// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements. // The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license. // See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information. // =========================================================================== // File: CORPRIV.H // // =========================================================================== #ifndef _CORPRIV_H_ #define _CORPRIV_H_ #if _MSC_VER >= 1000 #pragma once #endif // _MSC_VER >= 1000 // %%Includes: --------------------------------------------------------------- // avoid taking DLL import hit on intra-DLL calls #define NODLLIMPORT #include #include "cor.h" #include "corimage.h" #include "metadata.h" #include #include "peinformation.h" // interface IAssemblyName; // PE images loaded through the runtime. typedef struct _dummyCOR { BYTE b; } *HCORMODULE; class UTSemReadWrite; // Helper function to get a pointer to the Dispenser interface. STDAPI MetaDataGetDispenser( // Return HRESULT REFCLSID rclsid, // The class to desired. REFIID riid, // Interface wanted on class factory. LPVOID FAR *ppv); // Return interface pointer here. // Helper function to check whether policy allows accessing the file STDAPI RuntimeCheckLocationAccess(LPCWSTR wszLocation); STDAPI RuntimeIsNativeImageOptedOut(IAssemblyName* pAssemblyDef); LocaleID RuntimeGetFileSystemLocale(); BOOL RuntimeFileNotFound(HRESULT hr); // Helper function to get an Internal interface with an in-memory metadata section STDAPI GetMetaDataInternalInterface( LPVOID pData, // [IN] in memory metadata section ULONG cbData, // [IN] size of the metadata section DWORD flags, // [IN] CorOpenFlags REFIID riid, // [IN] desired interface void **ppv); // [OUT] returned interface // Helper function to get an internal scopeless interface given a scope. STDAPI GetMetaDataInternalInterfaceFromPublic( IUnknown *pv, // [IN] Given interface REFIID riid, // [IN] desired interface void **ppv); // [OUT] returned interface // Helper function to get an internal scopeless interface given a scope. STDAPI GetMetaDataPublicInterfaceFromInternal( void *pv, // [IN] Given interface REFIID riid, // [IN] desired interface void **ppv); // [OUT] returned interface // Converts an internal MD import API into the read/write version of this API. // This could support edit and continue, or modification of the metadata at // runtime (say for profiling). STDAPI ConvertMDInternalImport( // S_OK or error. IMDInternalImport *pIMD, // [IN] The metadata to be updated. IMDInternalImport **ppIMD); // [OUT] Put RW interface here. STDAPI GetAssemblyMDInternalImport( // Return code. LPCWSTR szFileName, // [IN] The scope to open. REFIID riid, // [IN] The interface desired. IUnknown **ppIUnk); // [OUT] Return interface on success. HRESULT GetAssemblyMDInternalImportFromImage( HCORMODULE hImage, //[IN] pointer to module handle to get the metadata from. REFIID riid, //[IN] The interface desired. IUnknown **ppIUnk); //[OUT] Return Interface on success. STDAPI GetAssemblyMDInternalImportByStream( // Return code. IStream *pIStream, // [IN] The IStream for the file UINT64 AssemblyId, // [IN] Unique Id for the assembly REFIID riid, // [IN] The interface desired. IUnknown **ppIUnk); // [OUT] Return interface on success. enum MDInternalImportFlags { MDInternalImport_Default = 0, MDInternalImport_NoCache = 1, // Do not share/cached the results of opening the image #ifdef FEATURE_PREJIT MDInternalImport_TrustedNativeImage = 2, // The image is a native image, and so its format can be trusted MDInternalImport_ILMetaData = 4, // Open the IL metadata, even if this is a native image MDInternalImport_TrustedNativeImage_and_IL = MDInternalImport_TrustedNativeImage | MDInternalImport_ILMetaData, MDInternalImport_NativeImageInstall = 0x100, // The image is a native image that is being installed into NIC #endif MDInternalImport_CheckLongPath =8, // also check long version of the path MDInternalImport_CheckShortPath =0x10, // also check long version of the path MDInternalImport_OnlyLookInCache =0x20, // Only look