// // Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved. // Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information. // //***************************************************************************** // File: breakpoint.cpp // // //***************************************************************************** #include "stdafx.h" /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * Breakpoint class * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ CordbBreakpoint::CordbBreakpoint(CordbProcess * pProcess, CordbBreakpointType bpType) : CordbBase(pProcess, 0, enumCordbBreakpoint), m_active(false), m_type(bpType) { } // Neutered by CordbAppDomain void CordbBreakpoint::Neuter() { m_pAppDomain = NULL; // clear ref CordbBase::Neuter(); } HRESULT CordbBreakpoint::QueryInterface(REFIID id, void **pInterface) { if (id == IID_ICorDebugBreakpoint) { *pInterface = static_cast(this); } else if (id == IID_IUnknown) { *pInterface = static_cast(static_cast(this)); } else { return E_NOINTERFACE; } ExternalAddRef(); return S_OK; } HRESULT CordbBreakpoint::BaseIsActive(BOOL *pbActive) { *pbActive = m_active ? TRUE : FALSE; return S_OK; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * Function Breakpoint class * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ CordbFunctionBreakpoint::CordbFunctionBreakpoint(CordbCode *code, SIZE_T offset) : CordbBreakpoint(code->GetProcess(), CBT_FUNCTION), m_code(code), m_offset(offset) { // Remember the app domain we came from so that breakpoints can be // deactivated from within the ExitAppdomain callback. m_pAppDomain = m_code->GetAppDomain(); _ASSERTE(m_pAppDomain != NULL); } CordbFunctionBreakpoint::~CordbFunctionBreakpoint() { // @todo- eventually get CordbFunctionBreakpoint rooted and enable this. //_ASSERTE(this->IsNeutered()); //_ASSERTE(m_code == NULL); } void CordbFunctionBreakpoint::Neuter() { Disconnect(); CordbBreakpoint::Neuter(); } HRESULT CordbFunctionBreakpoint::QueryInterface(REFIID id, void **pInterface) { if (id == IID_ICorDebugFunctionBreakpoint) { *pInterface = static_cast(this); } else { // Not looking for a function breakpoint? See if the base class handles // this interface. (issue 143976) return CordbBreakpoint::QueryInterface(id, pInterface); } ExternalAddRef(); return S_OK; } HRESULT CordbFunctionBreakpoint::GetFunction(ICorDebugFunction **ppFunction) { PUBLIC_API_ENTRY(this); FAIL_IF_NEUTERED(this); VALIDATE_POINTER_TO_OBJECT(ppFunction, ICorDebugFunction **); if (m_code == NULL) { return CORDBG_E_PROCESS_TERMINATED; } if (m_code->IsNeutered()) { return CORDBG_E_CODE_NOT_AVAILABLE; } *ppFunction = static_cast (m_code->GetFunction()); (*ppFunction)->AddRef(); return S_OK; } // m_id is actually a LSPTR_BREAKPOINT. Get it as a type-safe member. LSPTR_BREAKPOINT CordbFunctionBreakpoint::GetLsPtrBP() { LSPTR_BREAKPOINT p; p.Set((void*) m_id); return p; } HRESULT CordbFunctionBreakpoint::GetOffset(ULONG32 *pnOffset) { //REVISIT_TODO: is this casting correct for ia64? PUBLIC_API_ENTRY(this); FAIL_IF_NEUTERED(this); VALIDATE_POINTER_TO_OBJECT(pnOffset, SIZE_T *); *pnOffset = (ULONG32)m_offset; return