// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements. // The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license. // See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information. // // // sets up vars for GC #include "gcpriv.h" #ifndef DACCESS_COMPILE COUNTER_ONLY(PERF_COUNTER_TIMER_PRECISION g_TotalTimeInGC = 0); COUNTER_ONLY(PERF_COUNTER_TIMER_PRECISION g_TotalTimeSinceLastGCEnd = 0); #if defined(ENABLE_PERF_COUNTERS) || defined(FEATURE_EVENT_TRACE) size_t g_GenerationSizes[NUMBERGENERATIONS]; size_t g_GenerationPromotedSizes[NUMBERGENERATIONS]; #endif // ENABLE_PERF_COUNTERS || FEATURE_EVENT_TRACE void GCHeap::UpdatePreGCCounters() { #if defined(ENABLE_PERF_COUNTERS) #ifdef MULTIPLE_HEAPS gc_heap* hp = 0; #else gc_heap* hp = pGenGCHeap; #endif //MULTIPLE_HEAPS size_t allocation_0 = 0; size_t allocation_3 = 0; // Publish perf stats g_TotalTimeInGC = GET_CYCLE_COUNT(); #ifdef MULTIPLE_HEAPS int hn = 0; for (hn = 0; hn < gc_heap::n_heaps; hn++) { hp = gc_heap::g_heaps [hn]; allocation_0 += dd_desired_allocation (hp->dynamic_data_of (0))- dd_new_allocation (hp->dynamic_data_of (0)); allocation_3 += dd_desired_allocation (hp->dynamic_data_of (max_generation+1))- dd_new_allocation (hp->dynamic_data_of (max_generation+1)); } #else allocation_0 = dd_desired_allocation (hp->dynamic_data_of (0))- dd_new_allocation (hp->dynamic_data_of (0)); allocation_3 = dd_desired_allocation (hp->dynamic_data_of (max_generation+1))- dd_new_allocation (hp->dynamic_data_of (max_generation+1)); #endif //MULTIPLE_HEAPS GetPerfCounters().m_GC.cbAlloc += allocation_0; GetPerfCounters().m_GC.cbAlloc += allocation_3; GetPerfCounters().m_GC.cbLargeAlloc += allocation_3; #ifdef _PREFAST_ // prefix complains about us dereferencing hp in wks build even though we only access static members // this way. not sure how to shut it up except for this ugly workaround: PREFIX_ASSUME( hp != NULL); #endif //_PREFAST_ if (hp->settings.reason == reason_induced IN_STRESS_HEAP( && !hp->settings.stress_induced)) { COUNTER_ONLY(GetPerfCounters().m_GC.cInducedGCs++); } GetPerfCounters().m_Security.timeRTchecks = 0; GetPerfCounters().m_Security.timeRTchecksBase = 1; // To avoid divide by zero #endif //ENABLE_PERF_COUNTERS #ifdef MULTIPLE_HEAPS //take the first heap.... gc_mechanisms *pSettings = &gc_heap::g_heaps[0]->settings; #else gc_mechanisms *pSettings = &gc_heap::settings; #endif //MULTIPLE_HEAPS uint32_t count = (uint32_t)pSettings->gc_index; uint32_t depth = (uint32_t)pSettings->condemned_generation; uint32_t reason = (uint32_t)pSettings->reason; gc_etw_type type = gc_etw_type_ngc; if (pSettings->concurrent) { type = gc_etw_type_bgc; } #ifdef BACKGROUND_GC else if (depth < max_generation && pSettings->background_p) { type = gc_etw_type_fgc; } #endif // BACKGROUND_GC FIRE_EVENT(GCStart_V2, count, depth, reason, static_cast(type)); g_theGCHeap->DiagDescrGenerations([](void*, int generation, uint8_t* rangeStart, uint8_t* rangeEnd, uint8_t* rangeEndReserved) { uint64_t range = static_cast(rangeEnd - rangeStart); uint64_t rangeReserved = static_cast(rangeEndReserved - rangeStart); FIRE_EVENT(GCGenerationRange, generation, rangeStart, range, rangeReserved); }, nullptr); } void GCHeap::UpdatePostGCCounters() { totalSurvivedSize = gc_heap::get_total_survived_size(); // // The following is for instrumentation. // // Calculate the common ones for ETW and perf counters. #if defined(ENABLE_PERF_COUNTERS) || defined(FEATURE_EVENT_TRACE) #ifdef