in the cache. (If the cache does not have the image already loaded, return NULL) }; // enum MDInternalImportFlags STDAPI GetAssemblyMDInternalImportEx( // Return code. LPCWSTR szFileName, // [IN] The scope to open. REFIID riid, // [IN] The interface desired. MDInternalImportFlags flags, // [in] Flags to control opening the assembly IUnknown **ppIUnk, // [OUT] Return interface on success. HANDLE hFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE); STDAPI GetAssemblyMDInternalImportByStreamEx( // Return code. IStream *pIStream, // [IN] The IStream for the file UINT64 AssemblyId, // [IN] Unique Id for the assembly REFIID riid, // [IN] The interface desired. MDInternalImportFlags flags, // [in] Flags to control opening the assembly IUnknown **ppIUnk); // [OUT] Return interface on success. // Returns part of the "Zap string" which describes the properties of a native image __success(SUCCEEDED(return)) STDAPI GetNativeImageDescription( __in_z LPCWSTR wzCustomString, // [IN] Custom string of the native image DWORD dwConfigMask, // [IN] Config mask of the native image __out_ecount_part_opt(*pdwLength,*pdwLength) LPWSTR pwzZapInfo,// [OUT] The description string. Can be NULL to find the size of buffer to allocate LPDWORD pdwLength); // [IN/OUT] Length of the pwzZapInfo buffer on IN. // Number of WCHARs (including termintating NULL) on OUT class CQuickBytes; // predefined constant for parent token for global functions #define COR_GLOBAL_PARENT_TOKEN TokenFromRid(1, mdtTypeDef) ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // %%Interfaces: ------------------------------------------------------------- // interface IMetaDataHelper // {AD93D71D-E1F2-11d1-9409-0000F8083460} EXTERN_GUID(IID_IMetaDataHelper, 0xad93d71d, 0xe1f2, 0x11d1, 0x94, 0x9, 0x0, 0x0, 0xf8, 0x8, 0x34, 0x60); #undef INTERFACE #define INTERFACE IMetaDataHelper DECLARE_INTERFACE_(IMetaDataHelper, IUnknown) { // helper functions // This function is exposing the ability to translate signature from a given // source scope to a given target scope. // STDMETHOD(TranslateSigWithScope)( IMetaDataAssemblyImport *pAssemImport, // [IN] importing assembly interface const void *pbHashValue, // [IN] Hash Blob for Assembly. ULONG cbHashValue, // [IN] Count of bytes. IMetaDataImport *import, // [IN] importing interface PCCOR_SIGNATURE pbSigBlob, // [IN] signature in the importing scope ULONG cbSigBlob, // [IN] count of bytes of signature IMetaDataAssemblyEmit *pAssemEmit, // [IN] emit assembly interface IMetaDataEmit *emit, // [IN] emit interface PCOR_SIGNATURE pvTranslatedSig, // [OUT] buffer to hold translated signature ULONG cbTranslatedSigMax, ULONG *pcbTranslatedSig) PURE;// [OUT] count of bytes in the translated signature STDMETHOD(GetMetadata)( ULONG ulSelect, // [IN] Selector. void **ppData) PURE; // [OUT] Put pointer to data here. STDMETHOD_(IUnknown *, GetCachedInternalInterface)(BOOL fWithLock) PURE; // S_OK or error STDMETHOD(SetCachedInternalInterface)(IUnknown * pUnk) PURE; // S_OK or error STDMETHOD_(UTSemReadWrite*, GetReaderWriterLock)() PURE; // return the reader writer lock STDMETHOD(SetReaderWriterLock)(UTSemReadWrite * pSem) PURE; }; // IMetaDataHelper EXTERN_GUID(IID_IMetaDataEmitHelper, 0x5c240ae4, 0x1e09, 0x11d3, 0x94, 0x24, 0x0, 0x0, 0xf8, 0x8, 0x34, 0x60); #undef INTERFACE #define INTERFACE IMetaDataEmitHelper DECLARE_INTERFACE_(IMetaDataEmitHelper, IUnknown) { // emit helper functions STDMETHOD(DefineMethodSemanticsHelper)( mdToken tkAssociation, // [IN] property or event token DWORD dwFlags, // [IN] semantics mdMethodDef md) PURE; // [IN] method to associated with STDMETHOD(SetFieldLayoutHelper)( // Return hresult. mdFieldDef fd, // [IN] field to associate the layout info ULONG ulOffset) PURE; // [IN] the offset for the field STDMETHOD(DefineEventHelper) ( mdTypeDef td, // [IN] the class/interface on which the event is being defined LPCWSTR szEvent, // [IN] Name of the event DWORD dwEventFlags, // [IN] CorEventAttr mdToken tkEventType, // [IN] a reference (mdTypeRef or mdTypeRef) to the Event class mdEvent *pmdEvent) PURE; // [OUT] output event token STDMETHOD(AddDeclarativeSecurityHelper) ( mdToken tk, // [IN] Parent token (typedef/methoddef) DWORD dwAction, // [IN] Security action (CorDeclSecurity) void const *pValue, // [IN] Permission set blob DWORD cbValue, // [IN] Byte count of permission set blob mdPermission*pmdPermission) PURE; // [OUT] Output permission token STDMETHOD(SetResolutionScopeHelper)( // Return hresult. mdTypeRef tr, // [IN] TypeRef record to update mdToken rs) PURE; // [IN] new ResolutionScope STDMETHOD(SetManifestResourceOffsetHelper)( // Return hresult. mdManifestResource mr, // [IN] The manifest token ULONG ulOffset) PURE; // [IN] new offset STDMETHOD(SetTypeParent)( // Return hresult. mdTypeDef td, // [IN] Type definition mdToken tkExtends) PURE; // [IN] parent type STDMETHOD(AddInterfaceImpl)( // Return hresult. mdTypeDef td, // [IN] Type definition mdToken tkInterface) PURE; // [IN] interface type }; // IMetaDataEmitHelper ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // enum CorElementTypeZapSig defines some additional internal ELEMENT_TYPE's // values that are only used by ZapSig signatures. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// typedef enum CorElementTypeZapSig { // ZapSig encoding for ELEMENT_TYPE_VAR and ELEMENT_TYPE_MVAR. It is always followed // by the RID of a GenericParam token, encoded as a compressed integer. ELEMENT_TYPE_VAR_ZAPSIG = 0x3b, // ZapSig encoding for an array MethodTable to allow it to remain such after decoding // (rather than being transformed into the TypeHandle representing that array) // // The element is always followed by ELEMENT_TYPE_SZARRAY or ELEMENT_TYPE_ARRAY ELEMENT_TYPE_NATIVE_ARRAY_TEMPLATE_ZAPSIG = 0x3c, // ZapSig encoding for native value types in IL stubs. IL stub signatures may contain // ELEMENT_TYPE_INTERNAL followed by ParamTypeDesc with ELEMENT_TYPE_VALUETYPE element // type. It acts like a modifier to the underlying structure making it look like its // unmanaged view (size determined by unmanaged layout, blittable, no GC pointers). // // ELEMENT_TYPE_NATIVE_VALUETYPE_ZAPSIG is used when encoding such types to NGEN images. // The signature looks like this: ET_NATIVE_VALUETYPE_ZAPSIG ET_VALUETYPE . // See code:ZapSig.GetSignatureForTypeHandle and code:SigPointer.GetTypeHandleThrowing // where the encoding/decoding takes place. ELEMENT_TYPE_NATIVE_VALUETYPE_ZAPSIG = 0x3d, ELEMENT_TYPE_CANON_ZAPSIG = 0x3e, // zapsig encoding for [mscorlib]System.__Canon ELEMENT_TYPE_MODULE_ZAPSIG = 0x3f, // zapsig encoding for external module id# } CorElementTypeZapSig; typedef enum CorCallingConventionInternal { // IL stub signatures containing types that need to be restored have the highest // bit of the calling convention set. IMAGE_CEE_CS_CALLCONV_NEEDSRESTORE = 0x80, } CorCallingConventionInternal; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Obsoleted ELEMENT_TYPE values which are not supported anymore. // They are not part of CLI ECMA spec, they were only experimental before v1.0 RTM. // They are needed for indexing arrays initialized using file:corTypeInfo.h // 0x17 ... VALUEARRAY // 0x1a ... CPU native floating-point type ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #define ELEMENT_TYPE_VALUEARRAY_UNSUPPORTED ((CorElementType) 0x17) #define ELEMENT_TYPE_R_UNSUPPORTED ((CorElementType) 0x1a) // Use this guid in the SetOption if Reflection.Emit wants to control size of the initially allocated // MetaData. See values: code:CorMetaDataInitialSize. // // {2675b6bf-f504-4cb4-a4d5-084eea770ddc} EXTERN_GUID(MetaDataInitialSize, 0x2675b6bf, 0xf504, 0x4cb4, 0xa4, 0xd5, 0x08, 0x4e, 0xea, 0x77, 0x0d, 0xdc); // Allowed values for code:MetaDataInitialSize option. typedef enum CorMetaDataInitialSize { MDInitialSizeDefault = 0, MDInitialSizeMinimal = 1 } CorMetaDataInitialSize; // Internal extension of open flags code:CorOpenFlags typedef enum CorOpenFlagsInternal { #ifdef FEATURE_METADATA_LOAD_TRUSTED_IMAGES // Flag code:ofTrustedImage is used by mscordbi.dll, therefore defined in file:CorPriv.h