// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements. // The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license. // See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information. // File: main.cpp // // #include "ilasmpch.h" #include "asmparse.h" #include "ndpversion.h" #include "shimload.h" #include "strsafe.h" #define ASSERTE_ALL_BUILDS(expr) _ASSERTE_ALL_BUILDS(__FILE__, (expr)) WCHAR* EqualOrColon(__in __nullterminated WCHAR* szArg) { WCHAR* pchE = wcschr(szArg,L'='); WCHAR* pchC = wcschr(szArg,L':'); WCHAR* ret; if(pchE == NULL) ret = pchC; else if(pchC == NULL) ret = pchE; else ret = (pchE < pchC)? pchE : pchC; return ret; } static DWORD g_dwSubsystem=(DWORD)-1,g_dwComImageFlags=(DWORD)-1,g_dwFileAlignment=0,g_dwTestRepeat=0; static ULONGLONG g_stBaseAddress=0; static size_t g_stSizeOfStackReserve=0; extern unsigned int g_uConsoleCP; #ifdef FEATURE_PAL char * g_pszExeFile; #endif void MakeTestFile(__in __nullterminated char* szFileName) { if(g_dwTestRepeat) { FILE* pF = NULL; if(fopen_s(&pF,szFileName,"wt")==0 && pF != NULL) { printf("Making test file\n"); fprintf(pF,".assembly extern mscorlib {}\n"); fprintf(pF,".assembly test%d {}\n",g_dwTestRepeat); fprintf(pF,".module test%d.exe\n",g_dwTestRepeat); fprintf(pF,".method public static void Exec() { .entrypoint\n"); for(unsigned i=0; i [Options]"); printf("\n\nOptions:"); printf("\n/NOLOGO Don't type the logo"); printf("\n/QUIET Don't report assembly progress"); printf("\n/NOAUTOINHERIT Disable inheriting from System.Object by default"); printf("\n/DLL Compile to .dll"); printf("\n/EXE Compile to .exe (default)"); printf("\n/PDB Create the PDB file without enabling debug info tracking"); printf("\n/APPCONTAINER Create an AppContainer exe or dll"); printf("\n/DEBUG Disable JIT optimization, create PDB file, use sequence points from PDB"); printf("\n/DEBUG=IMPL Disable JIT optimization, create PDB file, use implicit sequence points"); printf("\n/DEBUG=OPT Enable JIT optimization, create PDB file, use implicit sequence points"); printf("\n/OPTIMIZE Optimize long instructions to short"); printf("\n/FOLD Fold the identical method bodies into one"); printf("\n/CLOCK Measure and report compilation times"); // printf("\n/ERROR Try to create .exe or .dll file despite errors reported"); // printf("\n Warning! Results are unpredictable, use this option at your own risk!"); printf("\n/RESOURCE= Link the specified resource file (*.res) \n\t\t\tinto resulting .exe or .dll"); printf("\n/OUTPUT= Compile to file with specified name \n\t\t\t(user must provide extension, if any)"); printf("\n/KEY= Compile with strong signature \n\t\t\t( contains private key)"); printf("\n/KEY=@ Compile with strong signature \n\t\t\t( is the private key source name)"); printf("\n/INCLUDE= Set path to search for #include'd files"); printf("\n/SUBSYSTEM= Set Subsystem value in the NT Optional header"); printf("\n/SSVER=. Set Subsystem version number in the NT Optional header"); printf("\n/FLAGS= Set CLR ImageFlags value in the CLR header"); printf("\n/ALIGNMENT= Set FileAlignment value in the NT Optional header"); printf("\n/BASE= Set