// // Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved. // Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information. // /***************************************************************** * * GC Information Decoding API * *****************************************************************/ #ifndef _GC_INFO_DECODER_ #define _GC_INFO_DECODER_ #include "daccess.h" #ifndef GCINFODECODER_NO_EE #include "eetwain.h" #else // GCINFODECODER_NO_EE // Stuff from cgencpu.h: #ifndef __cgencpu_h__ inline void SetIP(T_CONTEXT* context, PCODE rip) { _ASSERTE(!"don't call this"); } inline TADDR GetSP(T_CONTEXT* context) { #ifdef _TARGET_AMD64_ return (TADDR)context->Rsp; #elif defined(_TARGET_ARM_) return (TADDR)context->Sp; #elif defined(_TARGET_ARM64_) return (TADDR)context->Sp; #else _ASSERTE(!"nyi for platform"); #endif } inline PCODE GetIP(T_CONTEXT* context) { #ifdef _TARGET_AMD64_ return (PCODE) context->Rip; #elif defined(_TARGET_ARM_) return (PCODE)context->Pc; #elif defined(_TARGET_ARM64_) return (PCODE)context->Pc; #else _ASSERTE(!"nyi for platform"); #endif } #endif // !__cgencpu_h__ // Misc. VM types: #ifndef DEFINE_OBJECTREF #define DEFINE_OBJECTREF class Object; typedef Object *OBJECTREF; #endif typedef SIZE_T TADDR; // Stuff from gc.h: #ifndef __GC_H #define GC_CALL_INTERIOR 0x1 #define GC_CALL_PINNED 0x2 #endif // !__GC_H // Stuff from stdmacros.h (can't include because it includes contract.h, which uses #pragma once) #ifndef _stdmacros_h_ inline BOOL IS_ALIGNED( size_t val, size_t alignment ) { // alignment must be a power of 2 for this implementation to work (need modulo otherwise) _ASSERTE( 0 == (alignment & (alignment - 1)) ); return 0 == (val & (alignment - 1)); } inline BOOL IS_ALIGNED( void* val, size_t alignment ) { return IS_ALIGNED( (size_t) val, alignment ); } #define FMT_REG "r%d " #define FMT_STK "sp%s0x%02x " #define DBG_STK(off) \ (off >= 0) ? "+" : "-", \ (off >= 0) ? off : -off #endif // Stuff from check.h: #ifndef UNREACHABLE #define UNREACHABLE() __assume(0) #endif // Stuff from eetwain.h: #ifndef _EETWAIN_H typedef void (*GCEnumCallback)( LPVOID hCallback, // callback data OBJECTREF* pObject, // address of obect-reference we are reporting DWORD flags // is this a pinned and/or interior pointer ); #ifndef _strike_h enum ICodeManagerFlags { ActiveStackFrame = 0x0001, // this is the currently active function ExecutionAborted = 0x0002, // execution of this function has been aborted // (i.e. it will not continue execution at the // current location) ParentOfFuncletStackFrame = 0x0040, // A funclet for this frame was previously reported NoReportUntracked = 0x0080, // EnumGCRefs/EnumerateLiveSlots should *not* include // any untracked slots }; #endif // !_strike_h #if !defined(_TARGET_X86_) #define USE_GC_INFO_DECODER #endif #include "regdisp.h" #endif // !_EETWAIN_H #endif // GCINFODECODER_NO_EE #include "gcinfotypes.h" #ifdef _DEBUG #define MAX_PREDECODED_SLOTS 4 #else #define MAX_PREDECODED_SLOTS 64 #endif enum GcInfoDecoderFlags { DECODE_SECURITY_OBJECT = 0x01, // stack location of security object DECODE_CODE_LENGTH = 0x02, DECODE_VARARG = 0x04, DECODE_INTERRUPTIBILITY = 0x08, DECODE_GC_LIFETIMES = 0x10, DECODE_NO_VALIDATION = 0x20, DECODE_PSP_SYM = 0x40, DECODE_GENERICS_INST_CONTEXT = 0x80, // stack location of instantiation context for generics // (this may be either the 'this' ptr or the instantiation secret param) DECODE_GS_COOKIE = 0x100, // stack location of the GS cookie DECODE_FOR_RANGES_CALLBACK = 