// // Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved. // Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information. // /************************************************************************************************ * * * File: winmain.cpp * * * * Purpose: Main program for graphic COM+ 2.0 disassembler ILDASM.exe * * * ************************************************************************************************/ #include "ildasmpch.h" #include "dynamicarray.h" #define DO_DASM_GUI #include "dasmgui.h" #include "dasmenum.hpp" #include "dis.h" #include #include "resource.h" #include "new.hpp" #define MODE_DUMP_ALL 0 #define MODE_DUMP_CLASS 1 #define MODE_DUMP_CLASS_METHOD 2 #define MODE_DUMP_CLASS_METHOD_SIG 3 #define MODE_GUI 4 // All externs are defined in DASM.CPP extern BOOL g_fDumpIL; extern BOOL g_fDumpHeader; extern BOOL g_fDumpAsmCode; extern BOOL g_fDumpTokens; extern BOOL g_fDumpStats; extern BOOL g_fDumpClassList; extern BOOL g_fDumpTypeList; extern BOOL g_fDumpSummary; extern BOOL g_fDecompile; // still in progress extern BOOL g_fShowRefs; extern BOOL g_fDumpToPerfWriter; extern BOOL g_fShowBytes; extern BOOL g_fShowSource; extern BOOL g_fInsertSourceLines; extern BOOL g_fTryInCode; extern BOOL g_fQuoteAllNames; extern BOOL g_fShowProgressBar; extern BOOL g_fTDC; extern BOOL g_fShowCA; extern BOOL g_fCAVerbal; extern char g_pszClassToDump[]; extern char g_pszMethodToDump[]; extern char g_pszSigToDump[]; extern char g_szAsmCodeIndent[]; extern DWORD g_Mode; extern char g_szInputFile[]; // in UTF-8 extern WCHAR g_wszFullInputFile[]; // in UTF-16 extern char g_szOutputFile[]; // in UTF-8 extern char* g_pszObjFileName; extern FILE* g_pFile; extern BOOL g_fLimitedVisibility; #if defined(_DEBUG) && defined(FEATURE_PREJIT) extern BOOL g_fNGenNativeMetadata; #endif extern BOOL g_fHidePub; extern BOOL g_fHidePriv; extern BOOL g_fHideFam; extern BOOL g_fHideAsm; extern BOOL g_fHideFAA; extern BOOL g_fHideFOA; extern BOOL g_fHidePrivScope; extern BOOL g_fProject; extern unsigned g_uCodePage; extern unsigned g_uConsoleCP; extern BOOL g_fForwardDecl; extern BOOL g_fUseProperName; #include "../tools/metainfo/mdinfo.h" extern BOOL g_fDumpMetaInfo; extern ULONG g_ulMetaInfoFilter; HINSTANCE g_hInstance; HINSTANCE g_hResources; HANDLE hConsoleOut=NULL; HANDLE hConsoleErr=NULL; // These are implemented in DASM.CPP: BOOL Init(); void Uninit(); void Cleanup(); void DumpMetaInfo(__in __nullterminated const WCHAR* pszFileName, __in __nullterminated const char* pszObjFileName, void* GUICookie); FILE* OpenOutput(__in __nullterminated const char* szFileName); // Do we only view an IL-dasm window in GUI mode? // TRUE when we're in GUI mode and we specified a particular method from the cmd line BOOL IsGuiILOnly() { return (g_Mode & MODE_GUI) && (g_pszMethodToDump[0] != 0); } void PrintLogo() { printf("Microsoft (R) .NET Framework IL Disassembler. Version " VER_FILEVERSION_STR); printf("\n%S\n\n", VER_LEGALCOPYRIGHT_LOGO_STR_L); } void SyntaxCon() { DWORD l; for(l=IDS_USAGE_01; l<= IDS_USAGE_23; l++) printf(RstrANSI(l)); if(g_fTDC) { for(l=IDS_USAGE_24; l<= IDS_USAGE_32; l++) printf(RstrANSI(l)); for(l=IDS_USAGE_34; l<= IDS_USAGE_36; l++) printf(RstrANSI(l)); for(l=IDS_USAGE_37; l<= IDS_USAGE_39; l++) printf(RstrANSI(l)); } else printf(RstrANSI(IDS_USAGE_40)); for(l=IDS_USAGE_41; l<= IDS_USAGE_42; l++) printf(RstrANSI(l)); } char* CheckForDQuotes(__inout __nullterminated char* sz) { char* ret = sz; if(*sz == '"') { ret++; sz[strlen(sz)-1] = 0; } return ret; } char* EqualOrColon(__in __nullterminated char* szArg) { char* pchE = strchr(szArg,'='); char* pchC = strchr(szArg,':'); char* ret; if(pchE == NULL) ret = pchC; else if(pchC == NULL) ret = pchE; else ret = (pchE < pchC)? pchE : pchC; return ret; } void GetInputFileFullPath() { // We need the input file's full path to make uses of it later, despite changing CurrentDirectory // First, convert back up to UTF16 DWORD len = (DWORD) strlen(g_szInputFile) + 16; WCHAR* wzArg = new WCHAR[len]; memset(wzArg, 0, len * sizeof(WCHAR)); WszMultiByteToWideChar(g_uConsoleCP, 0, g_szInputFile, -1, wzArg, len); // Get the full path len = WszGetFullPathName(wzArg, MAX_PATH, g_wszFullInputFile, NULL); VDELETE(wzArg); } int ProcessOneArg(__in __nullterminated char* szArg, __out char** ppszObjFileName) { char szOpt[128]; if(strlen(szArg) == 0) return 0; if ((strcmp(szArg, "/?") == 0) || (strcmp(szArg, "-?") == 0)) return 1; if((szArg[0] == '/') || (szArg[0] == '-')) { strncpy_s(szOpt,128, &szArg[1],10); szOpt[3] = 0; if (_stricmp(szOpt, "dec") == 0) { g_fDecompile = TRUE; } else if (_stricmp(szOpt, "hea") == 0) { g_fDumpHeader = TRUE; } else if (_stricmp(szOpt, "adv") == 0) { g_fTDC = TRUE; } else if (_stricmp(szOpt, "tok") == 0) { g_fDumpTokens = TRUE; } else if (_stricmp(szOpt, "noi") == 0) { g_fDumpAsmCode = FALSE; } else if (_stricmp(szOpt, "noc") == 0) { g_fShowCA = FALSE; } else if (_stricmp(szOpt, "cav") == 0) { g_fCAVerbal = TRUE; } else if (_stricmp(szOpt, "not") == 0) { g_fTryInCode = FALSE; } else if (_stricmp(szOpt, "raw") == 0) { g_fTryInCode = FALSE; } else if (_stricmp(szOpt, "byt") == 0) { g_fShowBytes = TRUE; } else if (_stricmp(szOpt, "sou") == 0) { #ifdef FEATURE_CORECLR printf("Warning: 'SOURCE' option is ignored for ildasm on CoreCLR.\n"); #else g_fShowSource = TRUE; #endif } else if (_stricmp(szOpt, "lin") == 0) { g_fInsertSourceLines = TRUE; } else if ((_stricmp(szOpt, "sta") == 0)&&g_fTDC) { g_fDumpStats = g_fTDC; } else if ((_stricmp(szOpt, "cla") == 0)&&g_fTDC) { g_fDumpClassList = g_fTDC; } else if (_stricmp(szOpt, "typ") == 0) { g_fDumpTypeList = TRUE; } else if (_stricmp(szOpt, "sum") == 0) { g_fDumpSummary = TRUE; } else if (_stricmp(szOpt, "per") == 0) { g_fDumpToPerfWriter = TRUE; } else if (_stricmp(szOpt, "for") == 0) { g_fForwardDecl = TRUE; } else if (_stricmp(szOpt, "ref") == 0) { g_fShowRefs = TRUE; } else if (_stricmp(szOpt, "pub") == 0) { g_fLimitedVisibility = TRUE; g_fHidePub = FALSE; } #if defined(_DEBUG) && defined(FEATURE_PREJIT) else if (_stricmp(szOpt, "nat") == 0) { g_fNGenNativeMetadata = TRUE; } #endif else if (_stricmp(szOpt, "pre") == 0) { //g_fPrettyPrint = TRUE; } else if (_stricmp(szOpt, "pro") == 0) { g_fProject = TRUE; } else if (_stricmp(szOpt, "vis") == 0) { char *pc = EqualOrColon(szArg); char *pStr; if(pc == NULL) return -1; do { pStr = pc+1; pStr = CheckForDQuotes(pStr); if((pc = strchr(pStr,'+'))) *pc=0; if (!_stricmp(pStr,"pub")) g_fHidePub = FALSE; else if(!_stricmp(pStr,"pri")) g_fHidePriv = FALSE; else if(!_stricmp(pStr,"fam")) g_fHideFam = FALSE; else if(!_stricmp(pStr,"asm")) g_fHideAsm = FALSE; else if(!_stricmp(pStr,"faa")) g_fHideFAA = FALSE; else if(!_stricmp(pStr,"foa")) g_fHideFOA = FALSE; else if(!