// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements. // The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license. // See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information. // ============================================================ // // Utils.cpp // // // Implements a bunch of binder auxilary functions // // ============================================================ #define DISABLE_BINDER_DEBUG_LOGGING #include "utils.hpp" #include #include "strongname.h" #include "corpriv.h" namespace BINDER_SPACE { namespace { inline BOOL IsPathSeparator(WCHAR wcChar) { // Invariant: Valid only for MutateUrlToPath treated pathes return (wcChar == W('\\')); } inline const WCHAR *GetPlatformPathSeparator() { #ifdef PLATFORM_UNIX return W("/"); #else return W("\\"); #endif // PLATFORM_UNIX } inline WCHAR ToPlatformPathSepator(WCHAR wcChar) { #ifdef PLATFORM_UNIX if (IsPathSeparator(wcChar)) { wcChar = W('/'); } #endif // PLATFORM_UNIX return wcChar; } inline BOOL IsDoublePathSeparator(SString::CIterator &cur) { return (IsPathSeparator(cur[0]) && IsPathSeparator(cur[1])); } bool NeedToRemoveDoubleAndNormalizePathSeparators(SString const &path) { #ifdef PLATFORM_UNIX return true; #else SString::CIterator begin = path.Begin(); SString::CIterator end = path.End(); SString::CIterator cur = path.Begin(); while (cur < end) { if ((cur != begin) && ((cur + 2) < end) && IsDoublePathSeparator(cur)) { return true; } cur++; } return false; #endif } void RemoveDoubleAndNormalizePathSeparators(SString &path) { BINDER_LOG_ENTER(W("Utils::RemoveDoubleAndNormalizePathSeparators")); SString::Iterator begin = path.Begin(); SString::Iterator end = path.End(); SString::Iterator cur = path.Begin(); PathString resultPath; BINDER_LOG_STRING(W("path"), path); while (cur < end) { if ((cur != begin) && ((cur + 2) < end) && IsDoublePathSeparator(cur)) { // Skip the doublette cur++; } resultPath.Append(ToPlatformPathSepator(cur[0])); cur++; } BINDER_LOG_STRING(W("resultPath"), resultPath); path.Set(resultPath); BINDER_LOG_LEAVE(W("Utils::RemoveDoubleAndNormalizePathSeparators")); } } HRESULT FileOrDirectoryExists(PathString &path) { HRESULT hr = S_FALSE; DWORD dwFileAttributes = WszGetFileAttributes(path.GetUnicode()); if (dwFileAttributes == INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_GetLastError(); if ((hr == HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND)) || (hr == HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND))) { hr = S_FALSE; } } else { hr = S_TRUE; } return hr; } HRESULT FileOrDirectoryExistsLog(PathString &path) { HRESULT hr = S_FALSE; BINDER_LOG_ENTER(W("Utils::FileOrDirectoryExistsLog")); BINDER_LOG_STRING(W("path"), path); hr = FileOrDirectoryExists(path); BINDER_LOG_LEAVE_HR(W("Utils::FileOrDirectoryExistsLog"), hr); return hr; } void MutateUrlToPath(SString &urlOrPath) { BINDER_LOG_ENTER(W("Utils::MutateUrlToPath")); const SString fileUrlPrefix(SString::Literal, W("file://")); SString::Iterator i = urlOrPath.Begin(); BINDER_LOG_STRING(W("URL"), urlOrPath); if (urlOrPath.MatchCaseInsensitive(i, fileUrlPrefix)) { urlOrPath.Delete(i, fileUrlPrefix.GetCount()); i = urlOrPath.Begin() + 1; if (i[0] == W(':')) { // CLR erroneously passes in file:// prepended to file