// // Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved. // Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information. // // // File: eventtracebase.h // Abstract: This module implements base Event Tracing support (excluding some of the // CLR VM-specific ETW helpers). // // // // // #EventTracing // Windows // ETW (Event Tracing for Windows) is a high-performance, low overhead and highly scalable // tracing facility provided by the Windows Operating System. ETW is available on Win2K and above. There are // four main types of components in ETW: event providers, controllers, consumers, and event trace sessions. // An event provider is a logical entity that writes events to ETW sessions. The event provider must register // a provider ID with ETW through the registration API. A provider first registers with ETW and writes events // from various points in the code by invoking the ETW logging API. When a provider is enabled dynamically by // the ETW controller application, calls to the logging API sends events to a specific trace session // designated by the controller. Each event sent by the event provider to the trace session consists of a // fixed header that includes event metadata and additional variable user-context data. CLR is an event // provider. // ============================================================================ #ifndef _ETWTRACER_HXX_ #define _ETWTRACER_HXX_ struct EventStructTypeData; void InitializeEventTracing(); // !!!!!!! NOTE !!!!!!!! // The flags must match those in the ETW manifest exactly // !!!!!!! NOTE !!!!!!!! // These flags need to be defined either when FEATURE_EVENT_TRACE is enabled or the // PROFILING_SUPPORTED is set, since they are used both by event tracing and profiling. enum EtwGCRootFlags { kEtwGCRootFlagsPinning = 0x1, kEtwGCRootFlagsWeakRef = 0x2, kEtwGCRootFlagsInterior = 0x4, kEtwGCRootFlagsRefCounted = 0x8, }; enum EtwGCRootKind { kEtwGCRootKindStack = 0, kEtwGCRootKindFinalizer = 1, kEtwGCRootKindHandle = 2, kEtwGCRootKindOther = 3, }; enum EtwTypeFlags { kEtwTypeFlagsDelegate = 0x1, kEtwTypeFlagsFinalizable = 0x2, kEtwTypeFlagsExternallyImplementedCOMObject = 0x4, kEtwTypeFlagsArray = 0x8, }; enum EtwThreadFlags { kEtwThreadFlagGCSpecial = 0x00000001, kEtwThreadFlagFinalizer = 0x00000002, kEtwThreadFlagThreadPoolWorker = 0x00000004, }; #ifndef FEATURE_REDHAWK #if defined(FEATURE_EVENT_TRACE) #if !defined(FEATURE_PAL) // // Use this macro at the least before calling the Event Macros // #define ETW_TRACING_INITIALIZED(RegHandle) \ (g_pEtwTracer && RegHandle) // // Use this macro to check if an event is enabled // if the fields in the event are not cheap to calculate // #define ETW_EVENT_ENABLED(Context, EventDescriptor) \ (MCGEN_ENABLE_CHECK(Context, EventDescriptor)) // // Use this macro to check if a category of events is enabled // #define ETW_CATEGORY_ENABLED(Context, Level, Keyword) \ (Context.IsEnabled && McGenEventProviderEnabled(&Context, Level, Keyword)) // This macro only checks if a provider is enabled // It does not check the flags and keywords for which it is enabled #define ETW_PROVIDER_ENABLED(ProviderSymbol) \ ProviderSymbol##_Context.IsEnabled #else //defined(FEATURE_PAL) #define ETW_INLINE #define ETWOnStartup(StartEventName, EndEventName) #define ETWFireEvent(EventName) #define ETW_TRACING_INITIALIZED(RegHandle) (TRUE) #define ETW_EVENT_ENABLED(Context, EventDescriptor) (TRUE) #define ETW_CATEGORY_ENABLED(Context, Level, Keyword) (TRUE) #define ETW_TRACING_ENABLED(Context, EventDescriptor) (EventEnabled##EventDescriptor()) #define ETW_TRACING_CATEGORY_ENABLED(Context, Level, Keyword) (TRUE) #define ETW_PROVIDER_ENABLED(ProviderSymbol) (TRUE) #endif // !defined(FEATURE_PAL) #else // FEATURE_EVENT_TRACE #define ETWOnStartup(StartEventName, EndEventName) #define ETWFireEvent(EventName) #define ETW_TRACING_INITIALIZED(RegHandle) (FALSE) #define ETW_EVENT_ENABLED(Context, EventDescriptor) (FALSE) #define ETW_CATEGORY_ENABLED(Context, Level, Keyword) (FALSE) #define ETW_TRACING_ENABLED(Context, EventDescriptor) (FALSE) #define ETW_TRACING_CATEGORY_ENABLED(Context, Level, Keyword) (FALSE) #define ETW_PROVIDER_ENABLED(ProviderSymbol) (TRUE) #endif // FEATURE_EVENT_TRACE #endif // FEATURE_REDHAWK // During a heap walk, this is