// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements. // The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license. // See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information. /**************************************************************************/ /* asmParse is basically a wrapper around a YACC grammer COM+ assembly */ #ifndef asmparse_h #define asmparse_h #include // for FILE #include "assembler.h" // for ErrorReporter Labels //class Assembler; //class BinStr; /**************************************************************************/ /* an abstraction of a stream of input characters */ class ReadStream { public: virtual ~ReadStream() = default; virtual unsigned getAll(__out char** ppch) = 0; // read at most 'buffLen' bytes into 'buff', Return the // number of characters read. On EOF return 0 virtual unsigned read(__out_ecount(buffLen) char* buff, unsigned buffLen) = 0; // Return the name of the stream, (for error reporting). //virtual const char* name() = 0; // Return the Unicode name of the stream virtual const WCHAR* namew() = 0; //return ptr to buffer containing specified source line virtual char* getLine(int lineNum) = 0; }; /**************************************************************************/ class BinStrStream : public ReadStream { public: BinStrStream(BinStr* pbs) { m_pStart = (char*)(pbs->ptr()); m_pCurr = m_pStart; m_pEnd = m_pStart + pbs->length(); m_pBS = pbs; }; ~BinStrStream() { //if(m_pBS) // delete m_pBS; }; unsigned getAll(__out char **ppbuff) { *ppbuff = m_pStart; return m_pBS->length(); }; unsigned read(__out_ecount(buffLen) char* buff, unsigned buffLen) { _ASSERTE(m_pStart != NULL); unsigned Remainder = (unsigned)(m_pEnd - m_pCurr); unsigned Len = buffLen; if(Len > Remainder) Len = Remainder; memcpy(buff,m_pCurr,Len); m_pCurr += Len; if(Len < buffLen) { memset(buff+Len,0,buffLen-Len); } return Len; } const WCHAR* namew() { return W("local_define"); } BOOL IsValid() { return(m_pStart != NULL); } char* getLine(int lineNum) { return NULL; // this function is not used } private: char* m_pStart; char* m_pEnd; char* m_pCurr; BinStr* m_pBS; }; /**************************************************************************/ class MappedFileStream : public ReadStream { public: MappedFileStream(__in __nullterminated WCHAR* wFileName) { fileNameW = wFileName; m_hFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; m_hMapFile = NULL; m_pStart = open(wFileName); m_pCurr = m_pStart; m_pEnd = m_pStart + m_FileSize; //memset(fileNameANSI,0,MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH*4); //WszWideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP,0,wFileName,-1,fileNameANSI,MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH*4,NULL,NULL); } ~MappedFileStream() { if (m_hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { if (m_pStart) UnmapViewOfFile((void*)m_pStart); if (m_hMapFile) CloseHandle(m_hMapFile); CloseHandle(m_hFile); m_pStart = NULL; m_hMapFile = NULL; m_hFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; m_FileSize = 0; delete [] fileNameW; fileNameW = NULL; } } unsigned getAll(__out char** pbuff) { *pbuff = m_pStart; return m_FileSize; } unsigned read(__out_ecount(buffLen) char* buff, unsigned buffLen) { _ASSERTE(m_pStart != NULL); unsigned Remainder = (unsigned)(m_pEnd - m_pCurr); unsigned Len = buffLen; if(Len > Remainder) Len = Remainder; memcpy(buff,m_pCurr,Len); m_pCurr += Len; if(Len < buffLen) { memset(buff+Len,0,buffLen-Len); } return Len; } //const char* name() //{ // return(&fileNameANSI[0]); //} const WCHAR* namew() { return fileNameW; } void set_namew(const WCHAR* namew) { fileNameW = namew; } BOOL IsValid() { return(m_pStart != NULL); } char* getLine(int lineNum) { return NULL; // this function is not used } private: char* map_file() { DWORD dwFileSizeLow; dwFileSizeLow = GetFileSize( m_hFile, NULL); if (dwFileSizeLow == INVALID_FILE_SIZE) return NULL; m_FileSize = dwFileSizeLow; // No difference between A and W in this case: last param (LPCTSTR) is NULL m_hMapFile = WszCreateFileMapping(m_hFile, NULL, PAGE_READONLY, 0, 0, NULL); if (m_hMapFile == NULL) return NULL; return (char*)(HMODULE) MapViewOfFile(m_hMapFile, FILE_MAP_READ, 0, 0, 0); } char* open(const WCHAR* moduleName) { _ASSERTE(moduleName); if (!moduleName) return NULL; m_hFile = WszCreateFile(moduleName, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, 0, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, 0); return (m_hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) ? NULL : map_file(); } const WCHAR* fileNameW; // FileName (for error reporting) //char fileNameANSI[MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH*4]; HANDLE