S_OK; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Activates or removes a breakpoint // // Arguments: // fActivate - TRUE if to activate the breakpoint, else FALSE. // // Return Value: // S_OK if successful, else a specific error code detailing the type of failure. // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT CordbFunctionBreakpoint::Activate(BOOL fActivate) { PUBLIC_REENTRANT_API_ENTRY(this); OK_IF_NEUTERED(this); // we'll check again later if (fActivate == (m_active == true) ) { return S_OK; } // For backwards compat w/ everett, we let the other error codes // take precedence over neutering error codes. if ((m_code == NULL) || this->IsNeutered()) { return CORDBG_E_PROCESS_TERMINATED; } HRESULT hr; ATT_ALLOW_LIVE_DO_STOPGO(GetProcess()); // For legacy, check this error condition. We must do this under the stop-go lock to ensure // that the m_code object was not deleted out from underneath us. // // 6/23/09 - This isn't just for legacy anymore, collectible types should be able to hit this // by unloading the module containing the code this breakpoint is bound to. if (m_code->IsNeutered()) { return CORDBG_E_CODE_NOT_AVAILABLE; } // // @todo: when we implement module and value breakpoints, then // we'll want to factor some of this code out. // CordbProcess * pProcess = GetProcess(); RSLockHolder lockHolder(pProcess->GetProcessLock()); pProcess->ClearPatchTable(); // if we add something, then the right side // view of the patch table is no longer valid DebuggerIPCEvent * pEvent = (DebuggerIPCEvent *) _alloca(CorDBIPC_BUFFER_SIZE); CordbAppDomain * pAppDomain = GetAppDomain(); _ASSERTE (pAppDomain != NULL); if (fActivate) { pProcess->InitIPCEvent(pEvent, DB_IPCE_BREAKPOINT_ADD, true, pAppDomain->GetADToken()); pEvent->BreakpointData.funcMetadataToken = m_code->GetMetadataToken(); pEvent->BreakpointData.vmDomainFile = m_code->GetModule()->GetRuntimeDomainFile(); pEvent->BreakpointData.encVersion = m_code->GetVersion(); BOOL fIsIL = m_code->IsIL(); pEvent->BreakpointData.isIL = fIsIL ? true : false; pEvent->BreakpointData.offset = m_offset; if (fIsIL) { pEvent->BreakpointData.nativeCodeMethodDescToken = pEvent->BreakpointData.nativeCodeMethodDescToken.NullPtr(); } else { pEvent->BreakpointData.nativeCodeMethodDescToken = (m_code.GetValue()->AsNativeCode())->GetVMNativeCodeMethodDescToken().ToLsPtr(); } // Note: we're sending a two-way event, so it blocks here // until the breakpoint is really added and the reply event is // copied over the event we sent. lockHolder.Release(); hr = pProcess->SendIPCEvent(pEvent, CorDBIPC_BUFFER_SIZE); lockHolder.Acquire(); hr = WORST_HR(hr, pEvent->hr); if (FAILED(hr)) { return hr; } m_id = LsPtrToCookie(pEvent->BreakpointData.breakpointToken); // If we weren't able to allocate the BP, we should have set the // hr on the left side. _ASSERTE(m_id != 0); pAppDomain->m_breakpoints.AddBase(this); m_active = true; // Continue called automatically by StopContinueHolder } else { _ASSERTE (pAppDomain != NULL); if (pProcess->IsSafeToSendEvents()) { pProcess->InitIPCEvent(pEvent, DB_IPCE_BREAKPOINT_REMOVE, false, pAppDomain->GetADToken()); pEvent->BreakpointData.breakpointToken = GetLsPtrBP(); lockHolder.Release(); hr = pProcess->SendIPCEvent(pEvent, CorDBIPC_BUFFER_SIZE); lockHolder.Acquire(); hr = WORST_HR(hr, pEvent->hr); } else { hr = CORDBHRFromProcessState(pProcess, pAppDomain); } pAppDomain->m_breakpoints.RemoveBase(LsPtrToCookie(GetLsPtrBP())); m_active = false; } return hr; } void CordbFunctionBreakpoint::Disconnect() { m_code.Clear(); } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * Stepper class * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ CordbStepper::CordbStepper(CordbThread *thread, CordbFrame *frame) : CordbBase(thread->GetProcess(), 0, enumCordbStepper), m_thread(thread), m_frame(frame), m_stepperToken(0), m_active(false), m_rangeIL(TRUE), m_fIsJMCStepper(false), m_rgfMappingStop(STOP_OTHER_UNMAPPED), m_rgfInterceptStop(INTERCEPT_NONE) { } HRESULT CordbStepper::QueryInterface(REFIID id, void **pInterface) { if (id == IID_ICorDebugStepper) *pInterface = static_cast(this); else if (id == IID_ICorDebugStepper2) *pInterface = static_cast(this); else if (id == IID_IUnknown) *pInterface = static_cast(static_cast(this)); else return E_NOINTERFACE; ExternalAddRef(); return S_OK; } HRESULT CordbStepper::SetRangeIL(BOOL bIL) { PUBLIC_API_ENTRY(this); FAIL_IF_NEUTERED(this); m_rangeIL = (bIL != FALSE); return S_OK; } HRESULT CordbStepper::SetJMC(BOOL fIsJMCStepper) { PUBLIC_API_ENTRY(this); FAIL_IF_NEUTERED(this); // Can't have JMC and stopping with anything else. if (m_rgfMappingStop & STOP_ALL) return E_INVALIDARG; m_fIsJMCStepper = (fIsJMCStepper != FALSE); return S_OK; } HRESULT CordbStepper::IsActive(BOOL *pbActive) { PUBLIC_API_ENTRY(this); FAIL_IF_NEUTERED(this); VALIDATE_POINTER_TO_OBJECT(pbActive, BOOL *); *pbActive = m_active; return S_OK; } // M_id is a ptr to the stepper in the LS process. LSPTR_STEPPER CordbStepper::GetLsPtrStepper() { LSPTR_STEPPER p; p.Set((void*) m_id); return p; } HRESULT CordbStepper::Deactivate() { PUBLIC_REENTRANT_API_ENTRY(this); if (!m_active) return S_OK; FAIL_IF_NEUTERED(this); if (m_thread == NULL) return CORDBG_E_PROCESS_TERMINATED; HRESULT hr; CordbProcess *process = GetProcess(); ATT_ALLOW_LIVE_DO_STOPGO(process); process->Lock(); if (!m_active) // another thread may be deactivating (e.g. step complete event) { process->Unlock(); return S_OK; } CordbAppDomain *pAppDomain = GetAppDomain(); _ASSERTE (pAppDomain != NULL); DebuggerIPCEvent event; process->InitIPCEvent(&event, DB_IPCE_STEP_CANCEL, false, pAppDomain->GetADToken()); event.StepData.stepperToken = GetLsPtrStepper(); process->Unlock(); hr = process->SendIPCEvent(&event, sizeof(DebuggerIPCEvent)); hr = WORST_HR(hr, event.hr); process->Lock(); process->m_steppers.RemoveBase((ULONG_PTR)m_id); m_active = false; process->Unlock(); return hr; } HRESULT CordbStepper::SetInterceptMask(CorDebugIntercept mask) { PUBLIC_API_ENTRY(this); FAIL_IF_NEUTERED(this); m_rgfInterceptStop = mask; return S_OK; } HRESULT CordbStepper::SetUnmappedStopMask(CorDebugUnmappedStop mask) { PUBLIC_API_ENTRY(this); FAIL_IF_NEUTERED(this); // You must be Win32 attached to stop in unmanaged code. if ((mask & STOP_UNMANAGED) && !GetProcess()->IsInteropDebugging()) return