// // Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved. // Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information. // // ============================================================ // // FusionAssemblyName.cpp // // Implements the CAssemblyName class // // ============================================================ #include #include #include "strongname.h" #include "fusionhelpers.hpp" #include "fusionassemblyname.hpp" #include #include "shlwapi.h" #include "binderinterface.hpp" #include "assemblyidentity.hpp" #include "textualidentityparser.hpp" #define DISPLAY_NAME_DELIMITER W(',') #define DISPLAY_NAME_DELIMITER_STRING W(",") #define VERSION_STRING_SEGMENTS 4 #define REMAINING_BUFFER_SIZE ((*pccDisplayName) - (pszBuf - szDisplayName)) // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Private Helpers // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace { HRESULT GetPublicKeyTokenFromPKBlob(LPBYTE pbPublicKeyToken, DWORD cbPublicKeyToken, LPBYTE *ppbSN, LPDWORD pcbSN) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; // Generate the hash of the public key. if (!StrongNameTokenFromPublicKey(pbPublicKeyToken, cbPublicKeyToken, ppbSN, pcbSN)) { hr = StrongNameErrorInfo(); } return hr; } }; // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CPropertyArray ctor // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- CPropertyArray::CPropertyArray() { _dwSig = 0x504f5250; /* 'PORP' */ memset(&_rProp, 0, ASM_NAME_MAX_PARAMS * sizeof(FusionProperty)); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CPropertyArray dtor // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- CPropertyArray::~CPropertyArray() { for (DWORD i = 0; i < ASM_NAME_MAX_PARAMS; i++) { if (_rProp[i].cb > sizeof(DWORD)) { if (_rProp[i].pv != NULL) { FUSION_DELETE_ARRAY((LPBYTE) _rProp[i].pv); _rProp[i].pv = NULL; } } } } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CPropertyArray::Set // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT CPropertyArray::Set(DWORD PropertyId, LPCVOID pvProperty, DWORD cbProperty) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; FusionProperty *pItem = NULL; pItem = &(_rProp[PropertyId]); if (!cbProperty && !pvProperty) { if (pItem->cb > sizeof(DWORD)) { if (pItem->pv != NULL) FUSION_DELETE_ARRAY((LPBYTE) pItem->pv); } pItem->pv = NULL; } else if (cbProperty > sizeof(DWORD)) { LPBYTE ptr = NEW(BYTE[cbProperty]); if (!ptr) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto exit; } if (pItem->cb > sizeof(DWORD)) FUSION_DELETE_ARRAY((LPBYTE) pItem->pv); memcpy(ptr, pvProperty, cbProperty); pItem->pv = ptr; } else { if (pItem->cb > sizeof(DWORD)) FUSION_DELETE_ARRAY((LPBYTE) pItem->pv); memcpy(&(pItem->pv), pvProperty, cbProperty); #ifdef _DEBUG if (PropertyId == ASM_NAME_ARCHITECTURE) { PEKIND pe = * ((PEKIND *)pvProperty); _ASSERTE(pe != peInvalid); } #endif } pItem->cb = cbProperty; exit: return hr; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CPropertyArray::Get // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT CPropertyArray::Get(DWORD PropertyId, LPVOID pvProperty, LPDWORD pcbProperty) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; FusionProperty *pItem; _ASSERTE(pcbProperty); if (PropertyId >= ASM_NAME_MAX_PARAMS || (!pvProperty && *pcbProperty)) { _ASSERTE(!"Invalid Argument! Passed in NULL buffer with size non-zero!"); hr = E_INVALIDARG; goto exit; } pItem = &(_rProp[PropertyId]); if (pItem->cb > *pcbProperty) hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER); else if (pItem->cb) memcpy(pvProperty, (pItem->cb > sizeof(DWORD) ? pItem->pv : (LPBYTE) &(pItem->pv)), pItem->cb); *pcbProperty = pItem->cb; exit: return hr; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CPropertyArray::operator [] // Wraps DWORD optimization test. // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FusionProperty CPropertyArray::operator [] (DWORD PropertyId) { FusionProperty prop; prop.pv = _rProp[PropertyId].cb > sizeof(DWORD) ? _rProp[PropertyId].pv : &(_rProp[PropertyId].pv); prop.cb = _rProp[PropertyId].cb; return prop; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CAssemblyName::AddRef // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CAssemblyName::AddRef() { return InterlockedIncrement(&_cRef); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CAssemblyName::Release // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CAssemblyName::Release() { ULONG ulRef = InterlockedDecrement(&_cRef); if (ulRef == 0) { delete this; } return ulRef; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CAssemblyName::QueryInterface // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- STDMETHODIMP CAssemblyName::QueryInterface(REFIID riid, void** ppv) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; BEGIN_ENTRYPOINT_NOTHROW; if (!ppv) { hr = E_POINTER; goto Exit; } if ( IsEqualIID(riid, IID_IUnknown) || IsEqualIID(riid, IID_IAssemblyName) ) { *ppv = static_cast (this); AddRef(); hr = S_OK; goto Exit; } else { *ppv = NULL; hr = E_NOINTERFACE; goto Exit; } Exit: END_ENTRYPOINT_NOTHROW; return hr; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CAssemblyName::SetProperty // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- STDMETHODIMP CAssemblyName::SetProperty(DWORD PropertyId, LPCVOID pvProperty, DWORD cbProperty) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; BEGIN_ENTRYPOINT_NOTHROW; hr = SetPropertyInternal(PropertyId, pvProperty, cbProperty); END_ENTRYPOINT_NOTHROW; return hr; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CAssemblyName::GetProperty // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- STDMETHODIMP CAssemblyName::GetProperty(DWORD PropertyId, LPVOID pvProperty, LPDWORD pcbProperty) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; BEGIN_ENTRYPOINT_NOTHROW; // Retrieve the property. switch(PropertyId) { case ASM_NAME_NULL_PUBLIC_KEY_TOKEN: case ASM_NAME_NULL_PUBLIC_KEY: { hr = (_fPublicKeyToken && !