// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements. // The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license. // See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information. // // writer.cpp // #include "ilasmpch.h" #include "assembler.h" #include "ceefilegenwriter.h" #ifndef _MSC_VER //cloned definition from ntimage.h that is removed for non MSVC builds typedef VOID (NTAPI *PIMAGE_TLS_CALLBACK) ( PVOID DllHandle, ULONG Reason, PVOID Reserved ); #endif //_MSC_VER HRESULT Assembler::InitMetaData() { HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; if(m_fInitialisedMetaData) return S_OK; if(bClock) bClock->cMDInitBegin = GetTickCount(); hr = metaDataGetDispenser(CLSID_CorMetaDataDispenser, IID_IMetaDataDispenserEx, (void **)&m_pDisp); if (FAILED(hr)) goto exit; if(m_wzMetadataVersion) { VARIANT encOption; BSTR bstr; V_VT(&encOption) = VT_BSTR; V_BSTR(&encOption) = bstr = ::SysAllocString(m_wzMetadataVersion); hr = m_pDisp->SetOption(MetaDataRuntimeVersion, &encOption); ::SysFreeString(bstr); } hr = m_pDisp->DefineScope(CLSID_CorMetaDataRuntime, 0, IID_IMetaDataEmit2, (IUnknown **)&m_pEmitter); if (FAILED(hr)) goto exit; m_pManifest->SetEmitter(m_pEmitter); if(FAILED(hr = m_pEmitter->QueryInterface(IID_IMetaDataImport2, (void**)&m_pImporter))) goto exit; //m_Parser = new AsmParse(m_pEmitter); m_fInitialisedMetaData = TRUE; hr = S_OK; exit: if(bClock) bClock->cMDInitEnd = GetTickCount(); return hr; } /*********************************************************************************/ /* if we have any Thread local store data, make the TLS directory record for it */ HRESULT Assembler::CreateTLSDirectory() { ULONG tlsEnd; HRESULT hr; if (FAILED(hr=m_pCeeFileGen->GetSectionDataLen(m_pTLSSection, &tlsEnd))) return(hr); if (tlsEnd == 0) // No TLS data, we are done return(S_OK); // place to put the TLS directory HCEESECTION tlsDirSec = m_pGlobalDataSection; if(m_dwCeeFileFlags & ICEE_CREATE_FILE_PE32) { DWORD sizeofptr = (DWORD)sizeof(DWORD); DWORD sizeofdir = (DWORD)sizeof(IMAGE_TLS_DIRECTORY32); DWORD offsetofStartAddressOfRawData = (DWORD)offsetof(IMAGE_TLS_DIRECTORY32, StartAddressOfRawData); DWORD offsetofEndAddressOfRawData = (DWORD)offsetof(IMAGE_TLS_DIRECTORY32, EndAddressOfRawData); DWORD offsetofAddressOfIndex = (DWORD)offsetof(IMAGE_TLS_DIRECTORY32, AddressOfIndex); DWORD offsetofAddressOfCallBacks = (DWORD)offsetof(IMAGE_TLS_DIRECTORY32, AddressOfCallBacks); // Get memory for for the TLS directory block,as well as a spot for callback chain IMAGE_TLS_DIRECTORY32* tlsDir; if(FAILED(hr=m_pCeeFileGen->GetSectionBlock(tlsDirSec, sizeofdir + sizeofptr, sizeofptr, (void**) &tlsDir))) return(hr); DWORD* callBackChain = (DWORD*) &tlsDir[1]; *callBackChain = 0; // Find out where the tls directory will end up ULONG tlsDirOffset; if(FAILED(hr=m_pCeeFileGen->GetSectionDataLen(tlsDirSec, &tlsDirOffset))) return(hr); tlsDirOffset -= (sizeofdir + sizeofptr); // Set the start of the TLS data (offset 0 of hte TLS section) tlsDir->StartAddressOfRawData = 0; if(FAILED(hr=m_pCeeFileGen->AddSectionReloc(tlsDirSec, tlsDirOffset + offsetofStartAddressOfRawData, m_pTLSSection, srRelocHighLow))) return(hr); // Set the end of the TLS data tlsDir->EndAddressOfRawData = VALPTR(tlsEnd); if(FAILED(hr=m_pCeeFileGen->AddSectionReloc(tlsDirSec, tlsDirOffset + offsetofEndAddressOfRawData, m_pTLSSection, srRelocHighLow))) return(hr); // Allocate space for the OS to put the TLS index for this PE file (needs to be Read/Write?) DWORD* tlsIndex; if(FAILED(hr=m_pCeeFileGen->GetSectionBlock(m_pGlobalDataSection, sizeof(DWORD), sizeof(DWORD), (void**) &tlsIndex))) return(hr); *tlsIndex = 0xCCCCCCCC; // Does't really matter, the OS will fill it in // Find out where tlsIndex index is ULONG tlsIndexOffset; if(FAILED(hr=m_pCeeFileGen->GetSectionDataLen(tlsDirSec, &tlsIndexOffset))) return(hr); tlsIndexOffset -= sizeof(DWORD); // Set the address of the TLS index tlsDir->AddressOfIndex = VALPTR(tlsIndexOffset); if(FAILED(hr=m_pCeeFileGen->AddSectionReloc(tlsDirSec, tlsDirOffset + offsetofAddressOfIndex, m_pGlobalDataSection, srRelocHighLow))) return(hr); // Set addres of callbacks chain tlsDir->AddressOfCallBacks = VALPTR((DWORD)(DWORD_PTR)(PIMAGE_TLS_CALLBACK*)(size_t)(tlsDirOffset + sizeofdir)); if(FAILED(hr=m_pCeeFileGen->AddSectionReloc(tlsDirSec, tlsDirOffset + offsetofAddressOfCallBacks, tlsDirSec, srRelocHighLow))) return(hr); // Set the other fields. tlsDir->SizeOfZeroFill = 0; tlsDir->Characteristics = 0; hr=m_pCeeFileGen->SetDirectoryEntry (m_pCeeFile, tlsDirSec, IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_TLS, sizeofdir, tlsDirOffset); if (m_dwCeeFileFlags & ICEE_CREATE_MACHINE_I386) COR_SET_32BIT_REQUIRED(m_dwComImageFlags); } else { DWORD sizeofptr = (DWORD)sizeof(__int64); DWORD sizeofdir = (DWORD)sizeof(IMAGE_TLS_DIRECTORY64); DWORD offsetofStartAddressOfRawData = (DWORD)offsetof(IMAGE_TLS_DIRECTORY64, StartAddressOfRawData); DWORD offsetofEndAddressOfRawData = (DWORD)offsetof(IMAGE_TLS_DIRECTORY64, EndAddressOfRawData); DWORD offsetofAddressOfIndex = (DWORD)offsetof(IMAGE_TLS_DIRECTORY64, AddressOfIndex); DWORD offsetofAddressOfCallBacks = (DWORD)offsetof(IMAGE_TLS_DIRECTORY64, AddressOfCallBacks); // Get memory for for the TLS directory block,as well as a spot for callback chain IMAGE_TLS_DIRECTORY64* tlsDir; if(FAILED(hr=m_pCeeFileGen->GetSectionBlock(tlsDirSec, sizeofdir + sizeofptr, sizeofptr, (void**) &tlsDir))) return(hr); __int64* callBackChain = (__int64*) &tlsDir[1]; *callBackChain = 0; // Find out where the tls directory will end up ULONG tlsDirOffset; if(FAILED(hr=m_pCeeFileGen->GetSectionDataLen(tlsDirSec, &tlsDirOffset))) return(hr); tlsDirOffset -= (sizeofdir + sizeofptr); // Set the start of the TLS data (offset 0 of hte TLS section) tlsDir->StartAddressOfRawData = 0; if(FAILED(hr=m_pCeeFileGen->AddSectionReloc(tlsDirSec, tlsDirOffset + offsetofStartAddressOfRawData, m_pTLSSection, srRelocHighLow))) return(hr); // Set the end of the TLS data tlsDir->EndAddressOfRawData = VALPTR(tlsEnd); if(FAILED(hr=m_pCeeFileGen->AddSectionReloc(tlsDirSec, tlsDirOffset + offsetofEndAddressOfRawData, m_pTLSSection, srRelocHighLow))) return(hr); // Allocate space for the OS to put the TLS index for this PE file (needs to be Read/Write?) DWORD* tlsIndex; if(FAILED(hr=m_pCeeFileGen->GetSectionBlock(m_pGlobalDataSection, sizeof(DWORD), sizeof(DWORD), (void**) &tlsIndex))) return(hr); *tlsIndex = 0xCCCCCCCC; // Does't really matter, the OS will fill it in // Find out where tlsIndex index is ULONG tlsIndexOffset; if(FAILED(hr=m_pCeeFileGen->GetSectionDataLen(tlsDirSec, &tlsIndexOffset))) return(hr); tlsIndexOffset -= sizeof(DWORD); // Set the address of the TLS index tlsDir->AddressOfIndex = VALPTR(tlsIndexOffset); if(FAILED(hr=m_pCeeFileGen->AddSectionReloc(tlsDirSec, tlsDirOffset + offsetofAddressOfIndex, m_pGlobalDataSection, srRelocHighLow))) return(hr); // Set address of callbacks chain tlsDir->AddressOfCallBacks = VALPTR((DWORD)(DWORD_PTR)(PIMAGE_TLS_CALLBACK*)(size_t)(tlsDirOffset + sizeofdir)); if(FAILED(hr=m_pCeeFileGen->AddSectionReloc(tlsDirSec, tlsDirOffset + offsetofAddressOfCallBacks, tlsDirSec, srRelocHighLow))) return(hr); // Set the other fields. tlsDir->SizeOfZeroFill = 0; tlsDir->Characteristics = 0; hr=m_pCeeFileGen->SetDirectoryEntry (m_pCeeFile, tlsDirSec, IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_TLS, sizeofdir, tlsDirOffset); } if(m_dwCeeFileFlags & ICEE_CREATE_FILE_STRIP_RELOCS) { report->error("Base relocations are emitted, while /STRIPRELOC option has been specified"); } m_dwComImageFlags &= ~COMIMAGE_FLAGS_ILONLY; return(hr); } HRESULT Assembler::CreateDebugDirectory() { HRESULT hr = S_OK; HCEESECTION sec = m_pILSection; BYTE *de; ULONG deOffset; // Only emit this if we're also emitting debug info. if (!(m_fGeneratePDB && m_pSymWriter)) return S_OK; IMAGE_DEBUG_DIRECTORY debugDirIDD; struct Param { DWORD debugDirDataSize; BYTE *debugDirData; } param; param.debugDirData = NULL; // Get the debug info from the symbol writer. if (FAILED(hr=m_pSymWriter->GetDebugInfo(NULL, 0, ¶m.debugDirDataSize, NULL))) return hr; // Will there even be any? if (param.debugDirDataSize == 0) return S_OK; // Make some room for the data. PAL_TRY(Param *, pParam, ¶m) { pParam->debugDirData = new BYTE[pParam->debugDirDataSize]; } PAL_EXCEPT(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { hr = E_FAIL; } PAL_ENDTRY if(FAILED(hr)) return hr; // Actually get the data now. if (FAILED(hr = m_pSymWriter->GetDebugInfo(&debugDirIDD, param.debugDirDataSize, NULL, param.debugDirData))) goto ErrExit; // Grab the timestamp of the PE file. DWORD fileTimeStamp; if (FAILED(hr = m_pCeeFileGen->GetFileTimeStamp(m_pCeeFile, &fileTimeStamp))) goto ErrExit; // Fill in the directory entry. debugDirIDD.TimeDateStamp = VAL32(fileTimeStamp); // Grab memory in the section for our stuff. // Note that UpdateResource doesn't work correctly if the debug directory is // in the data section. So instead we put it in the text section (same as // cs compiler). if (FAILED(hr = m_pCeeFileGen->GetSectionBlock(sec, sizeof(debugDirIDD) + param.debugDirDataSize, 4, (void**) &de))) goto ErrExit; // Where did we get that memory? if (FAILED(hr = m_pCeeFileGen->GetSectionDataLen(sec, &deOffset))) goto ErrExit; deOffset -= (sizeof(debugDirIDD) + param.debugDirDataSize); // Setup a reloc so that the address of the raw // data is setup correctly. debugDirIDD.PointerToRawData = VAL32(deOffset + sizeof(debugDirIDD)); if (FAILED(hr = m_pCeeFileGen->AddSectionReloc( sec, deOffset + offsetof(IMAGE_DEBUG_DIRECTORY, PointerToRawData), sec, srRelocFilePos))) goto ErrExit; debugDirIDD.AddressOfRawData = VAL32(deOffset + sizeof(debugDirIDD)); if (FAILED(hr = m_pCeeFileGen->AddSectionReloc( sec, deOffset + offsetof(IMAGE_DEBUG_DIRECTORY, AddressOfRawData), sec, srRelocAbsolute))) goto ErrExit; // Emit the directory entry. if (FAILED(hr = m_pCeeFileGen->SetDirectoryEntry(m_pCeeFile, sec, IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_DEBUG, sizeof(debugDirIDD), deOffset))) goto ErrExit; // Copy the debug directory into the section. memcpy(de, &debugDirIDD, sizeof(debugDirIDD)); memcpy(de + sizeof(debugDirIDD), param.debugDirData, param.debugDirDataSize); if (param.debugDirData) { delete [] param.debugDirData; } return S_OK; ErrExit: if (param.debugDirData) { delete [] param.debugDirData; } return hr; } //#ifdef EXPORT_DIR_ENABLED HRESULT Assembler::CreateExportDirectory() { HRESULT hr = S_OK; DWORD Nentries = m_EATList.COUNT(); if(Nentries == 0) return S_OK; IMAGE_EXPORT_DIRECTORY exportDirIDD; DWORD exportDirDataSize; BYTE *exportDirData; EATEntry *pEATE; unsigned i, L, ordBase = 0xFFFFFFFF, Ldllname; // get the DLL name from output file name char* pszDllName; Ldllname = (unsigned)wcslen(m_wzOutputFileName)*3+3; char* szOutputFileName = new char[Ldllname]; memset(szOutputFileName,0,wcslen(m_wzOutputFileName)*3+3); WszWideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP,0,m_wzOutputFileName,-1,szOutputFileName,Ldllname,NULL,NULL); pszDllName = strrchr(szOutputFileName,'\\'); if(pszDllName == NULL) pszDllName = strrchr(szOutputFileName,':'); if(pszDllName == NULL) pszDllName = szOutputFileName; Ldllname = (unsigned)strlen(pszDllName)+1; // Allocate buffer for tables for(i = 0, L=0; i < Nentries; i++) L += 1+(unsigned)strlen(m_EATList.PEEK(i)->szAlias); exportDirDataSize = Nentries*5*sizeof(WORD) + L + Ldllname; exportDirData = new BYTE[exportDirDataSize]; memset(exportDirData,0,exportDirDataSize); // Export address table DWORD* pEAT = (DWORD*)exportDirData; // Name pointer table DWORD* pNPT = pEAT + Nentries; // Ordinal table WORD* pOT = (WORD*)(pNPT + Nentries); // Export name table char* pENT = (char*)(pOT + Nentries); // DLL name