E_INVALIDARG; // Limitations on JMC Stepping - if JMC stepping is active, // all other stop masks must be disabled. // The jit can't place JMC probes before the prolog, so if we're // we're JMC stepping, we'll stop after the prolog. // The implementation for JMC stepping also doesn't let us stop in // unmanaged code. (because there are no probes there). // So enforce those implementation limitations here. if (m_fIsJMCStepper) { if (mask & STOP_ALL) return E_INVALIDARG; } // @todo- Ensure that we only set valid bits. m_rgfMappingStop = mask; return S_OK; } HRESULT CordbStepper::Step(BOOL bStepIn) { PUBLIC_API_ENTRY(this); FAIL_IF_NEUTERED(this); ATT_REQUIRE_STOPPED_MAY_FAIL(GetProcess()); if (m_thread == NULL) return CORDBG_E_PROCESS_TERMINATED; return StepRange(bStepIn, NULL, 0); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Ships off a step-range command to the left-side. On the next continue the LS will // step across one range at a time. // // Arguments: // fStepIn - TRUE if this stepper should execute a step-in, else FALSE // rgRanges - Array of ranges that define a single step. // cRanges - Count of number of elements in rgRanges. // // Returns: // S_OK if the stepper is successfully set-up, else an appropriate error code. // HRESULT CordbStepper::StepRange(BOOL fStepIn, COR_DEBUG_STEP_RANGE rgRanges[], ULONG32 cRanges) { PUBLIC_REENTRANT_API_ENTRY(this); FAIL_IF_NEUTERED(this); VALIDATE_POINTER_TO_OBJECT_ARRAY_OR_NULL(rgRanges, COR_DEBUG_STEP_RANGE, cRanges, true, true); ATT_REQUIRE_STOPPED_MAY_FAIL(GetProcess()); if (m_thread == NULL) { return CORDBG_E_PROCESS_TERMINATED; } HRESULT hr = S_OK; if (m_active) { // // Deactivate the current stepping. // or return an error??? // hr = Deactivate(); if (FAILED(hr)) { return hr; } } // Validate step-ranges. Ranges are exclusive, so end offset // should always be greater than start offset. // Ranges don't have to be sorted. // Zero ranges is ok; though they ought to just call Step() in that case. for (ULONG32 i = 0; i < cRanges; i++) { if (rgRanges[i].startOffset >= rgRanges[i].endOffset) { STRESS_LOG2(LF_CORDB, LL_INFO10, "Illegal step range. 0x%x-0x%x\n", rgRanges[i].startOffset, rgRanges[i].endOffset); return ErrWrapper(E_INVALIDARG); } } CordbProcess * pProcess = GetProcess(); // // Build step event // DebuggerIPCEvent * pEvent = reinterpret_cast(_alloca(CorDBIPC_BUFFER_SIZE)); pProcess->InitIPCEvent(pEvent, DB_IPCE_STEP, true, GetAppDomain()->GetADToken()); pEvent->StepData.vmThreadToken = m_thread->m_vmThreadToken; pEvent->StepData.rgfMappingStop = m_rgfMappingStop; pEvent->StepData.rgfInterceptStop = m_rgfInterceptStop; pEvent->StepData.IsJMCStop = !!m_fIsJMCStepper; if (m_frame == NULL) { pEvent->StepData.frameToken = LEAF_MOST_FRAME; } else { pEvent->StepData.frameToken = m_frame->GetFramePointer(); } pEvent->StepData.stepIn = (fStepIn != 0); pEvent->StepData.totalRangeCount = cRanges; pEvent->StepData.rangeIL = m_rangeIL; // // Send ranges. We may have to send > 1 message. // COR_DEBUG_STEP_RANGE * pRangeStart = &(pEvent->StepData.range); COR_DEBUG_STEP_RANGE * pRangeEnd = (reinterpret_cast (((BYTE *)pEvent) + CorDBIPC_BUFFER_SIZE)) - 