// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements. // The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license. // See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information. // // A simple CoreCLR host that runs a managed binary with the same name as this executable but with *.dll extension // The dll binary must contain main entry point. // #include "windows.h" #include #include "mscoree.h" #include #include "palclr.h" // The name of the CoreCLR native runtime DLL. static const wchar_t *coreCLRDll = W("CoreCLR.dll"); // Dynamically expanding string buffer to hold TPA list class StringBuffer { static const int m_defaultSize = 4096; wchar_t* m_buffer; size_t m_capacity; size_t m_length; StringBuffer(const StringBuffer&); StringBuffer& operator =(const StringBuffer&); public: StringBuffer() : m_capacity(0), m_buffer(nullptr), m_length(0) { } ~StringBuffer() { delete[] m_buffer; } const wchar_t* CStr() const { return m_buffer; } void Append(const wchar_t* str, size_t strLen) { if (!m_buffer) { m_buffer = new wchar_t[m_defaultSize]; m_capacity = m_defaultSize; } if (m_length + strLen + 1 > m_capacity) { size_t newCapacity = (m_length + strLen + 1) * 2; wchar_t* newBuffer = new wchar_t[newCapacity]; wcsncpy_s(newBuffer, newCapacity, m_buffer, m_length); delete[] m_buffer; m_buffer = newBuffer; m_capacity = newCapacity; } wcsncpy_s(m_buffer + m_length, m_capacity - m_length, str, strLen); m_length += strLen; } }; // Encapsulates the environment that CoreCLR will run in, including the TPALIST class HostEnvironment { // The path to this module wchar_t m_hostPath[MAX_LONGPATH]; // The path to the directory containing this module wchar_t m_hostDirectoryPath[MAX_LONGPATH]; // The name of this module, without the path wchar_t *m_hostExeName; // The list of paths to the assemblies that will be trusted by CoreCLR StringBuffer m_tpaList; ICLRRuntimeHost4* m_CLRRuntimeHost; HMODULE m_coreCLRModule; Logger *m_log; // Attempts to load CoreCLR.dll from the given directory. // On success pins the dll, sets m_coreCLRDirectoryPath and returns the HMODULE. // On failure returns nullptr. HMODULE TryLoadCoreCLR(const wchar_t* directoryPath) { wchar_t coreCLRPath[MAX_LONGPATH]; wcscpy_s(coreCLRPath, directoryPath); wcscat_s(coreCLRPath, coreCLRDll); *m_log << W("Attempting to load: ") << coreCLRPath << Logger::endl; HMODULE result = ::LoadLibraryExW(coreCLRPath, NULL, 0); if (!result) { *m_log << W("Failed to load: ") << coreCLRPath << Logger::endl; *m_log << W("Error code: ") << GetLastError() << Logger::endl; return nullptr; } // Pin the module - CoreCLR.dll does not support being unloaded. HMODULE dummy_coreCLRModule; if (!::GetModuleHandleExW(GET_MODULE_HANDLE_EX_FLAG_PIN, coreCLRPath, &dummy_coreCLRModule)) { *m_log << W("Failed to pin: ") << coreCLRPath << Logger::endl; return nullptr; } wchar_t coreCLRLoadedPath[MAX_LONGPATH]; ::GetModuleFileNameW(result, coreCLRLoadedPath, MAX_LONGPATH); *m_log << W("Loaded: ") << coreCLRLoadedPath << Logger::endl; return result; } public: // The path to the directory that CoreCLR is in wchar_t m_coreCLRDirectoryPath[MAX_LONGPATH]; HostEnvironment(Logger *logger) : m_log(logger), m_CLRRuntimeHost(nullptr) { // Discover the path to this exe's module. All other files are expected to be in the same directory. DWORD thisModuleLength = ::GetModuleFileNameW(::GetModuleHandleW(nullptr), m_hostPath, MAX_LONGPATH); // Search for the last backslash in the host path. int lastBackslashIndex; for (lastBackslashIndex = thisModuleLength-1; lastBackslashIndex >= 0; lastBackslashIndex--) { if (m_hostPath[lastBackslashIndex] == W('\\')) { break; } } // Copy the directory path ::wcsncpy_s(m_hostDirectoryPath, m_hostPath, lastBackslashIndex + 1); // Save the exe name m_hostExeName = m_hostPath + lastBackslashIndex + 1; *m_log << W("Host directory: ") << m_hostDirectoryPath << Logger::endl; // Check