// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements. // The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license. // See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information. // // // This header provides general path-related file system services. #ifndef _clr_fs_Path_h_ #define _clr_fs_Path_h_ #include "clrtypes.h" #include "cor.h" // SELECTANY #include "strsafe.h" #include "clr/str.h" #ifndef LONG_FORMAT_PATH_PREFIX #define LONG_FORMAT_PATH_PREFIX W("\\\\?\\") #endif namespace clr { namespace fs { // This list taken from ndp/clr/src/bcl/system/io/path.cs SELECTANY WCHAR const g_rgInvalidPathChars[] = { W('"'), W('<'), W('>'), W('|'), W('\0'), (WCHAR)1, (WCHAR)2, (WCHAR)3, (WCHAR)4, (WCHAR)5, (WCHAR)6, (WCHAR)7, (WCHAR)8, (WCHAR)9, (WCHAR)10, (WCHAR)11, (WCHAR)12, (WCHAR)13, (WCHAR)14, (WCHAR)15, (WCHAR)16, (WCHAR)17, (WCHAR)18, (WCHAR)19, (WCHAR)20, (WCHAR)21, (WCHAR)22, (WCHAR)23, (WCHAR)24, (WCHAR)25, (WCHAR)26, (WCHAR)27, (WCHAR)28, (WCHAR)29, (WCHAR)30, (WCHAR)31 }; class Path { public: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- static inline bool Exists( LPCWSTR wzPath) { DWORD attrs = WszGetFileAttributes(wzPath); return (attrs != INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Returns true if wzPath represents a long format path (i.e., prefixed with '\\?\'). static inline bool HasLongFormatPrefix(LPCWSTR wzPath) { _ASSERTE(!clr::str::IsNullOrEmpty(wzPath)); // Must check this first. return wcscmp(wzPath, LONG_FORMAT_PATH_PREFIX) == 0; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Returns true if wzPath represents a relative path. static inline bool IsRelative(LPCWSTR wzPath) { _ASSERTE(wzPath != nullptr); // Similar to System.IO.Path.IsRelative() #if PLATFORM_UNIX if(wzPath[0] == VOLUME_SEPARATOR_CHAR_W) { return false; } #else // Check for a paths like "C:\..." or "\\...". Additional notes: // - "\\?\..." - long format paths are considered as absolute paths due to the "\\" prefix // - "\..." - these paths are relative, as they depend on the current drive // - "C:..." and not "C:\..." - these paths are relative, as they depend on the current directory for drive C if (wzPath[0] != W('\0') && wzPath[1] == VOLUME_SEPARATOR_CHAR_W && wzPath[2] == DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR_CHAR_W && ( (wzPath[0] >= W('A') && wzPath[0] <= W('Z')) || (wzPath[0] >= W('a') && wzPath[0] <= W('z')) )) { return false; } if (wzPath[0] == DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR_CHAR_W && wzPath[1] == DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR_CHAR_W) { return false; } #endif return true; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Combines two path parts. wzPathLeft must be a directory path and may be either absolute // or relative. wzPathRight may be a directory or file path and must be relative. The // result is placed in wzBuffer and the number of chars written is placed in pcchBuffer on // success; otherwise an error HRESULT is returned. static HRESULT Combine(LPCWSTR wzPathLeft, LPCWSTR wzPathRight, __in DWORD *pcchBuffer, __out_ecount(*pcchBuffer) LPWSTR wzBuffer) { STATIC_CONTRACT_NOTHROW; HRESULT hr = S_OK; if (clr::str::IsNullOrEmpty(wzPathLeft) || clr::str::IsNullOrEmpty(wzPathRight) || pcchBuffer == nullptr) return E_INVALIDARG; LPWSTR wzBuf = wzBuffer; size_t cchBuf = *pcchBuffer; IfFailRet(StringCchCopyExW(wzBuf, cchBuf, wzPathLeft, &wzBuf, &cchBuf, STRSAFE_NULL_ON_FAILURE)); IfFailRet(StringCchCatExW(wzBuf, cchBuf, wzBuf[-1] == DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR_CHAR_W ? W("") : DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR_STR_W, &wzBuf, &cchBuf, STRSAFE_NULL_ON_FAILURE)); IfFailRet(StringCchCatExW(wzBuf, cchBuf, wzPathRight, &wzBuf, &cchBuf, STRSAFE_NULL_ON_FAILURE)); return S_OK; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Checks if the path provided is valid within the specified constraints. // ***NOTE: does not yet check for invalid path characters. static bool IsValid(LPCWSTR wzPath, DWORD cchPath, bool fAllowLongFormat) { if (clr::str::IsNullOrEmpty(wzPath)) return false; bool fIsLongFormat = HasLongFormatPrefix(wzPath); if (fIsLongFormat && !fAllowLongFormat) return false; if (!fIsLongFormat && cchPath > _MAX_PATH) return false; return true; } }; } } #endif // _clr_fs_Path_h_