// // Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved. // Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information. // //---------------------------------------------------------- // nearDiffer.cpp - differ that handles code that is very similar //---------------------------------------------------------- #include "standardpch.h" #ifdef USE_COREDISTOOLS #include "coredistools.h" #endif // USE_COREDISTOOLS #include "logging.h" #include "neardiffer.h" #ifdef USE_COREDISTOOLS // // Helper functions to print messages from CoreDisTools Library // The file/linenumber information is from this helper itself, // since we are only linking with the CoreDisTools library. // static void LogFromCoreDisToolsHelper(LogLevel level, const char* msg, va_list argList) { Logger::LogVprintf(__func__, __FILE__, __LINE__, level, argList, msg); } #define LOGGER(L) \ \ static void Log##L(const char* msg, ...) \ \ { \ va_list argList; \ va_start(argList, msg); \ LogFromCoreDisToolsHelper(LOGLEVEL_##L, msg, argList); \ va_end(argList); \ \ } LOGGER(VERBOSE) LOGGER(ERROR) LOGGER(WARNING) const PrintControl CorPrinter = {LogERROR, LogWARNING, LogVERBOSE, LogVERBOSE}; #endif // USE_COREDISTOOLS // // The NearDiff Disassembler Initialization // void NearDiffer::InitAsmDiff() { #ifdef USE_COREDISTOOLS if (UseCoreDisTools) { corAsmDiff = NewDiffer(Target_Host, &CorPrinter, NearDiffer::compareOffsets); } #endif // USE_COREDISTOOLS } // // The NearDiff destructor // NearDiffer::~NearDiffer() { #ifdef USE_COREDISTOOLS if (corAsmDiff != nullptr) { FinishDiff(corAsmDiff); } #endif // USE_COREDISTOOLS } // At a high level, the near differ takes in a method context and two compile results, performs // some simple fixups, and then compares the main artifacts of the compile result (i.e. generated // code, GC info, EH info, debug info, etc.) for equality. In order to be fast, the fixups and // definitions of "equality" are minimal; for example, the GC info check just does a simple memcmp. // // The entrypoint into the near differ is nearDiffer::compare; its doc comments will have more // details on what it does. That function in turn fans out to various other components. For asm // diffing, the main function of interest will be nearDiffer::compareCodeSection. // // Most of the diffing logic is architecture-independent, with the following exceptions: // // - The MSDIS instance must be created with knowledge of the architecture it is working with. // - The heuristics to compare different literal operand values has some architecture-specific // assumptions. // - The code stream is fixed up using relocations recorded during compilation time. The logic // for applying these should, in theory, be architecture independent, but depending on how // the runtime implements this from platform to platform, there might be subtle differences here. // #ifdef USE_MSVCDIS DIS* NearDiffer::GetMsVcDis() { DIS* disasm; #ifdef _TARGET_AMD64_ if ((TargetArchitecture != nullptr) && (0 == _stricmp(TargetArchitecture, "arm64"))) { disasm = DIS::PdisNew(DIS::distArm64); } else { disasm = DIS::PdisNew(DIS::distX8664); } #elif defined(_TARGET_X86_) disasm = DIS::PdisNew(DIS::distX86); #endif return disasm; } #endif // USE_MSVCDIS // // Simple, quick-and-dirty disassembler. If NearDiffer::compareCodeSection finds that two code // streams differ, it will call this to dump the two differing code blocks to the log. The dump // is logged under the verbose logging level. // // The output format is in MSDIS's disassembly format. // // Arguments: // block - A pointer to the code block to diassemble. // blocksize - The size of the code block to disassemble. // originalAddr - The original base address of the code block. // void NearDiffer::DumpCodeBlock(unsigned char* block, ULONG blocksize, void* originalAddr) { #ifdef USE_MSVCDIS DIS* disasm = GetMsVcDis(); size_t offset = 0; std::string codeBlock; while (offset < blocksize) { DIS::INSTRUCTION instr; DIS::OPERAND ops[3]; size_t instrSize = disasm->CbDisassemble((DIS::ADDR)originalAddr + offset, (void*)(block + offset), 15); if (instrSize == 0) { LogWarning("Zero sized instruction"); break; } disasm->FDecode(&instr, ops, 3); wchar_t instrMnemonicWide[64]; // I never know how much to allocate... disasm->CchFormatInstr(instrMnemonicWide, 64); char instrMnemonic[128]; size_t count; wcstombs_s(&count, instrMnemonic, 128, instrMnemonicWide, 64); const size_t minInstrBytes = 7; size_t instrBytes = max(instrSize, minInstrBytes); size_t buffSize = sizeof("%p %s\n") + 10 + count + 3 * instrBytes + 1; char* buff = new char[buffSize]; int written = 0; written += sprintf_s(buff, buffSize, "%p ", (void*)((size_t)originalAddr + offset)); for (size_t i = 0; i < instrBytes; i++) { if (i < instrSize) { written += sprintf_s(buff + written, buffSize - written, "%02X ", *(const uint8_t*)(block + offset + i)); } else { written += sprintf_s(buff + written, buffSize - written, " "); } } written += sprintf_s(buff + written, buffSize - written, "%s\n", instrMnemonic); codeBlock += buff; delete[] buff; offset += instrSize; } LogVerbose("Code dump:\n%s", codeBlock.c_str()); delete disasm; #else // !USE_MSVCDIS LogVerbose("No disassembler"); #endif // !USE_MSVCDIS } // // Struct to capture the information required by offset comparator. // struct DiffData { // Common Data CompileResult* cr; // Details of the first block size_t blocksize1; size_t datablock1; size_t datablockSize1; size_t originalBlock1; size_t originalDataBlock1; size_t otherCodeBlock1; size_t otherCodeBlockSize1; // Details of the second block size_t blocksize2; size_t datablock2; size_t datablockSize2; size_t originalBlock2; size_t originalDataBlock2; size_t otherCodeBlock2; size_t otherCodeBlockSize2; }; // // NearDiff Offset Comparator. // Determine whether two syntactically different constants are // semantically equivalent, using certain heuristics. // bool NearDiffer::compareOffsets( const void* payload, size_t blockOffset, size_t instrLen, uint64_t offset1, uint64_t offset2) { // The trivial case if (offset1 == offset2) { return true; } const DiffData* data = (const DiffData*)payload; size_t ip1 = data->originalBlock1 + blockOffset; size_t ip2 = data->originalBlock2 + blockOffset; size_t ipRelOffset1 = ip1 + instrLen + (size_t)offset1; size_t ipRelOffset2 = ip2 + instrLen + (size_t)offset2; // Case where we have a call into flat address -- the most common case. size_t gOffset1 = ipRelOffset1; size_t gOffset2 = ipRelOffset2; if ((DWORD)gOffset1 == (DWORD)gOffset2) // make sure the lower 32bits match (best we can do in the current replay form) return true; // Case where we have an offset into the read only section (e.g. loading a float value) size_t roOffset1a = (size_t)offset1 - data->originalDataBlock1; size_t roOffset2a = (size_t)offset2 - data->originalDataBlock2; if ((roOffset1a == roOffset2a) && (roOffset1a < data->datablockSize1)) // Confirm its an offset that fits inside our RoRegion return true; // This case is written to catch IP-relative offsets to the RO data-section // For example: // size_t roOffset1b = ipRelOffset1 - data->originalDataBlock1; size_t roOffset2b = ipRelOffset2 - data->originalDataBlock2; if ((roOffset1b == roOffset2b) && (roOffset1b < data->datablockSize1)) // Confirm its an offset that fits inside our RoRegion return true; // Case where we push an address to our own code section. size_t gOffset1a = (size_t)offset1 - data->originalBlock1; size_t gOffset2a = (size_t)offset2 - data->originalBlock2; if ((gOffset1a == gOffset2a) && (gOffset1a < data->blocksize1)) // Confirm its in our code region return true; // Case where we push an address in the other codeblock. size_t gOffset1b = (size_t)offset1 - data->otherCodeBlock1; size_t gOffset2b = (size_t)offset2 - data->otherCodeBlock2; if ((gOffset1b == gOffset2b) && (gOffset1b < data->otherCodeBlockSize1)) // Confirm it's in the other code region return true; // Case where we have an offset into the hot codeblock from the cold code block (why?) size_t ocOffset1 = ipRelOffset1 - data->otherCodeBlock1; size_t ocOffset2 = ipRelOffset2 - data->otherCodeBlock2; if (ocOffset1 == ocOffset2) // Would be nice to check to see if it fits in the other code block return true; // VSD calling case. size_t Offset1 = (ipRelOffset1 - 8); if (data->cr->CallTargetTypes->GetIndex((DWORDLONG)Offset1) != (DWORD)-1) { // This logging is too noisy, so disable it. //LogVerbose("Found VSD callsite, did softer compare than ideal"); return true; } // x86 VSD calling cases. size_t Offset1b = (size_t)offset1 - 4; size_t Offset2b = (size_t)offset2; if (data->cr->CallTargetTypes->GetIndex((DWORDLONG)Offset1b) != (DWORD)-1) { // This logging is too noisy, so disable it. //LogVerbose("Found VSD callsite, did softer compare than ideal"); return true; } if (data->cr->CallTargetTypes->GetIndex((DWORDLONG)Offset2b) != (DWORD)-1) { // This logging is too noisy, so disable it. //LogVerbose("Found VSD callsite, did softer compare than ideal"); return true; } // Case might be a field address that we handed out to handle inlined values being loaded into //a register as an immediate value (and where the address is encoded as an indirect immediate load) size_t realTargetAddr = (size_t)data->cr->searchAddressMap((void*)gOffset2); if (realTargetAddr == gOffset1) return true; // Case might be a field address that we handed out to handle inlined values being loaded into //a register as an immediate value (and where the address is encoded and loaded by immediate into a register) realTargetAddr = (size_t)data->cr->searchAddressMap((void*)offset2); if (realTargetAddr == offset1) return true; if (realTargetAddr == 0x424242) // this offset matches what we got back from a getTailCallCopyArgsThunk return true; realTargetAddr = (size_t)data->cr->searchAddressMap((void*)(gOffset2)); if (realTargetAddr != -1) // we know this was passed out as a bbloc return true; return false; } // // Compares two code sections for syntactic equality. This is the core of the asm diffing logic. // // This mostly relies on MSDIS's decoded representation of an instruction to compare for equality. // That is, using MSDIS's internal IR, this goes through the code stream and compares, instruction // by instruction, op code and operand values for equality. // // Obviously, just blindly comparing operand values will raise a lot of false alarms. In order to // compensate for phenomena like literal pointer addresses in the code stream changing, this applies // some heuristics on mismatching operand values to try to normalize them a little bit. Essentially, // if operand values don't match, they are re-interpreted as various relative deltas from known base // addresses. For example, a common case is a pointer into the read-only data section. One of the // heuristics subtracts both operand values from the base address of the read-only data section and // checks to see if they are the same distance away from their respective read-only base addresses. // // Notes: // - The core syntactic comparison is platform agnostic; we compare op codes and operand values // using MSDIS's architecture-independent IR (i.e. the data structures defined in msvcdis.h). // Only the disassembler instance itself is initialized differently based on the target arch- // itecture. // - That being said, the heuristics themselves are not guaranteed to be platform agnostic. For // instance, there is a case that applies only to x86 VSD calls. When porting the near differ // to new platforms, these special cases should be examined and ported with care. // // Arguments: // mc - The method context of the method to diff. Unused. // cr1 - The first compile result to compare. Unused. // cr2 - The second compile result to compare. Unused. // block1 - A pointer to the first code block to diassemble. // blocksize1 - The size of the first code block to compare. // datablock1 - A pointer to the first read-only data block to compare. Unused. // datablockSize1 - The size of the first read-only data block to compare. // originalBlock1 - The original base address of the first code block. // originalDataBlock1 - The original base address of the first read-only data block. // otherCodeBlock1 - The original base address of the first cold code block. Note that this is // just an address; we don't need the cold code buffer. // otherCodeBlockSize1- The size of the first cold code block. // block2 - A pointer to the second code block to diassemble. // blocksize2 - The size of the second code block to compare. // datablock2 - A pointer to the second read-only data block to compare. // datablockSize2 - The size of the second read-only data block to compare. // originalBlock2 - The original base address of the second code block. // originalDataBlock2 - The original base address of the second read-only data block. // otherCodeBlock2 - The original base address of the second cold code block. Note that this is // just an address; we don't need the cold code buffer. // otherCodeBlockSize2- The size of the second cold code block. // // Return Value: // True if the code sections are syntactically identical; false otherwise. // bool NearDiffer::compareCodeSection(MethodContext* mc, CompileResult* cr1, CompileResult* cr2, unsigned char* block1, ULONG blocksize1, unsigned char* datablock1, ULONG datablockSize1, void* originalBlock1, void* originalDataBlock1, void* otherCodeBlock1, ULONG otherCodeBlockSize1, unsigned char* block2, ULONG blocksize2, unsigned char* datablock2, ULONG datablockSize2, void* originalBlock2, void* originalDataBlock2, void* otherCodeBlock2, ULONG otherCodeBlockSize2) { DiffData data = {cr2, // Details of the first block (size_t)blocksize1, (size_t)datablock1, (size_t)datablockSize1, (size_t)originalBlock1, (size_t)originalDataBlock1, (size_t)otherCodeBlock1, (size_t)otherCodeBlockSize1, // Details of the second block (size_t)blocksize2, (size_t)datablock2, (size_t)datablockSize2, (size_t)originalBlock2, (size_t)originalDataBlock2, (size_t)otherCodeBlock2, (size_t)otherCodeBlockSize2}; #ifdef USE_COREDISTOOLS if (UseCoreDisTools) { bool areSame = NearDiffCodeBlocks(corAsmDiff, &data, (const uint8_t*)originalBlock1, block1, blocksize1, (const uint8_t*)originalBlock2, block2, blocksize2); if (!areSame) { DumpDiffBlocks(corAsmDiff, (const uint8_t*)originalBlock1, block1, blocksize1, (const uint8_t*)originalBlock2, block2, blocksize2); } return areSame; } #endif // USE_COREDISTOOLS #ifdef USE_MSVCDIS bool haveSeenRet = false; DIS* disasm_1 = GetMsVcDis(); DIS* disasm_2 = GetMsVcDis(); size_t offset = 0; if (blocksize1 != blocksize2) { LogVerbose("Code sizes don't match %u != %u", blocksize1, blocksize2); goto DumpDetails; } while (offset < blocksize1) { DIS::INSTRUCTION instr_1; DIS::INSTRUCTION instr_2; const int MaxOperandCount = 5; DIS::OPERAND ops_1[MaxOperandCount]; DIS::OPERAND ops_2[MaxOperandCount]; // Zero out the locals, just in case. memset(&instr_1, 0, sizeof(instr_1)); memset(&instr_2, 0, sizeof(instr_2)); memset(&ops_1, 0, sizeof(ops_1)); memset(&ops_2, 0, sizeof(ops_2)); size_t instrSize_1 = disasm_1->CbDisassemble((DIS::ADDR)originalBlock1 + offset, (void*)(block1 + offset), 15); size_t instrSize_2 = disasm_2->CbDisassemble((DIS::ADDR)originalBlock2 + offset, (void*)(block2 + offset), 15); if (instrSize_1 != instrSize_2) { LogVerbose("Different instruction sizes %llu %llu", instrSize_1, instrSize_2); goto DumpDetails; } if (instrSize_1 == 0) { if (haveSeenRet) { // This logging is pretty noisy, so disable it. //LogVerbose("instruction size of zero after seeing a ret (soft issue?)