// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements. // The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license. // See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information. /* * Generational GC handle manager. Table Scanning Routines. * * Implements support for scanning handles in the table. * * */ #include "common.h" #include "gcenv.h" #include "gc.h" #include "objecthandle.h" #include "handletablepriv.h" #ifndef FEATURE_REDHAWK #include "nativeoverlapped.h" #endif // FEATURE_REDHAWK /**************************************************************************** * * DEFINITIONS FOR WRITE-BARRIER HANDLING * ****************************************************************************/ /* How the macros work: Handle table's generation (TableSegmentHeader::rgGeneration) is actually a byte array, each byte is generation of a clump. However it's often used as a uint32_t array for perf reasons, 1 uint32_t contains 4 bytes for ages of 4 clumps. Operations on such a uint32_t include: 1. COMPUTE_CLUMP_MASK. For some GC operations, we only want to scan handles in certain generation. To do that, we calculate a Mask uint32_t from the original generation uint32_t: MaskDWORD = COMPUTE_CLUMP_MASK (GenerationDWORD, BuildAgeMask(generationToScan, MaxGen)) so that if a byte in GenerationDWORD is smaller than or equals to generationToScan, the corresponding byte in MaskDWORD is non-zero, otherwise it is zero. However, if a byte in GenerationDWORD is between [2, 3E] and generationToScan is 2, the corresponding byte in MaskDWORD is also non-zero. 2. AgeEphemeral. When Ephemeral GC happens, ages for handles which belong to the GC condemned generation should be incremented by 1. The operation is done by calculating a new uint32_t using the old uint32_t value: NewGenerationDWORD = COMPUTE_AGED_CLUMPS(OldGenerationDWORD, BuildAgeMask(condemnedGeneration, MaxGen)) so that if a byte in OldGenerationDWORD is smaller than or equals to condemnedGeneration. the coresponding byte in NewGenerationDWORD is 1 bigger than the old value, otherwise it remains unchanged. 3. Age. Similar as AgeEphemeral, but we use a special mask if condemned generation is max gen (2): NewGenerationDWORD = COMPUTE_AGED_CLUMPS(OldGenerationDWORD, GEN_FULLGC) under this operation, if a byte in OldGenerationDWORD is bigger than or equals to max gen(2) but smaller than 3F, the corresponding byte in NewGenerationDWORD will be incremented by 1. Basically, a handle clump's age could be in [0, 3E]. But from GC's point of view, [2,3E] are all considered as gen 2. If you change any of those algorithm, please verify it by this program: void Verify () { //the initial value of each byte is 0xff, which means there's no handle in the clump VerifyMaskCalc (0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0); VerifyMaskCalc (0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 1); VerifyMaskCalc (0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 2); VerifyAgeEphemeralCalc (0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0); VerifyAgeEphemeralCalc (0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 1); VerifyAgeCalc (0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff); //each byte could independently change from 0 to 0x3e for (byte b0 = 0; b0 <= 0x3f; b0++) { for (byte b1 = 0; b1 <= 0x3f; b1++) { for (byte b2 = 0; b2 <= 0x3f; b2++) { for (byte b3 = 0; b3 <= 0x3f; b3++) { //verify we calculate mask correctly VerifyMaskCalc (b0, b1, b2, b3, 0); VerifyMaskCalc (b0, b1, b2, b3, 1); VerifyMaskCalc (b0, b1, b2, b3, 2); //verify BlockAgeBlocksEphemeral would work correctly VerifyAgeEphemeralCalc (b0, b1, b2, b3, 0); VerifyAgeEphemeralCalc (b0, b1, b2, b3, 1); //verify BlockAgeBlock would work correctly VerifyAgeCalc (b0, b1, b2, b3); } } } } } void VerifyMaskCalc (byte b0, byte b1, byte b2, byte b3, uint gennum) { uint genDword = (uint)(b0 | b1 << 8 | b2 << 16 | b3 << 24); uint maskedByGen0 = COMPUTE_CLUMP_MASK(genDword, BuildAgeMask (gennum, 2)); byte b0_ = (byte)(maskedByGen0 & 0xff); byte b1_ = (byte)((maskedByGen0 & 0xff00) >> 8); byte b2_ = (byte)((maskedByGen0 & 0xff0000) >> 16); byte b3_ = (byte)((maskedByGen0 & 0xff000000)>> 24); AssertGenMask (b0, b0_, gennum); AssertGenMask (b1, b1_, gennum); AssertGenMask (b2, b2_, gennum); AssertGenMask (b3, b3_, gennum); } void AssertGenMask (byte gen, byte mask, uint gennum) { //3f or ff is not a valid generation if (gen == 0x3f || gen == 0xff) { assert (mask == 0); return; } //any generaion bigger than 2 is actually 2 if (gen > 2) gen = 2; if (gen <= gennum) assert (mask != 0); else assert (mask == 0); } void VerifyAgeEphemeralCalc (byte b0, byte b1, byte b2, byte b3, uint gennum) { uint genDword = (uint)(b0 | b1 << 8 | b2 << 16 | b3 << 24); uint agedClump = COMPUTE_AGED_CLUMPS(genDword, BuildAgeMask (gennum, 2)); byte b0_ = (byte)(agedClump & 0xff); byte b1_ = (byte)((agedClump & 0xff00) >> 8); byte b2_ = (byte)((agedClump & 0xff0000) >> 16); byte b3_ = (byte)((agedClump & 0xff000000) >> 24); AssertAgedClump (b0, b0_, gennum); AssertAgedClump (b1, b1_, gennum); AssertAgedClump (b2, b2_, gennum); AssertAgedClump (b3, b3_, gennum); } void AssertAgedClump (byte gen, byte agedGen, uint gennum) { //generation will stop growing at 0x3e if (gen >= 0x3e) { assert (agedGen == gen); return; } if (gen <= gennum || (gen > 2 && gennum >= 2)) assert (agedGen == gen + 1); else assert (agedGen == gen); } void VerifyAgeCalc (byte b0, byte b1, byte b2, byte b3) { uint genDword = (uint)(b0 | b1 << 8 | b2 << 16 | b3 << 24); uint agedClump = COMPUTE_AGED_CLUMPS(genDword, GEN_FULLGC); byte b0_ = (byte)(agedClump & 0xff); byte b1_ = (byte)((agedClump & 0xff00) >> 8); byte b2_ = (byte)((agedClump & 0xff0000) >> 16); byte b3_ = (byte)((agedClump & 0xff000000) >> 24); AssertAgedClump (b0, b0_, 2); AssertAgedClump (b1, b1_, 2); AssertAgedClump (b2, b2_, 2); AssertAgedClump (b3, b3_, 2); } */ #define GEN_MAX_AGE (0x3F) #define GEN_CLAMP (0x3F3F3F3F) #define GEN_AGE_LIMIT (0x3E3E3E3E) #define GEN_INVALID (0xC0C0C0C0) #define GEN_FILL (0x80808080) #define GEN_MASK (0x40404040) #define GEN_INC_SHIFT (6) #define PREFOLD_FILL_INTO_AGEMASK(msk) (1 + (msk) + (~GEN_FILL)) #define GEN_FULLGC PREFOLD_FILL_INTO_AGEMASK(GEN_AGE_LIMIT) #define MAKE_CLUMP_MASK_ADDENDS(bytes) (bytes >> GEN_INC_SHIFT) #define APPLY_CLUMP_ADDENDS(gen, addend) (gen + addend) #define COMPUTE_CLUMP_MASK(gen, msk) (((gen & GEN_CLAMP) - msk) & GEN_MASK) #define COMPUTE_CLUMP_ADDENDS(gen, msk) MAKE_CLUMP_MASK_ADDENDS(COMPUTE_CLUMP_MASK(gen, msk)) #define COMPUTE_AGED_CLUMPS(gen, msk) APPLY_CLUMP_ADDENDS(gen, COMPUTE_CLUMP_ADDENDS(gen, msk)) /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /**************************************************************************** * * SUPPORT STRUCTURES FOR ASYNCHRONOUS SCANNING * ****************************************************************************/ /* * ScanRange * * Specifies a range of blocks for scanning. * */ struct ScanRange { /* * Start Index * * Specifies the first block in the range. */ uint32_t uIndex; /* * Count * * Specifies the number of blocks in the range. */ uint32_t uCount; }; /* * ScanQNode * * Specifies a set of block ranges in a scan queue. * */ struct ScanQNode { /* * Next Node * * Specifies the next node in a scan list. */ struct ScanQNode *pNext; /* * Entry Count * * Specifies how many entries in this block are valid. */ uint32_t uEntries; /* * Range Entries * * Each entry specifies a range of blocks to process. */ ScanRange rgRange[HANDLE_BLOCKS_PER_SEGMENT / 4]; }; /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /**************************************************************************** * * MISCELLANEOUS HELPER ROUTINES AND DEFINES * ****************************************************************************/ /* * INCLUSION_MAP_SIZE * * Number of elements in a type inclusion map. * */ #define INCLUSION_MAP_SIZE (HANDLE_MAX_INTERNAL_TYPES + 1) /* * BuildInclusionMap * * Creates an inclusion map for the specified type array. * */ void BuildInclusionMap(BOOL *rgTypeInclusion, const uint32_t *puType, uint32_t uTypeCount) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; // by default, no types are scanned ZeroMemory(rgTypeInclusion, INCLUSION_MAP_SIZE * sizeof(BOOL)); // add the specified types to the inclusion map for (uint32_t u = 0; u < uTypeCount; u++) { // fetch a type we are supposed to scan uint32_t uType = puType[u]; // hope we aren't about to trash the stack :) _ASSERTE(uType < HANDLE_MAX_INTERNAL_TYPES); // add this type to the inclusion map rgTypeInclusion[uType + 1] = TRUE; } } /* * IsBlockIncluded * * Checks a type inclusion map for the inclusion of a particular block. * */ __inline BOOL IsBlockIncluded(TableSegment *pSegment, uint32_t uBlock, const BOOL *rgTypeInclusion) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; // fetch the adjusted type for this block uint32_t uType = (uint32_t)(((int)(signed char)pSegment->rgBlockType[uBlock]) + 1); // hope the adjusted type was valid _ASSERTE(uType <= HANDLE_MAX_INTERNAL_TYPES); // return the inclusion value for the block's type return rgTypeInclusion[uType]; } /* * TypesRequireUserDataScanning * * Determines whether the set of types listed should get user data during scans * * if ALL types passed have user data then this function will enable user data support * otherwise it will disable user data support * * IN OTHER WORDS, SCANNING WITH A MIX OF USER-DATA AND NON-USER-DATA TYPES IS NOT SUPPORTED * */ BOOL TypesRequireUserDataScanning(HandleTable *pTable, const uint32_t *types, uint32_t typeCount) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; // count up the number of types passed that have user data associated uint32_t userDataCount = 0; for (uint32_t u = 0; u < typeCount; u++) { if (TypeHasUserData(pTable, types[u])) userDataCount++; } // if all have user data then we can enum user data if (userDataCount == typeCount) return TRUE; // WARNING: user data is all or nothing in scanning!!! // since we have some types which don't support user data, we can't use the user data scanning code // this means all callbacks will get NULL for user data!!!!! _ASSERTE(userDataCount == 0); // no user data return FALSE; } /* * BuildAgeMask * * Builds an age mask to be used when examining/updating the write barrier. * */ uint32_t BuildAgeMask(uint32_t uGen, uint32_t uMaxGen) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; // an age mask is composed of repeated bytes containing the next older generation if (uGen == uMaxGen) uGen = GEN_MAX_AGE; uGen++; // clamp the generation to the maximum age we support in our macros if (uGen > GEN_MAX_AGE) uGen = GEN_MAX_AGE; // pack up a word with age bytes and fill bytes pre-folded as well return PREFOLD_FILL_INTO_AGEMASK(uGen | (uGen << 8) | (uGen << 16) | (uGen << 24)); } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /**************************************************************************** * * SYNCHRONOUS HANDLE AND BLOCK SCANNING ROUTINES * ****************************************************************************/ /* * ARRAYSCANPROC * * Prototype for callbacks that implement handle array scanning logic. * */ typedef void (CALLBACK *ARRAYSCANPROC)(PTR_UNCHECKED_OBJECTREF pValue, PTR_UNCHECKED_OBJECTREF pLast, ScanCallbackInfo *pInfo, uintptr_t *pUserData); /* * ScanConsecutiveHandlesWithoutUserData * * Unconditionally scans a consecutive range of handles. * * USER DATA PASSED TO CALLBACK PROC IS ALWAYS NULL! * */ void CALLBACK ScanConsecutiveHandlesWithoutUserData(PTR_UNCHECKED_OBJECTREF pValue, PTR_UNCHECKED_OBJECTREF pLast, ScanCallbackInfo *pInfo, uintptr_t *) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; #ifdef _DEBUG // update our scanning statistics pInfo->DEBUG_HandleSlotsScanned += (int)(pLast - pValue); #endif // get frequently used params into locals HANDLESCANPROC pfnScan = pInfo->pfnScan; uintptr_t param1 = pInfo->param1; uintptr_t param2 = pInfo->param2; // scan for non-zero handles do { // call the callback for any we find if (!HndIsNullOrDestroyedHandle(*pValue)) { #ifdef _DEBUG // update our scanning statistics pInfo->DEBUG_HandlesActuallyScanned++; #endif // process this handle pfnScan(pValue, NULL, param1, param2); } // on to the next handle pValue++; } while (pValue < pLast); } /* * ScanConsecutiveHandlesWithUserData * * Unconditionally scans a consecutive range of handles. * * USER DATA IS ASSUMED TO BE CONSECUTIVE! * */ void CALLBACK ScanConsecutiveHandlesWithUserData(PTR_UNCHECKED_OBJECTREF pValue, PTR_UNCHECKED_OBJECTREF pLast, ScanCallbackInfo *pInfo, uintptr_t *pUserData) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; #ifdef _DEBUG // this function will crash if it is passed bad extra info _ASSERTE(pUserData); // update our scanning statistics pInfo->DEBUG_HandleSlotsScanned += (int)(pLast - pValue); #endif // get frequently used params into locals HANDLESCANPROC pfnScan = pInfo->pfnScan; uintptr_t param1 = pInfo->param1; uintptr_t param2 = pInfo->param2; // scan for non-zero handles do { // call the callback for any we find if (!HndIsNullOrDestroyedHandle(*pValue)) { #ifdef _DEBUG // update our scanning statistics pInfo->DEBUG_HandlesActuallyScanned++; #endif // process this handle pfnScan(pValue, pUserData, param1, param2); } // on to the next handle pValue++; pUserData++; } while (pValue < pLast); } /* * BlockAgeBlocks * * Ages all clumps in a range of consecutive blocks. * */ void CALLBACK BlockAgeBlocks(PTR_TableSegment pSegment, uint32_t uBlock, uint32_t uCount, ScanCallbackInfo *pInfo) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(pInfo); #ifdef DACCESS_COMPILE UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(pSegment); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(uBlock); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(uCount); #else // set up to update the specified blocks uint32_t *pdwGen = (uint32_t *)pSegment->rgGeneration + uBlock; uint32_t *pdwGenLast = pdwGen + uCount; // loop over all the blocks, aging their clumps as we go do { // compute and store the new ages in parallel *pdwGen = COMPUTE_AGED_CLUMPS(*pdwGen, GEN_FULLGC); } while (++pdwGen < pdwGenLast); #endif } /* * BlockScanBlocksWithoutUserData * * Calls the specified callback once for each handle in a range of blocks, * optionally aging the corresponding generation clumps. * */ void CALLBACK BlockScanBlocksWithoutUserData(PTR_TableSegment pSegment, uint32_t uBlock, uint32_t uCount, ScanCallbackInfo *pInfo) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; #ifndef DACCESS_COMPILE // get the first and limit handles for these blocks _UNCHECKED_OBJECTREF *pValue = pSegment->rgValue + (uBlock * HANDLE_HANDLES_PER_BLOCK); _UNCHECKED_OBJECTREF *pLast = pValue + (uCount * HANDLE_HANDLES_PER_BLOCK); #else PTR_UNCHECKED_OBJECTREF pValue = dac_cast(PTR_HOST_MEMBER_TADDR(TableSegment, pSegment, rgValue)) + (uBlock * HANDLE_HANDLES_PER_BLOCK); PTR_UNCHECKED_OBJECTREF pLast = pValue + (uCount * HANDLE_HANDLES_PER_BLOCK); #endif // scan the specified handles ScanConsecutiveHandlesWithoutUserData(pValue, pLast, pInfo, NULL); // optionally update the clump generations for these blocks too if (pInfo->uFlags & HNDGCF_AGE) BlockAgeBlocks(pSegment, uBlock, uCount, pInfo); #ifdef _DEBUG // update our scanning statistics pInfo->DEBUG_BlocksScannedNonTrivially += uCount; pInfo->DEBUG_BlocksScanned += uCount; #endif } /* * BlockScanBlocksWithUserData * * Calls the specified callback once for each handle in a range of blocks, * optionally aging the corresponding generation clumps. * */ void CALLBACK BlockScanBlocksWithUserData(PTR_TableSegment pSegment, uint32_t uBlock, uint32_t uCount, ScanCallbackInfo *pInfo) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; // iterate individual blocks scanning with user data for (uint32_t u = 0; u < uCount; u++) { // compute the current block uint32_t uCur = (u + uBlock); // fetch the user data for this block uintptr_t *pUserData = BlockFetchUserDataPointer(PTR__TableSegmentHeader(pSegment), uCur, TRUE); #ifndef DACCESS_COMPILE // get the first and limit handles for these blocks _UNCHECKED_OBJECTREF *pValue = pSegment->rgValue + (uCur * HANDLE_HANDLES_PER_BLOCK); _UNCHECKED_OBJECTREF *pLast = pValue + HANDLE_HANDLES_PER_BLOCK; #else PTR_UNCHECKED_OBJECTREF pValue = dac_cast(PTR_HOST_MEMBER_TADDR(TableSegment, pSegment, rgValue)) + (uCur * HANDLE_HANDLES_PER_BLOCK); PTR_UNCHECKED_OBJECTREF pLast = pValue + HANDLE_HANDLES_PER_BLOCK; #endif // scan the handles in this block ScanConsecutiveHandlesWithUserData(pValue, pLast, pInfo, pUserData); } // optionally update the clump generations for these blocks too if (pInfo->uFlags & HNDGCF_AGE) BlockAgeBlocks(pSegment, uBlock, uCount, pInfo); #ifdef _DEBUG // update our scanning statistics pInfo->DEBUG_BlocksScannedNonTrivially += uCount; pInfo->DEBUG_BlocksScanned += uCount; #endif } /* * BlockScanBlocksEphemeralWorker * * Calls the specified callback once for each handle in any clump * identified by the clump mask in the specified block. * */ void BlockScanBlocksEphemeralWorker(uint32_t *pdwGen, uint32_t dwClumpMask, ScanCallbackInfo *pInfo) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; // // OPTIMIZATION: Since we expect to call this worker fairly rarely compared to // the number of times we pass through the outer loop, this function intentionally // does not take pSegment as a param. // // We do this so that the compiler won't try to keep pSegment in a register during // the outer loop, leaving more registers for the common codepath. // // You might wonder why this is an issue considering how few locals we have in // BlockScanBlocksEphemeral. For some reason the x86 compiler doesn't like to use // all the registers during that loop, so a little coaxing was necessary to get // the right output. // // fetch the table segment we are working in PTR_TableSegment pSegment = pInfo->pCurrentSegment; // if we should age the clumps then do so now (before we trash dwClumpMask) if (pInfo->uFlags & HNDGCF_AGE) *pdwGen = APPLY_CLUMP_ADDENDS(*pdwGen, MAKE_CLUMP_MASK_ADDENDS(dwClumpMask)); // compute the index of the first clump in the block uint32_t uClump = (uint32_t)((uint8_t *)pdwGen - pSegment->rgGeneration); #ifndef DACCESS_COMPILE // compute the first handle in the first clump of this block _UNCHECKED_OBJECTREF *pValue = pSegment->rgValue + (uClump * HANDLE_HANDLES_PER_CLUMP); #else PTR_UNCHECKED_OBJECTREF pValue = dac_cast(PTR_HOST_MEMBER_TADDR(TableSegment, pSegment, rgValue)) + (uClump * HANDLE_HANDLES_PER_CLUMP); #endif // some scans require us to report per-handle extra info - assume this one doesn't ARRAYSCANPROC pfnScanHandles = ScanConsecutiveHandlesWithoutUserData; uintptr_t *pUserData = NULL; // do we need to pass user data to the callback? if (pInfo->fEnumUserData) { // scan with user data enabled pfnScanHandles = ScanConsecutiveHandlesWithUserData; // get the first user data slot for this block pUserData = BlockFetchUserDataPointer(PTR__TableSegmentHeader(pSegment), (uClump / HANDLE_CLUMPS_PER_BLOCK), TRUE); } // loop over the clumps, scanning those that are identified by the mask do { // compute the last handle in this clump PTR_UNCHECKED_OBJECTREF pLast = pValue + HANDLE_HANDLES_PER_CLUMP; // if