// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements. // The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license. // See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information. //***************************************************************************** // DbgShim.cpp // // This contains the APIs for creating a telesto managed-debugging session. These APIs serve to locate an // mscordbi.dll for a given telesto dll and then instantiate the ICorDebug object. // //***************************************************************************** #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifndef FEATURE_PAL #include #endif #include #include // for Version nunmbers #include #include #include #ifndef FEATURE_PAL #define PSAPI_VERSION 2 #include #endif #include "dbgshim.h" /* // Here's a High-level overview of the API usage From the debugger: A debugger calls GetStartupNotificationEvent(pid of debuggee) to get an event, which is signalled when that process loads a Telesto. The debugger thus waits on that event, and when it's signalled, it can call EnumerateCLRs / CloseCLREnumeration to get an array of Telestos in the target process (including the one that was just loaded). It can then call CreateVersionStringFromModule, CreateDebuggingInterfaceFromVersion to attach to any or all Telestos of interest. From the debuggee: When a new Telesto spins up, it checks for the startup event (created via GetStartupNotificationEvent), and if it exists, it will: - signal it - wait on the "Continue" event, thus giving a debugger a chance to attach to the telesto Notes: - There is no CreateProcess (Launch) case. All Launching is really an "Early-attach case". */ // Contract for public APIs. These must be NOTHROW. #define PUBLIC_CONTRACT \ CONTRACTL \ { \ NOTHROW; \ } \ CONTRACTL_END; \ #ifdef FEATURE_PAL static void RuntimeStartupHandler( char *pszModulePath, HMODULE hModule, PVOID parameter); #else // FEATURE_PAL static DWORD StartupHelperThread( LPVOID p); static HRESULT GetContinueStartupEvent( DWORD debuggeePID, LPCWSTR szTelestoFullPath, __out HANDLE *phContinueStartupEvent); #endif // FEATURE_PAL // Functions that we'll look for in the loaded Mscordbi module. typedef HRESULT (STDAPICALLTYPE *FPCoreCLRCreateCordbObject)( int iDebuggerVersion, DWORD pid, HMODULE hmodTargetCLR, IUnknown **ppCordb); // // Helper class for RegisterForRuntimeStartup // class RuntimeStartupHelper { LONG m_ref; DWORD m_processId; PSTARTUP_CALLBACK m_callback; PVOID m_parameter; #ifdef FEATURE_PAL PVOID m_unregisterToken; #else bool m_canceled; HANDLE m_startupEvent; DWORD m_threadId; HANDLE m_threadHandle; #endif // FEATURE_PAL public: RuntimeStartupHelper(DWORD dwProcessId, PSTARTUP_CALLBACK pfnCallback, PVOID parameter) : m_ref(1), m_processId(dwProcessId), m_callback(pfnCallback), m_parameter(parameter), #ifdef FEATURE_PAL m_unregisterToken(NULL) #else m_canceled(false), m_startupEvent(NULL), m_threadId(0), m_threadHandle(NULL) #endif // FEATURE_PAL { } ~RuntimeStartupHelper() { #ifndef FEATURE_PAL if (m_startupEvent != NULL) { CloseHandle(m_startupEvent); } if (m_threadHandle != NULL) { CloseHandle(m_threadHandle); } #endif // FEATURE_PAL } LONG AddRef() { LONG ref = InterlockedIncrement(&m_ref); return ref; } LONG Release() { LONG ref = InterlockedDecrement(&m_ref); if (ref == 0) { delete this; } return ref; } #ifdef FEATURE_PAL HRESULT Register() { if (PAL_RegisterForRuntimeStartup(m_processId, RuntimeStartupHandler, this, &m_unregisterToken) != NO_ERROR) { return E_INVALIDARG; } return S_OK; } void Unregister() { PAL_UnregisterForRuntimeStartup(m_unregisterToken); } void InvokeStartupCallback(char *pszModulePath, HMODULE hModule) { IUnknown *pCordb = NULL; HMODULE hMod = NULL; HRESULT hr = S_OK; // If either of these are NULL, there was an error from the PAL // callback. GetLastError returns the error code from the PAL. if (pszModulePath == NULL || hModule == NULL) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); goto exit; } PAL_CPP_TRY { FPCoreCLRCreateCordbObject fpCreate = NULL; char dbiPath[MAX_LONGPATH]; char *pszLast = strrchr(pszModulePath, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR_CHAR_A); if (pszLast == NULL) { _ASSERT(!"InvokeStartupCallback: can find separator in coreclr path\n"); hr = E_INVALIDARG; goto exit; } strncpy_s(dbiPath, _countof(dbiPath), pszModulePath, pszLast - pszModulePath); strcat_s(dbiPath, _countof(dbiPath), DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR_STR_A MAKEDLLNAME_A("mscordbi")); hMod = LoadLibraryA(dbiPath); if (hMod == NULL) { hr = CORDBG_E_DEBUG_COMPONENT_MISSING; goto exit; } fpCreate = (FPCoreCLRCreateCordbObject)GetProcAddress(hMod, "CoreCLRCreateCordbObject"); if (fpCreate == NULL) { hr = CORDBG_E_INCOMPATIBLE_PROTOCOL; goto exit; } HRESULT hr = fpCreate(CorDebugVersion_2_0, m_processId, hModule, &pCordb); _ASSERTE((pCordb == NULL) == FAILED(hr)); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto exit; } m_callback(pCordb, m_parameter, S_OK); } PAL_CPP_CATCH_ALL { hr = E_FAIL; goto exit; } PAL_CPP_ENDTRY exit: if (FAILED(hr)) { _ASSERTE(pCordb == NULL); if (hMod != NULL) { FreeLibrary(hMod); } // Invoke the callback on error m_callback(NULL, m_parameter, hr); } } #else // FEATURE_PAL HRESULT Register() { HRESULT hr = GetStartupNotificationEvent(m_processId, &m_startupEvent); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto exit; } // Add a reference for the thread handler AddRef(); m_threadHandle = CreateThread( NULL, 0, ::StartupHelperThread, this, 0, &m_threadId); if (m_threadHandle == NULL) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; Release(); goto exit; } exit: return hr; } HRESULT InternalEnumerateCLRs(HANDLE** ppHandleArray, LPWSTR** ppStringArray, DWORD* pdwArrayLength) { int numTries = 0; HRESULT hr; while (numTries < 10) { // EnumerateCLRs uses the OS API CreateToolhelp32Snapshot which can return ERROR_BAD_LENGTH or // ERROR_PARTIAL_COPY. If we get either of those, we try wait 1/10th of a second try again (that // is the recommendation of the OS API owners) hr = EnumerateCLRs(m_processId, ppHandleArray, ppStringArray, pdwArrayLength); if ((hr != HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_PARTIAL_COPY)) && (hr != HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_BAD_LENGTH))) { break; } Sleep(100); numTries++; } return hr; } void WakeRuntimes(HANDLE *handleArray, DWORD arrayLength) { if (handleArray != NULL) { for (int i = 0; i < (int)arrayLength; i++) { HANDLE h = handleArray[i]; if (h != NULL && h != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { SetEvent(h); } } } } void Unregister() { m_canceled = true; HANDLE *handleArray = NULL; LPWSTR *stringArray = NULL; DWORD arrayLength = 0; // Wake up runtime(s) HRESULT hr = InternalEnumerateCLRs(&handleArray, &stringArray, &arrayLength); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { WakeRuntimes(handleArray, arrayLength); CloseCLREnumeration(handleArray, stringArray, arrayLength); } // Wake up worker thread SetEvent(m_startupEvent); // Don't need to wake up and wait for the worker thread if called on it if (m_threadId != GetCurrentThreadId()) { // Wait for work thread to exit WaitForSingleObject(m_threadHandle, INFINITE); } } HRESULT InvokeStartupCallback(bool *pCoreClrExists) { HANDLE *handleArray = NULL; LPWSTR *stringArray = NULL; DWORD arrayLength = 0; HRESULT hr = S_OK; PAL_CPP_TRY { IUnknown *pCordb = NULL; WCHAR verStr[MAX_LONGPATH]; DWORD verLen; *pCoreClrExists = FALSE; hr = InternalEnumerateCLRs(&handleArray, &stringArray, &arrayLength); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto exit; } for (int i = 0; i < (int)arrayLength; i++) { *pCoreClrExists = TRUE; hr = CreateVersionStringFromModule(m_processId, stringArray[i], verStr, _countof(verStr), &verLen); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto exit; } hr = CreateDebuggingInterfaceFromVersion(verStr, &pCordb); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto exit; } m_callback(pCordb, m_parameter, S_OK); // Currently only the first coreclr module in a process is supported break; } } PAL_CPP_CATCH_ALL { hr = E_FAIL; goto exit; } PAL_CPP_ENDTRY exit: if (*pCoreClrExists) { // Wake up all the runtimes WakeRuntimes(handleArray, arrayLength); } CloseCLREnumeration(handleArray, stringArray, arrayLength); return hr; } void StartupHelperThread() { bool coreclrExists = false; HRESULT hr = InvokeStartupCallback(&coreclrExists); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { if (!coreclrExists && !m_canceled) { // Wait until the coreclr runtime (debuggee) starts up if (WaitForSingleObject(m_startupEvent, INFINITE) == WAIT_OBJECT_0) { if (!m_canceled) { hr = InvokeStartupCallback(&coreclrExists); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // We should always find a coreclr module _ASSERTE(coreclrExists); } } } else { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); } } } if (FAILED(hr)) { m_callback(NULL, m_parameter, hr); } } #endif // FEATURE_PAL }; #ifdef FEATURE_PAL static void RuntimeStartupHandler(char *pszModulePath, HMODULE hModule, PVOID parameter) { RuntimeStartupHelper *helper = (RuntimeStartupHelper *)parameter; helper->InvokeStartupCallback(pszModulePath, hModule); } #else // FEATURE_PAL static DWORD StartupHelperThread(LPVOID p) { RuntimeStartupHelper *helper = (RuntimeStartupHelper *)p; helper->StartupHelperThread(); helper->Release(); return 0; } #endif // FEATURE_PAL //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Public API. // // RegisterForRuntimeStartup -- executes the callback when the coreclr runtime // starts in the specified process. The callback is passed the proper ICorDebug // instance for the version of the runtime or an error if something fails. This // API works for launch and attach (and even the attach scenario if the runtime // hasn't been loaded yet) equally on both xplat and Windows. The callback is // always called on a separate thread. This API returns immediately. // // The callback is invoked when the coreclr runtime module is loaded during early // initialization. The runtime is blocked during initialization until the callback // returns. // // If the runtime is already loaded in the process (as in the normal attach case), // the callback is executed and the runtime is not blocked. // // The callback is always invoked on a separate thread and this API returns immediately. // // Only the first coreclr module instance found in the target process is currently // supported. // // dwProcessId -- process id of the target process // pfnCallback -- invoked when coreclr runtime starts // parameter -- data to pass to callback // ppUnregisterToken -- pointer to put the UnregisterForRuntimeStartup token. // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT RegisterForRuntimeStartup( __in DWORD dwProcessId, __in PSTARTUP_CALLBACK pfnCallback, __in PVOID parameter, __out PVOID *ppUnregisterToken) { PUBLIC_CONTRACT; if (pfnCallback == NULL || ppUnregisterToken == NULL) { return E_INVALIDARG; } HRESULT hr = S_OK; RuntimeStartupHelper *helper = new (nothrow) RuntimeStartupHelper(dwProcessId, pfnCallback, parameter); if (helper == NULL) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } else { hr = helper->Register(); if (FAILED(hr)) { helper->Release(); helper = NULL; } } *ppUnregisterToken = helper; return hr; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Public API. // // UnregisterForRuntimeStartup -- stops/cancels runtime startup notification. Needs // to be called during the debugger's shutdown to cleanup the internal data. // // This API can be called in the startup callback. Otherwise, it will block until // the callback thread finishes and no more callbacks will be initiated after this // API returns. // // pUnregisterToken -- unregister token from RegisterForRuntimeStartup or NULL. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT UnregisterForRuntimeStartup( __in PVOID pUnregisterToken) { PUBLIC_CONTRACT; if (pUnregisterToken != NULL) { RuntimeStartupHelper *helper = (RuntimeStartupHelper *)pUnregisterToken; helper->Unregister(); helper->Release(); } return S_OK; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Public API. // // GetStartupNotificationEvent -- creates a global, named event that is PID- // qualified (i.e. process global) that is used to notify the debugger of // any CLR instance startup in the process. // // debuggeePID -- process ID of the target process // phStartupEvent -- out param for the returned event handle // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #define StartupNotifyEventNamePrefix W("TelestoStartupEvent_") #define SessionIdPrefix W("Session\\") // NULL terminator is included in sizeof(StartupNotifyEventNamePrefix) const int cchEventNameBufferSize = (sizeof(StartupNotifyEventNamePrefix) + sizeof(SessionIdPrefix)) / sizeof(WCHAR) + 8 // + hex process id DWORD + 10 // + decimal session id DWORD + 1; // '\' after session id HRESULT GetStartupNotificationEvent( __in DWORD debuggeePID, __out HANDLE* phStartupEvent) { PUBLIC_CONTRACT; if (phStartupEvent == NULL) return E_INVALIDARG; #ifndef FEATURE_PAL HRESULT hr; DWORD currentSessionId = 0, debuggeeSessionId = 0; if (!ProcessIdToSessionId(GetCurrentProcessId(), ¤tSessionId)) { return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); } if (!ProcessIdToSessionId(debuggeePID, &debuggeeSessionId)) { return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); } // Here we could just add "Global\" to the event name and this would solve cross-session debugging scenario, but that would require event name change // in CoreCLR, and break backward compatibility. Instead if we see that debugee is in a different session, we explicitly create startup event // in that session (by adding "Session\#\"). We could do it even for our own session, but that's vaguely documented behavior and we'd // like to use it as little as possible. WCHAR szEventName[cchEventNameBufferSize]; if (currentSessionId == debuggeeSessionId) { swprintf_s(szEventName, cchEventNameBufferSize, StartupNotifyEventNamePrefix W("%08x"), debuggeePID); } else { swprintf_s(szEventName, cchEventNameBufferSize, SessionIdPrefix W("%u\\") StartupNotifyEventNamePrefix W("%08x"), debuggeeSessionId, debuggeePID); } // Determine an appropriate ACL and SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES to apply to this event. We use the same logic // here as the debugger uses for other events (like the setup-sync-event). Specifically, this does // the work to ensure a debuggee running as another user, or with a low integrity level can signal // this event. PACL pACL = NULL; SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES * pSA = NULL; IfFailRet(SecurityUtil::GetACLOfPid(debuggeePID, &pACL)); SecurityUtil secUtil(pACL); HandleHolder hProcess = OpenProcess(PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION, FALSE, debuggeePID); if (hProcess == NULL) { return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); } IfFailRet(secUtil.Init(hProcess)); IfFailRet(secUtil.GetSA(&pSA)); HANDLE startupEvent = WszCreateEvent(pSA, FALSE, // false -> auto-reset FALSE, // false -> initially non-signaled szEventName); DWORD dwStatus = GetLastError(); if (NULL == startupEvent) { // if the event already exists, try to open it, otherwise we fail. if (ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS != dwStatus) return E_FAIL; startupEvent = WszOpenEvent(SYNCHRONIZE, FALSE, szEventName); if (NULL == startupEvent) return E_FAIL; } *phStartupEvent = startupEvent; return S_OK; #else *phStartupEvent = NULL; return E_NOTIMPL; #endif // FEATURE_PAL } // Refer to clr\src\mscoree\mscorwks_ntdef.src. const WORD kOrdinalForMetrics = 2; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // The CLR_ENGINE_METRICS is a static struct in coreclr.dll. It's exported by coreclr.dll at ordinal 2 in // the export address table. This function returns the CLR_ENGINE_METRICS and the RVA to the continue // startup event for a coreclr.dll specified by its full path. // // Arguments: // szTelestoFullPath - (in) full path of telesto // pEngineMetricsOut - (out) filled in based on metrics from target telesto. // pdwRVAContinueStartupEvent - (out; optional) return the RVA to the continue startup event // // Returns: // Throwss on error. // // Notes: // When VS pops up the attach dialog box, it is actually enumerating all the processes on the machine // (if the appropiate checkbox is checked) and checking each process to see if a DLL named "coreclr.dll" // is loaded. If there is one, we will go down this code path, but there is no guarantee that the // coreclr.dll is ours. A malicious user can be running a process with a bogus coreclr.dll loaded. // That's why we need to be extra careful reading coreclr.dll in this function. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- static void GetTargetCLRMetrics( LPCWSTR szTelestoFullPath, CLR_ENGINE_METRICS *pEngineMetricsOut, DWORD *pdwRVAContinueStartupEvent = NULL) { CONTRACTL { THROWS; } CONTRACTL_END; CONSISTENCY_CHECK(szTelestoFullPath != NULL); CONSISTENCY_CHECK(pEngineMetricsOut != NULL); #ifndef FEATURE_PAL HRESULT hr = S_OK; HandleHolder hCoreClrFile = WszCreateFile(szTelestoFullPath, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, // default security descriptor OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); if (hCoreClrFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { ThrowLastError(); } DWORD cbFileHigh = 0; DWORD cbFileLow = GetFileSize(hCoreClrFile, &cbFileHigh); if (cbFileLow == INVALID_FILE_SIZE) { ThrowLastError(); } // A maximum size of 100 MB should be more than enough for coreclr.dll. if ((cbFileHigh != 0) || (cbFileLow > 0x6400000) || (cbFileLow == 0)) { ThrowHR(E_FAIL); } HandleHolder hCoreClrMap = WszCreateFileMapping(hCoreClrFile, NULL, PAGE_READONLY, cbFileHigh, cbFileLow, NULL); if (hCoreClrMap == NULL) { ThrowLastError(); } MapViewHolder hCoreClrMapView = MapViewOfFile(hCoreClrMap, FILE_MAP_READ, 0, 0, 0); if (hCoreClrMapView == NULL) { ThrowLastError(); } // At this point we have read the file into the process, but be careful because it is flat, i.e. not mapped. // We need to translate RVAs into file offsets, but fortunately PEDecoder can do all of that for us. PEDecoder pedecoder(hCoreClrMapView, (COUNT_T)cbFileLow); // Check the NT headers. if (!pedecoder.CheckNTFormat()) { ThrowHR(E_FAIL); } // At this point we can safely read anything in the NT headers. if (!pedecoder.HasDirectoryEntry(IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_EXPORT) || !pedecoder.CheckDirectoryEntry(IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_EXPORT)) { ThrowHR(E_FAIL); } IMAGE_DATA_DIRECTORY * pExportDirectoryEntry = pedecoder.GetDirectoryEntry(IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_EXPORT); // At this point we can safely read the IMAGE_DATA_DIRECTORY of the export directory. if (!pedecoder.CheckDirectory(pExportDirectoryEntry)) { ThrowHR(E_FAIL); } IMAGE_EXPORT_DIRECTORY * pExportDir = reinterpret_cast(pedecoder.GetDirectoryData(pExportDirectoryEntry)); // At this point we have checked that everything in the export directory is readable. // Check to make sure the ordinal we have fits in the table in the export directory. // The "base" here is like the starting index of the arrays in the export directory. if ((pExportDir->Base > kOrdinalForMetrics) || (pExportDir->NumberOfFunctions < (kOrdinalForMetrics - pExportDir->Base))) { ThrowHR(E_FAIL); } DWORD dwRealIndex = kOrdinalForMetrics - pExportDir->Base; // Check that we can read the RVA at the element (specified by the ordinal) in the export address table. // Then read the RVA to the CLR_ENGINE_METRICS. if (!pedecoder.CheckRva(pExportDir->AddressOfFunctions, (dwRealIndex + 1) * sizeof(DWORD))) { ThrowHR(E_FAIL); } DWORD rvaMetrics = *reinterpret_cast( pedecoder.GetRvaData(pExportDir->AddressOfFunctions + dwRealIndex * sizeof(DWORD))); // Make sure we can safely read the CLR_ENGINE_METRICS at the RVA we have retrieved. if (!pedecoder.CheckRva(rvaMetrics, sizeof(*pEngineMetricsOut))) { ThrowHR(E_FAIL); } // Finally, copy the CLR_ENGINE_METRICS into the output buffer. CLR_ENGINE_METRICS * pMetricsInFile = reinterpret_cast(pedecoder.GetRvaData(rvaMetrics)); *pEngineMetricsOut = *pMetricsInFile; // At this point, we have retrieved the CLR_ENGINE_METRICS from the target process and // stored it in output buffer. if (pEngineMetricsOut->cbSize != sizeof(*pEngineMetricsOut)) { ThrowHR(E_INVALIDARG); } if (pdwRVAContinueStartupEvent != NULL) { // Note that the pointer stored in the CLR_ENGINE_METRICS is assuming that the DLL is loaded at its // preferred base address. We need to translate that to an RVA. if (((SIZE_T)pEngineMetricsOut->phContinueStartupEvent < (SIZE_T)pedecoder.GetPreferredBase()) || ((SIZE_T)pEngineMetricsOut->phContinueStartupEvent > ((SIZE_T)pedecoder.GetPreferredBase() + pedecoder.GetVirtualSize()))) { ThrowHR(E_FAIL); } DWORD rvaContinueStartupEvent = (DWORD)((SIZE_T)pEngineMetricsOut->phContinueStartupEvent - (SIZE_T)pedecoder.GetPreferredBase()); // We can't use CheckRva() here because for unmapped files it actually checks the RVA against the file // size as well. We have already checked the RVA above. Now just check that the entire HANDLE // falls in the loaded image. if ((rvaContinueStartupEvent + sizeof(HANDLE)) > pedecoder.GetVirtualSize()) { ThrowHR(E_FAIL); } *pdwRVAContinueStartupEvent = rvaContinueStartupEvent; } // Holder will call FreeLibrary() #else //TODO: So far on POSIX systems we only support one version of debugging interface // in future we might want to detect it the same way we do it on Windows. pEngineMetricsOut->cbSize = sizeof(*pEngineMetricsOut); pEngineMetricsOut->dwDbiVersion = CorDebugLatestVersion; pEngineMetricsOut->phContinueStartupEvent = NULL; if (pdwRVAContinueStartupEvent != NULL) { *pdwRVAContinueStartupEvent = NULL; } #endif // FEATURE_PAL } // Returns true iff the module represents CoreClr. static bool IsCoreClr( const WCHAR* pModulePath) { _ASSERTE(pModulePath != NULL); //strip off everything up to and including the last slash in the path to get name const WCHAR* pModuleName = pModulePath; while(wcschr(pModuleName, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR_CHAR_W) != NULL) { pModuleName = wcschr(pModuleName, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR_CHAR_W); pModuleName++; // pass the slash } // MAIN_CLR_MODULE_NAME_W gets changed for desktop builds, so we directly code against the CoreClr name. return _wcsicmp(pModuleName, MAKEDLLNAME_W(W("coreclr"))) == 0; } // Returns true iff the module sent is named CoreClr.dll and has the metrics expected in it's PE header. static bool IsCoreClrWithGoodHeader( HANDLE hProcess, HMODULE hModule) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; WCHAR modulePath[MAX_LONGPATH]; modulePath[0] = W('\0'); if(0 == GetModuleFileNameEx(hProcess, hModule, modulePath, MAX_LONGPATH)) { return false; } else { modulePath[MAX_LONGPATH-1] = 0; // on older OS'es this doesn't get null terminated automatically on truncation } if (IsCoreClr(modulePath)) { // We don't care about the particular error returned, only that // what we tried wasn't a 'real' coreclr.dll. EX_TRY { CLR_ENGINE_METRICS metricsStruct; GetTargetCLRMetrics(modulePath, &metricsStruct); // throws // If we got this far, then we think it's a good one. } EX_CATCH_HRESULT(hr); return (hr == S_OK); } return false; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Public API. // // EnumerateCLRs -- returns an array of full paths to each coreclr.dll in the // target process. Also returns a corresponding array of continue events // that *MUST* be signaled by the caller in order to allow the CLRs in the // target process to proceed. // // debuggeePID -- process ID of the target process // ppHandleArrayOut -- out parameter in which an array of handles is returned. // the length of this array is returned by the pdwArrayLengthOut out param // ppStringArrayOut -- out parameter in which an array of full paths to each // coreclr.dll in the process is returned. The length of this array is the // same as the handle array and is returned by the pdwArrayLengthOut param // pdwArrayLengthOut -- out param in which the length of the two returned arrays // are returned. // // Notes: // Callers use code:CloseCLREnumeration to free the returned arrays. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT EnumerateCLRs( DWORD debuggeePID, __out HANDLE** ppHandleArrayOut, __out LPWSTR** ppStringArrayOut, __out DWORD* pdwArrayLengthOut) { PUBLIC_CONTRACT; // All out params must be non-NULL. if ((ppHandleArrayOut == NULL) || (ppStringArrayOut == NULL) || (pdwArrayLengthOut == NULL)) return E_INVALIDARG; HandleHolder hProcess = OpenProcess(PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, FALSE, debuggeePID); if (NULL == hProcess) return E_FAIL; // These shouldn't be freed HMODULE modules[1000]; DWORD cbNeeded; if(!EnumProcessModules(hProcess, modules, sizeof(modules), &cbNeeded)) { return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); } // // count the number of coreclr.dll entries // DWORD count = 0; DWORD countModules = cbNeeded/sizeof(HMODULE); for(DWORD i = 0; i < countModules; i++) { if (IsCoreClrWithGoodHeader(hProcess, modules[i])) { count++; } } // If we didn't find anything, no point in continuing. if (count == 0) { *ppHandleArrayOut = NULL; *ppStringArrayOut = NULL; *pdwArrayLengthOut = 0; return S_OK; } size_t cbEventArrayData = sizeof(HANDLE) * count; // event array data size_t cbStringArrayData = sizeof(LPWSTR) * count; // string array data size_t cbStringData = sizeof(WCHAR) * count * MAX_LONGPATH; // strings data size_t cbBuffer = cbEventArrayData + cbStringArrayData + cbStringData; BYTE* pOutBuffer = new (nothrow) BYTE[cbBuffer]; if (NULL == pOutBuffer) return E_OUTOFMEMORY; ZeroMemory(pOutBuffer, cbBuffer); HANDLE* pEventArray = (HANDLE*) &pOutBuffer[0]; LPWSTR* pStringArray = (LPWSTR*) &pOutBuffer[cbEventArrayData]; WCHAR* pStringData = (WCHAR*) &pOutBuffer[cbEventArrayData + cbStringArrayData]; DWORD idx = 0; // There's no guarantee that another coreclr hasn't loaded already anyhow, // so if we get the corner case that the second time through we enumerate // more coreclrs, just ignore the extras. // This mismatch could happen when // a) take module shapshot // b) underlying file is opened for exclusive access/deleted/moved/ACL'd etc so we can't open it // c) count is determined // d) file is closed/copied/moved/ACL'd etc so we can find/open it again // e) this loop runs // Thus the loop checks idx < count for(DWORD i = 0; i < countModules && idx < count; i++) { if (IsCoreClrWithGoodHeader(hProcess, modules[i])) { // fill in path pStringArray[idx] = &pStringData[idx * MAX_LONGPATH]; GetModuleFileNameEx(hProcess, modules[i], pStringArray[idx], MAX_LONGPATH); #ifndef FEATURE_PAL // fill in event handle -- if GetContinueStartupEvent fails, it will still return // INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE in hContinueStartupEvent, which is what we want. we don't // want to bail out of the enumeration altogether if we can't get an event from // one telesto. HANDLE hContinueStartupEvent = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; HRESULT hr = GetContinueStartupEvent(debuggeePID, pStringArray[idx], &hContinueStartupEvent); _ASSERTE(SUCCEEDED(hr) == (hContinueStartupEvent != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)); pEventArray[idx] = hContinueStartupEvent; #else pEventArray[idx] = NULL; #endif // FEATURE_PAL idx++; } } // Patch things up so CloseCLREnumeration() can still have it's // pointer arithmatic checks succeed, and the user doesn't see a 'dead' entry. // Specifically, it's expected that pEventArray and pStringArray point to the // same contiguous chunk of memory so that pStringArray == pEventArray[*pdwArrayLengthOut]. // This is expected to be a very rare case. if (idx < count) { // Move the string pointers back. LPWSTR* pSATemp = (LPWSTR*)&pOutBuffer[sizeof(HANDLE)*idx]; for (DWORD i = 0; i < idx; i++) { pSATemp[i] = pStringArray[i]; } // Fix up string array pointer. pStringArray = (LPWSTR*)&pOutBuffer[sizeof(HANDLE)*idx]; // Strings themselves don't need moved. } *ppHandleArrayOut = pEventArray; *ppStringArrayOut = pStringArray; *pdwArrayLengthOut = idx; return S_OK; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Public API. // // CloseCLREnumeration -- used to free resources allocated by EnumerateCLRs // // pHandleArray -- handle array originally returned by EnumerateCLRs // pStringArray -- string array originally returned by EnumerateCLRs // dwArrayLength -- array length originally returned by EnumerateCLRs // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT CloseCLREnumeration( __in HANDLE* pHandleArray, __in LPWSTR* pStringArray, __in DWORD dwArrayLength) { PUBLIC_CONTRACT; if ((pHandleArray + dwArrayLength) != (HANDLE*)pStringArray) return E_INVALIDARG; // It's possible that EnumerateCLRs found nothing to enumerate, in which case // pointers and count are zeroed. If a debugger calls this function in that // case, let's not try to delete [] on NULL. if (pHandleArray == NULL) return S_OK; #ifndef FEATURE_PAL for (DWORD i = 0; i < dwArrayLength; i++) { HANDLE hTemp = pHandleArray[i]; if ( (NULL != hTemp) && (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != hTemp)) { CloseHandle(hTemp); } } #endif // FEATURE_PAL delete[] pHandleArray; return S_OK; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Get the base address of a module from the remote process. // // Returns: // - On success, base address (in remote process) of mscoree, // - NULL if the module is not loaded. // - else Throws. *ppBaseAddress = NULL //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- static BYTE* GetRemoteModuleBaseAddress( DWORD dwPID, LPCWSTR szFullModulePath) { CONTRACTL { THROWS; } CONTRACTL_END; HandleHolder hProcess = OpenProcess(PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, FALSE, dwPID); if (NULL == hProcess) { ThrowHR(E_FAIL); } // These shouldn't be freed HMODULE modules[1000]; DWORD cbNeeded; if(!EnumProcessModules(hProcess, modules, sizeof(modules), &cbNeeded)) { ThrowHR(HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError())); } DWORD countModules = min(cbNeeded, sizeof(modules)) / sizeof(HMODULE); for(DWORD i = 0; i < countModules; i++) { WCHAR modulePath[MAX_LONGPATH]; if(0 == GetModuleFileNameEx(hProcess, modules[i], modulePath, MAX_LONGPATH)) { continue; } else { modulePath[MAX_LONGPATH-1] = 0; // on older OS'es this doesn't get null terminated automatically if (_wcsicmp(modulePath, szFullModulePath) == 0) { return (BYTE*) modules[i]; } } } // Successfully enumerated modules but couldn't find the requested one. return NULL; } // DBI version: max 8 hex chars // SEMICOLON: 1 // PID: max 8 hex chars // SEMICOLON: 1 // HMODULE: max 16 hex chars (64-bit) // SEMICOLON: 1 // PROTOCOL STRING: (variable length) const int c_iMaxVersionStringLen = 8 + 1 + 8 + 1 + 16; // 64-bit hmodule const int c_iMinVersionStringLen = 8 + 1 + 8 + 1 + 8; // 32-bit hmodule const int c_idxFirstSemi = 8; const int c_idxSecondSemi = 17; const WCHAR *c_versionStrFormat = W("%08x;%08x;%p"); //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Public API. // Given a path to a coreclr.dll, get the Version string. // // Arguments: // pidDebuggee - OS process ID of debuggee. // szModuleName - a full or relative path to a valid coreclr.dll in the debuggee. // pBuffer - the buffer to fill the version string into // if pdwLength != NULL, we set *pdwLength to the length of the version string on // output (including the null terminator). // cchBuffer - length of pBuffer on input in characters // // Returns: // S_OK - on success. // E_INVALIDARG - // HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER) if the buffer is too small. // COR_E_FILENOTFOUND - module is not found in a given debugee process // // Notes: // The null-terminated version string including null, is // copied to pVersion on output. Thus *pdwLength == wcslen(pBuffer)+1. // The version string is an opaque string that can only be passed back to other // DbgShim APIs. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT CreateVersionStringFromModule( __in DWORD pidDebuggee, __in LPCWSTR szModuleName, __out_ecount_part(cchBuffer, *pdwLength) LPWSTR pBuffer, __in DWORD cchBuffer, __out DWORD* pdwLength) { PUBLIC_CONTRACT; if (szModuleName == NULL) { return E_INVALIDARG; } // it is ok for both to be null (to query the required buffer size) or both to be non-null. if ((pBuffer == NULL) != (cchBuffer == 0)) { return E_INVALIDARG; } SIZE_T nLengthWithNull = c_iMaxVersionStringLen + 1; _ASSERTE(nLengthWithNull > 0); if (pdwLength != NULL) { *pdwLength = (DWORD) nLengthWithNull; } if (nLengthWithNull > cchBuffer) { return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER); } else if (pBuffer != NULL) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; EX_TRY { CorDebugInterfaceVersion dbiVersion = CorDebugInvalidVersion; BYTE* hmodTargetCLR = NULL; CLR_ENGINE_METRICS metricsStruct; GetTargetCLRMetrics(szModuleName, &metricsStruct); // throws dbiVersion = (CorDebugInterfaceVersion) metricsStruct.dwDbiVersion; hmodTargetCLR = GetRemoteModuleBaseAddress(pidDebuggee, szModuleName); // throws if (hmodTargetCLR == NULL) { hr = COR_E_FILENOTFOUND; } else { swprintf_s(pBuffer, cchBuffer, c_versionStrFormat, dbiVersion, pidDebuggee, hmodTargetCLR); } } EX_CATCH_HRESULT(hr); return hr; } return S_OK; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Parse a version string into useful data. // // Arguments: // szDebuggeeVersion - (in) null terminated version string // piDebuggerVersion - (out) interface number that the debugger expects to use. // pdwPidDebuggee - (out) OS process ID of debuggee // phmodTargetCLR - (out) module handle of CoreClr within the debuggee. // // Returns: // S_OK on success. Else failures. // // Notes: // The version string is coming from the target CoreClr and in the case of a corrupted target, could be // an arbitrary string. It should be treated as untrusted public input. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- static HRESULT ParseVersionString( LPCWSTR szDebuggeeVersion, CorDebugInterfaceVersion *piDebuggerVersion, DWORD *pdwPidDebuggee, HMODULE *phmodTargetCLR) { if ((piDebuggerVersion == NULL) || (pdwPidDebuggee == NULL) || (phmodTargetCLR == NULL) || (wcslen(szDebuggeeVersion) < c_iMinVersionStringLen) || (W(';') != szDebuggeeVersion[c_idxFirstSemi]) || (W(';') != szDebuggeeVersion[c_idxSecondSemi])) { return E_INVALIDARG; } int numFieldsAssigned = swscanf_s(szDebuggeeVersion, c_versionStrFormat, piDebuggerVersion, pdwPidDebuggee, phmodTargetCLR); if (numFieldsAssigned != 3) { return E_FAIL; } return S_OK; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Appends "\mscordbi.dll" to the path. This converts a directory name into the full path to mscordbi.dll. // // Arguments: // szFullDbiPath - (in/out): on input, the directory containing dbi. On output, the full path to dbi.dll. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- static void AppendDbiDllName(SString & szFullDbiPath) { const WCHAR * pDbiDllName = DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR_STR_W MAKEDLLNAME_W(W("mscordbi")); szFullDbiPath.Append(pDbiDllName); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Return a path to the dbi next to the runtime, if present. // // Arguments: // pidDebuggee - OS process ID of debuggee // hmodTargetCLR - handle to CoreClr within debuggee process // szFullDbiPath - (out) the full path of Mscordbi.dll next to the debuggee's CoreClr.dll. // // Notes: // This just calculates a filename and does not determine if the file actually exists. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- static void GetDbiFilenameNextToRuntime( DWORD pidDebuggee, HMODULE hmodTargetCLR, SString & szFullDbiPath, SString & szFullCoreClrPath) { szFullDbiPath.Clear(); // // Step 1: (pid, hmodule) --> full path // HandleHolder hProcess = OpenProcess(PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, FALSE, pidDebuggee); WCHAR modulePath[MAX_LONGPATH]; if(0 == GetModuleFileNameEx(hProcess, hmodTargetCLR, modulePath, MAX_LONGPATH)) { ThrowHR(E_FAIL); } // // Step 2: 'Coreclr.dll' --> 'mscordbi.dll' // WCHAR * pCoreClrPath = modulePath; WCHAR * pLast = wcsrchr(pCoreClrPath, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR_CHAR_W); if (pLast == NULL) { ThrowHR(E_FAIL); } // c:\abc\coreclr.dll // 01234567890 // c:\abc\mscordbi.dll // Copy everything up to but not including the last '\', thus excluding '\coreclr.dll' // Then append '\mscordbi.dll' to get a full path to dbi. COUNT_T len = (COUNT_T) (pLast - pCoreClrPath); // length not including final '\' szFullDbiPath.Set(pCoreClrPath, len); AppendDbiDllName(szFullDbiPath); szFullCoreClrPath.Set(pCoreClrPath, (COUNT_T)wcslen(pCoreClrPath)); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // The current policy is that the DBI DLL must live right next to the coreclr DLL. We check the product // version number of both of them to make sure they match. // // Arguments: // szFullDbiPath - full path to mscordbi.dll // szFullCoreClrPath - full path to coreclr.dll // // Return Value: // true if the versions match // static bool CheckDbiAndRuntimeVersion( SString & szFullDbiPath, SString & szFullCoreClrPath) { #ifndef FEATURE_PAL DWORD dwDbiVersionMS = 0; DWORD dwDbiVersionLS = 0; DWORD dwCoreClrVersionMS = 0; DWORD dwCoreClrVersionLS = 0; // The version numbers follow the convention used by VS_FIXEDFILEINFO. GetProductVersionNumber(szFullDbiPath, &dwDbiVersionMS, &dwDbiVersionLS); GetProductVersionNumber(szFullCoreClrPath, &dwCoreClrVersionMS, &dwCoreClrVersionLS); if ((dwDbiVersionMS == dwCoreClrVersionMS) && (dwDbiVersionLS == dwCoreClrVersionLS)) { return true; } else { return false; } #else return true; #endif // FEATURE_PAL } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Public API. // Given a version string, create the matching mscordbi.dll for it. // Create a managed debugging interface for the specified version. // // Parameters: // iDebuggerVersion - the version of interface the debugger (eg, Cordbg) expects. // szDebuggeeVersion - the version of the debuggee. This will map to a version of mscordbi.dll // ppCordb - the outparameter used to return the debugging interface object. // // Return: // S_OK on success. *ppCordb will be non-null. // CORDBG_E_INCOMPATIBLE_PROTOCOL - if the proper DBI is not available. This can be a very common error if // the right debug pack is not installed. // else Error. (*ppCordb will be null) //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT CreateDebuggingInterfaceFromVersionEx( __in int iDebuggerVersion, __in LPCWSTR szDebuggeeVersion, __out IUnknown ** ppCordb) { PUBLIC_CONTRACT; HRESULT hrIgnore = S_OK; // ignored HResult HRESULT hr = S_OK; HMODULE hMod = NULL; IUnknown * pCordb = NULL; FPCoreCLRCreateCordbObject fpCreate2 = NULL; LOG((LF_CORDB, LL_EVERYTHING, "Calling CreateDebuggerInterfaceFromVersion, ver=%S\n", szDebuggeeVersion)); if ((szDebuggeeVersion == NULL) || (ppCordb == NULL)) { hr = E_INVALIDARG; goto Exit; } // // Step 1: Parse version information into internal data structures // CorDebugInterfaceVersion iTargetVersion; // the CorDebugInterfaceVersion (CorDebugVersion_2_0) DWORD pidDebuggee; // OS process ID of the debuggee HMODULE hmodTargetCLR; // module of Telesto in target (the clrInstanceId) hr = ParseVersionString(szDebuggeeVersion, &iTargetVersion, &pidDebuggee, &hmodTargetCLR); if (FAILED(hr)) goto Exit; // // Step 2: Find the proper dbi module (mscordbi) and load it. // // Check for dbi next to target CLR. // This will be very common for internal developer setups, but not common in end-user setups. EX_TRY { SString szFullDbiPath; SString szFullCoreClrPath; GetDbiFilenameNextToRuntime(pidDebuggee, hmodTargetCLR, szFullDbiPath, szFullCoreClrPath); if (!CheckDbiAndRuntimeVersion(szFullDbiPath, szFullCoreClrPath)) { hr = CORDBG_E_INCOMPATIBLE_PROTOCOL; goto Exit; } // We calculated where dbi would be, but haven't yet verified if it's there. // Try to load it. We're using