// ==++== // // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // // ==--== // =========================================================================== // File: CEELOAD.H // // CEELOAD.H defines the class use to represent the PE file // =========================================================================== #ifndef CEELoad_H #define CEELoad_H class PELoader; // // Used to cache information about sections we're interested in (descr, callsig, il) // class SectionInfo { public: BYTE * m_pSection; // pointer to the beginning of the section DWORD m_dwSectionOffset; // RVA DWORD m_dwSectionSize; // init this class's member variables from the provided directory void Init(PELoader *pPELoader, IMAGE_DATA_DIRECTORY *dir); // returns whether this RVA is inside the section BOOL InSection(DWORD dwRVA) { return (dwRVA >= m_dwSectionOffset) && (dwRVA < m_dwSectionOffset + m_dwSectionSize); } }; class PELoader { protected: HMODULE m_hMod; HANDLE m_hFile; HANDLE m_hMapFile; BOOL m_bIsPE32; size_t m_FileSize; size_t m_FileSizeAligned; union { PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS64 m_pNT64; PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS32 m_pNT32; }; public: SectionInfo m_DescrSection; SectionInfo m_CallSigSection; SectionInfo m_ILSection; PELoader(); ~PELoader(); BOOL open(const char* moduleNameIn); BOOL open(const WCHAR* moduleNameIn); BOOL open(HMODULE hMod); BOOL getCOMHeader(IMAGE_COR20_HEADER **ppCorHeader); BOOL getVAforRVA(DWORD rva,void **ppCorHeader); void close(); void dump(); inline BOOL IsPE32() { return m_bIsPE32; }; inline PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS32 ntHeaders32() { return m_pNT32; }; inline PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS64 ntHeaders64() { return m_pNT64; }; inline PIMAGE_DOS_HEADER dosHeader() { return (PIMAGE_DOS_HEADER)m_hMod; }; inline PIMAGE_FILE_HEADER coffHeader() { return &(m_pNT32->FileHeader); }; inline DWORD Signature() { return m_pNT32->Signature; }; inline BYTE* base() { return (BYTE*) m_hMod; }; inline HMODULE getHModule() { return m_hMod; }; inline HANDLE getHFile() { return m_hFile; } ; }; #endif // CEELoad_H