// // Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved. // Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information. // /*****************************************************************************\ * * * CorBBTProf.h - File format for profile data * * * * Version 1.0 * ******************************************************************************* * * * THIS CODE AND INFORMATION IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY * * KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE * * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND/OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * * PURPOSE. * * * \*****************************************************************************/ #ifndef _COR_BBTPROF_H_ #define _COR_BBTPROF_H_ #include #include const CorTokenType ibcExternalNamespace = CorTokenType(0x61000000); const CorTokenType ibcExternalType = CorTokenType(0x62000000); const CorTokenType ibcExternalSignature = CorTokenType(0x63000000); const CorTokenType ibcExternalMethod = CorTokenType(0x64000000); const CorTokenType ibcTypeSpec = CorTokenType(0x68000000); const CorTokenType ibcMethodSpec = CorTokenType(0x69000000); typedef mdToken idExternalNamespace; // External Namespace token in the IBC data typedef mdToken idExternalType; // External Type token in the IBC data typedef mdToken idExternalSignature; // External Signature token in the IBC data typedef mdToken idExternalMethod; // External Method token in the IBC data typedef mdToken idTypeSpec; // TypeSpec token in the IBC data typedef mdToken idMethodSpec; // MethodSpec token in the IBC data #define idExternalNamespaceNil ((idExternalNamespace) ibcExternalNamespace) #define idExternalTypeNil ((idExternalType) ibcExternalType) #define idExternalSignatureNil ((idExternalSignature) ibcExternalSignature) #define idExternalMethodNil ((idExternalMethod) ibcExternalMethod) #define idTypeSpecNil ((idTypeSpec) ibcTypeSpec) #define idMethodSpecNil ((idMethodSpec) ibcMethodSpec) // // File format: // // CORBBTPROF_FILE_HEADER // CORBBTPROF_SECTION_TABLE_HEADER // CORBBTPROF_SECTION_TABLE_ENTRY // ... (can be multiple entries) // // Method block counts section: // CORBBTPROF_METHOD_BLOCK_COUNTS_SECTION_HEADER // CORBBTPROF_METHOD_HEADER // CORBBTPROF_BLOCK_DATA // ... (can be multiple method header/block data entries) // // Method load order section: // CORBBTPROF_TOKEN_LIST_SECTION_HEADER // ... (list of tokens) // // Type token usage information // CORBBTPROF_TOKEN_LIST_SECTION_HEADER // ... (list of tokens) // // MethodDef token usage information // CORBBTPROF_TOKEN_LIST_SECTION_HEADER // ... (list of tokens) // // RIDs to not use slim headers section // CORBBTPROF_TOKEN_LIST_SECTION_HEADER // ... (list of tokens) // // Metadata hints to re-order some tables // Instantiated TypeSPecs to re-order EEClasses // // The header for the profile data file. // ... (list of CORBBTPROF_BLOB_ENTRY) // terminated by null struct CORBBTPROF_FILE_HEADER { DWORD HeaderSize; DWORD Magic; DWORD Version; GUID MVID; }; // Optional in V1 and V2. Usually present in V2. Must be present in V3. struct CORBBTPROF_FILE_OPTIONAL_HEADER { DWORD Size; // Including the size field DWORD MinorVersion; DWORD