."); break; } LogWarning("instruction size of zero."); goto DumpDetails; } bool FDecodeError = false; if (!disasm_1->FDecode(&instr_1, ops_1, MaxOperandCount)) { LogWarning("FDecode of instr_1 returned false."); FDecodeError = true; } if (!disasm_2->FDecode(&instr_2, ops_2, MaxOperandCount)) { LogWarning("FDecode of instr_2 returned false."); FDecodeError = true; } wchar_t instrMnemonic_1[64]; // I never know how much to allocate... disasm_1->CchFormatInstr(instrMnemonic_1, 64); wchar_t instrMnemonic_2[64]; // I never know how much to allocate... disasm_2->CchFormatInstr(instrMnemonic_2, 64); if (wcscmp(instrMnemonic_1, L"ret") == 0) haveSeenRet = true; if (wcscmp(instrMnemonic_1, L"rep ret") == 0) haveSeenRet = true; // First, check to see if these instructions are actually identical. // This is done 1) to avoid the detailed comparison of the fields of instr_1 // and instr_2 if they are identical, and 2) because in the event that // there are bugs or unimplemented instructions in FDecode, we don't want // to count them as diffs if they are bitwise identical. if (memcmp((block1 + offset), (block2 + offset), instrSize_1) != 0) { if (FDecodeError) { LogWarning("FDecode returned false."); goto DumpDetails; } if (instr_1.opa != instr_2.opa) { LogVerbose("different opa %d %d", instr_1.opa, instr_2.opa); goto DumpDetails; } if (instr_1.coperand != instr_2.coperand) { LogVerbose("different coperand %u %u", (unsigned int)instr_1.coperand, (unsigned int)instr_2.coperand); goto DumpDetails; } if (instr_1.dwModifiers != instr_2.dwModifiers) { LogVerbose("different dwModifiers %u %u", instr_1.dwModifiers, instr_2.dwModifiers); goto DumpDetails; } for (size_t i = 0; i < instr_1.coperand; i++) { if (ops_1[i].cb != ops_2[i].cb) { LogVerbose("different cb %llu %llu", ops_1[i].cb, ops_2[i].cb); goto DumpDetails; } if (ops_1[i].imcls != ops_2[i].imcls) { LogVerbose("different imcls %d %d", ops_1[i].imcls, ops_2[i].imcls); goto DumpDetails; } if (ops_1[i].opcls != ops_2[i].opcls) { LogVerbose("different opcls %d %d", ops_1[i].opcls, ops_2[i].opcls); goto DumpDetails; } if (ops_1[i].rega1 != ops_2[i].rega1) { LogVerbose("different rega1 %d %d", ops_1[i].rega1, ops_2[i].rega1); goto DumpDetails; } if (ops_1[i].rega2 != ops_2[i].rega2) { LogVerbose("different rega2 %d %d", ops_1[i].rega2, ops_2[i].rega2); goto DumpDetails; } if (ops_1[i].rega3 != ops_2[i].rega3) { LogVerbose("different rega3 %d %d", ops_1[i].rega3, ops_2[i].rega3); goto DumpDetails; } if (ops_1[i].wScale != ops_2[i].wScale) { LogVerbose("different wScale %u %u", ops_1[i].wScale, ops_2[i].wScale); goto DumpDetails; } // // These are special.. we can often reason out exactly why these values // are different using heuristics. // // Why is Instruction size passed as zero? // Ans: Because the implementation of areOffsetsEquivalent() uses // the instruction size to compute absolute offsets in the case of // PC-relative addressing, and MSVCDis already reports the // absolute offsets! For example: // 0F 2E 05 67 00 9A FD ucomiss xmm0, dword ptr[FFFFFFFFFD9A006Eh] // if (compareOffsets(&data, offset, 0, ops_1[i].dwl, ops_2[i].dwl)) { continue; } else { size_t gOffset1 = (size_t)originalBlock1 + offset + (size_t)ops_1[i].dwl; size_t gOffset2 = (size_t)originalBlock2 + offset + (size_t)ops_2[i].dwl; LogVerbose("operand %d dwl is different", i); #ifdef _TARGET_AMD64_ LogVerbose("gOffset1 %016llX", gOffset1); LogVerbose("gOffset2 %016llX", gOffset2); LogVerbose("gOffset1 - gOffset2 %016llX", gOffset1 - gOffset2); #elif defined(_TARGET_X86_) LogVerbose("gOffset1 %08X", gOffset1); LogVerbose("gOffset2 %08X", gOffset2); LogVerbose("gOffset1 - gOffset2 %08X", gOffset1 - gOffset2); #endif LogVerbose("dwl1 %016llX", ops_1[i].dwl); LogVerbose("dwl2 %016llX", ops_2[i].dwl); goto DumpDetails; } } } offset += instrSize_1; } delete