ImageBase value in the NT Optional header (max 2GB for 32-bit images)"); printf("\n/STACK= Set SizeOfStackReserve value in the NT Optional header"); printf("\n/MDV= Set Metadata version string"); printf("\n/MSV=. Set Metadata stream version (.)"); printf("\n/PE64 Create a 64bit image (PE32+)"); printf("\n/HIGHENTROPYVA Set High Entropy Virtual Address capable PE32+ images (default for /APPCONTAINER)"); printf("\n/NOCORSTUB Suppress generation of CORExeMain stub"); printf("\n/STRIPRELOC Indicate that no base relocations are needed"); printf("\n/X64 Target processor: 64bit AMD processor"); printf("\n/ARM Target processor: ARM (AArch32) processor"); printf("\n/ARM64 Target processor: ARM64 (AArch64) processor"); printf("\n/32BITPREFERRED Create a 32BitPreferred image (PE32)"); printf("\n/ENC= Create Edit-and-Continue deltas from specified source file"); printf("\n\nKey may be '-' or '/'\nOptions are recognized by first 3 characters (except ARM/ARM64)\nDefault source file extension is .il\n"); printf("\nTarget defaults:"); printf("\n/PE64 => /PE64 /X64"); printf("\n/X64 => /PE64 /X64"); printf("\n/ARM64 => /PE64 /ARM64"); printf("\n\n"); exit(exitcode); } uCodePage = CP_UTF8; WszSetEnvironmentVariable(W("COMP_ENC_OPENSCOPE"), W("")); WszSetEnvironmentVariable(W("COMP_ENC_EMIT"), W("")); if((pAsm = new Assembler())) { pAsm->SetCodePage(uCodePage); //if(pAsm->Init()) { pAsm->SetStdMapping(1); //------------------------------------------------- for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) { #ifdef FEATURE_PAL if(argv[i][0] == L'-') #else if((argv[i][0] == L'/') || (argv[i][0] == L'-')) #endif { char szOpt[3 + 1] = { 0 }; WszWideCharToMultiByte(uCodePage, 0, &argv[i][1], 3, szOpt, sizeof(szOpt), NULL, NULL); if (!_stricmp(szOpt, "NOA")) { pAsm->m_fAutoInheritFromObject = FALSE; } else if (!_stricmp(szOpt, "QUI")) { pAsm->m_fReportProgress = FALSE; bReportProgress = FALSE; bLogo = FALSE; } else if (!_stricmp(szOpt, "NOL")) { bLogo = FALSE; } else if (!_stricmp(szOpt, "FOL")) { pAsm->m_fFoldCode = TRUE; } else if (!_stricmp(szOpt, "DEB")) { pAsm->m_dwIncludeDebugInfo = 0x101; // PDB is ignored under 'DEB' option for ilasm on CoreCLR. // https://github.com/dotnet/coreclr/issues/2982 bNoDebug = FALSE; WCHAR *pStr = EqualOrColon(argv[i]); if(pStr != NULL) { for(pStr++; *pStr == L' '; pStr++); //skip the blanks if(wcslen(pStr)==0) goto InvalidOption; //if no suboption else { WCHAR wzSubOpt[8]; wcsncpy_s(wzSubOpt,8,pStr,3); wzSubOpt[3] = 0; if(0 == _wcsicmp(wzSubOpt,W("OPT"))) pAsm->m_dwIncludeDebugInfo = 0x3; else if(0 == _wcsicmp(wzSubOpt,W("IMP"))) pAsm->m_dwIncludeDebugInfo = 0x103; else { const WCHAR *pFmt =((*pStr == '0')&&(*(pStr+1) == 'x'))? W("%lx") : W("%ld"); if(swscanf_s(pStr,pFmt,&(pAsm->m_dwIncludeDebugInfo))!=1) goto InvalidOption; // bad subooption } } } } else if (!_stricmp(szOpt, "PDB")) { // 'PDB' option is ignored for ilasm on CoreCLR. // https://github.com/dotnet/coreclr/issues/2982 bNoDebug = FALSE; } else if (!_stricmp(szOpt, "CLO")) { bClock = true; pAsm->SetClock(&cw); } else if (!_stricmp(szOpt, "DLL")) { IsDLL = true; IsOBJ = false; } else if (!