// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements. // The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license. // See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information. #ifndef __CORECLR_BINDER_COMMON_H__ #define __CORECLR_BINDER_COMMON_H__ #include "clrprivbinding.h" #include "internalunknownimpl.h" #include "applicationcontext.hpp" namespace BINDER_SPACE { class AssemblyIdentityUTF8; }; class CLRPrivBinderCoreCLR; // General purpose AssemblyBinder helper class class CCoreCLRBinderHelper { public: static HRESULT Init(); static HRESULT DefaultBinderSetupContext(DWORD dwAppDomainId, CLRPrivBinderCoreCLR **ppTPABinder); // ABHI-TODO: The call indicates that this can come from a case where // pDomain->GetFusionContext() is null, hence this is static function // which handles a null binder. See if this actually happens static HRESULT GetAssemblyIdentity(LPCSTR szTextualIdentity, BINDER_SPACE::ApplicationContext *pApplicationContext, NewHolder &assemblyIdentityHolder); //============================================================================= // Class functions that provides binding services beyond the ICLRPrivInterface //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- static HRESULT BindToSystem(ICLRPrivAssembly **ppSystemAssembly, bool fBindToNativeImage); static HRESULT BindToSystemSatellite(SString &systemPath, SString &sSimpleName, SString &sCultureName, ICLRPrivAssembly **ppSystemAssembly); static HRESULT GetAssemblyFromImage(PEImage *pPEImage, PEImage *pNativePEImage, ICLRPrivAssembly **ppAssembly); static HRESULT GetAssembly(/* in */ SString &assemblyPath, /* in */ BOOL fInspectionOnly, /* in */ BOOL fIsInGAC, /* in */ BOOL fExplicitBindToNativeImage, /* out */ BINDER_SPACE::Assembly **ppAssembly); }; #endif // __CORECLR_BINDER_COMMON_H__