FileFlags; // Only in V3 or later // future fields }; enum CORBBTPROF_FILE_FLAGS { CORBBTPROF_FILE_FLAG_MINIFIED = 1, CORBBTPROF_FILE_FLAG_PARTIAL_NGEN = 2 }; enum { CORBBTPROF_V0_VERSION = 0, CORBBTPROF_V1_VERSION = 1, CORBBTPROF_V2_VERSION = 2, CORBBTPROF_V3_VERSION = 3, CORBBTPROF_CURRENT_VERSION = CORBBTPROF_V2_VERSION, // V3 is opt-in CORBBTPROF_MAGIC = 0xb1d0f11e, CORBBTPROF_END_TOKEN = 0xb4356f98 }; // // The profile data can be mapped anywhere in memory. So instead of using pointers, // to denote sections, we will instead use offsets from the beginning of the file. // struct Section { DWORD Offset; DWORD Size; }; // // Section types, where various sections contains different types of profile data. // #define CORBBTPROF_TOKEN_MAX_NUM_FLAGS 32 enum TypeProfilingDataFlags { // Important: update toolbox\ibcmerge\ibcmerge.cs if you change these ReadMethodTable = 0, // 0x00001 ReadEEClass = 1, // 0x00002 WriteEEClass = 2, // 0x00004 // ReadStoredEnumData = 3, // 0x00008 ReadFieldDescs = 4, // 0x00010 ReadCCtorInfo = 5, // 0x00020 ReadClassHashTable = 6, // 0x00040 ReadDispatchMap = 7, // 0x00080 ReadDispatchTable = 8, // 0x00100 ReadMethodTableWriteableData = 9, // 0x00200 ReadFieldMarshalers = 10, // 0x00400 // Unused = 11, // 0x00800 ... Was WriteDispatchTable in the past // WriteMethodTable = 12, // 0x01000 WriteMethodTableWriteableData = 13, // 0x02000 ReadTypeDesc = 14, // 0x04000 WriteTypeDesc = 15, // 0x08000 ReadTypeHashTable = 16, // 0x10000 // WriteTypeHashTable = 17, // 0x20000 // ReadDictionary = 18, // 0x40000 // WriteDictionary = 19, // 0x80000 ReadNonVirtualSlots = 20, // 0x100000 }; enum MethodProfilingDataFlags { // Important: update toolbox\ibcmerge\ibcmerge.cs if you change these ReadMethodCode = 0, // 0x00001 ReadMethodDesc = 1, // 0x00002 RunOnceMethod = 2, // 0x00004 // was CommonMethod RunNeverMethod = 3, // 0x00008 // was MethodMetadataAccess // MethodStoredDataAccess = 4, // 0x00010 WriteMethodDesc = 5, // 0x00020 // ReadFCallHash = 6, // 0x00040 ReadGCInfo = 7, // 0x00080 CommonReadGCInfo = 8, // 0x00100 // ReadMethodDefRidMap = 9, // 0x00200 ReadCerMethodList = 10, // 0x00400 ReadMethodPrecode = 11, // 0x00800 WriteMethodPrecode = 12, // 0x01000 }; enum GeneralProfilingDataFlags { // Important: update ibcmerge.cs if you change these // ZapImage.h depends on 0xFFFFFFFF being an invalid flag value. If this // changes, update ReadFlagWithMemory in that file. // Important: make sure these don't collide with TypeProfilingDataFlags or MethodProfilingDataFlags // These grow downward from CORBBTPROF_TOKEN_MAX_NUM_FLAGS-1 to minimize the chance of collision ProfilingFlags_MetaData = 31, // 0x800... CommonMetaData = 30, // 0x400... RidMap = 29, // 0x200... RVAFieldData = 28, // 0x100... ProfilingFlags_MetaDataSearch = 27, // 0x080... }; enum BlobType { /* IMPORTANT: Keep the first four enums together in the same order and at the very begining of this enum. See MetaModelPub.h for the order */ MetadataStringPool = 0, MetadataGuidPool = 1, MetadataBlobPool = 2, MetadataUserStringPool = 3, FirstMetadataPool = 0, LastMetadataPool = 3, // SectionFormat only supports tokens, which have to already exist in the module. // For instantiated paramterized types, there