1; int cRangesToGo = cRanges; if (cRangesToGo > 0) { while (cRangesToGo > 0) { // // Find the number of ranges we can copy this time thru the loop // int cRangesToCopy; if (cRangesToGo < (pRangeEnd - pRangeStart)) { cRangesToCopy = cRangesToGo; } else { cRangesToCopy = (unsigned int)(pRangeEnd - pRangeStart); } // // Copy the ranges into the IPC block now, 1-by-1 // int cRangesCopied = 0; while (cRangesCopied != cRangesToCopy) { pRangeStart[cRangesCopied] = rgRanges[cRanges - cRangesToGo + cRangesCopied]; cRangesCopied++; } pEvent->StepData.rangeCount = cRangesCopied; cRangesToGo -= cRangesCopied; // // Send step event (two-way event here...) // hr = pProcess->SendIPCEvent(pEvent, CorDBIPC_BUFFER_SIZE); hr = WORST_HR(hr, pEvent->hr); if (FAILED(hr)) { return hr; } } } else { // // Send step event without any ranges (two-way event here...) // hr = pProcess->SendIPCEvent(pEvent, CorDBIPC_BUFFER_SIZE); hr = WORST_HR(hr, pEvent->hr); if (FAILED(hr)) { return hr; } } m_id = LsPtrToCookie(pEvent->StepData.stepperToken); LOG((LF_CORDB,LL_INFO10000, "CS::SR: m_id:0x%x | 0x%x \n", m_id, LsPtrToCookie(pEvent->StepData.stepperToken))); #ifdef _DEBUG CordbAppDomain *pAppDomain = GetAppDomain(); #endif _ASSERTE (pAppDomain != NULL); pProcess->Lock(); pProcess->m_steppers.AddBase(this); m_active = true; pProcess->Unlock(); return hr; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Ships off a step-out command to the left-side. On the next continue the LS will // execute a step-out // // Returns: // S_OK if the stepper is successfully set-up, else an appropriate error code. // HRESULT CordbStepper::StepOut() { PUBLIC_API_ENTRY(this); FAIL_IF_NEUTERED(this); ATT_REQUIRE_STOPPED_MAY_FAIL(GetProcess()); if (m_thread == NULL) { return CORDBG_E_PROCESS_TERMINATED; } HRESULT hr; if (m_active) { // // Deactivate the current stepping. // or return an error??? // hr = Deactivate(); if (FAILED(hr)) { return hr; } } CordbProcess * pProcess = GetProcess(); // We don't do native step-out. if (pProcess->SupportsVersion(ver_ICorDebugProcess2)) { if ((m_rgfMappingStop & STOP_UNMANAGED) != 0) { return ErrWrapper(CORDBG_E_CANT_INTEROP_STEP_OUT); } } // // Build step event // DebuggerIPCEvent * pEvent = (DebuggerIPCEvent *) _alloca(CorDBIPC_BUFFER_SIZE); pProcess->InitIPCEvent(pEvent, DB_IPCE_STEP_OUT, true, GetAppDomain()->GetADToken()); pEvent->StepData.vmThreadToken = m_thread->m_vmThreadToken; pEvent->StepData.rgfMappingStop = m_rgfMappingStop; pEvent->StepData.rgfInterceptStop = m_rgfInterceptStop; pEvent->StepData.IsJMCStop = !!m_fIsJMCStepper; if (m_frame == NULL) { pEvent->StepData.frameToken = LEAF_MOST_FRAME; } else { pEvent->StepData.frameToken = m_frame->GetFramePointer(); } pEvent->StepData.totalRangeCount = 0; // Note: two-way event here... hr = pProcess->SendIPCEvent(pEvent, CorDBIPC_BUFFER_SIZE); hr = WORST_HR(hr, pEvent->hr); if (FAILED(hr)) { return hr; } m_id = LsPtrToCookie(pEvent->StepData.stepperToken); #ifdef _DEBUG CordbAppDomain * pAppDomain = GetAppDomain(); #endif _ASSERTE (pAppDomain != NULL); pProcess->Lock(); pProcess->m_steppers.AddBase(this); m_active = true; pProcess->Unlock(); return S_OK; }