the storage for keeping track of all the nodes and edges // being batched up by ETW, and for remembering whether we're also supposed to call into // a profapi profiler. This is allocated toward the end of a GC and passed to us by the // GC heap walker. struct ProfilerWalkHeapContext { public: ProfilerWalkHeapContext(BOOL fProfilerPinnedParam, LPVOID pvEtwContextParam) { fProfilerPinned = fProfilerPinnedParam; pvEtwContext = pvEtwContextParam; } BOOL fProfilerPinned; LPVOID pvEtwContext; }; #ifdef FEATURE_EVENT_TRACE class Object; #if !defined(FEATURE_PAL) /******************************/ /* CLR ETW supported versions */ /******************************/ #define ETW_SUPPORTED_MAJORVER 5 // ETW is supported on win2k and above #define ETW_ENABLED_MAJORVER 6 // OS versions >= to this we enable ETW registration by default, since on XP and Windows 2003, registration is too slow. /***************************************/ /* Tracing levels supported by CLR ETW */ /***************************************/ #define ETWMAX_TRACE_LEVEL 6 // Maximum Number of Trace Levels supported #define TRACE_LEVEL_NONE 0 // Tracing is not on #define TRACE_LEVEL_FATAL 1 // Abnormal exit or termination #define TRACE_LEVEL_ERROR 2 // Severe errors that need logging #define TRACE_LEVEL_WARNING 3 // Warnings such as allocation failure #define TRACE_LEVEL_INFORMATION 4 // Includes non-error cases such as Entry-Exit #define TRACE_LEVEL_VERBOSE 5 // Detailed traces from intermediate steps struct ProfilingScanContext; // // Use this macro to check if ETW is initialized and the event is enabled // #define ETW_TRACING_ENABLED(Context, EventDescriptor) \ (Context.IsEnabled && ETW_TRACING_INITIALIZED(Context.RegistrationHandle) && ETW_EVENT_ENABLED(Context, EventDescriptor)) // // Using KEYWORDZERO means when checking the events category ignore the keyword // #define KEYWORDZERO 0x0 // // Use this macro to check if ETW is initialized and the category is enabled // #define ETW_TRACING_CATEGORY_ENABLED(Context, Level, Keyword) \ (ETW_TRACING_INITIALIZED(Context.RegistrationHandle) && ETW_CATEGORY_ENABLED(Context, Level, Keyword)) #define ETWOnStartup(StartEventName, EndEventName) \ ETWTraceStartup trace##StartEventName##(Microsoft_Windows_DotNETRuntimePrivateHandle, &StartEventName, &StartupId, &EndEventName, &StartupId); #define ETWFireEvent(EventName) \ ETWTraceStartup::StartupTraceEvent(Microsoft_Windows_DotNETRuntimePrivateHandle, &EventName, &StartupId); #ifndef FEATURE_REDHAWK // Headers #include #include #include #include #if !defined(DONOT_DEFINE_ETW_CALLBACK) && !defined(DACCESS_COMPILE) #define GetVersionEx(Version) (GetOSVersion((LPOSVERSIONINFOW)Version)) #else #define GetVersionEx(Version) (WszGetVersionEx((LPOSVERSIONINFOW)Version)) #endif // !DONOT_DEFINE_ETW_CALLBACK && !DACCESS_COMPILE #endif //!FEATURE_REDHAWK #endif //!defined(FEATURE_PAL) #else // FEATURE_EVENT_TRACE #include "etmdummy.h" #endif // FEATURE_EVENT_TRACE #ifndef FEATURE_REDHAWK #include "corprof.h" // g_nClrInstanceId is defined in Utilcode\Util.cpp. The definition goes into Utilcode.lib. // This enables both the VM and Utilcode to raise ETW events. extern UINT32 g_nClrInstanceId; extern BOOL g_fEEManagedEXEStartup; extern BOOL g_fEEIJWStartup; #define GetClrInstanceId() (static_cast(g_nClrInstanceId)) #if defined(FEATURE_EVENT_TRACE) || defined(FEATURE_EVENTSOURCE_XPLAT) #include "clrconfig.h" class XplatEventLogger { public: inline static BOOL IsEventLoggingEnabled() { static ConfigDWORD configEventLogging; return configEventLogging.val(CLRConfig::EXTERNAL_EnableEventLog); } }; #endif //defined(FEATURE_EVENT_TRACE) #if defined(FEATURE_EVENT_TRACE) #ifndef FEATURE_PAL // Callback and stack support #if !defined(DONOT_DEFINE_ETW_CALLBACK) && !defined(DACCESS_COMPILE) extern "C" { /* ETW control callback * Desc: This function handles the ETW control * callback. * Ret: success or failure ***********************************************/ VOID EtwCallback( _In_ LPCGUID SourceId, _In_ ULONG ControlCode, _In_ UCHAR Level, _In_ ULONGLONG MatchAnyKeyword, _In_ ULONGLONG MatchAllKeyword, _In_opt_ PEVENT_FILTER_DESCRIPTOR FilterData, _Inout_opt_ PVOID CallbackContext); } // // User defined callback // #define MCGEN_PRIVATE_ENABLE_CALLBACK(RequestCode, Context, InOutBufferSize, Buffer) \ EtwCallback(NULL /* SourceId */, (RequestCode==WMI_ENABLE_EVENTS) ? EVENT_CONTROL_CODE_ENABLE_PROVIDER : EVENT_CONTROL_CODE_DISABLE_PROVIDER, 0 /* Level */, 0 /* MatchAnyKeyword */, 0 /* MatchAllKeyword */, NULL /* FilterData */, Context) // // User defined callback2 // #define MCGEN_PRIVATE_ENABLE_CALLBACK_V2(SourceId, ControlCode, Level, MatchAnyKeyword, MatchAllKeyword, FilterData, CallbackContext) \ EtwCallback(SourceId, ControlCode, Level, MatchAnyKeyword, MatchAllKeyword, FilterData, CallbackContext) extern "C" { /* ETW callout * Desc: This function handles the ETW callout * Ret: success or failure ***********************************************/ VOID EtwCallout( REGHANDLE RegHandle, PCEVENT_DESCRIPTOR Descriptor, ULONG ArgumentCount, PEVENT_DATA_DESCRIPTOR EventData); } // // Call user defined callout // #define MCGEN_CALLOUT(RegHandle, Descriptor, NumberOfArguments, EventData) \ EtwCallout(RegHandle, Descriptor, NumberOfArguments, EventData) #endif //!DONOT_DEFINE_ETW_CALLBACK && !DACCESS_COMPILE #endif //!FEATURE_PAL #include "clretwallmain.h" // The bulk type event is too complex for MC.exe to auto-generate proper code. // Use code:BulkTypeEventLogger instead. #ifdef FireEtwBulkType #undef FireEtwBulkType #endif // FireEtwBulkType #endif // FEATURE_EVENT_TRACE /**************************/ /* CLR ETW infrastructure */ /**************************/ // #CEtwTracer // On Windows Vista, ETW has gone through a major upgrade, and one of the most significant changes is the // introduction of the unified event provider model and APIs. The older architecture used the classic ETW // events. The new ETW architecture uses the manifest based events. To support both types of events at the // same time, we use the manpp tool for generating event macros that can be directly used to fire ETW events // from various components within the CLR. // (http://diagnostics/sites/etw/Lists/Announcements/DispForm.aspx?ID=10&Source=http%3A%2F%2Fdiagnostics%2Fsites%2Fetw%2Fdefault%2Easpx) // Every ETW provider has to Register itself to the system, so that when enabled, it is capable of firing // ETW events. file:../VM/eventtrace.cpp#Registration is where the actual Provider Registration takes place. // At process shutdown, a registered provider need to be unregistered. // file:../VM/eventtrace.cpp#Unregistration. Since ETW can also be enabled at any instant after the process // has started, one may want to do something useful when that happens (e.g enumerate all the loaded modules // in the system). To enable this, we have to implement a callback routine. // file:../VM/eventtrace.cpp#EtwCallback is CLR's implementation of the callback. // #include "daccess.h" class Module; class Assembly; class MethodDesc; class MethodTable; class BaseDomain; class AppDomain; class SString; class CrawlFrame; class LoaderAllocator; class AssemblyLoaderAllocator; struct AllLoggedTypes; class CrstBase; class BulkTypeEventLogger; class TypeHandle; class Thread; // All ETW helpers must be a part of this namespace // We have auto-generated macros to directly fire the events // but in some cases, gathering the event payload information involves some work // and it can be done in a relevant helper class like the one's in this namespace namespace ETW { // Class to wrap the ETW infrastructure logic #if !defined(FEATURE_PAL) class CEtwTracer { #if defined(FEATURE_EVENT_TRACE) ULONG RegGuids(LPCGUID ProviderId, PENABLECALLBACK EnableCallback, PVOID CallbackContext, PREGHANDLE RegHandle); #endif public: #ifdef FEATURE_EVENT_TRACE // Registers all the Event Tracing providers HRESULT Register(); // Unregisters all the Event Tracing providers HRESULT UnRegister(); #else HRESULT Register() { return S_OK; } HRESULT UnRegister() { return S_OK; } #endif // FEATURE_EVENT_TRACE }; #endif // !defined(FEATURE_PAL) class LoaderLog; class MethodLog; // Class to wrap all the enumeration logic for ETW class EnumerationLog { friend class ETW::LoaderLog; friend class ETW::MethodLog; #ifdef FEATURE_EVENT_TRACE static VOID SendThreadRundownEvent(); static VOID IterateDomain(BaseDomain *pDomain, DWORD enumerationOptions); static VOID IterateAppDomain(AppDomain * pAppDomain, DWORD enumerationOptions); static VOID IterateCollectibleLoaderAllocator(AssemblyLoaderAllocator *pLoaderAllocator, DWORD enumerationOptions); static VOID IterateAssembly(Assembly *pAssembly, DWORD enumerationOptions); static VOID IterateModule(Module *pModule, DWORD enumerationOptions); static VOID EnumerationHelper(Module *moduleFilter, BaseDomain *domainFilter, DWORD enumerationOptions); static DWORD GetEnumerationOptionsFromRuntimeKeywords(); public: typedef union _EnumerationStructs { typedef enum _EnumerationOptions { None= 0x00000000, DomainAssemblyModuleLoad= 0x00000001, DomainAssemblyModuleUnload= 0x00000002, DomainAssemblyModuleDCStart= 0x00000004, DomainAssemblyModuleDCEnd= 0x00000008, JitMethodLoad= 0x00000010, JitMethodUnload= 0x00000020, JitMethodDCStart= 0x00000040, JitMethodDCEnd= 0x00000080, NgenMethodLoad= 0x00000100, NgenMethodUnload= 0x00000200, NgenMethodDCStart= 0x00000400, NgenMethodDCEnd= 0x00000800, ModuleRangeLoad= 0x00001000, ModuleRangeDCStart= 0x00002000, ModuleRangeDCEnd= 0x00004000, ModuleRangeLoadPrivate= 0x00008000, MethodDCStartILToNativeMap= 0x00010000, MethodDCEndILToNativeMap= 0x00020000, JitMethodILToNativeMap= 0x00040000, TypeUnload= 0x00080000, // Helpers ModuleRangeEnabledAny = ModuleRangeLoad | ModuleRangeDCStart | ModuleRangeDCEnd | ModuleRangeLoadPrivate, JitMethodLoadOrDCStartAny = JitMethodLoad | JitMethodDCStart | MethodDCStartILToNativeMap, JitMethodUnloadOrDCEndAny = JitMethodUnload | JitMethodDCEnd | MethodDCEndILToNativeMap, }EnumerationOptions; }EnumerationStructs; static VOID ProcessShutdown(); static VOID ModuleRangeRundown(); static VOID StartRundown(); static VOID EndRundown(); static VOID EnumerateForCaptureState(); #else public: static VOID ProcessShutdown() {}; static VOID StartRundown() {}; static VOID EndRundown() {}; #endif // FEATURE_EVENT_TRACE }; // Class to wrap all the sampling logic for ETW class SamplingLog { #if defined(FEATURE_EVENT_TRACE) && !defined(FEATURE_PAL) public: typedef enum _EtwStackWalkStatus { Completed = 0, UnInitialized = 1, InProgress = 2 } EtwStackWalkStatus; private: static const UINT8 s_MaxStackSize=100; UINT32 m_FrameCount; SIZE_T m_EBPStack[SamplingLog::s_MaxStackSize]; VOID Append(SIZE_T currentFrame); EtwStackWalkStatus SaveCurrentStack(int skipTopNFrames=1); public: static ULONG SendStackTrace(MCGEN_TRACE_CONTEXT TraceContext, PCEVENT_DESCRIPTOR Descriptor, LPCGUID EventGuid); EtwStackWalkStatus GetCurrentThreadsCallStack(UINT32 *frameCount, PVOID **Stack); #endif // FEATURE_EVENT_TRACE && !defined(FEATURE_PAL) }; // Class to wrap all Loader logic for ETW class LoaderLog { friend class ETW::EnumerationLog; #if defined(FEATURE_EVENT_TRACE) static VOID SendModuleEvent(Module *pModule, DWORD dwEventOptions, BOOL bFireDomainModuleEvents=FALSE); static ULONG SendModuleRange(__in Module *pModule, __in DWORD dwEventOptions); static VOID SendAssemblyEvent(Assembly *pAssembly, DWORD dwEventOptions); static VOID SendDomainEvent(BaseDomain *pBaseDomain, DWORD dwEventOptions, LPCWSTR wszFriendlyName=NULL); public: typedef union _LoaderStructs { typedef enum _AppDomainFlags { DefaultDomain=0x1, ExecutableDomain=0x2, SharedDomain=0x4 }AppDomainFlags; typedef enum _AssemblyFlags { DomainNeutralAssembly=0x1, DynamicAssembly=0x2, NativeAssembly=0x4, CollectibleAssembly=0x8, }AssemblyFlags; typedef enum _ModuleFlags { DomainNeutralModule=0x1, NativeModule=0x2, DynamicModule=0x4, ManifestModule=0x8, IbcOptimized=0x10 }ModuleFlags; typedef enum _RangeFlags { HotRange=0x0 }RangeFlags; }LoaderStructs; static VOID DomainLoadReal(BaseDomain *pDomain, __in_opt LPWSTR wszFriendlyName=NULL); static VOID DomainLoad(BaseDomain *pDomain, __in_opt LPWSTR wszFriendlyName = NULL) { if (ETW_PROVIDER_ENABLED(MICROSOFT_WINDOWS_DOTNETRUNTIME_PROVIDER)) { DomainLoadReal(pDomain, wszFriendlyName); } } static VOID DomainUnload(AppDomain *pDomain); static VOID CollectibleLoaderAllocatorUnload(AssemblyLoaderAllocator *pLoaderAllocator); static VOID ModuleLoad(Module *pModule, LONG liReportedSharedModule); #else public: static VOID DomainLoad(BaseDomain *pDomain, __in_opt LPWSTR wszFriendlyName=NULL) {}; static VOID DomainUnload(AppDomain *pDomain) {}; static VOID CollectibleLoaderAllocatorUnload(AssemblyLoaderAllocator *pLoaderAllocator) {}; static VOID ModuleLoad(Module *pModule, LONG liReportedSharedModule) {}; #endif // FEATURE_EVENT_TRACE }; // Class to wrap all Method logic for ETW class MethodLog { friend class ETW::EnumerationLog; #ifdef FEATURE_EVENT_TRACE static VOID SendEventsForJitMethods(BaseDomain *pDomainFilter, LoaderAllocator *pLoaderAllocatorFilter, DWORD dwEventOptions); static VOID SendEventsForJitMethodsHelper(BaseDomain *pDomainFilter, LoaderAllocator *pLoaderAllocatorFilter, DWORD dwEventOptions, BOOL fLoadOrDCStart, BOOL fUnloadOrDCEnd, BOOL fSendMethodEvent, BOOL fSendILToNativeMapEvent, BOOL fGetReJitIDs); static VOID SendEventsForNgenMethods(Module *pModule, DWORD dwEventOptions); static VOID SendMethodJitStartEvent(MethodDesc *pMethodDesc, SString *namespaceOrClassName=NULL, SString *methodName=NULL, SString *methodSignature=NULL); static VOID SendMethodILToNativeMapEvent(MethodDesc * pMethodDesc, DWORD dwEventOptions, ReJITID rejitID); static VOID SendMethodEvent(MethodDesc *pMethodDesc, DWORD dwEventOptions, BOOL bIsJit, SString *namespaceOrClassName=NULL, SString *methodName=NULL, SString *methodSignature=NULL, SIZE_T pCode = 0, ReJITID rejitID = 0); static VOID SendHelperEvent(ULONGLONG ullHelperStartAddress, ULONG ulHelperSize, LPCWSTR pHelperName); public: typedef union _MethodStructs { typedef enum _MethodFlags { DynamicMethod=0x1, GenericMethod=0x2, SharedGenericCode=0x4, JittedMethod=0x8, JitHelperMethod=0x10 }MethodFlags; typedef enum _MethodExtent { HotSection=0x00000000, ColdSection=0x10000000 }MethodExtent; }MethodStructs; static VOID MethodJitting(MethodDesc *pMethodDesc, SString *namespaceOrClassName=NULL, SString *methodName=NULL, SString *methodSignature=NULL); static VOID MethodJitted(MethodDesc *pMethodDesc, SString *namespaceOrClassName=NULL, SString *methodName=NULL, SString *methodSignature=NULL, SIZE_T pCode = 0, ReJITID rejitID = 0); static VOID StubInitialized(ULONGLONG ullHelperStartAddress, LPCWSTR pHelperName); static VOID StubsInitialized(PVOID *pHelperStartAddresss, PVOID *pHelperNames, LONG ulNoOfHelpers); static VOID MethodRestored(MethodDesc * pMethodDesc); static VOID MethodTableRestored(MethodTable * pMethodTable); static VOID DynamicMethodDestroyed(MethodDesc *pMethodDesc); #else // FEATURE_EVENT_TRACE public: static VOID MethodJitting(MethodDesc *pMethodDesc, SString *namespaceOrClassName=NULL, SString *methodName=NULL, SString *methodSignature=NULL) {}; static VOID MethodJitted(MethodDesc *pMethodDesc, SString *namespaceOrClassName=NULL, SString *methodName=NULL, SString *methodSignature=NULL, SIZE_T pCode = 0, ReJITID rejitID = 0) {}; static VOID StubInitialized(ULONGLONG ullHelperStartAddress, LPCWSTR pHelperName) {}; static VOID StubsInitialized(PVOID *pHelperStartAddresss, PVOID *pHelperNames, LONG ulNoOfHelpers) {}; static VOID MethodRestored(MethodDesc * pMethodDesc) {}; static VOID MethodTableRestored(MethodTable * pMethodTable) {}; static VOID DynamicMethodDestroyed(MethodDesc *pMethodDesc) {}; #endif // FEATURE_EVENT_TRACE }; // Class to wrap all Security logic for ETW class SecurityLog { #ifdef FEATURE_EVENT_TRACE public: static VOID StrongNameVerificationStart(DWORD dwInFlags, __in LPWSTR strFullyQualifiedAssemblyName); static VOID StrongNameVerificationStop(DWORD dwInFlags,ULONG result, __in LPWSTR strFullyQualifiedAssemblyName); static void FireFieldTransparencyComputationStart(LPCWSTR wszFieldName, LPCWSTR wszModuleName, DWORD dwAppDomain); static void FireFieldTransparencyComputationEnd(LPCWSTR wszFieldName, LPCWSTR wszModuleName, DWORD dwAppDomain, BOOL fIsCritical, BOOL fIsTreatAsSafe); static void FireMethodTransparencyComputationStart(LPCWSTR wszMethodName, LPCWSTR wszModuleName, DWORD dwAppDomain); static void FireMethodTransparencyComputationEnd(LPCWSTR wszMethodName, LPCWSTR wszModuleName, DWORD dwAppDomain, BOOL fIsCritical, BOOL fIsTreatAsSafe); static void FireModuleTransparencyComputationStart(LPCWSTR wszModuleName, DWORD dwAppDomain); static void FireModuleTransparencyComputationEnd(LPCWSTR wszModuleName, DWORD dwAppDomain, BOOL fIsAllCritical, BOOL fIsAllTransparent, BOOL fIsTreatAsSafe, BOOL fIsOpportunisticallyCritical, DWORD dwSecurityRuleSet); static void FireTokenTransparencyComputationStart(DWORD dwToken, LPCWSTR wszModuleName, DWORD dwAppDomain); static void FireTokenTransparencyComputationEnd(DWORD