disasm_1; delete disasm_2; return true; DumpDetails: LogVerbose("block1 %p", block1); LogVerbose("block2 %p", block2); LogVerbose("originalBlock1 [%p,%p)", originalBlock1, (const uint8_t*)originalBlock1 + blocksize1); LogVerbose("originalBlock2 [%p,%p)", originalBlock2, (const uint8_t*)originalBlock2 + blocksize2); LogVerbose("blocksize1 %08X", blocksize1); LogVerbose("blocksize2 %08X", blocksize2); LogVerbose("dataBlock1 [%p,%p)", originalDataBlock1, (const uint8_t*)originalDataBlock1 + datablockSize1); LogVerbose("dataBlock2 [%p,%p)", originalDataBlock2, (const uint8_t*)originalDataBlock2 + datablockSize2); LogVerbose("datablockSize1 %08X", datablockSize1); LogVerbose("datablockSize2 %08X", datablockSize2); LogVerbose("otherCodeBlock1 [%p,%p)", otherCodeBlock1, (const uint8_t*)otherCodeBlock1 + otherCodeBlockSize1); LogVerbose("otherCodeBlock2 [%p,%p)", otherCodeBlock2, (const uint8_t*)otherCodeBlock2 + otherCodeBlockSize2); LogVerbose("otherCodeBlockSize1 %08X", otherCodeBlockSize1); LogVerbose("otherCodeBlockSize2 %08X", otherCodeBlockSize2); #ifdef _TARGET_AMD64_ LogVerbose("offset %016llX", offset); LogVerbose("addr1 %016llX", (size_t)originalBlock1 + offset); LogVerbose("addr2 %016llX", (size_t)originalBlock2 + offset); #elif defined(_TARGET_X86_) LogVerbose("offset %08X", offset); LogVerbose("addr1 %08X", (size_t)originalBlock1 + offset); LogVerbose("addr2 %08X", (size_t)originalBlock2 + offset); #endif LogVerbose("Block1:"); DumpCodeBlock(block1, blocksize1, originalBlock1); LogVerbose("Block2:"); DumpCodeBlock(block2, blocksize2, originalBlock2); if (disasm_1 != nullptr) delete disasm_1; if (disasm_2 != nullptr) delete disasm_2; return false; #else // !USE_MSVCDIS return false; // No disassembler; assume there are differences #endif // !USE_MSVCDIS } // // Compares two read-only data sections for equality. // // Arguments: // mc - The method context of the method to diff. // cr1 - The first compile result to compare. // cr2 - The second compile result to compare. // block1 - A pointer to the first code block to diassemble. // blocksize1 - The size of the first code block to compare. // originalDataBlock1 - The original base address of the first read-only data block. // block2 - A pointer to the second code block to diassemble. // blocksize2 - The size of the second code block to compare. // originalDataBlock2 - The original base address of the second read-only data block. // // Return Value: // True if the read-only data sections are identical; false otherwise. // bool NearDiffer::compareReadOnlyDataBlock(MethodContext* mc, CompileResult* cr1, CompileResult* cr2, unsigned char* block1, ULONG blocksize1, void* originalDataBlock1, unsigned char* block2, ULONG blocksize2, void* originalDataBlock2) { // no rodata if (blocksize1 == 0 && blocksize2 == 0) return true; if (blocksize1 != blocksize2) { LogVerbose("compareReadOnlyDataBlock found non-matching sizes %u %u", blocksize1, blocksize2); return false; } // TODO-Cleanup: The values on the datablock seem to wobble. Need further investigation to evaluate a good near // comparison for these return true; } // // Compares two EH info blocks for equality. // // Arguments: // mc - The method context of the method to diff. // cr1 - The first compile result to compare. // cr2 - The second compile result to compare. // // Return Value: // True if the EH info blocks are identical; false otherwise. // bool NearDiffer::compareEHInfo(MethodContext* mc, CompileResult* cr1, CompileResult* cr2) { ULONG cEHSize_1; ULONG ehFlags_1; ULONG tryOffset_1; ULONG tryLength_1; ULONG handlerOffset_1; ULONG handlerLength_1; ULONG classToken_1; ULONG cEHSize_2; ULONG ehFlags_2; ULONG tryOffset_2; ULONG tryLength_2; ULONG handlerOffset_2; ULONG handlerLength_2; ULONG classToken_2; cEHSize_1 = cr1->repSetEHcount(); cEHSize_2 = cr2->repSetEHcount(); // no exception if (cEHSize_1 == 0 && cEHSize_2 == 0) return true; if (cEHSize_1 != cEHSize_2) { LogVerbose("compareEHInfo found non-matching sizes %u %u", cEHSize_1, cEHSize_2); return false; } for (unsigned int i = 0; i < cEHSize_1; i++) { cr1->repSetEHinfo(i, &ehFlags_1, &tryOffset_1, &tryLength_1, &handlerOffset_1, &handlerLength_1, &classToken_1); cr2->repSetEHinfo(i, &ehFlags_2, &tryOffset_2, &tryLength_2, &handlerOffset_2, &handlerLength_2, &classToken_2); if (ehFlags_1 != ehFlags_2) { LogVerbose("EH flags don't match %u != %u", ehFlags_1, ehFlags_2); return false; } if ((tryOffset_1 != tryOffset_2) || (tryLength_1 != tryLength_2)) { LogVerbose("EH try information don't match, offset: %u %u, length: %u %u", tryOffset_1, tryOffset_2, tryLength_1, tryLength_2); return false; } if ((handlerOffset_1 != handlerOffset_2) || (handlerLength_1 != handlerLength_2)) { LogVerbose("EH handler information don't match, offset: %u %u, length: %u %u", handlerOffset_1, handlerOffset_2, handlerLength_1, handlerLength_2); return false; } if (classToken_1 != classToken_2) { LogVerbose("EH class tokens don't match %u!=%u", classToken_1, classToken_2); return false; } } return true; } // // Compares two GC info blocks for equality. // // Arguments: // mc - The method context of the method to diff. // cr1 - The first compile result to compare. // cr2 - The second compile result to compare. // // Return Value: // True if the GC info blocks are identical; false otherwise. // bool NearDiffer::compareGCInfo(MethodContext* mc, CompileResult* cr1, CompileResult* cr2) { void* gcInfo1; size_t gcInfo1Size; void* gcInfo2; size_t gcInfo2Size; cr1->repAllocGCInfo(&gcInfo1Size, &gcInfo1); cr2->repAllocGCInfo(&gcInfo2Size, &gcInfo2); if (gcInfo1Size != gcInfo2Size) { LogVerbose("Reported GCInfo sizes don't match: %u != %u", (unsigned int)gcInfo1Size, (unsigned int)gcInfo2Size); return false; } if (memcmp(gcInfo1, gcInfo2, gcInfo1Size) != 0) { LogVerbose("GCInfo doesn't match."); return false; } return true; } // // Compares two sets of native var info for equality. // // Arguments: // mc - The method context of the method to diff. // cr1 - The first compile result to compare. // cr2 - The second compile result to compare. // // Return Value: // True if the native var info is identical; false otherwise. // bool NearDiffer::compareVars(MethodContext* mc, CompileResult* cr1, CompileResult* cr2) { CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE ftn_1; ULONG32 cVars_1; ICorDebugInfo::NativeVarInfo* vars_1; CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE ftn_2; ULONG32 cVars_2; ICorDebugInfo::NativeVarInfo* vars_2; CORINFO_METHOD_INFO info; unsigned flags = 0; mc->repCompileMethod(&info, &flags); bool set1 = cr1->repSetVars(&ftn_1, &cVars_1, &vars_1); bool set2 = cr2->repSetVars(&ftn_2, &cVars_2, &vars_2); if ((set1 == false) && (set2 == false)) return true; // we don't have boundaries for either of these. if (((set1 == true) && (set2 == false)) || ((set1 == false) && (set2 == true))) { LogVerbose("missing matching vars sets"); return false; } // no vars if (cVars_1 == 0 && cVars_2 == 0) { return true; } if (ftn_1 != ftn_2) { // We would like to find out this situation __debugbreak(); LogVerbose("compareVars found non-matching CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE %p %p", ftn_1, ftn_2); return false; } if (ftn_1 != info.ftn) { LogVerbose("compareVars found issues with the CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE %p %p", ftn_1, info.ftn); return false; } if (cVars_1 != cVars_2) { LogVerbose("compareVars found non-matching var count %u %u", cVars_1, cVars_2); return false; } // TODO-Cleanup: The values on the NativeVarInfo array seem to wobble. Need further investigation to evaluate a good // near comparison for these for(unsigned int i=0;irepCompileMethod(&info, &flags); bool set1 = cr1->repSetBoundaries(&ftn_1, &cMap_1, &map_1); bool