// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements. // The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license. // See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information. #include "resource.h" #ifndef FEATURE_PAL #define APSTUDIO_READONLY_SYMBOLS ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Generated from the TEXTINCLUDE 2 resource. // #include ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #undef APSTUDIO_READONLY_SYMBOLS #endif // !FEATURE_PAL #define FX_VER_FILEDESCRIPTION_STR "Microsoft .NET Framework IL disassembler\0" #include #include ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // English (U.S.) resources #if !defined(AFX_RESOURCE_DLL) || defined(AFX_TARG_ENU) #ifdef _WIN32 LANGUAGE LANG_ENGLISH, SUBLANG_ENGLISH_US #pragma code_page(1252) #endif //_WIN32 #ifdef APSTUDIO_INVOKED ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // TEXTINCLUDE // 1 TEXTINCLUDE DISCARDABLE BEGIN "resource.h\0" END 2 TEXTINCLUDE DISCARDABLE BEGIN "#include ""afxres.h""\r\n" "\0" END 3 TEXTINCLUDE DISCARDABLE BEGIN "\0" END #endif // APSTUDIO_INVOKED #if FX_VFT == VFT_DLL STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_USAGE_TITLE L"ILDASM command line syntax" IDS_USAGE_01 L"Usage: ildasm [options] [options]\n\n" IDS_USAGE_02 L"Options for output redirection:\n" IDS_USAGE_03 L" /OUT= Direct output to file rather than to console.\n" IDS_USAGE_04A L" /HTML Output in HTML format (valid with /OUT option only).\n" IDS_USAGE_04B L" /RTF Output in rich text format (valid with /OUT option only).\n" IDS_USAGE_05 L"Options for file/console output:\n" #ifdef OWNER_OPTION_ENABLED IDS_USAGE_06 L" /OWNER= Set owner name to disassemble a protected PE file.\n" #endif IDS_USAGE_07 L" /BYTES Show actual bytes (in hex) as instruction comments.\n" END STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_USAGE_08 L" /RAWEH Show exception handling clauses in raw form.\n" IDS_USAGE_09 L" /TOKENS Show metadata tokens of classes and members.\n" IDS_USAGE_10 L" /SOURCE Show original source lines as comments.\n" #ifdef _DEBUG IDS_USAGE_10A L" /PRETTY This option is obsolete and no longer supported.\n" #endif IDS_USAGE_11 L" /LINENUM Include references to original source lines.\n" IDS_USAGE_12 L" /VISIBILITY=[+...] Only disassemble the items with specified\n" IDS_USAGE_13 L" visibility. ( = PUB | PRI | FAM | ASM | FAA | FOA | PSC)\n" IDS_USAGE_14 L" /PUBONLY Only disassemble the public items (same as /VIS=PUB).\n" IDS_USAGE_15 L" /QUOTEALLNAMES Include all names into single quotes.\n" IDS_USAGE_15A L" /NOCA Suppress output of custom attributes.\n" IDS_USAGE_15B L" /CAVERBAL Output CA blobs in verbal form (default - in binary form).\n" IDS_USAGE_17 L"The following options are valid for file/console output only:\n" IDS_USAGE_18 L"Options for EXE and DLL files:\n" IDS_USAGE_19 L" /UTF8 Use UTF-8 encoding for output (default - ANSI).\n" IDS_USAGE_20 L" /UNICODE Use UNICODE encoding for output.\n" IDS_USAGE_21 L" /NOIL Suppress IL assembler code output.\n" IDS_USAGE_21A L" /FORWARD Use forward class declaration.\n" IDS_USAGE_21B L" /TYPELIST Output full list of types (to preserve type ordering in round-trip).\n" IDS_USAGE_21C L" /PROJECT Display .NET projection view if input is a .winmd file.\n" IDS_USAGE_22 L" /HEADERS Include file headers information in the output.\n" IDS_USAGE_23 L" /ITEM=[::[()] Disassemble the specified item only\n\n" END STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_USAGE_24 L" /STATS Include statistics on the image.\n" IDS_USAGE_25 L" /CLASSLIST Include list of classes defined in the module.\n" IDS_USAGE_26 L" /ALL Combination of /HEADER,/BYTES,/STATS,/CLASSLIST,/TOKENS\n\n" #ifndef FEATURE_PAL IDS_USAGE_27 L"Options for EXE,DLL,OBJ and LIB files:\n" #else IDS_USAGE_27 L"" #endif // !FEATURE_PAL IDS_USAGE_28 L" /METADATA[=] Show MetaData, where is:\n" IDS_USAGE_29 L" MDHEADER Show MetaData header information and sizes.