// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements. // The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license. // See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information. #ifndef CLRNT_H_ #define CLRNT_H_ #include "staticcontract.h" #include "cfi.h" // // This file is the result of some changes to the SDK header files. // In particular, nt.h and some of its dependencies are no longer // available except as "nonship" files. As a result, this file // was created as a simple cut and past of structures and functions // from NT that are either not yet documented or have been overlooked // as being part of the platform SDK. // // // ALL PLATFORMS // #define STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER_3 ((NTSTATUS)0xC00000F1L) #define STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER_4 ((NTSTATUS)0xC00000F2L) #define STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL ((NTSTATUS)0xC0000001L) #define STATUS_SUCCESS ((NTSTATUS)0x00000000L) #ifndef STATUS_UNWIND #define STATUS_UNWIND ((NTSTATUS)0x80000027L) #endif #ifndef DBG_PRINTEXCEPTION_C #define DBG_PRINTEXCEPTION_C ((DWORD)0x40010006L) #endif #ifndef STATUS_UNWIND_CONSOLIDATE #define STATUS_UNWIND_CONSOLIDATE ((NTSTATUS)0x80000029L) #endif #ifndef STATUS_LONGJUMP #define STATUS_LONGJUMP ((NTSTATUS)0x80000026L) #endif #ifndef LOCALE_NAME_MAX_LENGTH #define LOCALE_NAME_MAX_LENGTH 85 #endif // !LOCALE_NAME_MAX_LENGTH #ifndef SUBLANG_CUSTOM_DEFAULT #define SUBLANG_CUSTOM_DEFAULT 0x03 // default custom language/locale #define SUBLANG_CUSTOM_UNSPECIFIED 0x04 // custom language/locale #define LOCALE_CUSTOM_DEFAULT \ (MAKELCID(MAKELANGID(LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_CUSTOM_DEFAULT), SORT_DEFAULT)) #define LOCALE_CUSTOM_UNSPECIFIED \ (MAKELCID(MAKELANGID(LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_CUSTOM_UNSPECIFIED), SORT_DEFAULT)) #endif // !SUBLANG_CUSTOM_DEFAULT #ifndef __out_xcount_opt #define __out_xcount_opt(var) __out #endif #ifndef __encoded_pointer #define __encoded_pointer #endif #ifndef __range #define __range(min, man) #endif #ifndef __field_bcount #define __field_bcount(size) #endif #ifndef __field_ecount_opt #define __field_ecount_opt(nFields) #endif #ifndef __field_ecount #define __field_ecount(EHCount) #endif #undef _Ret_bytecap_ #define _Ret_bytecap_(_Size) #ifndef NT_SUCCESS #define NT_SUCCESS(Status) (((NTSTATUS)(Status)) >= 0) #endif #define ARGUMENT_PRESENT(ArgumentPointer) (\ (CHAR *)(ArgumentPointer) != (CHAR *)(NULL) ) #define EXCEPTION_CHAIN_END ((PEXCEPTION_REGISTRATION_RECORD)-1) typedef signed char SCHAR; typedef SCHAR *PSCHAR; typedef LONG NTSTATUS; #ifndef FEATURE_PAL #define TLS_MINIMUM_AVAILABLE 64 // winnt #define TLS_EXPANSION_SLOTS 1024 typedef enum _THREADINFOCLASS { ThreadBasicInformation, ThreadTimes, ThreadPriority, ThreadBasePriority, ThreadAffinityMask, ThreadImpersonationToken, ThreadDescriptorTableEntry, ThreadEnableAlignmentFaultFixup, ThreadEventPair_Reusable, ThreadQuerySetWin32StartAddress, ThreadZeroTlsCell, ThreadPerformanceCount, ThreadAmILastThread, ThreadIdealProcessor, ThreadPriorityBoost, ThreadSetTlsArrayAddress, ThreadIsIoPending, ThreadHideFromDebugger, ThreadBreakOnTermination, MaxThreadInfoClass } THREADINFOCLASS; typedef enum _SYSTEM_INFORMATION_CLASS { SystemBasicInformation, SystemProcessorInformation, // obsolete...delete