this clump should be scanned then scan it if (dwClumpMask & GEN_CLUMP_0_MASK) pfnScanHandles(pValue, pLast, pInfo, pUserData); // skip to the next clump dwClumpMask = NEXT_CLUMP_IN_MASK(dwClumpMask); pValue = pLast; pUserData += HANDLE_HANDLES_PER_CLUMP; } while (dwClumpMask); #ifdef _DEBUG // update our scanning statistics pInfo->DEBUG_BlocksScannedNonTrivially++; #endif } /* * BlockScanBlocksEphemeral * * Calls the specified callback once for each handle from the specified * generation in a block. * */ void CALLBACK BlockScanBlocksEphemeral(PTR_TableSegment pSegment, uint32_t uBlock, uint32_t uCount, ScanCallbackInfo *pInfo) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; // get frequently used params into locals uint32_t dwAgeMask = pInfo->dwAgeMask; // set up to update the specified blocks uint32_t *pdwGen = (uint32_t *)pSegment->rgGeneration + uBlock; uint32_t *pdwGenLast = pdwGen + uCount; // loop over all the blocks, checking for elligible clumps as we go do { // determine if any clumps in this block are elligible uint32_t dwClumpMask = COMPUTE_CLUMP_MASK(*pdwGen, dwAgeMask); // if there are any clumps to scan then scan them now if (dwClumpMask) { // ok we need to scan some parts of this block // // OPTIMIZATION: Since we expect to call the worker fairly rarely compared // to the number of times we pass through the loop, the function below // intentionally does not take pSegment as a param. // // We do this so that the compiler won't try to keep pSegment in a register // during our loop, leaving more registers for the common codepath. // // You might wonder why this is an issue considering how few locals we have // here. For some reason the x86 compiler doesn't like to use all the // registers available during this loop and instead was hitting the stack // repeatedly, so a little coaxing was necessary to get the right output. // BlockScanBlocksEphemeralWorker(pdwGen, dwClumpMask, pInfo); } // on to the next block's generation info pdwGen++; } while (pdwGen < pdwGenLast); #ifdef _DEBUG // update our scanning statistics pInfo->DEBUG_BlocksScanned += uCount; #endif } #ifndef DACCESS_COMPILE /* * BlockAgeBlocksEphemeral * * Ages all clumps within the specified generation. * */ void CALLBACK BlockAgeBlocksEphemeral(PTR_TableSegment pSegment, uint32_t uBlock, uint32_t uCount, ScanCallbackInfo *pInfo) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; // get frequently used params into locals uint32_t dwAgeMask = pInfo->dwAgeMask; // set up to update the specified blocks uint32_t *pdwGen = (uint32_t *)pSegment->rgGeneration + uBlock; uint32_t *pdwGenLast = pdwGen + uCount; // loop over all the blocks, aging their clumps as we go do { // compute and store the new ages in parallel *pdwGen = COMPUTE_AGED_CLUMPS(*pdwGen, dwAgeMask); } while (++pdwGen < pdwGenLast); } /* * BlockResetAgeMapForBlocksWorker * * Figures out the minimum age of the objects referred to by the handles in any clump * identified by the clump mask in the specified block. * */ void BlockResetAgeMapForBlocksWorker(uint32_t *pdwGen, uint32_t dwClumpMask, ScanCallbackInfo *pInfo) { STATIC_CONTRACT_NOTHROW; STATIC_CONTRACT_GC_NOTRIGGER; STATIC_CONTRACT_SO_TOLERANT; STATIC_CONTRACT_MODE_COOPERATIVE; // fetch the table segment we are working in TableSegment *pSegment = pInfo->pCurrentSegment; // compute the index of the first clump in the block uint32_t uClump = (uint32_t)((uint8_t *)pdwGen - pSegment->rgGeneration); // compute the first handle in the first clump of this block _UNCHECKED_OBJECTREF *pValue = pSegment->rgValue + (uClump * HANDLE_HANDLES_PER_CLUMP); // loop over the clumps, scanning those that are identified by the mask do { // compute the last handle in this clump _UNCHECKED_OBJECTREF *pLast = pValue + HANDLE_HANDLES_PER_CLUMP; // if this clump should be scanned then scan it if (dwClumpMask & GEN_CLUMP_0_MASK) { // for each clump, determine the minimum age of the objects pointed at. int minAge = GEN_MAX_AGE; for ( ; pValue < pLast; pValue++) { if (!HndIsNullOrDestroyedHandle(*pValue)) { int thisAge = g_theGCHeap->WhichGeneration(*pValue); if (minAge > thisAge) minAge = thisAge; #ifndef FEATURE_REDHAWK if ((*pValue)->GetGCSafeMethodTable() == g_pOverlappedDataClass) { // reporting the pinned user objects OverlappedDataObject *pOverlapped = (OverlappedDataObject *)(*pValue); if (pOverlapped->m_userObject != NULL) { Object * pUserObject = OBJECTREFToObject(pOverlapped->m_userObject); thisAge = g_theGCHeap->WhichGeneration(pUserObject); if (minAge > thisAge) minAge = thisAge; if (pOverlapped->m_isArray) { ArrayBase* pUserArrayObject = (ArrayBase*)pUserObject; Object **pObj = (Object**)pUserArrayObject->GetDataPtr(TRUE); size_t num = pUserArrayObject->GetNumComponents(); for (size_t i = 0; i < num; i ++) { thisAge = g_theGCHeap->WhichGeneration(pObj[i]); if (minAge > thisAge) minAge = thisAge; } } } } #endif // !FEATURE_REDHAWK } } _ASSERTE(FitsInU1(minAge)); ((uint8_t *)pSegment->rgGeneration)[uClump] = static_cast(minAge); } // skip to the next clump dwClumpMask = NEXT_CLUMP_IN_MASK(dwClumpMask); pValue = pLast; uClump++; } while (dwClumpMask); } /* * BlockResetAgeMapForBlocks * * Sets the age maps for a range of blocks. Called in the case of demotion. Even in this case * though, most handles refer to objects that don't get demoted and that need to be aged therefore. * */ void CALLBACK BlockResetAgeMapForBlocks(TableSegment *pSegment, uint32_t uBlock, uint32_t uCount, ScanCallbackInfo *pInfo) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; #if 0 // zero the age map for the specified range of blocks ZeroMemory((uint32_t *)pSegment->rgGeneration + uBlock, uCount * sizeof(uint32_t)); #else // Actually, we need to be more sophisticated than the above code - there are scenarios // where there is demotion in almost every gc cycle, so none of handles get // aged appropriately. // get frequently used params into locals uint32_t dwAgeMask = pInfo->dwAgeMask; // set up to update the specified blocks uint32_t *pdwGen = (uint32_t *)pSegment->rgGeneration + uBlock; uint32_t *pdwGenLast = pdwGen + uCount; // loop over all the blocks, checking for eligible clumps as we go do { // determine if any clumps in this block are eligible uint32_t dwClumpMask = COMPUTE_CLUMP_MASK(*pdwGen, dwAgeMask); // if there are any clumps to scan then scan them now if (dwClumpMask) { // ok we need to scan some parts of this block // This