set( CORGUIDS_IDL_SOURCES cordebug.idl xcordebug.idl clrdata.idl clrinternal.idl xclrdata.idl corprof.idl corpub.idl mscorsvc.idl clrprivappxhosting.idl clrprivbinding.idl clrprivhosting.idl clrprivruntimebinders.idl corsym.idl sospriv.idl ) if(WIN32) #Build for corguids is done in two steps: #1. compile .idl to *_i.c : This is done using custom midl command #2. compile *_i.c to .lib # Get the current list of definitions to pass to midl get_compile_definitions(MIDL_DEFINITIONS) get_include_directories(MIDL_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES) # Run custom midl command over each idl file FIND_PROGRAM( MIDL midl.exe ) foreach(GENERATE_IDL IN LISTS CORGUIDS_IDL_SOURCES) get_filename_component(IDLNAME ${GENERATE_IDL} NAME_WE) set(OUT_NAME ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/idls_out/${IDLNAME}_i.c) list(APPEND CORGUIDS_SOURCES ${OUT_NAME}) add_custom_command(OUTPUT ${OUT_NAME} COMMAND ${MIDL} ${MIDL_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES} /h ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/idls_out/${IDLNAME}.h ${MIDL_DEFINITIONS} /out ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/idls_out ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/${GENERATE_IDL} DEPENDS ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/${GENERATE_IDL} COMMENT "Compiling ${GENERATE_IDL}") endforeach(GENERATE_IDL) set_source_files_properties(${CORGUIDS_SOURCES} PROPERTIES GENERATED TRUE) # Compile *_i.c as C files add_compile_options(/TC) else() #The MIDL tool exists for Windows only, so for other systems, we have the prebuilt xxx_i.cpp files checked in # The prebuilt files contain extra '!_MIDL_USE_GUIDDEF_' after the #endif, but not in the comment. # In order to not to have to modify these prebuilt files, we disable the extra tokens warning. if (CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID STREQUAL "Clang") add_compile_options(-Wno-extra-tokens) elseif (CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID STREQUAL "GNU") add_compile_options(-Wno-endif-labels) endif() add_compile_options(-D_MIDL_USE_GUIDDEF_) foreach(IDL_SOURCE IN LISTS CORGUIDS_IDL_SOURCES) get_filename_component(IDLNAME ${IDL_SOURCE} NAME_WE) set(C_SOURCE ../pal/prebuilt/idl/${IDLNAME}_i.cpp) list(APPEND CORGUIDS_SOURCES ${C_SOURCE}) endforeach(IDL_SOURCE) add_compile_options(-fPIC) endif(WIN32) if(FEATURE_JIT_PITCHING) add_definitions(-DFEATURE_JIT_PITCHING) endif(FEATURE_JIT_PITCHING) # Compile *_i.cpp to lib _add_library(corguids ${CORGUIDS_SOURCES}) # Binplace the inc files for packaging later. _install (FILES cfi.h cor.h cordebuginfo.h coredistools.h corhdr.h corinfo.h corjit.h corjithost.h opcode.def openum.h gcinfoencoder.h gcinfotypes.h DESTINATION inc) _install (TARGETS corguids DESTINATION lib)