// // Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved. // Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information. // //**************************************************************************** // File: metadata.h // // // Notes: // Common includes for EE & metadata internal. This file contains // definition of CorMetaDataScope //**************************************************************************** #ifndef _METADATA_H_ #define _METADATA_H_ #ifndef BINDER #include "../md/inc/metamodelro.h" #include "../md/inc/liteweightstgdb.h" #endif class UTSemReadWrite; inline int IsGlobalMethodParentTk(mdTypeDef td) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return (td == mdTypeDefNil || td == mdTokenNil); } typedef enum CorInternalStates { tdNoTypes = 0x00000000, tdAllAssemblies = 0x00000001, tdAllTypes = 0xffffffff, } CorInternalStates; // // MetaData custom value names. // enum CorIfaceAttr { ifDual = 0, // Interface derives from IDispatch. ifVtable = 1, // Interface derives from IUnknown. ifDispatch = 2, // Interface is a dispinterface. ifInspectable = 3, // Interface derives from IInspectable. ifLast = 4, // The last member of the enum. }; inline BOOL IsDispatchBasedItf(CorIfaceAttr ifaceAttr) { return (ifaceAttr == ifDual || ifaceAttr == ifDispatch); } enum CorClassIfaceAttr { clsIfNone = 0, // No class interface is generated. clsIfAutoDisp = 1, // A dispatch only class interface is generated. clsIfAutoDual = 2, // A dual class interface is generated. clsIfLast = 3, // The last member of the enum. }; // // The default values for the COM interface and class interface types. // #define DEFAULT_COM_INTERFACE_TYPE ifDual #define DEFAULT_CLASS_INTERFACE_TYPE clsIfAutoDisp #define HANDLE_UNCOMPRESSED(func) (E_FAIL) #define HANDLE_UNCOMPRESSED_BOOL(func) (false) class TOKENLIST : public CDynArray { }; typedef enum tagEnumType { MDSimpleEnum = 0x0, // simple enumerator that doesn't allocate memory // You could get this kind of enum if you perform a non-simple query (such as EnumMethodWithName). // MDDynamicArrayEnum = 0x2, // dynamic array that holds tokens MDCustomEnum = 0x3, // Custom enumerator that doesnt work with the enum functions } EnumType; //***************************************** // Enumerator used by MetaDataInternal //***************************************** struct HENUMInternal { DWORD m_tkKind; // kind of tables that the enum is holding the result ULONG m_ulCount; // count of total entries holding by the enumerator EnumType m_EnumType; struct { ULONG m_ulStart; ULONG m_ulEnd; ULONG m_ulCur; } u; // m_cursor will go away when we no longer support running EE with uncompressed // format. WHEN WE REMOVE THIS, REMOVE ITS VESTIAGES FROM ZeroEnum as well // union { void* m_alignpad; // The first item is m_cursor[] is a pointer char m_cursor[32]; // cursor holding query result for read/write mode }; // TOKENLIST daTKList; // dynamic arrays of token list HENUMInternal() : m_EnumType(MDSimpleEnum) { LIMITED_METHOD_DAC_CONTRACT; } // in-place initialization static void InitDynamicArrayEnum( HENUMInternal *pEnum); // HENUMInternal to be initialized static void InitSimpleEnum( DWORD tkKind, // kind of token that we are iterating ULONG ridStart, // starting rid ULONG ridEnd, // end rid HENUMInternal *pEnum); // HENUMInternal to be initialized // Specialized helper which should be better than always calling memset inline static void ZeroEnum( HENUMInternal *pEnum) { // we use this to avoid the memset that will happen otherwise. // this should be inlined in its caller. we are seeing a large // number of calls to memset from MDInternalRO::EnumPermissionSetsInit // on x64 which we can eliminate with this code. pEnum->m_tkKind = 0; pEnum->m_ulCount = 0; pEnum->m_EnumType = MDSimpleEnum; pEnum->u.m_ulStart = 0; pEnum->u.m_ulEnd = 0; pEnum->u.m_ulCur = 0; // TODO: remove this when we remove m_cursor from the HENUMInternal structure _ASSERTE(IS_ALIGNED(pEnum->m_cursor, sizeof(DWORD))); _ASSERTE((sizeof(HENUMInternal) - offsetof(HENUMInternal, m_cursor)) == (8 * sizeof(DWORD))); DWORD* pBuffer = (DWORD*)pEnum->m_cursor; pBuffer[0] = 0; pBuffer[1] = 0; pBuffer[2] = 0; pBuffer[3] = 0; pBuffer[4] = 0; pBuffer[5] = 0; pBuffer[6] = 0; pBuffer[7] = 0; } // This will only clear the content of enum and will not free the memory of enum static void ClearEnum( HENUMInternal *pmdEnum); // create a HENUMInternal. This will allocate the memory __checkReturn static HRESULT CreateSimpleEnum( DWORD tkKind, // kind of token that we are iterating ULONG ridStart, // starting rid ULONG ridEnd, // end rid HENUMInternal **ppEnum); // return the created HENUMInternal __checkReturn static HRESULT CreateDynamicArrayEnum( DWORD tkKind, // kind of token that we are iterating HENUMInternal **ppEnum); // return the created HENUMInternal // Destory Enum. This will free the memory static void DestroyEnum( HENUMInternal *pmdEnum); static void DestroyEnumIfEmpty( HENUMInternal **ppEnum); // reset the enumerator pointer to NULL if empty __checkReturn static HRESULT EnumWithCount( HENUMInternal *pEnum, // enumerator ULONG cMax, // max tokens that caller wants mdToken rTokens[], // output buffer to fill the tokens ULONG *pcTokens); // number of tokens fill to the buffer upon return __checkReturn static HRESULT EnumWithCount( HENUMInternal *pEnum, // enumerator ULONG cMax, // max tokens that caller wants mdToken rTokens1[], // first output buffer to fill the tokens mdToken rTokens2[], // second output buffer to fill the tokens ULONG *pcTokens); // number of tokens fill to the buffer upon return __checkReturn static HRESULT AddElementToEnum( HENUMInternal *pEnum, // return the created HENUMInternal mdToken tk); // token to fill //***************************************** // Get next value contained in the enumerator //***************************************** static bool EnumNext( HENUMInternal *phEnum, // [IN] the enumerator to retrieve information mdToken *ptk); // [OUT] token to scope the search __checkReturn static HRESULT GetCount( HENUMInternal *phEnum, // [IN] the enumerator to retrieve