// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements. // The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license. // See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information. #include "common.h" #include "gcenv.h" #include "env/gcenv.os.h" #include "softwarewritewatch.h" #ifdef FEATURE_USE_SOFTWARE_WRITE_WATCH_FOR_GC_HEAP #ifndef DACCESS_COMPILE static_assert((static_cast(1) << SOFTWARE_WRITE_WATCH_AddressToTableByteIndexShift) == OS_PAGE_SIZE, "Unexpected OS_PAGE_SIZE"); extern "C" { uint8_t *g_gc_sw_ww_table = nullptr; bool g_gc_sw_ww_enabled_for_gc_heap = false; } void SoftwareWriteWatch::StaticClose() { if (GetTable() == nullptr) { return; } g_gc_sw_ww_enabled_for_gc_heap = false; g_gc_sw_ww_table = nullptr; } bool SoftwareWriteWatch::GetDirtyFromBlock( uint8_t *block, uint8_t *firstPageAddressInBlock, size_t startByteIndex, size_t endByteIndex, void **dirtyPages, size_t *dirtyPageIndexRef, size_t dirtyPageCount, bool clearDirty) { assert(block != nullptr); assert(ALIGN_DOWN(block, sizeof(size_t)) == block); assert(firstPageAddressInBlock == reinterpret_cast(GetPageAddress(block - GetTable()))); assert(startByteIndex < endByteIndex); assert(endByteIndex <= sizeof(size_t)); assert(dirtyPages != nullptr); assert(dirtyPageIndexRef != nullptr); size_t &dirtyPageIndex = *dirtyPageIndexRef; assert(dirtyPageIndex < dirtyPageCount); size_t dirtyBytes = *reinterpret_cast(block); if (dirtyBytes == 0) { return true; } if (startByteIndex != 0) { size_t numLowBitsToClear = startByteIndex * 8; dirtyBytes >>= numLowBitsToClear; dirtyBytes <<= numLowBitsToClear; } if (endByteIndex != sizeof(size_t)) { size_t numHighBitsToClear = (sizeof(size_t) - endByteIndex) * 8; dirtyBytes <<= numHighBitsToClear; dirtyBytes >>= numHighBitsToClear; } while (dirtyBytes != 0) { DWORD bitIndex; static_assert(sizeof(size_t) <= 8, "Unexpected sizeof(size_t)"); if (sizeof(size_t) == 8) { BitScanForward64(&bitIndex, static_cast(dirtyBytes)); } else { BitScanForward(&bitIndex, static_cast(dirtyBytes)); } // Each byte is only ever set to 0 or 0xff assert(bitIndex % 8 == 0); size_t byteMask = static_cast(0xff) << bitIndex; assert((dirtyBytes & byteMask) == byteMask); dirtyBytes ^= byteMask; DWORD byteIndex = bitIndex / 8; if (clearDirty) { // Clear only the bytes for which pages are recorded as dirty block[byteIndex] = 0; } void *pageAddress = firstPageAddressInBlock + byteIndex * OS_PAGE_SIZE; assert(pageAddress >= GetHeapStartAddress()); assert(pageAddress < GetHeapEndAddress()); assert(dirtyPageIndex < dirtyPageCount); dirtyPages[dirtyPageIndex] = pageAddress; ++dirtyPageIndex; if (dirtyPageIndex == dirtyPageCount) { return false; } } return true; } void SoftwareWriteWatch::GetDirty( void *baseAddress, size_t regionByteSize, void **dirtyPages, size_t *dirtyPageCountRef, bool clearDirty, bool isRuntimeSuspended) { VerifyCreated(); VerifyMemoryRegion(baseAddress, regionByteSize); assert(dirtyPages != nullptr); assert(dirtyPageCountRef != nullptr); size_t dirtyPageCount = *dirtyPageCountRef; if (dirtyPageCount == 0) { return; } if (!isRuntimeSuspended) { // When a page is marked as dirty, a memory barrier is not issued after the write most of the time. Issue a memory // barrier on all active threads of the process now to make recent changes to dirty state visible to this thread. GCToOSInterface::FlushProcessWriteBuffers(); } uint8_t *tableRegionStart; size_t tableRegionByteSize; TranslateToTableRegion(baseAddress, regionByteSize, &tableRegionStart, &tableRegionByteSize); uint8_t *tableRegionEnd = tableRegionStart + tableRegionByteSize; uint8_t *blockStart = ALIGN_DOWN(tableRegionStart, sizeof(size_t)); assert(blockStart >= GetUntranslatedTable()); uint8_t *blockEnd = ALIGN_UP(tableRegionEnd, sizeof(size_t)); assert(blockEnd <= GetUntranslatedTableEnd()); uint8_t *fullBlockEnd = ALIGN_DOWN(tableRegionEnd, sizeof(size_t)); size_t dirtyPageIndex = 0; uint8_t *currentBlock = blockStart; uint8_t *firstPageAddressInCurrentBlock = reinterpret_cast(GetPageAddress(currentBlock - GetTable())); do { if (blockStart == fullBlockEnd) { if (GetDirtyFromBlock( currentBlock, firstPageAddressInCurrentBlock, tableRegionStart - blockStart, tableRegionEnd - fullBlockEnd, dirtyPages, &dirtyPageIndex, dirtyPageCount, clearDirty)) { *dirtyPageCountRef = dirtyPageIndex; } break; } if (tableRegionStart != blockStart) { if (!GetDirtyFromBlock( currentBlock, firstPageAddressInCurrentBlock, tableRegionStart - blockStart, sizeof(size_t), dirtyPages, &dirtyPageIndex, dirtyPageCount, clearDirty)) { break; } currentBlock += sizeof(size_t); firstPageAddressInCurrentBlock += sizeof(size_t) * OS_PAGE_SIZE; } while (currentBlock < fullBlockEnd) { if (!GetDirtyFromBlock( currentBlock, firstPageAddressInCurrentBlock, 0, sizeof(size_t), dirtyPages, &dirtyPageIndex, dirtyPageCount, clearDirty)) { break; } currentBlock += sizeof(size_t); firstPageAddressInCurrentBlock += sizeof(size_t) * OS_PAGE_SIZE; } if (currentBlock < fullBlockEnd) { break; } if (tableRegionEnd != fullBlockEnd && !GetDirtyFromBlock( currentBlock, firstPageAddressInCurrentBlock, 0, tableRegionEnd - fullBlockEnd, dirtyPages, &dirtyPageIndex, dirtyPageCount, clearDirty)) { break; } *dirtyPageCountRef = dirtyPageIndex; } while (false); if (!isRuntimeSuspended && clearDirty && dirtyPageIndex != 0) { // When dirtying a page, the dirty state of the page is first checked to see if the page is already dirty. If already // dirty, the write to mark it as dirty is skipped. So, when the dirty state of a page is cleared, we need to make sure // the cleared state is visible to other threads that may dirty the page, before marking through objects in the page, so // that the GC will not miss marking through dirtied objects in the page. Issue a memory barrier on all active threads // of the process now. MemoryBarrier(); // flush writes from this thread first to guarantee ordering GCToOSInterface::FlushProcessWriteBuffers(); } } #endif // !DACCESS_COMPILE #endif // FEATURE_USE_SOFTWARE_WRITE_WATCH_FOR_GC_HEAP