// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements. // The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license. // See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information. // ============================================================ // // ApplicationContext.cpp // // // Implements the ApplicationContext class // // ============================================================ #ifndef FEATURE_CORESYSTEM #define DISABLE_BINDER_DEBUG_LOGGING #endif #include "applicationcontext.hpp" #include "stringarraylist.h" #include "loadcontext.hpp" #include "propertymap.hpp" #include "failurecache.hpp" #include "assemblyidentitycache.hpp" #ifdef FEATURE_VERSIONING_LOG #include "debuglog.hpp" #endif // FEATURE_VERSIONING_LOG #include "utils.hpp" #include "variables.hpp" #include "ex.h" namespace BINDER_SPACE { STDMETHODIMP ApplicationContext::QueryInterface(REFIID riid, void **ppv) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; if (ppv == NULL) { hr = E_POINTER; } else { if (IsEqualIID(riid, IID_IUnknown)) { AddRef(); *ppv = static_cast(this); } else { *ppv = NULL; hr = E_NOINTERFACE; } } return hr; } STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) ApplicationContext::AddRef() { return InterlockedIncrement(&m_cRef); } STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) ApplicationContext::Release() { ULONG ulRef = InterlockedDecrement(&m_cRef); if (ulRef == 0) { delete this; } return ulRef; } ApplicationContext::ApplicationContext() { m_cRef = 1; m_dwAppDomainId = 0; m_pExecutionContext = NULL; m_pInspectionContext = NULL; m_pFailureCache = NULL; m_contextCS = NULL; m_pTrustedPlatformAssemblyMap = nullptr; m_pFileNameHash = nullptr; } ApplicationContext::~ApplicationContext() { SAFE_RELEASE(m_pExecutionContext); SAFE_RELEASE(m_pInspectionContext); SAFE_DELETE(m_pFailureCache); if (m_contextCS != NULL) { ClrDeleteCriticalSection(m_contextCS); } if (m_pTrustedPlatformAssemblyMap != nullptr) { delete m_pTrustedPlatformAssemblyMap; } if (m_pFileNameHash != nullptr) { delete m_pFileNameHash; } } HRESULT ApplicationContext::Init() { HRESULT hr = S_OK; BINDER_LOG_ENTER(W("ApplicationContext::Init")); BINDER_LOG_POINTER(W("this"), this); ReleaseHolder pExecutionContext; ReleaseHolder pInspectionContext; PropertyMap *pPropertyMap = NULL; FailureCache *pFailureCache = NULL; // Allocate context objects SAFE_NEW(pExecutionContext, ExecutionContext); SAFE_NEW(pInspectionContext, InspectionContext); SAFE_NEW(pFailureCache, FailureCache); m_contextCS = ClrCreateCriticalSection( CrstFusionAppCtx, CRST_REENTRANCY); if (!m_contextCS) { SAFE_DELETE(pPropertyMap); SAFE_DELETE(pFailureCache); hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } else { m_pExecutionContext = pExecutionContext.Extract(); m_pInspectionContext = pInspectionContext.Extract(); m_pFailureCache = pFailureCache; } m_fCanExplicitlyBindToNativeImages = false; Exit: BINDER_LOG_LEAVE_HR(W("ApplicationContext::Init"), hr); return hr; } HRESULT GetNextPath(SString& paths, SString::Iterator& startPos, SString& outPath) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; bool wrappedWithQuotes = false; // Skip any leading spaces or path separators while (paths.Skip(startPos, W(' ')) || paths.Skip(startPos, PATH_SEPARATOR_CHAR_W)) {} if (startPos == paths.End()) { // No more paths in the string and we just skipped over some white space outPath.Set(W("")); return S_FALSE; } // Support paths being wrapped with quotations if (paths.Skip(startPos, W('\"'))) { wrappedWithQuotes = true; } SString::Iterator iEnd = startPos; // Where current path ends SString::Iterator iNext; // Where next path starts if (wrappedWithQuotes) { if (paths.Find(iEnd, W('\"'))) { iNext = iEnd; // Find where the next path starts - there should be a path separator right after the