information ULONG *pCount); // ]OUT] the index of the desired item __checkReturn static HRESULT GetElement( HENUMInternal *phEnum, // [IN] the enumerator to retrieve information ULONG ix, // ]IN] the index of the desired item mdToken *ptk); // [OUT] token to fill }; //***************************************** // Default Value for field, param or property. Returned by GetDefaultValue //***************************************** typedef struct _MDDefaultValue { #if BIGENDIAN _MDDefaultValue(void) { m_bType = ELEMENT_TYPE_END; } ~_MDDefaultValue(void) { if (m_bType == ELEMENT_TYPE_STRING) { delete[] m_wzValue; } } #endif // type of default value BYTE m_bType; // CorElementType for the default value // the default value union { BOOL m_bValue; // ELEMENT_TYPE_BOOLEAN CHAR m_cValue; // ELEMENT_TYPE_I1 BYTE m_byteValue; // ELEMENT_TYPE_UI1 SHORT m_sValue; // ELEMENT_TYPE_I2 USHORT m_usValue; // ELEMENT_TYPE_UI2 LONG m_lValue; // ELEMENT_TYPE_I4 ULONG m_ulValue; // ELEMENT_TYPE_UI4 LONGLONG m_llValue; // ELEMENT_TYPE_I8 ULONGLONG m_ullValue; // ELEMENT_TYPE_UI8 FLOAT m_fltValue; // ELEMENT_TYPE_R4 DOUBLE m_dblValue; // ELEMENT_TYPE_R8 LPCWSTR m_wzValue; // ELEMENT_TYPE_STRING IUnknown *m_unkValue; // ELEMENT_TYPE_CLASS }; ULONG m_cbSize; // default value size (for blob) } MDDefaultValue; //***************************************** // structure use to in GetAllEventAssociates and GetAllPropertyAssociates //***************************************** typedef struct { mdMethodDef m_memberdef; DWORD m_dwSemantics; } ASSOCIATE_RECORD; // // structure use to retrieve class layout informaiton // typedef struct { RID m_ridFieldCur; // indexing to the field table RID m_ridFieldEnd; // end index to field table } MD_CLASS_LAYOUT; // Structure for describing the Assembly MetaData. typedef struct { USHORT usMajorVersion; // Major Version. USHORT usMinorVersion; // Minor Version. USHORT usBuildNumber; // Build Number. USHORT usRevisionNumber; // Revision Number. LPCSTR szLocale; // Locale. DWORD *rProcessor; // Processor array. ULONG ulProcessor; // [IN/OUT] Size of the processor array/Actual # of entries filled in. OSINFO *rOS; // OSINFO array. ULONG ulOS; // [IN/OUT]Size of the OSINFO array/Actual # of entries filled in. } AssemblyMetaDataInternal; // Callback definition for comparing signatures. // (*PSIGCOMPARE) (BYTE ScopeSignature[], DWORD ScopeSignatureLength, // BYTE ExternalSignature[], DWORD ExternalSignatureLength, // void* SignatureData); typedef BOOL (*PSIGCOMPARE)(PCCOR_SIGNATURE, DWORD, PCCOR_SIGNATURE, DWORD, void*); // {CE0F34ED-BBC6-11d2-941E-0000F8083460} EXTERN_GUID(IID_IMDInternalImport, 0xce0f34ed, 0xbbc6, 0x11d2, 0x94, 0x1e, 0x0, 0x0, 0xf8, 0x8, 0x34, 0x60); #undef INTERFACE #define INTERFACE IMDInternalImport DECLARE_INTERFACE_(IMDInternalImport, IUnknown) { //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // !!! READ THIS !!! // // New methods have to be added at the end. The order and signatures of the existing methods // have to be preserved. We need to maintain a backward compatibility for this interface to // allow ildasm to work on SingleCLR. // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //***************************************************************************** // return the count of entries of a given kind in a scope // For example, pass in mdtMethodDef will tell you how many MethodDef // contained in a scope //***************************************************************************** STDMETHOD_(ULONG, GetCountWithTokenKind)(// return hresult DWORD tkKind) PURE; // [IN] pass in the kind of token. //***************************************************************************** // enumerator for typedef //***************************************************************************** __checkReturn STDMETHOD(EnumTypeDefInit)( // return hresult HENUMInternal *phEnum) PURE; // [OUT] buffer to fill for enumerator data STDMETHOD_(ULONG, EnumTypeDefGetCount)( HENUMInternal *phEnum) PURE; // [IN] the enumerator to retrieve information STDMETHOD_(void, EnumTypeDefReset)( HENUMInternal *phEnum) PURE; // [IN] the enumerator to retrieve information STDMETHOD_(bool, EnumTypeDefNext)( // return hresult HENUMInternal *phEnum, // [IN] input enum mdTypeDef *ptd) PURE; // [OUT] return token STDMETHOD_(void, EnumTypeDefClose)( HENUMInternal *phEnum) PURE; // [IN] the enumerator to retrieve information //***************************************************************************** // enumerator for MethodImpl //***************************************************************************** __checkReturn STDMETHOD(EnumMethodImplInit)( // return hresult mdTypeDef td, // [IN] TypeDef over which to scope the enumeration. HENUMInternal *phEnumBody, // [OUT] buffer to fill for enumerator data for MethodBody tokens. HENUMInternal *phEnumDecl) PURE; // [OUT] buffer to fill for enumerator data for MethodDecl tokens. STDMETHOD_(ULONG, EnumMethodImplGetCount)( HENUMInternal *phEnumBody, // [IN] MethodBody enumerator. HENUMInternal *phEnumDecl) PURE; // [IN] MethodDecl enumerator. STDMETHOD_(void, EnumMethodImplReset)( HENUMInternal *phEnumBody, // [IN] MethodBody enumerator. HENUMInternal *phEnumDecl) PURE; // [IN] MethodDecl enumerator. __checkReturn STDMETHOD(EnumMethodImplNext)( // return hresult (S_OK = TRUE, S_FALSE = FALSE or error code) HENUMInternal *phEnumBody, // [IN] input enum for MethodBody HENUMInternal *phEnumDecl, // [IN] input enum for MethodDecl mdToken *ptkBody, // [OUT] return token for MethodBody mdToken *ptkDecl) PURE; // [OUT] return token for MethodDecl STDMETHOD_(void, EnumMethodImplClose)( HENUMInternal *phEnumBody, // [IN] MethodBody enumerator. HENUMInternal *phEnumDecl) PURE; // [IN] MethodDecl enumerator. //***************************************** // Enumerator helpers for memberdef, memberref, interfaceimp, // event, property, exception, param //***************************************** __checkReturn STDMETHOD(EnumGlobalFunctionsInit)( // return hresult HENUMInternal *phEnum) PURE; // [OUT] buffer to fill for enumerator data __checkReturn