// // Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved. // Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information. // // ============================================================ // // DebugLog.cpp // // // Implements the DebugLog class // // ============================================================ #if defined(BINDER_DEBUG_LOG) #include "debuglog.hpp" #include "assemblyname.hpp" #include "utils.hpp" #include "variables.hpp" #include "ex.h" namespace BINDER_SPACE { namespace { void GetStringFromHR(HRESULT hr, SString &info) { switch(hr) { case S_OK: info.Append(L"S_OK"); break; case S_FALSE: info.Append(L"S_FALSE"); break; case E_FAIL: info.Append(L"E_FAIL"); break; case __HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND): info.Append(L"HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND)"); break; case __HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER): info.Append(L"HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER)"); break; case FUSION_E_REF_DEF_MISMATCH: info.Append(L"FUSION_E_REF_DEF_MISMATCH"); break; case FUSION_E_CODE_DOWNLOAD_DISABLED: info.Append(L"FUSION_E_CODE_DOWNLOAD_DISABLED"); break; default: info.AppendPrintf(L"%p", hr); break; } } HRESULT GetLogFilePath(PathString &logFileDir, PathString &logFilePath) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; BOOL fFileExists = TRUE; do { LARGE_INTEGER kCount1; LARGE_INTEGER kCount2; logFilePath.Clear(); if (!QueryPerformanceCounter(&kCount1)) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_GetLastError(); } else if(!QueryPerformanceCounter(&kCount2)) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_GetLastError(); } else { logFilePath.Printf(L"%s\\Log_%u%u_%u%u.tmp", logFileDir.GetUnicode(), static_cast(kCount1.u.LowPart), kCount1.u.HighPart, static_cast(kCount2.u.LowPart), kCount2.u.HighPart); PlatformPath(logFilePath); CanonicalizePath(logFilePath); } fFileExists = (FileOrDirectoryExists(logFilePath) == S_OK); } while (fFileExists == TRUE); return hr; } HRESULT WriteToFile(HANDLE hFile, const BYTE *pbBuffer, DWORD dwcbBuffer) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; DWORD dwNumberOfBytesWritten = 0; while ((dwcbBuffer != 0) && (dwNumberOfBytesWritten < dwcbBuffer)) { if (WriteFile(hFile, pbBuffer, dwcbBuffer, &dwNumberOfBytesWritten, NULL)) { dwcbBuffer -= dwNumberOfBytesWritten; pbBuffer += dwNumberOfBytesWritten; } else { hr = HRESULT_FROM_GetLastError(); goto Exit; } } Exit: return hr; } }; /* static */ HRESULT DebugLog::Startup() { HRESULT hr = S_OK; PathString logFileDir; PathString logFilePath; REGUTIL::CORConfigLevel kCorConfigLevel = static_cast(REGUTIL::COR_CONFIG_ENV | REGUTIL::COR_CONFIG_FUSION); NewArrayHolder pwzLogDirectory = CLRConfig::GetConfigValue(CLRConfig::INTERNAL_CoreClrBinderLog); g_BinderVariables->m_logCS = ClrCreateCriticalSection(CrstCoreCLRBinderLog, CRST_REENTRANCY); if (!g_BinderVariables->m_logCS) { IF_FAIL_GO(E_OUTOFMEMORY); } if (pwzLogDirectory == NULL) { goto Exit; } logFileDir.Set(pwzLogDirectory); if (WszCreateDirectory(logFileDir.GetUnicode(), NULL) || ((hr = HRESULT_FROM_GetLastError()) == HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS))) { hr = S_OK; } IF_FAIL_GO(GetLogFilePath(logFileDir, logFilePath)); g_BinderVariables->m_hDebugLogFile = WszCreateFile(logFilePath.GetUnicode(), GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); if (g_BinderVariables->m_hDebugLogFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { IF_FAIL_GO(E_FAIL); } Exit: return hr; } // This is not multi-thread aware by any means. That said, neither is any of this logging mechanism. static int s_scopeLevel = 0; static const ANSI s_szScopeIndent[3] = " "; /* static */ void DebugLog::Enter(WCHAR *pwzScope) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; EX_TRY { PathString info; info.Append(pwzScope); info.Append(L": Enter"); Log(info); } EX_CATCH_HRESULT(hr); s_scopeLevel++; } /* static */ void DebugLog::Leave(WCHAR *pwzScope) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; s_scopeLevel--; EX_TRY { PathString info; info.Append(pwzScope); info.Append(L": Leave(void)"); Log(info); } EX_CATCH_HRESULT(hr); } /* static */ void DebugLog::LeaveHR(WCHAR *pwzScope, HRESULT hrLog) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; s_scopeLevel--; EX_TRY { PathString info; info.Append(pwzScope); info.Append(L": Leave(hr="); GetStringFromHR(hrLog, info); info.Append(L")"); Log(info); } EX_CATCH_HRESULT(hr); } /* static */ void DebugLog::LeaveBool(WCHAR *pwzScope, BOOL fResult) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; s_scopeLevel--; EX_TRY { PathString info; info.Append(pwzScope); info.Append(L": Leave(fResult="); info.Append(fResult ? L"TRUE)" : L"FALSE)"); Log(info); } EX_CATCH_HRESULT(hr); } /* static */ void DebugLog::Log(WCHAR *pwzComment) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; EX_TRY { PathString info; info.Append(pwzComment); Log(info); } EX_CATCH_HRESULT(hr); } /* static */ void DebugLog::Log(WCHAR *pwzComment, SString &value) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; EX_TRY { PathString info; info.Append(pwzComment); info.Append(L" = '"); info.Append(value); info.Append(L"'"); Log(info); } EX_CATCH_HRESULT(hr); } /* static */ void DebugLog::Log(WCHAR *pwzComment, const WCHAR *value) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; EX_TRY { PathString info; info.Append(pwzComment); info.Append(L" = '"); info.Append(value); info.Append(L"'"); Log(info); } EX_CATCH_HRESULT(hr) } /* static */ void DebugLog::Log(WCHAR *pwzComment, HRESULT hrLog) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; EX_TRY { PathString info; info.Append(pwzComment); info.Append(L" = "); GetStringFromHR(hrLog, info); Log(info); } EX_CATCH_HRESULT(hr); } /* static */ void DebugLog::Log(WCHAR *pwzComment, AssemblyName *pAssemblyName) { EX_TRY { PathString assemblyDisplayName; PathString info; if (pAssemblyName != NULL) { pAssemblyName->GetDisplayName(assemblyDisplayName, AssemblyName::INCLUDE_VERSION | AssemblyName::INCLUDE_ARCHITECTURE | AssemblyName::INCLUDE_RETARGETABLE); } else { assemblyDisplayName.Set(L""); } info.Printf(L"(%d):", static_cast(assemblyDisplayName.GetCount())); info.Append(assemblyDisplayName); Log(pwzComment, info); } EX_CATCH { Log(L""); } EX_END_CATCH(SwallowAllExceptions); } /* static */ void DebugLog::Log(WCHAR *pwzComment, void *pData) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; EX_TRY { PathString info; info.Append(pwzComment); info.AppendPrintf(L" = %p", pData); Log(info); } EX_CATCH_HRESULT(hr); } /* static */ void DebugLog::Log(SString &info) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; StackScratchBuffer scratchBuffer; const BYTE *pbRawBuffer = reinterpret_cast(info.GetANSI(scratchBuffer)); DWORD dwcbRawBuffer = static_cast(info.GetCount()); // Work around SString issue const ANSI ansiCRLF[] = { 0x0d, 0x0a }; DWORD dwcbAnsiCRLF = 2 * sizeof(ANSI); s_scopeLevel; for (int iScope = 0; iScope < s_scopeLevel; iScope++) { IF_FAIL_GO(WriteToFile(g_BinderVariables->m_hDebugLogFile, reinterpret_cast(&s_szScopeIndent[0]), sizeof(s_szScopeIndent))); } IF_FAIL_GO(WriteToFile(g_BinderVariables->m_hDebugLogFile, pbRawBuffer, dwcbRawBuffer)); IF_FAIL_GO(WriteToFile(g_BinderVariables->m_hDebugLogFile, reinterpret_cast(ansiCRLF), dwcbAnsiCRLF)); // Don't cache anything if (!FlushFileBuffers(g_BinderVariables->m_hDebugLogFile)) { WszOutputDebugString(L"DebugLog::Log(info): FlushFileBuffers failed!\n"); } Exit: return; } }; #endif