ofTrustedImage = ofReserved3 // We trust this PE file (we are willing to do a LoadLibrary on it). // It is optional and only an (VM) optimization - typically for NGEN images // opened by debugger. #endif } CorOpenFlagsInternal; #ifdef FEATURE_METADATA_LOAD_TRUSTED_IMAGES #define IsOfTrustedImage(x) ((x) & ofTrustedImage) #endif // %%Classes: ---------------------------------------------------------------- #ifndef offsetof #define offsetof(s,f) ((ULONG)(&((s*)0)->f)) #endif #ifndef lengthof #define lengthof(rg) (sizeof(rg)/sizeof(rg[0])) #endif #define COR_MODULE_CLASS "" #define COR_WMODULE_CLASS W("") STDAPI RuntimeOpenImage(LPCWSTR pszFileName, HCORMODULE* hHandle); STDAPI RuntimeOpenImageInternal(LPCWSTR pszFileName, HCORMODULE* hHandle, DWORD *pdwLength, MDInternalImportFlags flags, HANDLE hFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE); STDAPI RuntimeOpenImageByStream(IStream* pIStream, UINT64 AssemblyId, DWORD dwModuleId, HCORMODULE* hHandle, DWORD *pdwLength, MDInternalImportFlags flags); void RuntimeAddRefHandle(HCORMODULE hHandle); STDAPI RuntimeReleaseHandle(HCORMODULE hHandle); STDAPI RuntimeGetImageBase(HCORMODULE hHandle, LPVOID* base, BOOL bMapped, COUNT_T* dwSize); STDAPI RuntimeGetImageKind(HCORMODULE hHandle, DWORD* pdwKind, DWORD* pdwMachine); STDAPI RuntimeOSHandle(HCORMODULE hHandle, HMODULE* hModule); STDAPI RuntimeGetAssemblyStrongNameHashForModule(HCORMODULE hModule, IMetaDataImport *pMDimport, BYTE *pbSNHash, DWORD *pcbSNHash); STDAPI RuntimeGetMDInternalImport(HCORMODULE hHandle, MDInternalImportFlags flags, IMDInternalImport** ppMDImport); FORCEINLINE void ReleaseHCorModule(HCORMODULE hModule) { HRESULT hr = RuntimeReleaseHandle(hModule); _ASSERTE(SUCCEEDED(hr)); } typedef Wrapper, ReleaseHCorModule, (UINT_PTR) NULL> HCORMODULEHolder; // =========================================================================== // ISNAssemblySignature (similar to IAssemblySignature in V1) // // This is a private interface that allows querying of the strong name // signature. // This can be used for (strong-named) assemblies added to the GAC as // a unique identifier. // // {848845BC-0C4A-42e3-8915-DC850112443D} EXTERN_GUID(IID_ISNAssemblySignature, 0x848845BC, 0x0C4A, 0x42e3, 0x89, 0x15, 0xDC, 0x85, 0x01, 0x12, 0x44, 0x3D); #undef INTERFACE #define INTERFACE ISNAssemblySignature DECLARE_INTERFACE_(ISNAssemblySignature, IUnknown) { // Returns the strong-name signature if the assembly is strong-name-signed // Returns the MVID if the assembly is delay-signed. // Fails if the assembly is not signed at all. STDMETHOD(GetSNAssemblySignature) ( BYTE *pbSig, // [IN, OUT] Buffer to write signature DWORD *pcbSig // [IN, OUT] Size of buffer, bytes written ) PURE; }; //------------------------------------- //--- ICeeGenInternal //------------------------------------- // {9fd3c7af-dc4e-4b9b-be22-9cf8cc577489} EXTERN_GUID(IID_ICeeGenInternal, 0x9fd3c7af, 0xdc4e, 0x4b9b, 0xbe, 0x22, 0x9c, 0xf8, 0xcc, 0x57, 0x74, 0x89); #undef INTERFACE #define INTERFACE ICeeGenInternal DECLARE_INTERFACE_(ICeeGenInternal, IUnknown) { STDMETHOD (SetInitialGrowth) (DWORD growth) PURE; }; // =========================================================================== #ifdef FEATURE_PREJIT // =========================================================================== // Use the default JIT compiler #define DEFAULT_NGEN_COMPILER_DLL_NAME W("clrjit.dll") struct CORCOMPILE_ASSEMBLY_SIGNATURE; // // IGetIMDInternalImport // // Private interface exposed by // AssemblyMDInternalImport - gives us access to the internally stored IMDInternalImport*. // // RegMeta, WinMDImport - supports the internal GetMetaDataInternalInterfaceFromPublic() "api". // // {92B2FEF9-F7F5-420d-AD42-AECEEE10A1EF} EXTERN_GUID(IID_IGetIMDInternalImport, 0x92b2fef9, 0xf7f5, 0x420d, 0xad, 0x42, 0xae, 0xce, 0xee, 0x10, 0xa1, 0xef); #undef INTERFACE #define INTERFACE IGetIMDInternalImport DECLARE_INTERFACE_(IGetIMDInternalImport, IUnknown) { STDMETHOD(GetIMDInternalImport) ( IMDInternalImport ** ppIMDInternalImport // [OUT] Buffer