// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements. // The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license. // See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information. /* * Generational GC handle manager. Core Table Implementation. * * Implementation of core table management routines. * * */ #include "common.h" #include "gcenv.h" #include "gcenv.inl" #include "gc.h" #include "handletablepriv.h" /**************************************************************************** * * RANDOM HELPERS * ****************************************************************************/ const uint8_t c_rgLowBitIndex[256] = { 0xff, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x03, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x04, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x03, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x05, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x03, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x04, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x03, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x06, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x03, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x04, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x03, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x05, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x03, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x04, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x03, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x07, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x03, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x04, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x03, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x05, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x03, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x04, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x03, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x06, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x03, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x04, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x03, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x05, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x03, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x04, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x03, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, }; #ifndef DACCESS_COMPILE /* * A 32/64 neutral quicksort */ //@TODO: move/merge into common util file typedef int (*PFNCOMPARE)(uintptr_t p, uintptr_t q); void QuickSort(uintptr_t *pData, int left, int right, PFNCOMPARE pfnCompare) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; do { int i = left; int j = right; uintptr_t x = pData[(i + j + 1) / 2]; do { while (pfnCompare(pData[i], x) < 0) i++; while (pfnCompare(x, pData[j]) < 0) j--; if (i > j) break; if (i < j) { uintptr_t t = pData[i]; pData[i] = pData[j]; pData[j] = t; } i++; j--; } while (i <= j); if ((j - left) <= (right - i)) { if (left < j) QuickSort(pData, left, j, pfnCompare); left = i; } else { if (i < right) QuickSort(pData, i, right, pfnCompare); right = j; } } while (left < right); } /* * CompareHandlesByFreeOrder * * Returns: * <0 - handle P should be freed before handle Q * =0 - handles are eqivalent for free order purposes * >0 - handle Q should be freed before handle P * */ int CompareHandlesByFreeOrder(uintptr_t p, uintptr_t q) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; // compute the segments for the handles TableSegment *pSegmentP = (TableSegment *)(p & HANDLE_SEGMENT_ALIGN_MASK); TableSegment *pSegmentQ = (TableSegment *)(q & HANDLE_SEGMENT_ALIGN_MASK); // are the handles in the same segment? if (pSegmentP == pSegmentQ) { // return the in-segment handle free order return (int)((intptr_t)q - (intptr_t)p); } else if (pSegmentP) { // do we have two valid segments? if (pSegmentQ) { // return the sequence order of the two segments return (int)(uint32_t)pSegmentQ->bSequence - (int)(uint32_t)pSegmentP->bSequence; } else { // only the P handle is valid - free Q first return 1; } } else if (pSegmentQ) { // only the Q handle is valid - free P first return -1; } // neither handle is valid return 0; } /* * ZeroHandles * * Zeroes the object pointers for an array of handles. * */ void ZeroHandles(OBJECTHANDLE *pHandleBase, uint32_t uCount) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; // compute our stopping point OBJECTHANDLE *pLastHandle = pHandleBase + uCount; // loop over the array, zeroing as we go while (pHandleBase < pLastHandle) { // get the current handle from the array OBJECTHANDLE handle = *pHandleBase; // advance to the next handle pHandleBase++; // zero the handle's object pointer *(_UNCHECKED_OBJECTREF *)handle = NULL; } } #ifdef _DEBUG void CALLBACK DbgCountEnumeratedBlocks(TableSegment *pSegment, uint32_t uBlock, uint32_t uCount, ScanCallbackInfo *pInfo) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(pSegment); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(uBlock); // accumulate the block count in pInfo->param1 pInfo->param1 += uCount; } #endif /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /**************************************************************************** * * CORE TABLE MANAGEMENT * ****************************************************************************/ /* * TableCanFreeSegmentNow * * Determines if it is OK to free the specified segment at this time. * */ BOOL TableCanFreeSegmentNow(HandleTable *pTable, TableSegment *pSegment) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; // sanity _ASSERTE(pTable); _ASSERTE(pSegment); #ifdef _DEBUG // there have been cases in the past where the original assert would // fail but by the time a dump was created the lock was unowned so // there was no way to tell who the previous owner was. EEThreadId threadId = pTable->Lock.GetHolderThreadId(); _ASSERTE(threadId.IsCurrentThread()); #endif // _DEBUG // deterine if any segment is currently being scanned asynchronously TableSegment *pSegmentAsync = NULL; // do we have async info? AsyncScanInfo *pAsyncInfo = pTable->pAsyncScanInfo; if (pAsyncInfo) { // must always have underlying callback info in an async scan _ASSERTE(pAsyncInfo->pCallbackInfo); // yes - if a segment is being scanned asynchronously it is listed here pSegmentAsync = pAsyncInfo->pCallbackInfo->pCurrentSegment; } // we can free our segment if it isn't being scanned asynchronously right now return (pSegment != pSegmentAsync); } #endif // !DACCESS_COMPILE /* * BlockFetchUserDataPointer * * Gets the user data pointer for the first handle in a block. * */ PTR_uintptr_t BlockFetchUserDataPointer(PTR__TableSegmentHeader pSegment, uint32_t uBlock, BOOL fAssertOnError) { LIMITED_METHOD_DAC_CONTRACT; // assume NULL until we actually find the data PTR_uintptr_t pUserData = NULL; // get the user data index for this block uint32_t blockIndex = pSegment->rgUserData[uBlock]; // is there user data for the block? if (blockIndex != BLOCK_INVALID) { // In DAC builds, we may not have the entire segment table mapped and in any case it will be quite // large. Since we only need one element, we'll retrieve just that one element. pUserData = PTR_uintptr_t(PTR_TO_TADDR(pSegment) + offsetof(TableSegment, rgValue) + (blockIndex * HANDLE_BYTES_PER_BLOCK)); } else if (fAssertOnError) { // no user data is associated with this block // // we probably got here for one of the following reasons: // 1) an outside caller tried to do a user data operation on an incompatible handle // 2) the user data map in the segment is corrupt // 3) the global type flags are corrupt // _ASSERTE(FALSE); } // return the result return pUserData; } /* * HandleFetchSegmentPointer * * Computes the segment pointer for a given handle. * */ __inline PTR__TableSegmentHeader HandleFetchSegmentPointer(OBJECTHANDLE handle) { LIMITED_METHOD_DAC_CONTRACT; // find the segment for this handle PTR__TableSegmentHeader pSegment = PTR__TableSegmentHeader((uintptr_t)handle & HANDLE_SEGMENT_ALIGN_MASK); // sanity _ASSERTE(pSegment); // return the segment pointer return pSegment; } /* * HandleValidateAndFetchUserDataPointer * * Gets the user data pointer for the specified handle. * ASSERTs and returns NULL if handle is not of the expected type. * */ uintptr_t *HandleValidateAndFetchUserDataPointer(OBJECTHANDLE handle, uint32_t uTypeExpected) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; // get the segment for this handle PTR__TableSegmentHeader pSegment = HandleFetchSegmentPointer(handle); // find the offset of this handle into the segment uintptr_t offset = (uintptr_t)handle & HANDLE_SEGMENT_CONTENT_MASK; // make sure it is in the handle area and not the header _ASSERTE(offset >= HANDLE_HEADER_SIZE); // convert the offset to a handle index uint32_t uHandle = (uint32_t)((offset - HANDLE_HEADER_SIZE) / HANDLE_SIZE); // compute the block this handle resides in uint32_t uBlock = uHandle / HANDLE_HANDLES_PER_BLOCK; // fetch the user data for this block PTR_uintptr_t pUserData = BlockFetchUserDataPointer(pSegment, uBlock, TRUE); // did we get the user data block? if (pUserData) { // yup - adjust the pointer to be handle-specific pUserData += (uHandle - (uBlock * HANDLE_HANDLES_PER_BLOCK)); // validate the block type before returning the pointer if (pSegment->rgBlockType[uBlock] != uTypeExpected) { // type mismatch - caller error _ASSERTE(FALSE); // don't return a pointer to the caller pUserData = NULL; } } // return the result return pUserData; } /* * HandleQuickFetchUserDataPointer * * Gets the user data pointer for a handle. * Less validation is performed. * */ PTR_uintptr_t HandleQuickFetchUserDataPointer(OBJECTHANDLE handle) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; /* NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; */ SUPPORTS_DAC; // get the segment for this handle PTR__TableSegmentHeader pSegment = HandleFetchSegmentPointer(handle); // find the offset of this handle into the segment uintptr_t offset = (uintptr_t)handle & HANDLE_SEGMENT_CONTENT_MASK; // make sure it is in the handle area and not the header _ASSERTE(offset >= HANDLE_HEADER_SIZE); // convert the offset to a handle index uint32_t uHandle = (uint32_t)((offset - HANDLE_HEADER_SIZE) / HANDLE_SIZE); // compute the block this handle resides in uint32_t uBlock = uHandle / HANDLE_HANDLES_PER_BLOCK; // fetch the user data for this block PTR_uintptr_t pUserData = BlockFetchUserDataPointer(pSegment, uBlock, TRUE); // if we got the user data block then adjust the pointer to be handle-specific if (pUserData) pUserData += (uHandle - (uBlock * HANDLE_HANDLES_PER_BLOCK)); // return the result return pUserData; } #ifndef DACCESS_COMPILE /* * HandleQuickSetUserData * * Stores user data with a handle. * */ void HandleQuickSetUserData(OBJECTHANDLE handle, uintptr_t lUserData) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; /* NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; */ // fetch the user data slot for this handle uintptr_t *pUserData = HandleQuickFetchUserDataPointer(handle); // is there a slot? if (pUserData) { // yes - store the info *pUserData = lUserData; } } #endif // !DACCESS_COMPILE /* * HandleFetchType * * Computes the type index for a given handle. * */ uint32_t HandleFetchType(OBJECTHANDLE handle) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; // get the segment for this handle PTR__TableSegmentHeader pSegment = HandleFetchSegmentPointer(handle); // find the offset of this handle into the segment uintptr_t offset = (uintptr_t)handle & HANDLE_SEGMENT_CONTENT_MASK; // make sure it is in the handle area and not the header _ASSERTE(offset >= HANDLE_HEADER_SIZE); // convert the offset to a handle index uint32_t uHandle = (uint32_t)((offset - HANDLE_HEADER_SIZE) / HANDLE_SIZE); // compute the block this handle resides in uint32_t uBlock = uHandle / HANDLE_HANDLES_PER_BLOCK; // return the block's type return pSegment->rgBlockType[uBlock]; } /* * HandleFetchHandleTable * * Computes the type index for a given handle. * */ PTR_HandleTable HandleFetchHandleTable(OBJECTHANDLE handle) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; SUPPORTS_DAC; // get the segment for this handle PTR__TableSegmentHeader pSegment = HandleFetchSegmentPointer(handle); // return the table return pSegment->pHandleTable; } #ifndef DACCESS_COMPILE /* * SegmentInitialize * * Initializes a segment. * */ BOOL SegmentInitialize(TableSegment *pSegment, HandleTable *pTable) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; /* NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; */ // we want to commit enough for the header PLUS some handles size_t dwCommit = ALIGN_UP(HANDLE_HEADER_SIZE, OS_PAGE_SIZE); // commit the header if (!GCToOSInterface::VirtualCommit(pSegment, dwCommit)) { //_ASSERTE(FALSE); return FALSE; } // remember how many blocks we commited pSegment->bCommitLine = (uint8_t)((dwCommit - HANDLE_HEADER_SIZE) / HANDLE_BYTES_PER_BLOCK); // now preinitialize the 0xFF guys memset(pSegment->rgGeneration, 0xFF, sizeof(pSegment->rgGeneration)); memset(pSegment->rgTail, BLOCK_INVALID, sizeof(pSegment->rgTail)); memset(pSegment->rgHint, BLOCK_INVALID, sizeof(pSegment->rgHint)); memset(pSegment->rgFreeMask, 0xFF, sizeof(pSegment->rgFreeMask)); memset(pSegment->rgBlockType, TYPE_INVALID, sizeof(pSegment->rgBlockType)); memset(pSegment->rgUserData, BLOCK_INVALID, sizeof(pSegment->rgUserData)); // prelink the free chain _ASSERTE(FitsInU1(HANDLE_BLOCKS_PER_SEGMENT)); uint8_t u = 0; while (u < (HANDLE_BLOCKS_PER_SEGMENT - 1)) { uint8_t next = u + 1; pSegment->rgAllocation[u] = next; u = next; } // and terminate the last node pSegment->rgAllocation[u] = BLOCK_INVALID; // store the back pointer from our new segment to its owning table pSegment->pHandleTable = pTable; // all done return TRUE; } /* * SegmentFree * * Frees the specified segment. * */ void SegmentFree(TableSegment *pSegment) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; /* NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; */ // free the segment's memory GCToOSInterface::VirtualRelease(pSegment, HANDLE_SEGMENT_SIZE); } /* * SegmentAlloc * * Allocates a new segment. * */ TableSegment *SegmentAlloc(HandleTable *pTable) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; /* NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; */ // allocate the segment's address space TableSegment *pSegment = NULL; // All platforms currently require 64Kb aligned table segments, which is what VirtualAlloc guarantees. // The actual requirement is that the alignment of the reservation equals or exceeds the size of