_stricmp(szOpt, "OBJ")) { //IsOBJ = true; IsDLL = false; printf("Option /OBJECT is not supported.\n"); goto ErrorExit; } else if (!_stricmp(szOpt, "ERR")) { pAsm->OnErrGo = true; } else if (!_stricmp(szOpt, "EXE")) { IsDLL = false; } else if (!_stricmp(szOpt, "APP")) { pAsm->m_fAppContainer = TRUE; } else if (!_stricmp(szOpt, "HIG")) { pAsm->m_fHighEntropyVA = TRUE; } else if (!_stricmp(szOpt, "OPT")) { pAsm->m_fOptimize = TRUE; } else if (!_stricmp(szOpt, "X64")) { pAsm->m_dwCeeFileFlags &= ~ICEE_CREATE_MACHINE_MASK; pAsm->m_dwCeeFileFlags |= ICEE_CREATE_MACHINE_AMD64; } else if (!_stricmp(szOpt, "ARM")) { // szOpt is only 3 characters long. That is not enough to distinguish "ARM" and "ARM64". // We could change it to be longer, but that would affect the existing usability (ARM64 was // added much later). Thus, just distinguish the two here. char szOpt2[5 + 1] = { 0 }; WszWideCharToMultiByte(uCodePage, 0, &argv[i][1], 5, szOpt2, sizeof(szOpt2), NULL, NULL); if (!_stricmp(szOpt2, "ARM")) { pAsm->m_dwCeeFileFlags &= ~ICEE_CREATE_MACHINE_MASK; pAsm->m_dwCeeFileFlags |= ICEE_CREATE_MACHINE_ARM; } else if (!_stricmp(szOpt2, "ARM64")) { pAsm->m_dwCeeFileFlags &= ~ICEE_CREATE_MACHINE_MASK; pAsm->m_dwCeeFileFlags |= ICEE_CREATE_MACHINE_ARM64; } else { goto InvalidOption; } } else if (!_stricmp(szOpt, "32B")) { if (g_dwComImageFlags == (DWORD)-1) g_dwComImageFlags = pAsm->m_dwComImageFlags; COR_SET_32BIT_PREFERRED(g_dwComImageFlags); } else if (!_stricmp(szOpt, "PE6")) { pAsm->m_dwCeeFileFlags &= ~ICEE_CREATE_FILE_PE32; pAsm->m_dwCeeFileFlags |= ICEE_CREATE_FILE_PE64; } else if (!_stricmp(szOpt, "NOC")) { pAsm->m_dwCeeFileFlags &= ~ICEE_CREATE_FILE_CORMAIN_STUB; } else if (!_stricmp(szOpt, "STR")) { pAsm->m_dwCeeFileFlags |= ICEE_CREATE_FILE_STRIP_RELOCS; } else if (!_stricmp(szOpt, "OPT")) { pAsm->m_fOptimize = TRUE; } else if (!_stricmp(szOpt, "LIS")) { printf("Option /LISTING is not supported, use ILDASM.EXE\n"); } else if (!_stricmp(szOpt, "RES")) { if(pAsm->m_wzResourceFile==NULL) { WCHAR *pStr = EqualOrColon(argv[i]); if(pStr == NULL) goto ErrorExit; for(pStr++; *pStr == L' '; pStr++); //skip the blanks if(wcslen(pStr)==0) goto InvalidOption; //if no file name pAsm->m_wzResourceFile = pStr; } else printf("Multiple resource files not allowed. Option %ls skipped\n",argv[i]); } else if (!_stricmp(szOpt, "KEY")) { WCHAR *pStr = EqualOrColon(argv[i]); if(pStr == NULL) goto InvalidOption; for(pStr++; *pStr == L' '; pStr++); //skip the blanks if(wcslen(pStr)==0) goto InvalidOption; //if no file name pAsm->m_wzKeySourceName = pStr; } else if (!_stricmp(szOpt, "INC")) { WCHAR *pStr = EqualOrColon(argv[i]); if(pStr == NULL) goto InvalidOption; for(pStr++; *pStr == L' '; pStr++); //skip the blanks if(wcslen(pStr)==0) goto InvalidOption; //if no file name wzIncludePath = pStr; } else if (!_stricmp(szOpt, "OUT")) { WCHAR *pStr = EqualOrColon(argv[i]); if(pStr == NULL) goto InvalidOption; for(pStr++; *pStr == L' '; pStr++); //skip the blanks if(wcslen(pStr)==0) goto InvalidOption; //if no file name if(wcslen(pStr) >= MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH) { fprintf(stderr,"\nError: Output file name exceeds %d characters\n",MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH-1); goto ErrorExit; } wcscpy_s(wzOutputFilename,MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH,pStr); } else if (!