dwToken, LPCWSTR wszModuleName, DWORD dwAppDomain, BOOL fIsCritical, BOOL fIsTreatAsSafe); static void FireTypeTransparencyComputationStart(LPCWSTR wszTypeName, LPCWSTR wszModuleName, DWORD dwAppDomain); static void FireTypeTransparencyComputationEnd(LPCWSTR wszTypeName, LPCWSTR wszModuleName, DWORD dwAppDomain, BOOL fIsAllCritical, BOOL fIsAllTransparent, BOOL fIsCritical, BOOL fIsTreatAsSafe); #else public: static VOID StrongNameVerificationStart(DWORD dwInFlags,LPWSTR strFullyQualifiedAssemblyName) {}; static VOID StrongNameVerificationStop(DWORD dwInFlags,ULONG result, LPWSTR strFullyQualifiedAssemblyName) {}; static void FireFieldTransparencyComputationStart(LPCWSTR wszFieldName, LPCWSTR wszModuleName, DWORD dwAppDomain) {}; static void FireFieldTransparencyComputationEnd(LPCWSTR wszFieldName, LPCWSTR wszModuleName, DWORD dwAppDomain, BOOL fIsCritical, BOOL fIsTreatAsSafe) {}; static void FireMethodTransparencyComputationStart(LPCWSTR wszMethodName, LPCWSTR wszModuleName, DWORD dwAppDomain) {}; static void FireMethodTransparencyComputationEnd(LPCWSTR wszMethodName, LPCWSTR wszModuleName, DWORD dwAppDomain, BOOL fIsCritical, BOOL fIsTreatAsSafe) {}; static void FireModuleTransparencyComputationStart(LPCWSTR wszModuleName, DWORD dwAppDomain) {}; static void FireModuleTransparencyComputationEnd(LPCWSTR wszModuleName, DWORD dwAppDomain, BOOL fIsAllCritical, BOOL fIsAllTransparent, BOOL fIsTreatAsSafe, BOOL fIsOpportunisticallyCritical, DWORD dwSecurityRuleSet) {}; static void FireTokenTransparencyComputationStart(DWORD dwToken, LPCWSTR wszModuleName, DWORD dwAppDomain) {}; static void FireTokenTransparencyComputationEnd(DWORD dwToken, LPCWSTR wszModuleName, DWORD dwAppDomain, BOOL fIsCritical, BOOL fIsTreatAsSafe) {}; static void FireTypeTransparencyComputationStart(LPCWSTR wszTypeName, LPCWSTR wszModuleName, DWORD dwAppDomain) {}; static void FireTypeTransparencyComputationEnd(LPCWSTR wszTypeName, LPCWSTR wszModuleName, DWORD dwAppDomain, BOOL fIsAllCritical, BOOL fIsAllTransparent, BOOL fIsCritical, BOOL fIsTreatAsSafe) {}; #endif // FEATURE_EVENT_TRACE }; // Class to wrap all Binder logic for ETW class BinderLog { public: typedef union _BinderStructs { typedef enum _NGENBINDREJECT_REASON { NGEN_BIND_START_BIND = 0, NGEN_BIND_NO_INDEX = 1, NGEN_BIND_SYSTEM_ASSEMBLY_NOT_AVAILABLE = 2, NGEN_BIND_NO_NATIVE_IMAGE = 3, NGEN_BIND_REJECT_CONFIG_MASK = 4, NGEN_BIND_FAIL = 5, NGEN_BIND_INDEX_CORRUPTION = 6, NGEN_BIND_REJECT_TIMESTAMP = 7, NGEN_BIND_REJECT_NATIVEIMAGE_NOT_FOUND = 8, NGEN_BIND_REJECT_IL_SIG = 9, NGEN_BIND_REJECT_LOADER_EVAL_FAIL = 10, NGEN_BIND_MISSING_FOUND = 11, NGEN_BIND_REJECT_HOSTASM = 12, NGEN_BIND_REJECT_IL_NOT_FOUND = 13, NGEN_BIND_REJECT_APPBASE_NOT_FILE = 14, NGEN_BIND_BIND_DEPEND_REJECT_REF_DEF_MISMATCH = 15, NGEN_BIND_BIND_DEPEND_REJECT_NGEN_SIG = 16, NGEN_BIND_APPLY_EXTERNAL_RELOCS_FAILED = 17, NGEN_BIND_SYSTEM_ASSEMBLY_NATIVEIMAGE_NOT_AVAILABLE = 18, NGEN_BIND_ASSEMBLY_HAS_DIFFERENT_GRANT = 19, NGEN_BIND_ASSEMBLY_NOT_DOMAIN_NEUTRAL = 20, NGEN_BIND_NATIVEIMAGE_VERSION_MISMATCH = 21, NGEN_BIND_LOADFROM_NOT_ALLOWED = 22, NGEN_BIND_DEPENDENCY_HAS_DIFFERENT_IDENTITY = 23 } NGENBINDREJECT_REASON; } BinderStructs; }; // Class to wrap all Exception logic for ETW class ExceptionLog { public: #ifdef FEATURE_EVENT_TRACE static VOID ExceptionThrown(CrawlFrame *pCf, BOOL bIsReThrownException, BOOL bIsNewException); static VOID ExceptionThrownEnd(); static VOID ExceptionCatchBegin(MethodDesc * pMethodDesc, PVOID pEntryEIP); static VOID ExceptionCatchEnd(); static VOID ExceptionFinallyBegin(MethodDesc * pMethodDesc, PVOID pEntryEIP); static VOID ExceptionFinallyEnd(); static VOID ExceptionFilterBegin(MethodDesc * pMethodDesc, PVOID pEntryEIP); static VOID ExceptionFilterEnd(); #else static VOID ExceptionThrown(CrawlFrame *pCf, BOOL bIsReThrownException, BOOL bIsNewException) {}; static VOID ExceptionThrownEnd() {}; static VOID ExceptionCatchBegin(MethodDesc * pMethodDesc, PVOID pEntryEIP) {}; static VOID ExceptionCatchEnd() {}; static VOID ExceptionFinallyBegin(MethodDesc * pMethodDesc, PVOID pEntryEIP) {}; static VOID ExceptionFinallyEnd() {}; static VOID ExceptionFilterBegin(MethodDesc * pMethodDesc, PVOID pEntryEIP) {}; static VOID ExceptionFilterEnd() {}; #endif // FEATURE_EVENT_TRACE