// // Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved. // Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information. // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // File: newapis.h // // // Purpose: functions that need to be emulated on downlevel platforms. // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifndef MUI_LANGUAGE_NAME #define MUI_LANGUAGE_NAME 0 #endif #ifndef CALINFO_ENUMPROCEXEX typedef BOOL (CALLBACK* CALINFO_ENUMPROCEXEX)(LPWSTR, CALID, LPWSTR, LPARAM); #endif #ifndef DATEFMT_ENUMPROCEXEX typedef BOOL (CALLBACK* DATEFMT_ENUMPROCEXEX)(LPWSTR, CALID, LPARAM); #endif #ifndef TIMEFMT_ENUMPROCEX typedef BOOL (CALLBACK* TIMEFMT_ENUMPROCEX)(LPWSTR, LPARAM); #endif #ifndef LOCALE_ENUMPROCEX typedef BOOL (CALLBACK* LOCALE_ENUMPROCEX)(LPWSTR, DWORD, LPARAM); #endif #if !defined(LPNLSVERSIONINFOEX) #define LPNLSVERSIONINFOEX LPNLSVERSIONINFO #endif #ifndef COMPARE_OPTIONS_ORDINAL #define COMPARE_OPTIONS_ORDINAL 0x40000000 #endif #ifndef LINGUISTIC_IGNORECASE #define LINGUISTIC_IGNORECASE 0x00000010 // linguistically appropriate 'ignore case' #endif #ifndef FIND_STARTSWITH #define FIND_STARTSWITH 0x00100000 // see if value is at the beginning of source #endif #ifndef FIND_ENDSWITH #define FIND_ENDSWITH 0x00200000 // see if value is at the end of source #endif #ifndef FIND_FROMSTART #define FIND_FROMSTART 0x00400000 // look for value in source, starting at the beginning #endif #ifndef FIND_FROMEND #define FIND_FROMEND 0x00800000 // look for value in source, starting at the end #endif #ifndef NORM_LINGUISTIC_CASING #define NORM_LINGUISTIC_CASING 0x08000000 // use linguistic rules for casing #endif #ifndef LCMAP_LINGUISTIC_CASING #define LCMAP_LINGUISTIC_CASING 0x01000000 // use linguistic rules for casing #endif #ifndef LCMAP_TITLECASE #define LCMAP_TITLECASE 0x00000300 // Title Case Letters #endif #ifndef LCMAP_SORTHANDLE #define LCMAP_SORTHANDLE 0x20000000 #endif #ifndef LCMAP_HASH #define LCMAP_HASH 0x00040000 #endif #ifndef LOCALE_ALL #define LOCALE_ALL 0 // enumerate all named based locales #endif // LOCALE_ALL #ifndef LOCALE_WINDOWS #define LOCALE_WINDOWS 0x00000001 // shipped locales and/or replacements for them #endif // LOCALE_WINDOWS #ifndef LOCALE_SUPPLEMENTAL #define LOCALE_SUPPLEMENTAL 0x00000002 // supplemental locales only #endif // LOCALE_SUPPLEMENTAL #ifndef LOCALE_ALTERNATE_SORTS #define LOCALE_ALTERNATE_SORTS 0x00000004 // alternate sort locales #endif // LOCALE_ALTERNATE_SORTS #ifndef LOCALE_NEUTRALDATA #define LOCALE_NEUTRALDATA 0x00000010 // Locales that are "neutral" (language only, region data is default) #endif // LOCALE_NEUTRALDATA #ifndef LOCALE_SPECIFICDATA #define LOCALE_SPECIFICDATA 0x00000020 // Locales that contain language and region data #endif // LOCALE_SPECIFICDATA #ifndef LOCALE_INEUTRAL #define LOCALE_INEUTRAL 0x00000071 // Returns 0 for specific cultures, 1 for neutral cultures. #endif // LOCALE_INEUTRAL #ifndef LOCALE_SSORTLOCALE #define LOCALE_SSORTLOCALE 0x0000007b // Name of locale to use for sorting/collation/casing behavior. #endif // LOCALE_SSORTLOCALE #ifndef LOCALE_RETURN_NUMBER #define LOCALE_RETURN_NUMBER 0x20000000 // return number instead of string #endif // LOCALE_RETURN_NUMBER #ifndef LOCALE_ALLOW_NEUTRAL_NAMES #define LOCALE_ALLOW_NEUTRAL_NAMES 0x08000000 //Flag to allow returning neutral names/lcids for name conversion #endif // LOCALE_ALLOW_NEUTRAL_NAMES #ifndef LOCALE_SNAME #define LOCALE_SNAME 0x0000005c #endif #define FIND_NLS_STRING_FLAGS_NEGATION (~(FIND_STARTSWITH | FIND_ENDSWITH | FIND_FROMSTART | FIND_FROMEND)) #define CASING_BITS (NORM_LINGUISTIC_CASING | LINGUISTIC_IGNORECASE | NORM_IGNORECASE) #ifndef __out_xcount_opt #define __out_xcount_opt(var) #endif // TODO: NLS Arrowhead -This isn't really right, custom locales could start with en- and have different sort behavior // IS_FAST_COMPARE_LOCALE is used to do the fast ordinal index of when having string of Lower Ansi codepoints // that less than 0x80. There are some locales that we cannot do optimization with, like Turkish and Azeri // because of Turkish I problem and Humgerian because of lower Ansi compressions. #define IS_FAST_COMPARE_LOCALE(loc) \ (wcsncmp(loc,W("tr-"),3)!=0 && wcsncmp(loc,W("az-"),3)!=0 && wcsncmp(loc,W("hu-"),3)!=0) #define TURKISH_LOCALE_NAME W("tr-TR") #define AZERBAIJAN_LOCALE_NAME W("az-Latn-AZ") #define TURKISH_SORTING_LOCALE_NAME W("tr-TR_turkic") #define AZERBAIJAN_SORTING_LOCALE_NAME W("az-Latn-AZ_turkic") #define MUI_MERGE_SYSTEM_FALLBACK 0x10 #define MUI_MERGE_USER_FALLBACK 0x20 namespace NewApis { #if defined(FEATURE_CORESYSTEM) __inline bool IsWindows7Platform() { return true; } __inline bool IsVistaPlatform() { return false; } __inline BOOL IsZhTwSku() { return false; } #else // Return true if we're on Windows 7 or up (ie: if we have neutral native support and sorting knows about versions) __inline bool IsWindows7Platform() { static int isRunningOnWindows7 = -1; // -1 notinitialized, 0 not running on Windows 7, other value means running on Windows 7 if (isRunningOnWindows7 == -1) { OSVERSIONINFOEX sVer; ZeroMemory(&sVer, sizeof(OSVERSIONINFOEX)); sVer.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(OSVERSIONINFOEX); sVer.dwMajorVersion = 6; sVer.dwMinorVersion = 1; sVer.dwPlatformId = VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT; DWORDLONG dwlConditionMask = 0; VER_SET_CONDITION(dwlConditionMask, CLR_VER_MAJORVERSION, VER_GREATER_EQUAL); VER_SET_CONDITION(dwlConditionMask, CLR_VER_MINORVERSION, VER_GREATER_EQUAL); VER_SET_CONDITION(dwlConditionMask, CLR_VER_PLATFORMID, VER_EQUAL); if(VerifyVersionInfo(&sVer, CLR_VER_MAJORVERSION|CLR_VER_MINORVERSION|CLR_VER_PLATFORMID, dwlConditionMask)) { isRunningOnWindows7 = 1; } else { isRunningOnWindows7 = 0; } } return isRunningOnWindows7 == 1; } // // IsVistaPlatform return true if running on Vista and false if running on pre or post Vista // __inline BOOL IsVistaPlatform() { static int isRunningOnVista = -1; // -1 notinitialized, 0 not running on Vista, other value meanse running on Vista if (isRunningOnVista == -1) { OSVERSIONINFOEX sVer; ZeroMemory(&sVer, sizeof(OSVERSIONINFOEX)); sVer.