// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements. // The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license. // See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information. #include "common.h" #include "windows.h" #include "gcenv.h" #include "gc.h" MethodTable * g_pFreeObjectMethodTable; int32_t g_TrapReturningThreads; EEConfig * g_pConfig; gc_alloc_context g_global_alloc_context; bool CLREventStatic::CreateManualEventNoThrow(bool bInitialState) { m_hEvent = CreateEventW(NULL, TRUE, bInitialState, NULL); m_fInitialized = true; return IsValid(); } bool CLREventStatic::CreateAutoEventNoThrow(bool bInitialState) { m_hEvent = CreateEventW(NULL, FALSE, bInitialState, NULL); m_fInitialized = true; return IsValid(); } bool CLREventStatic::CreateOSManualEventNoThrow(bool bInitialState) { m_hEvent = CreateEventW(NULL, TRUE, bInitialState, NULL); m_fInitialized = true; return IsValid(); } bool CLREventStatic::CreateOSAutoEventNoThrow(bool bInitialState) { m_hEvent = CreateEventW(NULL, FALSE, bInitialState, NULL); m_fInitialized = true; return IsValid(); } void CLREventStatic::CloseEvent() { if (m_fInitialized && m_hEvent != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { CloseHandle(m_hEvent); m_hEvent = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; } } bool CLREventStatic::IsValid() const { return m_fInitialized && m_hEvent != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; } bool CLREventStatic::Set() { if (!m_fInitialized) return false; return !!SetEvent(m_hEvent); } bool CLREventStatic::Reset() { if (!m_fInitialized) return false; return !!ResetEvent(m_hEvent); } uint32_t CLREventStatic::Wait(uint32_t dwMilliseconds, bool bAlertable) { DWORD result = WAIT_FAILED; if (m_fInitialized) { bool disablePreemptive = false; Thread * pCurThread = GetThread(); if (NULL != pCurThread) { if (GCToEEInterface::IsPreemptiveGCDisabled(pCurThread)) { GCToEEInterface::EnablePreemptiveGC(pCurThread); disablePreemptive = true; } } result = WaitForSingleObjectEx(m_hEvent, dwMilliseconds, bAlertable); if (disablePreemptive) { GCToEEInterface::DisablePreemptiveGC(pCurThread); } } return result; } __declspec(thread) Thread * pCurrentThread; Thread * GetThread() { return pCurrentThread; } Thread * g_pThreadList = NULL; Thread * ThreadStore::GetThreadList(Thread * pThread) { if (pThread == NULL) return g_pThreadList; return pThread->m_pNext; } void ThreadStore::AttachCurrentThread() { // TODO: Locks Thread * pThread = new Thread(); pThread->GetAllocContext()->init(); pCurrentThread = pThread; pThread->m_pNext = g_pThreadList; g_pThreadList = pThread; } void GCToEEInterface::SuspendEE(SUSPEND_REASON reason) { g_theGCHeap->SetGCInProgress(true); // TODO: Implement } void GCToEEInterface::RestartEE(bool bFinishedGC) { // TODO: Implement g_theGCHeap->SetGCInProgress(false); } void GCToEEInterface::GcScanRoots(promote_func* fn, int condemned, int max_gen, ScanContext* sc) { // TODO: Implement - Scan stack roots on given thread } void GCToEEInterface::GcStartWork(int condemned, int max_gen) { } void GCToEEInterface::AfterGcScanRoots(int condemned, int max_gen, ScanContext* sc) { } void GCToEEInterface::GcBeforeBGCSweepWork() { } void GCToEEInterface::GcDone(int condemned) { } bool GCToEEInterface::RefCountedHandleCallbacks(Object * pObject) { return false; } bool GCToEEInterface::IsPreemptiveGCDisabled(Thread * pThread) { return pThread->PreemptiveGCDisabled(); } void GCToEEInterface::EnablePreemptiveGC(Thread * pThread) { return pThread->EnablePreemptiveGC(); } void GCToEEInterface::DisablePreemptiveGC(Thread * pThread) { pThread->DisablePreemptiveGC(); } Thread* GCToEEInterface::GetThread() { return ::GetThread(); } bool GCToEEInterface::TrapReturningThreads() { return !!g_TrapReturningThreads; } gc_alloc_context * GCToEEInterface::GetAllocContext(Thread * pThread) { return pThread->GetAllocContext(); } bool GCToEEInterface::CatchAtSafePoint(Thread * pThread) { return pThread->CatchAtSafePoint(); } void GCToEEInterface::GcEnumAllocContexts (enum_alloc_context_func* fn, void* param) { Thread * pThread = NULL; while ((pThread = ThreadStore::GetThreadList(pThread)) != NULL) { fn(pThread->GetAllocContext(), param); } } void GCToEEInterface::SyncBlockCacheWeakPtrScan(HANDLESCANPROC /*scanProc*/, uintptr_t /*lp1*/, uintptr_t /*lp2*/) { } void GCToEEInterface::SyncBlockCacheDemote(int /*max_gen*/) { } void GCToEEInterface::SyncBlockCachePromotionsGranted(int /*max_gen*/) { } Thread* GCToEEInterface::CreateBackgroundThread(GCBackgroundThreadFunction threadStart, void* arg) { // TODO: Implement for background GC return NULL; } void GCToEEInterface::DiagGCStart(int gen, bool isInduced) { } void GCToEEInterface::DiagUpdateGenerationBounds() { } void GCToEEInterface::DiagGCEnd(size_t index, int gen, int reason, bool fConcurrent) { } void GCToEEInterface::DiagWalkFReachableObjects(void* gcContext) { } void GCToEEInterface::DiagWalkSurvivors(void* gcContext) { } void GCToEEInterface::DiagWalkLOHSurvivors(void* gcContext) { } void GCToEEInterface::DiagWalkBGCSurvivors(void* gcContext) { } void GCToEEInterface::StompWriteBarrier(WriteBarrierParameters* args) { } void GCToEEInterface::EnableFinalization(bool foundFinalizers) { // Signal to finalizer thread that there are objects to finalize // TODO: Implement for finalization } void GCToEEInterface::HandleFatalError(unsigned int exitCode) { abort(); } bool GCToEEInterface::ShouldFinalizeObjectForUnload(AppDomain* pDomain, Object* obj) { return true; } bool GCToEEInterface::ForceFullGCToBeBlocking() { return false; } bool GCToEEInterface::EagerFinalized(Object* obj) { // The sample does not finalize anything eagerly. return false; } bool GCToEEInterface::GetBooleanConfigValue(const char* key, bool* value) { return false; } bool GCToEEInterface::GetIntConfigValue(const char* key, int64_t* value) { return false; } bool GCToEEInterface::GetStringConfigValue(const char* key, const char** value) { return false; } void GCToEEInterface::FreeStringConfigValue(const char *value) { } MethodTable* GCToEEInterface::GetFreeObjectMethodTable() { return g_pFreeObjectMethodTable; }