROWS; GC_NOTRIGGER; } CONTRACT_END; if (!IsImmutable()) const_cast(this)->ReallocateBuffer(m_size, PRESERVE); RETURN; } inline void SBuffer::Zero() { CONTRACT_VOID { INSTANCE_CHECK; NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; } CONTRACT_END; ZeroMemory(m_buffer, m_size); RETURN; } inline void SBuffer::Fill(BYTE value) { CONTRACT_VOID { INSTANCE_CHECK; NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; } CONTRACT_END; memset(m_buffer, value, m_size); RETURN; } inline void SBuffer::Fill(const Iterator &i, BYTE value, COUNT_T size) { CONTRACT_VOID { INSTANCE_CHECK; PRECONDITION(CheckIteratorRange(i, size)); NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; } CONTRACT_END; memset(i.m_ptr, value, size); RETURN; } inline void SBuffer::Copy(const Iterator &to, const CIterator &from, COUNT_T size) { CONTRACT_VOID { INSTANCE_CHECK; PRECONDITION(CheckIteratorRange(to, size)); PRECONDITION(CheckIteratorRange(from, size)); NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; } CONTRACT_END; DebugDestructBuffer(to.m_ptr, size); DebugCopyConstructBuffer(to.m_ptr, from.m_ptr, size); RETURN; } inline void SBuffer::Move(const Iterator &to, const CIterator &from, COUNT_T size) { CONTRACT_VOID { INSTANCE_CHECK; PRECONDITION(CheckIteratorRange(to, size)); PRECONDITION(CheckIteratorRange(from, size)); NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; } CONTRACT_END; DebugDestructBuffer(to.m_ptr, size); DebugMoveBuffer(to.m_ptr, from.m_ptr, size); DebugConstructBuffer(from.m_ptr, size); RETURN; } inline void SBuffer::Copy(const Iterator &i, const SBuffer &source) { CONTRACT_VOID { INSTANCE_CHECK; PRECONDITION(CheckIteratorRange(i, source.GetSize())); PRECONDITION(source.Check()); NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; } CONTRACT_END; DebugDestructBuffer(i.m_ptr, source.m_size); DebugCopyConstructBuffer(i.m_ptr, source.m_buffer, source.m_size); RETURN; } inline void SBuffer::Copy(const Iterator &i, const void *source, COUNT_T size) { CONTRACT_VOID { PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(this)); PRECONDITION(CheckSize(size)); PRECONDITION(CheckIteratorRange(i, size)); PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(source, size == 0 ? NULL_OK : NULL_NOT_OK)); NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; SUPPORTS_DAC; } CONTRACT_END; DebugDestructBuffer(i.m_ptr, size); DebugCopyConstructBuffer(i.m_ptr, (const BYTE *) source, size); RETURN; } inline void SBuffer::Copy(void *dest, const CIterator &i, COUNT_T size) { CONTRACT_VOID { PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(this)); PRECONDITION(CheckSize(size)); PRECONDITION(CheckIteratorRange(i, size)); PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(dest, size == 0 ? NULL_OK : NULL_NOT_OK)); NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; } CONTRACT_END; memcpy(dest, i.m_ptr, size); RETURN; } inline void SBuffer::Insert(const Iterator &i, const SBuffer &source) { CONTRACT_VOID { INSTANCE_CHECK; THROWS; PRECONDITION(CheckIteratorRange(i,0)); GC_NOTRIGGER; } CONTRACT_END; Replace(i, 0, source.GetSize()); Copy(i, source, source.GetSize()); RETURN; } inline void SBuffer::Insert(const Iterator &i, COUNT_T size) { CONTRACT_VOID { INSTANCE_CHECK; THROWS; PRECONDITION(CheckIteratorRange(i,0)); GC_NOTRIGGER; } CONTRACT_END; Replace(i, 0, size); RETURN; } inline void SBuffer::Clear() { CONTRACT_VOID { INSTANCE_CHECK; THROWS; GC_NOTRIGGER; } CONTRACT_END; Delete(Begin(), GetSize()); RETURN; } inline void SBuffer::Delete(const Iterator &i, COUNT_T size) { CONTRACT_VOID { INSTANCE_CHECK; PRECONDITION(CheckIteratorRange(i, size)); THROWS; GC_NOTRIGGER; } CONTRACT_END; Replace(i, size, 0); RETURN; } inline void SBuffer::Replace(const Iterator &i, COUNT_T deleteSize, const SBuffer &insert) { CONTRACT_VOID { INSTANCE_CHECK; PRECONDITION(CheckIteratorRange(i, deleteSize)); THROWS; GC_NOTRIGGER; } CONTRACT_END; Replace(i, deleteSize, insert.GetSize()); Copy(i, insert, insert.GetSize()); RETURN; } inline