_stricmp(szOpt, "MDV")) { WCHAR *pStr = EqualOrColon(argv[i]); if(pStr == NULL) goto InvalidOption; for(pStr++; *pStr == L' '; pStr++); //skip the blanks if(wcslen(pStr)==0) goto InvalidOption; //if no version string pAsm->m_wzMetadataVersion = pStr; } else if (!_stricmp(szOpt, "MSV")) { WCHAR *pStr = EqualOrColon(argv[i]); if(pStr == NULL) goto InvalidOption; for(pStr++; *pStr == L' '; pStr++); //skip the blanks if(wcslen(pStr)==0) goto InvalidOption; //if no version { int major=-1,minor=-1; if(swscanf_s(pStr,W("%d.%d"),&major, &minor)==2) { if((major >= 0)&&(major < 0xFF)) pAsm->m_wMSVmajor = (WORD)major; if((minor >= 0)&&(minor < 0xFF)) pAsm->m_wMSVminor = (WORD)minor; } } } else if (!_stricmp(szOpt, "ENC")) { WCHAR *pStr = EqualOrColon(argv[i]); if(pStr == NULL) goto InvalidOption; for(pStr++; *pStr == L' '; pStr++); //skip the blanks if(wcslen(pStr)==0) goto InvalidOption; //if no file name pwzDeltaFiles[NumDeltaFiles++] = pStr; pAsm->m_fTolerateDupMethods = TRUE; } else if (!_stricmp(szOpt, "SUB")) { WCHAR *pStr = EqualOrColon(argv[i]); if(pStr == NULL) goto InvalidOption; pStr++; const WCHAR *pFmt = ((*pStr=='0')&&(*(pStr+1) == 'x'))? W("%lx") : W("%ld"); if(swscanf_s(pStr,pFmt,&g_dwSubsystem)!=1) goto InvalidOption; } else if (!_stricmp(szOpt, "SSV")) { WCHAR *pStr = EqualOrColon(argv[i]); if(pStr == NULL) goto InvalidOption; for(pStr++; *pStr == L' '; pStr++); //skip the blanks if(wcslen(pStr)==0) goto InvalidOption; //if no version { int major=-1,minor=-1; if(swscanf_s(pStr,W("%d.%d"),&major, &minor)==2) { if((major >= 0)&&(major < 0xFFFF)) pAsm->m_wSSVersionMajor = (WORD)major; if((minor >= 0)&&(minor < 0xFFFF)) pAsm->m_wSSVersionMinor = (WORD)minor; } else goto InvalidOption; } } else if (!_stricmp(szOpt, "ALI")) { WCHAR *pStr = EqualOrColon(argv[i]); if(pStr == NULL) goto InvalidOption; pStr++; const WCHAR *pFmt = ((*pStr=='0')&&(*(pStr+1) == 'x'))? W("%lx") : W("%ld"); if(swscanf_s(pStr,pFmt,&g_dwFileAlignment)!=1) goto InvalidOption; if((g_dwFileAlignment & (g_dwFileAlignment-1)) || (g_dwFileAlignment < 0x200) || (g_dwFileAlignment > 0x10000)) { fprintf(stderr,"\nFile Alignment must be power of 2 from 0x200 to 0x10000\n"); if(!pAsm->OnErrGo) goto InvalidOption; } } else if (!_stricmp(szOpt, "FLA")) { WCHAR *pStr = EqualOrColon(argv[i]); if(pStr == NULL) goto InvalidOption; pStr++; const WCHAR *pFmt = ((*pStr=='0')&&(*(pStr+1) == 'x'))? W("%lx") : W("%ld"); if(swscanf_s(pStr,pFmt,&g_dwComImageFlags)!=1) goto InvalidOption; } else if (!_stricmp(szOpt, "BAS")) { WCHAR *pStr = EqualOrColon(argv[i]); if(pStr == NULL) goto InvalidOption; pStr++; const WCHAR *pFmt = ((*pStr=='0')&&(*(pStr+1) == 'x'))? W("%I64x") : W("%I64d"); if(swscanf_s(pStr,pFmt,&g_stBaseAddress)!=1) goto InvalidOption; if(g_stBaseAddress & 0xFFFF) { fprintf(stderr,"\nBase address must be 0x10000-aligned\n"); if(!pAsm->OnErrGo) goto InvalidOption; } } else if (!