this to check for file existence. // Issue:951525: coreclr mscordbi load fails on downlevel OS since LoadLibraryEx can't find // dependent forwarder DLLs. Force LoadLibrary to look for dependencies in szFullDbiPath plus the default // search paths. #ifndef FEATURE_PAL hMod = WszLoadLibraryEx(szFullDbiPath, NULL, LOAD_LIBRARY_SEARCH_DLL_LOAD_DIR | LOAD_LIBRARY_SEARCH_DEFAULT_DIRS); #else hMod = LoadLibraryExW(szFullDbiPath, NULL, 0); #endif } EX_CATCH_HRESULT(hrIgnore); // failure leaves hMod null // Couldn't find Dbi, likely because the right debug pack is not installed. Failure. if (NULL == hMod) { // Check for the following two HRESULTs and return them specifically. These are returned by // CreateToolhelp32Snapshot() and could be transient errors. The debugger may choose to retry. if ((hrIgnore == HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_PARTIAL_COPY)) || (hrIgnore == HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_BAD_LENGTH))) { hr = hrIgnore; } else { hr = CORDBG_E_DEBUG_COMPONENT_MISSING; } goto Exit; } // // Step 3: Now that module is loaded, instantiate an ICorDebug. // fpCreate2 = (FPCoreCLRCreateCordbObject)GetProcAddress(hMod, "CoreCLRCreateCordbObject"); if (fpCreate2 == NULL) { // New-style creation API didn't exist - this DBI must be the wrong version, for the Mix07 protocol hr = CORDBG_E_INCOMPATIBLE_PROTOCOL; goto Exit; } // Invoke to instantiate an ICorDebug. This export was introduced after the Mix'07 release. hr = fpCreate2(iDebuggerVersion, pidDebuggee, hmodTargetCLR, &pCordb); _ASSERTE((pCordb == NULL) == FAILED(hr)); Exit: if (FAILED(hr)) { if (pCordb != NULL) { pCordb->Release(); pCordb = NULL; } if (hMod != NULL) { _ASSERTE(pCordb == NULL); FreeLibrary(hMod); } } // Set our outparam. *ppCordb = pCordb; // On success case, mscordbi.dll is leaked. // - We never give the caller back the module handle, so our caller can't do FreeLibrary(). // - ICorDebug can't unload itself. return hr; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Public API. // Superceded by CreateDebuggingInterfaceFromVersionEx in SLv4. // Given a version string, create the matching mscordbi.dll for it. // Create a managed debugging interface for the specified version. // // Parameters: // szDebuggeeVersion - the version of the debuggee. This will map to a version of mscordbi.dll // ppCordb - the outparameter used to return the debugging interface object. // // Return: // S_OK on success. *ppCordb will be non-null. // CORDBG_E_INCOMPATIBLE_PROTOCOL - if the proper DBI is not available. This can be a very common error if // the right debug pack is not installed. // else Error. (*ppCordb will be null) //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT CreateDebuggingInterfaceFromVersion( __in LPCWSTR szDebuggeeVersion, __out IUnknown ** ppCordb ) { PUBLIC_CONTRACT; return CreateDebuggingInterfaceFromVersionEx(CorDebugVersion_2_0, szDebuggeeVersion, ppCordb); } #ifndef FEATURE_PAL //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Manually retrieves the "continue startup" event from the correct CLR instance // in the target process. // // Arguments: // debuggeePID - (in) OS Process ID of debuggee // szTelestoFullPath - (in) full path to telesto within the process. // phContinueStartupEvent - (out) // // Returns: // S_OK on success. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HRESULT GetContinueStartupEvent( DWORD debuggeePID, LPCWSTR szTelestoFullPath, __out HANDLE* phContinueStartupEvent) { if ((phContinueStartupEvent == NULL) || (szTelestoFullPath == NULL)) return E_INVALIDARG; HRESULT hr = S_OK; EX_TRY { *phContinueStartupEvent = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; DWORD dwCoreClrContinueEventOffset = 0; CLR_ENGINE_METRICS metricsStruct; GetTargetCLRMetrics(szTelestoFullPath, &metricsStruct, &dwCoreClrContinueEventOffset); // throws BYTE* pbBaseAddress = GetRemoteModuleBaseAddress(debuggeePID, szTelestoFullPath); // throws HandleHolder hProcess = OpenProcess(PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, FALSE, debuggeePID); if (NULL == hProcess) ThrowHR(E_FAIL); HANDLE continueEvent = NULL; SIZE_T nBytesRead; if (!ReadProcessMemory(hProcess, pbBaseAddress + dwCoreClrContinueEventOffset, &continueEvent, sizeof(continueEvent), &nBytesRead)) { ThrowHR(E_FAIL); } if (NULL != continueEvent) { if (!DuplicateHandle(hProcess, continueEvent, GetCurrentProcess(), &continueEvent, EVENT_MODIFY_STATE, FALSE, 0)) { ThrowHR(E_FAIL); } } *phContinueStartupEvent = continueEvent; } EX_CATCH_HRESULT(hr) return hr; } #endif // !FEATURE_PAL #if defined(FEATURE_CORESYSTEM) #include "debugshim.h" #endif //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Public API. // // Parameters: // clsid // riid // ppInterface // // Return: // S_OK on success. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT CLRCreateInstance( REFCLSID clsid, REFIID riid, LPVOID *ppInterface) { #if defined(FEATURE_CORESYSTEM) if (ppInterface == NULL) return E_POINTER; if (clsid != CLSID_CLRDebugging || riid != IID_ICLRDebugging) return E_NOINTERFACE; #if defined(FEATURE_CORESYSTEM) GUID skuId = CLR_ID_ONECORE_CLR; #elif defined(FEATURE_CORECLR) GUID skuId = CLR_ID_CORECLR; #else GUID skuId = CLR_ID_V4_DESKTOP; #endif CLRDebuggingImpl *pDebuggingImpl = new CLRDebuggingImpl(skuId); return pDebuggingImpl->QueryInterface(riid, ppInterface); #else return E_NOTIMPL; #endif } #ifdef FEATURE_PAL EXTERN_C BOOL WINAPI DllMain(HANDLE instance, DWORD reason, LPVOID reserved) { int err = 0; switch (reason) { case DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH: { err = PAL_InitializeDLL(); break; } case DLL_THREAD_ATTACH: err = PAL_EnterTop(); break; } if (err != 0) { return FALSE; } return TRUE; } #endif // FEATURE_PAL