SystemPerformanceInformation, SystemTimeOfDayInformation, SystemPathInformation, SystemProcessInformation, SystemCallCountInformation, SystemDeviceInformation, SystemProcessorPerformanceInformation, SystemFlagsInformation, SystemCallTimeInformation, SystemModuleInformation, SystemLocksInformation, SystemStackTraceInformation, SystemPagedPoolInformation, SystemNonPagedPoolInformation, SystemHandleInformation, SystemObjectInformation, SystemPageFileInformation, SystemVdmInstemulInformation, SystemVdmBopInformation, SystemFileCacheInformation, SystemPoolTagInformation, SystemInterruptInformation, SystemDpcBehaviorInformation, SystemFullMemoryInformation, SystemLoadGdiDriverInformation, SystemUnloadGdiDriverInformation, SystemTimeAdjustmentInformation, SystemSummaryMemoryInformation, SystemMirrorMemoryInformation, SystemPerformanceTraceInformation, SystemObsolete0, SystemExceptionInformation, SystemCrashDumpStateInformation, SystemKernelDebuggerInformation, SystemContextSwitchInformation, SystemRegistryQuotaInformation, SystemExtendServiceTableInformation, SystemPrioritySeperation, SystemVerifierAddDriverInformation, SystemVerifierRemoveDriverInformation, SystemProcessorIdleInformation, SystemLegacyDriverInformation, SystemCurrentTimeZoneInformation, SystemLookasideInformation, SystemTimeSlipNotification, SystemSessionCreate, SystemSessionDetach, SystemSessionInformation, SystemRangeStartInformation, SystemVerifierInformation, SystemVerifierThunkExtend, SystemSessionProcessInformation, SystemLoadGdiDriverInSystemSpace, SystemNumaProcessorMap, SystemPrefetcherInformation, SystemExtendedProcessInformation, SystemRecommendedSharedDataAlignment, SystemComPlusPackage, SystemNumaAvailableMemory, SystemProcessorPowerInformation, SystemEmulationBasicInformation, SystemEmulationProcessorInformation, SystemExtendedHandleInformation, SystemLostDelayedWriteInformation } SYSTEM_INFORMATION_CLASS; typedef enum _EVENT_INFORMATION_CLASS { EventBasicInformation } EVENT_INFORMATION_CLASS; typedef struct _SYSTEM_PROCESSOR_PERFORMANCE_INFORMATION { LARGE_INTEGER IdleTime; LARGE_INTEGER KernelTime; LARGE_INTEGER UserTime; LARGE_INTEGER DpcTime; // DEVL only LARGE_INTEGER InterruptTime; // DEVL only ULONG InterruptCount; } SYSTEM_PROCESSOR_PERFORMANCE_INFORMATION, *PSYSTEM_PROCESSOR_PERFORMANCE_INFORMATION; typedef enum _EVENT_TYPE { NotificationEvent, SynchronizationEvent } EVENT_TYPE; typedef struct _EVENT_BASIC_INFORMATION { EVENT_TYPE EventType; LONG EventState; } EVENT_BASIC_INFORMATION, *PEVENT_BASIC_INFORMATION; #define RTL_MEG (1024UL * 1024UL) #define RTLP_IMAGE_MAX_DOS_HEADER ( 256UL * RTL_MEG) typedef struct _SYSTEM_KERNEL_DEBUGGER_INFORMATION { BOOLEAN KernelDebuggerEnabled; BOOLEAN KernelDebuggerNotPresent; } SYSTEM_KERNEL_DEBUGGER_INFORMATION, *PSYSTEM_KERNEL_DEBUGGER_INFORMATION; typedef struct _STRING { USHORT Length; USHORT MaximumLength; #ifdef MIDL_PASS [size_is(MaximumLength), length_is(Length) ] #endif // MIDL_PASS PCHAR Buffer; } STRING; typedef STRING *PSTRING; typedef STRING ANSI_STRING; typedef PSTRING PANSI_STRING; typedef STRING OEM_STRING; typedef PSTRING POEM_STRING; typedef CONST STRING* PCOEM_STRING; typedef struct _UNICODE_STRING { USHORT Length; USHORT MaximumLength; #ifdef MIDL_PASS [size_is(MaximumLength / 2), length_is((Length) / 2) ] USHORT * Buffer; #else // MIDL_PASS