_stricmp(szOpt, "STA")) { WCHAR *pStr = EqualOrColon(argv[i]); if(pStr == NULL) goto InvalidOption; pStr++; const WCHAR *pFmt = ((*pStr=='0')&&(*(pStr+1) == 'x'))? W("%lx") : W("%ld"); if(swscanf_s(pStr,pFmt,&g_stSizeOfStackReserve)!=1) goto InvalidOption; } #ifdef _SPECIAL_INTERNAL_USE_ONLY else if (!_stricmp(szOpt, "TES")) { WCHAR *pStr = EqualOrColon(argv[i]); if(pStr == NULL) goto InvalidOption; pStr++; WCHAR *pFmt = ((*pStr=='0')&&(*(pStr+1) == 'x'))? L"%lx" : L"%ld"; if(swscanf_s(pStr,pFmt,&g_dwTestRepeat)!=1) goto InvalidOption; } #endif else { InvalidOption: fprintf(stderr, "Error : Invalid Option: %LS\n", argv[i]); goto ErrorExit; } } else { if(wcslen(argv[i]) >= MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH) { printf("\nError: Input file name exceeds %d characters\n",MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH-1); goto ErrorExit; } pwzInputFiles[NumFiles++] = argv[i]; if(NumFiles == 1) { MakeProperSourceFileName(argv[i], uCodePage, wzInputFilename, szInputFilename); } } } if(NumFiles == 0) { delete pAsm; goto ErrorExit; } if(pAsm->m_dwCeeFileFlags & ICEE_CREATE_FILE_PE64) { if((pAsm->m_dwCeeFileFlags & ICEE_CREATE_MACHINE_I386) ||(pAsm->m_dwCeeFileFlags & ICEE_CREATE_MACHINE_ARM)) { printf("\nMachine type /ARM64 or /X64 must be specified for 64 bit targets."); if(!pAsm->OnErrGo) { pAsm->m_dwCeeFileFlags &= ~ICEE_CREATE_MACHINE_MASK; pAsm->m_dwCeeFileFlags |= ICEE_CREATE_MACHINE_AMD64; printf(" Type set to X64."); } printf("\n"); } } else { if((pAsm->m_dwCeeFileFlags & ICEE_CREATE_MACHINE_ARM64) ||(pAsm->m_dwCeeFileFlags & ICEE_CREATE_MACHINE_AMD64)) { printf("\n64 bit target must be specified for machine type /ARM64 or /X64."); if(!pAsm->OnErrGo) { pAsm->m_dwCeeFileFlags &= ~ICEE_CREATE_FILE_PE32; pAsm->m_dwCeeFileFlags |= ICEE_CREATE_FILE_PE64; printf(" Target set to 64 bit."); } printf("\n"); } } if(pAsm->m_dwCeeFileFlags & ICEE_CREATE_FILE_PE32) { if(g_stBaseAddress > 0x80000000) { fprintf(stderr,"Invalid Image Base specified for 32-bit target\n"); delete pAsm; goto ErrorExit; } } if (COR_IS_32BIT_PREFERRED(pAsm->m_dwComImageFlags) && ((pAsm->m_dwCeeFileFlags & ICEE_CREATE_FILE_PE64) || ((pAsm->m_dwCeeFileFlags & ICEE_CREATE_FILE_PE32) == 0) || ((pAsm->m_dwCeeFileFlags & ICEE_CREATE_MACHINE_I386) == 0) || ((pAsm->m_dwComImageFlags & COMIMAGE_FLAGS_ILONLY) == 0))) { fprintf(stderr,"/32BITPREFERRED valid only with PE32/X86/ILONLY images\n"); delete pAsm; goto ErrorExit; } if(!pAsm->Init()) { fprintf(stderr,"Failed to initialize Assembler\n"); delete pAsm; goto ErrorExit; } if(g_dwTestRepeat) MakeTestFile(szInputFilename); if(wzOutputFilename[0] == 0) { wcscpy_s(wzOutputFilename,MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH,pwzInputFiles[0]); size_t j = wcslen(wzOutputFilename); do { j--; if(wzOutputFilename[j] == L'.') { wzOutputFilename[j] = 0; break; } } while(j); wcscat_s(wzOutputFilename, MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH,(IsDLL ? W(".dll") : (IsOBJ ? W(".obj") : W(".exe")))); } if(wzIncludePath == NULL) { PathString wzIncludePathBuffer; if (0 != WszGetEnvironmentVariable(W("ILASM_INCLUDE"), wzIncludePathBuffer)) { wzIncludePath = wzIncludePathBuffer.GetCopyOfUnicodeString(); } } //------------ Assembler initialization done. Now, to business ----------------------- if((pParser = new AsmParse(NULL, pAsm))) { uCodePage = CP_UTF8; pAsm->SetCodePage(uCodePage); pParser->SetIncludePath(wzIncludePath); //====================================================================== if(bLogo) { printf("\nMicrosoft (R) .NET Framework IL Assembler. Version " VER_FILEVERSION_STR); printf("\n%S", VER_LEGALCOPYRIGHT_LOGO_STR_L); } pAsm->SetDLL(IsDLL); pAsm->SetOBJ(IsOBJ); wcscpy_s(pAsm->m_wzOutputFileName,MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH,wzOutputFilename); strcpy_s(pAsm->m_szSourceFileName,MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH*3+1,szInputFilename); if (SUCCEEDED(pAsm->InitMetaData())) { int iFile; BOOL fAllFilesPresent = TRUE; if(bClock) cw.cParsBegin = GetTickCount(); for(iFile = 0; iFile < NumFiles; iFile++) { uCodePage = CP_UTF8; pAsm->SetCodePage(uCodePage); if(iFile) // for the first file, it's already done { MakeProperSourceFileName(pwzInputFiles[iFile], uCodePage, wzInputFilename, szInputFilename); } if(pAsm->m_fReportProgress) { pParser->msg("\nAssembling '%s' ", szInputFilename); if(pAsm->m_fCPlusPlus) pParser->msg(" C++"); if(pAsm->m_fWindowsCE) pParser->msg(" WINCE"); if(!pAsm->m_fAutoInheritFromObject) pParser->msg(" NOAUTOINHERIT"); pParser->msg(IsDLL ? " to DLL" : (IsOBJ? " to OBJ" : " to EXE")); //====================================================================== if (pAsm->m_fStdMapping == FALSE) pParser->msg(", with REFERENCE mapping"); { char szOutputFilename[MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH*3]; memset(szOutputFilename,0,sizeof(szOutputFilename)); WszWideCharToMultiByte(uCodePage,0,wzOutputFilename,-1,szOutputFilename,MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH*3-1,NULL,NULL); pParser->msg(" --> '%s'\n", szOutputFilename); } } pIn = new MappedFileStream(wzInputFilename); if ((!pIn) || !(pIn->IsValid())) { pParser->msg("Could not open %s\n", szInputFilename); fAllFilesPresent = FALSE; } else { #ifndef FEATURE_PAL DWORD dwBinType; if(GetBinaryTypeA(szInputFilename,&dwBinType)) { pParser->msg("%s is not a text file\n",szInputFilename); fAllFilesPresent = FALSE; } else #endif { pAsm->SetSourceFileName(FullFileName(wzInputFilename,uCodePage)); // deletes the argument! pParser->ParseFile(pIn); } } if(pIn) { pIn->set_namew(NULL); delete pIn; } } // end for(iFile) if(bClock) cw.cParsEnd = GetTickCount(); if ((pParser->Success() && fAllFilesPresent) || pAsm->OnErrGo) { HRESULT hr; if(g_dwSubsystem != (DWORD)-1) pAsm->m_dwSubsystem = g_dwSubsystem; if(g_dwComImageFlags != (DWORD)-1) pAsm->m_dwComImageFlags = g_dwComImageFlags; if(g_dwFileAlignment) pAsm->m_dwFileAlignment = g_dwFileAlignment; if(g_stBaseAddress) pAsm->m_stBaseAddress = g_stBaseAddress; if(g_stSizeOfStackReserve) pAsm->m_stSizeOfStackReserve = g_stSizeOfStackReserve; if(FAILED(hr=pAsm->CreatePEFile(wzOutputFilename))) pParser->msg("Could not create output file, error code=0x%08X\n",hr); else { if(pAsm->m_fFoldCode && pAsm->m_fReportProgress) pParser->msg("%d methods folded\n",pAsm->m_dwMethodsFolded); if(pParser->Success() && fAllFilesPresent) exitval = 0; else { pParser->msg("Output file contains errors\n"); if(pAsm->OnErrGo) exitval = 0; } if(exitval == 0) // Write the output file { if(bClock) cw.cFilegenEnd = GetTickCount(); if(pAsm->m_fReportProgress) pParser->msg("Writing %s file\n", pAsm->m_fOBJ ? "COFF" : "PE"); // Generate the file if (FAILED(hr = pAsm->m_pCeeFileGen->GenerateCeeFile(pAsm->m_pCeeFile))) { exitval = 1; pParser->msg("Failed to write output file, error code=0x%08X\n",hr); } if(bClock) cw.cEnd = GetTickCount(); #define ENC_ENABLED if(exitval==0) { pAsm->m_fENCMode = TRUE; WCHAR wzNewOutputFilename[MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH+16]; for(iFile = 0; iFile < NumDeltaFiles; iFile++) { wcscpy_s(wzNewOutputFilename,MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH+16,wzOutputFilename); exitval = _snwprintf_s(&wzNewOutputFilename[wcslen(wzNewOutputFilename)], 32, _TRUNCATE, W(".%d"),iFile+1); MakeProperSourceFileName(pwzDeltaFiles[iFile], uCodePage, wzInputFilename, szInputFilename); if(pAsm->m_fReportProgress) { pParser->msg("\nAssembling delta '%s' ", szInputFilename); if(pAsm->m_fCPlusPlus) pParser->msg(" C++"); if(pAsm->m_fWindowsCE) pParser->msg(" WINCE"); if(!pAsm->m_fAutoInheritFromObject) pParser->msg(" NOAUTOINHERIT"); pParser->msg(" to DMETA,DIL"); //====================================================================== if (pAsm->m_fStdMapping == FALSE) pParser->msg(", with REFERENCE mapping"); pParser->msg(" --> '%S.*'\n", wzNewOutputFilename); } exitval = 0; pIn = new MappedFileStream(wzInputFilename); if ((!pIn) || !(pIn->IsValid())) { pParser->msg("Could not open %s\n", szInputFilename); fAllFilesPresent = FALSE; } else { #ifndef FEATURE_PAL DWORD dwBinType; if(GetBinaryTypeA(szInputFilename,&dwBinType)) { pParser->msg("%s is not a text file\n",szInputFilename); fAllFilesPresent = FALSE; } else #endif if (SUCCEEDED(pAsm->InitMetaDataForENC(wzNewOutputFilename))) { pAsm->SetSourceFileName(FullFileName(wzInputFilename,uCodePage)); // deletes the argument! pParser->ParseFile(pIn); if (pParser->Success() || pAsm->OnErrGo) { exitval = 1; if(FAILED(hr=pAsm->CreateDeltaFiles(wzNewOutputFilename))) pParser->msg("Could not create output delta files, error code=0x%08X\n",hr); else { if(pAsm->m_fFoldCode && pAsm->m_fReportProgress) pParser->msg("%d methods folded\n",pAsm->m_dwMethodsFolded); if(pParser->Success()) exitval = 0; else pParser->msg("Output delta files contain errors\n"); #ifdef GENERATE_SUMMARY_PE_FILE if(pAsm->OnErrGo) exitval = 0; //if(FAILED(hr=pAsm->CreatePEFile(wzOutputFilename))) // pParser->msg("Could not create output file, error code=0x%08X\n",hr); //else { if(pAsm->m_fReportProgress) pParser->msg("Writing %s file\n", pAsm->m_fOBJ ? "COFF" : "PE"); // Generate the file if (FAILED(hr = pAsm->m_pCeeFileGen->GenerateCeeFile(pAsm->m_pCeeFile))) { exitval = 1; pParser->msg("Failed to write output file, error code=0x%08X\n",hr); } else if (pAsm->m_pManifest->m_sStrongName.m_fFullSign) { // Strong name sign the resultant assembly. if(pAsm->m_fReportProgress) pParser->msg("Signing file with strong name\n"); if (FAILED(hr=pAsm->StrongNameSign())) { exitval = 1; pParser->msg("Failed to strong name sign output file, error code=0x%08X\n",hr); } } } #endif } } // end if (pParser->Success() || pAsm->OnErrGo) } //end if (SUCCEEDED(pAsm->InitMetaDataForENC())) } // end if ((!pIn) || !