STDMETHOD(EnumGlobalFieldsInit)( // return hresult HENUMInternal *phEnum) PURE; // [OUT] buffer to fill for enumerator data __checkReturn STDMETHOD(EnumInit)( // return S_FALSE if record not found DWORD tkKind, // [IN] which table to work on mdToken tkParent, // [IN] token to scope the search HENUMInternal *phEnum) PURE; // [OUT] the enumerator to fill __checkReturn STDMETHOD(EnumAllInit)( // return S_FALSE if record not found DWORD tkKind, // [IN] which table to work on HENUMInternal *phEnum) PURE; // [OUT] the enumerator to fill STDMETHOD_(bool, EnumNext)( HENUMInternal *phEnum, // [IN] the enumerator to retrieve information mdToken *ptk) PURE; // [OUT] token to scope the search STDMETHOD_(ULONG, EnumGetCount)( HENUMInternal *phEnum) PURE; // [IN] the enumerator to retrieve information STDMETHOD_(void, EnumReset)( HENUMInternal *phEnum) PURE; // [IN] the enumerator to be reset STDMETHOD_(void, EnumClose)( HENUMInternal *phEnum) PURE; // [IN] the enumerator to be closed //***************************************** // Enumerator helpers for declsecurity. //***************************************** __checkReturn STDMETHOD(EnumPermissionSetsInit)( // return S_FALSE if record not found mdToken tkParent, // [IN] token to scope the search CorDeclSecurity Action, // [IN] Action to scope the search HENUMInternal *phEnum) PURE; // [OUT] the enumerator to fill //***************************************** // Enumerator helpers for CustomAttribute //***************************************** __checkReturn STDMETHOD(EnumCustomAttributeByNameInit)(// return S_FALSE if record not found mdToken tkParent, // [IN] token to scope the search LPCSTR szName, // [IN] CustomAttribute's name to scope the search HENUMInternal *phEnum) PURE; // [OUT] the enumerator to fill //***************************************** // Nagivator helper to navigate back to the parent token given a token. // For example, given a memberdef token, it will return the containing typedef. // // the mapping is as following: // ---given child type---------parent type // mdMethodDef mdTypeDef // mdFieldDef mdTypeDef // mdInterfaceImpl mdTypeDef // mdParam mdMethodDef // mdProperty mdTypeDef // mdEvent mdTypeDef // //***************************************** __checkReturn STDMETHOD(GetParentToken)( mdToken tkChild, // [IN] given child token mdToken *ptkParent) PURE; // [OUT] returning parent //***************************************** // Custom value helpers //***************************************** __checkReturn STDMETHOD(GetCustomAttributeProps)( // S_OK or error. mdCustomAttribute at, // [IN] The attribute. mdToken *ptkType) PURE; // [OUT] Put attribute type here. __checkReturn STDMETHOD(GetCustomAttributeAsBlob)( mdCustomAttribute cv, // [IN] given custom value token void const **ppBlob, // [OUT] return the pointer to internal blob ULONG *pcbSize) PURE; // [OUT] return the size of the blob // returned void in v1.0/v1.1 __checkReturn STDMETHOD (GetScopeProps)( LPCSTR *pszName, // [OUT] scope name GUID *pmvid) PURE; // [OUT] version id // finding a particular method __checkReturn STDMETHOD(FindMethodDef)( mdTypeDef classdef, // [IN] given typedef LPCSTR szName, // [IN] member name PCCOR_SIGNATURE pvSigBlob, // [IN] point to a blob value of CLR signature ULONG cbSigBlob, // [IN] count of bytes in the signature blob mdMethodDef *pmd) PURE; // [OUT] matching memberdef // return a iSeq's param given a MethodDef __checkReturn STDMETHOD(FindParamOfMethod)( // S_OK or error. mdMethodDef md, // [IN] The owning method of the param. ULONG iSeq, // [IN] The sequence # of the param. mdParamDef *pparamdef) PURE; // [OUT] Put ParamDef token here. //***************************************** // // GetName* functions // //***************************************** // return the name and namespace of typedef __checkReturn STDMETHOD(GetNameOfTypeDef)( mdTypeDef classdef, // given classdef LPCSTR *pszname, // return class name(unqualified) LPCSTR *psznamespace) PURE; // return the name space name __checkReturn STDMETHOD(GetIsDualOfTypeDef)( mdTypeDef classdef, // [IN] given classdef. ULONG *pDual) PURE; // [OUT] return dual flag here. __checkReturn STDMETHOD(GetIfaceTypeOfTypeDef)( mdTypeDef classdef, // [IN] given classdef. ULONG *pIface) PURE; // [OUT] 0=dual, 1=vtable, 2=dispinterface // get the name of either methoddef __checkReturn STDMETHOD(GetNameOfMethodDef)( // return the name of the memberdef in UTF8 mdMethodDef md, // given memberdef LPCSTR *pszName) PURE; __checkReturn STDMETHOD(GetNameAndSigOfMethodDef)( mdMethodDef methoddef, // [IN] given memberdef PCCOR_SIGNATURE *ppvSigBlob, // [OUT] point to a blob value of CLR signature ULONG *pcbSigBlob, // [OUT] count of bytes in the signature blob LPCSTR *pszName) PURE; // return the name of a FieldDef __checkReturn STDMETHOD(GetNameOfFieldDef)( mdFieldDef fd, // given memberdef LPCSTR *pszName) PURE; // return the name of typeref __checkReturn STDMETHOD(GetNameOfTypeRef)( mdTypeRef classref, // [IN] given typeref LPCSTR *psznamespace, // [OUT] return typeref name LPCSTR *pszname) PURE; // [OUT] return typeref namespace // return the resolutionscope of typeref __checkReturn STDMETHOD(GetResolutionScopeOfTypeRef)( mdTypeRef classref, // given classref mdToken *ptkResolutionScope) PURE; // Find the type token given the name. __checkReturn STDMETHOD(FindTypeRefByName)( LPCSTR szNamespace, // [IN] Namespace for the TypeRef. LPCSTR szName, // [IN] Name of the TypeRef. mdToken tkResolutionScope, // [IN] Resolution Scope fo the TypeRef. mdTypeRef *ptk) PURE; // [OUT] TypeRef token returned. // return the TypeDef properties // returned void in v1.0/v1.1 __checkReturn STDMETHOD(GetTypeDefProps)( mdTypeDef classdef, // given classdef DWORD *pdwAttr, // return flags on class, tdPublic, tdAbstract mdToken *ptkExtends) PURE; // [OUT] Put base class TypeDef/TypeRef here // return the item's guid __checkReturn STDMETHOD(GetItemGuid)( mdToken tkObj, // [IN] given item. CLSID *pGuid) PURE; // [out[ put guid here. // Get enclosing class of the NestedClass. __checkReturn STDMETHOD(GetNestedClassProps)( // S_OK or error mdTypeDef