PWSTR Buffer; #endif // MIDL_PASS } UNICODE_STRING; typedef UNICODE_STRING *PUNICODE_STRING; typedef const UNICODE_STRING *PCUNICODE_STRING; #define UNICODE_NULL ((WCHAR)0) // winnt typedef struct _STRING32 { USHORT Length; USHORT MaximumLength; ULONG Buffer; } STRING32; typedef STRING32 *PSTRING32; typedef STRING32 UNICODE_STRING32; typedef UNICODE_STRING32 *PUNICODE_STRING32; typedef STRING32 ANSI_STRING32; typedef ANSI_STRING32 *PANSI_STRING32; typedef struct _STRING64 { USHORT Length; USHORT MaximumLength; ULONGLONG Buffer; } STRING64; typedef STRING64 *PSTRING64; typedef STRING64 UNICODE_STRING64; typedef UNICODE_STRING64 *PUNICODE_STRING64; typedef STRING64 ANSI_STRING64; typedef ANSI_STRING64 *PANSI_STRING64; #define GDI_HANDLE_BUFFER_SIZE32 34 #define GDI_HANDLE_BUFFER_SIZE64 60 #if !defined(_TARGET_AMD64_) #define GDI_HANDLE_BUFFER_SIZE GDI_HANDLE_BUFFER_SIZE32 #else #define GDI_HANDLE_BUFFER_SIZE GDI_HANDLE_BUFFER_SIZE64 #endif typedef ULONG GDI_HANDLE_BUFFER32[GDI_HANDLE_BUFFER_SIZE32]; typedef ULONG GDI_HANDLE_BUFFER64[GDI_HANDLE_BUFFER_SIZE64]; typedef ULONG GDI_HANDLE_BUFFER [GDI_HANDLE_BUFFER_SIZE ]; typedef struct _PEB_LDR_DATA { ULONG Length; BOOLEAN Initialized; HANDLE SsHandle; LIST_ENTRY InLoadOrderModuleList; LIST_ENTRY InMemoryOrderModuleList; LIST_ENTRY InInitializationOrderModuleList; PVOID EntryInProgress; } PEB_LDR_DATA, *PPEB_LDR_DATA; typedef struct _PEB_FREE_BLOCK { struct _PEB_FREE_BLOCK *Next; ULONG Size; } PEB_FREE_BLOCK, *PPEB_FREE_BLOCK; typedef PVOID* PPVOID; typedef VOID (*PPS_POST_PROCESS_INIT_ROUTINE) ( VOID ); typedef struct _LDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY { LIST_ENTRY InLoadOrderLinks; LIST_ENTRY InMemoryOrderLinks; LIST_ENTRY InInitializationOrderLinks; PVOID DllBase; PVOID EntryPoint; ULONG SizeOfImage; UNICODE_STRING FullDllName; UNICODE_STRING BaseDllName; ULONG Flags; USHORT LoadCount; USHORT TlsIndex; union _foo { LIST_ENTRY HashLinks; struct _bar { PVOID SectionPointer; ULONG CheckSum; }; }; union _foo2 { struct _bar2 { ULONG TimeDateStamp; }; struct _bar3 { PVOID LoadedImports; }; }; PVOID EntryPointActivationContext; } LDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY, *PLDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY; #define TYPE3(arg) arg typedef struct _PEB { BOOLEAN InheritedAddressSpace; // These four fields cannot change unless the BOOLEAN ReadImageFileExecOptions; // BOOLEAN BeingDebugged; // BOOLEAN SpareBool; // HANDLE Mutant; // INITIAL_PEB structure is also updated. PVOID ImageBaseAddress; PPEB_LDR_DATA Ldr; TYPE3(struct _RTL_USER_PROCESS_PARAMETERS*) ProcessParameters; PVOID SubSystemData; PVOID ProcessHeap; TYPE3(struct _RTL_CRITICAL_SECTION*) FastPebLock; PVOID FastPebLockRoutine; PVOID FastPebUnlockRoutine; ULONG EnvironmentUpdateCount; PVOID KernelCallbackTable; ULONG SystemReserved[1]; struct _foo { ULONG ExecuteOptions : 2; ULONG SpareBits : 30; }; PPEB_FREE_BLOCK FreeList; ULONG TlsExpansionCounter; PVOID TlsBitmap; ULONG TlsBitmapBits[2]; // TLS_MINIMUM_AVAILABLE bits PVOID ReadOnlySharedMemoryBase; PVOID ReadOnlySharedMemoryHeap; PPVOID ReadOnlyStaticServerData; PVOID AnsiCodePageData; PVOID OemCodePageData; PVOID UnicodeCaseTableData; // // Useful information for LdrpInitialize ULONG NumberOfProcessors; ULONG NtGlobalFlag; // // Passed up from MmCreatePeb from Session Manager registry