// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements. // The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license. // See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information. //***************************************************************************** // MDCommon.h // // Common header file for both MD and COMPLIB subdirectories // //***************************************************************************** #ifndef __MDCommon_h__ #define __MDCommon_h__ // File types for the database. enum FILETYPE { FILETYPE_UNKNOWN, // Unknown or undefined type. FILETYPE_CLB, // Native .clb file format. FILETYPE_CLX, // An obsolete file format. FILETYPE_NTPE, // Windows PE executable. FILETYPE_NTOBJ, // .obj file format (with .clb embedded). FILETYPE_TLB // Typelib format. }; enum MAPPINGTYPE { MTYPE_NOMAPPING, // No mapped file MTYPE_FLAT, // Mapped as a flat file MTYPE_IMAGE // Mapped with the SEC_IMAGE flag }; #define SCHEMA_STREAM_A "#Schema" #define STRING_POOL_STREAM_A "#Strings" #define BLOB_POOL_STREAM_A "#Blob" #define US_BLOB_POOL_STREAM_A "#US" #define GUID_POOL_STREAM_A "#GUID" #define COMPRESSED_MODEL_STREAM_A "#~" #define ENC_MODEL_STREAM_A "#-" #define MINIMAL_MD_STREAM_A "#JTD" #define HOT_MODEL_STREAM_A "#!" #define SCHEMA_STREAM W("#Schema") #define STRING_POOL_STREAM W("#Strings") #define BLOB_POOL_STREAM W("#Blob") #define US_BLOB_POOL_STREAM W("#US") #define GUID_POOL_STREAM W("#GUID") #define COMPRESSED_MODEL_STREAM W("#~") #define ENC_MODEL_STREAM W("#-") #define MINIMAL_MD_STREAM W("#JTD") #define HOT_MODEL_STREAM W("#!") #endif // __MDCommon_h__