int SBuffer::Compare(const SBuffer &compare) const { CONTRACT(int) { INSTANCE_CHECK; PRECONDITION(compare.Check()); POSTCONDITION(RETVAL == -1 || RETVAL == 0 || RETVAL == 1); NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; } CONTRACT_END; RETURN Compare(compare.m_buffer, compare.m_size); } inline int SBuffer::Compare(const BYTE *compare, COUNT_T size) const { CONTRACT(int) { INSTANCE_CHECK; PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(compare)); PRECONDITION(CheckSize(size)); POSTCONDITION(RETVAL == -1 || RETVAL == 0 || RETVAL == 1); NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; } CONTRACT_END; COUNT_T smaller; int equals; int result; if (m_size < size) { smaller = m_size; equals = -1; } else if (m_size > size) { smaller = size; equals = 1; } else { smaller = size; equals = 0; } result = memcmp(m_buffer, compare, size); if (result == 0) RETURN equals; else RETURN result; } inline BOOL SBuffer::Equals(const SBuffer &compare) const { CONTRACT(int) { INSTANCE_CHECK; PRECONDITION(compare.Check()); NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; SO_TOLERANT; } CONTRACT_END; RETURN Equals(compare.m_buffer, compare.m_size); } inline BOOL SBuffer::Equals(const BYTE *compare, COUNT_T size) const { CONTRACT(int) { INSTANCE_CHECK; PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(compare)); PRECONDITION(CheckSize(size)); NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; SO_TOLERANT; } CONTRACT_END; if (m_size != size) RETURN FALSE; else RETURN (memcmp(m_buffer, compare, size) == 0); } inline BOOL SBuffer::Match(const CIterator &i, const SBuffer &match) const { CONTRACT(int) { INSTANCE_CHECK; PRECONDITION(CheckIteratorRange(i)); PRECONDITION(match.Check()); NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; } CONTRACT_END; RETURN Match(i, match.m_buffer, match.m_size); } inline BOOL SBuffer::Match(const CIterator &i, const BYTE *match, COUNT_T size) const { CONTRACT(int) { INSTANCE_CHECK; PRECONDITION(CheckIteratorRange(i)); PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(match)); PRECONDITION(CheckSize(size)); NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; } CONTRACT_END; COUNT_T remaining = (COUNT_T) (m_buffer + m_size - i.m_ptr); if (remaining < size) RETURN FALSE; RETURN (memcmp(i.m_ptr, match, size) == 0); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // EnsureMutable // Ensures that the buffer is mutable //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline void SBuffer::EnsureMutable() const { CONTRACT_VOID { PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(this)); PRECONDITION(CheckBufferClosed()); THROWS; GC_NOTRIGGER; SUPPORTS_DAC_HOST_ONLY; } CONTRACT_END; if (IsImmutable()) const_cast(this)->ReallocateBuffer(m_allocation, PRESERVE); RETURN; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Resize // Change the visible size of the buffer; realloc if necessary //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- FORCEINLINE void SBuffer::Resize(COUNT_T size, Preserve preserve) { CONTRACT_VOID { PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(this)); PRECONDITION(CheckSize(size)); POSTCONDITION(GetSize() == size); POSTCONDITION(m_allocation >= GetSize()); POSTCONDITION(CheckInvariant(*this)); if (size > 0) THROWS; else NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; SUPPORTS_DAC_HOST_ONLY; } CONTRACT_END; #ifdef _DEBUG // Change our revision m_revision++; #endif SCOUNT_T delta = size - m_size; if (delta < 0) DebugDestructBuffer(m_buffer + size, -delta); // Only actually allocate if we are growing if (size > m_allocation) ReallocateBuffer(size, preserve); if (delta > 0) DebugConstructBuffer(m_buffer + m_size, delta); m_size = size; RETURN; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ResizePadded // Change the visible size of the buffer; realloc if necessary // add extra