paths, // so we can't tell the difference between UNC and local file. goto Exit; } i = urlOrPath.Begin(); #if !defined(PLATFORM_UNIX) if (i[0] == W('/')) { // Disk path file:/// urlOrPath.Delete(i, 1); } else if (i[0] != W('\\')) { // UNC Path, re-insert "//" if not the wrong file://\\... urlOrPath.Insert(i, W("//")); } #else // Unix doesn't have a distinction between local and network path _ASSERTE(i[0] == W('\\') || i[0] == W('/')); #endif } Exit: while (urlOrPath.Find(i, W('/'))) { urlOrPath.Replace(i, W('\\')); } BINDER_LOG_STRING(W("Path"), urlOrPath); BINDER_LOG_LEAVE(W("Utils::MutateUrlToPath")); } void MutatePathToUrl(SString &pathOrUrl) { BINDER_LOG_ENTER(W("Utils::MutatePathToUrl")); SString::Iterator i = pathOrUrl.Begin(); BINDER_LOG_STRING(W("Path"), pathOrUrl); #if !defined(PLATFORM_UNIX) // Network path \\server --> file://server // Disk path c:\dir --> file:///c:/dir if (i[0] == W('\\')) { const SString networkUrlPrefix(SString::Literal, W("file:")); // Network path pathOrUrl.Insert(i, networkUrlPrefix); pathOrUrl.Skip(i, networkUrlPrefix); } else { const SString diskPathUrlPrefix(SString::Literal, W("file:///")); // Disk path pathOrUrl.Insert(i, diskPathUrlPrefix); pathOrUrl.Skip(i, diskPathUrlPrefix); } #else // Unix doesn't have a distinction between a network or a local path _ASSERTE(i[0] == W('\\') || i[0] == W('/')); const SString fileUrlPrefix(SString::Literal, W("file://")); pathOrUrl.Insert(i, fileUrlPrefix); pathOrUrl.Skip(i, fileUrlPrefix); #endif while (pathOrUrl.Find(i, W('\\'))) { pathOrUrl.Replace(i, W('/')); } BINDER_LOG_STRING(W("URL"), pathOrUrl); BINDER_LOG_LEAVE(W("Utils::MutatePathToUrl")); } void PlatformPath(SString &path) { BINDER_LOG_ENTER(W("Utils::PlatformPath")); BINDER_LOG_STRING(W("input path"), path); // Create platform representation MutateUrlToPath(path); if (NeedToRemoveDoubleAndNormalizePathSeparators(path)) RemoveDoubleAndNormalizePathSeparators(path); BINDER_LOG_STRING(W("platform path"), path); BINDER_LOG_LEAVE(W("Utils::PlatformPath")); } void CombinePath(SString &pathA, SString &pathB, SString &combinedPath) { BINDER_LOG_ENTER(W("Utils::CombinePath")); BINDER_LOG_STRING(W("path A"), pathA); BINDER_LOG_STRING(W("path B"), pathB); SString platformPathSeparator(SString::Literal, GetPlatformPathSeparator()); combinedPath.Set(pathA); if (!combinedPath.EndsWith(platformPathSeparator)) { combinedPath.Append(platformPathSeparator); } combinedPath.Append(pathB); BINDER_LOG_LEAVE(W("Utils::CombinePath")); } HRESULT GetTokenFromPublicKey(SBuffer &publicKeyBLOB, SBuffer &publicKeyTokenBLOB) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; BINDER_LOG_ENTER(W("GetTokenFromPublicKey")); const BYTE *pByteKey = publicKeyBLOB; DWORD dwKeyLen = publicKeyBLOB.GetSize(); BYTE *pByteToken = NULL; DWORD dwTokenLen = 0; if (!StrongNameTokenFromPublicKey(const_cast(pByteKey), dwKeyLen, &pByteToken, &dwTokenLen)) { BINDER_LOG(W("StrongNameTokenFromPublicKey failed!")); IF_FAIL_GO(StrongNameErrorInfo()); } else { _ASSERTE(pByteToken != NULL); publicKeyTokenBLOB.Set(pByteToken, dwTokenLen); StrongNameFreeBuffer(pByteToken); } Exit: BINDER_LOG_LEAVE_HR(W("GetTokenFromPublicKey"), hr); return hr; } BOOL IsFileNotFound(HRESULT hr) { return RuntimeFileNotFound(hr); } };