tkNestedClass, // [IN] NestedClass token. mdTypeDef *ptkEnclosingClass) PURE; // [OUT] EnclosingClass token. // Get count of Nested classes given the enclosing class. __checkReturn STDMETHOD(GetCountNestedClasses)( // return count of Nested classes. mdTypeDef tkEnclosingClass, // Enclosing class. ULONG *pcNestedClassesCount) PURE; // Return array of Nested classes given the enclosing class. __checkReturn STDMETHOD(GetNestedClasses)( // Return actual count. mdTypeDef tkEnclosingClass, // [IN] Enclosing class. mdTypeDef *rNestedClasses, // [OUT] Array of nested class tokens. ULONG ulNestedClasses, // [IN] Size of array. ULONG *pcNestedClasses) PURE; // return the ModuleRef properties // returned void in v1.0/v1.1 __checkReturn STDMETHOD(GetModuleRefProps)( mdModuleRef mur, // [IN] moduleref token LPCSTR *pszName) PURE; // [OUT] buffer to fill with the moduleref name //***************************************** // // GetSig* functions // //***************************************** __checkReturn STDMETHOD(GetSigOfMethodDef)( mdMethodDef tkMethodDef, // [IN] given MethodDef ULONG * pcbSigBlob, // [OUT] count of bytes in the signature blob PCCOR_SIGNATURE * ppSig) PURE; __checkReturn STDMETHOD(GetSigOfFieldDef)( mdFieldDef tkFieldDef, // [IN] given FieldDef ULONG * pcbSigBlob, // [OUT] count of bytes in the signature blob PCCOR_SIGNATURE * ppSig) PURE; __checkReturn STDMETHOD(GetSigFromToken)( mdToken tk, // FieldDef, MethodDef, Signature or TypeSpec token ULONG * pcbSig, PCCOR_SIGNATURE * ppSig) PURE; //***************************************** // get method property //***************************************** __checkReturn STDMETHOD(GetMethodDefProps)( mdMethodDef md, // The method for which to get props. DWORD *pdwFlags) PURE; //***************************************** // return method implementation informaiton, like RVA and implflags //***************************************** // returned void in v1.0/v1.1 __checkReturn STDMETHOD(GetMethodImplProps)( mdToken tk, // [IN] MethodDef ULONG *pulCodeRVA, // [OUT] CodeRVA DWORD *pdwImplFlags) PURE; // [OUT] Impl. Flags //***************************************** // return method implementation informaiton, like RVA and implflags //***************************************** __checkReturn STDMETHOD(GetFieldRVA)( mdFieldDef fd, // [IN] fielddef ULONG *pulCodeRVA) PURE; // [OUT] CodeRVA //***************************************** // get field property //***************************************** __checkReturn STDMETHOD(GetFieldDefProps)( mdFieldDef fd, // [IN] given fielddef DWORD *pdwFlags) PURE; // [OUT] return fdPublic, fdPrive, etc flags //***************************************************************************** // return default value of a token(could be paramdef, fielddef, or property //***************************************************************************** __checkReturn STDMETHOD(GetDefaultValue)( mdToken tk, // [IN] given FieldDef, ParamDef, or Property MDDefaultValue *pDefaultValue) PURE;// [OUT] default value to fill //***************************************** // get dispid of a MethodDef or a FieldDef //***************************************** __checkReturn STDMETHOD(GetDispIdOfMemberDef)( // return hresult mdToken tk, // [IN] given methoddef or fielddef ULONG *pDispid) PURE; // [OUT] Put the dispid here. //***************************************** // return TypeRef/TypeDef given an InterfaceImpl token //***************************************** __checkReturn STDMETHOD(GetTypeOfInterfaceImpl)( // return the TypeRef/typedef token for the interfaceimpl mdInterfaceImpl iiImpl, // given a interfaceimpl mdToken *ptkType) PURE; //***************************************** // look up function for TypeDef //***************************************** __checkReturn STDMETHOD(FindTypeDef)( LPCSTR szNamespace, // [IN] Namespace for the TypeDef. LPCSTR szName, // [IN] Name of the TypeDef. mdToken tkEnclosingClass, // [IN] TypeRef/TypeDef Token for the enclosing class. mdTypeDef *ptypedef) PURE; // [IN] return typedef //***************************************** // return name and sig of a memberref //***************************************** __checkReturn STDMETHOD(GetNameAndSigOfMemberRef)( // return name here mdMemberRef memberref, // given memberref PCCOR_SIGNATURE *ppvSigBlob, // [OUT] point to a blob value of CLR signature ULONG *pcbSigBlob, // [OUT] count of bytes in the signature blob LPCSTR *pszName) PURE; //***************************************************************************** // Given memberref, return the parent. It can be TypeRef, ModuleRef, MethodDef //***************************************************************************** __checkReturn STDMETHOD(GetParentOfMemberRef)( mdMemberRef memberref, // given memberref mdToken *ptkParent) PURE; // return the parent token __checkReturn STDMETHOD(GetParamDefProps)( mdParamDef paramdef, // given a paramdef USHORT *pusSequence, // [OUT] slot number for this parameter DWORD *pdwAttr, // [OUT] flags LPCSTR *pszName) PURE; // [OUT] return the name of the parameter __checkReturn STDMETHOD(GetPropertyInfoForMethodDef)( // Result. mdMethodDef md, // [IN] memberdef mdProperty *ppd, // [OUT] put property token here LPCSTR *pName, // [OUT] put pointer to name here ULONG *pSemantic) PURE; // [OUT] put semantic here //***************************************** // class layout/sequence information //***************************************** __checkReturn STDMETHOD(GetClassPackSize)( // return error if class doesn't have packsize mdTypeDef td, // [IN] give typedef ULONG *pdwPackSize) PURE; // [OUT] 1, 2, 4, 8, or 16 __checkReturn STDMETHOD(GetClassTotalSize)( // return error if class doesn't have total size info mdTypeDef td, // [IN] give typedef ULONG *pdwClassSize) PURE; // [OUT] return the total size of the class __checkReturn STDMETHOD(GetClassLayoutInit)( mdTypeDef td, // [IN] give typedef MD_CLASS_LAYOUT *pLayout) PURE; // [OUT] set up the status of query here __checkReturn STDMETHOD(GetClassLayoutNext)( MD_CLASS_LAYOUT *pLayout, // [IN|OUT] set up the status of query here