the // reservation. This requirement stems from the method the handle table uses to map quickly from a handle // address back to the handle table segment header. _ASSERTE(HANDLE_SEGMENT_ALIGNMENT >= HANDLE_SEGMENT_SIZE); _ASSERTE(HANDLE_SEGMENT_ALIGNMENT == 0x10000); pSegment = (TableSegment *)GCToOSInterface::VirtualReserve(HANDLE_SEGMENT_SIZE, HANDLE_SEGMENT_ALIGNMENT, VirtualReserveFlags::None); _ASSERTE(((size_t)pSegment % HANDLE_SEGMENT_ALIGNMENT) == 0); // bail out if we couldn't get any memory if (!pSegment) { return NULL; } // initialize the header if (!SegmentInitialize(pSegment, pTable)) { SegmentFree(pSegment); pSegment = NULL; } // all done return pSegment; } /* * Check if a handle is part of a HandleTable */ BOOL TableContainHandle(HandleTable *pTable, OBJECTHANDLE handle) { _ASSERTE (handle); // get the segment for this handle TableSegment *pSegment = (TableSegment *)HandleFetchSegmentPointer(handle); CrstHolder ch(&pTable->Lock); TableSegment *pWorkerSegment = pTable->pSegmentList; while (pWorkerSegment) { if (pWorkerSegment == pSegment) { return TRUE; } pWorkerSegment = pWorkerSegment->pNextSegment; } return FALSE; } /* * SegmentRemoveFreeBlocks * * Scans a segment for free blocks of the specified type * and moves them to the segment's free list. * */ void SegmentRemoveFreeBlocks(TableSegment *pSegment, uint32_t uType, BOOL *pfScavengeLater) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; /* NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; */ // fetch the tail block for the specified chain uint32_t uPrev = pSegment->rgTail[uType]; // if it's a terminator then there are no blocks in the chain if (uPrev == BLOCK_INVALID) return; // we may need to clean up user data blocks later BOOL fCleanupUserData = FALSE; // start iterating with the head block uint32_t uStart = pSegment->rgAllocation[uPrev]; uint32_t uBlock = uStart; // keep track of how many blocks we removed uint32_t uRemoved = 0; // we want to preserve the relative order of any blocks we free // this is the best we can do until the free list is resorted uint32_t uFirstFreed = BLOCK_INVALID; uint32_t uLastFreed = BLOCK_INVALID; // loop until we've processed the whole chain for (;;) { // fetch the next block index uint32_t uNext = pSegment->rgAllocation[uBlock]; #ifdef HANDLE_OPTIMIZE_FOR_64_HANDLE_BLOCKS // determine whether this block is empty if (((uint64_t*)pSegment->rgFreeMask)[uBlock] == UI64(0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF)) #else // assume this block is empty until we know otherwise BOOL fEmpty = TRUE; // get the first mask for this block uint32_t *pdwMask = pSegment->rgFreeMask + (uBlock * HANDLE_MASKS_PER_BLOCK); uint32_t *pdwMaskLast = pdwMask + HANDLE_MASKS_PER_BLOCK; // loop through the masks until we've processed them all or we've found handles do { // is this mask empty? if (*pdwMask != MASK_EMPTY) { // nope - this block still has handles in it fEmpty = FALSE; break; } // on to the next mask pdwMask++; } while (pdwMask < pdwMaskLast); // is this block empty? if (fEmpty) #endif { // is this block currently locked? if (BlockIsLocked(pSegment, uBlock)) { // block cannot be freed, if we were passed a scavenge flag then set it if (pfScavengeLater) *pfScavengeLater = TRUE; } else { // safe to free - did it have user data associated? uint32_t uData = pSegment->rgUserData[uBlock]; if (uData != BLOCK_INVALID) { // data blocks are 'empty' so we keep them locked // unlock the block so it can be reclaimed below BlockUnlock(pSegment, uData); // unlink the data block from the handle block pSegment->rgUserData[uBlock] = BLOCK_INVALID; // remember that we need to scavenge the data block chain fCleanupUserData = TRUE; } // mark the block as free pSegment->rgBlockType[uBlock] = TYPE_INVALID; // have we freed any other blocks yet? if (uFirstFreed == BLOCK_INVALID) { // no - this is the first one - remember it as the new head uFirstFreed = uBlock; } else { // yes - link this block to the other ones in order pSegment->rgAllocation[uLastFreed] = (uint8_t)uBlock; } // remember this block for later uLastFreed = uBlock; // are there other blocks in the chain? if (uPrev != uBlock) { // yes - unlink this block from the chain pSegment->rgAllocation[uPrev] = (uint8_t)uNext; // if we are removing the tail then pick a new tail if (pSegment->rgTail[uType] == uBlock) pSegment->rgTail[uType] = (uint8_t)uPrev; // if we are removing the hint then pick a new hint if (pSegment->rgHint[uType] == uBlock) pSegment->rgHint[uType] = (uint8_t)uNext; // we removed the current block - reset uBlock to a valid block uBlock = uPrev; // N.B. we'll check if we freed uStart later when it's safe to recover } else { // we're removing last block - sanity check the loop condition _ASSERTE(uNext == uStart); // mark this chain as completely empty pSegment->rgAllocation[uBlock] = BLOCK_INVALID; pSegment->rgTail[uType] = BLOCK_INVALID; pSegment->rgHint[uType] = BLOCK_INVALID; } // update the number of blocks we've removed uRemoved++; } } // if we are back at the beginning then it is time to stop if (uNext == uStart) break; // now see if we need to reset our start block if (uStart == uLastFreed) uStart = uNext; // on to the next block uPrev = uBlock; uBlock = uNext; } // did we remove any blocks? if (uRemoved) { // yes - link the new blocks into the free list pSegment->rgAllocation[uLastFreed] = pSegment->bFreeList; pSegment->bFreeList = (uint8_t)uFirstFreed; // update the free count for this chain pSegment->rgFreeCount[uType] -= (uRemoved * HANDLE_HANDLES_PER_BLOCK); // mark for a resort - the free list (and soon allocation chains) may be out of order pSegment->fResortChains = TRUE; // if we removed blocks that had user data then we need to reclaim those too if (fCleanupUserData) SegmentRemoveFreeBlocks(pSegment, HNDTYPE_INTERNAL_DATABLOCK, NULL); } } /* * SegmentInsertBlockFromFreeListWorker * * Inserts a block into a block list within a segment. Blocks are obtained from the * segment's free list. Returns the index of the block inserted, or BLOCK_INVALID * if no blocks were avaliable. * * This routine is the core implementation for SegmentInsertBlockFromFreeList. * */ uint32_t SegmentInsertBlockFromFreeListWorker(TableSegment *pSegment, uint32_t uType, BOOL fUpdateHint) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; /* NOTHROW GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; */ // fetch the next block from the free list uint8_t uBlock = pSegment->bFreeList; // if we got the terminator then there are no more blocks if (uBlock != BLOCK_INVALID) { // are we eating out of the last empty range of blocks? if (uBlock >= pSegment->bEmptyLine) { // get the current commit line uint32_t uCommitLine = pSegment->bCommitLine; // if this block is uncommitted then commit some memory now if (uBlock >= uCommitLine) { // figure out where to commit next void * pvCommit = pSegment->rgValue + (uCommitLine * HANDLE_HANDLES_PER_BLOCK); // we should commit one more page of handles size_t dwCommit = OS_PAGE_SIZE; // commit the memory if (!GCToOSInterface::VirtualCommit(pvCommit, dwCommit)) return BLOCK_INVALID; // use the previous commit line as the new decommit line pSegment->bDecommitLine = (uint8_t)uCommitLine; // adjust the commit line by the number of blocks we commited pSegment->bCommitLine = (uint8_t)(uCommitLine + (dwCommit / HANDLE_BYTES_PER_BLOCK)); } // update our empty line pSegment->bEmptyLine = uBlock + 1; } // unlink our block from the free list pSegment->bFreeList = pSegment->rgAllocation[uBlock]; // link our block into the specified chain uint32_t uOldTail = pSegment->rgTail[uType]; if (uOldTail == BLOCK_INVALID) { // first block, set as head and link to itself pSegment->rgAllocation[uBlock] = (uint8_t)uBlock; // there are no other blocks - update the hint anyway fUpdateHint = TRUE; } else { // not first block - link circularly pSegment->rgAllocation[uBlock] = pSegment->rgAllocation[uOldTail]; pSegment->rgAllocation[uOldTail] = (uint8_t)uBlock; // chain may need resorting depending on what we added pSegment->fResortChains = TRUE; } // mark this block with the type we're using it for pSegment->rgBlockType[uBlock] = (uint8_t)uType; // update the chain tail pSegment->rgTail[uType] = (uint8_t)uBlock; // if we are supposed to update the hint, then point it at the new block if (fUpdateHint) pSegment->rgHint[uType] = (uint8_t)uBlock; // increment the chain's free count to reflect the additional block pSegment->rgFreeCount[uType] += HANDLE_HANDLES_PER_BLOCK; } // all done return uBlock; } /* * SegmentInsertBlockFromFreeList * * Inserts a block into a block list within a segment. Blocks are obtained from the * segment's free list. Returns the index of the block inserted, or BLOCK_INVALID * if no blocks were avaliable. * * This routine does the work of securing a parallel user data block if required. * */ uint32_t SegmentInsertBlockFromFreeList(TableSegment *pSegment, uint32_t uType, BOOL fUpdateHint) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; /* NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; */ uint32_t uBlock, uData = 0; // does this block type require user data? BOOL fUserData = TypeHasUserData(pSegment->pHandleTable, uType); // if we need user data then we need to make sure it can go in the same segment as the handles if (fUserData) { // if we can't also fit the user data in this segment then bail uBlock = pSegment->bFreeList; if ((uBlock == BLOCK_INVALID) || (pSegment->rgAllocation[uBlock] == BLOCK_INVALID)) return BLOCK_INVALID; // allocate our user data block (we do it in this order so that free order is nicer) uData = SegmentInsertBlockFromFreeListWorker(pSegment, HNDTYPE_INTERNAL_DATABLOCK, FALSE); } // now allocate the requested block uBlock = SegmentInsertBlockFromFreeListWorker(pSegment, uType, fUpdateHint); // should we have a block for user data too? if (fUserData) { // did we get them both? if ((uBlock != BLOCK_INVALID) && (uData != BLOCK_INVALID)) { // link the data block to the requested block pSegment->rgUserData[uBlock] = (uint8_t)uData; // no handles are ever allocated out of a data block // lock the block so it won't be reclaimed accidentally BlockLock(pSegment, uData); } else { // NOTE: We pre-screened that the blocks exist above, so we should only // get here under heavy load when a MEM_COMMIT operation fails. // if the type block allocation succeeded then scavenge the type block list if (uBlock != BLOCK_INVALID) SegmentRemoveFreeBlocks(pSegment, uType, NULL); // if the user data allocation succeeded then scavenge the user data list if (uData != BLOCK_INVALID) SegmentRemoveFreeBlocks(pSegment, HNDTYPE_INTERNAL_DATABLOCK, NULL); // make sure we return failure uBlock = BLOCK_INVALID; } } // all done return uBlock; } /* * SegmentResortChains * * Sorts the block chains for optimal scanning order. * Sorts the free list to combat fragmentation. * */ void SegmentResortChains(TableSegment *pSegment) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; // clear the sort flag for this segment pSegment->fResortChains = FALSE; BOOL fScavengingOccurred = FALSE; // first, do we need to scavenge any blocks? if (pSegment->fNeedsScavenging) { // clear the scavenge flag pSegment->fNeedsScavenging = FALSE; fScavengingOccurred = TRUE; // we may need to explicitly scan the user data chain too BOOL fCleanupUserData = FALSE; // fetch the empty line for this segment uint32_t uLast = pSegment->bEmptyLine; // loop over all active blocks, scavenging the empty ones as we go for (uint32_t uBlock = 0; uBlock < uLast; uBlock++) { // fetch the block type of this block uint32_t uType = pSegment->rgBlockType[uBlock]; // only process public block types - we handle data blocks separately if (uType < HANDLE_MAX_PUBLIC_TYPES) { #ifdef HANDLE_OPTIMIZE_FOR_64_HANDLE_BLOCKS // determine whether this block is empty if (((uint64_t*)pSegment->rgFreeMask)[uBlock] == UI64(0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF)) #else // assume this block is empty until we know otherwise BOOL fEmpty = TRUE; // get the first mask for this block uint32_t *pdwMask = pSegment->rgFreeMask + (uBlock * HANDLE_MASKS_PER_BLOCK); uint32_t *pdwMaskLast = pdwMask + HANDLE_MASKS_PER_BLOCK; // loop through the masks until we've processed them all or we've found handles do { // is this mask empty? if (*pdwMask != MASK_EMPTY) { // nope - this block still has handles in it fEmpty = FALSE; break; } // on to the next mask pdwMask++; } while (pdwMask < pdwMaskLast); // is this block empty? if (fEmpty) #endif { // is the block unlocked? if (!BlockIsLocked(pSegment, uBlock)) { // safe to free - did it have user data associated? uint32_t uData = pSegment->rgUserData[uBlock]; if (uData != BLOCK_INVALID) { // data blocks are 'empty' so we keep them locked // unlock the block so it can be reclaimed below BlockUnlock(pSegment, uData); // unlink the data block from the handle block pSegment->rgUserData[uBlock] = BLOCK_INVALID; // remember that we need to scavenge the data block chain fCleanupUserData = TRUE; } // mark the block as free pSegment->rgBlockType[uBlock] = TYPE_INVALID; // fix up the free count for the block's type pSegment->rgFreeCount[uType] -= HANDLE_HANDLES_PER_BLOCK; // N.B. we don't update the list linkages here since they are rebuilt below } } } } // if we have to clean up user data then do that now if (fCleanupUserData) SegmentRemoveFreeBlocks(pSegment, HNDTYPE_INTERNAL_DATABLOCK, NULL); } // keep some per-chain data uint8_t rgChainCurr[HANDLE_MAX_INTERNAL_TYPES]; uint8_t rgChainHigh[HANDLE_MAX_INTERNAL_TYPES]; uint8_t bChainFree = BLOCK_INVALID; uint32_t uEmptyLine = BLOCK_INVALID; BOOL fContiguousWithFreeList = TRUE; // preinit the chain data to no blocks uint32_t uType; for (uType = 0; uType < HANDLE_MAX_INTERNAL_TYPES; uType++) rgChainHigh[uType] = rgChainCurr[uType] = BLOCK_INVALID; // scan back through the block types uint8_t uBlock = HANDLE_BLOCKS_PER_SEGMENT; while (uBlock > 0) { // decrement the block index uBlock--; // fetch the type for this block uType = pSegment->rgBlockType[uBlock]; // is this block allocated? if (uType != TYPE_INVALID) { // looks allocated fContiguousWithFreeList = FALSE; // hope the segment's not corrupt :) _ASSERTE(uType < HANDLE_MAX_INTERNAL_TYPES); // remember the first block we see for each type if (rgChainHigh[uType] == BLOCK_INVALID) rgChainHigh[uType] = uBlock; // link this block to the last one we saw of this type pSegment->rgAllocation[uBlock] = rgChainCurr[uType]; // remember this block in type chain rgChainCurr[uType] = (uint8_t)uBlock; } else { // block is free - is it also contiguous with the free list? if (fContiguousWithFreeList) uEmptyLine = uBlock; // link this block to the last one in the free