// // Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved. // Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information. // // // This file is the interface to NGen (*N*ative code *G*eneration), // which compiles IL modules to machine code ahead-of-time. // This avoids the need for JIT compiling the code at program startup. // #ifndef _NGEN_H_ #define _NGEN_H_ #include "mscorsvc.h" // Log size default of 10 MB. #define DEFAULT_SERVICE_LOG_SIZE (10 * 1024 * 1024) // NGEN.log is smaller 1MB #define DEFAULT_MACHINE_WIDE_LOG_SIZE (1 * 1024 * 1024) // User specific log is yet smaller 200KB #define DEFAULT_USER_WIDE_LOG_SIZE (200 * 1024) // Log size default of 100 KB. This should be big enough to hold some log info from roughly 100 // ngen events. (Roughly 200KB of space including secondary log file.) #define DEFAULT_APPLOCAL_WIDE_LOG_SIZE (100*1024) #define NGEN_LOG_HEADER_TEXT W("To learn about increasing the verbosity of the NGen log files please see http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=210113\r\n") // supported debug info types enum DebugType { DT_NIL, DT_PDB }; // // IMPORTANT * IMPORTANT * IMPORTANT * IMPORTANT * IMPORTANT * IMPORTANT // // This structure cannot have any fields removed from it!!! // // IMPORTANT * IMPORTANT * IMPORTANT * IMPORTANT * IMPORTANT * IMPORTANT // // NGening a module invokes the runtime against which the module was built. // Thus this structure needs to be backwards-compatible. // // If additional options need to be added to this structure, // add them to the end of the structure and make sure you update // logic throughout the runtime to look at a different size in the dwSize // field. This is how we'll 'version' this structure. // // If you are adding a code-generation flag (like debug or prof), use // fInstrument as a template (but be sure to add your new flag as the // last element in the struct). typedef struct _NGenOptions { DWORD dwSize; // Size of the structure. Used to version the structure // V1 bool fDebug; // Generate debuggable code and debug information bool fDebugOpt; // Generate debugging information, but optimized code bool fProf; // Generate instrumented code for profiling (call graphs) bool fSilent; // Dont spew text output LPCWSTR lpszExecutableFileName; // Name of the module to ngen // V2 (Whidbey) bool fInstrument; // Generate instrumented code for basic-block profiling // No longer supported bool fWholeProgram; // Do cross function optimizations (whole program) // No longer supported bool fProfInfo; // Embed working set profiling data into the image LPCWSTR lpszRepositoryDir; // Directory for repository of native images RepositoryFlags repositoryFlags; // No longer supported DebugType dtRequested; // the requested debug type LPCWSTR lpszDebugDir; // the name of the output debug dir for the above // No longer supported bool fNoInstall; // Creates stand alone ngen-images that can be installed in the NIC later // No longer supported bool fEmitFixups; // Support for Vulcan bool fFatHeaders; // Diagnostic flags bool fVerbose; // print verbose descriptions of native images unsigned uStats; // image stats mask #define LAST_WHIDBEY_NGENOPTION uStats // V4 bool fNgenLastRetry; // Ngen has previously failed and this is the last retry // V4.5 bool fAutoNGen; // This is an automatically generated NGen request // Blue bool fRepositoryOnly;// Install from repository only, no real NGen } NGenOptions; // Function pointer types that we use to dynamically bind to the appropriate runtime version extern "C" typedef HRESULT STDAPICALLTYPE NGenCreateZapperAPI( HANDLE* hZapper, NGenOptions *options); typedef NGenCreateZapperAPI *PNGenCreateZapper; extern "C" typedef HRESULT STDAPICALLTYPE NGenTryEnumerateFusionCacheAPI( HANDLE hZapper, LPCWSTR assemblyName, bool fPrint, bool fDelete); typedef NGenTryEnumerateFusionCacheAPI *PNGenTryEnumerateFusionCache; // The return type should really be HRESULT. // However, it is BOOL for backwards-compatibility extern "C" typedef BOOL STDAPICALLTYPE NGenCompileAPI( HANDLE hZapper, LPCWSTR path); typedef NGenCompileAPI *PNGenCompile; extern "C" typedef HRESULT STDAPICALLTYPE NGenFreeZapperAPI( HANDLE hZapper); typedef NGenFreeZapperAPI *PNGenFreeZapper; class ILocalServerLifetime { public: virtual void AddRefServerProcess() = 0; virtual void ReleaseServerProcess() = 0; }; struct ICorSvcLogger; extern "C" typedef HRESULT STDAPICALLTYPE NGenCreateNGenWorkerAPI( ICorSvcWorker **pCorSvcWorker, ILocalServerLifetime *pLocalServerLifetime, ICorSvcLogger *pCorSvcLogger ); typedef NGenCreateNGenWorkerAPI *PNGenCreateNGenWorker; #endif