space to minimize further growth //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline void SBuffer::ResizePadded(COUNT_T size, Preserve preserve) { CONTRACT_VOID { PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(this)); PRECONDITION(CheckSize(size)); POSTCONDITION(GetSize() == size); POSTCONDITION(m_allocation >= GetSize()); POSTCONDITION(CheckInvariant(*this)); if (size > 0) THROWS; else NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; SUPPORTS_DAC_HOST_ONLY; } CONTRACT_END; #ifdef _DEBUG // Change our revision m_revision++; #endif SCOUNT_T delta = size - m_size; if (delta < 0) DebugDestructBuffer(m_buffer + size, -delta); // Only actually allocate if we are growing if (size > m_allocation) { COUNT_T padded = (size*3)/2; ReallocateBuffer(padded, preserve); } if (delta > 0) DebugConstructBuffer(m_buffer + m_size, delta); m_size = size; RETURN; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // TweakSize // An optimized form of Resize, which can only adjust the size within the // currently allocated range, and never reallocates //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline void SBuffer::TweakSize(COUNT_T size) { CONTRACT_VOID { PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(this)); PRECONDITION(CheckSize(size)); PRECONDITION(size <= GetAllocation()); POSTCONDITION(GetSize() == size); POSTCONDITION(CheckInvariant(*this)); NOTHROW; SO_TOLERANT; GC_NOTRIGGER; SUPPORTS_DAC_HOST_ONLY; } CONTRACT_END; #ifdef _DEBUG // Change our revision m_revision++; #endif SCOUNT_T delta = size - m_size; if (delta < 0) DebugDestructBuffer(m_buffer + size, -delta); else DebugConstructBuffer(m_buffer + m_size, delta); m_size = size; RETURN; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // SBuffer allocates all memory via NewBuffer & DeleteBuffer members. // If SBUFFER_CANARY_CHECKS is defined, NewBuffer will place Canaries at the start // and end of the buffer to detect overflows. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef _DEBUG #define SBUFFER_CANARY_CHECKS 1 #endif #ifdef SBUFFER_CANARY_CHECKS // The value we place at the start/end of the buffer, static const UINT64 SBUFFER_CANARY_VALUE = UI64(0xD00BED00BED00BAA); // Expose the quantity of padding needed when providing a prealloced // buffer. This is an unrolled version of the actualAllocation calculated // below for use as a constant value for InlineSString to use. It is // padded with one additional sizeof(SBUFFER_CANARY_VALUE) to account for // possible alignment problems issues (pre- and post-padding). #define SBUFFER_PADDED_SIZE(desiredUsefulSize) \ ((((SIZE_T)(desiredUsefulSize) + sizeof(SBUFFER_CANARY_VALUE) - 1) & \ ~(sizeof(SBUFFER_CANARY_VALUE)-1)) + 3 * sizeof(SBUFFER_CANARY_VALUE)) #else // SBUFFER_CANARY_CHECKS #define SBUFFER_PADDED_SIZE(desiredUsefulSize) (desiredUsefulSize) #endif // SBUFFER_CANARY_CHECKS else // Must match expected guaranteed alignment of new [] #ifdef ALIGN_ACCESS static const int SBUFFER_ALIGNMENT = ALIGN_ACCESS; #else // This is only 4 bytes on win98 and below static const int SBUFFER_ALIGNMENT = 4; #endif //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Allocate memory, use canaries. //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline BYTE *SBuffer::NewBuffer(COUNT_T allocation) { CONTRACT(BYTE*) { PRECONDITION(CheckSize(allocation)); PRECONDITION(allocation > 0); POSTCONDITION(CheckPointer(RETVAL)); THROWS; GC_NOTRIGGER; SUPPORTS_DAC_HOST_ONLY; } CONTRACT_END; #ifdef SBUFFER_CANARY_CHECKS COUNT_T alignPadding = AlignmentPad(allocation, sizeof(SBUFFER_CANARY_VALUE)); COUNT_T actualAllocation= sizeof(SBUFFER_CANARY_VALUE) + allocation + alignPadding + sizeof(SBUFFER_CANARY_VALUE); BYTE *raw = new BYTE [actualAllocation]; *(UINT64*) raw = SBUFFER_CANARY_VALUE; *(UINT64*) (raw + sizeof(SBUFFER_CANARY_VALUE) + allocation + alignPadding) = SBUFFER_CANARY_VALUE; BYTE *buffer = raw + sizeof(SBUFFER_CANARY_VALUE); #else