\n" IDS_USAGE_30 L" HEX Show more things in hex as well as words.\n" IDS_USAGE_31 L" CSV Show the record counts and heap sizes.\n" IDS_USAGE_32 L" UNREX Show unresolved externals.\n" #ifndef FEATURE_PAL IDS_USAGE_33 L" DEBUG Show debug information in addition to other MetaData.\n" #else IDS_USAGE_33 L"" #endif // !FEATURE_PAL IDS_USAGE_34 L" SCHEMA Show the MetaData header and schema information.\n" IDS_USAGE_35 L" RAW Show the raw MetaData tables.\n" IDS_USAGE_36 L" HEAPS Show the raw heaps.\n" IDS_USAGE_37 L" VALIDATE Validate the consistency of the metadata.\n" #ifndef FEATURE_PAL IDS_USAGE_38 L"Options for LIB files only:\n" IDS_USAGE_39 L" /OBJECTFILE= Show MetaData of a single object file in library\n" #else IDS_USAGE_38 L"" IDS_USAGE_39 L"" #endif // !FEATURE_PAL END STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_USAGE_40 L" /ALL Combination of /HEADER, /BYTES, /TOKENS\n\n" IDS_USAGE_41 L"\nOption key is '-' or '/', options are recognized by first 3 characters\n\n" IDS_USAGE_42 L"Example: ildasm /tok /byt myfile.exe /out=myfile.il\n\n" IDS_USAGE_43 L"\n\nPress any key to close the console window..." END STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_E_INITLDR L"error : PELoader initialization failed" IDS_E_FILEOPEN L"error : File '%s' not found or not a PE file" IDS_E_NOCORHDR L"error : '%s' has no valid CLR header and cannot be disassembled" IDS_E_BADCORHDR L"error : Bad CLR header, or the version of the file format is not supported" IDS_E_OPENMD L"error : Failed to open meta data" IDS_E_COPYRIGHT L"error : Copyrighted material - can not disassemble!" IDS_E_DASMOK L"*********** DISASSEMBLY COMPLETE ***********************" IDS_E_PARTDASM L"warning : THIS IS A PARTIAL DISASSEMBLY, NOT SUITABLE FOR RE-ASSEMBLING" IDS_E_INSTRDT L"error : Failed to create instruction decoding table" IDS_E_NOCOMPR L"error : Compression not supported" IDS_E_CLSENUM L"error : Unable to enumerate classes" IDS_E_SELFNSTD L"error : class %08X is nested in itself" IDS_E_NOENCLOS L"error : class %08X is nested in missing class %08x" IDS_E_INVALIDTK L"error : invalid token (%08x)" IDS_E_INVALIDRECORD L"error : Invalid record (%08x)" END STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_E_UNEXPTYPE L"error : unexpected token type, expected %02x, got %02x" IDS_E_AUTOCA L"--- The following custom attribute is added automatically, do not uncomment -------" IDS_E_PARAMSEQNO L"error : parameter %d has sequence number %d (0x%X), parameter info skipped" IDS_E_METHBEG L"Method begins at RVA 0x%x" IDS_E_DASMERR L"%s ********* ERROR DISASSEMBLING THE METHOD IL CODE ***********" IDS_E_DASMNATIVE L"Disassembly of native methods is not supported." IDS_E_METHODRT L"Method provided by Runtime" IDS_E_NORVA L"COULD NOT GET RVA" IDS_E_MEMBRENUM L"Unable to enum members" IDS_E_ODDMEMBER L"Unidentified member 0x%08X of class '%s'" IDS_E_ENUMINIT L"*** EnumInit(mdtInterfaceImpl) failed" IDS_E_NODATA L"No data." IDS_E_VTFUTABLE L"Failed to get vtable fix-up table." IDS_E_BOGUSRVA L"Bogus RVA for entry." IDS_E_EATJTABLE L"Failed to get export address table jumps table." IDS_E_EATJSIZE L"Error! size of ExportAddressTableJumps %d not a multiple of reserved size %d" END STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_E_RESFLAGS L"Error! reserved flags need to be 0." IDS_E_MIHENTRY L"Failed to get vtable method data." IDS_E_CODEMGRTBL L"Failed to get Code Manager table." IDS_E_IMPORTDATA L"Failed to read import data." IDS_E_COMIMAGE L"Not a CLR image" IDS_E_MDDETAILS L"Unable to get MetaData details." IDS_E_MISTART L"================================= M E T A I N F O ================================================\n" IDS_E_MIEND