// // Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved. // Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information. // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // JitPerf.h // Internal interface for gathering JIT perfmormance stats. These stats are // logged (or displayed) in two ways. If PERF_COUNTERS are enabled the // perfmon etc. would display the jit stats. If ENABLE_PERF_LOG is enabled // and PERF_OUTPUT env var is defined then the jit stats are displayed on the // stdout. (The jit stats are outputted in a specific format to a file for // automated perf tests.) // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifndef __JITPERF_H__ #define __JITPERF_H__ #include "mscoree.h" #include "clrinternal.h" // ENABLE_JIT_PERF tag used to activate JIT specific profiling. #define ENABLE_JIT_PERF #if defined(ENABLE_JIT_PERF) extern __int64 g_JitCycles; extern size_t g_NonJitCycles; extern CRITSEC_COOKIE g_csJit; extern __int64 g_tlsJitCycles; extern int g_fJitPerfOn; extern size_t g_dwTlsx86CodeSize; extern size_t g_TotalILCodeSize; extern size_t g_Totalx86CodeSize; extern size_t g_TotalMethodsJitted; // Public interface to initialize jit stats data structs void InitJitPerf(void); // Public interface to deallocate datastruct and output the stats. void DoneJitPerfStats(void); // Start/StopNonJITPerf macros are used many times. Factor out the payload // into helper method to reduce code size. void StartNonJITPerfWorker(LARGE_INTEGER * pCycleStart); void StopNonJITPerfWorker(LARGE_INTEGER * pCycleStart); // Use the callee's stack frame (so START & STOP functions can share variables) #define START_JIT_PERF() \ if (g_fJitPerfOn) { \ ClrFlsSetValue (TlsIdx_JitPerf, (LPVOID)0); \ g_dwTlsx86CodeSize = 0; \ ClrFlsSetValue (TlsIdx_JitX86Perf, (LPVOID)g_dwTlsx86CodeSize); \ } #define STOP_JIT_PERF() \ if (g_fJitPerfOn) { \ size_t dwTlsNonJitCycles = (size_t)ClrFlsGetValue (TlsIdx_JitPerf); \ size_t dwx86CodeSize = (size_t)ClrFlsGetValue (TlsIdx_JitX86Perf); \ CRITSEC_Holder csh (g_csJit); \ g_JitCycles += static_cast(CycleStop.QuadPart - CycleStart.QuadPart); \ g_NonJitCycles += dwTlsNonJitCycles; \ g_TotalILCodeSize += methodInfo.ILCodeSize; \ g_Totalx86CodeSize += dwx86CodeSize; \ g_TotalMethodsJitted ++; \ } #define START_NON_JIT_PERF() \ LARGE_INTEGER CycleStart; \ if(g_fJitPerfOn) { \ StartNonJITPerfWorker(&CycleStart); \ } #define STOP_NON_JIT_PERF() \ if(g_fJitPerfOn) { \ StopNonJITPerfWorker(&CycleStart); \ } #define JIT_PERF_UPDATE_X86_CODE_SIZE(size) \ if(g_fJitPerfOn) { \ size_t dwx86CodeSize = (size_t)ClrFlsGetValue (TlsIdx_JitX86Perf); \ dwx86CodeSize += (size); \ ClrFlsSetValue (TlsIdx_JitX86Perf, (LPVOID)dwx86CodeSize); \ } #else //ENABLE_JIT_PERF #define START_JIT_PERF() #define STOP_JIT_PERF() #define START_NON_JIT_PERF() #define STOP_NON_JIT_PERF() #define JIT_PERF_UPDATE_X86_CODE_SIZE(size) #endif //ENABLE_JIT_PERF #endif //__JITPERF_H__