// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements. // The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license. // See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information. /***************************************************************************** ** ** ** ICeeFileGen.h - code generator interface. ** ** ** ** This interface provides functionality to create a CLR PE executable. ** ** This will typically be used by compilers to generate their compiled ** ** output executable. ** ** ** *****************************************************************************/ /* This is how this is typically used: // Step #1 ... Get CLR hosting API: #include #include ICLRMetaHost * pMetaHost; CLRCreateInstance(CLSID_CLRMetaHost, IID_ICLRMetaHost, &pMetaHost); // defined in mscoree.h ICLRRuntimeInfo * pCLRRuntimeInfo; pMetaHost->GetRuntime(wszClrVersion, IID_ICLRRuntimeInfo, &pCLRRuntimeInfo); // Step #2 ... use mscorpe APIs to create a file generator CreateICeeFileGen(...); // Get a ICeeFileGen CreateCeeFile(...); // Get a HCEEFILE (called for every output file needed) SetOutputFileName(...); // Set the name for the output file pEmit = IMetaDataEmit object; // Get a metadata emitter GetSectionBlock(...);, AddSectionReloc(...); ... // Get blocks, write non-metadata information, and add necessary relocation EmitMetaDataEx(pEmit); // Write out the metadata GenerateCeeFile(...); // Write out the file. Implicitly calls LinkCeeFile and FixupCeeFile DestroyICeeFileGen(...); // Release the ICeeFileGen object */ #ifndef _ICEEFILEGEN_H_ #define _ICEEFILEGEN_H_ #include #include "cor.h" class ICeeFileGen; typedef void *HCEEFILE; EXTERN_C HRESULT __stdcall CreateICeeFileGen(ICeeFileGen** pCeeFileGen); EXTERN_C HRESULT __stdcall DestroyICeeFileGen(ICeeFileGen ** ppCeeFileGen); typedef HRESULT (__stdcall * PFN_CreateICeeFileGen)(ICeeFileGen ** ceeFileGen); // call this to instantiate an ICeeFileGen interface typedef HRESULT (__stdcall * PFN_DestroyICeeFileGen)(ICeeFileGen ** ceeFileGen); // call this to delete an ICeeFileGen #define ICEE_CREATE_FILE_PE32 0x00000001 // Create a PE (32-bit) #define ICEE_CREATE_FILE_PE64 0x00000002 // Create a PE+ (64-bit) #define ICEE_CREATE_FILE_CORMAIN_STUB 0x00000004 // add a mscoree!_Cor___Main call stub #define ICEE_CREATE_FILE_STRIP_RELOCS 0x00000008 // strip the .reloc section #define ICEE_CREATE_FILE_EMIT_FIXUPS 0x00000010 // emit fixups for use by Vulcan #define ICEE_CREATE_MACHINE_MASK 0x0000FF00 // space for up to 256 machine targets (note: most users just do a bit check, not an equality compare after applying the mask) #define ICEE_CREATE_MACHINE_ILLEGAL 0x00000000 // An illegal machine name #define ICEE_CREATE_MACHINE_I386 0x00000100 // Create a IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_I386 #define ICEE_CREATE_MACHINE_IA64 0x00000200 // Create a IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_IA64 #define ICEE_CREATE_MACHINE_AMD64 0x00000400 // Create a IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_AMD64 #define ICEE_CREATE_MACHINE_ARM 0x00000800 // Create a IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_ARMNT #define ICEE_CREATE_MACHINE_ARM64 0x00001000 // Create a IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_ARM64 // Pass this to CreateCeeFileEx to create a pure IL Exe or DLL #define ICEE_CREATE_FILE_PURE_IL ICEE_CREATE_FILE_PE32 | \ ICEE_CREATE_FILE_CORMAIN_STUB | \ ICEE_CREATE_MACHINE_I386 class ICeeFileGen { public: virtual HRESULT CreateCeeFile(HCEEFILE *ceeFile); // call this to instantiate a