BYTE *buffer = new BYTE [allocation]; #endif DebugStompUnusedBuffer(buffer, allocation); CONSISTENCY_CHECK(CheckBuffer(buffer, allocation)); RETURN buffer; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Use existing memory, use canaries. //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline BYTE *SBuffer::UseBuffer(BYTE *buffer, COUNT_T *allocation) { CONTRACT(BYTE*) { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; CANNOT_TAKE_LOCK; SUPPORTS_DAC_HOST_ONLY; PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(buffer)); PRECONDITION(CheckSize(*allocation)); // POSTCONDITION(CheckPointer(RETVAL)); POSTCONDITION(CheckSize(*allocation)); } CONTRACT_END; #ifdef SBUFFER_CANARY_CHECKS COUNT_T prepad = AlignmentPad((SIZE_T) buffer, sizeof(SBUFFER_CANARY_VALUE)); COUNT_T postpad = AlignmentTrim((SIZE_T) buffer+*allocation, sizeof(SBUFFER_CANARY_VALUE)); SCOUNT_T usableAllocation = *allocation - prepad - sizeof(SBUFFER_CANARY_VALUE) - sizeof(SBUFFER_CANARY_VALUE) - postpad; if (usableAllocation <= 0) { buffer = NULL; *allocation = 0; } else { BYTE *result = buffer + prepad + sizeof(SBUFFER_CANARY_VALUE); *(UINT64*) (buffer + prepad) = SBUFFER_CANARY_VALUE; *(UINT64*) (buffer + prepad + sizeof(SBUFFER_CANARY_VALUE) + usableAllocation) = SBUFFER_CANARY_VALUE; buffer = result; *allocation = usableAllocation; } #endif DebugStompUnusedBuffer(buffer, *allocation); CONSISTENCY_CHECK(CheckBuffer(buffer, *allocation)); RETURN buffer; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Free memory allocated by NewHelper //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline void SBuffer::DeleteBuffer(BYTE *buffer, COUNT_T allocation) { CONTRACT_VOID { PRECONDITION(CheckSize(allocation)); POSTCONDITION(CheckPointer(buffer)); SO_TOLERANT; NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; SO_TOLERANT; SUPPORTS_DAC_HOST_ONLY; } CONTRACT_END; VALIDATE_BACKOUT_STACK_CONSUMPTION; CONSISTENCY_CHECK(CheckBuffer(buffer, allocation)); #ifdef SBUFFER_CANARY_CHECKS delete [] (buffer - sizeof(SBUFFER_CANARY_VALUE)); #else delete [] buffer; #endif RETURN; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Check the buffer at the given address. The memory must have been a pointer // returned by NewHelper. //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline CHECK SBuffer::CheckBuffer(const BYTE *buffer, COUNT_T allocation) const { CONTRACT_CHECK { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; SO_TOLERANT; CANNOT_TAKE_LOCK; PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(buffer)); } CONTRACT_CHECK_END; if (allocation > 0) { #ifdef SBUFFER_CANARY_CHECKS const BYTE *raw = buffer - sizeof(SBUFFER_CANARY_VALUE); COUNT_T alignPadding = ((allocation + (sizeof(SBUFFER_CANARY_VALUE) - 1)) & ~((sizeof(SBUFFER_CANARY_VALUE) - 1))) - allocation; CHECK_MSG(*(UINT64*) raw == SBUFFER_CANARY_VALUE, "SBuffer underflow"); CHECK_MSG(*(UINT64*) (raw + sizeof(SBUFFER_CANARY_VALUE) + allocation + alignPadding) == SBUFFER_CANARY_VALUE, "SBuffer overflow"); #endif CHECK_MSG((((SIZE_T)buffer) & (SBUFFER_ALIGNMENT-1)) == 0, "SBuffer not properly aligned"); } CHECK_OK; } inline BYTE *SBuffer::OpenRawBuffer(COUNT_T size) { CONTRACT(BYTE*) { #if _DEBUG PRECONDITION_MSG(!IsOpened(), "Can't nest calls to OpenBuffer()"); #endif PRECONDITION(CheckSize(size)); POSTCONDITION(GetSize() == size); THROWS; GC_NOTRIGGER; } CONTRACT_END; Resize(size); EnsureMutable(); #if _DEBUG SetOpened(); #endif RETURN m_buffer; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Close an open buffer. Assumes that we wrote exactly number of characters // we requested in OpenBuffer. //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline void SBuffer::CloseRawBuffer() { CONTRACT_VOID { #if _DEBUG PRECONDITION(IsOpened()); #endif THROWS; GC_NOTRIGGER; } CONTRACT_END; CloseRawBuffer(m_size); RETURN; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CloseBuffer() tells the