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(OSVERSIONINFOEX); sVer.dwMajorVersion = 6; sVer.dwMinorVersion = 0; sVer.dwPlatformId = VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT; DWORDLONG dwlConditionMask = 0; VER_SET_CONDITION(dwlConditionMask, CLR_VER_MAJORVERSION, VER_EQUAL); VER_SET_CONDITION(dwlConditionMask, CLR_VER_MINORVERSION, VER_EQUAL); VER_SET_CONDITION(dwlConditionMask, CLR_VER_PLATFORMID, VER_EQUAL); if(VerifyVersionInfo(&sVer, CLR_VER_MAJORVERSION|CLR_VER_MINORVERSION|CLR_VER_PLATFORMID, dwlConditionMask)) { isRunningOnVista = 1; } else { isRunningOnVista = 0; } } return isRunningOnVista == 1; } __inline BOOL IsZhTwSku() { const INT32 LANGID_ZH_TW = 0x0404; LPCWSTR DEFAULT_REGION_NAME_0404 = W("\x53f0\x7063"); if(::GetSystemDefaultUILanguage() == LANGID_ZH_TW) { WCHAR wszBuffer[32]; int result = ::GetLocaleInfoW(LANGID_ZH_TW, LOCALE_SNATIVECTRYNAME, wszBuffer, 32); if (result) { if (wcsncmp(wszBuffer, DEFAULT_REGION_NAME_0404, 3) != 0) { return true; } } } return false; } #endif // FEATURE_CORESYSTEM __inline BOOL NotLeakingFrameworkOnlyCultures(__in LPCWSTR lpLocaleName) { return wcscmp(lpLocaleName, W("zh-CHS")) != 0 && wcscmp(lpLocaleName, W("zh-CHT")) != 0; } // System/user defaults __success(return == TRUE) BOOL GetUserPreferredUILanguages (__in DWORD dwFlags, __out PULONG pulNumLanguages, __out_ecount_opt(*pcchLanguagesBuffer) PWSTR pwszLanguagesBuffer, __in PULONG pcchLanguagesBuffer); __success(return > 0) int GetSystemDefaultLocaleName(__out_ecount(cchLocaleName) LPWSTR lpLocaleName, __in int cchLocaleName); __success(return != 0) int GetUserDefaultLocaleName(__out_ecount(cchLocaleName) LPWSTR lpLocaleName, __in int cchLocaleName); // Comparison functions (ala CompareInfo) int CompareStringEx(__in LPCWSTR lpLocaleName, __in DWORD dwCmpFlags, __in_ecount(cchCount1) LPCWSTR lpString1, __in int cchCount1, __in_ecount(cchCount2) LPCWSTR lpString2, __in int cchCount2, __in_opt LPNLSVERSIONINFO lpVersionInformation, __in_opt LPVOID lpReserved, __in_opt LPARAM lParam ); int CompareStringOrdinal(__in_ecount(cchCount1) LPCWSTR lpString1, __in int cchCount1, __in_ecount(cchCount2) LPCWSTR lpString2, __in int cchCount2, __in BOOL bIgnoreCase); int LCMapStringEx (__in LPCWSTR lpLocaleName, __in DWORD dwMapFlags, __in_ecount(cchSrc) LPCWSTR lpSrcStr, __in int cchSrc, __out_xcount_opt(cchDest) LPWSTR lpDestStr, __in int cchDest, __in_opt LPNLSVERSIONINFO lpVersionInformation, __in_opt LPVOID lpReserved, __in_opt LPARAM lParam ); LPWSTR GetLingusticLocaleName(__in LPWSTR pLocaleName, __in