closing quotation mark if (paths.Find(iNext, PATH_SEPARATOR_CHAR_W)) { iNext++; } else { iNext = paths.End(); } } else { // There was no terminating quotation mark - that's bad GO_WITH_HRESULT(E_INVALIDARG); } } else if (paths.Find(iEnd, PATH_SEPARATOR_CHAR_W)) { iNext = iEnd + 1; } else { iNext = iEnd = paths.End(); } // Skip any trailing spaces while (iEnd[-1] == W(' ')) { iEnd--; } _ASSERTE(startPos < iEnd); outPath.Set(paths, startPos, iEnd); startPos = iNext; Exit: return hr; } HRESULT ApplicationContext::SetupBindingPaths(SString &sTrustedPlatformAssemblies, SString &sPlatformResourceRoots, SString &sAppPaths, SString &sAppNiPaths, BOOL fAcquireLock) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; BINDER_LOG_ENTER(W("ApplicationContext::SetupBindingPaths")); BINDER_LOG_POINTER(W("this"), this); #ifndef CROSSGEN_COMPILE CRITSEC_Holder contextLock(fAcquireLock ? GetCriticalSectionCookie() : NULL); #endif if (m_pTrustedPlatformAssemblyMap != nullptr) { #if defined(BINDER_DEBUG_LOG) BINDER_LOG(W("ApplicationContext::SetupBindingPaths: Binding paths already setup")); #endif // BINDER_LOG_STRING GO_WITH_HRESULT(S_OK); } // // Parse TrustedPlatformAssemblies // m_pTrustedPlatformAssemblyMap = new SimpleNameToFileNameMap(); m_pFileNameHash = new TpaFileNameHash(); sTrustedPlatformAssemblies.Normalize(); for (SString::Iterator i = sTrustedPlatformAssemblies.Begin(); i != sTrustedPlatformAssemblies.End(); ) { SString fileName; HRESULT pathResult = S_OK; IF_FAIL_GO(pathResult = GetNextPath(sTrustedPlatformAssemblies, i, fileName)); if (pathResult == S_FALSE) { break; } // Find the beginning of the simple name SString::Iterator iSimpleNameStart = fileName.End(); if (!fileName.FindBack(iSimpleNameStart, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR_CHAR_W)) { #ifdef CROSSGEN_COMPILE iSimpleNameStart = fileName.Begin(); #else // Couldn't find a directory separator. File must have been specified as a relative path. Not allowed. GO_WITH_HRESULT(E_INVALIDARG); #endif } else { // Advance past the directory separator to the first character of the file name iSimpleNameStart++; } if (iSimpleNameStart == fileName.End()) { GO_WITH_HRESULT(E_INVALIDARG); } SString simpleName; bool isNativeImage = false; // GCC complains if we create SStrings inline as part of a function call SString sNiDll(W(".ni.dll")); SString sNiExe(W(".ni.exe")); SString sNiWinmd(W(".ni.winmd")); SString sDll(W(".dll")); SString sExe(W(".exe")); SString sWinmd(W(".winmd")); if (fileName.EndsWithCaseInsensitive(sNiDll) || fileName.EndsWithCaseInsensitive(sNiExe)) { simpleName.Set(fileName, iSimpleNameStart, fileName.End() - 7); isNativeImage = true; } else if (fileName.EndsWithCaseInsensitive(sNiWinmd)) { simpleName.Set(fileName, iSimpleNameStart, fileName.End() - 9); isNativeImage = true; } else if (fileName.EndsWithCaseInsensitive(sDll) || fileName.EndsWithCaseInsensitive(sExe)) { simpleName.Set(fileName, iSimpleNameStart, fileName.End() - 4); } else if (fileName.EndsWithCaseInsensitive(sWinmd)) { simpleName.Set(fileName, iSimpleNameStart, fileName.End() - 6); } else { // Invalid filename GO_WITH_HRESULT(E_INVALIDARG); } const SimpleNameToFileNameMapEntry *pExistingEntry = m_pTrustedPlatformAssemblyMap->LookupPtr(simpleName.GetUnicode()); if (pExistingEntry != nullptr) { // // We want to store only the first entry matching a simple name we encounter. // The exception is if we first store an IL reference and later in the string // we encounter a native image. Since we don't touch IL in the presence of // native images, we replace the IL entry with the NI. // if ((pExistingEntry->m_wszILFileName != nullptr && !isNativeImage) || (pExistingEntry->m_wszNIFileName != nullptr && isNativeImage)) { BINDER_LOG_STRING(W("ApplicationContext::SetupBindingPaths: Skipping TPA entry because