file handle // @FUTURE: remove this function. We no longer support mdScope. virtual HRESULT EmitMetaData (HCEEFILE ceeFile, IMetaDataEmit *emitter, mdScope scope); virtual HRESULT EmitLibraryName (HCEEFILE ceeFile, IMetaDataEmit *emitter, mdScope scope); virtual HRESULT EmitMethod (); // @FUTURE: remove virtual HRESULT GetMethodRVA (HCEEFILE ceeFile, ULONG codeOffset, ULONG *codeRVA); virtual HRESULT EmitSignature (); // @FUTURE: remove virtual HRESULT EmitString (HCEEFILE ceeFile,_In_ LPWSTR strValue, ULONG *strRef); virtual HRESULT GenerateCeeFile (HCEEFILE ceeFile); virtual HRESULT SetOutputFileName (HCEEFILE ceeFile, _In_ LPWSTR outputFileName); _Return_type_success_(return == S_OK) virtual HRESULT GetOutputFileName (HCEEFILE ceeFile, _Out_ LPWSTR *outputFileName); virtual HRESULT SetResourceFileName (HCEEFILE ceeFile, _In_ LPWSTR resourceFileName); _Return_type_success_(return == S_OK) virtual HRESULT GetResourceFileName (HCEEFILE ceeFile, _Out_ LPWSTR *resourceFileName); virtual HRESULT SetImageBase(HCEEFILE ceeFile, size_t imageBase); virtual HRESULT SetSubsystem(HCEEFILE ceeFile, DWORD subsystem, DWORD major, DWORD minor); virtual HRESULT SetEntryClassToken (); //@FUTURE: remove virtual HRESULT GetEntryClassToken (); //@FUTURE: remove virtual HRESULT SetEntryPointDescr (); //@FUTURE: remove virtual HRESULT GetEntryPointDescr (); //@FUTURE: remove virtual HRESULT SetEntryPointFlags (); //@FUTURE: remove virtual HRESULT GetEntryPointFlags (); //@FUTURE: remove virtual HRESULT SetDllSwitch (HCEEFILE ceeFile, BOOL dllSwitch); virtual HRESULT GetDllSwitch (HCEEFILE ceeFile, BOOL *dllSwitch); virtual HRESULT SetLibraryName (HCEEFILE ceeFile, _In_ LPWSTR LibraryName); _Return_type_success_( return == S_OK ) virtual HRESULT GetLibraryName (HCEEFILE ceeFile, _Out_ LPWSTR *LibraryName); virtual HRESULT SetLibraryGuid (HCEEFILE ceeFile, _In_ LPWSTR LibraryGuid); virtual HRESULT DestroyCeeFile(HCEEFILE *ceeFile); // call this to delete a file handle virtual HRESULT GetSectionCreate (HCEEFILE ceeFile, const char *name, DWORD flags, HCEESECTION *section); virtual HRESULT GetIlSection (HCEEFILE ceeFile, HCEESECTION *section); virtual HRESULT GetRdataSection (HCEEFILE ceeFile, HCEESECTION *section); virtual HRESULT GetSectionDataLen (HCEESECTION section, ULONG *dataLen); virtual HRESULT GetSectionBlock (HCEESECTION section, ULONG len, ULONG align=1, void **ppBytes=0); virtual HRESULT TruncateSection (HCEESECTION section, ULONG len); virtual HRESULT AddSectionReloc (HCEESECTION section, ULONG offset, HCEESECTION relativeTo, CeeSectionRelocType relocType); // deprecated: use SetDirectoryEntry instead virtual HRESULT SetSectionDirectoryEntry (HCEESECTION section, ULONG num); virtual HRESULT CreateSig (); //@FUTURE: Remove virtual HRESULT AddSigArg (); //@FUTURE: Remove virtual HRESULT SetSigReturnType (); //@FUTURE: Remove virtual HRESULT SetSigCallingConvention (); //@FUTURE: Remove virtual HRESULT DeleteSig (); //@FUTURE: Remove virtual HRESULT SetEntryPoint (HCEEFILE ceeFile, mdMethodDef method); virtual HRESULT GetEntryPoint (HCEEFILE ceeFile, mdMethodDef *method); virtual HRESULT SetComImageFlags (HCEEFILE ceeFile, DWORD mask); virtual HRESULT GetComImageFlags (HCEEFILE ceeFile, DWORD *mask); // get IMapToken interface for tracking mapped tokens virtual HRESULT GetIMapTokenIface(HCEEFILE ceeFile, IMetaDataEmit *emitter, IUnknown **pIMapToken); virtual HRESULT SetDirectoryEntry (HCEEFILE ceeFile, HCEESECTION section, ULONG num, ULONG size, ULONG offset = 0); // Write out the metadata in "emitter" to