DWORD dwFlags); int IndexOfString(__in LPCWSTR lpLocaleName, __in_ecount(cchCount1) LPCWSTR pString1, // String to search in __in int cchCount1, // length of pString1 __in_ecount(cchCount2) LPCWSTR pString2, // String we're looking for __in int cchCount2, // length of pString2 __in DWORD dwFlags, // search flags __in BOOL startWith); int LastIndexOfString(__in LPCWSTR lpLocaleName, __in_ecount(cchCount1) LPCWSTR pString1, // String to search in __in int cchCount1, // length of pString1 __in_ecount(cchCount2) LPCWSTR pString2, // String we're looking for __in int cchCount2, // length of pString2 __in DWORD dwFlags, __in BOOL endWith); int FindNLSStringEx(__in LPCWSTR lpLocaleName, __in DWORD dwFindNLSStringFlags, __in_ecount(cchSource) LPCWSTR lpStringSource, __in int cchSource, __in_ecount(cchValue) LPCWSTR lpStringValue, __in int cchValue, __out_opt LPINT pcchFound, __in_opt LPNLSVERSIONINFO lpVersionInformation, __in_opt LPVOID lpReserved, __in_opt LPARAM lParam); BOOL IsNLSDefinedString(__in NLS_FUNCTION Function, __in DWORD dwFlags, __in_opt LPNLSVERSIONINFOEX lpVersionInfo, __in LPCWSTR lpString, __in int cchStr ); // Calendar and locale information __success(return != 0) int GetCalendarInfoEx(__in LPCWSTR lpLocaleName, __in CALID Calendar, __in_opt LPCWSTR pReserved, __in CALTYPE CalType, __out_ecount_opt(cchData) LPWSTR lpCalData, __in int cchData, __out_opt LPDWORD lpValue ); __success(return != 0) int GetLocaleInfoEx (__in LPCWSTR lpLocaleName, __in LCTYPE LCType, __out_ecount_opt(cchData) LPWSTR lpLCData, __in int cchData); __success(return != 0) int GetDateFormatEx(__in LPCWSTR lpLocaleName, __in DWORD dwFlags, __in_opt CONST SYSTEMTIME* lpDate, __in_opt LPCWSTR lpFormat, __out_ecount(cchDate) LPWSTR lpDateStr, __in int cchDate, __in_opt LPCWSTR lpCalendar); // Enumeration functions __success(return != 0) BOOL EnumDateFormatsExEx (DATEFMT_ENUMPROCEXEX lpDateFmtEnumProcExEx, LPCWSTR lpLocaleName, DWORD dwFlags, LPARAM lParam); BOOL EnumTimeFormatsEx(TIMEFMT_ENUMPROCEX lpTimeFmtEnumProcEx, LPCWSTR lpLocaleName, DWORD dwFlags, LPARAM lParam); BOOL EnumCalendarInfoExEx(CALINFO_ENUMPROCEXEX pCalInfoEnumProcExEx, LPCWSTR lpLocaleName, CALID Calendar, CALTYPE CalType, LPARAM lParam); int LCIDToLocaleName(__in LCID Locale, __out_ecount_opt(cchName) LPWSTR lpName, __in int cchName, __in DWORD dwFlags); LCID LocaleNameToLCID(__in LPCWSTR lpName , __in DWORD dwFlags); int ResolveLocaleName(__in LPCWSTR lpNameToResolve, __in_ecount_opt(cchLocaleName) LPWSTR lpLocaleName, __in int cchLocaleName); __success(return == TRUE) BOOL GetThreadPreferredUILanguages(__in DWORD dwFlags, __out PULONG pulNumLanguages, __out_ecount_opt(*pcchLanguagesBuffer) PWSTR pwszLanguagesBuffer, __inout PULONG pcchLanguagesBuffer); BOOL WINAPI EnumSystemLocalesEx(__in LOCALE_ENUMPROCEX lpLocaleEnumProc, __in DWORD dwFlags, __in LPARAM lParam, __in_opt LPVOID lpReserved); };