mdFieldDef *pfd, // [OUT] return the fielddef ULONG *pulOffset) PURE; // [OUT] return the offset/ulSequence associate with it //***************************************** // marshal information of a field //***************************************** __checkReturn STDMETHOD(GetFieldMarshal)( // return error if no native type associate with the token mdFieldDef fd, // [IN] given fielddef PCCOR_SIGNATURE *pSigNativeType, // [OUT] the native type signature ULONG *pcbNativeType) PURE; // [OUT] the count of bytes of *ppvNativeType //***************************************** // property APIs //***************************************** // find a property by name __checkReturn STDMETHOD(FindProperty)( mdTypeDef td, // [IN] given a typdef LPCSTR szPropName, // [IN] property name mdProperty *pProp) PURE; // [OUT] return property token // returned void in v1.0/v1.1 __checkReturn STDMETHOD(GetPropertyProps)( mdProperty prop, // [IN] property token LPCSTR *szProperty, // [OUT] property name DWORD *pdwPropFlags, // [OUT] property flags. PCCOR_SIGNATURE *ppvSig, // [OUT] property type. pointing to meta data internal blob ULONG *pcbSig) PURE; // [OUT] count of bytes in *ppvSig //********************************** // Event APIs //********************************** __checkReturn STDMETHOD(FindEvent)( mdTypeDef td, // [IN] given a typdef LPCSTR szEventName, // [IN] event name mdEvent *pEvent) PURE; // [OUT] return event token // returned void in v1.0/v1.1 __checkReturn STDMETHOD(GetEventProps)( mdEvent ev, // [IN] event token LPCSTR *pszEvent, // [OUT] Event name DWORD *pdwEventFlags, // [OUT] Event flags. mdToken *ptkEventType) PURE; // [OUT] EventType class //********************************** // find a particular associate of a property or an event //********************************** __checkReturn STDMETHOD(FindAssociate)( mdToken evprop, // [IN] given a property or event token DWORD associate, // [IN] given a associate semantics(setter, getter, testdefault, reset, AddOn, RemoveOn, Fire) mdMethodDef *pmd) PURE; // [OUT] return method def token // Note, void function in v1.0/v1.1 __checkReturn STDMETHOD(EnumAssociateInit)( mdToken evprop, // [IN] given a property or an event token HENUMInternal *phEnum) PURE; // [OUT] cursor to hold the query result // returned void in v1.0/v1.1 __checkReturn STDMETHOD(GetAllAssociates)( HENUMInternal *phEnum, // [IN] query result form GetPropertyAssociateCounts ASSOCIATE_RECORD *pAssociateRec, // [OUT] struct to fill for output ULONG cAssociateRec) PURE; // [IN] size of the buffer //********************************** // Get info about a PermissionSet. //********************************** // returned void in v1.0/v1.1 __checkReturn STDMETHOD(GetPermissionSetProps)( mdPermission pm, // [IN] the permission token. DWORD *pdwAction, // [OUT] CorDeclSecurity. void const **ppvPermission, // [OUT] permission blob. ULONG *pcbPermission) PURE; // [OUT] count of bytes of pvPermission. //**************************************** // Get the String given the String token. // Returns a pointer to the string, or NULL in case of error. //**************************************** __checkReturn STDMETHOD(GetUserString)( mdString stk, // [IN] the string token. ULONG *pchString, // [OUT] count of characters in the string. BOOL *pbIs80Plus, // [OUT] specifies where there are extended characters >= 0x80. LPCWSTR *pwszUserString) PURE; //***************************************************************************** // p-invoke APIs. //***************************************************************************** __checkReturn STDMETHOD(GetPinvokeMap)( mdToken tk, // [IN] FieldDef, MethodDef. DWORD *pdwMappingFlags, // [OUT] Flags used for mapping. LPCSTR *pszImportName, // [OUT] Import name. mdModuleRef *pmrImportDLL) PURE; // [OUT] ModuleRef token for the target DLL. //***************************************************************************** // helpers to convert a text signature to a com format //***************************************************************************** __checkReturn STDMETHOD(ConvertTextSigToComSig)( // Return hresult. BOOL fCreateTrIfNotFound, // [IN] create typeref if not found LPCSTR pSignature, // [IN] class file format signature CQuickBytes *pqbNewSig, // [OUT] place holder for CLR signature ULONG *pcbCount) PURE; // [OUT] the result size of signature //***************************************************************************** // Assembly MetaData APIs. //***************************************************************************** // returned void in v1.0/v1.1 __checkReturn STDMETHOD(GetAssemblyProps)( mdAssembly mda, // [IN] The Assembly for which to get the properties. const void **ppbPublicKey, // [OUT] Pointer to the public key. ULONG *pcbPublicKey, // [OUT] Count of bytes in the public key. ULONG *pulHashAlgId, // [OUT] Hash Algorithm. LPCSTR *pszName, // [OUT] Buffer to fill with name. AssemblyMetaDataInternal *pMetaData,// [OUT] Assembly MetaData. DWORD *pdwAssemblyFlags) PURE;// [OUT] Flags. // returned void in v1.0/v1.1 __checkReturn STDMETHOD(GetAssemblyRefProps)( mdAssemblyRef mdar, // [IN] The AssemblyRef for which to get the properties. const void **ppbPublicKeyOrToken, // [OUT] Pointer to the public key or token. ULONG *pcbPublicKeyOrToken, // [OUT] Count of bytes in the public key or token. LPCSTR *pszName, // [OUT] Buffer to fill with name. AssemblyMetaDataInternal *pMetaData,// [OUT] Assembly MetaData. const void **ppbHashValue, // [OUT] Hash blob. ULONG *pcbHashValue, // [OUT] Count of bytes in the hash blob. DWORD *pdwAssemblyRefFlags) PURE; // [OUT] Flags. // returned void in v1.0/v1.1 __checkReturn STDMETHOD(GetFileProps)( mdFile mdf, // [IN] The File for which to get the properties. LPCSTR *pszName, // [OUT] Buffer to fill with name. const void **ppbHashValue, // [OUT] Pointer to the Hash Value Blob. ULONG *pcbHashValue, // [OUT] Count of bytes in the Hash Value Blob. DWORD *pdwFileFlags) PURE; // [OUT] Flags. // returned void in v1.0/v1.1 __checkReturn STDMETHOD(GetExportedTypeProps)( mdExportedType mdct, // [IN] The ExportedType