L"================================= END OF METAINFO ================================================\n" IDS_E_ONLYITEMS L"Only shown items having accessibility:" IDS_E_ROGUEPTR L"ERROR: One of used pointers references undefined data (D_%8.8X)" IDS_E_DECOMPRESS L"Failed to decompress method" IDS_E_COMPRESSED L"Method is compressed" IDS_E_CODESIZE L"Code size %d (0x%x)" IDS_E_BOGUSLVSIG L"******** ERROR: Bogus local variable signature (0x%08X) ***********" IDS_E_INSTRDECOD L"***Instruction decoding ERROR: %02X at position 0x%X (%d)" IDS_E_INSTRTYPE L"ERROR: Unknown type 0x%X of instruction 0x%X" END STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_E_ARGINDEX L"%-10s %d // ERROR: invalid arg index (>=%d)" IDS_E_LVINDEX L"%-10s %d // ERROR: invalid local var index (>=%d)" IDS_E_SECTHEADER L"Error: no section header for RVA 0x%x, defaulting to empty string" IDS_E_BADTOKENTYPE L"%-10s 0x%8.8X // ERROR: invalid token type" IDS_E_MDAIMPORT L"ERROR: failed to obtain IMetaDataAssemblyImport (0x%08X)" IDS_E_MDAFROMMDI L"ERROR: failed to obtain IMetaDataAssemblyImport from IMDInternalImport (0x%08X)" IDS_E_MDIIMPORT L"ERROR: failed to obtain IMDInternalImport (0x%08X)" IDS_E_NOMANIFEST L"Module contains no Manifest data" END STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_E_MULTIPLEINPUT L"MULTIPLE INPUT FILES SPECIFIED\n\n" IDS_E_INVALIDOPTION L"INVALID COMMAND LINE OPTION: %s\n\n" IDS_PROGRESSBOX L"ProgressBox" IDS_DISASSEMBLING L"Disassembling" IDS_PB_FILE L"File %s" IDS_PB_FILE1 L"File ...%s" IDS_PB_TOFILE L"To file %s" IDS_PB_TOFILE1 L"To file ...%s" IDS_PB_CLASSESDONE L"%d classes, %d done" IDS_PB_GLOBALSDONE L"%d global methods, %d done" IDS_PB_CANCEL L"Cancel" IDS_PB_WRITINGDATA L"Writing global data" IDS_W_CREATEDW32RES L"WARNING: Created Win32 resource file %s" IDS_E_CORRUPTW32RES L"ERROR: Corrupt Win32 resources" IDS_E_CANTOPENW32RES L"ERROR: Unable to open file %s" IDS_E_CANTACCESSW32RES L"ERROR: Unable to access Win32 resources" IDS_CANTVIEW_TX L"Can't view %s::%s(%s)" IDS_CANTVIEW_HD L"Can't View IL" IDS_ONLYPEINGUI L"ILDASM supports only PE files in graphic mode" IDS_BADFILETYPE L"Invalid File Type" IDS_E_CANTOPENOUT L"Unable to open '%s' for output." IDS_E_CANTCREATEPROC L"Failed to CreateProcess\n\n" IDS_TEXTTOOLARGEFORGUI L"Text too large for GUI. Use File/Dump menu entry to disassemble to file." IDS_FILTER_IN L"PE file (*.exe,*.dll,*.mod,*.mdl,*.winmd)\t*.exe;*.dll;*.mod;*.mdl;*.winmd\tAny type (*.*)\t*.*\t\0" IDS_FILTER_OUT L"IL file (*.il)\t*.il\tText file (*.txt) \t*.txt\tAny type (*.*)\t*.*\t\0" IDS_FILTER_OUT2 L"Text file (*.txt) \t*.txt\tAny type (*.*)\t*.*\t\0" IDS_CANNOTOPENFILE L"Cannot open file" IDS_UNABLETOREGLIBS L"Unable to register libraries!" IDS_ERRORREOPENINGFILE L"Error reopening the file with FileToken 0x%08X" IDS_ASSEMNAMETOOLONG L"error *** Assembly name too long, truncated to 1023 characters" IDS_ASMREFNAMETOOLONG L"error *** AssemblyRef name too long, truncated to 1023 characters" IDS_ERRORCAPTION L"ERROR" IDS_ILDASM_TITLE L"Microsoft (R) .NET Framework IL Disassembler" IDS_VERSION L"Version %s" IDS_W_CREATEDMRES L"WARNING: managed resource file %s created" IDS_E_READINGMRES L"ERROR: reading managed resource %s at offset 0x%X" IDS_RTL L"RTL_False" // change this to RTL_True on Arabic/Hebrew system IDS_E_SUPPRESSED L"Protected module -- cannot disassemble" IDS_LEGALCOPYRIGHT L"\251 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved." END #endif // FX_VFT == VFT_DLL #endif // English (U.S.) resources ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifndef FEATURE_PAL #ifndef APSTUDIO_INVOKED ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Generated from the TEXTINCLUDE 3 resource. // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #endif // not APSTUDIO_INVOKED #endif // !FEATURE_PAL