key // LARGE_INTEGER CriticalSectionTimeout; SIZE_T HeapSegmentReserve; SIZE_T HeapSegmentCommit; SIZE_T HeapDeCommitTotalFreeThreshold; SIZE_T HeapDeCommitFreeBlockThreshold; // // Where heap manager keeps track of all heaps created for a process // Fields initialized by MmCreatePeb. ProcessHeaps is initialized // to point to the first free byte after the PEB and MaximumNumberOfHeaps // is computed from the page size used to hold the PEB, less the fixed // size of this data structure. // ULONG NumberOfHeaps; ULONG MaximumNumberOfHeaps; PPVOID ProcessHeaps; // // PVOID GdiSharedHandleTable; PVOID ProcessStarterHelper; ULONG GdiDCAttributeList; PVOID LoaderLock; // // Following fields filled in by MmCreatePeb from system values and/or // image header. // ULONG OSMajorVersion; ULONG OSMinorVersion; USHORT OSBuildNumber; USHORT OSCSDVersion; ULONG OSPlatformId; ULONG ImageSubsystem; ULONG ImageSubsystemMajorVersion; ULONG ImageSubsystemMinorVersion; ULONG_PTR ImageProcessAffinityMask; GDI_HANDLE_BUFFER GdiHandleBuffer; PPS_POST_PROCESS_INIT_ROUTINE PostProcessInitRoutine; PVOID TlsExpansionBitmap; ULONG TlsExpansionBitmapBits[32]; // TLS_EXPANSION_SLOTS bits // // Id of the Hydra session in which this process is running // ULONG SessionId; // // Filled in by LdrpInstallAppcompatBackend // ULARGE_INTEGER AppCompatFlags; // // ntuser appcompat flags // ULARGE_INTEGER AppCompatFlagsUser; // // Filled in by LdrpInstallAppcompatBackend // PVOID pShimData; // // Filled in by LdrQueryImageFileExecutionOptions // PVOID AppCompatInfo; // // Used by GetVersionExW as the szCSDVersion string // UNICODE_STRING CSDVersion; // // Fusion stuff // PVOID ActivationContextData; PVOID ProcessAssemblyStorageMap; PVOID SystemDefaultActivationContextData; PVOID SystemAssemblyStorageMap; // // Enforced minimum initial commit stack // SIZE_T MinimumStackCommit; } PEB, *PPEB; #define ACTIVATION_CONTEXT_STACK_FLAG_QUERIES_DISABLED (0x00000001) typedef struct _ACTIVATION_CONTEXT_STACK { ULONG Flags; ULONG NextCookieSequenceNumber; PVOID ActiveFrame; LIST_ENTRY FrameListCache; #if NT_SXS_PERF_COUNTERS_ENABLED struct _ACTIVATION_CONTEXT_STACK_PERF_COUNTERS { ULONGLONG Activations; ULONGLONG ActivationCycles; ULONGLONG Deactivations; ULONGLONG DeactivationCycles; } Counters; #endif // NT_SXS_PERF_COUNTERS_ENABLED } ACTIVATION_CONTEXT_STACK, *PACTIVATION_CONTEXT_STACK; typedef const ACTIVATION_CONTEXT_STACK *PCACTIVATION_CONTEXT_STACK; #define TEB_ACTIVE_FRAME_CONTEXT_FLAG_EXTENDED (0x00000001) typedef struct _TEB_ACTIVE_FRAME_CONTEXT { ULONG Flags; PCSTR FrameName; } TEB_ACTIVE_FRAME_CONTEXT, *PTEB_ACTIVE_FRAME_CONTEXT; typedef const struct _TEB_ACTIVE_FRAME_CONTEXT *PCTEB_ACTIVE_FRAME_CONTEXT; typedef struct _TEB_ACTIVE_FRAME_CONTEXT_EX { TEB_ACTIVE_FRAME_CONTEXT BasicContext; PCSTR SourceLocation; // e.g. "Z:\foo\bar\baz.c" } TEB_ACTIVE_FRAME_CONTEXT_EX, *PTEB_ACTIVE_FRAME_CONTEXT_EX; typedef const struct _TEB_ACTIVE_FRAME_CONTEXT_EX *PCTEB_ACTIVE_FRAME_CONTEXT_EX; #define TEB_ACTIVE_FRAME_FLAG_EXTENDED (0x00000001) typedef struct _TEB_ACTIVE_FRAME { ULONG Flags; TYPE3(struct _TEB_ACTIVE_FRAME*) Previous; PCTEB_ACTIVE_FRAME_CONTEXT Context; } TEB_ACTIVE_FRAME, *PTEB_ACTIVE_FRAME; typedef const struct _TEB_ACTIVE_FRAME *PCTEB_ACTIVE_FRAME; typedef struct _TEB_ACTIVE_FRAME_EX { TEB_ACTIVE_FRAME BasicFrame; PVOID ExtensionIdentifier; // use