may be no corresponding token // in the module, if a dependent module caused the type to be instantiated. // For such instantiated types, we save a blob/signature to identify the type. // ParamTypeSpec = 4, // Instantiated Type Signature ParamMethodSpec = 5, // Instantiated Method Signature ExternalNamespaceDef = 6, // External Namespace Token Definition ExternalTypeDef = 7, // External Type Token Definition ExternalSignatureDef = 8, // External Signature Definition ExternalMethodDef = 9, // External Method Token Definition IllegalBlob = 10, // Failed to allocate the blob EndOfBlobStream = -1 }; enum SectionFormat { // Important: update ibcmerge.cs if you change these ScenarioInfo = 0, MethodBlockCounts = 1, // Basic-block counts. Cold blocks will be placed in the cold-code section BlobStream = 2, // metadata access, inst-type-spec and inst-method-spec blobs FirstTokenFlagSection = 3, ModuleProfilingData = FirstTokenFlagSection + (mdtModule >> 24), TypeRefProfilingData = FirstTokenFlagSection + (mdtTypeRef >> 24), TypeProfilingData = FirstTokenFlagSection + (mdtTypeDef >> 24), FieldDefProfilingData = FirstTokenFlagSection + (mdtFieldDef >> 24), MethodProfilingData = FirstTokenFlagSection + (mdtMethodDef >> 24), ParamDefProfilingData = FirstTokenFlagSection + (mdtParamDef >> 24), InterfaceImplProfilingData = FirstTokenFlagSection + (mdtInterfaceImpl >> 24), MemberRefProfilingData = FirstTokenFlagSection + (mdtMemberRef >> 24), CustomAttributeProfilingData = FirstTokenFlagSection + (mdtCustomAttribute >> 24), PermissionProfilingData = FirstTokenFlagSection + (mdtPermission >> 24), SignatureProfilingData = FirstTokenFlagSection + (mdtSignature >> 24), EventProfilingData = FirstTokenFlagSection + (mdtEvent >> 24), PropertyProfilingData = FirstTokenFlagSection + (mdtProperty >> 24), ModuleRefProfilingData = FirstTokenFlagSection + (mdtModuleRef >> 24), TypeSpecProfilingData = FirstTokenFlagSection + (mdtTypeSpec >> 24), AssemblyProfilingData = FirstTokenFlagSection + (mdtAssembly >> 24), AssemblyRefProfilingData = FirstTokenFlagSection + (mdtAssemblyRef >> 24), FileProfilingData = FirstTokenFlagSection + (mdtFile >> 24), ExportedTypeProfilingData = FirstTokenFlagSection + (mdtExportedType >> 24), ManifestResourceProfilingData = FirstTokenFlagSection + (mdtManifestResource >> 24), GenericParamProfilingData = FirstTokenFlagSection + (mdtGenericParam >> 24), MethodSpecProfilingData = FirstTokenFlagSection + (mdtMethodSpec >> 24), GenericParamConstraintProfilingData = FirstTokenFlagSection + (mdtGenericParamConstraint >> 24), StringPoolProfilingData, GuidPoolProfilingData, BlobPoolProfilingData, UserStringPoolProfilingData, FirstMetadataPoolSection = StringPoolProfilingData, LastMetadataPoolSection = UserStringPoolProfilingData, LastTokenFlagSection = LastMetadataPoolSection, IbcTypeSpecSection, IbcMethodSpecSection, GenericTypeProfilingData = 63, // Deprecated with V2 IBC data SectionFormatCount = 64, // 0x40 SectionFormatInvalid = -1 }; struct CORBBTPROF_SECTION_TABLE_ENTRY { SectionFormat FormatID; Section Data; }; struct CORBBTPROF_SECTION_TABLE_HEADER { DWORD NumEntries; CORBBTPROF_SECTION_TABLE_ENTRY Entries[0]; }; // // ScenarioInfo section // struct