// // Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved. // Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information. // #ifndef _GCREFMAP_H_ #define _GCREFMAP_H_ #include "sigbuilder.h" // // The GCRef map is used to encode GC type of arguments for callsites. Logically, it is sequence where pos is // position of the reference in the stack frame and token is type of GC reference (one of GCREFMAP_XXX values). // // - The encoding always starts at the byte boundary. The high order bit of each byte is used to signal end of the encoding // stream. The last byte has the high order bit zero. It means that there are 7 useful bits in each byte. // - "pos" is always encoded as delta from previous pos. // - The basic encoding unit is two bits. Values 0, 1 and 2 are the common constructs (skip single slot, GC reference, interior // pointer). Value 3 means that extended encoding follows. // - The extended information is integer encoded in one or more four bit blocks. The high order bit of the four bit block is // used to signal the end. // - For x86, the encoding starts by size of the callee poped stack. The size is encoded using the same mechanism as above (two bit // basic encoding, with extended encoding for large values). ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // A utility class to encode sequence of GC summaries for a callsite class GCRefMapBuilder { int m_PendingByte; // Pending value, not yet written out int m_Bits; // Number of bits in pending byte. Note that the trailing zero bits are not written out, // so this can be more than 7. int m_Pos; // Current position SigBuilder m_SigBuilder; // Append single bit to the stream void AppendBit(int bit) { if (bit != 0) { while (m_Bits >= 7) { m_SigBuilder.AppendByte((BYTE)(m_PendingByte | 0x80)); m_PendingByte = 0; m_Bits -= 7; } m_PendingByte |= (1 << m_Bits); } m_Bits++; } void AppendTwoBit(int bits) { AppendBit(bits & 1); AppendBit(bits >> 1); } void AppendInt(int val) { do { AppendBit(val & 1); AppendBit((val >> 1) & 1); AppendBit((val >> 2) & 1); val >>= 3; AppendBit((val != 0) ? 1 : 0); } while (val != 0); } public: GCRefMapBuilder() : m_PendingByte(0), m_Bits(0), m_Pos(0) { } #ifdef _TARGET_X86_ void WriteStackPop(int stackPop) { if (stackPop < 3) { AppendTwoBit(stackPop); } else { AppendTwoBit(3); AppendInt(stackPop - 3); } } #endif void WriteToken(int pos, int gcRefMapToken) { int posDelta = pos - m_Pos; m_Pos = pos + 1; if (posDelta != 0) { if (posDelta < 4) { // Skipping by one slot at a time for small deltas produces smaller encoding. while (posDelta > 0) { AppendTwoBit(0); posDelta--; } } else { AppendTwoBit(3); AppendInt((posDelta - 4) << 1); } } if (gcRefMapToken < 3) { AppendTwoBit(gcRefMapToken); } else { AppendTwoBit(3); AppendInt(((gcRefMapToken - 3) << 1) | 1); } } void Flush() { if ((m_PendingByte & 0x7F) != 0 || m_Pos == 0) m_SigBuilder.AppendByte((BYTE)(m_PendingByte & 0x7F)); m_PendingByte = 0; m_Bits = 0; m_Pos = 0; } PVOID GetBlob(DWORD * pdwLength) { return m_SigBuilder.GetSignature(pdwLength); } DWORD GetBlobLength() { return m_SigBuilder.GetSignatureLength(); } }; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // A utility class to decode a GC summary for a callsite class GCRefMapDecoder { PTR_BYTE m_pCurrentByte; int m_PendingByte; int m_Pos; FORCEINLINE int GetBit() { int x = m_PendingByte; if (x & 0x80) { x = *m_pCurrentByte++; x |= ((x & 0x80) << 7); } m_PendingByte = x >> 1; return x & 1; } FORCEINLINE int GetTwoBit() { int result = GetBit(); result |= GetBit() << 1; return result; } int GetInt() { int result = 0; int bit = 0; do { result |= GetBit() << (bit++); result |= GetBit() << (bit++); result |= GetBit() << (bit++); } while (GetBit() != 0); return result; } public: GCRefMapDecoder(PTR_BYTE pBlob) : m_pCurrentByte(pBlob), m_PendingByte(0x80), m_Pos(0) { } BOOL AtEnd() { return m_PendingByte == 0; } #ifdef _TARGET_X86_ UINT ReadStackPop() { int x = GetTwoBit(); if (x == 3) x = GetInt() + 3; return x; } #endif int CurrentPos() { return m_Pos; } int ReadToken() { int val = GetTwoBit(); if (val == 3) { int ext = GetInt(); if ((ext & 1) == 0) { m_Pos += (ext >> 1) + 4; return GCREFMAP_SKIP; } else { m_Pos++; return (ext >> 1) + 3; } } m_Pos++; return val; } }; #endif // _GCREFMAP_H_