typedef union _ExceptionStructs { typedef enum _ExceptionThrownFlags { HasInnerException=0x1, IsNestedException=0x2, IsReThrownException=0x4, IsCSE=0x8, IsCLSCompliant=0x10 }ExceptionThrownFlags; }ExceptionStructs; }; // Class to wrap all Contention logic for ETW class ContentionLog { public: typedef union _ContentionStructs { typedef enum _ContentionFlags { ManagedContention=0, NativeContention=1 } ContentionFlags; } ContentionStructs; }; // Class to wrap all Interop logic for ETW class InteropLog { public: }; // Class to wrap all Information logic for ETW class InfoLog { public: typedef union _InfoStructs { typedef enum _StartupMode { ManagedExe=0x1, HostedCLR=0x2, IJW=0x4, COMActivated=0x8, Other=0x10 }StartupMode; typedef enum _Sku { DesktopCLR=0x1, CoreCLR=0x2 }Sku; typedef enum _EtwMode { Normal=0x0, Callback=0x1 }EtwMode; }InfoStructs; #ifdef FEATURE_EVENT_TRACE static VOID RuntimeInformation(INT32 type); #else static VOID RuntimeInformation(INT32 type) {}; #endif // FEATURE_EVENT_TRACE }; class CodeSymbolLog { public: #ifdef FEATURE_EVENT_TRACE static VOID EmitCodeSymbols(Module* pModule); static HRESULT GetInMemorySymbolsLength(Module* pModule, DWORD* pCountSymbolBytes); static HRESULT ReadInMemorySymbols(Module* pmodule, DWORD symbolsReadOffset, BYTE* pSymbolBytes, DWORD countSymbolBytes, DWORD* pCountSymbolBytesRead); #else static VOID EmitCodeSymbols(Module* pModule) {} static HRESULT GetInMemorySymbolsLength(Module* pModule, DWORD* pCountSymbolBytes) { return S_OK; } static HRESULT ReadInMemorySymbols(Module* pmodule, DWORD symbolsReadOffset, BYTE* pSymbolBytes, DWORD countSymbolBytes, DWORD* pCountSymbolBytesRead) { return S_OK; } #endif // FEATURE_EVENT_TRACE }; }; #define ETW_IS_TRACE_ON(level) ( FALSE ) // for fusion which is eventually going to get removed #define ETW_IS_FLAG_ON(flag) ( FALSE ) // for fusion which is eventually going to get removed // Commonly used constats for ETW Assembly Loader and Assembly Binder events. #define ETWLoadContextNotAvailable (LOADCTX_TYPE_HOSTED + 1) #define ETWAppDomainIdNotAvailable 0 // Valid AppDomain IDs start from 1 #define ETWFieldUnused 0 // Indicates that a particular field in the ETW event payload template is currently unused. #define ETWLoaderLoadTypeNotAvailable 0 // Static or Dynamic Load is only valid at LoaderPhaseStart and LoaderPhaseEnd events - for other events, 0 indicates "not available" #define ETWLoaderStaticLoad 0 // Static reference load #define ETWLoaderDynamicLoad 1 // Dynamic assembly load #if defined(FEATURE_EVENT_TRACE) && !defined(FEATURE_PAL) // // The ONE and only ONE global instantiation of this class // extern ETW::CEtwTracer * g_pEtwTracer; // // Special Handling of Startup events // // "mc.exe -MOF" already generates this block for XP-suported builds inside ClrEtwAll.h; // on Vista+ builds, mc is run without -MOF, and we still have code that depends on it, so // we manually place it here. ETW_INLINE ULONG CoMofTemplate_h( __in REGHANDLE RegHandle, __in PCEVENT_DESCRIPTOR Descriptor, __in_opt LPCGUID EventGuid, __in const unsigned short ClrInstanceID ) { #define ARGUMENT_COUNT_h 1 ULONG Error = ERROR_SUCCESS; typedef struct _MCGEN_TRACE_BUFFER { EVENT_TRACE_HEADER Header; EVENT_DATA_DESCRIPTOR EventData[ARGUMENT_COUNT_h]; } MCGEN_TRACE_BUFFER; MCGEN_TRACE_BUFFER TraceBuf; PEVENT_DATA_DESCRIPTOR EventData = TraceBuf.EventData; EventDataDescCreate(&EventData[0], &ClrInstanceID, sizeof(const unsigned short) ); { Error = EventWrite(RegHandle, Descriptor, ARGUMENT_COUNT_h, EventData); } #ifdef MCGEN_CALLOUT MCGEN_CALLOUT(RegHandle, Descriptor, ARGUMENT_COUNT_h, EventData); #endif return Error; } class ETWTraceStartup { REGHANDLE TraceHandle; PCEVENT_DESCRIPTOR EventStartDescriptor; LPCGUID EventStartGuid; PCEVENT_DESCRIPTOR EventEndDescriptor; LPCGUID EventEndGuid; public: ETWTraceStartup(REGHANDLE _TraceHandle, PCEVENT_DESCRIPTOR _EventStartDescriptor, LPCGUID _EventStartGuid, PCEVENT_DESCRIPTOR _EventEndDescriptor, LPCGUID _EventEndGuid) { TraceHandle = _TraceHandle; EventStartDescriptor = _EventStartDescriptor; EventEndDescriptor = _EventEndDescriptor; EventStartGuid = _EventStartGuid; EventEndGuid = _EventEndGuid; StartupTraceEvent(TraceHandle, EventStartDescriptor, EventStartGuid); } ~ETWTraceStartup() { StartupTraceEvent(TraceHandle, EventEndDescriptor, EventEndGuid); } static