// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements. // The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license. // See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information. // =========================================================================== // // File: DebugSupport.cpp // // Support routines for debugging the CLR // =========================================================================== #include "stdafx.h" #ifndef FEATURE_PAL #ifndef _TARGET_X86_ // // // @TODO: This is old code that should be easy to implement on top of the existing DAC support. // This code was originally written prior to DAC. // // #include #include #include #include #include // offsetof #include "nibblemapmacros.h" #include "stdmacros.h" #include "fntableaccess.h" #define move(dst, src) \ { \ if (!fpReadMemory(pUserContext, (LPCVOID)(src), &(dst), sizeof(dst), NULL)) \ { \ _ASSERTE(!"MSCORDBG ERROR: ReadProcessMemory failed!!"); \ return STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; \ } \ } #define move_field(dst, src, cls, fld) \ move(dst, (SIZE_T)(src) + FIELD_OFFSET(cls, fld)) static NTSTATUS OutOfProcessFindHeader(ReadMemoryFunction fpReadMemory,PVOID pUserContext, DWORD_PTR pMapIn, DWORD_PTR addr, DWORD_PTR &codeHead) { codeHead = 0; DWORD tmp; // must be a DWORD, not a DWORD_PTR DWORD_PTR startPos = ADDR2POS(addr); // align to 128 byte buckets ( == index into the array of nibbles) DWORD_PTR offset = ADDR2OFFS(addr); // this is the offset inside the bucket + 1 DWORD * pMap = (DWORD *) pMapIn; // make this a pointer type so our pointer math is correct w/o adding sizeof(DWORD) everywhere _ASSERTE(offset == (offset & NIBBLE_MASK)); // the offset must fit in a nibble pMap += (startPos >> LOG2_NIBBLES_PER_DWORD); // points to the proper DWORD of the map // // get DWORD and shift down our nibble // move(tmp, pMap); tmp = tmp >> POS2SHIFTCOUNT(startPos); // don't allow equality in the next check (tmp & NIBBLE_MASK == offset) // there are code blocks that terminate with a call instruction // (like call throwobject), i.e. their return address is // right behind the code block. If the memory manager allocates // heap blocks w/o gaps, we could find the next header in such // cases. Therefore we exclude the first DWORD of the header // from our search, but since we call this function for code // anyway (which starts at the end of the header) this is not // a problem. if ((tmp & NIBBLE_MASK) && ((tmp & NIBBLE_MASK) < offset) ) { codeHead = POSOFF2ADDR(startPos, tmp & NIBBLE_MASK) - sizeof(CodeHeader); return STATUS_SUCCESS; } // is there a header in the remainder of the DWORD ? tmp = tmp >> NIBBLE_SIZE; if (tmp) { startPos--; while (!(tmp & NIBBLE_MASK)) { tmp = tmp >> NIBBLE_SIZE; startPos--; } codeHead = POSOFF2ADDR(startPos, tmp & NIBBLE_MASK) - sizeof(CodeHeader); return STATUS_SUCCESS; } // we skipped the remainder of the DWORD, // so we must set startPos to the highest position of // previous DWORD startPos = ((startPos >> LOG2_NIBBLES_PER_DWORD) << LOG2_NIBBLES_PER_DWORD) - 1; if ((INT_PTR)startPos < 0) { return STATUS_SUCCESS; } // skip "headerless" DWORDS pMap--; move(tmp, pMap); while (!tmp) { startPos -= NIBBLES_PER_DWORD; if ((INT_PTR)startPos < 0) { return STATUS_SUCCESS; } pMap--; move (tmp, pMap); } while (!(tmp & NIBBLE_MASK)) { tmp = tmp >> NIBBLE_SIZE; startPos--; } codeHead = POSOFF2ADDR(startPos, tmp & NIBBLE_MASK) - sizeof(CodeHeader); return STATUS_SUCCESS; } #define CODE_HEADER FakeRealCodeHeader #define ResolveCodeHeader(pHeader) \ if (pHeader) \ { \ DWORD_PTR tmp = pHeader; \ tmp += offsetof (FakeCodeHeader, pRealCodeHeader); \ move (tmp, tmp); \ pHeader = tmp; \ } static NTSTATUS OutOfProcessFunctionTableCallback_JIT(IN ReadMemoryFunction fpReadMemory, IN PVOID pUserContext, IN PVOID TableAddress, OUT PULONG pnEntries, OUT PT_RUNTIME_FUNCTION* ppFunctions) { if (NULL == pnEntries) { return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER_3; } if (NULL == ppFunctions) { return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER_4; } DYNAMIC_FUNCTION_TABLE * pTable = (DYNAMIC_FUNCTION_TABLE *) TableAddress; PVOID pvContext; move(pvContext, &pTable->Context); DWORD_PTR JitMan = (((DWORD_PTR)pvContext) & ~3); DWORD_PTR MinAddress = (DWORD_PTR) &(pTable->MinimumAddress); move(MinAddress, MinAddress); *ppFunctions = 0; *pnEntries = 0; DWORD_PTR pHp = JitMan + (DWORD_PTR)offsetof(FakeEEJitManager, m_pCodeHeap); move(pHp, pHp); while (pHp) { FakeHeapList Hp; move(Hp, pHp); if (pHp == MinAddress) { DWORD_PTR pThisHeader; DWORD_PTR hdrOffset; DWORD_PTR hdrOffsetInitial; DWORD nEntries; DWORD index; PT_RUNTIME_FUNCTION pFunctions; LONG64 lSmallestOffset; // // walk the header map and count functions with unwind info // nEntries = 0; hdrOffset = Hp.endAddress - Hp.mapBase; lSmallestOffset = (LONG64)(Hp.startAddress - Hp.mapBase); // Save the initial offset at which we start our enumeration (from the end to the beginning). // The target process could be running when this function is called. New methods could be // added after we have started our enumeration, but their code headers would be added after // this initial offset. Methods could also be deleted, but the memory would still be there. // It just wouldn't be marked as the beginning of a method, and we would collect fewer entries // than we have anticipated. hdrOffsetInitial = hdrOffset; _ASSERTE(((LONG64)hdrOffset) >= lSmallestOffset); OutOfProcessFindHeader(fpReadMemory, pUserContext, Hp.pHdrMap, hdrOffset, hdrOffset); while (((LONG64)hdrOffset) >= lSmallestOffset) // MUST BE A SIGNED COMPARISON { pThisHeader = Hp.mapBase + hdrOffset; ResolveCodeHeader(pThisHeader); if (pThisHeader > FAKE_STUB_CODE_BLOCK_LAST) { DWORD nUnwindInfos; move_field(nUnwindInfos, pThisHeader, CODE_HEADER, nUnwindInfos); nEntries += nUnwindInfos; } _ASSERTE(((LONG64)hdrOffset) >= lSmallestOffset); OutOfProcessFindHeader(fpReadMemory, pUserContext, Hp.pHdrMap, hdrOffset, hdrOffset); } pFunctions = (PT_RUNTIME_FUNCTION)ClrHeapAlloc(ClrGetProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, S_SIZE_T(nEntries) * S_SIZE_T(sizeof(T_RUNTIME_FUNCTION))); *ppFunctions = pFunctions; *pnEntries = nEntries; // // walk the header map and copy the function tables // index = 0; hdrOffset = hdrOffsetInitial; _ASSERTE(((LONG64)hdrOffset) >= lSmallestOffset); OutOfProcessFindHeader(fpReadMemory, pUserContext, Hp.pHdrMap, hdrOffset, hdrOffset); while (((LONG64)hdrOffset) >= lSmallestOffset) // MUST BE A SIGNED COMPARISON { pThisHeader = Hp.mapBase + hdrOffset; ResolveCodeHeader(pThisHeader); if (pThisHeader > FAKE_STUB_CODE_BLOCK_LAST) { DWORD nUnwindInfos; move_field(nUnwindInfos, pThisHeader, CODE_HEADER, nUnwindInfos); if ((index + nUnwindInfos) > nEntries) { break; } for (DWORD iUnwindInfo = 0; iUnwindInfo < nUnwindInfos; iUnwindInfo++) { move(pFunctions[index], pThisHeader + offsetof(CODE_HEADER, unwindInfos[iUnwindInfo])); index++; } } _ASSERTE(((LONG64)hdrOffset) >= lSmallestOffset); OutOfProcessFindHeader(fpReadMemory, pUserContext, Hp.pHdrMap, hdrOffset, hdrOffset); } // Return the final count. *pnEntries = index; break; } pHp = (DWORD_PTR)Hp.hpNext; } return STATUS_SUCCESS; } #ifdef DEBUGSUPPORT_STUBS_HAVE_UNWIND_INFO static NTSTATUS OutOfProcessFunctionTableCallback_Stub(IN ReadMemoryFunction fpReadMemory, IN PVOID pUserContext, IN PVOID TableAddress, OUT PULONG pnEntries, OUT PT_RUNTIME_FUNCTION* ppFunctions) { if (NULL == pnEntries) { return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER_3; } if (NULL == ppFunctions) { return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER_4; } *ppFunctions = 0; *pnEntries = 0; PVOID pvContext; move_field(pvContext, TableAddress, DYNAMIC_FUNCTION_TABLE, Context); SIZE_T pStubHeapSegment = ((SIZE_T)pvContext & ~3); FakeStubUnwindInfoHeapSegment stubHeapSegment; move(stubHeapSegment, pStubHeapSegment); UINT nEntries = 0; UINT nEntriesAllocated = 0; PT_RUNTIME_FUNCTION rgFunctions = NULL; for (int pass = 1; pass <= 2; pass++) { // Use the same initial header for both passes. The process may still be running, // and so new entries could be added at the beginning of the list. Using the initial header // makes sure new entries are not picked up in the second pass. Entries could also be deleted, // and there is a small time window here where we could read invalid memory. This just means // that ReadProcessMemory() may fail. As long as we don't crash the host process (e.g. WER) // we are fine. SIZE_T pHeader = (SIZE_T)stubHeapSegment.pUnwindHeaderList; while (pHeader) { FakeStubUnwindInfoHeader