address of your DLL Main or something unique to your mapping in the address space } TEB_ACTIVE_FRAME_EX, *PTEB_ACTIVE_FRAME_EX; typedef const struct _TEB_ACTIVE_FRAME_EX *PCTEB_ACTIVE_FRAME_EX; typedef struct _CLIENT_ID { HANDLE UniqueProcess; HANDLE UniqueThread; } CLIENT_ID; typedef CLIENT_ID *PCLIENT_ID; #define GDI_BATCH_BUFFER_SIZE 310 typedef struct _GDI_TEB_BATCH { ULONG Offset; ULONG_PTR HDC; ULONG Buffer[GDI_BATCH_BUFFER_SIZE]; } GDI_TEB_BATCH,*PGDI_TEB_BATCH; typedef struct _Wx86ThreadState { PULONG CallBx86Eip; PVOID DeallocationCpu; BOOLEAN UseKnownWx86Dll; char OleStubInvoked; } WX86THREAD, *PWX86THREAD; #define STATIC_UNICODE_BUFFER_LENGTH 261 #define WIN32_CLIENT_INFO_LENGTH 62 typedef struct _PEB* PPEB; typedef struct _TEB { NT_TIB NtTib; PVOID EnvironmentPointer; CLIENT_ID ClientId; PVOID ActiveRpcHandle; PVOID ThreadLocalStoragePointer; #if defined(PEBTEB_BITS) PVOID ProcessEnvironmentBlock; #else PPEB ProcessEnvironmentBlock; #endif ULONG LastErrorValue; ULONG CountOfOwnedCriticalSections; PVOID CsrClientThread; PVOID Win32ThreadInfo; // PtiCurrent ULONG User32Reserved[26]; // user32.dll items ULONG UserReserved[5]; // Winsrv SwitchStack PVOID WOW32Reserved; // used by WOW LCID CurrentLocale; ULONG FpSoftwareStatusRegister; // offset known by outsiders! PVOID SystemReserved1[54]; // Used by FP emulator NTSTATUS ExceptionCode; // for RaiseUserException ACTIVATION_CONTEXT_STACK ActivationContextStack; // Fusion activation stack // sizeof(PVOID) is a way to express processor-dependence, more generally than #ifdef _WIN64 UCHAR SpareBytes1[48 - sizeof(PVOID) - sizeof(ACTIVATION_CONTEXT_STACK)]; GDI_TEB_BATCH GdiTebBatch; // Gdi batching CLIENT_ID RealClientId; HANDLE GdiCachedProcessHandle; ULONG GdiClientPID; ULONG GdiClientTID; PVOID GdiThreadLocalInfo; ULONG_PTR Win32ClientInfo[WIN32_CLIENT_INFO_LENGTH]; // User32 Client Info PVOID glDispatchTable[233]; // OpenGL ULONG_PTR glReserved1[29]; // OpenGL PVOID glReserved2; // OpenGL PVOID glSectionInfo; // OpenGL PVOID glSection; // OpenGL PVOID glTable; // OpenGL PVOID glCurrentRC; // OpenGL PVOID glContext; // OpenGL ULONG LastStatusValue; UNICODE_STRING StaticUnicodeString; WCHAR StaticUnicodeBuffer[STATIC_UNICODE_BUFFER_LENGTH]; PVOID DeallocationStack; PVOID TlsSlots[TLS_MINIMUM_AVAILABLE]; LIST_ENTRY TlsLinks; PVOID Vdm; PVOID ReservedForNtRpc; PVOID DbgSsReserved[2]; ULONG HardErrorsAreDisabled; PVOID Instrumentation[16]; PVOID WinSockData; // WinSock ULONG GdiBatchCount; BOOLEAN InDbgPrint; BOOLEAN FreeStackOnTermination; BOOLEAN HasFiberData; BOOLEAN IdealProcessor; ULONG Spare3; PVOID ReservedForPerf; PVOID ReservedForOle; ULONG WaitingOnLoaderLock; WX86THREAD Wx86Thread; PPVOID TlsExpansionSlots; LCID ImpersonationLocale; // Current locale of impersonated user ULONG IsImpersonating; // Thread impersonation status PVOID NlsCache; // NLS thread cache PVOID pShimData; // Per thread data used in the shim ULONG HeapVirtualAffinity; HANDLE CurrentTransactionHandle;// reserved for TxF transaction context PTEB_ACTIVE_FRAME ActiveFrame; } TEB; typedef TEB *PTEB; typedef struct _CURDIR { UNICODE_STRING DosPath; HANDLE Handle; } CURDIR, *PCURDIR; #define RTL_USER_PROC_CURDIR_CLOSE 0x00000002 #define RTL_USER_PROC_CURDIR_INHERIT 0x00000003 typedef struct _RTL_DRIVE_LETTER_CURDIR { USHORT Flags; USHORT Length; ULONG TimeStamp; STRING