// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements. // The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license. // See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information. #ifndef __openum_h__ #define __openum_h__ typedef enum opcode_t { #define OPDEF(c,s,pop,push,args,type,l,s1,s2,ctrl) c, #include "opcode.def" #undef OPDEF CEE_COUNT, /* number of instructions and macros pre-defined */ } OPCODE; typedef enum opcode_format_t { InlineNone = 0, // no inline args InlineVar = 1, // local variable (U2 (U1 if Short on)) InlineI = 2, // an signed integer (I4 (I1 if Short on)) InlineR = 3, // a real number (R8 (R4 if Short on)) InlineBrTarget = 4, // branch target (I4 (I1 if Short on)) InlineI8 = 5, InlineMethod = 6, // method token (U4) InlineField = 7, // field token (U4) InlineType = 8, // type token (U4) InlineString = 9, // string TOKEN (U4) InlineSig = 10, // signature tok (U4) InlineRVA = 11, // ldptr token (U4) InlineTok = 12, // a meta-data token of unknown type (U4) InlineSwitch = 13, // count (U4), pcrel1 (U4) .... pcrelN (U4) InlinePhi = 14, // count (U1), var1 (U2) ... varN (U2) // WATCH OUT we are close to the limit here, if you add // more enumerations you need to change ShortIline definition below // The extended enumeration also encodes the size in the IL stream ShortInline = 16, // if this bit is set, the format is the 'short' format PrimaryMask = (ShortInline-1), // mask these off to get primary enumeration above ShortInlineVar = (ShortInline + InlineVar), ShortInlineI = (ShortInline + InlineI), ShortInlineR = (ShortInline + InlineR), ShortInlineBrTarget = (ShortInline + InlineBrTarget), InlineOpcode = (ShortInline + InlineNone), // This is only used internally. It means the 'opcode' is two byte instead of 1 } OPCODE_FORMAT; #endif /* __openum_h__ */