0x200, DECODE_PROLOG_LENGTH = 0x400, // length of the prolog (used to avoid reporting generics context) DECODE_EDIT_AND_CONTINUE = 0x800, }; #ifdef VERIFY_GCINFO #include "dbggcinfodecoder.h" #endif enum GcInfoHeaderFlags { GC_INFO_IS_VARARG = 0x1, GC_INFO_HAS_SECURITY_OBJECT = 0x2, GC_INFO_HAS_GS_COOKIE = 0x4, GC_INFO_HAS_PSP_SYM = 0x8, GC_INFO_HAS_GENERICS_INST_CONTEXT_MASK = 0x30, GC_INFO_HAS_GENERICS_INST_CONTEXT_NONE = 0x00, GC_INFO_HAS_GENERICS_INST_CONTEXT_MT = 0x10, GC_INFO_HAS_GENERICS_INST_CONTEXT_MD = 0x20, GC_INFO_HAS_GENERICS_INST_CONTEXT_THIS = 0x30, GC_INFO_HAS_STACK_BASE_REGISTER = 0x40, GC_INFO_WANTS_REPORT_ONLY_LEAF = 0x80, GC_INFO_HAS_EDIT_AND_CONTINUE_PRESERVED_SLOTS = 0x100, GC_INFO_FLAGS_BIT_SIZE = 9, }; class BitStreamReader { public: BitStreamReader() { SUPPORTS_DAC; } BitStreamReader( PTR_CBYTE pBuffer ) { SUPPORTS_DAC; _ASSERTE( pBuffer != NULL ); m_pCurrent = m_pBuffer = dac_cast((size_t)dac_cast(pBuffer) & ~((size_t)sizeof(size_t)-1)); m_RelPos = m_InitialRelPos = (int)((size_t)dac_cast(pBuffer) % sizeof(size_t)) * 8; } BitStreamReader(const BitStreamReader& other) { SUPPORTS_DAC; m_pBuffer = other.m_pBuffer; m_InitialRelPos = other.m_InitialRelPos; m_pCurrent = other.m_pCurrent; m_RelPos = other.m_RelPos; } const BitStreamReader& operator=(const BitStreamReader& other) { SUPPORTS_DAC; m_pBuffer = other.m_pBuffer; m_InitialRelPos = other.m_InitialRelPos; m_pCurrent = other.m_pCurrent; m_RelPos = other.m_RelPos; return *this; } // NOTE: This routine is perf-critical __forceinline size_t Read( int numBits ) { SUPPORTS_DAC; _ASSERTE(numBits > 0 && numBits <= BITS_PER_SIZE_T); size_t result = (*m_pCurrent) >> m_RelPos; int newRelPos = m_RelPos + numBits; if(newRelPos >= BITS_PER_SIZE_T) { m_pCurrent++; newRelPos -= BITS_PER_SIZE_T; if(newRelPos > 0) { size_t extraBits = (*m_pCurrent) << (numBits - newRelPos); result ^= extraBits; } } m_RelPos = newRelPos; result &= SAFE_SHIFT_LEFT(1, numBits) - 1; return result; } // This version reads one bit, returning zero/non-zero (not 0/1) // NOTE: This routine is perf-critical __forceinline size_t ReadOneFast() { SUPPORTS_DAC; size_t result = (*m_pCurrent) & (((size_t)1) << m_RelPos); if(++m_RelPos == BITS_PER_SIZE_T) { m_pCurrent++; m_RelPos = 0; } return result; } __forceinline size_t GetCurrentPos() { SUPPORTS_DAC; return (size_t) ((m_pCurrent - m_pBuffer) * BITS_PER_SIZE_T + m_RelPos - m_InitialRelPos); } __forceinline void SetCurrentPos( size_t pos ) { STATIC_CONTRACT_SUPPORTS_DAC_HOST_ONLY; // note: this will set only the host instance, not the target instance size_t adjPos = pos + m_InitialRelPos; m_pCurrent = m_pBuffer + adjPos / BITS_PER_SIZE_T; m_RelPos = (int)(adjPos % BITS_PER_SIZE_T); _ASSERTE(GetCurrentPos() == pos); } __forceinline void Skip( SSIZE_T numBitsToSkip ) { SUPPORTS_DAC; SetCurrentPos(GetCurrentPos() + numBitsToSkip); } __forceinline void AlignUpToByte() { if(m_RelPos <= BITS_PER_SIZE_T - 8) { m_RelPos = (m_RelPos + 7) & ~7; } else { m_RelPos = 0; m_pCurrent++; } } __forceinline size_t ReadBitAtPos( size_t pos ) { size_t adjPos = pos + m_InitialRelPos; size_t* ptr = m_pBuffer + adjPos / BITS_PER_SIZE_T; int relPos = (int)(adjPos % BITS_PER_SIZE_T); return (*ptr) & (((size_t)1) << relPos); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Decode variable length numbers // See the corresponding methods on BitStreamWriter for more information on the format //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline size_t DecodeVarLengthUnsigned( int base ) { _ASSERTE((base > 0) && (base < (int)BITS_PER_SIZE_T)); size_t numEncodings = 1 << base; size_t result = 0; for(int shift=0; ; shift+=base) { _ASSERTE(shift+base <= (int)BITS_PER_SIZE_T); size_t currentChunk = Read(base+1); result |= (currentChunk & (numEncodings-1)) << shift; if(!