code is a variation of the code in BlockScanBlocksEphemeral, // so the OPTIMIZATION comment there applies here as well BlockResetAgeMapForBlocksWorker(pdwGen, dwClumpMask, pInfo); } // on to the next block's generation info pdwGen++; } while (pdwGen < pdwGenLast); #endif } static void VerifyObject(_UNCHECKED_OBJECTREF from, _UNCHECKED_OBJECTREF obj) { #ifdef FEATURE_REDHAWK UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(from); MethodTable* pMT = (MethodTable*)(obj->GetGCSafeMethodTable()); pMT->SanityCheck(); #else obj->ValidateHeap(from); #endif // FEATURE_REDHAWK } static void VerifyObjectAndAge(_UNCHECKED_OBJECTREF *pValue, _UNCHECKED_OBJECTREF from, _UNCHECKED_OBJECTREF obj, uint8_t minAge) { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(pValue); VerifyObject(from, obj); int thisAge = g_theGCHeap->WhichGeneration(obj); //debugging code //if (minAge > thisAge && thisAge < g_theGCHeap->GetMaxGeneration()) //{ // if ((*pValue) == obj) // printf("Handle (age %u) %p -> %p (age %u)", minAge, pValue, obj, thisAge); // else // printf("Handle (age %u) %p -> %p -> %p (age %u)", minAge, pValue, from, obj, thisAge); // // for test programs - if the object is a string, print it // if (obj->GetGCSafeMethodTable() == g_pStringClass) // { // printf("'%ls'\n", ((StringObject *)obj)->GetBuffer()); // } // else // { // printf("\n"); // } //} if (minAge >= GEN_MAX_AGE || (minAge > thisAge && thisAge < static_cast(g_theGCHeap->GetMaxGeneration()))) { _ASSERTE(!"Fatal Error in HandleTable."); GCToEEInterface::HandleFatalError(COR_E_EXECUTIONENGINE); } } /* * BlockVerifyAgeMapForBlocksWorker * * Verifies out the minimum age of the objects referred to by the handles in any clump * identified by the clump mask in the specified block. * Also validates the objects themselves. * */ void BlockVerifyAgeMapForBlocksWorker(uint32_t *pdwGen, uint32_t dwClumpMask, ScanCallbackInfo *pInfo, uint32_t uType) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; // fetch the table segment we are working in TableSegment *pSegment = pInfo->pCurrentSegment; // compute the index of the first clump in the block uint32_t uClump = (uint32_t)((uint8_t *)pdwGen - pSegment->rgGeneration); // compute the first handle in the first clump of this block _UNCHECKED_OBJECTREF *pValue = pSegment->rgValue + (uClump * HANDLE_HANDLES_PER_CLUMP); // loop over the clumps, scanning those that are identified by the mask do { // compute the last handle in this clump _UNCHECKED_OBJECTREF *pLast = pValue + HANDLE_HANDLES_PER_CLUMP; // if this clump should be scanned then scan it if (dwClumpMask & GEN_CLUMP_0_MASK) { // for each clump, check whether any object is younger than the age indicated by the clump uint8_t minAge = ((uint8_t *)pSegment->rgGeneration)[uClump]; for ( ; pValue < pLast; pValue++) { if (!HndIsNullOrDestroyedHandle(*pValue)) { VerifyObjectAndAge(pValue, (*pValue), (*pValue), minAge); #ifndef FEATURE_REDHAWK if ((*pValue)->GetGCSafeMethodTable() == g_pOverlappedDataClass) { // reporting the pinned user objects OverlappedDataObject *pOverlapped = (OverlappedDataObject *)(*pValue); if (pOverlapped->m_userObject != NULL) { Object * pUserObject = OBJECTREFToObject(pOverlapped->m_userObject); VerifyObjectAndAge(pValue, (*pValue), pUserObject, minAge); if (pOverlapped->m_isArray) { ArrayBase* pUserArrayObject = (ArrayBase*)pUserObject; Object **pObj = (Object**)pUserArrayObject->GetDataPtr(TRUE); size_t num = pUserArrayObject->GetNumComponents(); for (size_t i = 0; i < num; i ++) { VerifyObjectAndAge(pValue, pUserObject, pObj[i], minAge); } } } } #endif // !FEATURE_REDHAWK if (uType == HNDTYPE_DEPENDENT) { PTR_uintptr_t pUserData = HandleQuickFetchUserDataPointer((OBJECTHANDLE)pValue); // if we did then copy the value if (pUserData) { _UNCHECKED_OBJECTREF pSecondary = (_UNCHECKED_OBJECTREF)(*pUserData); if (pSecondary) { VerifyObject(pSecondary, pSecondary); } } } } } } // else // printf("skipping clump with age %x\n", ((uint8_t *)pSegment->rgGeneration)[uClump]); // skip to the next clump dwClumpMask = NEXT_CLUMP_IN_MASK(dwClumpMask); pValue = pLast; uClump++; } while (dwClumpMask); } /* * BlockVerifyAgeMapForBlocks * * Sets the age maps for a range of blocks. Called in the case of demotion. Even in this case * though, most handles refer to objects that don't get demoted and that need to be aged therefore. * */ void CALLBACK BlockVerifyAgeMapForBlocks(TableSegment *pSegment, uint32_t uBlock, uint32_t uCount, ScanCallbackInfo *pInfo) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; for (uint32_t u = 0; u < uCount; u++) { uint32_t uCur = (u + uBlock); uint32_t *pdwGen = (uint32_t *)pSegment->rgGeneration + uCur; uint32_t uType = pSegment->rgBlockType[uCur]; BlockVerifyAgeMapForBlocksWorker(pdwGen, 0xFFFFFFFF, pInfo, uType); } } /* * BlockLockBlocks * * Locks all blocks in the specified range. * */ void CALLBACK BlockLockBlocks(TableSegment *pSegment, uint32_t uBlock, uint32_t uCount, ScanCallbackInfo *) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; // loop over the blocks in the specified range and lock them for (uCount += uBlock; uBlock < uCount; uBlock++) BlockLock(pSegment, uBlock); } /* * BlockUnlockBlocks * * Unlocks all blocks in the specified range. * */ void CALLBACK BlockUnlockBlocks(TableSegment *pSegment, uint32_t uBlock, uint32_t uCount, ScanCallbackInfo *) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; // loop over the blocks in the specified range and unlock them for (uCount += uBlock; uBlock < uCount; uBlock++) BlockUnlock(pSegment, uBlock); } #endif // !DACCESS_COMPILE /* * BlockQueueBlocksForAsyncScan * * Queues the specified blocks to be scanned asynchronously. * */ void CALLBACK BlockQueueBlocksForAsyncScan(PTR_TableSegment pSegment, uint32_t uBlock, uint32_t uCount, ScanCallbackInfo *) { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; WRAPPER(GC_TRIGGERS); } CONTRACTL_END; // fetch our async scan information AsyncScanInfo *pAsyncInfo = pSegment->pHandleTable->pAsyncScanInfo; // sanity _ASSERTE(pAsyncInfo); // fetch the current queue tail ScanQNode *pQNode = pAsyncInfo->pQueueTail; // did we get a tail? if (pQNode) { // we got an existing tail - is the tail node full already? if (pQNode->uEntries >= _countof(pQNode->rgRange)) { // the node is full - is there another node in the queue? if (!pQNode->pNext) { // no more nodes - allocate a new one ScanQNode *pQNodeT = new (nothrow) ScanQNode(); // did