char* pDLLName = pENT + L; // sort the names/ordinals char** pAlias = new char*[Nentries]; for(i = 0; i < Nentries; i++) { pEATE = m_EATList.PEEK(i); pOT[i] = (WORD)pEATE->dwOrdinal; if(pOT[i] < ordBase) ordBase = pOT[i]; pAlias[i] = pEATE->szAlias; } bool swapped = true; unsigned j; char* pch; while(swapped) { swapped = false; for(i=1; i < Nentries; i++) { if(strcmp(pAlias[i-1],pAlias[i]) > 0) { swapped = true; pch = pAlias[i-1]; pAlias[i-1] = pAlias[i]; pAlias[i] = pch; j = pOT[i-1]; pOT[i-1] = pOT[i]; pOT[i] = j; } } } // normalize ordinals for(i = 0; i < Nentries; i++) pOT[i] -= ordBase; // fill the export address table #ifdef _PREFAST_ #pragma warning(push) #pragma warning(disable:22008) // "Suppress PREfast warnings about integer overflow" #endif for(i = 0; i < Nentries; i++) { pEATE = m_EATList.PEEK(i); pEAT[pEATE->dwOrdinal - ordBase] = pEATE->dwStubRVA; } #ifdef _PREFAST_ #pragma warning(pop) #endif // fill the export names table unsigned l; for(i = 0, j = 0; i < Nentries; i++) { pNPT[i] = j; // relative offset in the table l = (unsigned)strlen(pAlias[i])+1; memcpy(&pENT[j],pAlias[i],l); j+=l; } _ASSERTE(j==L); // fill the DLL name memcpy(pDLLName,pszDllName,Ldllname); // Data blob is ready pending Name Pointer Table values offsetting memset(&exportDirIDD,0,sizeof(IMAGE_EXPORT_DIRECTORY)); // Grab the timestamp of the PE file. DWORD fileTimeStamp; if (FAILED(hr = m_pCeeFileGen->GetFileTimeStamp(m_pCeeFile,&fileTimeStamp))) return hr; // Fill in the directory entry. // Characteristics, MajorVersion and MinorVersion play no role and stay 0 exportDirIDD.TimeDateStamp = VAL32(fileTimeStamp); exportDirIDD.Name = VAL32(exportDirDataSize - Ldllname); // to be offset later exportDirIDD.Base = VAL32(ordBase); exportDirIDD.NumberOfFunctions = VAL32(Nentries); exportDirIDD.NumberOfNames = VAL32(Nentries); exportDirIDD.AddressOfFunctions = 0; // to be offset later exportDirIDD.AddressOfNames = VAL32(Nentries*sizeof(DWORD)); // to be offset later exportDirIDD.AddressOfNameOrdinals = VAL32(Nentries*sizeof(DWORD)*2); // to be offset later // Grab memory in the section for our stuff. HCEESECTION sec = m_pGlobalDataSection; BYTE *de; if (FAILED(hr = m_pCeeFileGen->GetSectionBlock(sec, sizeof(IMAGE_EXPORT_DIRECTORY) + exportDirDataSize, 4, (void**) &de))) return hr; // Where did we get that memory? ULONG deOffset, deDataOffset; if (FAILED(hr = m_pCeeFileGen->GetSectionDataLen(sec, &deDataOffset))) return hr; deDataOffset -= exportDirDataSize; deOffset = deDataOffset - sizeof(IMAGE_EXPORT_DIRECTORY); // Add offsets and set up relocs for header entries exportDirIDD.Name = VAL32(VAL32(exportDirIDD.Name) + deDataOffset); if (FAILED(hr = m_pCeeFileGen->AddSectionReloc(sec,deOffset + offsetof(IMAGE_EXPORT_DIRECTORY,Name), sec, srRelocAbsolute))) return hr; exportDirIDD.AddressOfFunctions = VAL32(VAL32(exportDirIDD.AddressOfFunctions) + deDataOffset); if (FAILED(hr = m_pCeeFileGen->AddSectionReloc(sec,deOffset + offsetof(IMAGE_EXPORT_DIRECTORY,AddressOfFunctions), sec, srRelocAbsolute))) return hr; exportDirIDD.AddressOfNames = VAL32(VAL32(exportDirIDD.AddressOfNames) + deDataOffset); if (FAILED(hr = m_pCeeFileGen->AddSectionReloc(sec,deOffset + offsetof(IMAGE_EXPORT_DIRECTORY,AddressOfNames), sec, srRelocAbsolute))) return hr; exportDirIDD.AddressOfNameOrdinals = VAL32(VAL32(exportDirIDD.AddressOfNameOrdinals) + deDataOffset); if (FAILED(hr = m_pCeeFileGen->AddSectionReloc(sec,deOffset + offsetof(IMAGE_EXPORT_DIRECTORY,AddressOfNameOrdinals), sec, srRelocAbsolute))) return hr; // Add offsets and set up relocs for Name Pointer Table j = deDataOffset + Nentries*5*sizeof(WORD); // EA, NP and O Tables come first for(i = 0; i < Nentries; i++) { pNPT[i] += j; if (FAILED(hr = m_pCeeFileGen->AddSectionReloc(sec,exportDirIDD.AddressOfNames+i*sizeof(DWORD), sec, srRelocAbsolute))) return hr; } // Emit the directory entry. if (FAILED(hr = m_pCeeFileGen->SetDirectoryEntry(m_pCeeFile, sec, IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_EXPORT, sizeof(IMAGE_EXPORT_DIRECTORY), deOffset))) return hr; // Copy the debug directory into the section. memcpy(de, &exportDirIDD, sizeof(IMAGE_EXPORT_DIRECTORY)); memcpy(de + sizeof(IMAGE_EXPORT_DIRECTORY), exportDirData, exportDirDataSize); delete [] pAlias; delete [] exportDirData; return S_OK; } static const BYTE ExportStubAMD64Template[] = { // Jump through VTFixup table 0x48, 0xA1, // rex.w rex.b mov rax,[following address] 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,//address of VTFixup slot 0xFF, 0xE0 // jmp [rax] }; static const BYTE ExportStubX86Template[] = { // Jump through VTFixup table 0xFF, 0x25, // jmp [following address] 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 //address of VTFixup slot }; static const WORD ExportStubARMTemplate[] = { // Jump through VTFixup table 0xf8df, 0xf000, // ldr pc, [pc, #0] 0x0000, 0x0000 //address of VTFixup slot }; static const BYTE ExportStubIA64Template[] = { // ld8 r9 = [gp] ;; // ld8 r10 = [r9],8 // nop.i ;; // ld8 gp = [r9] // mov b6 = r10 // br.cond.sptk.few b6 // 0x0B, 0x48, 0x00, 0x02, 0x18, 0x10, 0xA0, 0x40, 0x24, 0x30, 0x28, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x04, 0x00, 0x10, 0x08, 0x00, 0x12, 0x18, 0x10, 0x60, 0x50, 0x04, 0x80, 0x03, 0x00, 0x60, 0x00, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,//address of the template 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 //address of VTFixup slot }; DWORD Assembler::EmitExportStub(DWORD dwVTFSlotRVA) { DWORD EXPORT_STUB_SIZE = (DWORD)(sizeof(WORD)+sizeof(DWORD)); DWORD OFFSET_OF_ADDR = (DWORD)sizeof(WORD); DWORD STUB_ALIGNMENT = 16; BYTE* STUB_TEMPLATE = NULL; DWORD PEFileOffset; BYTE* outBuff; DWORD* pdwVTFSlotRVA; if(m_dwCeeFileFlags & ICEE_CREATE_MACHINE_IA64) { STUB_TEMPLATE = (BYTE*)&ExportStubIA64Template[0]; EXPORT_STUB_SIZE = sizeof(ExportStubIA64Template); OFFSET_OF_ADDR = 40; if (FAILED(m_pCeeFileGen->GetSectionBlock (m_pILSection, EXPORT_STUB_SIZE, STUB_ALIGNMENT, (void **) &outBuff))) return 0; memcpy(outBuff,STUB_TEMPLATE,EXPORT_STUB_SIZE); pdwVTFSlotRVA = (DWORD*)(&outBuff[OFFSET_OF_ADDR]); *pdwVTFSlotRVA = VAL32(dwVTFSlotRVA); // The offset where we start, (not where the alignment bytes start!) if (FAILED(m_pCeeFileGen->GetSectionDataLen (m_pILSection, &PEFileOffset))) return 0; PEFileOffset -= EXPORT_STUB_SIZE; *((DWORD*)(&outBuff[OFFSET_OF_ADDR - 8])) = PEFileOffset; // set PLabel m_pCeeFileGen->AddSectionReloc(m_pILSection, PEFileOffset+OFFSET_OF_ADDR-8,m_pILSection, srRelocHighLow); m_pCeeFileGen->AddSectionReloc(m_pILSection, PEFileOffset+OFFSET_OF_ADDR,m_pGlobalDataSection, srRelocHighLow); PEFileOffset += OFFSET_OF_ADDR - 8; // entry point is PLabel, which points at the template } else { if(m_dwCeeFileFlags & ICEE_CREATE_MACHINE_AMD64) { STUB_TEMPLATE = (BYTE*)&ExportStubAMD64Template[0]; EXPORT_STUB_SIZE = sizeof(ExportStubAMD64Template); OFFSET_OF_ADDR = 2; STUB_ALIGNMENT = 4; } else if(m_dwCeeFileFlags & ICEE_CREATE_MACHINE_I386) { STUB_TEMPLATE = (BYTE*)&ExportStubX86Template[0]; EXPORT_STUB_SIZE = sizeof(ExportStubX86Template); OFFSET_OF_ADDR = 2; } else if(m_dwCeeFileFlags & ICEE_CREATE_MACHINE_ARM) { STUB_TEMPLATE = (BYTE*)&ExportStubARMTemplate[0]; EXPORT_STUB_SIZE = sizeof(ExportStubARMTemplate); OFFSET_OF_ADDR = 4; STUB_ALIGNMENT = 4; } else { report->error("Unmanaged exports are not implemented for unknown platform"); return NULL; } // Addr must be aligned, not the stub! if (FAILED(m_pCeeFileGen->GetSectionDataLen (m_pILSection, &PEFileOffset))) return 0; if((PEFileOffset + OFFSET_OF_ADDR)&(STUB_ALIGNMENT-1)) { ULONG L = STUB_ALIGNMENT - ((PEFileOffset + OFFSET_OF_ADDR)&(STUB_ALIGNMENT-1)); if (FAILED(m_pCeeFileGen->GetSectionBlock (m_pILSection, L, 1, (void **) &outBuff))) return 0; memset(outBuff,0,L); } if (FAILED(m_pCeeFileGen->GetSectionBlock (m_pILSection, EXPORT_STUB_SIZE, 1, (void **) &outBuff))) return 0; memcpy(outBuff,STUB_TEMPLATE,EXPORT_STUB_SIZE); pdwVTFSlotRVA = (DWORD*)(&outBuff[OFFSET_OF_ADDR]); *pdwVTFSlotRVA = VAL32(dwVTFSlotRVA); // The offset where we start, (not where the alignment bytes start!) if (FAILED(m_pCeeFileGen->GetSectionDataLen (m_pILSection, &PEFileOffset))) return 0; PEFileOffset -= EXPORT_STUB_SIZE; _ASSERTE(((PEFileOffset + OFFSET_OF_ADDR)&(STUB_ALIGNMENT-1))==0); m_pCeeFileGen->AddSectionReloc(m_pILSection, PEFileOffset+OFFSET_OF_ADDR,m_pGlobalDataSection, srRelocHighLow); } if(m_dwCeeFileFlags & ICEE_CREATE_FILE_STRIP_RELOCS) { report->error("Base relocations are emitted, while /STRIPRELOC option has been specified"); } m_pCeeFileGen->GetMethodRVA(m_pCeeFile, PEFileOffset,&PEFileOffset); return PEFileOffset; } //#endif HRESULT Assembler::GetCAName(mdToken tkCA, __out LPWSTR *ppszName) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; DWORD cchName; LPWSTR name; *ppszName = NULL; if (TypeFromToken(tkCA) == mdtMemberRef) { mdToken parent; if (FAILED(hr = m_pImporter->GetMemberRefProps( tkCA, &parent, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL))) return hr; tkCA = parent; } else if (TypeFromToken(tkCA) == mdtMethodDef) { mdToken parent; if (FAILED(hr = m_pImporter->GetMemberProps( tkCA, &parent, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL))) return hr; tkCA = parent; } if (TypeFromToken(tkCA) == mdtTypeRef) { // A TypeRef if (FAILED(hr = m_pImporter->GetTypeRefProps(tkCA, NULL, NULL, 0, &cchName))) return hr; if ((name = new WCHAR[cchName + 1]) == NULL) return E_OUTOFMEMORY; hr = m_pImporter->GetTypeRefProps(tkCA, NULL, name, cchName, &cchName); } else { hr = m_pImporter->GetTypeDefProps(tkCA, NULL, 0, &cchName, NULL, NULL); if (hr != S_OK) return hr; if ((name = new WCHAR[cchName + 1]) == NULL) return E_OUTOFMEMORY; hr = m_pImporter->GetTypeDefProps(tkCA, name, cchName, &cchName, NULL, NULL); } if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) *ppszName = name; else delete [] name; return hr; } BYTE HexToByte (CHAR wc) { if (!iswxdigit(wc)) return (BYTE) 0xff; if (iswdigit(wc)) return (BYTE) (wc - L'0'); if (iswupper(wc)) return (BYTE) (wc - L'A' + 10); return (BYTE) (wc - L'a' + 10); } BOOL Assembler::EmitFieldsMethods(Class* pClass) { unsigned n; BOOL ret = TRUE; // emit all field definition metadata tokens if((n = pClass->m_FieldDList.COUNT())) { FieldDescriptor* pFD; if(m_fReportProgress) printf("Fields: %d;\t",n); for(int j=0; (pFD = pClass->m_FieldDList.PEEK(j)); j++) // can't use POP here: we'll need field list for props { if(!EmitField(pFD)) { if(!OnErrGo) return FALSE; ret = FALSE; } pFD->m_fNew = FALSE; } } // Fields are emitted; emit the class layout { COR_FIELD_OFFSET *pOffsets = NULL; ULONG ul = pClass->m_ulPack; ULONG N = pClass->m_dwNumFieldsWithOffset; EmitSecurityInfo(pClass->m_cl, pClass->m_pPermissions, pClass->m_pPermissionSets); pClass->m_pPermissions = NULL; pClass->m_pPermissionSets = NULL; if((pClass->m_ulSize != 0xFFFFFFFF)||(ul != 0)||(N != 0)) { if(IsTdAutoLayout(pClass->m_Attr)) report->warn("Layout specified for auto-layout class\n"); if((ul > 128)||((ul & (ul-1)) !