(currentChunk & numEncodings)) { // Extension bit is not set, we're done. return result; } } } inline SSIZE_T DecodeVarLengthSigned( int base ) { _ASSERTE((base > 0) && (base < (int)BITS_PER_SIZE_T)); size_t numEncodings = 1 << base; SSIZE_T result = 0; for(int shift=0; ; shift+=base) { _ASSERTE(shift+base <= (int)BITS_PER_SIZE_T); size_t currentChunk = Read(base+1); result |= (currentChunk & (numEncodings-1)) << shift; if(!(currentChunk & numEncodings)) { // Extension bit is not set, sign-extend and we're done. int sbits = BITS_PER_SIZE_T - (shift+base); result <<= sbits; result >>= sbits; // This provides the sign extension return result; } } } private: PTR_size_t m_pBuffer; int m_InitialRelPos; PTR_size_t m_pCurrent; int m_RelPos; }; struct GcSlotDesc { union { UINT32 RegisterNumber; GcStackSlot Stack; } Slot; GcSlotFlags Flags; }; class GcSlotDecoder { public: GcSlotDecoder() {} void DecodeSlotTable(BitStreamReader& reader); UINT32 GetNumSlots() { return m_NumSlots; } UINT32 GetNumUntracked() { return m_NumUntracked; } UINT32 GetNumTracked() { return m_NumSlots - m_NumUntracked; } UINT32 GetNumRegisters() { return m_NumRegisters; } const GcSlotDesc* GetSlotDesc(UINT32 slotIndex); private: GcSlotDesc m_SlotArray[MAX_PREDECODED_SLOTS]; BitStreamReader m_SlotReader; UINT32 m_NumSlots; UINT32 m_NumRegisters; UINT32 m_NumUntracked; UINT32 m_NumDecodedSlots; GcSlotDesc* m_pLastSlot; }; class GcInfoDecoder { public: // If you are not insterested in interruptibility or gc lifetime information, pass 0 as instructionOffset GcInfoDecoder( PTR_CBYTE gcInfoAddr, GcInfoDecoderFlags flags, UINT32 instructionOffset = 0 ); //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Interruptibility //------------------------------------------------------------------------ bool IsInterruptible(); #ifdef PARTIALLY_INTERRUPTIBLE_GC_SUPPORTED // This is used for gccoverage bool IsSafePoint(UINT32 codeOffset); typedef void EnumerateSafePointsCallback (UINT32 offset, LPVOID hCallback); void EnumerateSafePoints(EnumerateSafePointsCallback *pCallback, LPVOID hCallback); #endif // Returns true to stop enumerating. typedef bool EnumerateInterruptibleRangesCallback (UINT32 startOffset, UINT32 stopOffset, LPVOID hCallback); void EnumerateInterruptibleRanges ( EnumerateInterruptibleRangesCallback *pCallback, LPVOID hCallback); //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // GC lifetime information //------------------------------------------------------------------------ bool EnumerateLiveSlots( PREGDISPLAY pRD, bool reportScratchSlots, unsigned flags, GCEnumCallback pCallBack, LPVOID hCallBack ); // Public for the gc info dumper void EnumerateUntrackedSlots( PREGDISPLAY pRD, unsigned flags, GCEnumCallback pCallBack, LPVOID hCallBack ); //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Miscellaneous method information //------------------------------------------------------------------------ INT32 GetSecurityObjectStackSlot(); INT32 GetGSCookieStackSlot(); UINT32 GetGSCookieValidRangeStart(); UINT32 GetGSCookieValidRangeEnd(); UINT32 GetPrologSize(); INT32 GetPSPSymStackSlot(); INT32 GetGenericsInstContextStackSlot(); bool HasMethodDescGenericsInstContext(); bool