// // Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved. // Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information. // // ============================================================ // // StringLexer.cpp // // // Implements the StringLexer class // // ============================================================ #define DISABLE_BINDER_DEBUG_LOGGING #include "stringlexer.hpp" #include "utils.hpp" #include "ex.h" namespace BINDER_SPACE { StringLexer::LEXEME_TYPE StringLexer::GetNextLexeme(SString ¤tString, BOOL fPermitUnescapedQuotes) { BOOL fIsEscaped = FALSE; WCHAR wcCurrentChar = INVALID_CHARACTER; BINDER_LOG_ENTER(L"StringLexer::GetNextLexeme"); // Remove any white spaces do { wcCurrentChar = PopCharacter(&fIsEscaped); } while (IsWhitespace(wcCurrentChar)); // Determine lexeme type LEXEME_TYPE kLexemeType = LEXEME_TYPE_INVALID; if (!fIsEscaped) { kLexemeType = GetLexemeType(wcCurrentChar); if (kLexemeType != LEXEME_TYPE_STRING) { return kLexemeType; } } // First character of string lexeme; push it back PushCharacter(wcCurrentChar, fIsEscaped); kLexemeType = ParseString(currentString, fPermitUnescapedQuotes); if (kLexemeType == LEXEME_TYPE_STRING) { BINDER_LOG_LEAVE_HR(L"StringLexer::GetNextLexeme(LEXEME_TYPE_STRING)", S_OK); } else { BINDER_LOG_LEAVE_HR(L"StringLexer::GetNextLexeme(LEXEME_TYPE_INVALID)", S_FALSE); } return kLexemeType; } StringLexer::LEXEME_TYPE StringLexer::ParseString(SString ¤tString, BOOL fPermitUnescapedQuotes) { BOOL fIsFirstCharacter = TRUE; WCHAR wcCurrentChar = INVALID_CHARACTER; WCHAR wcOpeningQuote = INVALID_CHARACTER; currentString.Clear(); // Read until we find another lexeme that's not a string character for (;;) { BOOL fIsEscaped = FALSE; wcCurrentChar = PopCharacter(&fIsEscaped); if (wcCurrentChar == INVALID_CHARACTER) { // Found invalid character encoding BINDER_LOG(L"StringLexer::ParseString: Invalid character encoding"); return LEXEME_TYPE_INVALID; } if (IsEOS(wcCurrentChar)) { if (IsQuoteCharacter(wcOpeningQuote)) { // EOS and unclosed quotes is an error BINDER_LOG(L"StringLexer::ParseString: EOS and unclosed quotes"); return LEXEME_TYPE_INVALID; } else { // Reached end of input and therefore of string break; } } if (fIsFirstCharacter) { fIsFirstCharacter = FALSE; // If first character is quote, then record its quoteness if (IsQuoteCharacter(wcCurrentChar)) { wcOpeningQuote = wcCurrentChar; continue; } } if (wcCurrentChar == wcOpeningQuote) { // We've found the closing quote for a quoted string break; } if (!fPermitUnescapedQuotes && !fIsEscaped && IsQuoteCharacter(wcCurrentChar) && !IsQuoteCharacter(wcOpeningQuote)) { // Unescaped quotes in the middle of the string are an error BINDER_LOG(L"StringLexer::ParseString: Quote in the middle of a string"); return LEXEME_TYPE_INVALID; } if (IsSeparatorChar(wcCurrentChar) && !IsQuoteCharacter(wcOpeningQuote) && !fIsEscaped) { // Unescaped separator char terminates the string PushCharacter(wcCurrentChar, fIsEscaped); break; } // Add character to current string currentString.Append(wcCurrentChar); } if (!IsQuoteCharacter(wcOpeningQuote)) { // Remove trailing white spaces from unquoted string BINDER_LOG(L"StringLexer::ParseString: Trimming string"); TrimTrailingWhiteSpaces(currentString); } BINDER_LOG_STRING(L"string", currentString); return LEXEME_TYPE_STRING; } void StringLexer::TrimTrailingWhiteSpaces(SString ¤tString) { SString::Iterator begin = currentString.Begin(); SString::Iterator cursor = currentString.End() - 1; BOOL fFoundWhiteSpace = FALSE; for (;;) { if ((cursor >= begin) && IsWhitespace(cursor[0])) { fFoundWhiteSpace = TRUE; cursor--; continue; } break; } if (fFoundWhiteSpace) { currentString.Truncate(cursor + 1); } } };