// // Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements. // The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license. // See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information. // #ifndef __CRST_TYPES_INCLUDED #define __CRST_TYPES_INCLUDED // **** THIS IS AN AUTOMATICALLY GENERATED HEADER FILE -- DO NOT EDIT!!! **** // This file describes the range of Crst types available and their mapping to a numeric level (used by the // runtime in debug mode to validate we're deadlock free). To modify these settings edit the // file:CrstTypes.def file and run the clr\bin\CrstTypeTool utility to generate a new version of this file. // Each Crst type is declared as a value in the following CrstType enum. enum CrstType { CrstAllowedFiles = 0, CrstAppDomainCache = 1, CrstAppDomainHandleTable = 2, CrstArgBasedStubCache = 3, CrstAssemblyDependencyGraph = 4, CrstAssemblyIdentityCache = 5, CrstAssemblyList = 6, CrstAssemblyLoader = 7, CrstAvailableClass = 8, CrstAvailableParamTypes = 9, CrstBaseDomain = 10, CrstCCompRC = 11, CrstCer = 12, CrstClassFactInfoHash = 13, CrstClassInit = 14, CrstClrNotification = 15, CrstCLRPrivBinderMaps = 16, CrstCLRPrivBinderMapsAdd = 17, CrstCodeFragmentHeap = 18, CrstCOMCallWrapper = 19, CrstCOMWrapperCache = 20, CrstConnectionNameTable = 21, CrstContexts = 22, CrstCoreCLRBinderLog = 23, CrstCrstCLRPrivBinderLocalWinMDPath = 24, CrstCSPCache = 25, CrstDataTest1 = 26, CrstDataTest2 = 27, CrstDbgTransport = 28, CrstDeadlockDetection = 29, CrstDebuggerController = 30, CrstDebuggerFavorLock = 31, CrstDebuggerHeapExecMemLock = 32, CrstDebuggerHeapLock = 33, CrstDebuggerJitInfo = 34, CrstDebuggerMutex = 35, CrstDelegateToFPtrHash = 36, CrstDomainLocalBlock = 37, CrstDynamicIL = 38, CrstDynamicMT = 39, CrstDynLinkZapItems = 40, CrstEtwTypeLogHash = 41, CrstEventPipe = 42, CrstEventStore = 43, CrstException = 44, CrstExecuteManLock = 45, CrstExecuteManRangeLock = 46, CrstFCall = 47, CrstFriendAccessCache = 48, CrstFuncPtrStubs = 49, CrstFusionAppCtx = 50, CrstGCCover = 51, CrstGCMemoryPressure = 52, CrstGlobalStrLiteralMap = 53, CrstHandleTable = 54, CrstHostAssemblyMap = 55, CrstHostAssemblyMapAdd = 56, CrstIbcProfile = 57, CrstIJWFixupData = 58, CrstIJWHash = 59, CrstILStubGen = 60, CrstInlineTrackingMap = 61, CrstInstMethodHashTable = 62, CrstInterfaceVTableMap = 63, CrstInterop = 64, CrstInteropData = 65, CrstIOThreadpoolWorker = 66, CrstIsJMCMethod = 67, CrstISymUnmanagedReader = 68, CrstJit = 69, CrstJitGenericHandleCache = 70, CrstJitPerf = 71, CrstJumpStubCache = 72, CrstLeafLock = 73, CrstListLock = 74, CrstLoaderAllocator = 75, CrstLoaderAllocatorReferences = 76, CrstLoaderHeap = 77, CrstMda = 78, CrstMetadataTracker = 79, CrstMethodDescBackpatchInfoTracker = 80, CrstModIntPairList = 81, CrstModule = 82, CrstModuleFixup = 83, CrstModuleLookupTable = 84, CrstMulticoreJitHash = 85, CrstMulticoreJitManager = 86, CrstMUThunkHash = 87, CrstNativeBinderInit = 88, CrstNativeImageCache = 89, CrstNls = 90, CrstNotifyGdb = 91, CrstObjectList = 92, CrstOnEventManager = 93, CrstPatchEntryPoint = 94, CrstPEImage = 95, CrstPEImagePDBStream = 96, CrstPendingTypeLoadEntry = 97, CrstPinHandle = 98, CrstPinnedByrefValidation = 