_rProp[PropertyId].cb) ? S_OK : S_FALSE; break; } case ASM_NAME_NULL_CUSTOM: { hr = (_fCustom && !_rProp[PropertyId].cb) ? S_OK : S_FALSE; break; } default: { hr = _rProp.Get(PropertyId, pvProperty, pcbProperty); break; } } END_ENTRYPOINT_NOTHROW; return hr; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CAssemblyName::Finalize // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- STDMETHODIMP CAssemblyName::Finalize() { BEGIN_ENTRYPOINT_NOTHROW; _fIsFinalized = TRUE; END_ENTRYPOINT_NOTHROW; return S_OK; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CAssemblyName::GetDisplayName // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- STDMETHODIMP CAssemblyName::GetDisplayName( __out_ecount_opt(*pccDisplayName) LPOLESTR szDisplayName, __inout LPDWORD pccDisplayName, DWORD dwDisplayFlags) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; BEGIN_ENTRYPOINT_NOTHROW; if (!dwDisplayFlags) { dwDisplayFlags = ASM_DISPLAYF_DEFAULT; } // Validate input buffer. if(!pccDisplayName || (!szDisplayName && *pccDisplayName)) { hr = E_INVALIDARG; goto exit; } EX_TRY { NewHolder pAssemblyIdentity = new BINDER_SPACE::AssemblyIdentity(); FusionProperty prop; StackSString textualIdentity; // Name required prop = _rProp[ASM_NAME_NAME]; if (prop.cb == 0) { hr = FUSION_E_INVALID_NAME; goto exit; } else { _ASSERTE(prop.cb >= sizeof(WCHAR)); pAssemblyIdentity->m_simpleName.Set((const WCHAR *) prop.pv, (prop.cb - sizeof(WCHAR)) / sizeof(WCHAR)); pAssemblyIdentity->SetHave(BINDER_SPACE::AssemblyIdentity::IDENTITY_FLAG_SIMPLE_NAME); } // Display version if (dwDisplayFlags & ASM_DISPLAYF_VERSION) { prop = _rProp[ASM_NAME_MAJOR_VERSION]; // Set version if we have it if (prop.cb != 0) { DWORD dwVersionParts[4]; for(DWORD i = 0; i < 4; i++) { prop = _rProp[ASM_NAME_MAJOR_VERSION + i]; // Normalize non-existing version parts to zero if (prop.cb == sizeof(WORD)) { dwVersionParts[i] = (DWORD) (* ((WORD *) prop.pv)); } else { dwVersionParts[i] = 0; } } pAssemblyIdentity->m_version.SetFeatureVersion(dwVersionParts[0], dwVersionParts[1]); pAssemblyIdentity->m_version.SetServiceVersion(dwVersionParts[2], dwVersionParts[3]); pAssemblyIdentity->SetHave(BINDER_SPACE::AssemblyIdentity::IDENTITY_FLAG_VERSION); } } // Display culture if (dwDisplayFlags & ASM_DISPLAYF_CULTURE) { prop = _rProp[ASM_NAME_CULTURE]; if (prop.cb != 0) { _ASSERTE(prop.cb >= sizeof(WCHAR)); if (((const WCHAR *) prop.pv)[0] != 0x00) { pAssemblyIdentity->m_cultureOrLanguage. Set((const WCHAR *) prop.pv, (prop.cb - sizeof(WCHAR)) / sizeof(WCHAR)); } pAssemblyIdentity->SetHave(BINDER_SPACE::AssemblyIdentity::IDENTITY_FLAG_CULTURE); } } // Display public key token if ((dwDisplayFlags & ASM_DISPLAYF_PUBLIC_KEY_TOKEN) && _fPublicKeyToken) { prop = _rProp[ASM_NAME_PUBLIC_KEY_TOKEN]; if (prop.cb != 0) { pAssemblyIdentity->m_publicKeyOrTokenBLOB.Set((const BYTE *) prop.pv, prop.cb); pAssemblyIdentity->SetHave(BINDER_SPACE::AssemblyIdentity::IDENTITY_FLAG_PUBLIC_KEY_TOKEN); } else { pAssemblyIdentity-> SetHave(BINDER_SPACE::AssemblyIdentity::IDENTITY_FLAG_PUBLIC_KEY_TOKEN_NULL); } } // Display processor architecture if (dwDisplayFlags & ASM_DISPLAYF_PROCESSORARCHITECTURE) { if (_rProp[ASM_NAME_ARCHITECTURE].cb != 0) { DWORD PeKind = *((LPDWORD)_rProp[ASM_NAME_ARCHITECTURE].pv); if (PeKind != peNone) { pAssemblyIdentity->m_kProcessorArchitecture = (PEKIND) PeKind; pAssemblyIdentity-> SetHave(BINDER_SPACE::AssemblyIdentity::IDENTITY_FLAG_PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE); } } } // Display retarget flag if (dwDisplayFlags & ASM_DISPLAYF_RETARGET) { prop = _rProp[ASM_NAME_RETARGET]; if (prop.cb != 0) { BOOL fRetarget = *((LPBOOL) prop.pv); if (fRetarget) { pAssemblyIdentity->SetHave(BINDER_SPACE::AssemblyIdentity::IDENTITY_FLAG_RETARGETABLE); } } } // Display content type if (dwDisplayFlags & ASM_DISPLAYF_CONTENT_TYPE) { prop = _rProp[ASM_NAME_CONTENT_TYPE]; if (prop.cb != 0) { DWORD dwContentType = *((LPDWORD)prop.pv); if (dwContentType != AssemblyContentType_Default) { pAssemblyIdentity->SetHave(BINDER_SPACE::AssemblyIdentity::IDENTITY_FLAG_CONTENT_TYPE); pAssemblyIdentity->m_kContentType = (AssemblyContentType)dwContentType; } } } // Display custom flag if ((dwDisplayFlags & ASM_DISPLAYF_CUSTOM) && _fCustom) { prop = _rProp[ASM_NAME_CUSTOM]; if (prop.cb != 0) { pAssemblyIdentity->m_customBLOB.Set((const BYTE *) prop.pv, prop.cb); pAssemblyIdentity->SetHave(BINDER_SPACE::AssemblyIdentity::IDENTITY_FLAG_CUSTOM); } else { pAssemblyIdentity->SetHave(BINDER_SPACE::AssemblyIdentity::IDENTITY_FLAG_CUSTOM_NULL); } } // Create the textual identity hr = BINDER_SPACE::TextualIdentityParser::ToString(pAssemblyIdentity, pAssemblyIdentity->m_dwIdentityFlags, textualIdentity); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto exit; } // Determine required buffer size DWORD dwGivenSize = *pccDisplayName; DWORD dwRequiredSize = textualIdentity.GetCount() + 1; *pccDisplayName = dwRequiredSize; if (dwRequiredSize > dwGivenSize) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER); if (szDisplayName) { szDisplayName[0] = 0x00; } goto exit; } else { hr = S_OK; memcpy(szDisplayName, textualIdentity.GetUnicode(), dwRequiredSize * sizeof(WCHAR)); } } EX_CATCH_HRESULT(hr); exit: END_ENTRYPOINT_NOTHROW; return hr; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CAssemblyName::GetName // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- STDMETHODIMP CAssemblyName::GetName( __inout LPDWORD lpcwBuffer, __out_ecount_opt(*lpcwBuffer) LPOLESTR pwzBuffer) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; BEGIN_ENTRYPOINT_NOTHROW; DWORD cbBuffer = *lpcwBuffer * sizeof(TCHAR); hr = GetProperty(ASM_NAME_NAME, pwzBuffer, &cbBuffer); *lpcwBuffer = cbBuffer / sizeof(TCHAR); END_ENTRYPOINT_NOTHROW; return hr; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CAssemblyName::GetVersion // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- STDMETHODIMP CAssemblyName::GetVersion( /* [out] */ LPDWORD pdwVersionHi, /* [out] */ LPDWORD pdwVersionLow) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; BEGIN_ENTRYPOINT_NOTHROW; // Get Assembly Version hr = GetVersion( ASM_NAME_MAJOR_VERSION, pdwVersionHi, pdwVersionLow); END_ENTRYPOINT_NOTHROW; return hr; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CAssemblyName::IsEqual // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- STDMETHODIMP CAssemblyName::IsEqual(LPASSEMBLYNAME pName, DWORD dwCmpFlags) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; BEGIN_ENTRYPOINT_NOTHROW; DWORD dwPartialCmpMask = 0; BOOL fIsPartial = FALSE; CAssemblyName *pCName = static_cast(pName); const DWORD SIMPLE_VERSION_MASK = ASM_CMPF_VERSION; FusionProperty propThis; FusionProperty propPara; if(!pName) { hr = S_FALSE; goto Exit; } // Get the ref partial comparison mask, if any. fIsPartial = CAssemblyName::IsPartial(this, &dwPartialCmpMask); if (dwCmpFlags == ASM_CMPF_DEFAULT) { // Set all comparison flags. dwCmpFlags = ASM_CMPF_IL_ALL | ASM_CMPF_ARCHITECTURE; // don't compare architecture if ref does not have architecture. if (!(dwPartialCmpMask & ASM_CMPF_ARCHITECTURE)) { dwCmpFlags &= ~ASM_CMPF_ARCHITECTURE; } // Otherwise, if ref is simple (possibly partial) // we mask off all version bits. if (!CAssemblyName::IsStronglyNamed(this)) { // we don't have a public key token, but we don't know // it is because we are simply named assembly or we are // just partial on public key token. if (dwPartialCmpMask & ASM_CMPF_PUBLIC_KEY_TOKEN) { // now we know we are simply named assembly since we // have a public key token, but it is NULL. dwCmpFlags &= ~SIMPLE_VERSION_MASK; } // If neither of these two cases then public key token // is not set in ref , but def may be simple or strong. // The comparison mask is chosen based on def. else { if (!CAssemblyName::IsStronglyNamed(pName)) dwCmpFlags &= ~SIMPLE_VERSION_MASK; } } } // Mask off flags (either passed in or generated // by default flag with the comparison mask generated // from the ref. dwCmpFlags &= dwPartialCmpMask; // The individual name fields can now be compared.. // Compare name if (dwCmpFlags & ASM_CMPF_NAME) { propThis = _rProp[ASM_NAME_NAME]; propPara = pCName->_rProp[ASM_NAME_NAME]; if (propThis.cb != propPara.cb) { hr = S_FALSE; goto Exit; } if (propThis.cb && FusionCompareStringI((LPWSTR)propThis.pv, (LPWSTR)propPara.pv)) { hr = S_FALSE; goto Exit; } } // Compare version if (dwCmpFlags & ASM_CMPF_MAJOR_VERSION) { propThis = _rProp[ASM_NAME_MAJOR_VERSION]; propPara = pCName->_rProp[ASM_NAME_MAJOR_VERSION]; if (*((LPWORD) propThis.pv) != *((LPWORD)propPara.pv)) { hr = S_FALSE; goto Exit; } } if (dwCmpFlags & ASM_CMPF_MINOR_VERSION) { propThis = _rProp[ASM_NAME_MINOR_VERSION]; propPara = pCName->_rProp[ASM_NAME_MINOR_VERSION]; if (*((LPWORD) propThis.pv) != *((LPWORD)propPara.pv)) { hr = S_FALSE; goto Exit; } } if (dwCmpFlags & ASM_CMPF_REVISION_NUMBER) { propThis = _rProp[ASM_NAME_REVISION_NUMBER]; propPara = pCName->_rProp[ASM_NAME_REVISION_NUMBER]; if (*((LPWORD) propThis.pv) != *((LPWORD)propPara.pv)) { hr = S_FALSE; goto Exit; } } if (dwCmpFlags & ASM_CMPF_BUILD_NUMBER) { propThis = _rProp[ASM_NAME_BUILD_NUMBER]; propPara = pCName->_rProp[ASM_NAME_BUILD_NUMBER]; if (*((LPWORD) propThis.pv) != *((LPWORD)propPara.pv)) { hr = S_FALSE; goto Exit; } } // Compare public key token if (dwCmpFlags & ASM_CMPF_PUBLIC_KEY_TOKEN) { // compare public key if both of them have public key set. propThis = _rProp[ASM_NAME_PUBLIC_KEY]; propPara = pCName->_rProp[ASM_NAME_PUBLIC_KEY]; if (!propThis.cb || !propPara.cb) { // otherwise, compare public key token propThis = _rProp[ASM_NAME_PUBLIC_KEY_TOKEN]; propPara = pCName->_rProp[ASM_NAME_PUBLIC_KEY_TOKEN]; } if (propThis.cb != propPara.cb) { hr = S_FALSE; goto Exit; } if (propThis.cb && memcmp(propThis.pv, propPara.pv, propThis.cb)) { hr = S_FALSE; goto Exit; } } // Compare Culture if (dwCmpFlags & ASM_CMPF_CULTURE) { propThis = _rProp[ASM_NAME_CULTURE]; propPara = pCName->_rProp[ASM_NAME_CULTURE]; if (propThis.cb != propPara.cb) { hr = S_FALSE; goto Exit; } if (propThis.cb && FusionCompareStringI((LPWSTR)propThis.pv, (LPWSTR)propPara.pv)) { hr = S_FALSE; goto Exit; } } // Compare Custom attribute. if (dwCmpFlags & ASM_CMPF_CUSTOM) { propThis = _rProp[ASM_NAME_PUBLIC_KEY_TOKEN]; propPara = pCName->_rProp[ASM_NAME_PUBLIC_KEY_TOKEN]; if (propThis.cb != propPara.cb) { hr = S_FALSE; goto Exit; } if (propThis.cb && memcmp(propThis.pv, propPara.pv, propThis.cb)) { hr = S_FALSE; goto Exit; } } // Compare Retarget flag if (dwCmpFlags & ASM_CMPF_RETARGET) { propThis = _rProp[ASM_NAME_RETARGET]; propPara = pCName->_rProp[ASM_NAME_RETARGET]; if (*((LPDWORD) propThis.pv) != *((LPDWORD)propPara.pv)) { hr = S_FALSE; goto Exit; } } // compare config mask if (dwCmpFlags & ASM_CMPF_CONFIG_MASK) { propThis = _rProp[ASM_NAME_CONFIG_MASK]; propPara = pCName->_rProp[ASM_NAME_CONFIG_MASK]; if (*((LPDWORD) propThis.pv) != *((LPDWORD)propPara.pv)) { hr = S_FALSE; goto Exit; } } // compare architecture if (dwCmpFlags & ASM_CMPF_ARCHITECTURE) { propThis = _rProp[ASM_NAME_ARCHITECTURE]; propPara = pCName->_rProp[ASM_NAME_ARCHITECTURE]; if (propThis.cb != propPara.cb) { hr = S_FALSE; goto Exit; } if (propThis.cb) { if (*((LPDWORD) propThis.pv) != *((LPDWORD)propPara.pv)) { hr = S_FALSE; goto Exit; } } } // Compare content type if (dwCmpFlags & ASM_CMPF_CONTENT_TYPE) { propThis = _rProp[ASM_NAME_CONTENT_TYPE]; propPara = pCName->_rProp[ASM_NAME_CONTENT_TYPE]; if (*((LPDWORD)propThis.pv) != *((LPDWORD)propPara.pv)) { hr = S_FALSE; goto Exit; } } // compare MVID if (dwCmpFlags & ASM_CMPF_MVID) { propThis = _rProp[ASM_NAME_MVID]; propPara = pCName->_rProp[ASM_NAME_MVID]; if (propThis.cb != propPara.cb) { hr = S_FALSE; goto Exit; } if (propThis.cb && memcmp(propThis.pv, propPara.pv, propThis.cb)) { hr = S_FALSE; goto Exit; } } // compare Signature if (dwCmpFlags & ASM_CMPF_SIGNATURE) { propThis = _rProp[ASM_NAME_SIGNATURE_BLOB]; propPara = pCName->_rProp[ASM_NAME_SIGNATURE_BLOB]; if (propThis.cb != propPara.cb) { hr = S_FALSE; goto Exit; } if (propThis.cb && memcmp(propThis.pv, propPara.pv, propThis.cb)) { hr = S_FALSE; goto Exit; } } hr = S_OK; Exit: END_ENTRYPOINT_NOTHROW; return hr; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CAssemblyName::Reserved // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- STDMETHODIMP CAssemblyName::Reserved( /* in */ REFIID refIID, /* in */ IUnknown *pUnkBindSink, /* in */ IUnknown *pUnkAppCtx, /* in */ LPCOLESTR szCodebaseIn, /* in */ LONGLONG llFlags, /* in */ LPVOID pvReserved, /* in */ DWORD cbReserved, /* out */ VOID **ppv) { return E_NOTIMPL; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CAssemblyName::Clone // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT CAssemblyName::Clone(IAssemblyName **ppName) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; BEGIN_ENTRYPOINT_NOTHROW; CAssemblyName *pClone = NULL; if (!ppName) { hr = E_INVALIDARG; goto Exit; } *ppName = NULL; pClone = NEW(CAssemblyName); if( !pClone ) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto Exit; } hr = CopyProperties(this, pClone, NULL, 0); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto Exit; } *ppName = pClone; (*ppName)->AddRef(); Exit: SAFERELEASE(pClone); END_ENTRYPOINT_NOTHROW; return hr; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CAssemblyName::SetPropertyInternal // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT CAssemblyName::SetPropertyInternal(DWORD PropertyId, LPCVOID pvProperty, DWORD cbProperty) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; LPBYTE pbSN = NULL; DWORD cbSN = 0; // Fail if finalized. if (_fIsFinalized) { _ASSERTE(!"SetProperty on a IAssemblyName while the name is finalized!"); hr = E_UNEXPECTED; goto exit; } if (PropertyId >= ASM_NAME_MAX_PARAMS || (!pvProperty && cbProperty)) { _ASSERTE(!"Invalid Argument! Passed in NULL buffer with size non-zero!"); hr = E_INVALIDARG; goto exit; } // - make this a switch statement. if (PropertyId == ASM_NAME_MAJOR_VERSION || PropertyId == ASM_NAME_MINOR_VERSION || PropertyId == ASM_NAME_BUILD_NUMBER || PropertyId == ASM_NAME_REVISION_NUMBER) { if (cbProperty > sizeof(WORD)) { hr = E_INVALIDARG; goto exit; } } // Check if public key is being set and if so, // set the public key token if not already set. if (PropertyId == ASM_NAME_PUBLIC_KEY) { // If setting true public key, generate hash. if (pvProperty && cbProperty) { // Generate the public key token from the pk. if (FAILED(hr = GetPublicKeyTokenFromPKBlob((LPBYTE) pvProperty, cbProperty, &pbSN, &cbSN))) goto exit; // Set the public key token property. if (FAILED(hr = SetPropertyInternal(ASM_NAME_PUBLIC_KEY_TOKEN, pbSN, cbSN))) goto exit; } // Otherwise expect call to reset property. else if (!cbProperty) { if (FAILED(hr = SetPropertyInternal(ASM_NAME_PUBLIC_KEY_TOKEN, pvProperty, cbProperty))) goto exit; } } // Setting NULL public key clears values in public key, // public key token and sets public key token flag. else if (PropertyId == ASM_NAME_NULL_PUBLIC_KEY) { pvProperty = NULL; cbProperty = 0; hr = SetPropertyInternal(ASM_NAME_NULL_PUBLIC_KEY_TOKEN, pvProperty, cbProperty); goto exit; } // Setting or clearing public key token. else if (PropertyId == ASM_NAME_PUBLIC_KEY_TOKEN) { // Defensive: invalid sized public key tokens should be avoided. if (cbProperty > PUBLIC_KEY_TOKEN_LEN) { hr = SetPropertyInternal(ASM_NAME_NULL_PUBLIC_KEY_TOKEN, NULL, 0); hr = E_INVALIDARG; goto exit; } if (pvProperty && cbProperty) _fPublicKeyToken = TRUE; else if (!cbProperty) _fPublicKeyToken = FALSE; } // Setting NULL public key token clears public key token and // sets public key token flag. else if (PropertyId == ASM_NAME_NULL_PUBLIC_KEY_TOKEN) { _fPublicKeyToken = TRUE; pvProperty = NULL; cbProperty = 0; PropertyId = ASM_NAME_PUBLIC_KEY_TOKEN; } else if (PropertyId == ASM_NAME_CUSTOM) { if (pvProperty && cbProperty) _fCustom = TRUE; else if (!cbProperty) _fCustom = FALSE; } else if (PropertyId == ASM_NAME_NULL_CUSTOM) { _fCustom = TRUE; pvProperty = NULL; cbProperty = 0; PropertyId = ASM_NAME_CUSTOM; } // Setting "neutral" as the culture is the same as "" culture (meaning // culture-invariant). else if (PropertyId == ASM_NAME_CULTURE) { if (pvProperty && !FusionCompareStringI((LPWSTR)pvProperty, W("neutral"))) { pvProperty = (void *)W(""); cbProperty = sizeof(W("")); } } // Set property on array. hr = _rProp.Set(PropertyId, pvProperty, cbProperty); exit: if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { LPWSTR pwzOld; // Clear cache pwzOld = InterlockedExchangeT(&_pwzTextualIdentity, NULL); SAFEDELETEARRAY(pwzOld); pwzOld = InterlockedExchangeT(&_pwzTextualIdentityILFull, NULL); SAFEDELETEARRAY(pwzOld); } // Free memory allocated by crypto wrapper. if (pbSN) { StrongNameFreeBuffer(pbSN); } return hr; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CheckFieldsForFriendAssembly // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- STDAPI CheckFieldsForFriendAssembly( LPASSEMBLYNAME pAssemblyName) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; DWORD dwSize=0; // Let's look at the information they gave us in the friends declaration. // If they put in a Processor Architecture, Culture, or Version, then we'll return an error. if (FAILED(hr = pAssemblyName->GetProperty(ASM_NAME_MAJOR_VERSION, NULL, &dwSize)) || FAILED(hr = pAssemblyName->GetProperty(ASM_NAME_MINOR_VERSION, NULL, &dwSize)) || FAILED(hr = pAssemblyName->GetProperty(ASM_NAME_BUILD_NUMBER, NULL, &dwSize)) || FAILED(hr = pAssemblyName->GetProperty(ASM_NAME_REVISION_NUMBER, NULL, &dwSize)) || FAILED(hr = pAssemblyName->GetProperty(ASM_NAME_CULTURE, NULL, &dwSize)) || FAILED(hr = pAssemblyName->GetProperty(ASM_NAME_ARCHITECTURE, NULL, &dwSize))) { // If any of these calls failed due to an insufficient buffer, then that means // the assembly name contained them if (hr == HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER)) hr = META_E_CA_BAD_FRIENDS_ARGS; } else { if (FAILED(hr = pAssemblyName->GetProperty(ASM_NAME_PUBLIC_KEY_TOKEN, NULL, &dwSize))) { // // Public Key token should not be passed to InternalsVisibleTo // attribute. This translates to the ASM_NAME_PUBLIC_KEY_TOKEN // property being set, while the full public key is not. // if (hr == HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER)) { dwSize = 0; if (FAILED(hr = pAssemblyName->GetProperty(ASM_NAME_PUBLIC_KEY, NULL, &dwSize))) { if (hr == HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER)) hr = S_OK; } else { hr = META_E_CA_BAD_FRIENDS_ARGS; } } } else { hr = S_OK; } } return hr; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CreateAssemblyNameObject // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // This is not external for CoreCLR STDAPI CreateAssemblyNameObject( LPASSEMBLYNAME *ppAssemblyName, LPCOLESTR szAssemblyName, DWORD dwFlags, LPVOID pvReserved) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; BEGIN_ENTRYPOINT_NOTHROW; CAssemblyName *pName = NULL; if (!ppAssemblyName) { hr = E_INVALIDARG; goto exit; } pName = NEW(CAssemblyName); if (!pName) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto exit; } if (dwFlags & CANOF_PARSE_DISPLAY_NAME) { hr = pName->Init(NULL, NULL); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto exit; } hr = pName->Parse((LPWSTR)szAssemblyName); } else { hr = pName->Init(szAssemblyName, NULL); } if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && ((dwFlags & CANOF_VERIFY_FRIEND_ASSEMBLYNAME))) { hr = CheckFieldsForFriendAssembly(pName); } if (FAILED(hr)) { SAFERELEASE(pName); goto exit; } *ppAssemblyName = pName; exit: END_ENTRYPOINT_NOTHROW; return hr; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CreateAssemblyNameObjectFromMetaData // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- STDAPI CreateAssemblyNameObjectFromMetaData( LPASSEMBLYNAME *ppAssemblyName, LPCOLESTR szAssemblyName, ASSEMBLYMETADATA *pamd, LPVOID pvReserved) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; CAssemblyName *pName = NULL; pName = NEW(CAssemblyName); if (!pName) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto exit; } hr = pName->Init(szAssemblyName, pamd); if (FAILED(hr)) { SAFERELEASE(pName); goto exit; } *ppAssemblyName = pName; exit: return hr; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CAssemblyName constructor // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- CAssemblyName::CAssemblyName() { _dwSig = 0x454d414e; /* 'EMAN' */ _fIsFinalized = FALSE; _fPublicKeyToken = FALSE; _fCustom = TRUE; _cRef = 1; _pwzPathModifier = NULL; _pwzTextualIdentity = NULL; _pwzTextualIdentityILFull = NULL; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CAssemblyName destructor // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- CAssemblyName::~CAssemblyName() { SAFEDELETEARRAY(_pwzPathModifier); SAFEDELETEARRAY(_pwzTextualIdentity); SAFEDELETEARRAY(_pwzTextualIdentityILFull); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CAssemblyName::IsStronglyNamed // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL CAssemblyName::IsStronglyNamed(IAssemblyName *pName) { CAssemblyName *pCName = static_cast (pName); _ASSERTE(pCName); return (pCName->_rProp[ASM_NAME_PUBLIC_KEY_TOKEN].cb != 0); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CAssemblyName::IsPartial // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL CAssemblyName::IsPartial(IAssemblyName *pIName, LPDWORD pdwCmpMask) { DWORD dwCmpMask = 0; BOOL fPartial = FALSE; static const ASM_NAME rNameFlags[] ={ASM_NAME_NAME, ASM_NAME_CULTURE, ASM_NAME_PUBLIC_KEY_TOKEN, ASM_NAME_MAJOR_VERSION, ASM_NAME_MINOR_VERSION, ASM_NAME_BUILD_NUMBER, ASM_NAME_REVISION_NUMBER, ASM_NAME_CUSTOM }; static const ASM_CMP_FLAGS rCmpFlags[] = {ASM_CMPF_NAME, ASM_CMPF_CULTURE, ASM_CMPF_PUBLIC_KEY_TOKEN, ASM_CMPF_MAJOR_VERSION, ASM_CMPF_MINOR_VERSION, ASM_CMPF_BUILD_NUMBER, ASM_CMPF_REVISION_NUMBER, ASM_CMPF_CUSTOM }; CAssemblyName *pName = static_cast (pIName); // dynamic_cast _ASSERTE(pName); DWORD iNumOfComparison = sizeof(rNameFlags) / sizeof(rNameFlags[0]); for (DWORD i = 0; i < iNumOfComparison; i++) { if (pName->_rProp[rNameFlags[i]].cb || (rNameFlags[i] == ASM_NAME_PUBLIC_KEY_TOKEN && pName->_fPublicKeyToken) || (rNameFlags[i] == ASM_NAME_CUSTOM && pName->_fCustom)) { dwCmpMask |= rCmpFlags[i]; } else { fPartial = TRUE; } } if(pName->_rProp[ASM_NAME_ARCHITECTURE].cb) { dwCmpMask |= ASM_CMPF_ARCHITECTURE; } if (pName->_rProp[ASM_NAME_RETARGET].cb) { dwCmpMask |= ASM_CMPF_RETARGET; } if (pName->_rProp[ASM_NAME_CONTENT_TYPE].cb != 0) { dwCmpMask |= ASM_CMPF_CONTENT_TYPE; } if (pName->_rProp[ASM_NAME_CONFIG_MASK].cb) { dwCmpMask |= ASM_CMPF_CONFIG_MASK; } if (pName->_rProp[ASM_NAME_MVID].cb) { dwCmpMask |= ASM_CMPF_MVID; } if (pName->_rProp[ASM_NAME_SIGNATURE_BLOB].cb) { dwCmpMask |= ASM_CMPF_SIGNATURE; } if (pdwCmpMask) *pdwCmpMask = dwCmpMask; return fPartial; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CAssemblyName::Init // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT CAssemblyName::Init(LPCTSTR pszAssemblyName, ASSEMBLYMETADATA *pamd) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; // Name if (pszAssemblyName) { hr = SetProperty(ASM_NAME_NAME, (LPTSTR) pszAssemblyName, (lstrlenW(pszAssemblyName)+1) * sizeof(TCHAR)); if (FAILED(hr)) goto exit; } if (pamd) { // Major version if (FAILED(hr = SetProperty(ASM_NAME_MAJOR_VERSION, &pamd->usMajorVersion, sizeof(WORD))) // Minor version || FAILED(hr = SetProperty(ASM_NAME_MINOR_VERSION, &pamd->usMinorVersion, sizeof(WORD))) // Revision number || FAILED(hr = SetProperty(ASM_NAME_REVISION_NUMBER, &pamd->usRevisionNumber, sizeof(WORD))) // Build number || FAILED(hr = SetProperty(ASM_NAME_BUILD_NUMBER, &pamd->usBuildNumber, sizeof(WORD))) // Culture || FAILED(hr = SetProperty(ASM_NAME_CULTURE, pamd->szLocale, pamd->cbLocale * sizeof(WCHAR))) ) { goto exit; } } exit: return hr; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CAssemblyName::Parse // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT CAssemblyName::Parse(__in_z LPCWSTR szDisplayName) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; if (!(szDisplayName && *szDisplayName)) { hr = E_INVALIDARG; goto exit; } EX_TRY { BINDER_SPACE::AssemblyIdentity assemblyIdentity; SString displayName(szDisplayName); // Parse the textual identity hr = BINDER_SPACE::TextualIdentityParser::Parse(displayName, &assemblyIdentity); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto exit; } // Set name. hr = SetProperty(ASM_NAME_NAME, (LPVOID) assemblyIdentity.m_simpleName.GetUnicode(), (assemblyIdentity.m_simpleName.GetCount() + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR)); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto exit; } // Set version. if (assemblyIdentity.Have(BINDER_SPACE::AssemblyIdentity::IDENTITY_FLAG_VERSION)) { WORD wVersionPart = 0; wVersionPart = (WORD) assemblyIdentity.m_version.GetMajor(); hr = SetProperty(ASM_NAME_MAJOR_VERSION, &wVersionPart, sizeof(WORD)); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto exit; } wVersionPart = (WORD) assemblyIdentity.m_version.GetMinor(); hr = SetProperty(ASM_NAME_MINOR_VERSION, &wVersionPart, sizeof(WORD)); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto exit; } wVersionPart = (WORD) assemblyIdentity.m_version.GetBuild(); hr = SetProperty(ASM_NAME_BUILD_NUMBER, &wVersionPart, sizeof(WORD)); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto exit; } wVersionPart = (WORD) assemblyIdentity.m_version.GetRevision(); hr = SetProperty(ASM_NAME_REVISION_NUMBER, &wVersionPart, sizeof(WORD)); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto exit; } } // Set culture. if (assemblyIdentity.Have(BINDER_SPACE::AssemblyIdentity::IDENTITY_FLAG_CULTURE)) { hr = SetProperty(ASM_NAME_CULTURE, (LPVOID) assemblyIdentity.m_cultureOrLanguage.GetUnicode(), (assemblyIdentity.m_cultureOrLanguage.GetCount()+1) * sizeof(WCHAR)); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto exit; } } // Set