HasMethodTableGenericsInstContext(); bool GetIsVarArg(); bool WantsReportOnlyLeaf(); UINT32 GetCodeLength(); UINT32 GetStackBaseRegister(); UINT32 GetSizeOfEditAndContinuePreservedArea(); size_t GetNumBytesRead(); #ifdef FIXED_STACK_PARAMETER_SCRATCH_AREA UINT32 GetSizeOfStackParameterArea(); #endif // FIXED_STACK_PARAMETER_SCRATCH_AREA private: BitStreamReader m_Reader; UINT32 m_InstructionOffset; // Pre-decoded information bool m_IsInterruptible; bool m_IsVarArg; bool m_GenericSecretParamIsMD; bool m_GenericSecretParamIsMT; bool m_WantsReportOnlyLeaf; INT32 m_SecurityObjectStackSlot; INT32 m_GSCookieStackSlot; UINT32 m_ValidRangeStart; UINT32 m_ValidRangeEnd; INT32 m_PSPSymStackSlot; INT32 m_GenericsInstContextStackSlot; UINT32 m_CodeLength; UINT32 m_StackBaseRegister; UINT32 m_SizeOfEditAndContinuePreservedArea; #ifdef PARTIALLY_INTERRUPTIBLE_GC_SUPPORTED UINT32 m_NumSafePoints; UINT32 m_SafePointIndex; UINT32 FindSafePoint(UINT32 codeOffset); #endif UINT32 m_NumInterruptibleRanges; #ifdef FIXED_STACK_PARAMETER_SCRATCH_AREA UINT32 m_SizeOfStackOutgoingAndScratchArea; #endif // FIXED_STACK_PARAMETER_SCRATCH_AREA #ifdef _DEBUG GcInfoDecoderFlags m_Flags; PTR_CBYTE m_GcInfoAddress; #endif #ifdef VERIFY_GCINFO DbgGcInfo::GcInfoDecoder m_DbgDecoder; #endif static bool SetIsInterruptibleCB (UINT32 startOffset, UINT32 stopOffset, LPVOID hCallback); OBJECTREF* GetRegisterSlot( int regNum, PREGDISPLAY pRD ); #ifdef FEATURE_PAL OBJECTREF* GetCapturedRegister( int regNum, PREGDISPLAY pRD ); #endif // FEATURE_PAL OBJECTREF* GetStackSlot( INT32 spOffset, GcStackSlotBase spBase, PREGDISPLAY pRD ); #ifdef DACCESS_COMPILE int GetStackReg(int spBase); #endif // DACCESS_COMPILE bool IsScratchRegister(int regNum, PREGDISPLAY pRD); bool IsScratchStackSlot(INT32 spOffset, GcStackSlotBase spBase, PREGDISPLAY pRD); void ReportUntrackedSlots( GcSlotDecoder& slotDecoder, PREGDISPLAY pRD, unsigned flags, GCEnumCallback pCallBack, LPVOID hCallBack ); void ReportRegisterToGC( int regNum, unsigned gcFlags, PREGDISPLAY pRD, unsigned flags, GCEnumCallback pCallBack, LPVOID hCallBack ); void ReportStackSlotToGC( INT32 spOffset, GcStackSlotBase spBase, unsigned gcFlags, PREGDISPLAY pRD, unsigned flags, GCEnumCallback pCallBack, LPVOID hCallBack ); inline void ReportSlotToGC( GcSlotDecoder& slotDecoder, UINT32 slotIndex, PREGDISPLAY pRD, bool reportScratchSlots, unsigned inputFlags, GCEnumCallback pCallBack, LPVOID hCallBack ) { _ASSERTE(slotIndex < slotDecoder.GetNumSlots()); const GcSlotDesc* pSlot = slotDecoder.GetSlotDesc(slotIndex); if(slotIndex < slotDecoder.GetNumRegisters()) { UINT32 regNum = pSlot->Slot.RegisterNumber; if( reportScratchSlots || !IsScratchRegister( regNum, pRD ) ) { #ifdef VERIFY_GCINFO m_DbgDecoder.VerifyLiveRegister( regNum, pSlot->Flags ); #endif ReportRegisterToGC( regNum, pSlot->Flags, pRD, inputFlags, pCallBack, hCallBack ); } else { LOG((LF_GCROOTS, LL_INFO1000, "\"Live\" scratch register " FMT_REG " not reported\n", regNum)); } } else { INT32 spOffset = pSlot->Slot.Stack.SpOffset; GcStackSlotBase spBase = pSlot->Slot.Stack.Base; if( reportScratchSlots || !IsScratchStackSlot(spOffset, spBase, pRD) ) { #ifdef VERIFY_GCINFO m_DbgDecoder.VerifyLiveStackSlot( spOffset, spBase, pSlot->Flags ); #endif ReportStackSlotToGC( spOffset, spBase, pSlot->Flags, pRD, inputFlags, pCallBack, hCallBack ); } else { LOG((LF_GCROOTS, LL_INFO1000, "\"Live\" scratch stack slot " FMT_STK " not reported\n", DBG_STK(spOffset))); } } } }; #endif // _GC_INFO_DECODER_