m_hFile; // File we are reading from DWORD m_FileSize; HANDLE m_hMapFile; char* m_pStart; char* m_pEnd; char* m_pCurr; }; typedef LIFO ARG_NAME_LIST_STACK; // functional pointers used in parsing /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ typedef char*(*PFN_NEXTCHAR)(char*); char* nextcharA(__in __nullterminated char* pos); char* nextcharU(__in __nullterminated char* pos); char* nextcharW(__in __nullterminated char* pos); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ typedef unsigned(*PFN_SYM)(char*); unsigned SymAU(__in __nullterminated char* curPos); unsigned SymW(__in __nullterminated char* curPos); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ typedef char*(*PFN_NEWSTRFROMTOKEN)(char*,size_t); char* NewStrFromTokenAU(__in_ecount(tokLen) char* curTok, size_t tokLen); char* NewStrFromTokenW(__in_ecount(tokLen) char* curTok, size_t tokLen); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ typedef char*(*PFN_NEWSTATICSTRFROMTOKEN)(char*,size_t,char*,size_t); char* NewStaticStrFromTokenAU(__in_ecount(tokLen) char* curTok, size_t tokLen, __out_ecount(bufSize) char* staticBuf, size_t bufSize); char* NewStaticStrFromTokenW(__in_ecount(tokLen) char* curTok, size_t tokLen, __out_ecount(bufSize) char* staticBuf, size_t bufSize); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ typedef unsigned(*PFN_GETDOUBLE)(char*,unsigned,double**); unsigned GetDoubleAU(__in __nullterminated char* begNum, unsigned L, double** ppRes); unsigned GetDoubleW(__in __nullterminated char* begNum, unsigned L, double** ppRes); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ struct PARSING_ENVIRONMENT { char* curTok; // The token we are in the process of processing (for error reporting) char* curPos; // current place in input buffer char* endPos; // points just past the end of valid data in the buffer ReadStream* in; // how we fill up our buffer PFN_NEXTCHAR pfn_nextchar; PFN_SYM pfn_Sym; PFN_NEWSTRFROMTOKEN pfn_NewStrFromToken; PFN_NEWSTATICSTRFROMTOKEN pfn_NewStaticStrFromToken; PFN_GETDOUBLE pfn_GetDouble; bool bExternSource; bool bExternSourceAutoincrement; unsigned nExtLine; unsigned nExtCol; unsigned nExtLineEnd; unsigned nExtColEnd; unsigned curLine; // Line number (for error reporting) unsigned uCodePage; char szFileName[MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH*3+1]; }; typedef LIFO PARSING_ENVIRONMENT_STACK; /**************************************************************************/ /* AsmParse does all the parsing. It also builds up simple data structures, (like signatures), but does not do the any 'heavy lifting' like define methods or classes. Instead it calls to the Assembler object to do that */ class AsmParse : public ErrorReporter { public: AsmParse(ReadStream* stream, Assembler *aAssem); virtual ~AsmParse(); void CreateEnvironment(ReadStream* stream); void ParseFile(ReadStream* stream); // The parser knows how to put line numbers on things and report the error virtual void error(const char* fmt, ...); virtual void warn(const char* fmt, ...); virtual void msg(const char* fmt, ...); char *getLine(int lineNum) { return penv->in->getLine(lineNum); }; unsigned getAll(__out char** pbuff) { return penv->in->getAll(pbuff); }; bool Success() {return success; }; void SetIncludePath(__in WCHAR* wz) { wzIncludePath = wz; }; ARG_NAME_LIST_STACK m_ANSFirst; ARG_NAME_LIST_STACK m_ANSLast; PARSING_ENVIRONMENT *penv; PARSING_ENVIRONMENT_STACK PEStack; private: BinStr* MakeSig(unsigned callConv, BinStr* retType, BinStr* args, int ntyargs = 0); BinStr* MakeTypeClass(CorElementType kind, mdToken tk); BinStr* MakeTypeArray(CorElementType kind, BinStr* elemType, BinStr* bounds); char* fillBuff(__in_opt __nullterminated char* curPos); // refill the input buffer DWORD IsItUnicode(CONST LPVOID pBuff, int cb, LPINT lpi); HANDLE hstdout; HANDLE hstderr; private: friend void yyerror(__in __nullterminated const char* str); friend int parse_literal(unsigned curSym, __inout __nullterminated char* &curPos, BOOL translate_escapes); friend int yyparse(); friend int yylex(); friend Instr* SetupInstr(unsigned short opcode); friend int findKeyword(const char* name, size_t nameLen, unsigned short* opcode); friend TypeDefDescr* findTypedef(__in_ecount(nameLen) char* name, size_t nameLen); friend char* skipBlanks(__in __nullterminated char*,unsigned*); friend char* nextBlank(__in __nullterminated char*); friend int ProcessEOF(); friend unsigned __int8* skipType(unsigned __int8* ptr, BOOL fFixupType); friend void FixupConstraints(); Assembler* assem; // This does most of the semantic processing bool success; // overall success of the compilation WCHAR* wzIncludePath; }; #endif