(pIn->IsValid())) -- else if(pIn) { pIn->set_namew(NULL); delete pIn; } } // end for(iFile) } // end if(exitval==0) } } } } else pParser->msg("Failed to initialize Meta Data\n"); delete pParser; } else printf("Could not create parser\n"); } //else printf("Failed to initialize Assembler\n"); delete pAsm; } else printf("Insufficient memory\n"); WszSetEnvironmentVariable(W("COMP_ENC_OPENSCOPE"), W("")); WszSetEnvironmentVariable(W("COMP_ENC_EMIT"), W("")); if(exitval || bNoDebug) { // PE file was not created, or no debug info required. Kill PDB if any WCHAR* pc = wcsrchr(wzOutputFilename,L'.'); if(pc==NULL) { pc = &wzOutputFilename[wcslen(wzOutputFilename)]; *pc = L'.'; } wcscpy_s(pc+1,4,W("PDB")); #undef DeleteFileW DeleteFileW(wzOutputFilename); } if (exitval == 0) { if(bReportProgress) printf("Operation completed successfully\n"); if(bClock) { printf("Timing (msec): Total run %d\n",(cw.cEnd-cw.cBegin)); printf(" Startup %d\n",(cw.cParsBegin-cw.cBegin)); printf(" - MD initialization %d\n",(cw.cMDInitEnd - cw.cMDInitBegin)); printf(" Parsing %d\n",(cw.cParsEnd - cw.cParsBegin)); printf(" Emitting MD %d\n",(cw.cMDEmitEnd - cw.cRef2DefEnd)+(cw.cRef2DefBegin - cw.cMDEmitBegin)); //printf(" - global fixups %d\n",(cw.cMDEmit1 - cw.cMDEmitBegin)); printf(" - SN sig alloc %d\n",(cw.cMDEmit2 - cw.cMDEmitBegin)); printf(" - Classes,Methods,Fields %d\n",(cw.cRef2DefBegin - cw.cMDEmit2)); printf(" - Events,Properties %d\n",(cw.cMDEmit3 - cw.cRef2DefEnd)); printf(" - MethodImpls %d\n",(cw.cMDEmit4 - cw.cMDEmit3)); printf(" - Manifest,CAs %d\n",(cw.cMDEmitEnd - cw.cMDEmit4)); printf(" Ref to Def resolution %d\n",(cw.cRef2DefEnd - cw.cRef2DefBegin)); printf(" Fixup and linking %d\n",(cw.cFilegenBegin - cw.cMDEmitEnd)); printf(" CEE file generation %d\n",(cw.cFilegenEnd - cw.cFilegenBegin)); printf(" PE file writing %d\n",(cw.cEnd - cw.cFilegenEnd)); } } else { printf("\n***** FAILURE ***** \n"); } exit(exitval); return exitval; } #ifdef _PREFAST_ #pragma warning(pop) #endif #ifdef FEATURE_PAL int main(int argc, char* str[]) { g_pszExeFile = str[0]; if (0 != PAL_Initialize(argc, str)) { fprintf(stderr,"Error: Fail to PAL_Initialize\n"); exit(1); } WCHAR **argv = new WCHAR*[argc]; for (int i = 0; i < argc; i++) { int length = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, str[i], -1, NULL, 0); ASSERTE_ALL_BUILDS(length != 0); LPWSTR result = new (nothrow) WCHAR[length]; ASSERTE_ALL_BUILDS(result != NULL); length = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, str[i], -1, result, length); ASSERTE_ALL_BUILDS (length != 0); argv[i] = result; } int ret = wmain(argc, argv); for (int i = 0 ; i < argc; i++) { delete[] argv[i]; } delete[] argv; return ret; } #endif // FEATURE_PAL