// // Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved. // Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information. // // // Fixed size string: no dynamic memory allocation, no destructor, no exception template class FixedSizeString { enum { FixedStringSize = 256 }; T m_string[FixedStringSize]; // Using template to support both char and wchar_t HRESULT m_error; unsigned m_pos; public: FixedSizeString() { Reset(); } void Reset() { m_string[0] = 0; m_pos = 0; m_error = S_OK; } HRESULT GetError() const { return m_error; } void Append(char ch) { _ASSERTE((m_pos + 1) < FixedStringSize); if ((m_pos + 1) < FixedStringSize) { m_string[m_pos ++] = ch; m_string[m_pos ] = 0; } else { m_error = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } } void Append(const char * pStr) { while (* pStr) { _ASSERTE((m_pos + 1) < FixedStringSize); if ((m_pos + 1) < FixedStringSize) { _ASSERTE((pStr[0] & 0x80) == 0); m_string[m_pos ++] = * pStr ++; } else { m_error = E_OUTOFMEMORY; return; } } m_string[m_pos] = 0; } operator const T * () const { return m_string; } // Decode encoded assembly/function/field/attribute name back to string, add '.' as seperator void DecodeName(int count, const unsigned char * pCode, const LPCSTR * pDic) { Reset(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i ++) { unsigned char code = pCode[i]; if (code == 0) { break; } if (i != 0) { Append('.'); } Append(pDic[code]); } _ASSERTE(SUCCEEDED(GetError())); } }; // Same as fusion\utils\helpers.cpp HashString(wsKey, 0, dwHashSize, FALSE), duplicated here because cee_wks does not include fusion\utils\helpers.cpp // Needs to match public static uint HashLCString(string str) in OptimizeFxRetarget.csscript inline DWORD HashLCString(LPCSTR pKey) { DWORD dwHash = 0; while (* pKey) { char ch = * pKey ++; if ((ch >= 'A') && (ch <= 'Z')) { ch += 32; } dwHash = (dwHash * 65599) + (DWORD) ch; } return dwHash; } inline DWORD HashLCString(LPCWSTR pKey) { DWORD dwHash = 0; while (* pKey) { wchar_t ch = * pKey ++; if ((ch >= 'A') && (ch <= 'Z')) { ch += 32; } dwHash = (dwHash * 65599) + (DWORD) ch; } return dwHash; } // Enumerator for auto-generated hash table // There are two arrays in the hash: hash array and collision array // Each entry is two bytes : // The first entry in collision array is always (0, 0) for termination class StringHashEnumerator { const BYTE * m_pHash; const BYTE * m_pCollision; public: StringHashEnumerator(LPCWSTR pStr, const BYTE * pHash, size_t hashCount, const BYTE * pCollision) { // lower case string hashing, half the size of hash array DWORD hash = HashLCString(pStr) % ((DWORD) hashCount / 2); m_pCollision = pCollision; m_pHash = pHash + hash * 2; // pointing to entry in hash array } StringHashEnumerator(LPCSTR pStr, const BYTE * pHash, size_t hashCount, const BYTE * pCollision) { // lower case string hashing, half the size of hash array DWORD hash = HashLCString(pStr) % ((DWORD) hashCount / 2); m_pCollision = pCollision; m_pHash = pHash + hash * 2; // pointing to entry in hash array } int GetNext() // negative is ending { BYTE index = m_pHash[0]; m_pHash = m_pCollision + m_pHash[1] * 2; // move to the next one: collision array return index - 1; } };