DosPath; } RTL_DRIVE_LETTER_CURDIR, *PRTL_DRIVE_LETTER_CURDIR; #define RTL_MAX_DRIVE_LETTERS 32 #define RTL_DRIVE_LETTER_VALID (USHORT)0x0001 typedef struct _RTL_USER_PROCESS_PARAMETERS { ULONG MaximumLength; ULONG Length; ULONG Flags; ULONG DebugFlags; HANDLE ConsoleHandle; ULONG ConsoleFlags; HANDLE StandardInput; HANDLE StandardOutput; HANDLE StandardError; CURDIR CurrentDirectory; // ProcessParameters UNICODE_STRING DllPath; // ProcessParameters UNICODE_STRING ImagePathName; // ProcessParameters UNICODE_STRING CommandLine; // ProcessParameters PVOID Environment; // NtAllocateVirtualMemory ULONG StartingX; ULONG StartingY; ULONG CountX; ULONG CountY; ULONG CountCharsX; ULONG CountCharsY; ULONG FillAttribute; ULONG WindowFlags; ULONG ShowWindowFlags; UNICODE_STRING WindowTitle; // ProcessParameters UNICODE_STRING DesktopInfo; // ProcessParameters UNICODE_STRING ShellInfo; // ProcessParameters UNICODE_STRING RuntimeData; // ProcessParameters RTL_DRIVE_LETTER_CURDIR CurrentDirectores[ RTL_MAX_DRIVE_LETTERS ]; } RTL_USER_PROCESS_PARAMETERS, *PRTL_USER_PROCESS_PARAMETERS; typedef enum _PROCESSINFOCLASS { ProcessBasicInformation, ProcessQuotaLimits, ProcessIoCounters, ProcessVmCounters, ProcessTimes, ProcessBasePriority, ProcessRaisePriority, ProcessDebugPort, ProcessExceptionPort, ProcessAccessToken, ProcessLdtInformation, ProcessLdtSize, ProcessDefaultHardErrorMode, ProcessIoPortHandlers, // Note: this is kernel mode only ProcessPooledUsageAndLimits, ProcessWorkingSetWatch, ProcessUserModeIOPL, ProcessEnableAlignmentFaultFixup, ProcessPriorityClass, ProcessWx86Information, ProcessHandleCount, ProcessAffinityMask, ProcessPriorityBoost, ProcessDeviceMap, ProcessSessionInformation, ProcessForegroundInformation, ProcessWow64Information, ProcessImageFileName, ProcessLUIDDeviceMapsEnabled, ProcessBreakOnTermination, ProcessDebugObjectHandle, ProcessDebugFlags, ProcessHandleTracing, MaxProcessInfoClass // MaxProcessInfoClass should always be the last enum } PROCESSINFOCLASS; typedef struct _VM_COUNTERS { SIZE_T PeakVirtualSize; SIZE_T VirtualSize; ULONG PageFaultCount; SIZE_T PeakWorkingSetSize; SIZE_T WorkingSetSize; SIZE_T QuotaPeakPagedPoolUsage; SIZE_T QuotaPagedPoolUsage; SIZE_T QuotaPeakNonPagedPoolUsage; SIZE_T QuotaNonPagedPoolUsage; SIZE_T PagefileUsage; SIZE_T PeakPagefileUsage; } VM_COUNTERS; typedef VM_COUNTERS *PVM_COUNTERS; #undef TYPE3 #endif // !defined(FEATURE_PAL) #if !defined(_TARGET_X86_) typedef enum _FUNCTION_TABLE_TYPE { RF_SORTED, RF_UNSORTED, RF_CALLBACK } FUNCTION_TABLE_TYPE; typedef struct _DYNAMIC_FUNCTION_TABLE { LIST_ENTRY Links; PT_RUNTIME_FUNCTION FunctionTable; LARGE_INTEGER TimeStamp; #ifdef _TARGET_ARM_ ULONG MinimumAddress; ULONG MaximumAddress; ULONG BaseAddress; #else ULONG64 MinimumAddress; ULONG64 MaximumAddress; ULONG64 BaseAddress; #endif PGET_RUNTIME_FUNCTION_CALLBACK Callback; PVOID Context; PWSTR OutOfProcessCallbackDll; FUNCTION_TABLE_TYPE Type; ULONG EntryCount; } DYNAMIC_FUNCTION_TABLE, *PDYNAMIC_FUNCTION_TABLE; #endif // !