public key (token) or NULL flag. if (assemblyIdentity.Have(BINDER_SPACE::AssemblyIdentity::IDENTITY_FLAG_PUBLIC_KEY)) { SBuffer &publicKeyBuffer = assemblyIdentity.m_publicKeyOrTokenBLOB; const void *pBytes = publicKeyBuffer; // This also computes and sets the public key token. hr = SetProperty(ASM_NAME_PUBLIC_KEY, (void *) pBytes, publicKeyBuffer.GetSize()); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto exit; } } else if (assemblyIdentity.Have(BINDER_SPACE::AssemblyIdentity::IDENTITY_FLAG_PUBLIC_KEY_TOKEN)) { SBuffer &publicKeyTokenBuffer = assemblyIdentity.m_publicKeyOrTokenBLOB; const void *pBytes = publicKeyTokenBuffer; hr = SetProperty(ASM_NAME_PUBLIC_KEY_TOKEN, (LPVOID) pBytes, publicKeyTokenBuffer.GetSize()); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto exit; } } else if (assemblyIdentity. Have(BINDER_SPACE::AssemblyIdentity::IDENTITY_FLAG_PUBLIC_KEY_TOKEN_NULL)) { hr = SetProperty(ASM_NAME_NULL_PUBLIC_KEY_TOKEN, NULL, 0); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto exit; } } // Set architecture. if (assemblyIdentity.Have(BINDER_SPACE::AssemblyIdentity::IDENTITY_FLAG_PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE)) { PEKIND peKind = assemblyIdentity.m_kProcessorArchitecture; hr = SetProperty(ASM_NAME_ARCHITECTURE, (LPVOID) &peKind, sizeof(PEKIND)); if(FAILED(hr)) { goto exit; } } // Set retargetable flag. if (assemblyIdentity.Have(BINDER_SPACE::AssemblyIdentity::IDENTITY_FLAG_RETARGETABLE)) { BOOL fRetarget = TRUE; if (FAILED(hr = SetProperty(ASM_NAME_RETARGET, &fRetarget, sizeof(BOOL)))) { goto exit; } } // Set content type. if (assemblyIdentity.Have(BINDER_SPACE::AssemblyIdentity::IDENTITY_FLAG_CONTENT_TYPE)) { DWORD dwContentType = assemblyIdentity.m_kContentType; hr = SetProperty(ASM_NAME_CONTENT_TYPE, &dwContentType, sizeof(dwContentType)); IfFailGoto(hr, exit); } // Set custom or NULL flag. if (assemblyIdentity.Have(BINDER_SPACE::AssemblyIdentity::IDENTITY_FLAG_CUSTOM)) { SBuffer &customBuffer = assemblyIdentity.m_customBLOB; const void *pBytes = customBuffer; hr = SetProperty(ASM_NAME_CUSTOM, (void *) pBytes, customBuffer.GetSize()); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto exit; } } else if (assemblyIdentity.Have(BINDER_SPACE::AssemblyIdentity::IDENTITY_FLAG_CUSTOM_NULL)) { hr = SetProperty(ASM_NAME_NULL_CUSTOM, NULL, 0); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto exit; } } } EX_CATCH_HRESULT(hr); exit: return hr; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CAssemblyName::GetVersion // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT CAssemblyName::GetVersion( /* [in] */ DWORD dwMajorVersionEnumValue, /* [out] */ LPDWORD pdwVersionHi, /* [out] */ LPDWORD pdwVersionLow) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; DWORD cb = sizeof(WORD); WORD wVerMajor = 0, wVerMinor = 0, wRevNo = 0, wBldNo = 0; if(!pdwVersionHi || !pdwVersionLow) { hr = E_INVALIDARG; goto Exit; } *pdwVersionHi = *pdwVersionLow = 0; if(FAILED( (hr = GetProperty(dwMajorVersionEnumValue, &wVerMajor, &(cb = sizeof(WORD)))))) goto Exit; if (cb == 0) { hr = FUSION_E_INVALID_NAME; goto Exit; } if(FAILED( (hr = GetProperty(dwMajorVersionEnumValue+1, &wVerMinor, &(cb = sizeof(WORD)))))) goto Exit; if (cb == 0) { hr = FUSION_E_INVALID_NAME; goto Exit; } if(FAILED( (hr = GetProperty(dwMajorVersionEnumValue+2, &wBldNo, &(cb = sizeof(WORD)))))) goto Exit; if (cb == 0) { hr = FUSION_E_INVALID_NAME; goto Exit; } if(FAILED( (hr = GetProperty(dwMajorVersionEnumValue+3, &wRevNo, &(cb = sizeof(WORD)))))) goto Exit; if (cb == 0) { hr = FUSION_E_INVALID_NAME; goto Exit; } *pdwVersionHi = MAKELONG(wVerMinor, wVerMajor); *pdwVersionLow = MAKELONG(wRevNo, wBldNo); Exit: return hr; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CAssemblyName::CopyProperties // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT CAssemblyName::CopyProperties(CAssemblyName *pSource, CAssemblyName *pTarget, const DWORD properties[], DWORD dwSize) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; DWORD i = 0; FusionProperty prop; _ASSERTE(pSource && pTarget); if (!dwSize) { for( i = 0; i < ASM_NAME_MAX_PARAMS; i ++) { prop = pSource->_rProp[i]; if (prop.cb) { if (FAILED(hr = pTarget->SetProperty(i, prop.pv, prop.cb))) { goto Exit; } } } } else { for (i = 0; i_rProp[properties[i]]; if (prop.cb) { if (FAILED(hr = pTarget->SetProperty(properties[i], prop.pv, prop.cb))) { goto Exit; } } } } pTarget->_fPublicKeyToken = pSource->_fPublicKeyToken; pTarget->_fCustom = pSource->_fCustom; if (pSource->_pwzPathModifier) { pTarget->_pwzPathModifier = WSTRDupDynamic(pSource->_pwzPathModifier); if(!pTarget->_pwzPathModifier) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto Exit; } } Exit: return hr; } namespace LegacyFusion { HRESULT SetStringProperty(IAssemblyName *pIAssemblyName, DWORD dwPropertyId, SString &value) { CAssemblyName *pAssemblyName = static_cast(pIAssemblyName); const WCHAR *pValue = value.GetUnicode(); DWORD dwCBValue = (value.GetCount() + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR); return pAssemblyName->SetPropertyInternal(dwPropertyId, const_cast(pValue), dwCBValue); } HRESULT SetBufferProperty(IAssemblyName *pIAssemblyName, DWORD dwPropertyId, SBuffer &value) { CAssemblyName *pAssemblyName = static_cast(pIAssemblyName); const BYTE *pValue = value; // special operator DWORD dwCBValue = value.GetSize() * sizeof(BYTE); return pAssemblyName->SetPropertyInternal(dwPropertyId, const_cast(pValue), dwCBValue); } HRESULT SetWordProperty(IAssemblyName *pIAssemblyName, DWORD dwPropertyId, DWORD dwValue) { CAssemblyName *pAssemblyName = static_cast(pIAssemblyName); WORD wValue = static_cast(dwValue); DWORD wCBValue = sizeof(WORD); // This file-internal function is and must be only used to set version fields PREFIX_ASSUME((dwPropertyId == ASM_NAME_MAJOR_VERSION) || (dwPropertyId == ASM_NAME_MINOR_VERSION) || (dwPropertyId == ASM_NAME_BUILD_NUMBER) || (dwPropertyId == ASM_NAME_REVISION_NUMBER)); return pAssemblyName->SetPropertyInternal(dwPropertyId, &wValue, wCBValue); } HRESULT SetDwordProperty(IAssemblyName *pIAssemblyName, DWORD dwPropertyId, DWORD dwValue) { CAssemblyName *pAssemblyName = static_cast(pIAssemblyName); DWORD dwCBValue = sizeof(DWORD); return pAssemblyName->SetPropertyInternal(dwPropertyId, &dwValue, dwCBValue); } }; namespace fusion { namespace util { namespace priv { inline bool IsNullProperty(DWORD dwProperty) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return dwProperty == ASM_NAME_NULL_PUBLIC_KEY_TOKEN || dwProperty == ASM_NAME_NULL_PUBLIC_KEY || dwProperty == ASM_NAME_NULL_CUSTOM; } HRESULT ConvertToUtf8(PCWSTR wzStr, __deref_out UTF8** pszStr) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; _ASSERTE(wzStr != nullptr && pszStr != nullptr); if (wzStr == nullptr || pszStr == nullptr) { return E_INVALIDARG; } DWORD cbSize = WszWideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, wzStr, -1, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL); if(cbSize == 0) { return SUCCEEDED(hr = HRESULT_FROM_GetLastError()) ? E_UNEXPECTED : hr; } NewArrayHolder szStr = new (nothrow) UTF8[cbSize]; IfNullRet(szStr); cbSize = WszWideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, wzStr, -1, static_cast(szStr), cbSize, NULL, NULL); if(cbSize == 0) { return SUCCEEDED(hr = HRESULT_FROM_GetLastError()) ? E_UNEXPECTED : hr; } *pszStr = szStr.Extract(); return S_OK; } } // Non-allocating helper. HRESULT GetProperty(IAssemblyName * pName, DWORD dwProperty, PVOID pBuf, DWORD *pcbBuf) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; HRESULT hr = S_OK; _ASSERTE(pName != nullptr && pcbBuf != nullptr); if (pName == nullptr || pcbBuf == nullptr) { return E_INVALIDARG; } hr = pName->GetProperty(dwProperty, pBuf, pcbBuf); IfFailRet(hr); // Zero-length non-null property means there is no value. if (hr == S_OK && *pcbBuf == 0 && !priv::IsNullProperty(dwProperty)) { hr = S_FALSE; } return hr; } // Allocating helper. HRESULT GetProperty(IAssemblyName * pName, DWORD dwProperty, PBYTE * ppBuf, DWORD *pcbBuf) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; HRESULT hr = S_OK; _ASSERTE(ppBuf != nullptr && (*ppBuf == nullptr || pcbBuf != nullptr)); if (ppBuf == nullptr || (*ppBuf != nullptr && pcbBuf == nullptr)) { return E_INVALIDARG; } DWORD cbBuf = 0; if (pcbBuf == nullptr) pcbBuf = &cbBuf; hr = GetProperty(pName, dwProperty, *ppBuf, pcbBuf); // No provided buffer constitutes a request for one to be allocated. if (*ppBuf == nullptr) { // If it's a null property, allocate a single-byte array to provide consistency. if (hr == S_OK && priv::IsNullProperty(dwProperty)) { *ppBuf = new (nothrow) BYTE[1]; IfNullRet(*ppBuf); } // Great, get the value. else if (hr == HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER)) { NewArrayHolder pBuf = new (nothrow) BYTE[*pcbBuf]; IfNullRet(pBuf); hr = pName->GetProperty(dwProperty, pBuf, pcbBuf); IfFailRet(hr); *ppBuf = pBuf.Extract(); hr = S_OK; } } return hr; } HRESULT GetProperty(IAssemblyName * pName, DWORD dwProperty, SString & ssVal) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; HRESULT hr = S_OK; _ASSERTE(pName != nullptr); if (pName == nullptr) { return E_INVALIDARG; } DWORD cbSize = 0; hr = GetProperty(pName, dwProperty, static_cast(nullptr), &cbSize); if (hr == HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER)) { EX_TRY { PWSTR wzNameBuf = ssVal.OpenUnicodeBuffer(cbSize / sizeof(WCHAR) - 1); hr = GetProperty(pName, dwProperty, reinterpret_cast(wzNameBuf), &cbSize); ssVal.CloseBuffer(); IfFailThrow(hr); ssVal.Normalize(); } EX_CATCH_HRESULT(hr); IfFailRet(hr); } return hr; } HRESULT GetProperty(IAssemblyName * pName, DWORD dwProperty, __deref_out WCHAR ** pwzVal) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; HRESULT hr = S_OK; _ASSERTE(pName != nullptr && pwzVal != nullptr); if (pName == nullptr || pwzVal == nullptr) { return E_INVALIDARG; } DWORD cbSize = 0; hr = pName->GetProperty(dwProperty, NULL, &cbSize); if (hr == HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER)) { NewArrayHolder wzVal = reinterpret_cast(new (nothrow) BYTE[cbSize]); IfNullRet(wzVal); hr = pName->GetProperty(dwProperty, reinterpret_cast(static_cast(wzVal)), &cbSize); IfFailRet(hr); *pwzVal = wzVal.Extract(); } return hr; } HRESULT GetProperty(IAssemblyName * pName, DWORD dwProperty, __deref_out UTF8 **pwzOut) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; HRESULT hr = S_OK; if (pwzOut == nullptr) return E_INVALIDARG; SmallStackSString ssStr; hr = GetProperty(pName, dwProperty, ssStr); IfFailRet(hr); hr = priv::ConvertToUtf8(ssStr, pwzOut); IfFailRet(hr); return hr; } } }