=0 )) report->error("Invalid packing parameter (%d), must be 1,2,4,8...128\n",pClass->m_ulPack); if(N) { pOffsets = new COR_FIELD_OFFSET[N+1]; ULONG i,j=0; FieldDescriptor *pFD; for(i=0; (pFD = pClass->m_FieldDList.PEEK(i)); i++) { if(pFD->m_ulOffset != 0xFFFFFFFF) { pOffsets[j].ridOfField = RidFromToken(pFD->m_fdFieldTok); pOffsets[j].ulOffset = pFD->m_ulOffset; j++; } } _ASSERTE(j == N); pOffsets[j].ridOfField = mdFieldDefNil; } m_pEmitter->SetClassLayout ( pClass->m_cl, // [IN] typedef ul, // [IN] packing size specified as 1, 2, 4, 8, or 16 pOffsets, // [IN] array of layout specification pClass->m_ulSize); // [IN] size of the class if(pOffsets) delete [] pOffsets; } } // emit all method definition metadata tokens if((n = pClass->m_MethodList.COUNT())) { Method* pMethod; if(m_fReportProgress) printf("Methods: %d;\t",n); for(int i=0; (pMethod = pClass->m_MethodList.PEEK(i));i++) { if(!EmitMethod(pMethod)) { if(!OnErrGo) return FALSE; ret = FALSE; } pMethod->m_fNew = FALSE; } } if(m_fReportProgress) printf("\n"); return ret; } HRESULT Assembler::ResolveLocalMemberRefs() { unsigned ulTotal=0, ulDefs=0, ulRefs=0, ulUnres=0; MemberRefDList* pList[2] = {&m_LocalMethodRefDList,&m_LocalFieldRefDList}; if(pList[0]->COUNT() + pList[1]->COUNT()) { MemberRefDescriptor* pMRD; mdToken tkMemberDef = 0; int i,j,k; Class *pSearch; if(m_fReportProgress) printf("Resolving local member refs: "); for(k=0; k<2; k++) { for(i=0; (pMRD = pList[k]->PEEK(i)) != NULL; i++) { if(pMRD->m_tkResolved) continue; tkMemberDef = 0; Method* pListMD; char* pMRD_szName = pMRD->m_szName; DWORD pMRD_dwName = pMRD->m_dwName; ULONG pMRD_dwCSig = (pMRD->m_pSigBinStr ? pMRD->m_pSigBinStr->length() : 0); PCOR_SIGNATURE pMRD_pSig = (PCOR_SIGNATURE)(pMRD->m_pSigBinStr ? pMRD->m_pSigBinStr->ptr() : NULL); CQuickBytes qbSig; ulTotal++; pSearch = NULL; if(pMRD->m_tdClass == mdTokenNil) pSearch = m_lstClass.PEEK(0); else if((TypeFromToken(pMRD->m_tdClass) != mdtTypeDef) ||((pSearch = m_lstClass.PEEK(RidFromToken(pMRD->m_tdClass)-1)) == NULL)) { report->msg("Error: bad parent 0x%08X of local member ref '%s'\n", pMRD->m_tdClass,pMRD->m_szName); } if(pSearch) { // MemberRef may reference a method or a field if(k==0) //methods { if((*pMRD_pSig & IMAGE_CEE_CS_CALLCONV_MASK)==IMAGE_CEE_CS_CALLCONV_VARARG) { ULONG L; qbSig.Shrink(0); _GetFixedSigOfVarArg(pMRD_pSig,pMRD_dwCSig,&qbSig,&L); pMRD_pSig = (PCOR_SIGNATURE)(qbSig.Ptr()); pMRD_dwCSig = L; } for(j=0; (pListMD = pSearch->m_MethodList.PEEK(j)) != NULL; j++) { if(pListMD->m_dwName != pMRD_dwName) continue; if(strcmp(pListMD->m_szName,pMRD_szName)) continue; if(pListMD->m_dwMethodCSig != pMRD_dwCSig) continue; if(memcmp(pListMD->m_pMethodSig,pMRD_pSig,pMRD_dwCSig)) continue; tkMemberDef = pListMD->m_Tok; ulDefs++; break; } if(tkMemberDef && ((*pMRD_pSig & IMAGE_CEE_CS_CALLCONV_MASK)==IMAGE_CEE_CS_CALLCONV_VARARG)) { WszMultiByteToWideChar(g_uCodePage,0,pMRD_szName,-1,wzUniBuf,dwUniBuf); if(IsMdPrivateScope(pListMD->m_Attr)) { WCHAR* p = wcsstr(wzUniBuf,W("$PST06")); if(p) *p = 0; } m_pEmitter->DefineMemberRef(tkMemberDef, wzUniBuf, pMRD->m_pSigBinStr->ptr(), pMRD->m_pSigBinStr->length(), &tkMemberDef); ulDefs--; ulRefs++; } } else // fields { FieldDescriptor* pListFD; for(j=0; (pListFD = pSearch->m_FieldDList.PEEK(j)) != NULL; j++) { if(pListFD->m_dwName != pMRD_dwName) continue; if(strcmp(pListFD->m_szName,pMRD_szName)) continue; if(pListFD->m_pbsSig) { if(pListFD->m_pbsSig->length() != pMRD_dwCSig) continue; if(memcmp(pListFD->m_pbsSig->ptr(),pMRD_pSig,pMRD_dwCSig)) continue; } else if(pMRD_dwCSig) continue; tkMemberDef = pListFD->m_fdFieldTok; ulDefs++; break; } } } if(tkMemberDef==0) { // could not resolve ref to def, make new ref and leave it this way if((pSearch = pMRD->m_pClass) != NULL) { mdToken tkRef = MakeTypeRef(1,pSearch->m_szFQN); if(RidFromToken(tkRef)) { WszMultiByteToWideChar(g_uCodePage,0,pMRD_szName,-1,wzUniBuf,dwUniBuf); m_pEmitter->DefineMemberRef(tkRef, wzUniBuf, pMRD_pSig, pMRD_dwCSig, &tkMemberDef); ulRefs++; } else { report->msg("Error: unresolved member ref '%s' of class 0x%08X\n",pMRD->m_szName,pMRD->m_tdClass); ulUnres++; } } else { report->msg("Error: unresolved global member ref '%s'\n",pMRD->m_szName); ulUnres++; } } pMRD->m_tkResolved = tkMemberDef; } } for(i=0; (pMRD = m_MethodSpecList.PEEK(i)) != NULL; i++) { if(pMRD->m_tkResolved) continue; tkMemberDef = pMRD->m_tdClass; if(TypeFromToken(tkMemberDef)==0x99000000) { tkMemberDef = m_LocalMethodRefDList.PEEK(RidFromToken(tkMemberDef)-1)->m_tkResolved; if((TypeFromToken(tkMemberDef)==mdtMethodDef)||(TypeFromToken(tkMemberDef)==mdtMemberRef)) { ULONG pMRD_dwCSig = (pMRD->m_pSigBinStr ? pMRD->m_pSigBinStr->length() : 0); PCOR_SIGNATURE pMRD_pSig = (PCOR_SIGNATURE)(pMRD->m_pSigBinStr ? pMRD->m_pSigBinStr->ptr() : NULL); HRESULT hr = m_pEmitter->DefineMethodSpec(tkMemberDef, pMRD_pSig, pMRD_dwCSig, &(pMRD->m_tkResolved)); if(FAILED(hr)) report->error("Unable to define method instantiation"); } } if(RidFromToken(pMRD->m_tkResolved)) ulDefs++; else ulUnres++; } if(m_fReportProgress) printf("%d -> %d defs, %d refs, %d unresolved\n",ulTotal,ulDefs,ulRefs,ulUnres); } return (ulUnres ? E_FAIL : S_OK); } HRESULT Assembler::DoLocalMemberRefFixups() { MemberRefDList* pList; unsigned Nlmr = m_LocalMethodRefDList.COUNT() + m_LocalFieldRefDList.COUNT(), Nlmrf = m_LocalMemberRefFixupList.COUNT(); HRESULT hr = S_OK; if(Nlmr) { MemberRefDescriptor* pMRD; LocalMemberRefFixup* pMRF; int i; for(i = 0; (pMRF = m_LocalMemberRefFixupList.PEEK(i)) != NULL; i++) { if(m_fENCMode && (!pMRF->m_fNew)) continue; switch(TypeFromToken(pMRF->tk)) { case 0x99000000: pList = &m_LocalMethodRefDList; break; case 0x98000000: pList = &m_LocalFieldRefDList; break; case 0x9A000000: pList = &m_MethodSpecList; break; default: pList = NULL; break; } if(pList) { if((pMRD = pList->PEEK(RidFromToken(pMRF->tk)-1)) != NULL) SET_UNALIGNED_VAL32((void *)(pMRF->offset), pMRD->m_tkResolved); else { report->msg("Error: bad local member ref token 0x%08X in LMR fixup\n",pMRF->tk); hr = E_FAIL; } } pMRF->m_fNew = FALSE; } } else if(Nlmrf) { report->msg("Error: %d local member ref fixups, no local member refs\n",Nlmrf); hr = E_FAIL; } return hr; } void Assembler::EmitUnresolvedCustomAttributes() { CustomDescr *pCD; while((pCD = m_CustomDescrList.POP()) != NULL) { pCD->tkType = ResolveLocalMemberRef(pCD->tkType); pCD->tkOwner = ResolveLocalMemberRef(pCD->tkOwner); // Look for the class'es interfaceimpl if this CA is one of those if (pCD->tkInterfacePair) pCD->tkOwner = GetInterfaceImpl(pCD->tkOwner, pCD->tkInterfacePair); DefineCV(new CustomDescr(pCD->tkOwner,pCD->tkType,pCD->pBlob)); } } BOOL