SBuffer that we're done using the unsafe buffer. // finalSize is the count of bytes actually used (so we can set m_count). // This is important if we request a buffer larger than what we actually // used. //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline void SBuffer::CloseRawBuffer(COUNT_T finalSize) { CONTRACT_VOID { #if _DEBUG PRECONDITION_MSG(IsOpened(), "Can only CloseRawBuffer() after a call to OpenRawBuffer()"); #endif PRECONDITION(CheckSize(finalSize)); PRECONDITION_MSG(finalSize <= GetSize(), "Can't use more characters than requested via OpenRawBuffer()"); THROWS; GC_NOTRIGGER; } CONTRACT_END; #if _DEBUG ClearOpened(); #endif TweakSize(finalSize); CONSISTENCY_CHECK(CheckBuffer(m_buffer, m_allocation)); RETURN; } inline SBuffer::operator const void *() const { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return (void *) m_buffer; } inline SBuffer::operator const BYTE *() const { LIMITED_METHOD_DAC_CONTRACT; return m_buffer; } inline BYTE &SBuffer::operator[](int index) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return m_buffer[index]; } inline const BYTE &SBuffer::operator[](int index) const { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return m_buffer[index]; } inline SBuffer::Iterator SBuffer::Begin() { CONTRACT(SBuffer::Iterator) { INSTANCE_CHECK; THROWS; GC_NOTRIGGER; SUPPORTS_DAC_HOST_ONLY; } CONTRACT_END; // This is a bit unfortunate to have to do here, but it's our // last opportunity before possibly doing a *i= with the iterator EnsureMutable(); RETURN Iterator(this, 0); } inline SBuffer::Iterator SBuffer::End() { CONTRACT(SBuffer::Iterator) { INSTANCE_CHECK; THROWS; GC_NOTRIGGER; } CONTRACT_END; // This is a bit unfortunate to have to do here, but it's our // last opportunity before possibly doing a *i= with the iterator EnsureMutable(); RETURN Iterator(this, m_size); } inline SBuffer::CIterator SBuffer::Begin() const { CONTRACT(SBuffer::CIterator) { INSTANCE_CHECK; NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; } CONTRACT_END; RETURN SBuffer::CIterator(this, 0); } inline SBuffer::CIterator SBuffer::End() const { CONTRACT(SBuffer::CIterator) { INSTANCE_CHECK; NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; } CONTRACT_END; RETURN CIterator(const_cast(this), m_size); } inline BOOL SBuffer::IsAllocated() const { LIMITED_METHOD_DAC_CONTRACT; return (m_flags & ALLOCATED) != 0; } inline void SBuffer::SetAllocated() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; SUPPORTS_DAC_HOST_ONLY; m_flags |= ALLOCATED; } inline void SBuffer::ClearAllocated() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; SUPPORTS_DAC_HOST_ONLY; m_flags &= ~ALLOCATED; } inline BOOL SBuffer::IsImmutable() const { LIMITED_METHOD_DAC_CONTRACT; return (m_flags & IMMUTABLE) != 0; } inline void SBuffer::SetImmutable() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; SUPPORTS_DAC_HOST_ONLY; m_flags |= IMMUTABLE; } inline void SBuffer::ClearImmutable() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; SUPPORTS_DAC_HOST_ONLY; m_flags &= ~IMMUTABLE; } inline BOOL SBuffer::IsFlag1() const { LIMITED_METHOD_DAC_CONTRACT; return (m_flags & FLAG1) != 0; } inline void SBuffer::SetFlag1() { LIMITED_METHOD_DAC_CONTRACT; m_flags |= FLAG1; } inline void SBuffer::ClearFlag1() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; m_flags &= ~FLAG1; } inline BOOL SBuffer::IsFlag2() const { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return (m_flags & FLAG2) != 0; } inline void SBuffer::SetFlag2() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; m_flags |= FLAG2; } inline void SBuffer::ClearFlag2() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; m_flags &= ~FLAG2; } inline BOOL SBuffer::IsFlag3() const { LIMITED_METHOD_DAC_CONTRACT; return (m_flags & FLAG3) != 0; } inline void SBuffer::SetFlag3() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; m_flags |= FLAG3; } inline void