unwindInfoHeader; move(unwindInfoHeader, pHeader); #if defined(_TARGET_AMD64_) // Consistency checks to detect corrupted process state if (unwindInfoHeader.FunctionEntry.BeginAddress > unwindInfoHeader.FunctionEntry.EndAddress || unwindInfoHeader.FunctionEntry.EndAddress > stubHeapSegment.cbSegment) { _ASSERTE(1 == pass); return STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; } if ((SIZE_T)stubHeapSegment.pbBaseAddress + unwindInfoHeader.FunctionEntry.UnwindData != pHeader + FIELD_OFFSET(FakeStubUnwindInfoHeader, UnwindInfo)) { _ASSERTE(1 == pass); return STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; } #elif defined(_TARGET_ARM_) // Skip checking the corrupted process stateon ARM #elif defined(_TARGET_ARM64_) // Compute the function length ULONG64 functionLength = 0; ULONG64 unwindData = unwindInfoHeader.FunctionEntry.UnwindData; if (( unwindData & 3) != 0) { // the unwindData contains the function length, retrieve it directly from unwindData functionLength = (unwindInfoHeader.FunctionEntry.UnwindData >> 2) & 0x7ff; } else { // the unwindData is an RVA to the .xdata record which contains the function length DWORD xdataHeader=0; if ((SIZE_T)stubHeapSegment.pbBaseAddress + unwindData != pHeader + FIELD_OFFSET(FakeStubUnwindInfoHeader, UnwindInfo)) { _ASSERTE(1 == pass); return STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; } move(xdataHeader, stubHeapSegment.pbBaseAddress + unwindData); functionLength = (xdataHeader & 0x3ffff) << 2; } if (unwindInfoHeader.FunctionEntry.BeginAddress + functionLength > stubHeapSegment.cbSegment) { _ASSERTE(1 == pass); return STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; } #else PORTABILITY_ASSERT("OutOfProcessFunctionTableCallback_Stub"); #endif if (nEntriesAllocated) { if (nEntries >= nEntriesAllocated) break; rgFunctions[nEntries] = unwindInfoHeader.FunctionEntry; } nEntries++; pHeader = (SIZE_T)unwindInfoHeader.pNext; } if (1 == pass) { if (!nEntries) break; _ASSERTE(!nEntriesAllocated); nEntriesAllocated = nEntries; rgFunctions = (PT_RUNTIME_FUNCTION)ClrHeapAlloc(ClrGetProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, S_SIZE_T(nEntries) * S_SIZE_T(sizeof(T_RUNTIME_FUNCTION))); nEntries = 0; } else { _ASSERTE(nEntriesAllocated >= nEntries); } } *ppFunctions = rgFunctions; *pnEntries = nEntries; // return the final count return STATUS_SUCCESS; } #endif // DEBUGSUPPORT_STUBS_HAVE_UNWIND_INFO BOOL ReadMemory(PVOID pUserContext, LPCVOID lpBaseAddress, PVOID lpBuffer, SIZE_T nSize, SIZE_T* lpNumberOfBytesRead) { HANDLE hProcess = (HANDLE)pUserContext; return ReadProcessMemory(hProcess, lpBaseAddress, lpBuffer, nSize, lpNumberOfBytesRead); } extern "C" NTSTATUS OutOfProcessFunctionTableCallback(IN HANDLE hProcess, IN PVOID TableAddress, OUT PULONG pnEntries, OUT PT_RUNTIME_FUNCTION* ppFunctions) { return OutOfProcessFunctionTableCallbackEx(&ReadMemory, hProcess, TableAddress, pnEntries, ppFunctions); } extern "C" NTSTATUS OutOfProcessFunctionTableCallbackEx(IN ReadMemoryFunction fpReadMemory, IN PVOID pUserContext, IN PVOID TableAddress, OUT PULONG pnEntries, OUT PT_RUNTIME_FUNCTION* ppFunctions) { if (NULL == pnEntries) { return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER_3; } if (NULL == ppFunctions) { return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER_4; } DYNAMIC_FUNCTION_TABLE * pTable = (DYNAMIC_FUNCTION_TABLE *) TableAddress; PVOID pvContext; move(pvContext, &pTable->Context); FakeEEDynamicFunctionTableType type = (FakeEEDynamicFunctionTableType)((SIZE_T)pvContext & 3); switch (type) { case FAKEDYNFNTABLE_JIT: return OutOfProcessFunctionTableCallback_JIT( fpReadMemory, pUserContext, TableAddress, pnEntries, ppFunctions); #ifdef DEBUGSUPPORT_STUBS_HAVE_UNWIND_INFO case FAKEDYNFNTABLE_STUB: return OutOfProcessFunctionTableCallback_Stub( fpReadMemory, pUserContext, TableAddress, pnEntries, ppFunctions); #endif // DEBUGSUPPORT_STUBS_HAVE_UNWIND_INFO default: break; } return STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; } #else extern "C" NTSTATUS OutOfProcessFunctionTableCallback() { return STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; } extern "C" NTSTATUS OutOfProcessFunctionTableCallbackEx() { return STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; } #endif // !_TARGET_X86_ #endif // !FEATURE_PAL