Assembler::EmitEventsProps(Class* pClass) { unsigned n; BOOL ret = TRUE; // emit all event definition metadata tokens if((n = pClass->m_EventDList.COUNT())) { if(m_fReportProgress) printf("Events: %d;\t",n); EventDescriptor* pED; for(int j=0; (pED = pClass->m_EventDList.PEEK(j)); j++) // can't use POP here: we'll need event list for props { if(!EmitEvent(pED)) { if(!OnErrGo) return FALSE; ret = FALSE; } pED->m_fNew = FALSE; } } // emit all property definition metadata tokens if((n = pClass->m_PropDList.COUNT())) { if(m_fReportProgress) printf("Props: %d;\t",n); PropDescriptor* pPD; for(int j=0; (pPD = pClass->m_PropDList.PEEK(j)); j++) { if(!EmitProp(pPD)) { if(!OnErrGo) return FALSE; ret = FALSE; } pPD->m_fNew = FALSE; } } if(m_fReportProgress) printf("\n"); return ret; } HRESULT Assembler::AllocateStrongNameSignature() { HRESULT hr = S_OK; HCEESECTION hSection; DWORD dwDataLength; DWORD dwDataOffset; DWORD dwDataRVA; VOID *pvBuffer; AsmManStrongName *pSN = &m_pManifest->m_sStrongName; // pSN->m_cbPublicKey is the length of the m_pbPublicKey dwDataLength = ((int)pSN->m_cbPublicKey < 128 + 32) ? 128 : (int)pSN->m_cbPublicKey - 32; // Grab memory in the section for our stuff. if (FAILED(hr = m_pCeeFileGen->GetIlSection(m_pCeeFile, &hSection))) { return hr; } if (FAILED(hr = m_pCeeFileGen->GetSectionBlock(hSection, dwDataLength, 4, &pvBuffer))) { return hr; } // Where did we get that memory? if (FAILED(hr = m_pCeeFileGen->GetSectionDataLen(hSection, &dwDataOffset))) { return hr; } dwDataOffset -= dwDataLength; // Convert to an RVA. if (FAILED(hr = m_pCeeFileGen->GetMethodRVA(m_pCeeFile, dwDataOffset, &dwDataRVA))) { return hr; } // Emit the directory entry. if (FAILED(hr = m_pCeeFileGen->SetStrongNameEntry(m_pCeeFile, dwDataLength, dwDataRVA))) { return hr; } return S_OK; } #ifdef _PREFAST_ #pragma warning(push) #pragma warning(disable:21000) // Suppress PREFast warning about overly large function #endif HRESULT Assembler::CreatePEFile(__in __nullterminated WCHAR *pwzOutputFilename) { HRESULT hr; DWORD mresourceSize = 0; BYTE* mresourceData = NULL; WCHAR* wzScopeName = NULL; if(bClock) bClock->cMDEmitBegin = GetTickCount(); if(m_fReportProgress) printf("Creating PE file\n"); if (!m_pEmitter) { printf("Error: Cannot create a PE file with no metadata\n"); return E_FAIL; } if(!(m_fDLL || m_fEntryPointPresent)) { printf("Error: No entry point declared for executable\n"); if(!OnErrGo) return E_FAIL; } if(bClock) bClock->cMDEmit1 = GetTickCount(); // Allocate space for a strong name signature if we're delay or full // signing the assembly. if (m_pManifest->m_sStrongName.m_pbPublicKey) { if (FAILED(hr = AllocateStrongNameSignature())) { goto exit; } } if(bClock) bClock->cMDEmit2 = GetTickCount(); if(m_VTFList.COUNT()==0) { Method* pMD; Class* pClass; unsigned N=0, OrdBase=0xFFFFFFFF, i, j; for(i=0; (pClass = m_lstClass.PEEK(i)) != NULL; i++) { for(j = 0; (pMD = pClass->m_MethodList.PEEK(j)) != NULL; j++) { if(pMD->m_dwExportOrdinal != 0xFFFFFFFF) { N++; if(pMD->m_dwExportOrdinal < OrdBase) OrdBase = pMD->m_dwExportOrdinal; } } } if(N) { for(i=0; (pClass = m_lstClass.PEEK(i)) != NULL; i++) { for(j = 0; (pMD = pClass->m_MethodList.PEEK(j)) != NULL; j++) { if(pMD->m_wVTSlot >= 0x8000) { pMD->m_wVTSlot -= 0x8000 + OrdBase - 1; } } } SetDataSection(); char* sz = new char[20]; strcpy_s(sz,20,"VTF_EAT_internal"); EmitDataLabel(sz); sz = new char[20]; strcpy_s(sz,20,"VTF_EAT_internal"); if(m_dwCeeFileFlags & ICEE_CREATE_FILE_PE64) { ULONGLONG *pdw = new ULONGLONG[N]; for(i=0; iSetModuleProps(wzScopeName); if (FAILED(hr)) goto exit; EmitImports(); if(m_pManifest) { hr = S_OK; if(m_pManifest->m_pAsmEmitter==NULL) hr=m_pEmitter->QueryInterface(IID_IMetaDataAssemblyEmit, (void**) &(m_pManifest->m_pAsmEmitter)); if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) { m_pManifest->EmitAssemblyRefs(); } } // Emit classes, class members and globals: { Class *pSearch; int i; BOOL bIsUndefClass = FALSE; if(m_fReportProgress) printf("\nEmitting classes:\n"); for (i=1; (pSearch = m_lstClass.PEEK(i)); i++) // 0 is { if(m_fReportProgress) printf("Class %d:\t%s\n",i,pSearch->m_szFQN); if(pSearch->m_bIsMaster) { report->msg("Error: Reference to undefined class '%s'\n",pSearch->m_szFQN); bIsUndefClass = TRUE; } if(!EmitClass(pSearch)) { if(!OnErrGo) return E_FAIL; } pSearch->m_fNew = FALSE; } if(bIsUndefClass && !OnErrGo) return E_FAIL; if(m_fReportProgress) printf("\nEmitting fields and methods:\n"); for (i=0; (pSearch = m_lstClass.PEEK(i)) != NULL; i++) { if(m_fReportProgress) { if(i == 0) printf("Global \t"); else printf("Class %d\t",i); } if(!EmitFieldsMethods(pSearch)) { if(!OnErrGo) return E_FAIL; } } } // All ref'ed items def'ed in this file are emitted, resolve member refs to member defs: if(bClock) bClock->cRef2DefBegin = GetTickCount(); hr = ResolveLocalMemberRefs(); if(bClock) bClock->cRef2DefEnd = GetTickCount(); if(FAILED(hr) &&(!OnErrGo)) goto exit; // Local member refs resolved, emit events, props and method impls { Class *pSearch; int i; if(m_fReportProgress) printf("\nEmitting events and properties:\n"); for (i=0; (pSearch = m_lstClass.PEEK(i)); i++) { if(m_fReportProgress) { if(i == 0) printf("Global \t"); else printf("Class %d\t",i); } if(!EmitEventsProps(pSearch)) { if(!OnErrGo) return E_FAIL; } pSearch->m_fNewMembers = FALSE; } } if(bClock) bClock->cMDEmit3 = GetTickCount(); if(m_MethodImplDList.COUNT()) { if(m_fReportProgress) report->msg("Method Implementations (total): %d\n",m_MethodImplDList.COUNT()); if(!EmitMethodImpls()) { if(!OnErrGo) return E_FAIL; } } // Emit the rest of the metadata if(bClock) bClock->cMDEmit4 = GetTickCount(); hr = S_OK; if(m_pManifest) { if (FAILED(hr = m_pManifest->EmitManifest())) goto exit; } ResolveLocalMemberRefs(); // in case CAs added some EmitUnresolvedCustomAttributes(); // Emit typedefs as special TypeSpecs { #define ELEMENT_TYPE_TYPEDEF