_stricmp(pStr,"psc")) g_fHidePrivScope = FALSE; } while(pc); g_fLimitedVisibility = g_fHidePub || g_fHidePriv || g_fHideFam || g_fHideAsm || g_fHideFAA || g_fHideFOA || g_fHidePrivScope; } else if (_stricmp(szOpt, "nob") == 0) { g_fShowProgressBar = FALSE; } else if (_stricmp(szOpt, "quo") == 0) { g_fQuoteAllNames = TRUE; } else if (_stricmp(szOpt, "utf") == 0) { g_uCodePage = CP_UTF8; } else if (_stricmp(szOpt, "uni") == 0) { g_uCodePage = 0xFFFFFFFF; } else if (_stricmp(szOpt, "rtf") == 0) { g_fDumpRTF = TRUE; g_fDumpHTML = FALSE; } else if (_stricmp(szOpt, "htm") == 0) { g_fDumpRTF = FALSE; g_fDumpHTML = TRUE; } else if (_stricmp(szOpt, "all") == 0) { g_fDumpStats = g_fTDC; g_fDumpHeader = TRUE; g_fShowBytes = TRUE; g_fDumpClassList = g_fTDC; g_fDumpTokens = TRUE; } else if (_stricmp(szOpt, "ite") == 0) { char *pStr = EqualOrColon(szArg); char *p, *q; if(pStr == NULL) return -1; pStr++; pStr = CheckForDQuotes(pStr); // treat it as meaning "dump only class X" or "class X method Y" p = strchr(pStr, ':'); if (p == NULL) { // dump one class g_Mode = MODE_DUMP_CLASS; strcpy_s(g_pszClassToDump, MAX_CLASSNAME_LENGTH, pStr); } else { *p++ = '\0'; if (*p != ':') return -1; strcpy_s(g_pszClassToDump, MAX_CLASSNAME_LENGTH, pStr); p++; q = strchr(p, '('); if (q == NULL) { // dump class::method g_Mode = MODE_DUMP_CLASS_METHOD; strcpy_s(g_pszMethodToDump, MAX_MEMBER_LENGTH, p); } else { // dump class::method(sig) g_Mode = MODE_DUMP_CLASS_METHOD_SIG; *q = '\0'; strcpy_s(g_pszMethodToDump, MAX_MEMBER_LENGTH, p); // get rid of external parentheses: q++; strcpy_s(g_pszSigToDump, MAX_SIGNATURE_LENGTH, q); } } } else if ((_stricmp(szOpt, "met") == 0)&&g_fTDC) { if(g_fTDC) { char *pStr = EqualOrColon(szArg); g_fDumpMetaInfo = TRUE; if(pStr) { char szOptn[64]; strncpy_s(szOptn, 64, pStr+1,10); szOptn[3] = 0; // recognize metainfo specifier by first 3 chars if (_stricmp(szOptn, "hex") == 0) g_ulMetaInfoFilter |= MDInfo::dumpMoreHex; else if(_stricmp(szOptn, "csv") == 0) g_ulMetaInfoFilter |= MDInfo::dumpCSV; else if(_stricmp(szOptn, "mdh") == 0) g_ulMetaInfoFilter |= MDInfo::dumpHeader; else if(_stricmp(szOptn, "raw") == 0) g_ulMetaInfoFilter |= MDInfo::dumpRaw; else if(_stricmp(szOptn, "hea") == 0) g_ulMetaInfoFilter |= MDInfo::dumpRawHeaps; else if(_stricmp(szOptn, "sch") == 0) g_ulMetaInfoFilter |= MDInfo::dumpSchema; else if(_stricmp(szOptn, "unr") == 0) g_ulMetaInfoFilter |= MDInfo::dumpUnsat; else if(_stricmp(szOptn, "val") == 0) g_ulMetaInfoFilter |= MDInfo::dumpValidate; else if(_stricmp(szOptn, "sta") == 0) g_ulMetaInfoFilter |= MDInfo::dumpStats; else return -1; } } } else if (_stricmp(szOpt, "obj") == 0) { char *pStr = EqualOrColon(szArg); if(pStr == NULL) return -1; pStr++; pStr = CheckForDQuotes(pStr); *ppszObjFileName = new char[strlen(pStr)+1]; strcpy_s(*ppszObjFileName,strlen(pStr)+1,pStr); } else if (_stricmp(szOpt, "out") == 0) { char *pStr = EqualOrColon(szArg); if(pStr == NULL) return -1; pStr++; pStr = CheckForDQuotes(pStr); if(*pStr == 0) return -1; if(_stricmp(pStr,"con")) { strncpy_s(g_szOutputFile, MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH, pStr,MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH-1); g_szOutputFile[MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH-1] = 0; } else g_fShowProgressBar = FALSE; g_Mode &= ~MODE_GUI; } else if (_stricmp(szOpt, "tex") == 0) { g_Mode &= ~MODE_GUI; g_fShowProgressBar = FALSE; } else { PrintLogo(); printf(RstrANSI(IDS_E_INVALIDOPTION),szArg); //"INVALID COMMAND LINE OPTION: %s\n\n",szArg); return -1; } } else { if(g_szInputFile[0]) { PrintLogo(); printf(RstrANSI(IDS_E_MULTIPLEINPUT)); //"MULTIPLE INPUT FILES SPECIFIED\n\n"); return -1; // check if it was already specified } szArg = CheckForDQuotes(szArg); strncpy_s(g_szInputFile, MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH,szArg,MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH-1); g_szInputFile[MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH-1] = 0; GetInputFileFullPath(); } return 0; } char* UTF8toANSI(__in __nullterminated char* szUTF) { ULONG32 L = (ULONG32) strlen(szUTF)+16; WCHAR* wzUnicode = new WCHAR[L]; memset(wzUnicode,0,L*sizeof(WCHAR)); WszMultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8,0,szUTF,-1,wzUnicode,L); L <<= 2; char* szANSI = new char[L]; memset(szANSI,0,L); WszWideCharToMultiByte(g_uConsoleCP,0,wzUnicode,-1,szANSI,L,NULL,NULL); VDELETE(wzUnicode); return szANSI; } char* ANSItoUTF8(__in __nullterminated char* szANSI) { ULONG32 L = (ULONG32) strlen(szANSI)+16; WCHAR* wzUnicode = new WCHAR[L]; memset(wzUnicode,0,L*sizeof(WCHAR)); WszMultiByteToWideChar(g_uConsoleCP,0,szANSI,-1,wzUnicode,L); L *= 3; char* szUTF = new char[L]; memset(szUTF,0,L); WszWideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8,0,wzUnicode,-1,szUTF,L,NULL,NULL); VDELETE(wzUnicode); return szUTF; } int ParseCmdLineW(__in __nullterminated WCHAR* wzCmdLine, __out char** ppszObjFileName) { int argc,ret=0; LPWSTR* argv= CommandLineToArgvW(wzCmdLine,&argc); char* szArg = new char[2048]; for(int i=1; i < argc; i++) { memset(szArg,0,2048); WszWideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8,0,argv[i],-1,szArg,2048,NULL,NULL); if(ret = ProcessOneArg(szArg,ppszObjFileName)) break; } VDELETE(szArg); return ret; } int ParseCmdLineA(__in __nullterminated char* szCmdLine, __out char** ppszObjFileName) { if((szCmdLine == NULL)||(*szCmdLine == 0)) return 0; // ANSI to UTF-8 char* szCmdLineUTF = ANSItoUTF8(szCmdLine); // Split into argv[] int argc=0, ret = 0; DynamicArray argv; char* pch; char* pchend; bool bUnquoted = true; pch = szCmdLineUTF; pchend = pch+strlen(szCmdLineUTF); while(pch) { for(; *pch == ' '; pch++); // skip the blanks argv[argc++] = pch; for(; pch < pchend; pch++) { if(*pch == '"') bUnquoted = !bUnquoted; else if((*pch == ' ')&&bUnquoted) break; } if(pch < pchend) *pch++ = 0; else break; } for(int i=1; i < argc; i++) { if(ret = ProcessOneArg(argv[i],ppszObjFileName)) break; } VDELETE(szCmdLineUTF); return ret; } #ifdef FEATURE_CORECLR int __cdecl main(int nCmdShow, char* lpCmdLine[]) #else int APIENTRY WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, __in LPSTR lpCmdLine, int nCmdShow) #endif { // ildasm does not need to be SO-robust. SO_NOT_MAINLINE_FUNCTION; // SWI has requested that the exact form of the function call below be used. For details see http://swi/SWI%20Docs/Detecting%20Heap%20Corruption.doc (void)HeapSetInformation(NULL, HeapEnableTerminationOnCorruption, NULL, 0); #ifdef _DEBUG DisableThrowCheck(); #endif int iCommandLineParsed = 0; WCHAR* wzCommandLine = NULL; char* szCommandLine = NULL; g_fUseProperName = TRUE; #ifndef FEATURE_CORECLR g_hInstance = hInstance; g_Mode = MODE_GUI; #endif g_pszClassToDump[0]=0; g_pszMethodToDump[0]=0; g_pszSigToDump[0]=0; memset(g_szInputFile,0,MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH); memset(g_szOutputFile,0,MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH); #if