to receive IMDInternalImport* ) PURE; }; #ifndef DACCESS_COMPILE /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * NGen logger * --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include "mscorsvc.h" struct ICorSvcLogger; class SvcLogger { public: SvcLogger(); ~SvcLogger(); void ReleaseLogger(); void SetSvcLogger(ICorSvcLogger *pCorSvcLoggerArg); BOOL HasSvcLogger(); ICorSvcLogger* GetSvcLogger(); void Printf(const CHAR *format, ...); void SvcPrintf(const CHAR *format, ...); void Printf(const WCHAR *format, ...); void Printf(CorSvcLogLevel logLevel, const WCHAR *format, ...); void SvcPrintf(const WCHAR *format, ...); void Log(const WCHAR *message, CorSvcLogLevel logLevel = LogLevel_Warning); //Need to add this to allocate StackSString, as we don't want static class private: void LogHelper(SString s, CorSvcLogLevel logLevel = LogLevel_Success); //instantiations that need VM services like contracts in dllmain. void CheckInit(); StackSString* pss; ICorSvcLogger *pCorSvcLogger; }; // class SvcLogger SvcLogger *GetSvcLogger(); BOOL HasSvcLogger(); #endif // #ifndef DACCESS_COMPILE // =========================================================================== #endif // #ifdef FEATURE_PREJIT // =========================================================================== struct CORCOMPILE_ASSEMBLY_SIGNATURE; struct CORCOMPILE_VERSION_INFO; struct CORCOMPILE_DEPENDENCY; typedef GUID CORCOMPILE_NGEN_SIGNATURE; //********************************************************************** // Internal versions of shim functions for use by the CLR. STDAPI GetCORSystemDirectoryInternaL( SString& pBuffer ); //LONGPATH:TODO: Remove this once Desktop usage has been removed STDAPI GetCORSystemDirectoryInternal( __out_ecount_part_opt(cchBuffer, *pdwLength) LPWSTR pBuffer, DWORD cchBuffer, __out_opt DWORD* pdwLength ); STDAPI GetCORVersionInternal( __out_ecount_z_opt(cchBuffer) LPWSTR pBuffer, DWORD cchBuffer, __out DWORD *pdwLength); #ifdef FEATURE_PREJIT //********************************************************************** // Access to native image validation logic in the runtime. // // An interface only a mother could live as this logic should really be encapsulated in // the native binder. But for historical reasons, it lives in the VM directory // and is shared by the desktop and coreclr's which have separate native binders. // Hence, this interface inherits a lot of "baggage." // A small shim around PEAssemblies/IBindResult that allow us to write Fusion/CLR-agnostic code // for logging native bind failures to the Fusion log/CLR log. // // These objects are stack-based and non-thread-safe. They are created for the duration of a single RuntimeVerify call. // The methods are expected to compute their data lazily as they are only used in bind failures or in checked builds. // // This class also exposes the IFusionBindLog pointer. This isn't really the appropriate place to expose that but // it serves to avoid compiling references to IFUsionBindLog into code that doesn't define FEATURE_FUSION. class LoggableAssembly { public: virtual SString DisplayString() = 0; // Returns an unspecified representation suitable for injecting into log messages. }; // Validates that an NI matches the running CLR, OS, CPU, etc. BOOL RuntimeVerifyNativeImageVersion(const CORCOMPILE_VERSION_INFO *pVerInfo, LoggableAssembly *pLogAsm); // Validates that an NI matches the required flavor (debug, instrumented, etc.) BOOL RuntimeVerifyNativeImageFlavor(const CORCOMPILE_VERSION_INFO *pVerInfo, LoggableAssembly *pLogAsm); // Validates that a hard-dep matches the a parent NI's compile-time hard-dep. BOOL RuntimeVerifyNativeImageDependency(const CORCOMPILE_NGEN_SIGNATURE &ngenSigExpected, const CORCOMPILE_VERSION_INFO *pActual, LoggableAssembly *pLogAsm); BOOL RuntimeVerifyNativeImageDependency(const CORCOMPILE_DEPENDENCY *pExpected, const CORCOMPILE_VERSION_INFO *pActual, LoggableAssembly *pLogAsm); #endif // FEATURE_PREJIT #endif // _CORPRIV_H_ // EOF =======================================================================