// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements. // The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license. // See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information. // // file: method.cpp // // #include "ilasmpch.h" #include "assembler.h" Method::Method(Assembler *pAssembler, Class *pClass, __in __nullterminated char *pszName, BinStr* pbsSig, DWORD Attr) { // default values m_pClass = pClass; m_MaxStack = 8; m_Flags = 0; m_LocalsSig = 0; m_dwNumExceptions = 0; m_dwNumEndfilters = 0; m_firstArgName = NULL; m_firstVarName = NULL; m_pMethodSig = NULL; m_wImplAttr = miIL; //default, if native or optil are not specified m_wVTEntry = 0; m_wVTSlot = 0; m_pAssembler = pAssembler; m_pCurrScope = &m_MainScope; m_pRetMarshal = NULL; m_pRetValue = NULL; m_szExportAlias = NULL; m_dwExportOrdinal = 0xFFFFFFFF; m_ulLines[0]=m_ulLines[1]=0; m_ulColumns[0]=m_ulColumns[0]=0; m_pbsBody = NULL; m_fNewBody = TRUE; m_fNew = TRUE; // move the PInvoke descriptor (if any) from Assembler // (Assembler gets the descriptor BEFORE it calls new Method) m_pPInvoke = pAssembler->m_pPInvoke; pAssembler->m_pPInvoke = NULL; _ASSERTE(pszName); if (!pszName) return; m_szName = pszName; m_dwName = (DWORD)strlen(pszName); m_ExceptionList = new COR_ILMETHOD_SECT_EH_CLAUSE_FAT[MAX_EXCEPTIONS]; m_EndfilterOffsetList = new DWORD[MAX_EXCEPTIONS]; if((m_ExceptionList==NULL)||(m_EndfilterOffsetList==NULL)) { fprintf(stderr,"\nOutOfMemory!\n"); return; } m_dwMaxNumExceptions = MAX_EXCEPTIONS; m_dwMaxNumEndfilters = MAX_EXCEPTIONS; m_Attr = Attr; if((!strcmp(pszName,COR_CCTOR_METHOD_NAME))||(!strcmp(pszName,COR_CTOR_METHOD_NAME))) m_Attr |= mdSpecialName; m_fEntryPoint = FALSE; m_fGlobalMethod = FALSE; if(pbsSig) { m_dwMethodCSig = pbsSig->length(); m_pMethodSig = (COR_SIGNATURE*)(pbsSig->ptr()); m_pbsMethodSig = pbsSig; } m_firstArgName = pAssembler->getArgNameList(); if(pClass == NULL) pClass = pAssembler->m_pModuleClass; // fake "class" pClass->m_MethodList.PUSH(this); pClass->m_fNewMembers = TRUE; m_pPermissions = NULL; m_pPermissionSets = NULL; m_TyPars = NULL; m_NumTyPars = 0; } // lexical scope handling void Method::OpenScope() { Scope* psc = new Scope; if(psc) { psc->dwStart = m_pAssembler->m_CurPC; psc->pSuperScope = m_pCurrScope; #if(0) LinePC *pLPC = new LinePC; if(pLPC) { pLPC->Line = m_pAssembler->m_ulCurLine; pLPC->Column = m_pAssembler->m_ulCurColumn; pLPC->PC = m_pAssembler->m_CurPC; m_LinePCList.PUSH(pLPC); } #endif m_pCurrScope->SubScope.PUSH(psc); m_pCurrScope = psc; } } void Method::CloseScope() { VarDescr* pVD; ARG_NAME_LIST* pAN; for(pAN=m_pCurrScope->pLocals; pAN; pAN = pAN->pNext) { if((pVD = m_Locals.PEEK(pAN->dwAttr))) pVD->bInScope = FALSE; } m_pCurrScope->dwEnd = m_pAssembler->m_CurPC; #if(0) LinePC *pLPC = new LinePC; if(pLPC) { pLPC->Line = m_pAssembler->m_ulCurLine; pLPC->Column = m_pAssembler->m_ulCurColumn; pLPC->PC = m_pAssembler->m_CurPC; m_LinePCList.PUSH(pLPC); } #endif m_pCurrScope = m_pCurrScope->pSuperScope; } Label *Method::FindLabel(LPCUTF8 pszName) { Label lSearch(pszName,0), *pL; lSearch.m_szName = pszName; //pL = m_lstLabel.FIND(&lSearch); pL = m_pAssembler->m_lstLabel.FIND(&lSearch); lSearch.m_szName = NULL; return pL; //return m_lstLabel.FIND(pszName); } Label *Method::FindLabel(DWORD PC) { Label *pSearch; //for (int i = 0; (pSearch = m_lstLabel.PEEK(i)); i++) for (int i = 0; (pSearch = m_pAssembler->m_lstLabel.PEEK(i)); i++) { if (pSearch->m_PC == PC) return pSearch; } return NULL; }