ELEMENT_TYPE_MAX+1 TypeDefDescr* pTDD; unsigned __int8* pb; unsigned namesize; while((pTDD = m_TypeDefDList.POP())) { BinStr* pbs = new BinStr(); if(pbs) { namesize = 1 + (unsigned)strlen(pTDD->m_szName); pb = pbs->getBuff(namesize + 1 + sizeof(mdToken)); *pb = ELEMENT_TYPE_TYPEDEF; memcpy(++pb,pTDD->m_szName,namesize); pTDD->m_tkTypeSpec = ResolveLocalMemberRef(pTDD->m_tkTypeSpec); memcpy(pb+namesize,&(pTDD->m_tkTypeSpec),sizeof(mdToken)); if(TypeFromToken(pTDD->m_tkTypeSpec)==mdtCustomAttribute) { CustomDescr* pCA = pTDD->m_pCA; pbs->appendInt32(pCA->tkType); pbs->appendInt32(pCA->tkOwner); if(pCA->pBlob) pbs->append(pCA->pBlob); } ResolveTypeSpec(pbs); delete pbs; } delete pTDD; } } if(bClock) bClock->cMDEmitEnd = GetTickCount(); hr = DoLocalMemberRefFixups(); if(FAILED(hr) &&(!OnErrGo)) goto exit; // Local member refs resolved and fixed up in BinStr method bodies. Emit the bodies. { Class* pClass; Method* pMethod; for (int i=0; (pClass = m_lstClass.PEEK(i)); i++) { for(int j=0; (pMethod = pClass->m_MethodList.PEEK(j)); j++) { if(!EmitMethodBody(pMethod,NULL)) { report->msg("Error: failed to emit body of '%s'\n",pMethod->m_szName); hr = E_FAIL; if(!OnErrGo) goto exit; } pMethod->m_fNewBody = FALSE; } } //while(MethodBody* pMB = m_MethodBodyList.POP()) delete pMB; } if (DoGlobalFixups() == FALSE) return E_FAIL; if(m_wzResourceFile) { #ifdef FEATURE_PAL report->msg("Warning: The Win32 resource file '%S' is ignored and not emitted on xPlatform.\n", m_wzResourceFile); #else if (FAILED(hr=m_pCeeFileGen->SetResourceFileName(m_pCeeFile, m_wzResourceFile))) { report->msg("Warning: failed to set Win32 resource file name '%S', hr=0x%8.8X\n The Win32 resource is not emitted.\n", m_wzResourceFile, hr); } #endif } if (FAILED(hr=CreateTLSDirectory())) goto exit; if (FAILED(hr=CreateDebugDirectory())) goto exit; if (FAILED(hr=m_pCeeFileGen->SetOutputFileName(m_pCeeFile, pwzOutputFilename))) goto exit; // Reserve a buffer for the meta-data DWORD metaDataSize; if (FAILED(hr=m_pEmitter->GetSaveSize(cssAccurate, &metaDataSize))) goto exit; BYTE* metaData; if (FAILED(hr=m_pCeeFileGen->GetSectionBlock(m_pILSection, metaDataSize, sizeof(DWORD), (void**) &metaData))) goto exit; ULONG metaDataOffset; if (FAILED(hr=m_pCeeFileGen->GetSectionDataLen(m_pILSection, &metaDataOffset))) goto exit; metaDataOffset -= metaDataSize; // set managed resource entry, if any if(m_pManifest && m_pManifest->m_dwMResSizeTotal) { mresourceSize = m_pManifest->m_dwMResSizeTotal; if (FAILED(hr=m_pCeeFileGen->GetSectionBlock(m_pILSection, mresourceSize, sizeof(DWORD), (void**) &mresourceData))) goto exit; if (FAILED(hr=m_pCeeFileGen->SetManifestEntry(m_pCeeFile, mresourceSize, 0))) goto exit; } if(m_VTFList.COUNT()) { GlobalLabel *pGlobalLabel; VTFEntry* pVTFEntry; if(m_pVTable) delete m_pVTable; // can't have both; list takes precedence m_pVTable = new BinStr(); hr = S_OK; for(WORD k=0; (pVTFEntry = m_VTFList.POP()); k++) { if((pGlobalLabel = FindGlobalLabel(pVTFEntry->m_szLabel))) { Method* pMD; Class* pClass; m_pVTable->appendInt32(pGlobalLabel->m_GlobalOffset); m_pVTable->appendInt16(pVTFEntry->m_wCount); m_pVTable->appendInt16(pVTFEntry->m_wType); for(int i=0; (pClass = m_lstClass.PEEK(i)); i++) { for(WORD j = 0; (pMD = pClass->m_MethodList.PEEK(j)); j++) { if(pMD->m_wVTEntry == k+1) { char* ptr; if(SUCCEEDED(hr = m_pCeeFileGen->ComputeSectionPointer(m_pGlobalDataSection,pGlobalLabel->m_GlobalOffset,&ptr))) { DWORD dwDelta; if((pVTFEntry->m_wType & COR_VTABLE_32BIT)) { dwDelta = (pMD->m_wVTSlot-1)*(DWORD)sizeof(DWORD); ptr += dwDelta; DWORD* mptr = (DWORD*)ptr; *mptr = (DWORD)(pMD->m_Tok); } else { dwDelta = (pMD->m_wVTSlot-1)*(DWORD)sizeof(ULONGLONG); ptr += dwDelta; ULONGLONG* mptr = (ULONGLONG*)ptr; *mptr = (ULONGLONG)(pMD->m_Tok); } if(pMD->m_dwExportOrdinal != 0xFFFFFFFF) { EATEntry* pEATE = new EATEntry; pEATE->dwOrdinal = pMD->m_dwExportOrdinal; pEATE->szAlias = pMD->m_szExportAlias ? pMD->m_szExportAlias : pMD->m_szName; pEATE->dwStubRVA = EmitExportStub(pGlobalLabel->m_GlobalOffset+dwDelta); m_EATList.PUSH(pEATE); } } else report->msg("Error: Failed to get pointer to label '%s' inVTable fixup\n",pVTFEntry->m_szLabel); } } } } else { report->msg("Error: Unresolved label '%s' in VTable fixup\n",pVTFEntry->m_szLabel); hr = E_FAIL; } delete pVTFEntry; } if(FAILED(hr)) goto exit; } if(m_pVTable) { ULONG i, N = m_pVTable->length()/sizeof(DWORD); ULONG ulVTableOffset; m_pCeeFileGen->GetSectionDataLen (m_pILSection, &ulVTableOffset); // SetVTableEntry will align VTable on DWORD ulVTableOffset = (ulVTableOffset + (ULONG)sizeof(DWORD) - 1) & ~((ULONG)sizeof(DWORD) - 1); if (FAILED(hr=m_pCeeFileGen->SetVTableEntry64(m_pCeeFile, m_pVTable->length(),(void*)(m_pVTable->ptr())))) goto exit; // @WARNING: casting down from pointer-size to DWORD for(i = 0; i < N; i+=2) { m_pCeeFileGen->AddSectionReloc(m_pILSection, ulVTableOffset+(i*sizeof(DWORD)), m_pGlobalDataSection, srRelocAbsolute); } } if(m_EATList.COUNT()) { if(FAILED(CreateExportDirectory())) goto exit; m_dwComImageFlags &= ~COMIMAGE_FLAGS_ILONLY; if (m_dwCeeFileFlags & ICEE_CREATE_MACHINE_I386) COR_SET_32BIT_REQUIRED(m_dwComImageFlags); } if (m_fWindowsCE) { if (FAILED(hr=m_pCeeFileGen->SetSubsystem(m_pCeeFile, IMAGE_SUBSYSTEM_WINDOWS_CE_GUI, 2, 10))) goto exit; if (FAILED(hr=m_pCeeFileGen->SetImageBase(m_pCeeFile, 0x10000))) goto exit; } else { if (m_dwCeeFileFlags & ICEE_CREATE_MACHINE_ARM || m_fAppContainer) { // For AppContainer and ARM, you must have a minimum subsystem version of 6.02 m_wSSVersionMajor = (m_wSSVersionMajor < 6) ? 6 : m_wSSVersionMajor; m_wSSVersionMinor = (m_wSSVersionMinor < 2 && m_wSSVersionMajor <= 6) ? 