it succeed? if (!pQNodeT) { // // We couldn't allocate another queue node. // // THIS IS NOT FATAL IF ASYNCHRONOUS SCANNING IS BEING USED PROPERLY // // The reason we can survive this is that asynchronous scans are not // guaranteed to enumerate all handles anyway. Since the table can // change while the lock is released, the caller may assume only that // asynchronous scanning will enumerate a reasonably high percentage // of the handles requested, most of the time. // // The typical use of an async scan is to process as many handles as // possible asynchronously, so as to reduce the amount of time spent // in the inevitable synchronous scan that follows. // // As a practical example, the Concurrent Mark phase of garbage // collection marks as many objects as possible asynchronously, and // subsequently performs a normal, synchronous mark to catch the // stragglers. Since most of the reachable objects in the heap are // already marked at this point, the synchronous scan ends up doing // very little work. // // So the moral of the story is that yes, we happily drop some of // your blocks on the floor in this out of memory case, and that's // BY DESIGN. // LOG((LF_GC, LL_WARNING, "WARNING: Out of memory queueing for async scan. Some blocks skipped.\n")); return; } memset (pQNodeT, 0, sizeof(ScanQNode)); // link the new node into the queue pQNode->pNext = pQNodeT; } // either way, use the next node in the queue pQNode = pQNode->pNext; } } else { // no tail - this is a brand new queue; start the tail at the head node pQNode = pAsyncInfo->pScanQueue; } // we will be using the last slot after the existing entries uint32_t uSlot = pQNode->uEntries; // fetch the slot where we will be storing the new block range ScanRange *pNewRange = pQNode->rgRange + uSlot; // update the entry count in the node pQNode->uEntries = uSlot + 1; // fill in the new slot with the block range info pNewRange->uIndex = uBlock; pNewRange->uCount = uCount; // remember the last block we stored into as the new queue tail pAsyncInfo->pQueueTail = pQNode; } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /**************************************************************************** * * ASYNCHRONOUS SCANNING WORKERS AND CALLBACKS * ****************************************************************************/ /* * QNODESCANPROC * * Prototype for callbacks that implement per ScanQNode scanning logic. * */ typedef void (CALLBACK *QNODESCANPROC)(AsyncScanInfo *pAsyncInfo, ScanQNode *pQNode, uintptr_t lParam); /* * ProcessScanQueue * * Calls the specified handler once for each node in a scan queue. * */ void ProcessScanQueue(AsyncScanInfo *pAsyncInfo, QNODESCANPROC pfnNodeHandler, uintptr_t lParam, BOOL fCountEmptyQNodes) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; if (pAsyncInfo->pQueueTail == NULL && fCountEmptyQNodes == FALSE) return; // if any entries were added to the block list after our initial node, clean them up now ScanQNode *pQNode = pAsyncInfo->pScanQueue; while (pQNode) { // remember the next node ScanQNode *pNext = pQNode->pNext; // call the handler for the current node and then advance to the next pfnNodeHandler(pAsyncInfo, pQNode, lParam); pQNode = pNext; } } /* * ProcessScanQNode * * Calls the specified block handler once for each range of blocks in a ScanQNode. * */ void CALLBACK ProcessScanQNode(AsyncScanInfo *pAsyncInfo, ScanQNode *pQNode, uintptr_t lParam) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; // get the block handler from our lParam BLOCKSCANPROC pfnBlockHandler = (BLOCKSCANPROC)lParam; // fetch the params we will be passing to the handler ScanCallbackInfo *pCallbackInfo = pAsyncInfo->pCallbackInfo; PTR_TableSegment pSegment = pCallbackInfo->pCurrentSegment; // set up to iterate the ranges in the queue node ScanRange *pRange = pQNode->rgRange; ScanRange *pRangeLast = pRange + pQNode->uEntries; // loop over all the ranges, calling the block handler for each one while (pRange < pRangeLast) { // call the block handler with the current block range pfnBlockHandler(pSegment, pRange->uIndex, pRange->uCount, pCallbackInfo); // advance to the next range pRange++; } } #ifndef DACCESS_COMPILE /* * UnlockAndForgetQueuedBlocks * * Unlocks all blocks referenced in the specified node and marks the node as empty. * */ void CALLBACK UnlockAndForgetQueuedBlocks(AsyncScanInfo *pAsyncInfo, ScanQNode *pQNode, uintptr_t) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; // unlock the blocks named in this node ProcessScanQNode(pAsyncInfo, pQNode, (uintptr_t)BlockUnlockBlocks); // reset the node so it looks empty pQNode->uEntries = 0; } #endif /* * FreeScanQNode * * Frees the specified ScanQNode * */ void CALLBACK FreeScanQNode(AsyncScanInfo *, ScanQNode *pQNode, uintptr_t) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; // free the node's memory delete pQNode; } /* * xxxTableScanQueuedBlocksAsync * * Performs and asynchronous scan of the queued blocks for the specified segment. * * N.B. THIS FUNCTION LEAVES THE TABLE LOCK WHILE SCANNING. * */ void xxxTableScanQueuedBlocksAsync(PTR_HandleTable pTable, PTR_TableSegment pSegment, CrstHolderWithState *pCrstHolder) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // PRE-SCAN PREPARATION // fetch our table's async and sync scanning info AsyncScanInfo *pAsyncInfo = pTable->pAsyncScanInfo; ScanCallbackInfo *pCallbackInfo = pAsyncInfo->pCallbackInfo; // make a note that we are now processing this segment pCallbackInfo->pCurrentSegment = pSegment; #ifndef DACCESS_COMPILE // loop through and lock down all the blocks referenced by the queue ProcessScanQueue(pAsyncInfo, ProcessScanQNode, (uintptr_t)BlockLockBlocks, FALSE); #endif //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ASYNCHRONOUS SCANNING OF QUEUED BLOCKS // // leave the table lock _ASSERTE(pCrstHolder->GetValue()==(&pTable->Lock)); pCrstHolder->Release(); // sanity - this isn't a very asynchronous scan if we don't actually leave _ASSERTE(!pTable->Lock.OwnedByCurrentThread()); // perform the actual scanning of the specified blocks ProcessScanQueue(pAsyncInfo, ProcessScanQNode, (uintptr_t)pAsyncInfo->pfnBlockHandler, FALSE); // re-enter the table lock pCrstHolder->Acquire(); //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // POST-SCAN CLEANUP // #ifndef DACCESS_COMPILE // loop through, unlock all the blocks we had locked, and reset the queue nodes