of already existing IL/NI entry for short name "), fileName.GetUnicode()); continue; } } LPWSTR wszSimpleName = nullptr; if (pExistingEntry == nullptr) { wszSimpleName = new WCHAR[simpleName.GetCount() + 1]; if (wszSimpleName == nullptr) { GO_WITH_HRESULT(E_OUTOFMEMORY); } wcscpy_s(wszSimpleName, simpleName.GetCount() + 1, simpleName.GetUnicode()); } else { wszSimpleName = pExistingEntry->m_wszSimpleName; } LPWSTR wszFileName = new WCHAR[fileName.GetCount() + 1]; if (wszFileName == nullptr) { GO_WITH_HRESULT(E_OUTOFMEMORY); } wcscpy_s(wszFileName, fileName.GetCount() + 1, fileName.GetUnicode()); SimpleNameToFileNameMapEntry mapEntry; mapEntry.m_wszSimpleName = wszSimpleName; if (isNativeImage) { mapEntry.m_wszNIFileName = wszFileName; mapEntry.m_wszILFileName = pExistingEntry == nullptr ? nullptr : pExistingEntry->m_wszILFileName; } else { mapEntry.m_wszILFileName = wszFileName; mapEntry.m_wszNIFileName = pExistingEntry == nullptr ? nullptr : pExistingEntry->m_wszNIFileName; } m_pTrustedPlatformAssemblyMap->AddOrReplace(mapEntry); FileNameMapEntry fileNameExistenceEntry; fileNameExistenceEntry.m_wszFileName = wszFileName; m_pFileNameHash->AddOrReplace(fileNameExistenceEntry); BINDER_LOG_STRING(W("ApplicationContext::SetupBindingPaths: Added TPA entry"), wszFileName); } // // Parse PlatformResourceRoots // sPlatformResourceRoots.Normalize(); for (SString::Iterator i = sPlatformResourceRoots.Begin(); i != sPlatformResourceRoots.End(); ) { SString pathName; HRESULT pathResult = S_OK; IF_FAIL_GO(pathResult = GetNextPath(sPlatformResourceRoots, i, pathName)); if (pathResult == S_FALSE) { break; } m_platformResourceRoots.Append(pathName); BINDER_LOG_STRING(W("ApplicationContext::SetupBindingPaths: Added resource root"), pathName); } // // Parse AppPaths // sAppPaths.Normalize(); for (SString::Iterator i = sAppPaths.Begin(); i != sAppPaths.End(); ) { SString pathName; HRESULT pathResult = S_OK; IF_FAIL_GO(pathResult = GetNextPath(sAppPaths, i, pathName)); if (pathResult == S_FALSE) { break; } m_appPaths.Append(pathName); BINDER_LOG_STRING(W("ApplicationContext::SetupBindingPaths: Added App Path"), pathName); } // // Parse AppNiPaths // sAppNiPaths.Normalize(); for (SString::Iterator i = sAppNiPaths.Begin(); i != sAppNiPaths.End(); ) { SString pathName; HRESULT pathResult = S_OK; IF_FAIL_GO(pathResult = GetNextPath(sAppNiPaths, i, pathName)); if (pathResult == S_FALSE) { break; } m_appNiPaths.Append(pathName); BINDER_LOG_STRING(W("ApplicationContext::SetupBindingPaths: Added App NI Path"), pathName); } Exit: BINDER_LOG_LEAVE_HR(W("ApplicationContext::SetupBindingPaths"), hr); return hr; } HRESULT ApplicationContext::GetAssemblyIdentity(LPCSTR szTextualIdentity, AssemblyIdentityUTF8 **ppAssemblyIdentity) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; BINDER_LOG_ENTER(W("ApplicationContext::GetAssemblyIdentity")); BINDER_LOG_POINTER(W("this"), this); _ASSERTE(szTextualIdentity != NULL); _ASSERTE(ppAssemblyIdentity != NULL); CRITSEC_Holder contextLock(GetCriticalSectionCookie()); AssemblyIdentityUTF8 *pAssemblyIdentity = m_assemblyIdentityCache.Lookup(szTextualIdentity); if (pAssemblyIdentity == NULL) { NewHolder pNewAssemblyIdentity; SString sTextualIdentity; SAFE_NEW(pNewAssemblyIdentity, AssemblyIdentityUTF8); sTextualIdentity.SetUTF8(szTextualIdentity); IF_FAIL_GO(TextualIdentityParser::Parse(sTextualIdentity, pNewAssemblyIdentity)); IF_FAIL_GO(m_assemblyIdentityCache.Add(szTextualIdentity, pNewAssemblyIdentity)); pNewAssemblyIdentity->PopulateUTF8Fields(); pAssemblyIdentity = pNewAssemblyIdentity.Extract(); } *ppAssemblyIdentity = pAssemblyIdentity; Exit: BINDER_LOG_LEAVE_HR(W("ApplicationContext::GetAssemblyIdentity"), hr); return hr; } bool ApplicationContext::IsTpaListProvided() { return m_pTrustedPlatformAssemblyMap != nullptr; } };