_TARGET_X86_ // // AMD64 // #ifdef _TARGET_AMD64_ #define RUNTIME_FUNCTION__BeginAddress(prf) (prf)->BeginAddress #define RUNTIME_FUNCTION__SetBeginAddress(prf,address) ((prf)->BeginAddress = (address)) #define RUNTIME_FUNCTION__EndAddress(prf, ImageBase) (prf)->EndAddress #define RUNTIME_FUNCTION__GetUnwindInfoAddress(prf) (prf)->UnwindData #define RUNTIME_FUNCTION__SetUnwindInfoAddress(prf,address) do { (prf)->UnwindData = (address); } while (0) #define OFFSETOF__RUNTIME_FUNCTION__UnwindInfoAddress offsetof(T_RUNTIME_FUNCTION, UnwindData) #include "win64unwind.h" typedef PEXCEPTION_ROUTINE (RtlVirtualUnwindFn) ( IN ULONG HandlerType, IN ULONG64 ImageBase, IN ULONG64 ControlPc, IN PT_RUNTIME_FUNCTION FunctionEntry, IN OUT PCONTEXT ContextRecord, OUT PVOID *HandlerData, OUT PULONG64 EstablisherFrame, IN OUT PKNONVOLATILE_CONTEXT_POINTERS ContextPointers OPTIONAL ); #ifndef FEATURE_PAL extern RtlVirtualUnwindFn* RtlVirtualUnwind_Unsafe; #else // !FEATURE_PAL PEXCEPTION_ROUTINE RtlVirtualUnwind_Unsafe( IN ULONG HandlerType, IN ULONG64 ImageBase, IN ULONG64 ControlPc, IN PT_RUNTIME_FUNCTION FunctionEntry, IN OUT PCONTEXT ContextRecord, OUT PVOID *HandlerData, OUT PULONG64 EstablisherFrame, IN OUT PKNONVOLATILE_CONTEXT_POINTERS ContextPointers OPTIONAL ); #endif // !FEATURE_PAL #endif // _TARGET_AMD64_ // // X86 // #ifdef _TARGET_X86_ #ifndef FEATURE_PAL // // x86 ABI does not define RUNTIME_FUNCTION. Define our own to allow unification between x86 and other platforms. // typedef struct _RUNTIME_FUNCTION { DWORD BeginAddress; DWORD UnwindData; } RUNTIME_FUNCTION, *PRUNTIME_FUNCTION; typedef struct _DISPATCHER_CONTEXT { _EXCEPTION_REGISTRATION_RECORD* RegistrationPointer; } DISPATCHER_CONTEXT, *PDISPATCHER_CONTEXT; #endif // !FEATURE_PAL #define RUNTIME_FUNCTION__BeginAddress(prf) (prf)->BeginAddress #define RUNTIME_FUNCTION__SetBeginAddress(prf,addr) ((prf)->BeginAddress = (addr)) #ifdef WIN64EXCEPTIONS #include "win64unwind.h" FORCEINLINE DWORD RtlpGetFunctionEndAddress ( __in PT_RUNTIME_FUNCTION FunctionEntry, __in TADDR ImageBase ) { PTR_UNWIND_INFO pUnwindInfo = (PTR_UNWIND_INFO)(ImageBase + FunctionEntry->UnwindData); return FunctionEntry->BeginAddress + pUnwindInfo->FunctionLength; } #define RUNTIME_FUNCTION__EndAddress(prf, ImageBase) RtlpGetFunctionEndAddress(prf, ImageBase) #define RUNTIME_FUNCTION__GetUnwindInfoAddress(prf) (prf)->UnwindData #define RUNTIME_FUNCTION__SetUnwindInfoAddress(prf, addr) do { (prf)->UnwindData = (addr); } while(0) EXTERN_C NTSYSAPI PEXCEPTION_ROUTINE NTAPI RtlVirtualUnwind ( __in DWORD HandlerType, __in DWORD ImageBase, __in DWORD ControlPc, __in PRUNTIME_FUNCTION FunctionEntry, __inout PT_CONTEXT ContextRecord, __out PVOID *HandlerData, __out PDWORD EstablisherFrame, __inout_opt PT_KNONVOLATILE_CONTEXT_POINTERS ContextPointers ); #endif // WIN64EXCEPTIONS #endif // _TARGET_X86_ #ifdef _TARGET_ARM_ #include "daccess.h" // // Define unwind information flags. // #define UNW_FLAG_NHANDLER 0x0 /* any handler */ #define UNW_FLAG_EHANDLER 0x1 /* filter handler */ #define UNW_FLAG_UHANDLER 0x2 /* unwind handler */ // This function returns the length of a function using the new unwind info on arm. // Taken from minkernel\ntos\rtl\arm\ntrtlarm.h. FORCEINLINE ULONG RtlpGetFunctionEndAddress ( __in PT_RUNTIME_FUNCTION FunctionEntry, __in TADDR ImageBase ) { ULONG FunctionLength; FunctionLength = FunctionEntry->UnwindData; if ((FunctionLength & 3) != 0) { FunctionLength = (FunctionLength >> 2) & 0x7ff; } else { FunctionLength = *(PTR_ULONG)(ImageBase + FunctionLength) & 0x3ffff; } return FunctionEntry->BeginAddress + 2 * FunctionLength; } #define RUNTIME_FUNCTION__BeginAddress(FunctionEntry) ThumbCodeToDataPointer((FunctionEntry)->BeginAddress) #define