for %CORE_ROOT% and try to load CoreCLR.dll from it if it is set wchar_t coreRoot[MAX_LONGPATH]; size_t outSize; m_coreCLRModule = NULL; // Initialize this here since we don't call TryLoadCoreCLR if CORE_ROOT is unset. if (_wgetenv_s(&outSize, coreRoot, MAX_LONGPATH, W("CORE_ROOT")) == 0 && outSize > 0) { wcscat_s(coreRoot, MAX_LONGPATH, W("\\")); m_coreCLRModule = TryLoadCoreCLR(coreRoot); } else { *m_log << W("CORE_ROOT not set; skipping") << Logger::endl; *m_log << W("You can set the environment variable CORE_ROOT to point to the path") << Logger::endl; *m_log << W("where CoreCLR.dll lives to help this executable find it.") << Logger::endl; } // Try to load CoreCLR from the directory that this exexutable is in if (!m_coreCLRModule) { m_coreCLRModule = TryLoadCoreCLR(m_hostDirectoryPath); } if (m_coreCLRModule) { // Save the directory that CoreCLR was found in DWORD modulePathLength = ::GetModuleFileNameW(m_coreCLRModule, m_coreCLRDirectoryPath, MAX_LONGPATH); // Search for the last backslash and terminate it there to keep just the directory path with trailing slash for (lastBackslashIndex = modulePathLength-1; lastBackslashIndex >= 0; lastBackslashIndex--) { if (m_coreCLRDirectoryPath[lastBackslashIndex] == W('\\')) { m_coreCLRDirectoryPath[lastBackslashIndex + 1] = W('\0'); break; } } } else { *m_log << W("Unable to load ") << coreCLRDll << Logger::endl; } } ~HostEnvironment() { if(m_coreCLRModule) { // Free the module. This is done for completeness, but in fact CoreCLR.dll // was pinned earlier so this call won't actually free it. The pinning is // done because CoreCLR does not support unloading. ::FreeLibrary(m_coreCLRModule); } } bool TPAListContainsFile(_In_z_ wchar_t* fileNameWithoutExtension, _In_reads_(countExtensions) const wchar_t** rgTPAExtensions, int countExtensions) { if (!m_tpaList.CStr()) return false; for (int iExtension = 0; iExtension < countExtensions; iExtension++) { wchar_t fileName[MAX_LONGPATH]; wcscpy_s(fileName, MAX_LONGPATH, W("\\")); // So that we don't match other files that end with the current file name wcscat_s(fileName, MAX_LONGPATH, fileNameWithoutExtension); wcscat_s(fileName, MAX_LONGPATH, rgTPAExtensions[iExtension] + 1); wcscat_s(fileName, MAX_LONGPATH, W(";")); // So that we don't match other files that begin with the current file name if (wcsstr(m_tpaList.CStr(), fileName)) { return true; } } return false; } void RemoveExtensionAndNi(_In_z_ wchar_t* fileName) { // Remove extension, if it exists wchar_t* extension = wcsrchr(fileName, W('.')); if (extension != NULL) { extension[0] = W('\0'); // Check for .ni size_t len = wcslen(fileName); if (len > 3 && fileName[len - 1] == W('i') && fileName[len - 2] == W('n') && fileName[len - 3] == W('.') ) { fileName[len - 3] = W('\0'); } } } void AddFilesFromDirectoryToTPAList(_In_z_ wchar_t* targetPath, _In_reads_(countExtensions) const wchar_t** rgTPAExtensions, int countExtensions) { *m_log << W("Adding assemblies from ") << targetPath << W(" to the TPA list") << Logger::endl; wchar_t assemblyPath[MAX_LONGPATH]; for (int iExtension = 0; iExtension < countExtensions; iExtension++) { wcscpy_s(assemblyPath, MAX_LONGPATH, targetPath); const size_t dirLength = wcslen(targetPath); wchar_t* const fileNameBuffer = assemblyPath + dirLength; const size_t fileNameBufferSize = MAX_LONGPATH - dirLength; wcscat_s(assemblyPath, rgTPAExtensions[iExtension]); WIN32_FIND_DATA data; HANDLE findHandle = FindFirstFile(assemblyPath, &data); if (findHandle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { do { if (!(data.