ProcessScanQueue(pAsyncInfo, UnlockAndForgetQueuedBlocks, NULL, FALSE); #endif // we are done processing this segment pCallbackInfo->pCurrentSegment = NULL; // reset the "queue tail" pointer to indicate an empty queue pAsyncInfo->pQueueTail = NULL; } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /**************************************************************************** * * SEGMENT ITERATORS * ****************************************************************************/ /* * QuickSegmentIterator * * Returns the next segment to be scanned in a scanning loop. * */ PTR_TableSegment CALLBACK QuickSegmentIterator(PTR_HandleTable pTable, PTR_TableSegment pPrevSegment, CrstHolderWithState *) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; PTR_TableSegment pNextSegment; // do we have a previous segment? if (!pPrevSegment) { // nope - start with the first segment in our list pNextSegment = pTable->pSegmentList; } else { // yup, fetch the next segment in the list pNextSegment = pPrevSegment->pNextSegment; } // return the segment pointer return pNextSegment; } /* * StandardSegmentIterator * * Returns the next segment to be scanned in a scanning loop. * * This iterator performs some maintenance on the segments, * primarily making sure the block chains are sorted so that * g0 scans are more likely to operate on contiguous blocks. * */ PTR_TableSegment CALLBACK StandardSegmentIterator(PTR_HandleTable pTable, PTR_TableSegment pPrevSegment, CrstHolderWithState *) { CONTRACTL { WRAPPER(NOTHROW); WRAPPER(GC_TRIGGERS); FORBID_FAULT; SUPPORTS_DAC; } CONTRACTL_END; // get the next segment using the quick iterator PTR_TableSegment pNextSegment = QuickSegmentIterator(pTable, pPrevSegment); #ifndef DACCESS_COMPILE // re-sort the block chains if neccessary if (pNextSegment && pNextSegment->fResortChains) SegmentResortChains(pNextSegment); #endif // return the segment we found return pNextSegment; } /* * FullSegmentIterator * * Returns the next segment to be scanned in a scanning loop. * * This iterator performs full maintenance on the segments, * including freeing those it notices are empty along the way. * */ PTR_TableSegment CALLBACK FullSegmentIterator(PTR_HandleTable pTable, PTR_TableSegment pPrevSegment, CrstHolderWithState *) { CONTRACTL { WRAPPER(THROWS); WRAPPER(GC_TRIGGERS); FORBID_FAULT; SUPPORTS_DAC; } CONTRACTL_END; // we will be resetting the next segment's sequence number uint32_t uSequence = 0; // if we have a previous segment then compute the next sequence number from it if (pPrevSegment) uSequence = (uint32_t)pPrevSegment->bSequence + 1; // loop until we find an appropriate segment to return PTR_TableSegment pNextSegment; for (;;) { // first, call the standard iterator to get the next segment pNextSegment = StandardSegmentIterator(pTable, pPrevSegment); // if there are no more segments then we're done if (!pNextSegment) break; #ifndef DACCESS_COMPILE // check if we should decommit any excess pages in this segment if (DoesSegmentNeedsToTrimExcessPages(pNextSegment)) { CrstHolder ch(&pTable->Lock); SegmentTrimExcessPages(pNextSegment); } #endif // if the segment has handles in it then it will survive and be returned if (pNextSegment->bEmptyLine > 0) { // update this segment's sequence number pNextSegment->bSequence = (uint8_t)(uSequence % 0x100); // break out and return the segment break; } #ifndef DACCESS_COMPILE CrstHolder ch(&pTable->Lock); // this segment is completely empty - can we free it now? if (pNextSegment->bEmptyLine == 0 && TableCanFreeSegmentNow(pTable, pNextSegment)) { // yup, we probably want to free this one PTR_TableSegment pNextNext = pNextSegment->pNextSegment; // was this the first segment in the list? if (!pPrevSegment) { // yes - are there more segments? if (pNextNext) { // yes - unlink the head pTable->pSegmentList = pNextNext; } else { // no - leave this one in the list and enumerate it break; } } else { // no - unlink this segment from the segment list pPrevSegment->pNextSegment = pNextNext; } // free this segment SegmentFree(pNextSegment); } #else // The code above has a side effect we need to preserve: // while neither pNextSegment nor pPrevSegment are modified, their fields // are, which affects the handle table walk. Since TableCanFreeSegmentNow // actually only checks to see if something is asynchronously scanning this // segment (and returns FALSE if something is), we'll assume it always // returns TRUE. (Since we can't free memory in the Dac, it doesn't matter // if there's another async scan going on.) pPrevSegment = pNextSegment; #endif } // return the segment we found return pNextSegment; } /* * xxxAsyncSegmentIterator * * Implements the core handle scanning loop for a table. * * This iterator wraps another iterator, checking for queued blocks from the * previous segment before advancing to the next. If there are queued blocks, * the function processes them by calling xxxTableScanQueuedBlocksAsync. * * N.B. THIS FUNCTION LEAVES THE TABLE LOCK WHILE SCANNING. * */ PTR_TableSegment CALLBACK xxxAsyncSegmentIterator(PTR_HandleTable pTable, PTR_TableSegment pPrevSegment, CrstHolderWithState *pCrstHolder) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; // fetch our table's async scanning info AsyncScanInfo *pAsyncInfo = pTable->pAsyncScanInfo; // sanity _ASSERTE(pAsyncInfo); // if we have queued some blocks from the previous segment then scan them now if (pAsyncInfo->pQueueTail) xxxTableScanQueuedBlocksAsync(pTable, pPrevSegment, pCrstHolder); // fetch the underlying iterator from our async info SEGMENTITERATOR pfnCoreIterator = pAsyncInfo->pfnSegmentIterator; // call the underlying iterator to get the next segment return pfnCoreIterator(pTable, pPrevSegment, pCrstHolder); } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /**************************************************************************** * * CORE SCANNING LOGIC * ****************************************************************************/ /* * SegmentScanByTypeChain * * Implements the single-type block scanning loop for a single segment. * */ void SegmentScanByTypeChain(PTR_TableSegment pSegment, uint32_t uType, BLOCKSCANPROC pfnBlockHandler, ScanCallbackInfo *pInfo) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; // hope we are enumerating a valid type chain :) _ASSERTE(uType < HANDLE_MAX_INTERNAL_TYPES); // fetch the tail uint32_t uBlock = pSegment->rgTail[uType]; // if we didn't find a terminator then