RUNTIME_FUNCTION__SetBeginAddress(FunctionEntry,address) ((FunctionEntry)->BeginAddress = DataPointerToThumbCode(address)) #define RUNTIME_FUNCTION__EndAddress(FunctionEntry, ImageBase) ThumbCodeToDataPointer(RtlpGetFunctionEndAddress(FunctionEntry, ImageBase)) #define RUNTIME_FUNCTION__SetUnwindInfoAddress(prf,address) do { (prf)->UnwindData = (address); } while (0) typedef struct _UNWIND_INFO { // dummy } UNWIND_INFO, *PUNWIND_INFO; #if defined(FEATURE_PAL) || defined(_X86_) EXTERN_C NTSYSAPI VOID NTAPI RtlUnwindEx ( __in_opt PVOID TargetFrame, __in_opt PVOID TargetIp, __in_opt PEXCEPTION_RECORD ExceptionRecord, __in PVOID ReturnValue, __in PT_CONTEXT ContextRecord, __in_opt PUNWIND_HISTORY_TABLE HistoryTable ); EXTERN_C NTSYSAPI PEXCEPTION_ROUTINE NTAPI RtlVirtualUnwind ( __in DWORD HandlerType, __in DWORD ImageBase, __in DWORD ControlPc, __in PRUNTIME_FUNCTION FunctionEntry, __inout PT_CONTEXT ContextRecord, __out PVOID *HandlerData, __out PDWORD EstablisherFrame, __inout_opt PT_KNONVOLATILE_CONTEXT_POINTERS ContextPointers ); #endif // FEATURE_PAL || _X86_ #define UNW_FLAG_NHANDLER 0x0 #endif // _TARGET_ARM_ #ifdef _TARGET_ARM64_ #include "daccess.h" #define UNW_FLAG_NHANDLER 0x0 /* any handler */ #define UNW_FLAG_EHANDLER 0x1 /* filter handler */ #define UNW_FLAG_UHANDLER 0x2 /* unwind handler */ // This function returns the RVA of the end of the function (exclusive, so one byte after the actual end) // using the unwind info on ARM64. (see ExternalAPIs\Win9CoreSystem\inc\winnt.h) FORCEINLINE ULONG64 RtlpGetFunctionEndAddress ( __in PT_RUNTIME_FUNCTION FunctionEntry, __in ULONG64 ImageBase ) { ULONG64 FunctionLength; FunctionLength = FunctionEntry->UnwindData; if ((FunctionLength & 3) != 0) { FunctionLength = (FunctionLength >> 2) & 0x7ff; } else { FunctionLength = *(PTR_ULONG64)(ImageBase + FunctionLength) & 0x3ffff; } return FunctionEntry->BeginAddress + 4 * FunctionLength; } #define RUNTIME_FUNCTION__BeginAddress(FunctionEntry) ((FunctionEntry)->BeginAddress) #define RUNTIME_FUNCTION__SetBeginAddress(FunctionEntry,address) ((FunctionEntry)->BeginAddress = (address)) #define RUNTIME_FUNCTION__EndAddress(FunctionEntry, ImageBase) (RtlpGetFunctionEndAddress(FunctionEntry, (ULONG64)(ImageBase))) #define RUNTIME_FUNCTION__SetUnwindInfoAddress(prf,address) do { (prf)->UnwindData = (address); } while (0) typedef struct _UNWIND_INFO { // dummy } UNWIND_INFO, *PUNWIND_INFO; EXTERN_C NTSYSAPI PEXCEPTION_ROUTINE NTAPI RtlVirtualUnwind( IN ULONG HandlerType, IN ULONG64 ImageBase, IN ULONG64 ControlPc, IN PRUNTIME_FUNCTION FunctionEntry, IN OUT PCONTEXT ContextRecord, OUT PVOID *HandlerData, OUT PULONG64 EstablisherFrame, IN OUT PKNONVOLATILE_CONTEXT_POINTERS ContextPointers OPTIONAL ); #ifndef IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_ARM64 #define IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_ARM64 0xAA64 // ARM64 Little-Endian #endif #ifndef IMAGE_REL_ARM64_BRANCH26 #define IMAGE_REL_ARM64_BRANCH26 0x0003 // 26 bit offset << 2 & sign ext. for B & BL #endif #ifndef IMAGE_REL_ARM64_PAGEBASE_REL21 #define IMAGE_REL_ARM64_PAGEBASE_REL21 0x0004 // ADRP 21 bit PC-relative page address #endif #ifndef IMAGE_REL_ARM64_PAGEOFFSET_12A #define IMAGE_REL_ARM64_PAGEOFFSET_12A 0x0006 // ADD 12 bit page offset #endif #endif #endif // CLRNT_H_