void StartupTraceEvent(REGHANDLE _TraceHandle, PCEVENT_DESCRIPTOR _EventDescriptor, LPCGUID _EventGuid) { EVENT_DESCRIPTOR desc = *_EventDescriptor; if(ETW_TRACING_ENABLED(MICROSOFT_WINDOWS_DOTNETRUNTIME_PRIVATE_PROVIDER_Context, desc)) { CoMofTemplate_h(MICROSOFT_WINDOWS_DOTNETRUNTIME_PRIVATE_PROVIDER_Context.RegistrationHandle, _EventDescriptor, _EventGuid, GetClrInstanceId()); } } }; // "mc.exe -MOF" already generates this block for XP-suported builds inside ClrEtwAll.h; // on Vista+ builds, mc is run without -MOF, and we still have code that depends on it, so // we manually place it here. FORCEINLINE BOOLEAN __stdcall McGenEventTracingEnabled( __in PMCGEN_TRACE_CONTEXT EnableInfo, __in PCEVENT_DESCRIPTOR EventDescriptor ) { if(!EnableInfo){ return FALSE; } // // Check if the event Level is lower than the level at which // the channel is enabled. // If the event Level is 0 or the channel is enabled at level 0, // all levels are enabled. // if ((EventDescriptor->Level <= EnableInfo->Level) || // This also covers the case of Level == 0. (EnableInfo->Level == 0)) { // // Check if Keyword is enabled // if ((EventDescriptor->Keyword == (ULONGLONG)0) || ((EventDescriptor->Keyword & EnableInfo->MatchAnyKeyword) && ((EventDescriptor->Keyword & EnableInfo->MatchAllKeyword) == EnableInfo->MatchAllKeyword))) { return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } ETW_INLINE ULONG ETW::SamplingLog::SendStackTrace( MCGEN_TRACE_CONTEXT TraceContext, PCEVENT_DESCRIPTOR Descriptor, LPCGUID EventGuid) { #define ARGUMENT_COUNT_CLRStackWalk 5 ULONG Result = ERROR_SUCCESS; typedef struct _MCGEN_TRACE_BUFFER { EVENT_TRACE_HEADER Header; EVENT_DATA_DESCRIPTOR EventData[ARGUMENT_COUNT_CLRStackWalk]; } MCGEN_TRACE_BUFFER; REGHANDLE RegHandle = TraceContext.RegistrationHandle; if(!TraceContext.IsEnabled || !McGenEventTracingEnabled(&TraceContext, Descriptor)) { return Result; } PVOID *Stack = NULL; UINT32 FrameCount = 0; ETW::SamplingLog stackObj; if(stackObj.GetCurrentThreadsCallStack(&FrameCount, &Stack) == ETW::SamplingLog::Completed) { UCHAR Reserved1=0, Reserved2=0; UINT16 ClrInstanceId = GetClrInstanceId(); MCGEN_TRACE_BUFFER TraceBuf; PEVENT_DATA_DESCRIPTOR EventData = TraceBuf.EventData; EventDataDescCreate(&EventData[0], &ClrInstanceId, sizeof(const UINT16) ); EventDataDescCreate(&EventData[1], &Reserved1, sizeof(const UCHAR) ); EventDataDescCreate(&EventData[2], &Reserved2, sizeof(const UCHAR) ); EventDataDescCreate(&EventData[3], &FrameCount, sizeof(const unsigned int) ); EventDataDescCreate(&EventData[4], Stack, sizeof(PVOID) * FrameCount ); return EventWrite(RegHandle, Descriptor, ARGUMENT_COUNT_CLRStackWalk, EventData); } return Result; }; #endif // FEATURE_EVENT_TRACE && !defined(FEATURE_PAL) #ifdef FEATURE_EVENT_TRACE #ifdef _TARGET_X86_ struct CallStackFrame { struct CallStackFrame* m_Next; SIZE_T m_ReturnAddress; }; #endif // _TARGET_X86_ #endif // FEATURE_EVENT_TRACE #if defined(FEATURE_EVENT_TRACE) && !defined(FEATURE_PAL) FORCEINLINE BOOLEAN __stdcall McGenEventProviderEnabled( __in PMCGEN_TRACE_CONTEXT Context, __in UCHAR Level, __in ULONGLONG Keyword ) { if(!Context) { return FALSE; } // // Check if the event Level is lower than the level at which // the channel is enabled. // If the event Level is 0 or the channel is enabled at level 0, // all levels are enabled. // if ((Level <= Context->Level) || // This also covers the case of Level == 0. (Context->Level == 0)) { // // Check if Keyword is enabled // if ((Keyword == (ULONGLONG)0) || ((Keyword & Context->MatchAnyKeyword) && ((Keyword & Context->MatchAllKeyword) == Context->MatchAllKeyword))) { return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } #endif // FEATURE_EVENT_TRACE && !defined(FEATURE_PAL) #endif // !FEATURE_REDHAWK // These parts of the ETW namespace are common for both FEATURE_REDHAWK and // !FEATURE_REDHAWK builds. struct ProfilingScanContext; class Object; namespace ETW { // Class to wrap the logging of threads (runtime and rundown providers) class ThreadLog { private: static DWORD GetEtwThreadFlags(Thread * pThread); public: static VOID FireThreadCreated(Thread * pThread); static VOID FireThreadDC(Thread * pThread); }; }; #endif //_ETWTRACER_HXX_