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)) { // It seems that CoreCLR doesn't always use the first instance of an assembly on the TPA list (ni's may be preferred // over il, even if they appear later). So, only include the first instance of a simple assembly name to allow // users the opportunity to override Framework assemblies by placing dlls in %CORE_LIBRARIES% // ToLower for case-insensitive comparisons wchar_t* fileNameChar = data.cFileName; while (*fileNameChar) { *fileNameChar = towlower(*fileNameChar); fileNameChar++; } // Remove extension wchar_t fileNameWithoutExtension[MAX_LONGPATH]; wcscpy_s(fileNameWithoutExtension, MAX_LONGPATH, data.cFileName); RemoveExtensionAndNi(fileNameWithoutExtension); // Add to the list if not already on it if (!TPAListContainsFile(fileNameWithoutExtension, rgTPAExtensions, countExtensions)) { const size_t fileLength = wcslen(data.cFileName); const size_t assemblyPathLength = dirLength + fileLength; wcsncpy_s(fileNameBuffer, fileNameBufferSize, data.cFileName, fileLength); m_tpaList.Append(assemblyPath, assemblyPathLength); m_tpaList.Append(W(";"), 1); } else { *m_log << W("Not adding ") << targetPath << data.cFileName << W(" to the TPA list because another file with the same name is already present on the list") << Logger::endl; } } } while (0 != FindNextFile(findHandle, &data)); FindClose(findHandle); } } } // Returns the semicolon-separated list of paths to runtime dlls that are considered trusted. // On first call, scans the coreclr directory for dlls and adds them all to the list. const wchar_t * GetTpaList() { if (!m_tpaList.CStr()) { const wchar_t *rgTPAExtensions[] = { W("*.ni.dll"), // Probe for .ni.dll first so that it's preferred if ni and il coexist in the same dir W("*.dll"), W("*.ni.exe"), W("*.exe"), }; // Add files from %CORE_LIBRARIES% if specified wchar_t coreLibraries[MAX_LONGPATH]; size_t outSize; if (_wgetenv_s(&outSize, coreLibraries, MAX_LONGPATH, W("CORE_LIBRARIES")) == 0 && outSize > 0) { wcscat_s(coreLibraries, MAX_LONGPATH, W("\\")); AddFilesFromDirectoryToTPAList(coreLibraries, rgTPAExtensions, _countof(rgTPAExtensions)); } else { *m_log << W("CORE_LIBRARIES not set; skipping") << Logger::endl; *m_log << W("You can set the environment variable CORE_LIBRARIES to point to a") << Logger::endl; *m_log << W("path containing additional platform assemblies,") << Logger::endl; } AddFilesFromDirectoryToTPAList(m_coreCLRDirectoryPath, rgTPAExtensions, _countof(rgTPAExtensions)); } return m_tpaList.CStr(); } // Returns the path to the host module const wchar_t * GetHostPath() const { return m_hostPath; } // Returns the path to the host module const wchar_t * GetHostExeName() const { return m_hostExeName; } // Returns the ICLRRuntimeHost4 instance, loading it from CoreCLR.dll if necessary, or nullptr on failure. ICLRRuntimeHost4* GetCLRRuntimeHost() { if (!m_CLRRuntimeHost) { if (!m_coreCLRModule) { *m_log << W("Unable to load ") << coreCLRDll << Logger::endl; return nullptr; } *m_log << W("Finding GetCLRRuntimeHost(...)") << Logger::endl; FnGetCLRRuntimeHost pfnGetCLRRuntimeHost = (FnGetCLRRuntimeHost)::GetProcAddress(m_coreCLRModule, "GetCLRRuntimeHost"); if (!pfnGetCLRRuntimeHost) { *m_log << W("Failed to find function GetCLRRuntimeHost in ") << coreCLRDll << Logger::endl; return nullptr; } *m_log << W("Calling GetCLRRuntimeHost(...)") << Logger::endl; HRESULT hr = pfnGetCLRRuntimeHost(IID_ICLRRuntimeHost4, (IUnknown**)&m_CLRRuntimeHost); if (FAILED(hr)) { *m_log << W("Failed to get ICLRRuntimeHost4 interface. ERRORCODE: ") << hr << Logger::endl; return nullptr; } } return m_CLRRuntimeHost; } }; bool TryRun(const int argc, const wchar_t* argv[], Logger &log, const bool verbose, const bool waitForDebugger, DWORD &exitCode, _In_z_ wchar_t* programPath) { // Assume failure exitCode = -1; HostEnvironment hostEnvironment(&log); wchar_t appPath[MAX_LONGPATH] = W(""); wchar_t appNiPath[MAX_LONGPATH * 2] = W(""); wchar_t managedAssemblyFullName[MAX_LONGPATH] = W(""); wchar_t* filePart = NULL; if (!::GetFullPathName(programPath, MAX_LONGPATH, appPath, &filePart)) { log << W("Failed to get full path: ") << programPath << Logger::endl; log << W("Error code: ") << GetLastError() << Logger::endl; return false; } wcscpy_s(managedAssemblyFullName, appPath); *(filePart) = W('\0'); log << W("Loading: ") << managedAssemblyFullName << Logger::endl; wcscpy_s(appNiPath, appPath); wcscat_s(appNiPath, MAX_LONGPATH * 2, W(";")); wcscat_s(appNiPath, MAX_LONGPATH * 2, appPath); // Construct native search directory paths wchar_t nativeDllSearchDirs[MAX_LONGPATH * 3]; wcscpy_s(nativeDllSearchDirs, appPath); wchar_t coreLibraries[MAX_LONGPATH]; size_t outSize; if (_wgetenv_s(&outSize, coreLibraries, MAX_LONGPATH, W("CORE_LIBRARIES")) == 0 && outSize > 0) { wcscat_s(nativeDllSearchDirs, MAX_LONGPATH * 3, W(";")); wcscat_s(nativeDllSearchDirs, MAX_LONGPATH * 3, coreLibraries); } wcscat_s(nativeDllSearchDirs, MAX_LONGPATH * 3, W(";")); wcscat_s(nativeDllSearchDirs, MAX_LONGPATH * 3, hostEnvironment.m_coreCLRDirectoryPath); // Start the CoreCLR ICLRRuntimeHost4 *host = hostEnvironment.GetCLRRuntimeHost(); if (!host) { return false; } HRESULT hr; log << W("Setting ICLRRuntimeHost4 startup flags") << Logger::endl; // Default startup flags hr = host->SetStartupFlags((STARTUP_FLAGS) (STARTUP_FLAGS::STARTUP_LOADER_OPTIMIZATION_SINGLE_DOMAIN | STARTUP_FLAGS::STARTUP_SINGLE_APPDOMAIN | STARTUP_FLAGS::STARTUP_CONCURRENT_GC)); if (FAILED(hr)) { log << W("Failed to set startup flags. ERRORCODE: ") << hr << Logger::endl; return false; } log << W("Starting ICLRRuntimeHost4") << Logger::endl; hr = host->Start(); if (FAILED(hr)) { log << W("Failed to start CoreCLR. ERRORCODE: ") << hr << Logger:: endl; return false; } //------------------------------------------------------------- // Create an AppDomain // Allowed property names: // APPBASE // - The base path of the application from which the exe and other assemblies will be loaded // // TRUSTED_PLATFORM_ASSEMBLIES // - The list of complete paths to each of the fully trusted assemblies // // APP_PATHS // - The list of paths which will be probed by the assembly loader // // APP_NI_PATHS // - The list of additional paths that the assembly loader will probe for ngen images // // NATIVE_DLL_SEARCH_DIRECTORIES // - The list of paths that will be probed for native DLLs called by PInvoke // const wchar_t *property_keys[] = { W("TRUSTED_PLATFORM_ASSEMBLIES"), W("APP_PATHS"), W("APP_NI_PATHS"), W("NATIVE_DLL_SEARCH_DIRECTORIES"), }; const wchar_t *property_values[] = { // TRUSTED_PLATFORM_ASSEMBLIES hostEnvironment.GetTpaList(), // APP_PATHS appPath, // APP_NI_PATHS appNiPath, // NATIVE_DLL_SEARCH_DIRECTORIES nativeDllSearchDirs, }; log << W("Creating an AppDomain") << Logger::endl; log << W("TRUSTED_PLATFORM_ASSEMBLIES=") << property_values[0] << Logger::endl; log << W("APP_PATHS=") << property_values[1] << Logger::endl; log << W("APP_NI_PATHS=") << property_values[2] << Logger::endl; log << W("NATIVE_DLL_SEARCH_DIRECTORIES=") << property_values[3] << Logger::endl; DWORD domainId; hr = host->CreateAppDomainWithManager( hostEnvironment.GetHostExeName(), // The friendly name of the AppDomain // Flags: // APPDOMAIN_ENABLE_PLATFORM_SPECIFIC_APPS // - By default CoreCLR only allows platform neutral assembly to be run. To allow // assemblies marked as platform specific, include this flag // // APPDOMAIN_ENABLE_PINVOKE_AND_CLASSIC_COMINTEROP // - Allows sandboxed applications to make P/Invoke calls and use COM interop // // APPDOMAIN_SECURITY_SANDBOXED // - Enables sandboxing. If not set, the app is considered full trust // // APPDOMAIN_IGNORE_UNHANDLED_EXCEPTION // - Prevents the application from being torn down if a managed exception is unhandled // APPDOMAIN_ENABLE_PLATFORM_SPECIFIC_APPS | APPDOMAIN_ENABLE_PINVOKE_AND_CLASSIC_COMINTEROP | APPDOMAIN_DISABLE_TRANSPARENCY_ENFORCEMENT, NULL, // Name of the assembly that contains the AppDomainManager implementation NULL, // The AppDomainManager implementation type name sizeof(property_keys)/sizeof(wchar_t*), // The number of properties property_keys, property_values, &domainId); if (FAILED(hr)) { log << W("Failed call to CreateAppDomainWithManager. ERRORCODE: ") << hr << Logger::endl; return false; } if(waitForDebugger) { if(!IsDebuggerPresent()) { log << W("Waiting for the debugger to attach. Press any key to continue ...") << Logger::endl; getchar(); if (IsDebuggerPresent()) { log << "Debugger is attached." << Logger::endl; } else { log << "Debugger failed to attach." << Logger::endl; } } } hr = host->ExecuteAssembly(domainId, managedAssemblyFullName, argc, (argc)?