the metadata section in "ceeFile" // Use EmitMetaDataAt() for more control virtual HRESULT EmitMetaDataEx (HCEEFILE ceeFile, IMetaDataEmit *emitter); virtual HRESULT EmitLibraryNameEx (HCEEFILE ceeFile, IMetaDataEmit *emitter); virtual HRESULT GetIMapTokenIfaceEx(HCEEFILE ceeFile, IMetaDataEmit *emitter, IUnknown **pIMapToken); virtual HRESULT EmitMacroDefinitions(HCEEFILE ceeFile, void *pData, DWORD cData); virtual HRESULT CreateCeeFileFromICeeGen( ICeeGen *pFromICeeGen, HCEEFILE *ceeFile, DWORD createFlags = ICEE_CREATE_FILE_PURE_IL); // call this to instantiate a file handle virtual HRESULT SetManifestEntry(HCEEFILE ceeFile, ULONG size, ULONG offset); virtual HRESULT SetEnCRVABase(HCEEFILE ceeFile, ULONG dataBase, ULONG rdataBase); virtual HRESULT GenerateCeeMemoryImage (HCEEFILE ceeFile, void **ppImage); virtual HRESULT ComputeSectionOffset(HCEESECTION section, _In_ char *ptr, unsigned *offset); virtual HRESULT ComputeOffset(HCEEFILE file, _In_ char *ptr, HCEESECTION *pSection, unsigned *offset); virtual HRESULT GetCorHeader(HCEEFILE ceeFile, IMAGE_COR20_HEADER **header); // Layout the sections and assign their starting addresses virtual HRESULT LinkCeeFile (HCEEFILE ceeFile); // Apply relocations to any pointer data. Also generate PE base relocs virtual HRESULT FixupCeeFile (HCEEFILE ceeFile); // Base RVA assinged to the section. To be called only after LinkCeeFile() virtual HRESULT GetSectionRVA (HCEESECTION section, ULONG *rva); _Return_type_success_(return == S_OK) virtual HRESULT ComputeSectionPointer(HCEESECTION section, ULONG offset, _Out_ char **ptr); virtual HRESULT SetObjSwitch (HCEEFILE ceeFile, BOOL objSwitch); virtual HRESULT GetObjSwitch (HCEEFILE ceeFile, BOOL *objSwitch); virtual HRESULT SetVTableEntry(HCEEFILE ceeFile, ULONG size, ULONG offset); // See the end of interface for another overload of AetVTableEntry virtual HRESULT SetStrongNameEntry(HCEEFILE ceeFile, ULONG size, ULONG offset); // Emit the metadata from "emitter". // If 'section != 0, it will put the data in 'buffer'. This // buffer is assumed to be in 'section' at 'offset' and of size 'buffLen' // (should use GetSaveSize to insure that buffer is big enough virtual HRESULT EmitMetaDataAt (HCEEFILE ceeFile, IMetaDataEmit *emitter, HCEESECTION section, DWORD offset, BYTE* buffer, unsigned buffLen); virtual HRESULT GetFileTimeStamp (HCEEFILE ceeFile, DWORD *pTimeStamp); // Add a notification handler. If it implements an interface that // the ICeeFileGen understands, S_OK is returned. Otherwise, // E_NOINTERFACE. virtual HRESULT AddNotificationHandler(HCEEFILE ceeFile, IUnknown *pHandler); virtual HRESULT SetFileAlignment(HCEEFILE ceeFile, ULONG fileAlignment); virtual HRESULT ClearComImageFlags (HCEEFILE ceeFile, DWORD mask); // call this to instantiate a PE+ (64-bit PE file) virtual HRESULT CreateCeeFileEx(HCEEFILE *ceeFile, ULONG createFlags); virtual HRESULT SetImageBase64(HCEEFILE ceeFile, ULONGLONG imageBase); virtual HRESULT GetHeaderInfo (HCEEFILE ceeFile, PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS *ppNtHeaders, PIMAGE_SECTION_HEADER *ppSections, ULONG *pNumSections); // Seed file is a base file which is copied over into the output file // Note that there are restrictions on the seed file (the sections // cannot be relocated), and that the copy is not complete as the new // headers overwrite the seed file headers. virtual HRESULT CreateCeeFileEx2(HCEEFILE *ceeFile, ULONG createFlags, LPCWSTR seedFileName = NULL); virtual HRESULT SetVTableEntry64(HCEEFILE ceeFile, ULONG size, void* ptr); }; #endif