// // Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved. // Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information. // // // random.h // // // Defines a random number generator, ripped off from the System.Random code in the BCL. If you notice any problems, // please compare to the implementation in ndp\clr\src\bcl\system\random.cs. // // Main advantages over rand() are: // // 1) It generates better random numbers // 2) It can have multiple instantiations with different seeds // 3) It behaves the same regardless of whether we build with VC++ or GCC // // If you are working in the VM, we have a convenience method: code:GetRandomInt. This usess a thread-local // Random instance if a Thread object is available, and otherwise falls back to a global instance // with a spin-lock. // #ifndef _CLRRANDOM_H_ #define _CLRRANDOM_H_ #include // // Forbid the use of srand()/rand(), as these are globally shared facilities and our use of them would // interfere with native user code in the same process. This override is not compatible with stl headers. // #if !defined(DO_NOT_DISABLE_RAND) && !defined(USE_STL) #ifdef srand #undef srand #endif #define srand Do_not_use_srand #ifdef rand #undef rand #endif #define rand Do_not_use_rand #endif //!DO_NOT_DISABLE_RAND && !USE_STL class CLRRandom { private: // // Private Constants // static const int MBIG = INT_MAX; static const int MSEED = 161803398; static const int MZ = 0; // // Member Variables // int inext; int inextp; int SeedArray[56]; bool initialized; public: // // Constructors // CLRRandom() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; initialized = false; } void Init() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; LARGE_INTEGER time; if (!QueryPerformanceCounter(&time)) time.QuadPart = GetTickCount(); Init((int)time.u.LowPart ^ GetCurrentThreadId() ^ GetCurrentProcessId()); } void Init(int Seed) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; int ii; int mj, mk; //Initialize our Seed array. //This algorithm comes from Numerical Recipes in C (2nd Ed.) mj = MSEED - abs(Seed); SeedArray[55]=mj; mk=1; for (int i=1; i<55; i++) { //Apparently the range [1..55] is special (Knuth) and so we're wasting the 0'th position. ii = (21*i)%55; SeedArray[ii]=mk; mk = mj - mk; if (mk<0) mk+=MBIG; mj=SeedArray[ii]; } for (int k=1; k<5; k++) { for (int i=1; i<56; i++) { SeedArray[i] -= SeedArray[1+(i+30)%55]; if (SeedArray[i]<0) SeedArray[i]+=MBIG; } } inext=0; inextp = 21; Seed = 1; initialized = true; } bool IsInitialized() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return initialized; } private: // // Package Private Methods // /*====================================Sample==================================== **Action: Return a new random number [0..1) and reSeed the Seed array. **Returns: A double [0..1) **Arguments: None **Exceptions: None ==============================================================================*/ double Sample() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; //Including this division at the end gives us significantly improved //random number distribution. return (InternalSample()*(1.0/MBIG)); } int InternalSample() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; int retVal; int locINext = inext; int locINextp = inextp; if (++locINext >=56) locINext=1; if (++locINextp>= 56) locINextp = 1; retVal = SeedArray[locINext]-SeedArray[locINextp]; if (retVal == MBIG) retVal--; if (retVal<0) retVal+=MBIG; SeedArray[locINext]=retVal; inext = locINext; inextp = locINextp; return retVal; } double GetSampleForLargeRange() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; // The distribution of double value returned by Sample // is not distributed well enough for a large range. // If we use Sample for a range [Int32.MinValue..Int32.MaxValue) // We will end up getting even numbers only. int result = InternalSample(); // Note we can't use addition here. The distribution will be bad if we do that. bool negative = (InternalSample()%2 == 0) ? true : false; // decide the sign based on second sample if( negative) { result = -result; } double d = result; d += (INT_MAX - 1); // get a number in range [0 .. 2 * Int32MaxValue - 1) d /= 2*(unsigned int)INT_MAX - 1 ; return d; } public: // // Public Instance Methods // /*=====================================Next===================================== **Returns: An int [0..Int32.MaxValue) **Arguments: None **Exceptions: None. ==============================================================================*/ int Next() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; _ASSERTE(initialized); return InternalSample(); } /*=====================================Next===================================== **Returns: An int [minvalue..maxvalue) **Arguments: minValue -- the least legal value for the Random number. ** maxValue -- One greater than the greatest legal return value. **Exceptions: None. ==============================================================================*/ int Next(int minValue, int maxValue) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; _ASSERTE(initialized); _ASSERTE(minValue < maxValue); LONGLONG range = (LONGLONG)maxValue-minValue; double result; if( range <= (LONGLONG)INT_MAX) result = (Sample() * range) + minValue; else result = (GetSampleForLargeRange() * range) + minValue; _ASSERTE(result >= minValue && result < maxValue); return (int)result; } /*=====================================Next===================================== **Returns: An int [0..maxValue) **Arguments: maxValue -- One more than the greatest legal return value. **Exceptions: None. ==============================================================================*/ int Next(int maxValue) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; _ASSERTE(initialized); double result = Sample()*maxValue; _ASSERTE(result >= 0 && result < maxValue); return (int)result; } /*=====================================Next===================================== **Returns: A double [0..1) **Arguments: None **Exceptions: None ==============================================================================*/ double NextDouble() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; _ASSERTE(initialized); double result = Sample(); _ASSERTE(result >= 0 && result < 1); return result; } /*==================================NextBytes=================================== **Action: Fills the byte array with random bytes [0..0x7f]. The entire array is filled. **Returns:Void **Arguments: buffer -- the array to be filled. **Exceptions: None ==============================================================================*/ void NextBytes(__out_ecount(length) BYTE buffer[], int length) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; _ASSERTE(initialized); for (int i=0; i