2 : m_wSSVersionMinor; } // Default the subsystem, instead the user doesn't set it to GUI or CUI if (m_dwSubsystem == (DWORD)-1) // The default for ILAsm previously was CUI, so that should be the default behavior... m_dwSubsystem = IMAGE_SUBSYSTEM_WINDOWS_CUI; if (FAILED(hr=m_pCeeFileGen->SetSubsystem(m_pCeeFile, m_dwSubsystem, m_wSSVersionMajor, m_wSSVersionMinor))) goto exit; } if (FAILED(hr=m_pCeeFileGen->ClearComImageFlags(m_pCeeFile, COMIMAGE_FLAGS_ILONLY))) goto exit; if (FAILED(hr=m_pCeeFileGen->SetComImageFlags(m_pCeeFile, m_dwComImageFlags & ~COMIMAGE_FLAGS_STRONGNAMESIGNED))) goto exit; if(m_dwFileAlignment) { if(FAILED(hr=m_pCeeFileGen->SetFileAlignment(m_pCeeFile, m_dwFileAlignment))) goto exit; } if(m_stBaseAddress) { if(m_dwCeeFileFlags & ICEE_CREATE_FILE_PE64) { if(FAILED(hr=m_pCeeFileGen->SetImageBase64(m_pCeeFile, m_stBaseAddress))) goto exit; } else { if(FAILED(hr=m_pCeeFileGen->SetImageBase(m_pCeeFile, (size_t)m_stBaseAddress))) goto exit; } } if(m_stSizeOfStackReserve || m_fAppContainer || m_fHighEntropyVA) { PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS pNT; PIMAGE_SECTION_HEADER pSect; ULONG ulNumSect; if(FAILED(hr=m_pCeeFileGen->GetHeaderInfo(m_pCeeFile,&pNT,&pSect,&ulNumSect))) goto exit; if(m_dwCeeFileFlags & ICEE_CREATE_FILE_PE64) { PIMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER64 pOpt = (PIMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER64)(&pNT->OptionalHeader); if (m_stSizeOfStackReserve) pOpt->SizeOfStackReserve = VAL64(m_stSizeOfStackReserve); if (m_fAppContainer) pOpt->DllCharacteristics |= IMAGE_DLLCHARACTERISTICS_APPCONTAINER; if (m_fHighEntropyVA) pOpt->DllCharacteristics |= IMAGE_DLLCHARACTERISTICS_HIGH_ENTROPY_VA; } else { PIMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER32 pOpt = (PIMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER32)(&pNT->OptionalHeader); if (m_stSizeOfStackReserve) pOpt->SizeOfStackReserve = (DWORD)VAL32(m_stSizeOfStackReserve); if (m_fAppContainer) pOpt->DllCharacteristics |= IMAGE_DLLCHARACTERISTICS_APPCONTAINER; if (m_fHighEntropyVA) pOpt->DllCharacteristics |= IMAGE_DLLCHARACTERISTICS_HIGH_ENTROPY_VA; } } //Compute all the RVAs if (FAILED(hr=m_pCeeFileGen->LinkCeeFile(m_pCeeFile))) goto exit; // Fix up any fields that have RVA associated with them if (m_fHaveFieldsWithRvas) { hr = S_OK; ULONG dataSectionRVA; if (FAILED(hr=m_pCeeFileGen->GetSectionRVA(m_pGlobalDataSection, &dataSectionRVA))) goto exit; ULONG tlsSectionRVA; if (FAILED(hr=m_pCeeFileGen->GetSectionRVA(m_pTLSSection, &tlsSectionRVA))) goto exit; ULONG ilSectionRVA; if (FAILED(hr=m_pCeeFileGen->GetSectionRVA(m_pILSection, &ilSectionRVA))) goto exit; FieldDescriptor* pListFD; Class* pClass; for(int i=0; (pClass = m_lstClass.PEEK(i)); i++) { for(int j=0; (pListFD = pClass->m_FieldDList.PEEK(j)); j++) { if (pListFD->m_rvaLabel != 0) { DWORD rva; if(*(pListFD->m_rvaLabel)=='@') { rva = (DWORD)atoi(pListFD->m_rvaLabel + 1); } else { GlobalLabel *pLabel = FindGlobalLabel(pListFD->m_rvaLabel); if (pLabel == 0) { report->msg("Error:Could not find label '%s' for the field '%s'\n", pListFD->m_rvaLabel, pListFD->m_szName); hr = E_FAIL; continue; } rva = pLabel->m_GlobalOffset; if (pLabel->m_Section == m_pTLSSection) rva += tlsSectionRVA; else if (pLabel->m_Section == m_pILSection) rva += ilSectionRVA; else { _ASSERTE(pLabel->m_Section == m_pGlobalDataSection); rva += dataSectionRVA; } } if (FAILED(m_pEmitter->SetFieldRVA(pListFD->m_fdFieldTok, rva))) goto exit; } } } if (FAILED(hr)) goto exit; } if(bClock) bClock->cFilegenBegin = GetTickCount(); // actually output the meta-data if (FAILED(hr=m_pCeeFileGen->EmitMetaDataAt(m_pCeeFile, m_pEmitter, m_pILSection, metaDataOffset, metaData, metaDataSize))) goto exit; if((m_wMSVmajor < 0xFF)&&(m_wMSVminor < 0xFF)) { STORAGESIGNATURE *pSSig = (STORAGESIGNATURE *)metaData; BYTE* pb = metaData; pb += 3*sizeof(DWORD)+2*sizeof(WORD)+VAL32(pSSig->iVersionString); pb = (BYTE*)(((size_t)pb + 3) & ~3); PSTORAGEHEADER pSHdr = (PSTORAGEHEADER)pb; PSTORAGESTREAM pStr = (PSTORAGESTREAM)(pSHdr+1); for(short iStr = 1; iStr <= VAL16(pSHdr->iStreams); iStr++) { if((strcmp(pStr->rcName,"#-")==0)||(strcmp(pStr->rcName,"#~")==0)) { pb = metaData + VAL32(pStr->iOffset); // start of the stream header pb += sizeof(DWORD); // skip Reserved *pb = VAL16(m_wMSVmajor)&0xFF; *(pb+1) = VAL16(m_wMSVminor)&0xFF; break; } pb = (BYTE*)pStr; pb += 2*sizeof(DWORD)+strlen(pStr->rcName)+1; pb = (BYTE*)(((size_t)pb + 3) & ~3); pStr = (PSTORAGESTREAM)pb; } } if(m_fTolerateDupMethods) // means that there are /ENC files { if(m_pbsMD) delete m_pbsMD; m_pbsMD = new BinStr(); memcpy(m_pbsMD->getBuff(metaDataSize),metaData,metaDataSize); } // actually output the resources if(mresourceSize && mresourceData) { size_t i, N = m_pManifest->m_dwMResNum, sizeread, L; BYTE *ptr = (BYTE*)mresourceData; BOOL mrfail = FALSE; FILE* pFile = NULL; char sz[2048]; for(i=0; i < N; i++) { m_pManifest->m_fMResNew[i] = FALSE; memset(sz,0,2048); WszWideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP,0,m_pManifest->m_wzMResName[i],-1,sz,2047,NULL,NULL); L = m_pManifest->m_dwMResSize[i]; sizeread = 0; memcpy(ptr,&L,sizeof(DWORD)); ptr += sizeof(DWORD); if(fopen_s(&pFile,sz,"rb") == 0) { sizeread = fread((void *)ptr,1,L,pFile); fclose(pFile); ptr += sizeread; } else { report->msg("Error: failed to open mgd resource file '%ls'\n",m_pManifest->m_wzMResName[i]); mrfail = TRUE; } if(sizeread < L) { report->msg("Error: failed to read expected %d bytes from mgd resource file '%ls'\n",L,m_pManifest->m_wzMResName[i]); mrfail = TRUE; L -= sizeread; memset(ptr,0,L); ptr += L; } } if(mrfail) { hr = E_FAIL; goto exit; } } /* if((m_wRTVmajor < 0xFFFF)&&(m_wRTVminor < 0xFFFF)) { IMAGE_COR20_HEADER* pCorH; if(FAILED(hr=m_pCeeFileGen->GetCorHeader(m_pCeeFile,&pCorH))) goto exit; pCorH->MajorRuntimeVersion = VAL16(m_wRTVmajor); pCorH->MinorRuntimeVersion = VAL16(m_wRTVminor); } */ // Generate the file -- moved to main //if (FAILED(hr=m_pCeeFileGen->GenerateCeeFile(m_pCeeFile))) goto exit; hr = S_OK; exit: return hr; } #ifdef _PREFAST_ #pragma warning(pop) #endif