99, CrstProfilerGCRefDataFreeList = 100, CrstProfilingAPIStatus = 101, CrstPublisherCertificate = 102, CrstRCWCache = 103, CrstRCWCleanupList = 104, CrstRCWRefCache = 105, CrstReadyToRunEntryPointToMethodDescMap = 106, CrstReDacl = 107, CrstReflection = 108, CrstReJITDomainTable = 109, CrstReJITGlobalRequest = 110, CrstRemoting = 111, CrstRetThunkCache = 112, CrstRWLock = 113, CrstSavedExceptionInfo = 114, CrstSaveModuleProfileData = 115, CrstSecurityStackwalkCache = 116, CrstSharedAssemblyCreate = 117, CrstSigConvert = 118, CrstSingleUseLock = 119, CrstSpecialStatics = 120, CrstSqmManager = 121, CrstStackSampler = 122, CrstStressLog = 123, CrstStrongName = 124, CrstStubCache = 125, CrstStubDispatchCache = 126, CrstStubUnwindInfoHeapSegments = 127, CrstSyncBlockCache = 128, CrstSyncHashLock = 129, CrstSystemBaseDomain = 130, CrstSystemDomain = 131, CrstSystemDomainDelayedUnloadList = 132, CrstThreadIdDispenser = 133, CrstThreadpoolEventCache = 134, CrstThreadpoolTimerQueue = 135, CrstThreadpoolWaitThreads = 136, CrstThreadpoolWorker = 137, CrstThreadStaticDataHashTable = 138, CrstThreadStore = 139, CrstTieredCompilation = 140, CrstTPMethodTable = 141, CrstTypeEquivalenceMap = 142, CrstTypeIDMap = 143, CrstUMEntryThunkCache = 144, CrstUMThunkHash = 145, CrstUniqueStack = 146, CrstUnresolvedClassLock = 147, CrstUnwindInfoTableLock = 148, CrstVSDIndirectionCellLock = 149, CrstWinRTFactoryCache = 150, CrstWrapperTemplate = 151, kNumberOfCrstTypes = 152 }; #endif // __CRST_TYPES_INCLUDED // Define some debug data in one module only -- vm\crst.cpp. #if defined(__IN_CRST_CPP) && defined(_DEBUG) // An array mapping CrstType to level. int g_rgCrstLevelMap[] = { 9, // CrstAllowedFiles 9, // CrstAppDomainCache 13, // CrstAppDomainHandleTable 0, // CrstArgBasedStubCache 0, // CrstAssemblyDependencyGraph 0, // CrstAssemblyIdentityCache 0, // CrstAssemblyList 7, // CrstAssemblyLoader 3, // CrstAvailableClass 3, // CrstAvailableParamTypes 7, // CrstBaseDomain -1, // CrstCCompRC 9, // CrstCer 12, // CrstClassFactInfoHash 8, // CrstClassInit -1, // CrstClrNotification 0, // CrstCLRPrivBinderMaps 3, // CrstCLRPrivBinderMapsAdd 6, // CrstCodeFragmentHeap 0, // CrstCOMCallWrapper 4, // CrstCOMWrapperCache 0, // CrstConnectionNameTable 16, // CrstContexts -1, // CrstCoreCLRBinderLog 0, // CrstCrstCLRPrivBinderLocalWinMDPath 7, // CrstCSPCache 3, // CrstDataTest1 0, // CrstDataTest2 0, // CrstDbgTransport 0, // CrstDeadlockDetection -1, // CrstDebuggerController 3, // CrstDebuggerFavorLock 0, // CrstDebuggerHeapExecMemLock 0, // CrstDebuggerHeapLock 4, // CrstDebuggerJitInfo 10, // CrstDebuggerMutex 0, // CrstDelegateToFPtrHash 15, // CrstDomainLocalBlock 0, // CrstDynamicIL 3, // CrstDynamicMT 3, // CrstDynLinkZapItems 7, // CrstEtwTypeLogHash 18, // CrstEventPipe 0, // CrstEventStore 0, // CrstException 7, // CrstExecuteManLock 0, // CrstExecuteManRangeLock 3, // CrstFCall 7, // CrstFriendAccessCache 7, // CrstFuncPtrStubs 5, // CrstFusionAppCtx 10, // CrstGCCover 0, // CrstGCMemoryPressure 12, // CrstGlobalStrLiteralMap 1, // CrstHandleTable 0, // CrstHostAssemblyMap 3, // CrstHostAssemblyMapAdd 0, // CrstIbcProfile 9, // CrstIJWFixupData 0, // CrstIJWHash 7, // CrstILStubGen 3, // CrstInlineTrackingMap 