for which to get the properties. LPCSTR *pszNamespace, // [OUT] Namespace. LPCSTR *pszName, // [OUT] Name. mdToken *ptkImplementation, // [OUT] mdFile or mdAssemblyRef that provides the ExportedType. mdTypeDef *ptkTypeDef, // [OUT] TypeDef token within the file. DWORD *pdwExportedTypeFlags) PURE; // [OUT] Flags. // returned void in v1.0/v1.1 __checkReturn STDMETHOD(GetManifestResourceProps)( mdManifestResource mdmr, // [IN] The ManifestResource for which to get the properties. LPCSTR *pszName, // [OUT] Buffer to fill with name. mdToken *ptkImplementation, // [OUT] mdFile or mdAssemblyRef that provides the ExportedType. DWORD *pdwOffset, // [OUT] Offset to the beginning of the resource within the file. DWORD *pdwResourceFlags) PURE;// [OUT] Flags. __checkReturn STDMETHOD(FindExportedTypeByName)( // S_OK or error LPCSTR szNamespace, // [IN] Namespace of the ExportedType. LPCSTR szName, // [IN] Name of the ExportedType. mdExportedType tkEnclosingType, // [IN] ExportedType for the enclosing class. mdExportedType *pmct) PURE; // [OUT] Put ExportedType token here. __checkReturn STDMETHOD(FindManifestResourceByName)( // S_OK or error LPCSTR szName, // [IN] Name of the ManifestResource. mdManifestResource *pmmr) PURE; // [OUT] Put ManifestResource token here. __checkReturn STDMETHOD(GetAssemblyFromScope)( // S_OK or error mdAssembly *ptkAssembly) PURE; // [OUT] Put token here. __checkReturn STDMETHOD(GetCustomAttributeByName)( // S_OK or error mdToken tkObj, // [IN] Object with Custom Attribute. LPCUTF8 szName, // [IN] Name of desired Custom Attribute. const void **ppData, // [OUT] Put pointer to data here. ULONG *pcbData) PURE; // [OUT] Put size of data here. // Note: The return type of this method was void in v1 __checkReturn STDMETHOD(GetTypeSpecFromToken)( // S_OK or error. mdTypeSpec typespec, // [IN] Signature token. PCCOR_SIGNATURE *ppvSig, // [OUT] return pointer to token. ULONG *pcbSig) PURE; // [OUT] return size of signature. __checkReturn STDMETHOD(SetUserContextData)( // S_OK or E_NOTIMPL IUnknown *pIUnk) PURE; // The user context. __checkReturn STDMETHOD_(BOOL, IsValidToken)( // True or False. mdToken tk) PURE; // [IN] Given token. __checkReturn STDMETHOD(TranslateSigWithScope)( IMDInternalImport *pAssemImport, // [IN] import assembly scope. const void *pbHashValue, // [IN] hash value for the import assembly. ULONG cbHashValue, // [IN] count of bytes in the hash value. PCCOR_SIGNATURE pbSigBlob, // [IN] signature in the importing scope ULONG cbSigBlob, // [IN] count of bytes of signature IMetaDataAssemblyEmit *pAssemEmit, // [IN] assembly emit scope. IMetaDataEmit *emit, // [IN] emit interface CQuickBytes *pqkSigEmit, // [OUT] buffer to hold translated signature ULONG *pcbSig) PURE; // [OUT] count of bytes in the translated signature STDMETHOD_(IMetaModelCommon*, GetMetaModelCommon)( // Return MetaModelCommon interface. ) PURE; STDMETHOD_(IUnknown *, GetCachedPublicInterface)(BOOL fWithLock) PURE; // return the cached public interface __checkReturn STDMETHOD(SetCachedPublicInterface)(IUnknown *pUnk) PURE; // no return value STDMETHOD_(UTSemReadWrite*, GetReaderWriterLock)() PURE; // return the reader writer lock __checkReturn STDMETHOD(SetReaderWriterLock)(UTSemReadWrite * pSem) PURE; STDMETHOD_(mdModule, GetModuleFromScope)() PURE; // [OUT] Put mdModule token here. //----------------------------------------------------------------- // Additional custom methods // finding a particular method __checkReturn STDMETHOD(FindMethodDefUsingCompare)( mdTypeDef classdef, // [IN] given typedef LPCSTR szName, // [IN] member name PCCOR_SIGNATURE pvSigBlob, // [IN] point to a blob value of CLR signature ULONG cbSigBlob, // [IN] count of bytes in the signature blob PSIGCOMPARE pSignatureCompare, // [IN] Routine to compare signatures void* pSignatureArgs, // [IN] Additional info to supply the compare function mdMethodDef *pmd) PURE; // [OUT] matching memberdef // Additional v2 methods. //***************************************** // return a field offset for a given field //***************************************** __checkReturn STDMETHOD(GetFieldOffset)( mdFieldDef fd, // [IN] fielddef ULONG *pulOffset) PURE; // [OUT] FieldOffset __checkReturn STDMETHOD(GetMethodSpecProps)( mdMethodSpec ms, // [IN] The method instantiation mdToken *tkParent, // [OUT] MethodDef or MemberRef PCCOR_SIGNATURE *ppvSigBlob, // [OUT] point to the blob value of meta data ULONG *pcbSigBlob) PURE; // [OUT] actual size of signature blob __checkReturn STDMETHOD(GetTableInfoWithIndex)( ULONG index, // [IN] pass in the table index void **pTable, // [OUT] pointer to table at index void **pTableSize) PURE; // [OUT] size of table at index __checkReturn STDMETHOD(ApplyEditAndContinue)( void *pDeltaMD, // [IN] the delta metadata ULONG cbDeltaMD, // [IN] length of pData IMDInternalImport **ppv) PURE; // [OUT] the resulting metadata interface //********************************** // Generics APIs //********************************** __checkReturn STDMETHOD(GetGenericParamProps)( // S_OK or error. mdGenericParam rd, // [IN] The type parameter ULONG* pulSequence, // [OUT] Parameter sequence number DWORD* pdwAttr, // [OUT] Type parameter flags (for future use) mdToken *ptOwner, // [OUT] The owner (TypeDef or MethodDef) DWORD *reserved, // [OUT] The kind (TypeDef/Ref/Spec, for future use) LPCSTR *szName) PURE; // [OUT] The name __checkReturn STDMETHOD(GetGenericParamConstraintProps)( // S_OK or error. mdGenericParamConstraint rd, // [IN] The constraint token mdGenericParam *ptGenericParam, // [OUT] GenericParam that is constrained mdToken *ptkConstraintType) PURE; // [OUT] TypeDef/Ref/Spec constraint //***************************************************************************** // This function gets the "built for" version of a metadata scope. // NOTE: if the scope has never been saved, it will not have a built-for // version, and an empty string will be returned. //***************************************************************************** __checkReturn STDMETHOD(GetVersionString)( // S_OK or error. LPCSTR *pVer) PURE; // [OUT] Put