CORBBTPROF_SCENARIO_RUN { FILETIME runTime; // the FILETIME when the scenario was cnt GUID mvid; // The GUID of this assembly when the scenario was run (useful for incremental ibcdata) DWORD cCmdLine; // the count of WCHAR's in the cmdLine for this run of the scenario DWORD cSystemInfo; // the count of WCHAR's in the systemInfo string for this run of the scenario WCHAR cmdLine[0]; // the command line used, the array is 'cName' in length // WCHAR systemInfo[]; // the system information, the array is 'cSystemInfo' in length DWORD sizeofCmdLine() { return (cCmdLine * (DWORD)sizeof(WCHAR)); } DWORD sizeofSystemInfo() { return (cSystemInfo * (DWORD)sizeof(WCHAR)); } DWORD Size() { return (DWORD)sizeof(CORBBTPROF_SCENARIO_RUN) + sizeofCmdLine() + sizeofSystemInfo(); } CORBBTPROF_SCENARIO_RUN* GetNextRun() { return reinterpret_cast< CORBBTPROF_SCENARIO_RUN* >( reinterpret_cast< PBYTE >( this + 1 ) + Size() ); } }; struct CORBBTPROF_SCENARIO_INFO { DWORD ordinal; // the id number for this scenario DWORD mask; // the one-bit mask use to identify this scenario DWORD priority; // the priority of this scenario DWORD numRuns; // the number of times this scenario was run DWORD cName; // the count of WCHAR's in name[] WCHAR name[0]; // the name of this scenario, the array is 'cName' in length // CORBBTPROF_SCENARIO_RUN run[]; // the array is 'numRuns' in length DWORD sizeofName() { return (DWORD) (cName * sizeof(WCHAR)); } DWORD Size() { return (DWORD) sizeof(CORBBTPROF_SCENARIO_INFO) + sizeofName() + sizeofRuns(); } CORBBTPROF_SCENARIO_RUN* GetScenarioRun() { return reinterpret_cast< CORBBTPROF_SCENARIO_RUN* >( reinterpret_cast< PBYTE >( this ) + (DWORD)sizeof(CORBBTPROF_SCENARIO_INFO) + sizeofName()); } DWORD sizeofRuns() { DWORD sum = 0; if (numRuns > 0) { DWORD cnt = 1; CORBBTPROF_SCENARIO_RUN* pRun = GetScenarioRun(); do { sum += pRun->Size(); if (cnt == numRuns) break; cnt++; pRun = pRun->GetNextRun(); } while (true); } return sum; } }; struct CORBBTPROF_SCENARIO_HEADER { DWORD size; // Size to skip to get to the next CORBBTPROF_SCENARIO_HEADER CORBBTPROF_SCENARIO_INFO scenario; DWORD Size() { return (DWORD) sizeof(CORBBTPROF_SCENARIO_HEADER) + scenario.sizeofName() + scenario.sizeofRuns(); } }; struct CORBBTPROF_SCENARIO_INFO_SECTION_HEADER { DWORD TotalNumRuns; DWORD NumScenarios; // CORBBTPROF_SCENARIO_HEADER scenario[0]; // array is 'NumScenarios' in length }; // // MethodBlockCounts section // struct CORBBTPROF_METHOD_BLOCK_COUNTS_SECTION_HEADER_V1 { DWORD NumMethods; DWORD NumRuns; }; struct CORBBTPROF_METHOD_BLOCK_COUNTS_SECTION_HEADER { DWORD NumMethods; }; struct CORBBTPROF_BLOCK_DATA // Also defined here code:ICorJitInfo.ProfileBuffer { DWORD ILOffset; DWORD ExecutionCount; }; struct CORBBTPROF_METHOD_DETAIL_HEADER { DWORD size; // Size to skip to get to the next CORBBTPROF_METHOD_DETAIL_HEADER at this level DWORD kind; // Identifier that specifies what kind this CORBBTPROF_METHOD_DETAIL_HEADER actually represents size_t Size() { return size; } }; // // This struct records the basic block execution counts for a method // struct CORBBTPROF_METHOD_INFO { DWORD token; // token for this method DWORD ILSize; // IL size for this method DWORD cBlock; // count for block[] CORBBTPROF_BLOCK_DATA