SBuffer::ClearFlag3() { LIMITED_METHOD_DAC_CONTRACT; m_flags &= ~FLAG3; } inline int SBuffer::GetRepresentationField() const { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; SUPPORTS_DAC; return (m_flags & REPRESENTATION_MASK); } inline void SBuffer::SetRepresentationField(int value) { CONTRACT_VOID { PRECONDITION((value & ~REPRESENTATION_MASK) == 0); NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; SO_TOLERANT; SUPPORTS_DAC_HOST_ONLY; } CONTRACT_END; m_flags &= ~REPRESENTATION_MASK; m_flags |= value; RETURN; } #if _DEBUG inline BOOL SBuffer::IsOpened() const { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return (m_flags & OPENED) != 0; } inline void SBuffer::SetOpened() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; m_flags |= OPENED; } inline void SBuffer::ClearOpened() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; m_flags &= ~OPENED; } #endif inline void SBuffer::DebugMoveBuffer(__out_bcount(size) BYTE *to, BYTE *from, COUNT_T size) { CONTRACT_VOID { INSTANCE_CHECK; PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(to, size == 0 ? NULL_OK : NULL_NOT_OK)); PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(from, size == 0 ? NULL_OK : NULL_NOT_OK)); PRECONDITION(CheckSize(size)); NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; SUPPORTS_DAC_HOST_ONLY; } CONTRACT_END; if (size == 0) // special case RETURN; // Handle overlapping ranges if (to > from && to < from + size) CONSISTENCY_CHECK(CheckUnusedBuffer(from + size, (COUNT_T) (to - from))); else if (to < from && to + size > from) CONSISTENCY_CHECK(CheckUnusedBuffer(to, (COUNT_T) (from - to))); else CONSISTENCY_CHECK(CheckUnusedBuffer(to, size)); memmove(to, from, size); // Handle overlapping ranges if (to > from && to < from + size) DebugStompUnusedBuffer(from, (COUNT_T) (to - from)); else if (to < from && to + size > from) DebugStompUnusedBuffer(to + size, (COUNT_T) (from - to)); else DebugStompUnusedBuffer(from, size); RETURN; } inline void SBuffer::DebugCopyConstructBuffer(__out_bcount(size) BYTE *to, const BYTE *from, COUNT_T size) { CONTRACT_VOID { INSTANCE_CHECK; PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(to, size == 0 ? NULL_OK : NULL_NOT_OK)); PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(from, size == 0 ? NULL_OK : NULL_NOT_OK)); PRECONDITION(CheckSize(size)); NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; SUPPORTS_DAC_HOST_ONLY; } CONTRACT_END; if (size != 0) { CONSISTENCY_CHECK(CheckUnusedBuffer(to, size)); memmove(to, from, size); } RETURN; } inline void SBuffer::DebugConstructBuffer(BYTE *buffer, COUNT_T size) { CONTRACT_VOID { INSTANCE_CHECK; PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(buffer, size == 0 ? NULL_OK : NULL_NOT_OK)); PRECONDITION(CheckSize(size)); NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; SUPPORTS_DAC; DEBUG_ONLY; } CONTRACT_END; if (size != 0) { CONSISTENCY_CHECK(CheckUnusedBuffer(buffer, size)); } RETURN; } inline void SBuffer::DebugDestructBuffer(BYTE *buffer, COUNT_T size) { CONTRACT_VOID { INSTANCE_CHECK; PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(buffer, size == 0 ? NULL_OK : NULL_NOT_OK)); PRECONDITION(CheckSize(size)); NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; DEBUG_ONLY; SUPPORTS_DAC_HOST_ONLY; } CONTRACT_END; if (size != 0) { DebugStompUnusedBuffer(buffer, size); } RETURN; } static const BYTE GARBAGE_FILL_CHARACTER = '$'; extern const DWORD g_garbageFillBuffer[]; inline void SBuffer::DebugStompUnusedBuffer(BYTE *buffer, COUNT_T size) { CONTRACT_VOID { INSTANCE_CHECK; PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(buffer, size == 0 ? NULL_OK : NULL_NOT_OK)); PRECONDITION(CheckSize(size)); NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; CANNOT_TAKE_LOCK; DEBUG_ONLY; SUPPORTS_DAC_HOST_ONLY; } CONTRACT_END; #if _DEBUG if (!IsImmutable() || buffer < m_buffer || buffer > m_buffer + m_allocation) // Allocating a new buffer { // Whack the memory