&(argv[0]):NULL, &exitCode); if (FAILED(hr)) { log << W("Failed call to ExecuteAssembly. ERRORCODE: ") << hr << Logger::endl; return false; } log << W("App exit value = ") << exitCode << Logger::endl; //------------------------------------------------------------- // Unload the AppDomain log << W("Unloading the AppDomain") << Logger::endl; hr = host->UnloadAppDomain2( domainId, true, (int *)&exitCode); // Wait until done if (FAILED(hr)) { log << W("Failed to unload the AppDomain. ERRORCODE: ") << hr << Logger::endl; return false; } log << W("App domain unloaded exit value = ") << exitCode << Logger::endl; //------------------------------------------------------------- // Stop the host log << W("Stopping the host") << Logger::endl; hr = host->Stop(); if (FAILED(hr)) { log << W("Failed to stop the host. ERRORCODE: ") << hr << Logger::endl; return false; } //------------------------------------------------------------- // Release the reference to the host log << W("Releasing ICLRRuntimeHost4") << Logger::endl; host->Release(); return true; } void showHelp() { ::wprintf( W("Runs executables on CoreCLR\r\n") W("\r\n") W("USAGE: .exe [/_d] [/_v]\r\n") W("\r\n") W(" Runs .dll managed program on CoreCLR.\r\n") W(" /_v causes verbose output to be written to the console.\r\n") W(" /_d causes the process to wait for a debugger to attach before starting.\r\n") W("\r\n") W(" CoreCLR is searched for in %%core_root%%, then in the directory that this executable is in.\r\n") W(" The program dll needs to be in the same directory as this executable.\r\n") W(" The program dll needs to have main entry point.\r\n") ); } static wchar_t programPath[MAX_LONGPATH]; int __cdecl wmain(const int argc, const wchar_t* argv[]) { DWORD dwModuleFileName = GetModuleFileName(NULL, programPath, MAX_LONGPATH); if (dwModuleFileName == 0 || dwModuleFileName >= MAX_LONGPATH) { ::wprintf(W("Failed to get the path to the current executable")); return -1; } auto extension = wcsrchr(programPath, '.'); if (extension == NULL || (wcscmp(extension, L".exe") != 0)) { ::wprintf(W("This executable needs to have 'exe' extension")); return -1; } // Change the extension from ".exe" to ".dll" extension[1] = 'd'; extension[2] = 'l'; extension[3] = 'l'; // Parse the options from the command line bool verbose = false; bool waitForDebugger = false; bool helpRequested = false; int newArgc = argc - 1; const wchar_t **newArgv = argv + 1; auto stringsEqual = [](const wchar_t * const a, const wchar_t * const b) -> bool { return ::_wcsicmp(a, b) == 0; }; auto tryParseOption = [&](const wchar_t* arg) -> bool { if ( stringsEqual(arg, W("/_v")) || stringsEqual(arg, W("-_v")) ) { verbose = true; return true; } else if ( stringsEqual(arg, W("/_d")) || stringsEqual(arg, W("-_d")) ) { waitForDebugger = true; return true; } else if ( stringsEqual(arg, W("/_h")) || stringsEqual(arg, W("-_h")) ) { helpRequested = true; return true; } else { return false; } }; while (newArgc > 0 && tryParseOption(newArgv[0])) { newArgc--; newArgv++; } if (helpRequested) { showHelp(); return -1; } else { Logger log; if (verbose) { log.Enable(); } else { log.Disable(); } DWORD exitCode; auto success = TryRun(newArgc, newArgv, log, verbose, waitForDebugger, exitCode, programPath); log << W("Execution ") << (success ? W("succeeded") : W("failed")) << Logger::endl; return exitCode; } }