chain pSegment->rgAllocation[uBlock] = bChainFree; // add this block to the free list bChainFree = (uint8_t)uBlock; } } // now close the loops and store the tails for (uType = 0; uType < HANDLE_MAX_INTERNAL_TYPES; uType++) { // get the first block in the list uint8_t bBlock = rgChainCurr[uType]; // if there is a list then make it circular and save it if (bBlock != BLOCK_INVALID) { // highest block we saw becomes tail uint32_t uTail = rgChainHigh[uType]; // store tail in segment pSegment->rgTail[uType] = (uint8_t)uTail; // link tail to head pSegment->rgAllocation[uTail] = bBlock; // If we scavenged blocks above then we might have left the hint pointing at the free chain. Reset // it back into this chain if so (the choice of block is arbitrary, this case is very rare). if (pSegment->rgBlockType[pSegment->rgHint[uType]] != uType) pSegment->rgHint[uType] = bBlock; } else { // No blocks of this type were found in the rgBlockType array, meaning either there were no // such blocks on entry to this function (in which case the associated tail is guaranteed // to already be marked invalid) OR that there were blocks but all of them were reclaimed // by the scavenging logic above (in which case the associated tail is guaranteed to point // to one of the scavenged blocks). In the latter case, the tail is currently "stale" // and therefore needs to be manually updated. if (pSegment->rgTail[uType] != BLOCK_INVALID) { _ASSERTE(fScavengingOccurred); pSegment->rgTail[uType] = BLOCK_INVALID; pSegment->rgHint[uType] = BLOCK_INVALID; } } } // store the new free list head pSegment->bFreeList = bChainFree; // compute the new empty line if (uEmptyLine > HANDLE_BLOCKS_PER_SEGMENT) uEmptyLine = HANDLE_BLOCKS_PER_SEGMENT; // store the updated empty line pSegment->bEmptyLine = (uint8_t)uEmptyLine; } /* * DoesSegmentNeedsToTrimExcessPages * * Checks to see if any pages can be decommitted from the segment * */ BOOL DoesSegmentNeedsToTrimExcessPages(TableSegment *pSegment) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; // fetch the empty and decommit lines uint32_t uEmptyLine = pSegment->bEmptyLine; uint32_t uDecommitLine = pSegment->bDecommitLine; // check to see if we can decommit some handles // NOTE: we use '<' here to avoid playing ping-pong on page boundaries // this is OK since the zero case is handled elsewhere (segment gets freed) if (uEmptyLine < uDecommitLine) { // derive some useful info about the page size uintptr_t dwPageRound = OS_PAGE_SIZE - 1; uintptr_t dwPageMask = ~dwPageRound; // compute the address corresponding to the empty line uintptr_t dwLo = (uintptr_t)pSegment->rgValue + (uEmptyLine * HANDLE_BYTES_PER_BLOCK); // adjust the empty line address to the start of the nearest whole empty page dwLo = (dwLo + dwPageRound) & dwPageMask; // compute the address corresponding to the old commit line uintptr_t dwHi = (uintptr_t)pSegment->rgValue + ((uint32_t)pSegment->bCommitLine * HANDLE_BYTES_PER_BLOCK); // is there anything to decommit? if (dwHi > dwLo) { return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } /* * SegmentTrimExcessPages * * Checks to see if any pages can be decommitted from the segment. * In case there any unused pages it goes and decommits them. * */ void SegmentTrimExcessPages(TableSegment *pSegment) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; // fetch the empty and decommit lines uint32_t uEmptyLine = pSegment->bEmptyLine; uint32_t uDecommitLine = pSegment->bDecommitLine; // check to see if we can decommit some handles // NOTE: we use '<' here to avoid playing ping-pong on page boundaries // this is OK since the zero case is handled elsewhere (segment gets freed) if (uEmptyLine < uDecommitLine) { // derive some useful info about the page size uintptr_t dwPageRound = (uintptr_t)OS_PAGE_SIZE - 1; uintptr_t dwPageMask = ~dwPageRound; // compute the address corresponding to the empty line uintptr_t dwLo = (uintptr_t)pSegment->rgValue + (uEmptyLine * HANDLE_BYTES_PER_BLOCK); // adjust the empty line address to the start of the nearest whole empty page dwLo = (dwLo + dwPageRound) & dwPageMask; // compute the address corresponding to the old commit line uintptr_t dwHi = (uintptr_t)pSegment->rgValue + ((uint32_t)pSegment->bCommitLine * HANDLE_BYTES_PER_BLOCK); // is there anything to decommit? if (dwHi > dwLo) { // decommit the memory GCToOSInterface::VirtualDecommit((void *)dwLo, dwHi - dwLo); // update the commit line pSegment->bCommitLine = (uint8_t)((dwLo - (size_t)pSegment->rgValue) / HANDLE_BYTES_PER_BLOCK); // compute the address for the new decommit line size_t dwDecommitAddr = dwLo - OS_PAGE_SIZE; // assume a decommit line of zero until we know otherwise uDecommitLine = 0; // if the address is within the handle area then compute the line from the address if (dwDecommitAddr > (size_t)pSegment->rgValue) uDecommitLine = (uint32_t)((dwDecommitAddr - (size_t)pSegment->rgValue) / HANDLE_BYTES_PER_BLOCK); // update the decommit line pSegment->bDecommitLine = (uint8_t)uDecommitLine; } } } /* * BlockAllocHandlesInMask * * Attempts to allocate the requested number of handes of the specified type, * from the specified mask of the specified handle block. * * Returns the number of available handles actually allocated. * */ uint32_t BlockAllocHandlesInMask(TableSegment *pSegment, uint32_t uBlock, uint32_t *pdwMask, uint32_t uHandleMaskDisplacement, OBJECTHANDLE *pHandleBase, uint32_t uCount) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(uBlock); // keep track of how many handles we have left to allocate uint32_t uRemain = uCount; // fetch the free mask into a local so we can play with it uint32_t dwFree = *pdwMask; // keep track of our displacement within the mask uint32_t uByteDisplacement = 0; // examine the mask byte by byte for free handles do { // grab the low byte of the mask uint32_t dwLowByte = (dwFree & MASK_LOBYTE); // are there any free handles here? if (dwLowByte) { // remember which handles we've taken uint32_t dwAlloc = 0; // loop until we've allocated all the handles we can from here do { // get the index of the next handle uint32_t uIndex = c_rgLowBitIndex[dwLowByte]; // compute the mask for the handle we chose dwAlloc |= (1 << uIndex); // remove this handle from the mask byte dwLowByte &= ~dwAlloc; // compute the index of this handle in the segment uIndex += uHandleMaskDisplacement + uByteDisplacement; // store the allocated handle in the handle array *pHandleBase = (OBJECTHANDLE)(pSegment->rgValue + uIndex); // adjust our count and array pointer uRemain--; pHandleBase++; } while (dwLowByte && uRemain); // shift the allocation mask into position dwAlloc <<= uByteDisplacement; // update the mask to account for the handles we allocated *pdwMask &= ~dwAlloc; } // on to the next byte in the mask dwFree >>= BITS_PER_BYTE; uByteDisplacement += BITS_PER_BYTE; } while (uRemain && dwFree); // return the number of handles we got return (uCount - uRemain); } /* * BlockAllocHandlesInitial * * Allocates a specified number of handles from a newly committed (empty) block. * */ uint32_t BlockAllocHandlesInitial(TableSegment *pSegment, uint32_t uType, uint32_t uBlock, OBJECTHANDLE *pHandleBase, uint32_t uCount) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(uType); // sanity check _ASSERTE(uCount); // validate the number of handles we were asked to allocate if (uCount > HANDLE_HANDLES_PER_BLOCK) { _ASSERTE(FALSE); uCount = HANDLE_HANDLES_PER_BLOCK; } // keep track of how many handles we have left to mark in masks uint32_t uRemain = uCount; // get the first mask for this block uint32_t *pdwMask = pSegment->rgFreeMask + (uBlock * HANDLE_MASKS_PER_BLOCK); // loop through the masks, zeroing the appropriate free bits do { // this is a brand new block - all masks we encounter should be totally free _ASSERTE(*pdwMask == MASK_EMPTY); // pick an initial guess at the number to allocate uint32_t uAlloc = uRemain; // compute the default mask based on that count uint32_t dwNewMask; // are we allocating all of them? if (uAlloc >= HANDLE_HANDLES_PER_MASK) { dwNewMask = MASK_FULL; // avoid unpredictable shift uAlloc = HANDLE_HANDLES_PER_MASK; } else { dwNewMask = (MASK_EMPTY << uAlloc); } // set the free mask *pdwMask = dwNewMask; // update our count and mask pointer uRemain -= uAlloc; pdwMask++; } while (uRemain); // compute the bounds for allocation so we can copy the handles _UNCHECKED_OBJECTREF *pValue = pSegment->rgValue + (uBlock * HANDLE_HANDLES_PER_BLOCK); _UNCHECKED_OBJECTREF *pLast = pValue + uCount; // loop through filling in the output array with handles do { // store the next handle in the next array slot *pHandleBase = (OBJECTHANDLE)pValue; // increment our source and destination pValue++; pHandleBase++; } while (pValue < pLast); // return the number of handles we allocated return uCount; } /* * BlockAllocHandles * * Attempts to allocate the requested number of handes of the specified type, * from the specified handle block. * * Returns the number of available handles actually allocated. * */ uint32_t BlockAllocHandles(TableSegment *pSegment, uint32_t uBlock, OBJECTHANDLE *pHandleBase, uint32_t uCount) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; /* NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; */ // keep track of how many handles we have left to allocate uint32_t uRemain = uCount; // set up our loop and limit mask pointers uint32_t *pdwMask = pSegment->rgFreeMask + (uBlock * HANDLE_MASKS_PER_BLOCK); uint32_t *pdwMaskLast = pdwMask + HANDLE_MASKS_PER_BLOCK; // keep track of the handle displacement for the mask we're scanning uint32_t uDisplacement = uBlock * HANDLE_HANDLES_PER_BLOCK; // loop through all the masks, allocating handles as we go do { // if this mask indicates free handles then grab them if (*pdwMask) { // allocate as many handles as we need from this mask uint32_t uSatisfied = BlockAllocHandlesInMask(pSegment, uBlock, pdwMask, uDisplacement, pHandleBase, uRemain); // adjust our count and array pointer uRemain -= uSatisfied; pHandleBase += uSatisfied; // if there are no remaining slots to be filled then we are done if (!uRemain) break; } // on to the next mask pdwMask++; uDisplacement += HANDLE_HANDLES_PER_MASK; } while (pdwMask < pdwMaskLast); // return the number of handles we got return (uCount - uRemain); } /* * SegmentAllocHandlesFromTypeChain * * Attempts to allocate the requested number of handes of the specified type, * from the specified segment's block chain for the specified type. This routine * ONLY scavenges existing blocks in the type chain. No new blocks are committed. * * Returns the number of available handles actually allocated. * */ uint32_t SegmentAllocHandlesFromTypeChain(TableSegment *pSegment, uint32_t uType, OBJECTHANDLE *pHandleBase, uint32_t uCount) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; /* NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; */ // fetch the number of handles available in this chain uint32_t uAvail = pSegment->rgFreeCount[uType]; // is the available count greater than the requested count? if (uAvail > uCount) { // yes - all requested handles are available uAvail = uCount; } else { // no - we can only satisfy some of the request uCount = uAvail; } // did we find that any handles are available? if (uAvail) { // yes - fetch the head of the block chain and set up a loop limit uint32_t uBlock = pSegment->rgHint[uType]; uint32_t uLast = uBlock; // loop until we have found all handles known to be available for (;;) { // try to allocate handles from the current block uint32_t uSatisfied = BlockAllocHandles(pSegment, uBlock, pHandleBase, uAvail); // did we get everything we needed? if (uSatisfied == uAvail) { // yes - update the hint for this type chain and get out pSegment->rgHint[uType] = (uint8_t)uBlock; break; } // adjust our count and array pointer uAvail -= uSatisfied; pHandleBase += uSatisfied; // fetch the next block in the type chain uBlock = pSegment->rgAllocation[uBlock]; // are we out of blocks? if (uBlock == uLast) { // free count is corrupt _ASSERTE(FALSE); // avoid making the problem any worse uCount -= uAvail; break; } } // update the free count pSegment->rgFreeCount[uType] -= uCount; } // return the number of handles we got return uCount; } /* * SegmentAllocHandlesFromFreeList * * Attempts to allocate the requested number of handes of the specified type, * by committing blocks from the free list to that type's type chain. * * Returns the number of available handles actually allocated. * */ uint32_t SegmentAllocHandlesFromFreeList(TableSegment *pSegment, uint32_t uType, OBJECTHANDLE *pHandleBase, uint32_t uCount) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; /* NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; */ // keep track of how many handles we have left to allocate uint32_t uRemain = uCount; // loop allocating handles until we are done or we run out of free blocks do { // start off assuming we can allocate all the handles uint32_t uAlloc = uRemain; // we can only get a block-full of handles at a time if (uAlloc > HANDLE_HANDLES_PER_BLOCK) uAlloc = HANDLE_HANDLES_PER_BLOCK; // try to get a block from the free list uint32_t uBlock = SegmentInsertBlockFromFreeList(pSegment, uType, (uRemain == uCount)); // if there are no free blocks left then we are done if (uBlock == BLOCK_INVALID) break; // initialize the block by allocating the required handles into the array uAlloc = BlockAllocHandlesInitial(pSegment, uType, uBlock, pHandleBase, uAlloc); // adjust our count and array pointer uRemain -= uAlloc; pHandleBase += uAlloc; } while (uRemain); // compute the number of handles we took uCount -= uRemain; // update the free count by the number of handles we took pSegment->rgFreeCount[uType] -= uCount; // return the number of handles we got return uCount; } /* * SegmentAllocHandles * * Attempts to allocate the requested number of handes of the specified type, * from the specified segment. * * Returns the number of available handles actually allocated. * */ uint32_t SegmentAllocHandles(TableSegment *pSegment, uint32_t uType, OBJECTHANDLE *pHandleBase, uint32_t uCount) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; /* NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; */ // first try to get some handles from the existing type chain uint32_t uSatisfied = SegmentAllocHandlesFromTypeChain(pSegment, uType, pHandleBase, uCount); // if there are still slots to be filled then we need to commit more blocks to the type chain if (uSatisfied < uCount) { // adjust our count and array pointer uCount -= uSatisfied; pHandleBase += uSatisfied; // get remaining handles by committing blocks from the free list uSatisfied += SegmentAllocHandlesFromFreeList(pSegment, uType, pHandleBase, uCount); } // return