there's blocks to enumerate if (uBlock != BLOCK_INVALID) { // start walking from the head uBlock = pSegment->rgAllocation[uBlock]; // scan until we loop back to the first block uint32_t uHead = uBlock; do { // search forward trying to batch up sequential runs of blocks uint32_t uLast, uNext = uBlock; do { // compute the next sequential block for comparison uLast = uNext + 1; // fetch the next block in the allocation chain uNext = pSegment->rgAllocation[uNext]; } while ((uNext == uLast) && (uNext != uHead)); // call the calback for this group of blocks pfnBlockHandler(pSegment, uBlock, (uLast - uBlock), pInfo); // advance to the next block uBlock = uNext; } while (uBlock != uHead); } } /* * SegmentScanByTypeMap * * Implements the multi-type block scanning loop for a single segment. * */ void SegmentScanByTypeMap(PTR_TableSegment pSegment, const BOOL *rgTypeInclusion, BLOCKSCANPROC pfnBlockHandler, ScanCallbackInfo *pInfo) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; // start scanning with the first block in the segment uint32_t uBlock = 0; // we don't need to scan the whole segment, just up to the empty line uint32_t uLimit = pSegment->bEmptyLine; // loop across the segment looking for blocks to scan for (;;) { // find the first block included by the type map for (;;) { // if we are out of range looking for a start point then we're done if (uBlock >= uLimit) return; // if the type is one we are scanning then we found a start point if (IsBlockIncluded(pSegment, uBlock, rgTypeInclusion)) break; // keep searching with the next block uBlock++; } // remember this block as the first that needs scanning uint32_t uFirst = uBlock; // find the next block not included in the type map for (;;) { // advance the block index uBlock++; // if we are beyond the limit then we are done if (uBlock >= uLimit) break; // if the type is not one we are scanning then we found an end point if (!IsBlockIncluded(pSegment, uBlock, rgTypeInclusion)) break; } // call the calback for the group of blocks we found pfnBlockHandler(pSegment, uFirst, (uBlock - uFirst), pInfo); // look for another range starting with the next block uBlock++; } } /* * TableScanHandles * * Implements the core handle scanning loop for a table. * */ void CALLBACK TableScanHandles(PTR_HandleTable pTable, const uint32_t *puType, uint32_t uTypeCount, SEGMENTITERATOR pfnSegmentIterator, BLOCKSCANPROC pfnBlockHandler, ScanCallbackInfo *pInfo, CrstHolderWithState *pCrstHolder) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; // sanity - caller must ALWAYS provide a valid ScanCallbackInfo _ASSERTE(pInfo); // we may need a type inclusion map for multi-type scans BOOL rgTypeInclusion[INCLUSION_MAP_SIZE]; // we only need to scan types if we have a type array and a callback to call if (!pfnBlockHandler || !puType) uTypeCount = 0; // if we will be scanning more than one type then initialize the inclusion map if (uTypeCount > 1) BuildInclusionMap(rgTypeInclusion, puType, uTypeCount); // now, iterate over the segments, scanning blocks of the specified type(s) PTR_TableSegment pSegment = NULL; while ((pSegment = pfnSegmentIterator(pTable, pSegment, pCrstHolder)) != NULL) { // if there are types to scan then enumerate the blocks in this segment // (we do this test inside the loop since the iterators should still run...) if (uTypeCount >= 1) { // make sure the "current segment" pointer in the scan info is up to date pInfo->pCurrentSegment = pSegment; // is this a single type or multi-type enumeration? if (uTypeCount == 1) { // single type enumeration - walk the type's allocation chain SegmentScanByTypeChain(pSegment, *puType, pfnBlockHandler, pInfo); } else { // multi-type enumeration - walk the type map to find eligible blocks SegmentScanByTypeMap(pSegment, rgTypeInclusion, pfnBlockHandler, pInfo); } // make sure the "current segment" pointer in the scan info is up to date pInfo->pCurrentSegment = NULL; } } } /* * xxxTableScanHandlesAsync * * Implements asynchronous handle scanning for a table. * * N.B. THIS FUNCTION LEAVES THE TABLE LOCK WHILE SCANNING. * */ void CALLBACK xxxTableScanHandlesAsync(PTR_HandleTable pTable, const uint32_t *puType, uint32_t uTypeCount, SEGMENTITERATOR pfnSegmentIterator, BLOCKSCANPROC pfnBlockHandler, ScanCallbackInfo *pInfo, CrstHolderWithState *pCrstHolder) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; // presently only one async scan is allowed at a time if (pTable->pAsyncScanInfo) { // somebody tried to kick off multiple async scans _ASSERTE(FALSE); return; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // PRE-SCAN PREPARATION // we keep an initial scan list node on the stack (for perf) ScanQNode initialNode; initialNode.pNext = NULL; initialNode.uEntries = 0; // initialize our async scanning info AsyncScanInfo asyncInfo; asyncInfo.pCallbackInfo = pInfo; asyncInfo.pfnSegmentIterator = pfnSegmentIterator; asyncInfo.pfnBlockHandler = pfnBlockHandler; asyncInfo.pScanQueue = &initialNode; asyncInfo.pQueueTail = NULL; // link our async scan info into the table pTable->pAsyncScanInfo = &asyncInfo; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // PER-SEGMENT ASYNCHRONOUS SCANNING OF BLOCKS // // call the synchronous scanner with our async callbacks TableScanHandles(pTable, puType, uTypeCount, xxxAsyncSegmentIterator, BlockQueueBlocksForAsyncScan, pInfo, pCrstHolder); //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // POST-SCAN CLEANUP // // if we dynamically allocated more nodes then free them now if (initialNode.pNext) { // adjust the head to point to the first dynamically allocated block asyncInfo.pScanQueue = initialNode.pNext; // loop through and free all the queue nodes ProcessScanQueue(&asyncInfo, FreeScanQNode, NULL, TRUE); } // unlink our async scanning info from the table pTable->pAsyncScanInfo = NULL; } #ifdef DACCESS_COMPILE // TableSegment is variable size, where the data up to "rgValue" is static, // then more is committed as TableSegment::bCommitLine * HANDLE_BYTES_PER_BLOCK. // See SegmentInitialize in HandleTableCore.cpp. uint32_t TableSegment::DacSize(TADDR addr) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; uint8_t commitLine = 0; DacReadAll(addr + offsetof(TableSegment, bCommitLine), &commitLine, sizeof(commitLine), true); return offsetof(TableSegment, rgValue) + (uint32_t)commitLine * HANDLE_BYTES_PER_BLOCK; } #endif /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/