16, // CrstInstMethodHashTable 0, // CrstInterfaceVTableMap 18, // CrstInterop 4, // CrstInteropData 12, // CrstIOThreadpoolWorker 0, // CrstIsJMCMethod 7, // CrstISymUnmanagedReader 8, // CrstJit 0, // CrstJitGenericHandleCache -1, // CrstJitPerf 6, // CrstJumpStubCache 0, // CrstLeafLock -1, // CrstListLock 14, // CrstLoaderAllocator 15, // CrstLoaderAllocatorReferences 0, // CrstLoaderHeap 0, // CrstMda -1, // CrstMetadataTracker 13, // CrstMethodDescBackpatchInfoTracker 0, // CrstModIntPairList 4, // CrstModule 14, // CrstModuleFixup 3, // CrstModuleLookupTable 0, // CrstMulticoreJitHash 12, // CrstMulticoreJitManager 0, // CrstMUThunkHash -1, // CrstNativeBinderInit -1, // CrstNativeImageCache 0, // CrstNls 0, // CrstNotifyGdb 2, // CrstObjectList 0, // CrstOnEventManager 0, // CrstPatchEntryPoint 4, // CrstPEImage 0, // CrstPEImagePDBStream 17, // CrstPendingTypeLoadEntry 0, // CrstPinHandle 0, // CrstPinnedByrefValidation 0, // CrstProfilerGCRefDataFreeList 0, // CrstProfilingAPIStatus 0, // CrstPublisherCertificate 3, // CrstRCWCache 0, // CrstRCWCleanupList 3, // CrstRCWRefCache 4, // CrstReadyToRunEntryPointToMethodDescMap 0, // CrstReDacl 9, // CrstReflection 9, // CrstReJITDomainTable 14, // CrstReJITGlobalRequest 18, // CrstRemoting 3, // CrstRetThunkCache 0, // CrstRWLock 3, // CrstSavedExceptionInfo 0, // CrstSaveModuleProfileData 0, // CrstSecurityStackwalkCache 4, // CrstSharedAssemblyCreate 3, // CrstSigConvert 5, // CrstSingleUseLock 0, // CrstSpecialStatics 0, // CrstSqmManager 0, // CrstStackSampler -1, // CrstStressLog 0, // CrstStrongName 5, // CrstStubCache 0, // CrstStubDispatchCache 4, // CrstStubUnwindInfoHeapSegments 3, // CrstSyncBlockCache 0, // CrstSyncHashLock 4, // CrstSystemBaseDomain 12, // CrstSystemDomain 0, // CrstSystemDomainDelayedUnloadList 0, // CrstThreadIdDispenser 0, // CrstThreadpoolEventCache 7, // CrstThreadpoolTimerQueue 7, // CrstThreadpoolWaitThreads 12, // CrstThreadpoolWorker 4, // CrstThreadStaticDataHashTable 11, // CrstThreadStore 9, // CrstTieredCompilation 9, // CrstTPMethodTable 3, // CrstTypeEquivalenceMap 7, // CrstTypeIDMap 3, // CrstUMEntryThunkCache 0, // CrstUMThunkHash 3, // CrstUniqueStack 7, // CrstUnresolvedClassLock 3, // CrstUnwindInfoTableLock 3, // CrstVSDIndirectionCellLock 3, // CrstWinRTFactoryCache 3, // CrstWrapperTemplate }; // An array mapping CrstType to a stringized name. LPCSTR g_rgCrstNameMap[] = { "CrstAllowedFiles", "CrstAppDomainCache", "CrstAppDomainHandleTable", "CrstArgBasedStubCache", "CrstAssemblyDependencyGraph", "CrstAssemblyIdentityCache", "CrstAssemblyList", "CrstAssemblyLoader", "CrstAvailableClass", "CrstAvailableParamTypes", "CrstBaseDomain", "CrstCCompRC", "CrstCer", "CrstClassFactInfoHash", "CrstClassInit", "CrstClrNotification", "CrstCLRPrivBinderMaps", "CrstCLRPrivBinderMapsAdd", "CrstCodeFragmentHeap", "CrstCOMCallWrapper", "CrstCOMWrapperCache", "CrstConnectionNameTable", "CrstContexts", "CrstCoreCLRBinderLog", "CrstCrstCLRPrivBinderLocalWinMDPath", "CrstCSPCache", "CrstDataTest1", "CrstDataTest2", "CrstDbgTransport", "CrstDeadlockDetection", "CrstDebuggerController", "CrstDebuggerFavorLock", "CrstDebuggerHeapExecMemLock", "CrstDebuggerHeapLock", "CrstDebuggerJitInfo", "CrstDebuggerMutex", "CrstDelegateToFPtrHash", "CrstDomainLocalBlock", "CrstDynamicIL", "CrstDynamicMT", "CrstDynLinkZapItems", "CrstEtwTypeLogHash", "CrstEventPipe", "CrstEventStore", "CrstException", "CrstExecuteManLock", "CrstExecuteManRangeLock", "CrstFCall", "CrstFriendAccessCache", "CrstFuncPtrStubs", "CrstFusionAppCtx", "CrstGCCover", "CrstGCMemoryPressure", "CrstGlobalStrLiteralMap", "CrstHandleTable", "CrstHostAssemblyMap", "CrstHostAssemblyMapAdd", "CrstIbcProfile", "CrstIJWFixupData", "CrstIJWHash", "CrstILStubGen", "CrstInlineTrackingMap", "CrstInstMethodHashTable", "CrstInterfaceVTableMap", "CrstInterop", "CrstInteropData", "CrstIOThreadpoolWorker", "CrstIsJMCMethod", "CrstISymUnmanagedReader", "CrstJit", "CrstJitGenericHandleCache", "CrstJitPerf", "CrstJumpStubCache", "CrstLeafLock", "CrstListLock", "CrstLoaderAllocator", "CrstLoaderAllocatorReferences", "CrstLoaderHeap", "CrstMda", "CrstMetadataTracker", "CrstMethodDescBackpatchInfoTracker", "CrstModIntPairList", "CrstModule", "CrstModuleFixup", "CrstModuleLookupTable", "CrstMulticoreJitHash", "CrstMulticoreJitManager", "CrstMUThunkHash", "CrstNativeBinderInit", "CrstNativeImageCache", "CrstNls", "CrstNotifyGdb", "CrstObjectList", "CrstOnEventManager", "CrstPatchEntryPoint", "CrstPEImage", "CrstPEImagePDBStream", "CrstPendingTypeLoadEntry", "CrstPinHandle", "CrstPinnedByrefValidation", "CrstProfilerGCRefDataFreeList", "CrstProfilingAPIStatus", "CrstPublisherCertificate", "CrstRCWCache", "CrstRCWCleanupList", "CrstRCWRefCache", "CrstReadyToRunEntryPointToMethodDescMap", "CrstReDacl", "CrstReflection", "CrstReJITDomainTable", "CrstReJITGlobalRequest", "CrstRemoting", "CrstRetThunkCache", "CrstRWLock", "CrstSavedExceptionInfo", "CrstSaveModuleProfileData", "CrstSecurityStackwalkCache", "CrstSharedAssemblyCreate", "CrstSigConvert", "CrstSingleUseLock", "CrstSpecialStatics", "CrstSqmManager", "CrstStackSampler", "CrstStressLog", "CrstStrongName", "CrstStubCache", "CrstStubDispatchCache", "CrstStubUnwindInfoHeapSegments", "CrstSyncBlockCache", "CrstSyncHashLock", "CrstSystemBaseDomain", "CrstSystemDomain", "CrstSystemDomainDelayedUnloadList", "CrstThreadIdDispenser", "CrstThreadpoolEventCache", "CrstThreadpoolTimerQueue", "CrstThreadpoolWaitThreads", "CrstThreadpoolWorker", "CrstThreadStaticDataHashTable", "CrstThreadStore", "CrstTieredCompilation", "CrstTPMethodTable", "CrstTypeEquivalenceMap", "CrstTypeIDMap", "CrstUMEntryThunkCache", "CrstUMThunkHash", "CrstUniqueStack", "CrstUnresolvedClassLock", "CrstUnwindInfoTableLock", "CrstVSDIndirectionCellLock", "CrstWinRTFactoryCache", "CrstWrapperTemplate", }; // Define a special level constant for unordered locks. #define CRSTUNORDERED (-1) // Define inline helpers to map Crst types to names and levels. inline static int GetCrstLevel(CrstType crstType) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; _ASSERTE(crstType >= 0 && crstType < kNumberOfCrstTypes); return g_rgCrstLevelMap[crstType]; } inline static LPCSTR GetCrstName(CrstType crstType) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; _ASSERTE(crstType >= 0 && crstType < kNumberOfCrstTypes); return g_rgCrstNameMap[crstType]; } #endif // defined(__IN_CRST_CPP) && defined(_DEBUG)