the number of handles we got return uSatisfied; } /* * TableAllocBulkHandles * * Attempts to allocate the requested number of handes of the specified type. * * Returns the number of handles that were actually allocated. This is always * the same as the number of handles requested except in out-of-memory conditions, * in which case it is the number of handles that were successfully allocated. * */ uint32_t TableAllocBulkHandles(HandleTable *pTable, uint32_t uType, OBJECTHANDLE *pHandleBase, uint32_t uCount) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; /* NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; */ // keep track of how many handles we have left to allocate uint32_t uRemain = uCount; // start with the first segment and loop until we are done TableSegment *pSegment = pTable->pSegmentList; uint8_t bLastSequence = 0; BOOL fNewSegment = FALSE; for (;;) { // get some handles from the current segment uint32_t uSatisfied = SegmentAllocHandles(pSegment, uType, pHandleBase, uRemain); // adjust our count and array pointer uRemain -= uSatisfied; pHandleBase += uSatisfied; // if there are no remaining slots to be filled then we are done if (!uRemain) break; // fetch the next segment in the chain. TableSegment *pNextSegment = NULL; if (!fNewSegment) { pNextSegment = pSegment->pNextSegment; if (!pNextSegment) { bLastSequence = pSegment->bSequence; fNewSegment = TRUE; } } // if are no more segments then allocate another if (fNewSegment) { // ok if this fails then we're out of luck pNextSegment = SegmentAlloc(pTable); if (!pNextSegment) { // we ran out of memory allocating a new segment. // this may not be catastrophic - if there are still some // handles in the cache then some allocations may succeed. break; } // set up the correct sequence number for the new segment pNextSegment->bSequence = (uint8_t)(((uint32_t)bLastSequence + 1) % 0x100); bLastSequence = pNextSegment->bSequence; // link the new segment into the list by the order of segment address TableSegment* pWalk = pTable->pSegmentList; if ((uintptr_t)pNextSegment < (uintptr_t)pWalk) { pNextSegment->pNextSegment = pWalk; pTable->pSegmentList = pNextSegment; } else { while (pWalk) { if (pWalk->pNextSegment == NULL) { pWalk->pNextSegment = pNextSegment; break; } else if ((uintptr_t)pWalk->pNextSegment > (uintptr_t)pNextSegment) { pNextSegment->pNextSegment = pWalk->pNextSegment; pWalk->pNextSegment = pNextSegment; break; } pWalk = pWalk->pNextSegment; } } } // try again with new segment pSegment = pNextSegment; } // compute the number of handles we actually got uint32_t uAllocated = (uCount - uRemain); // update the count of handles marked as "used" pTable->dwCount += uAllocated; // return the number of handles we actually got return uAllocated; } /* * BlockFreeHandlesInMask * * Frees some portion of an array of handles of the specified type. * The array is scanned forward and handles are freed until a handle * from a different mask is encountered. * * Returns the number of handles that were freed from the front of the array. * */ uint32_t BlockFreeHandlesInMask(TableSegment *pSegment, uint32_t uBlock, uint32_t uMask, OBJECTHANDLE *pHandleBase, uint32_t uCount, uintptr_t *pUserData, uint32_t *puActualFreed, BOOL *pfAllMasksFree) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; // keep track of how many handles we have left to free uint32_t uRemain = uCount; #ifdef _PREFAST_ #pragma warning(push) #pragma warning(disable:6305) // "This code deals with a bit vector mapped piece of code, so there is no mismatch between sizeof and countof" #endif // if this block has user data, convert the pointer to be mask-relative if (pUserData) pUserData += (uMask * HANDLE_HANDLES_PER_MASK); // convert our mask index to be segment-relative uMask += (uBlock * HANDLE_MASKS_PER_BLOCK); // compute the handle bounds for our mask OBJECTHANDLE firstHandle = (OBJECTHANDLE)(pSegment->rgValue + (uMask * HANDLE_HANDLES_PER_MASK)); OBJECTHANDLE lastHandle = (OBJECTHANDLE)((_UNCHECKED_OBJECTREF *)firstHandle + HANDLE_HANDLES_PER_MASK); #ifdef _PREFAST_ #pragma warning(pop) #endif // keep a local copy of the free mask to update as we free handles uint32_t dwFreeMask = pSegment->rgFreeMask[uMask]; // keep track of how many bogus frees we are asked to do uint32_t uBogus = 0; // loop freeing handles until we encounter one outside our block or there are none left do { // fetch the next handle in the array OBJECTHANDLE handle = *pHandleBase; // if the handle is outside our segment then we are done if ((handle < firstHandle) || (handle >= lastHandle)) break; // sanity check - the handle should no longer refer to an object here _ASSERTE(HndIsNullOrDestroyedHandle(*(_UNCHECKED_OBJECTREF *)handle)); // compute the handle index within the mask uint32_t uHandle = (uint32_t)(handle - firstHandle); // if there is user data then clear the user data for this handle if (pUserData) pUserData[uHandle] = 0L; // compute the mask bit for this handle uint32_t dwFreeBit = (1 << uHandle); // the handle should not already be free if ((dwFreeMask & dwFreeBit) != 0) { // SOMEONE'S FREEING A HANDLE THAT ISN'T ALLOCATED uBogus++; _ASSERTE(FALSE); } // add this handle to the tally of freed handles dwFreeMask |= dwFreeBit; // adjust our count and array pointer uRemain--; pHandleBase++; } while (uRemain); // update the mask to reflect the handles we changed pSegment->rgFreeMask[uMask] = dwFreeMask; // if not all handles in this mask are free then tell our caller not to check the block if (dwFreeMask != MASK_EMPTY) *pfAllMasksFree = FALSE; // compute the number of handles we processed from the array uint32_t uFreed = (uCount - uRemain); // tell the caller how many handles we actually freed *puActualFreed += (uFreed - uBogus); // return the number of handles we actually freed return uFreed; } /* * BlockFreeHandles * * Frees some portion of an array of handles of the specified type. * The array is scanned forward and handles are freed until a handle * from a different block is encountered. * * Returns the number of handles that were freed from the front of the array. * */ uint32_t BlockFreeHandles(TableSegment *pSegment, uint32_t uBlock, OBJECTHANDLE *pHandleBase, uint32_t uCount, uint32_t *puActualFreed, BOOL *pfScanForFreeBlocks) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; /* NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; */ // keep track of how many handles we have left to free uint32_t uRemain = uCount; // fetch the user data for this block, if any uintptr_t *pBlockUserData = BlockFetchUserDataPointer(pSegment, uBlock, FALSE); // compute the handle bounds for our block OBJECTHANDLE firstHandle = (OBJECTHANDLE)(pSegment->rgValue + (uBlock * HANDLE_HANDLES_PER_BLOCK)); OBJECTHANDLE lastHandle = (OBJECTHANDLE)((_UNCHECKED_OBJECTREF *)firstHandle + HANDLE_HANDLES_PER_BLOCK); // this variable will only stay TRUE if all masks we touch end up in the free state BOOL fAllMasksWeTouchedAreFree = TRUE; // loop freeing handles until we encounter one outside our block or there are none left do { // fetch the next handle in the array OBJECTHANDLE handle = *pHandleBase; // if the handle is outside our segment then we are done if ((handle < firstHandle) || (handle >= lastHandle)) break; // compute the mask that this handle resides in uint32_t uMask = (uint32_t)((handle - firstHandle) / HANDLE_HANDLES_PER_MASK); // free as many handles as this mask owns from the front of the array uint32_t uFreed = BlockFreeHandlesInMask(pSegment, uBlock, uMask, pHandleBase, uRemain, pBlockUserData, puActualFreed, &fAllMasksWeTouchedAreFree); // adjust our count and array pointer uRemain -= uFreed; pHandleBase += uFreed; } while (uRemain); // are all masks we touched free? if (fAllMasksWeTouchedAreFree) { // is the block unlocked? // NOTE: This check is incorrect and defeats the intended purpose of scavenging. If the // current block is locked and has just been emptied, then it cannot be removed right now // and therefore will nominally need to be scavenged. The only code that triggers // scavenging is in SegmentRemoveFreeBlocks, and setting the flag is the only way to // trigger a call into SegmentRemoveFreeBlocks call. As a result, by NOT setting the flag // this code is generally PREVENTING scavenging in exactly the cases where scavenging is // needed. The code is not being changed because it has always been this way and scavenging // itself generally has extremely low value. if (!BlockIsLocked(pSegment, uBlock)) { // tell the caller it might be a good idea to scan for free blocks *pfScanForFreeBlocks = TRUE; } } // return the number of handles we actually freed return (uCount - uRemain); } /* * SegmentFreeHandles * * Frees some portion of an array of handles of the specified type. * The array is scanned forward and handles are freed until a handle * from a different segment is encountered. * * Returns the number of handles that were freed from the front of the array. * */ uint32_t SegmentFreeHandles(TableSegment *pSegment, uint32_t uType, OBJECTHANDLE *pHandleBase, uint32_t uCount) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; /* NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; */ // keep track of how many handles we have left to free uint32_t uRemain = uCount; // compute the handle bounds for our segment OBJECTHANDLE firstHandle = (OBJECTHANDLE)pSegment->rgValue; OBJECTHANDLE lastHandle = (OBJECTHANDLE)((_UNCHECKED_OBJECTREF *)firstHandle + HANDLE_HANDLES_PER_SEGMENT); // the per-block free routines will set this if there is a chance some blocks went free BOOL fScanForFreeBlocks = FALSE; // track the number of handles we actually free uint32_t uActualFreed = 0; // loop freeing handles until we encounter one outside our segment or there are none left do { // fetch the next handle in the array OBJECTHANDLE handle = *pHandleBase; // if the handle is outside our segment then we are done if ((handle < firstHandle) || (handle >= lastHandle)) break; // compute the block that this handle resides in uint32_t uBlock = (uint32_t)(((uintptr_t)handle - (uintptr_t)firstHandle) / (HANDLE_SIZE * HANDLE_HANDLES_PER_BLOCK)); // sanity check that this block is the type we expect to be freeing _ASSERTE(pSegment->rgBlockType[uBlock] == uType); // free as many handles as this block owns from the front of the array uint32_t uFreed = BlockFreeHandles(pSegment, uBlock, pHandleBase, uRemain, &uActualFreed, &fScanForFreeBlocks); // adjust our count and array pointer uRemain -= uFreed; pHandleBase += uFreed; } while (uRemain); // compute the number of handles we actually freed uint32_t uFreed = (uCount - uRemain); // update the free count pSegment->rgFreeCount[uType] += uActualFreed; // if we saw blocks that may have gone totally free then do a free scan if (fScanForFreeBlocks) { // assume we no scavenging is required BOOL fNeedsScavenging = FALSE; // try to remove any free blocks we may have created SegmentRemoveFreeBlocks(pSegment, uType, &fNeedsScavenging); // did SegmentRemoveFreeBlocks have to skip over any free blocks? if (fNeedsScavenging) { // yup, arrange to scavenge them later pSegment->fResortChains = TRUE; pSegment->fNeedsScavenging = TRUE; } } // return the total number of handles we freed return uFreed; } /* * TableFreeBulkPreparedHandles * * Frees an array of handles of the specified type. * * This routine is optimized for a sorted array of handles but will accept any order. * */ void TableFreeBulkPreparedHandles(HandleTable *pTable, uint32_t uType, OBJECTHANDLE *pHandleBase, uint32_t uCount) { //Update the count of handles marked as "used" pTable->dwCount -= uCount; WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; /* NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; */ // loop until all handles are freed do { // get the segment for the first handle TableSegment * pSegment = (TableSegment *)HandleFetchSegmentPointer(*pHandleBase); // sanity _ASSERTE(pSegment->pHandleTable == pTable); // free as many handles as this segment owns from the front of the array uint32_t uFreed = SegmentFreeHandles(pSegment, uType, pHandleBase, uCount); // adjust our count and array pointer uCount -= uFreed; pHandleBase += uFreed; } while (uCount); } /* * TableFreeBulkUnpreparedHandlesWorker * * Frees an array of handles of the specified type by preparing them and calling TableFreeBulkPreparedHandles. * Uses the supplied scratch buffer to prepare the handles. * */ void TableFreeBulkUnpreparedHandlesWorker(HandleTable *pTable, uint32_t uType, const OBJECTHANDLE *pHandles, uint32_t uCount, OBJECTHANDLE *pScratchBuffer) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; // copy the handles into the destination buffer memcpy(pScratchBuffer, pHandles, uCount * sizeof(OBJECTHANDLE)); // sort them for optimal free order QuickSort((uintptr_t *)pScratchBuffer, 0, uCount - 1, CompareHandlesByFreeOrder); // make sure the handles are zeroed too ZeroHandles(pScratchBuffer, uCount); // prepare and free these handles TableFreeBulkPreparedHandles(pTable, uType, pScratchBuffer, uCount); } /* * TableFreeBulkUnpreparedHandles * * Frees an array of handles of the specified type by preparing them and calling * TableFreeBulkPreparedHandlesWorker one or more times. * */ void TableFreeBulkUnpreparedHandles(HandleTable *pTable, uint32_t uType, const OBJECTHANDLE *pHandles, uint32_t uCount) { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; WRAPPER(GC_TRIGGERS); } CONTRACTL_END; // preparation / free buffer OBJECTHANDLE rgStackHandles[HANDLE_HANDLES_PER_BLOCK]; OBJECTHANDLE *pScratchBuffer = rgStackHandles; OBJECTHANDLE *pLargeScratchBuffer = NULL; uint32_t uFreeGranularity = _countof(rgStackHandles); // if there are more handles than we can put on the stack then try to allocate a sorting buffer if (uCount > uFreeGranularity) { // try to allocate a bigger buffer to work in pLargeScratchBuffer = new (nothrow) OBJECTHANDLE[uCount]; // did we get it? if (pLargeScratchBuffer) { // yes - use this buffer to prepare and free the handles pScratchBuffer = pLargeScratchBuffer; uFreeGranularity = uCount; } } // loop freeing handles until we have freed them all while (uCount) { // decide how many we can process in this iteration if (uFreeGranularity > uCount) uFreeGranularity = uCount; // prepare and free these handles TableFreeBulkUnpreparedHandlesWorker(pTable, uType, pHandles, uFreeGranularity, pScratchBuffer); // adjust our pointers and move on uCount -= uFreeGranularity; pHandles += uFreeGranularity; } // if we allocated a sorting buffer then free it now if (pLargeScratchBuffer) delete [] pLargeScratchBuffer; } #endif // !DACCESS_COMPILE /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/