MULTIPLE_HEAPS //take the first heap.... gc_heap* hp1 = gc_heap::g_heaps[0]; gc_mechanisms *pSettings = &hp1->settings; #else gc_heap* hp1 = pGenGCHeap; gc_mechanisms *pSettings = &gc_heap::settings; #endif //MULTIPLE_HEAPS int condemned_gen = pSettings->condemned_generation; memset (g_GenerationSizes, 0, sizeof (g_GenerationSizes)); memset (g_GenerationPromotedSizes, 0, sizeof (g_GenerationPromotedSizes)); size_t total_num_gc_handles = g_dwHandles; uint32_t total_num_sync_blocks = GCToEEInterface::GetActiveSyncBlockCount(); // Note this is however for perf counter only, for legacy reasons. What we showed // in perf counters for "gen0 size" was really the gen0 budget which made // sense (somewhat) at the time. For backward compatibility we are keeping // this calculated the same way. For ETW we use the true gen0 size (and // gen0 budget is also reported in an event). size_t youngest_budget = 0; size_t promoted_finalization_mem = 0; size_t total_num_pinned_objects = gc_heap::get_total_pinned_objects(); #ifndef FEATURE_REDHAWK // if a max gen garbage collection was performed, resync the GC Handle counter; // if threads are currently suspended, we do not need to obtain a lock on each handle table if (condemned_gen == max_generation) total_num_gc_handles = HndCountAllHandles(!IsGCInProgress()); #endif //FEATURE_REDHAWK // per generation calculation. for (int gen_index = 0; gen_index <= (max_generation+1); gen_index++) { #ifdef MULTIPLE_HEAPS int hn = 0; for (hn = 0; hn < gc_heap::n_heaps; hn++) { gc_heap* hp = gc_heap::g_heaps[hn]; #else gc_heap* hp = pGenGCHeap; { #endif //MULTIPLE_HEAPS dynamic_data* dd = hp->dynamic_data_of (gen_index); if (gen_index == 0) { youngest_budget += dd_desired_allocation (hp->dynamic_data_of (gen_index)); } g_GenerationSizes[gen_index] += hp->generation_size (gen_index); if (gen_index <= condemned_gen) { g_GenerationPromotedSizes[gen_index] += dd_promoted_size (dd); } if ((gen_index == (max_generation+1)) && (condemned_gen == max_generation)) { g_GenerationPromotedSizes[gen_index] += dd_promoted_size (dd); } if (gen_index == 0) { promoted_finalization_mem += dd_freach_previous_promotion (dd); } #ifdef MULTIPLE_HEAPS } #else } #endif //MULTIPLE_HEAPS } #endif //ENABLE_PERF_COUNTERS || FEATURE_EVENT_TRACE #ifdef FEATURE_EVENT_TRACE g_theGCHeap->DiagDescrGenerations([](void*, int generation, uint8_t* rangeStart, uint8_t* rangeEnd, uint8_t* rangeEndReserved) { uint64_t range = static_cast(rangeEnd - rangeStart); uint64_t rangeReserved = static_cast(rangeEndReserved - rangeStart); FIRE_EVENT(GCGenerationRange, generation, rangeStart, range, rangeReserved); }, nullptr); FIRE_EVENT(GCEnd_V1, static_cast(pSettings->gc_index), condemned_gen); #ifdef SIMPLE_DPRINTF dprintf (2, ("GC#%d: 0: %Id(%Id); 1: %Id(%Id); 2: %Id(%Id); 3: %Id(%Id)", pSettings->gc_index, g_GenerationSizes[0], g_GenerationPromotedSizes[0], g_GenerationSizes[1], g_GenerationPromotedSizes[1], g_GenerationSizes[2], g_GenerationPromotedSizes[2], g_GenerationSizes[3], g_GenerationPromotedSizes[3])); #endif //SIMPLE_DPRINTF FIRE_EVENT(GCHeapStats_V1, g_GenerationSizes[0], g_GenerationPromotedSizes[0], g_GenerationSizes[1], g_GenerationPromotedSizes[1], g_GenerationSizes[2], g_GenerationPromotedSizes[2], g_GenerationSizes[3], g_GenerationPromotedSizes[3], promoted_finalization_mem, GetFinalizablePromotedCount(), static_cast(total_num_pinned_objects), total_num_sync_blocks, static_cast(total_num_gc_handles)); #endif // FEATURE_EVENT_TRACE #if defined(ENABLE_PERF_COUNTERS) for (int gen_index = 0; gen_index <= (max_generation+1); gen_index++) { _ASSERTE(FitsIn(g_GenerationSizes[gen_index])); _ASSERTE(FitsIn(g_GenerationPromotedSizes[gen_index])); if (gen_index == (max_generation+1)) { GetPerfCounters().m_GC.cLrgObjSize = static_cast(g_GenerationSizes[gen_index]); } else { GetPerfCounters().m_GC.cGenHeapSize[gen_index] = ((gen_index == 0) ? youngest_budget : static_cast(g_GenerationSizes[gen_index])); } // the perf counters only count the promoted size for gen0 and gen1. if (gen_index < max_generation) { GetPerfCounters().m_GC.cbPromotedMem[gen_index] = static_cast(g_GenerationPromotedSizes[gen_index]); } if (gen_index <= max_generation) { GetPerfCounters().m_GC.cGenCollections[gen_index] = dd_collection_count (hp1->dynamic_data_of (gen_index)); } } // Committed and reserved memory { size_t committed_mem = 0; size_t reserved_mem = 0; #ifdef MULTIPLE_HEAPS int hn = 0; for (hn = 0; hn < gc_heap::n_heaps; hn++) { gc_heap* hp = gc_heap::g_heaps [hn]; #else gc_heap* hp = pGenGCHeap; { #endif //MULTIPLE_HEAPS heap_segment* seg = generation_start_segment (hp->generation_of (max_generation)); while (seg) { committed_mem += heap_segment_committed (seg) - heap_segment_mem (seg); reserved_mem += heap_segment_reserved (seg) - heap_segment_mem (seg); seg = heap_segment_next (seg); } //same for large segments seg = generation_start_segment (hp->generation_of (max_generation + 1)); while (seg) { committed_mem += heap_segment_committed (seg) - heap_segment_mem (seg); reserved_mem += heap_segment_reserved (seg) - heap_segment_mem (seg); seg = heap_segment_next (seg); } #ifdef MULTIPLE_HEAPS } #else } #endif //MULTIPLE_HEAPS GetPerfCounters().m_GC.cTotalCommittedBytes = committed_mem; GetPerfCounters().m_GC.cTotalReservedBytes = reserved_mem; } _ASSERTE(FitsIn(HeapInfo.HeapStats.FinalizationPromotedSize)); _ASSERTE(FitsIn(HeapInfo.HeapStats.FinalizationPromotedCount)); GetPerfCounters().m_GC.cbPromotedFinalizationMem = static_cast(HeapInfo.HeapStats.FinalizationPromotedSize); GetPerfCounters().m_GC.cSurviveFinalize = static_cast(HeapInfo.HeapStats.FinalizationPromotedCount); // Compute Time in GC PERF_COUNTER_TIMER_PRECISION _currentPerfCounterTimer = GET_CYCLE_COUNT(); g_TotalTimeInGC = _currentPerfCounterTimer - g_TotalTimeInGC; PERF_COUNTER_TIMER_PRECISION _timeInGCBase = (_currentPerfCounterTimer - g_TotalTimeSinceLastGCEnd); if (_timeInGCBase < g_TotalTimeInGC) g_TotalTimeInGC = 0; // isn't likely except on some SMP machines-- perhaps make sure that // _timeInGCBase >= g_TotalTimeInGC by setting affinity in GET_CYCLE_COUNT while (_timeInGCBase > UINT_MAX) { _timeInGCBase = _timeInGCBase >> 8; g_TotalTimeInGC = g_TotalTimeInGC >> 8; } // Update Total Time GetPerfCounters().m_GC.timeInGC = (uint32_t)g_TotalTimeInGC; GetPerfCounters().m_GC.timeInGCBase = (uint32_t)_timeInGCBase; if (!GetPerfCounters().m_GC.cProcessID) GetPerfCounters().m_GC.cProcessID = (size_t)GetCurrentProcessId(); g_TotalTimeSinceLastGCEnd = _currentPerfCounterTimer; GetPerfCounters().m_GC.cPinnedObj = total_num_pinned_objects; GetPerfCounters().m_GC.cHandles = total_num_gc_handles; GetPerfCounters().m_GC.cSinkBlocks = total_num_sync_blocks; #endif //ENABLE_PERF_COUNTERS } size_t GCHeap::GetCurrentObjSize() { return (totalSurvivedSize + gc_heap::get_total_allocated()); } size_t GCHeap::GetLastGCStartTime(int generation) { #ifdef MULTIPLE_HEAPS gc_heap* hp = gc_heap::g_heaps[0]; #else gc_heap* hp = pGenGCHeap; #endif //MULTIPLE_HEAPS return dd_time_clock (hp->dynamic_data_of (generation)); } size_t GCHeap::GetLastGCDuration(int generation) { #ifdef MULTIPLE_HEAPS gc_heap* hp = gc_heap::g_heaps[0]; #else gc_heap* hp = pGenGCHeap; #endif //MULTIPLE_HEAPS return dd_gc_elapsed_time (hp->dynamic_data_of (generation)); } size_t GetHighPrecisionTimeStamp(); size_t GCHeap::GetNow() { return GetHighPrecisionTimeStamp(); } bool GCHeap::IsGCInProgressHelper (bool bConsiderGCStart) { return GcInProgress || (bConsiderGCStart? VolatileLoad(&gc_heap::gc_started) : FALSE); } uint32_t GCHeap::WaitUntilGCComplete(bool bConsiderGCStart) { if (bConsiderGCStart) { if (gc_heap::gc_started) { gc_heap::wait_for_gc_done(); } } uint32_t dwWaitResult = NOERROR; if (GcInProgress) { ASSERT( WaitForGCEvent->IsValid() ); #ifdef DETECT_DEADLOCK // wait for GC to complete BlockAgain: dwWaitResult = WaitForGCEvent->Wait(DETECT_DEADLOCK_TIMEOUT, FALSE ); if (dwWaitResult == WAIT_TIMEOUT) { // Even in retail, stop in the debugger if available. GCToOSInterface::DebugBreak(); goto BlockAgain; } #else //DETECT_DEADLOCK dwWaitResult = WaitForGCEvent->Wait(INFINITE, FALSE ); #endif //DETECT_DEADLOCK } return dwWaitResult; } void GCHeap::SetGCInProgress(bool fInProgress) { GcInProgress = fInProgress; } void GCHeap::SetWaitForGCEvent() { WaitForGCEvent->Set(); } void GCHeap::ResetWaitForGCEvent() { WaitForGCEvent->Reset(); } void GCHeap::WaitUntilConcurrentGCComplete() { #ifdef BACKGROUND_GC if (pGenGCHeap->settings.concurrent) pGenGCHeap->background_gc_wait(); #endif //BACKGROUND_GC } bool GCHeap::IsConcurrentGCInProgress() { #ifdef BACKGROUND_GC return !!pGenGCHeap->settings.concurrent; #else return false; #endif //BACKGROUND_GC } #ifdef FEATURE_EVENT_TRACE void gc_heap::fire_etw_allocation_event (size_t allocation_amount, int gen_number, uint8_t* object_address) { gc_etw_alloc_kind kind = gen_number == 0 ? gc_etw_alloc_soh : gc_etw_alloc_loh; FIRE_EVENT(GCAllocationTick_V3, static_cast(allocation_amount), kind, heap_number, object_address); } void gc_heap::fire_etw_pin_object_event (uint8_t* object, uint8_t** ppObject) { FIRE_EVENT(PinObjectAtGCTime, object, ppObject); } #endif // FEATURE_EVENT_TRACE uint32_t gc_heap::user_thread_wait (GCEvent *event, BOOL no_mode_change, int time_out_ms) { Thread* pCurThread = NULL; bool bToggleGC = false; uint32_t dwWaitResult = NOERROR; if (!no_mode_change) { bToggleGC = GCToEEInterface::EnablePreemptiveGC(); } dwWaitResult = event->Wait(time_out_ms, FALSE); if (bToggleGC) { GCToEEInterface::DisablePreemptiveGC(); } return dwWaitResult; } #ifdef BACKGROUND_GC // Wait for background gc to finish uint32_t gc_heap::background_gc_wait (alloc_wait_reason awr, int time_out_ms) { dprintf(2, ("Waiting end of background gc")); assert (background_gc_done_event.IsValid()); fire_alloc_wait_event_begin (awr); uint32_t dwRet = user_thread_wait (&background_gc_done_event, FALSE, time_out_ms); fire_alloc_wait_event_end (awr); dprintf(2, ("Waiting end of background gc is done")); return dwRet; } // Wait for background gc to finish sweeping large objects void gc_heap::background_gc_wait_lh (alloc_wait_reason awr) { dprintf(2, ("Waiting end of background large sweep")); assert (gc_lh_block_event.IsValid()); fire_alloc_wait_event_begin (awr); user_thread_wait (&gc_lh_block_event, FALSE); fire_alloc_wait_event_end (awr); dprintf(2, ("Waiting end of background large sweep is done")); } #endif //BACKGROUND_GC /******************************************************************************/ IGCHeapInternal* CreateGCHeap() { return new(nothrow) GCHeap(); // we return wks or svr } void GCHeap::DiagTraceGCSegments() { #ifdef FEATURE_EVENT_TRACE heap_segment* seg = 0; #ifdef MULTIPLE_HEAPS // walk segments in each heap for (int i = 0; i < gc_heap::n_heaps; i++) { gc_heap* h = gc_heap::g_heaps [i]; #else { gc_heap* h = pGenGCHeap; #endif //MULTIPLE_HEAPS for (seg = generation_start_segment (h->generation_of (max_generation)); seg != 0; seg = heap_segment_next(seg)) { uint8_t* address = heap_segment_mem (seg); size_t size = heap_segment_reserved (seg) - heap_segment_mem (seg); gc_etw_segment_type type = heap_segment_read_only_p (seg) ? gc_etw_segment_read_only_heap : gc_etw_segment_small_object_heap; FIRE_EVENT(GCCreateSegment_V1, address, size, static_cast(type)); } // large obj segments for (seg = generation_start_segment (h->generation_of (max_generation+1)); seg != 0; seg = heap_segment_next(seg)) { uint8_t* address = heap_segment_mem (seg); size_t size = heap_segment_reserved (seg) - heap_segment_mem (seg); FIRE_EVENT(GCCreateSegment_V1, address, size, static_cast(gc_etw_segment_large_object_heap)); } } #endif // FEATURE_EVENT_TRACE } void GCHeap::DiagDescrGenerations (gen_walk_fn fn, void *context) { pGenGCHeap->descr_generations_to_profiler(fn, context); } segment_handle GCHeap::RegisterFrozenSegment(segment_info *pseginfo) { #ifdef FEATURE_BASICFREEZE heap_segment * seg = new (nothrow) heap_segment; if (!seg) { return NULL; } uint8_t* base_mem = (uint8_t*)pseginfo->pvMem; heap_segment_mem(seg) = base_mem + pseginfo->ibFirstObject; heap_segment_allocated(seg) = base_mem + pseginfo->ibAllocated; heap_segment_committed(seg) = base_mem + pseginfo->ibCommit; heap_segment_reserved(seg) = base_mem + pseginfo->ibReserved; heap_segment_next(seg) = 0; heap_segment_used(seg) = heap_segment_allocated(seg); heap_segment_plan_allocated(seg) = 0; seg->flags = heap_segment_flags_readonly; #if defined (MULTIPLE_HEAPS) && !defined (ISOLATED_HEAPS) gc_heap* heap = gc_heap::g_heaps[0]; heap_segment_heap(seg) = heap; #else gc_heap* heap = pGenGCHeap; #endif //MULTIPLE_HEAPS && !ISOLATED_HEAPS if (heap->insert_ro_segment(seg) == FALSE) { delete seg; return NULL; } return reinterpret_cast< segment_handle >(seg); #else assert(!"Should not call GCHeap::RegisterFrozenSegment without FEATURE_BASICFREEZE defined!"); return NULL; #endif // FEATURE_BASICFREEZE } void GCHeap::UnregisterFrozenSegment(segment_handle seg) { #ifdef FEATURE_BASICFREEZE #if defined (MULTIPLE_HEAPS) && !defined (ISOLATED_HEAPS) gc_heap* heap = gc_heap::g_heaps[0]; #else gc_heap* heap = pGenGCHeap; #endif //MULTIPLE_HEAPS && !ISOLATED_HEAPS heap->remove_ro_segment(reinterpret_cast(seg)); #else assert(!"Should not call GCHeap::UnregisterFrozenSegment without FEATURE_BASICFREEZE defined!"); #endif // FEATURE_BASICFREEZE } bool GCHeap::RuntimeStructuresValid() { return GCScan::GetGcRuntimeStructuresValid(); } void GCHeap::SetSuspensionPending(bool fSuspensionPending) { if (fSuspensionPending) { Interlocked::Increment(&g_fSuspensionPending); } else { Interlocked::Decrement(&g_fSuspensionPending); } } void GCHeap::ControlEvents(GCEventKeyword keyword, GCEventLevel level) { GCEventStatus::Set(GCEventProvider_Default, keyword, level); } void GCHeap::ControlPrivateEvents(GCEventKeyword keyword, GCEventLevel level) { GCEventStatus::Set(GCEventProvider_Private, keyword, level); } #endif // !DACCESS_COMPILE