if (size > GARBAGE_FILL_BUFFER_SIZE) size = GARBAGE_FILL_BUFFER_SIZE; memset(buffer, GARBAGE_FILL_CHARACTER, size); } #endif RETURN; } #if _DEBUG inline BOOL SBuffer::EnsureGarbageCharOnly(const BYTE *buffer, COUNT_T size) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; BOOL bRet = TRUE; if (size > GARBAGE_FILL_BUFFER_SIZE) { size = GARBAGE_FILL_BUFFER_SIZE; } if (bRet && size > 0) { bRet &= (memcmp(buffer, g_garbageFillBuffer, size) == 0); } return bRet; } #endif inline CHECK SBuffer::CheckUnusedBuffer(const BYTE *buffer, COUNT_T size) const { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; // This check is too expensive. #if 0 // _DEBUG if (!IsImmutable() || buffer < m_buffer || buffer > m_buffer + m_allocation) // Allocating a new buffer { if (!SBuffer::EnsureGarbageCharOnly(buffer, size)) { CHECK_FAIL("Overwrite of unused buffer region found"); } } #endif CHECK_OK; } inline CHECK SBuffer::Check() const { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; CHECK(CheckBufferClosed()); CHECK_OK; } inline CHECK SBuffer::Invariant() const { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; CHECK_OK; } inline CHECK SBuffer::InternalInvariant() const { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; CHECK(m_size <= m_allocation); CHECK(CheckUnusedBuffer(m_buffer + m_size, m_allocation - m_size)); if (IsAllocated()) CHECK(CheckBuffer(m_buffer, m_allocation)); CHECK_OK; } inline CHECK SBuffer::CheckBufferClosed() const { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; #if _DEBUG CHECK_MSG(!IsOpened(), "Cannot use buffer API while raw open is in progress"); #endif CHECK_OK; } inline CHECK SBuffer::CheckSize(COUNT_T size) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; // !todo: add any range checking here CHECK_OK; } inline CHECK SBuffer::CheckAllocation(COUNT_T size) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; // !todo: add any range checking here CHECK_OK; } inline CHECK SBuffer::CheckIteratorRange(const CIterator &i) const { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; CHECK(i.Check()); CHECK(i.CheckContainer(this)); CHECK(i >= Begin()); CHECK(i < End()); CHECK_OK; } inline CHECK SBuffer::CheckIteratorRange(const CIterator &i, COUNT_T size) const { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; CHECK(i.Check()); CHECK(i.CheckContainer(this)); CHECK(i >= Begin()); CHECK(i + size <= End()); CHECK_OK; } inline SBuffer::Index::Index() { LIMITED_METHOD_DAC_CONTRACT; m_ptr = NULL; } inline SBuffer::Index::Index(SBuffer *container, SCOUNT_T index) : CheckedIteratorBase(container) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; SUPPORTS_DAC_HOST_ONLY; m_ptr = container->m_buffer + index; } inline BYTE &SBuffer::Index::GetAt(SCOUNT_T delta) const { LIMITED_METHOD_DAC_CONTRACT; return m_ptr[delta]; } inline void SBuffer::Index::Skip(SCOUNT_T delta) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; SUPPORTS_DAC_HOST_ONLY; m_ptr += delta; } inline SCOUNT_T SBuffer::Index::Subtract(const Index &i) const { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; SUPPORTS_DAC_HOST_ONLY; return (SCOUNT_T) (m_ptr - i.m_ptr); } inline CHECK SBuffer::Index::DoCheck(SCOUNT_T delta) const { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; #if _DEBUG CHECK(m_ptr + delta >= GetContainerDebug()->m_buffer); CHECK(m_ptr + delta < GetContainerDebug()->m_buffer + GetContainerDebug()->m_size); #endif CHECK_OK; } inline void SBuffer::Index::Resync(const SBuffer *buffer, BYTE *value) const { CONTRACT_VOID { // INSTANCE_CHECK - Iterator is out of sync with its object now by definition POSTCONDITION(CheckPointer(this)); PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(buffer)); NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; SUPPORTS_DAC_HOST_ONLY; } CONTRACT_END; const_cast(this)->CheckedIteratorBase::Resync(const_cast(buffer)); const_cast(this)->m_ptr = value; RETURN; } #endif // _SBUFFER_INL_