block[0]; // actually 'cBlock' in length size_t Size() { return sizeof(CORBBTPROF_METHOD_INFO) + sizeofBlock(); } size_t sizeofBlock() { return cBlock * sizeof(CORBBTPROF_BLOCK_DATA); } }; struct CORBBTPROF_METHOD_HEADER_V1 { DWORD HeaderSize; mdToken MethodToken; DWORD Size; }; struct CORBBTPROF_METHOD_HEADER { DWORD size; // Size to skip to get to the next CORBBTPROF_METHOD_HEADER DWORD cDetail; // the count of CORBBTPROF_METHOD_DETAIL_HEADER records that folow this record CORBBTPROF_METHOD_INFO method; // Basic block execution counts for a method // ... followed by 'cDetail' occurances of CORBBTPROF_METHOD_DETAIL_HEADER size_t Size() { return sizeof(CORBBTPROF_METHOD_HEADER) + method.sizeofBlock(); } }; struct CORBBTPROF_TOKEN_LIST_SECTION_HEADER { DWORD NumTokens; }; struct CORBBTPROF_TOKEN_LIST_ENTRY_V1 { mdToken token; DWORD flags; }; struct CORBBTPROF_TOKEN_INFO // Was CORBBTPROF_TOKEN_LIST_ENTRY { mdToken token; DWORD flags; DWORD scenarios; // Could use UINT64 instead CORBBTPROF_TOKEN_INFO() : token(0) , flags(0) , scenarios(0) {} CORBBTPROF_TOKEN_INFO( mdToken t, DWORD f = 0, DWORD s = 0) : token(t) , flags(f) , scenarios(s) {} CORBBTPROF_TOKEN_INFO( CORBBTPROF_TOKEN_INFO const & right ) : token(right.token) , flags(right.flags) , scenarios(right.scenarios) {} CORBBTPROF_TOKEN_INFO operator=( CORBBTPROF_TOKEN_INFO const & right ) { token = right.token; flags = right.flags; scenarios = right.scenarios; return *this; } bool operator<( CORBBTPROF_TOKEN_INFO const & right ) const { return token < right.token; } }; struct CORBBTPROF_BLOB_ENTRY_V1 { BlobType blobType; DWORD flags; DWORD cBuffer; BYTE pBuffer[0]; // actually 'cBuffer' in length CORBBTPROF_BLOB_ENTRY_V1 * GetNextEntry() { return reinterpret_cast< CORBBTPROF_BLOB_ENTRY_V1* >( reinterpret_cast< PBYTE >( this + 1 ) + cBuffer ); } }; struct CORBBTPROF_BLOB_ENTRY { DWORD size; BlobType type; mdToken token; // The code:CORBBTPROF_BLOB_ENTRY.token field is not a real meta-data token // but a look-alike that IBCMerge makes to represent blob entry bool TypeIsValid() { return (type >= MetadataStringPool) && (type < IllegalBlob); } CORBBTPROF_BLOB_ENTRY * GetNextEntry() { return reinterpret_cast< CORBBTPROF_BLOB_ENTRY* >( reinterpret_cast< PBYTE >( this ) + size); } }; struct CORBBTPROF_BLOB_PARAM_SIG_ENTRY { CORBBTPROF_BLOB_ENTRY blob; DWORD cSig; COR_SIGNATURE sig[0]; // actually 'cSig' in length }; struct CORBBTPROF_BLOB_NAMESPACE_DEF_ENTRY { CORBBTPROF_BLOB_ENTRY blob; DWORD cName; CHAR name[0]; // actually cName in length }; struct CORBBTPROF_BLOB_TYPE_DEF_ENTRY { CORBBTPROF_BLOB_ENTRY blob; mdToken assemblyRefToken; mdToken nestedClassToken; mdToken nameSpaceToken; DWORD cName; CHAR name[0]; // actually cName in length }; struct CORBBTPROF_BLOB_SIGNATURE_DEF_ENTRY { CORBBTPROF_BLOB_ENTRY blob; DWORD cSig; COR_SIGNATURE sig[0]; // actually 'cSig' in length }; struct CORBBTPROF_BLOB_METHOD_DEF_ENTRY { CORBBTPROF_BLOB_ENTRY blob; mdToken nestedClassToken; mdToken signatureToken; DWORD cName; CHAR name[0]; // actually cName in length }; struct CORBBTPROF_BLOB_POOL_ENTRY { CORBBTPROF_BLOB_ENTRY blob; DWORD cBuffer; BYTE buffer[0]; // actually 'cBuffer' in length }; #endif /* COR_BBTPROF_H_ */