version string here. __checkReturn STDMETHOD(SafeAndSlowEnumCustomAttributeByNameInit)(// return S_FALSE if record not found mdToken tkParent, // [IN] token to scope the search LPCSTR szName, // [IN] CustomAttribute's name to scope the search HENUMInternal *phEnum) PURE; // [OUT] The enumerator __checkReturn STDMETHOD(SafeAndSlowEnumCustomAttributeByNameNext)(// return S_FALSE if record not found mdToken tkParent, // [IN] token to scope the search LPCSTR szName, // [IN] CustomAttribute's name to scope the search HENUMInternal *phEnum, // [IN] The enumerator mdCustomAttribute *mdAttribute) PURE; // [OUT] The custom attribute that was found __checkReturn STDMETHOD(GetTypeDefRefTokenInTypeSpec)(// return S_FALSE if enclosing type does not have a token mdTypeSpec tkTypeSpec, // [IN] TypeSpec token to look at mdToken *tkEnclosedToken) PURE; // [OUT] The enclosed type token #define MD_STREAM_VER_1X 0x10000 #define MD_STREAM_VER_2_B1 0x10001 #define MD_STREAM_VER_2 0x20000 STDMETHOD_(DWORD, GetMetadataStreamVersion)() PURE; //returns DWORD with major version of // MD stream in senior word and minor version--in junior word __checkReturn STDMETHOD(GetNameOfCustomAttribute)(// S_OK or error mdCustomAttribute mdAttribute, // [IN] The Custom Attribute LPCUTF8 *pszNamespace, // [OUT] Namespace of Custom Attribute. LPCUTF8 *pszName) PURE; // [OUT] Name of Custom Attribute. STDMETHOD(SetOptimizeAccessForSpeed)(// S_OK or error BOOL fOptSpeed) PURE; STDMETHOD(SetVerifiedByTrustedSource)(// S_OK or error BOOL fVerified) PURE; STDMETHOD(GetRvaOffsetData)( DWORD *pFirstMethodRvaOffset, // [OUT] Offset (from start of metadata) to the first RVA field in MethodDef table. DWORD *pMethodDefRecordSize, // [OUT] Size of each record in MethodDef table. DWORD *pMethodDefCount, // [OUT] Number of records in MethodDef table. DWORD *pFirstFieldRvaOffset, // [OUT] Offset (from start of metadata) to the first RVA field in FieldRVA table. DWORD *pFieldRvaRecordSize, // [OUT] Size of each record in FieldRVA table. DWORD *pFieldRvaCount // [OUT] Number of records in FieldRVA table. ) PURE; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // !!! READ THIS !!! // // New methods have to be added at the end. The order and signatures of the existing methods // have to be preserved. We need to maintain a backward compatibility for this interface to // allow ildasm to work on SingleCLR. // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- }; // IMDInternalImport // {E03D7730-D7E3-11d2-8C0D-00C04FF7431A} EXTERN_GUID(IID_IMDInternalImportENC, 0xe03d7730, 0xd7e3, 0x11d2, 0x8c, 0xd, 0x0, 0xc0, 0x4f, 0xf7, 0x43, 0x1a); #undef INTERFACE #define INTERFACE IMDInternalImportENC DECLARE_INTERFACE_(IMDInternalImportENC, IMDInternalImport) { private: using IMDInternalImport::ApplyEditAndContinue; public: // ENC only methods here. STDMETHOD(ApplyEditAndContinue)( // S_OK or error. MDInternalRW *pDelta) PURE; // Interface to MD with the ENC delta. STDMETHOD(EnumDeltaTokensInit)( // return hresult HENUMInternal *phEnum) PURE; // [OUT] buffer to fill for enumerator data }; // IMDInternalImportENC // {F102C526-38CB-49ed-9B5F-498816AE36E0} EXTERN_GUID(IID_IMDInternalEmit, 0xf102c526, 0x38cb, 0x49ed, 0x9b, 0x5f, 0x49, 0x88, 0x16, 0xae, 0x36, 0xe0); #undef INTERFACE #define INTERFACE IMDInternalEmit DECLARE_INTERFACE_(IMDInternalEmit, IUnknown) { STDMETHOD(ChangeMvid)( // S_OK or error. REFGUID newMvid) PURE; // GUID to use as the MVID STDMETHOD(SetMDUpdateMode)( ULONG updateMode, ULONG *pPreviousUpdateMode) PURE; }; // IMDInternalEmit #ifdef FEATURE_METADATA_CUSTOM_DATA_SOURCE struct IMDCustomDataSource; #include "../md/inc/metamodel.h" // {CC0C8F7A-A00B-493D-80B6-CE0C92491670} EXTERN_GUID(IID_IMDCustomDataSource, 0xcc0c8f7a, 0xa00b, 0x493d, 0x80, 0xb6, 0xce, 0xc, 0x92, 0x49, 0x16, 0x70); #undef INTERFACE #define INTERFACE IMDCustomDataSource DECLARE_INTERFACE_(IMDCustomDataSource, IUnknown) { STDMETHOD(GetSchema)(CMiniMdSchema* pSchema) PURE; STDMETHOD(GetTableDef)(ULONG32 tableIndex, CMiniTableDef* pTableDef) PURE; STDMETHOD(GetBlobHeap)(MetaData::DataBlob* pBlobHeapData) PURE; STDMETHOD(GetGuidHeap)(MetaData::DataBlob* pGuidHeapData) PURE; STDMETHOD(GetStringHeap)(MetaData::DataBlob* pStringHeapData) PURE; STDMETHOD(GetUserStringHeap)(MetaData::DataBlob* pUserStringHeapData) PURE; STDMETHOD(GetTableRecords)(ULONG32 tableIndex, MetaData::DataBlob* pTableRecordData) PURE; STDMETHOD(GetTableSortable)(ULONG32 tableIndex, BOOL* pSortable) PURE; STDMETHOD(GetStorageSignature)(MetaData::DataBlob* pStorageSignature) PURE; }; // IMDCustomDataSource // {503F79FB-7AAE-4364-BDA6-8E235D173AEC} EXTERN_GUID(IID_IMetaDataDispenserCustom, 0x503f79fb, 0x7aae, 0x4364, 0xbd, 0xa6, 0x8e, 0x23, 0x5d, 0x17, 0x3a, 0xec); #undef INTERFACE #define INTERFACE IMetaDataDispenserCustom DECLARE_INTERFACE_(IMetaDataDispenserCustom, IUnknown) { STDMETHOD(OpenScopeOnCustomDataSource)( // Return code. IMDCustomDataSource *pCustomSource, // [in] The scope to open. DWORD dwOpenFlags, // [in] Open mode flags. REFIID riid, // [in] The interface desired. IUnknown **ppIUnk) PURE; // [out] Return interface on success. }; // IMetaDataDispenserCustom #endif // FEATURE_METADATA_CUSTOM_DATA_SOURCE #ifdef FEATURE_METADATA_DEBUGGEE_DATA_SOURCE struct ICorDebugDataTarget; HRESULT CreateRemoteMDInternalRWSource(TADDR mdInternalRWRemoteAddress, ICorDebugDataTarget* pDataTarget, DWORD defines, DWORD dataStructureVersion, IMDCustomDataSource** ppDataSource); #endif #ifdef __HOLDER_H_ void DECLSPEC_NORETURN ThrowHR(HRESULT hr); // This wrapper class ensures that the HENUMInternal is EnumTypeDefClose'd no matter how the scope is exited. class HENUMTypeDefInternalHolder { public: FORCEINLINE HENUMTypeDefInternalHolder(IMDInternalImport *pInternalImport) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; m_pInternalImport = pInternalImport; m_fAcquired = FALSE; } FORCEINLINE VOID EnumTypeDefInit() { CONTRACTL { THROWS; } CONTRACTL_END; _ASSERTE(!m_fAcquired); HRESULT hr = m_pInternalImport->EnumTypeDefInit(&m_hEnum); if (FAILED(hr)) { ThrowHR(hr); } m_fAcquired = TRUE; } FORCEINLINE HRESULT EnumTypeDefInitNoThrow() { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; _ASSERTE(!m_fAcquired); HRESULT hr = m_pInternalImport->EnumTypeDefInit(&m_hEnum); if (FAILED(hr)) { return hr; } m_fAcquired = TRUE; return hr; } FORCEINLINE ~HENUMTypeDefInternalHolder() { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; if (m_fAcquired) { m_pInternalImport->EnumTypeDefClose(&m_hEnum); } } FORCEINLINE HENUMInternal* operator& () { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; _ASSERTE(m_fAcquired); return &m_hEnum; } private: FORCEINLINE HENUMTypeDefInternalHolder(const HENUMTypeDefInternalHolder &) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; _ASSERTE(!"Don't try to assign this class."); } private: IMDInternalImport *m_pInternalImport; HENUMInternal m_hEnum; BOOL m_fAcquired; }; // This wrapper class ensures that the HENUMInternal is EnumClose'd no matter how the scope is exited. class HENUMInternalHolder { public: FORCEINLINE HENUMInternalHolder(IMDInternalImport *pInternalImport) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; m_pInternalImport = pInternalImport; m_fAcquired = FALSE; } FORCEINLINE BOOL EnumPermissionSetsInit(mdToken tkToken, CorDeclSecurity action) { CONTRACTL { THROWS; } CONTRACTL_END; _ASSERTE(!m_fAcquired); HRESULT hr = m_pInternalImport->EnumPermissionSetsInit(tkToken, action, &m_hEnum); if (hr == CLDB_E_RECORD_NOTFOUND) return FALSE; if (FAILED(hr) ) { ThrowHR(hr); } m_fAcquired = TRUE; return TRUE; } FORCEINLINE VOID EnumGlobalFunctionsInit() { CONTRACTL { THROWS; } CONTRACTL_END; _ASSERTE(!m_fAcquired); HRESULT hr = m_pInternalImport->EnumGlobalFunctionsInit(&m_hEnum); if (FAILED(hr)) { ThrowHR(hr); } m_fAcquired = TRUE; } FORCEINLINE VOID EnumGlobalFieldsInit() { CONTRACTL { THROWS; } CONTRACTL_END; _ASSERTE(!m_fAcquired); HRESULT hr = m_pInternalImport->EnumGlobalFieldsInit(&m_hEnum); if (FAILED(hr)) { ThrowHR(hr); } m_fAcquired = TRUE; } FORCEINLINE VOID EnumTypeDefInit() { CONTRACTL { THROWS; } CONTRACTL_END; _ASSERTE(!m_fAcquired); HRESULT hr = m_pInternalImport->EnumTypeDefInit(&m_hEnum); if (FAILED(hr)) { ThrowHR(hr); } m_fAcquired = TRUE; } FORCEINLINE VOID EnumAssociateInit(mdToken tkParent) // [IN] token to scope the search { CONTRACTL { THROWS; } CONTRACTL_END; _ASSERTE(!m_fAcquired); IfFailThrow(m_pInternalImport->EnumAssociateInit(tkParent, &m_hEnum)); m_fAcquired = TRUE; } FORCEINLINE VOID EnumInit(DWORD tkKind, // [IN] which table to work on mdToken tkParent // [IN] token to scope the search ) { CONTRACTL { THROWS; } CONTRACTL_END; HRESULT hr = EnumInitNoThrow(tkKind, tkParent); if (FAILED(hr)) { ThrowHR(hr); } } __checkReturn FORCEINLINE HRESULT EnumInitNoThrow(DWORD tkKind, // [IN] which table to work on mdToken tkParent // [IN] token to scope the search ) { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; } CONTRACTL_END; _ASSERTE(!m_fAcquired); HRESULT hr = m_pInternalImport->EnumInit(tkKind, tkParent, &m_hEnum); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { m_fAcquired = TRUE; } return hr; } FORCEINLINE VOID EnumAllInit(DWORD tkKind // [IN] which table to work on ) { CONTRACTL { THROWS; } CONTRACTL_END; _ASSERTE(!m_fAcquired); HRESULT hr = m_pInternalImport->EnumAllInit(tkKind, &m_hEnum); if (FAILED(hr)) { ThrowHR(hr); } m_fAcquired = TRUE; } FORCEINLINE ULONG EnumGetCount() { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; CONSISTENCY_CHECK(m_fAcquired); } CONTRACTL_END; return m_pInternalImport->EnumGetCount(&m_hEnum); } FORCEINLINE bool EnumNext(mdToken * pTok) { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; CONSISTENCY_CHECK(m_fAcquired); } CONTRACTL_END; return m_pInternalImport->EnumNext(&m_hEnum, pTok); } FORCEINLINE void EnumReset() { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; CONSISTENCY_CHECK(m_fAcquired); } CONTRACTL_END; return m_pInternalImport->EnumReset(&m_hEnum); } FORCEINLINE ~HENUMInternalHolder() { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; if (m_fAcquired) { // Ignore the error (void)m_pInternalImport->EnumClose(&m_hEnum); } } FORCEINLINE HENUMInternal* operator& () { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; _ASSERTE(m_fAcquired); return &m_hEnum; } private: FORCEINLINE HENUMInternalHolder(const HENUMInternalHolder &) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; _ASSERTE(!"Don't try to assign this class."); } protected: IMDInternalImport *m_pInternalImport; HENUMInternal m_hEnum; BOOL m_fAcquired; }; class HENUMInternalMethodImplHolder : protected HENUMInternalHolder { public: FORCEINLINE HENUMInternalMethodImplHolder(IMDInternalImport *pInternalImport) : HENUMInternalHolder(pInternalImport) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; } FORCEINLINE ~HENUMInternalMethodImplHolder() { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; if (m_fAcquired) { // Ignore the error (void)m_pInternalImport->EnumClose(&m_hEnum2); } } FORCEINLINE void EnumMethodImplInit(mdToken tkParent // [IN] token to scope the search ) { CONTRACTL { THROWS; } CONTRACTL_END; HRESULT hr = EnumMethodImplInitNoThrow(tkParent); if (FAILED(hr)) { ThrowHR(hr); } } __checkReturn FORCEINLINE HRESULT EnumMethodImplInitNoThrow(mdToken tkParent // [IN] token to scope the search ) { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; } CONTRACTL_END; _ASSERTE(!m_fAcquired); HRESULT hr = m_pInternalImport->EnumMethodImplInit(tkParent, &m_hEnum, &m_hEnum2); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { m_fAcquired = TRUE; } return hr; } __checkReturn FORCEINLINE HRESULT EnumMethodImplNext( mdToken *ptkImpl, mdToken *ptkDecl) { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; CONSISTENCY_CHECK(m_fAcquired); } CONTRACTL_END; return m_pInternalImport->EnumMethodImplNext(&m_hEnum, &m_hEnum2, ptkImpl, ptkDecl); } FORCEINLINE ULONG EnumMethodImplGetCount() { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; CONSISTENCY_CHECK(m_fAcquired); } CONTRACTL_END; return m_pInternalImport->EnumMethodImplGetCount(&m_hEnum, &m_hEnum2); } protected: HENUMInternal m_hEnum2; }; #endif //__HOLDER_H_ #endif // _METADATA_H_