defined(_DEBUG) g_fTDC = TRUE; #endif #undef GetCommandLineW #undef CreateProcessW g_pszObjFileName = NULL; g_szAsmCodeIndent[0] = 0; hConsoleOut = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE); hConsoleErr = GetStdHandle(STD_ERROR_HANDLE); // Dev11 #5320 - pull the localized resource loader up so if ParseCmdLineW need resources, they're already loaded g_hResources = LoadLocalizedResourceDLLForSDK(L"ildasmrc.dll"); iCommandLineParsed = ParseCmdLineW((wzCommandLine = GetCommandLineW()),&g_pszObjFileName); if(!g_fLimitedVisibility) { g_fHidePub = FALSE; g_fHidePriv = FALSE; g_fHideFam = FALSE; g_fHideAsm = FALSE; g_fHideFAA = FALSE; g_fHideFOA = FALSE; g_fHidePrivScope = FALSE; } if(hConsoleOut != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) //First pass: console { g_uConsoleCP = GetConsoleOutputCP(); if(iCommandLineParsed) { if(iCommandLineParsed > 0) PrintLogo(); SyntaxCon(); exit((iCommandLineParsed == 1) ? 0 : 1); } if(!(g_Mode & MODE_GUI)) { DWORD exitCode = 1; if(g_szInputFile[0] == 0) { SyntaxCon(); exit(1); } g_pFile = NULL; if(g_szOutputFile[0]) { g_pFile = OpenOutput(g_szOutputFile); if(g_pFile == NULL) { char sz[4096]; sprintf_s(sz,4096,RstrUTF(IDS_E_CANTOPENOUT)/*"Unable to open '%s' for output."*/, g_szOutputFile); g_uCodePage = CP_ACP; printError(NULL,sz); exit(1); } } else // console output -- force the code page to ANSI { g_uCodePage = g_uConsoleCP; g_fDumpRTF = FALSE; g_fDumpHTML = FALSE; } if (Init() == TRUE) { exitCode = DumpFile() ? 0 : 1; Cleanup(); } Uninit(); exit(exitCode); } else // if GUI ordered, restart as WinApp { #ifdef FEATURE_CORECLR _ASSERTE(!"GUI is not supported for ildasm on CoreCLR."); #else PROCESS_INFORMATION pi; STARTUPINFO si; memset(&pi, 0, sizeof(PROCESS_INFORMATION) ); memset(&si, 0, sizeof(STARTUPINFO) ); si.cb = sizeof(STARTUPINFO); si.dwFlags = STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW | STARTF_USESTDHANDLES; si.wShowWindow = SW_SHOW; si.hStdOutput = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; si.hStdInput = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; si.hStdError = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; // Create the child process. if(CreateProcessW(NULL, wzCommandLine, // command line NULL, // process security attributes NULL, // primary thread security attributes TRUE, // handles are inherited DETACHED_PROCESS, // creation flags NULL, // use parent's environment NULL, // use parent's current directory (LPSTARTUPINFOW)&si, // STARTUPINFO pointer &pi)==0) // receives PROCESS_INFORMATION { printf(RstrANSI(IDS_E_CANTCREATEPROC));//"Failed to CreateProcess\n\n"); exit(1); } exit(0); #endif } } #ifndef FEATURE_CORECLR else //Second pass: WinApp { g_uCodePage = CP_UTF8; g_Mode = MODE_GUI; g_fDumpHTML = FALSE; if(g_szInputFile[0]) { char* pch = strrchr(g_szInputFile,'.'); if(pch && (!_strcmpi(pch+1,"lib") || !_strcmpi(pch+1,"obj"))) { WszMessageBox(NULL, RstrW(IDS_ONLYPEINGUI),//"ILDASM supports only PE files in graphic mode", RstrW(IDS_BADFILETYPE),//"Invalid File Type", MB_OK|MB_ICONERROR|GetDasmMBRTLStyle()); return 0; } } if (Init() == TRUE) { CreateGUI(); if(g_szInputFile[0]) { GUISetModule(g_szInputFile); DumpFile(); } GUIMainLoop(); Cleanup(); DestroyGUI(); } Uninit(); return 0 ; } #endif return 0; }