set2 = cr2->repSetBoundaries(&ftn_2, &cMap_2, &map_2); if ((set1 == false) && (set2 == false)) return true; // we don't have boundaries for either of these. if (((set1 == true) && (set2 == false)) || ((set1 == false) && (set2 == true))) { LogVerbose("missing matching boundary sets"); return false; } if (ftn_1 != ftn_2) { LogVerbose("compareBoundaries found non-matching CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE %p %p", ftn_1, ftn_2); return false; } // no maps if (cMap_1 == 0 && cMap_2 == 0) return true; if (cMap_1 != cMap_2) { LogVerbose("compareBoundaries found non-matching var count %u %u", cMap_1, cMap_2); return false; } for (unsigned int i = 0; i < cMap_1; i++) { if (map_1[i].ilOffset != map_2[i].ilOffset) { LogVerbose("compareBoundaries found non-matching ilOffset %u %u for map: %u", map_1[i].ilOffset, map_2[i].ilOffset, i); return false; } if (map_1[i].nativeOffset != map_2[i].nativeOffset) { LogVerbose("compareBoundaries found non-matching nativeOffset %u %u for map: %u", map_1[i].nativeOffset, map_2[i].nativeOffset, i); return false; } if (map_1[i].source != map_2[i].source) { LogVerbose("compareBoundaries found non-matching source %u %u for map: %u", (unsigned int)map_1[i].source, (unsigned int)map_2[i].source, i); return false; } } return true; } // // Compares two compiled versions of a method for equality. This is the main driver for the various // components of near diffing. // // Before starting the diffing process, this applies some fixups to the code stream based on relocations // recorded during compilation, using the original base address that was used when compiling the method. // // Arguments: // mc - The method context of the method to diff. // cr1 - The first compile result to compare. // cr2 - The second compile result to compare. // // Return Value: // True if the compile results are identical; false otherwise. // bool NearDiffer::compare(MethodContext* mc, CompileResult* cr1, CompileResult* cr2) { ULONG hotCodeSize_1; ULONG coldCodeSize_1; ULONG roDataSize_1; ULONG xcptnsCount_1; CorJitAllocMemFlag flag_1; unsigned char* hotCodeBlock_1; unsigned char* coldCodeBlock_1; unsigned char* roDataBlock_1; void* orig_hotCodeBlock_1; void* orig_coldCodeBlock_1; void* orig_roDataBlock_1; ULONG hotCodeSize_2; ULONG coldCodeSize_2; ULONG roDataSize_2; ULONG xcptnsCount_2; CorJitAllocMemFlag flag_2; unsigned char* hotCodeBlock_2; unsigned char* coldCodeBlock_2; unsigned char* roDataBlock_2; void* orig_hotCodeBlock_2; void* orig_coldCodeBlock_2; void* orig_roDataBlock_2; cr1->repAllocMem(&hotCodeSize_1, &coldCodeSize_1, &roDataSize_1, &xcptnsCount_1, &flag_1, &hotCodeBlock_1, &coldCodeBlock_1, &roDataBlock_1, &orig_hotCodeBlock_1, &orig_coldCodeBlock_1, &orig_roDataBlock_1); cr2->repAllocMem(&hotCodeSize_2, &coldCodeSize_2, &roDataSize_2, &xcptnsCount_2, &flag_2, &hotCodeBlock_2, &coldCodeBlock_2, &roDataBlock_2, &orig_hotCodeBlock_2, &orig_coldCodeBlock_2, &orig_roDataBlock_2); LogDebug("HCS1 %d CCS1 %d RDS1 %d xcpnt1 %d flag1 %08X, HCB %p CCB %p RDB %p ohcb %p occb %p odb %p", hotCodeSize_1, coldCodeSize_1, roDataSize_1, xcptnsCount_1, flag_1, hotCodeBlock_1, coldCodeBlock_1, roDataBlock_1, orig_hotCodeBlock_1, orig_coldCodeBlock_1, orig_roDataBlock_1); LogDebug("HCS2 %d CCS2 %d RDS2 %d xcpnt2 %d flag2 %08X, HCB %p CCB %p RDB %p ohcb %p occb %p odb %p", hotCodeSize_2, coldCodeSize_2, roDataSize_2, xcptnsCount_2, flag_2, hotCodeBlock_2, coldCodeBlock_2, roDataBlock_2, orig_hotCodeBlock_2, orig_coldCodeBlock_2, orig_roDataBlock_2); cr1->applyRelocs(hotCodeBlock_1, hotCodeSize_1, orig_hotCodeBlock_1); cr2->applyRelocs(hotCodeBlock_2, hotCodeSize_2, orig_hotCodeBlock_2); cr1->applyRelocs(coldCodeBlock_1, coldCodeSize_1, orig_coldCodeBlock_1); cr2->applyRelocs(coldCodeBlock_2, coldCodeSize_2, orig_coldCodeBlock_2); cr1->applyRelocs(roDataBlock_1, roDataSize_1, orig_roDataBlock_1); cr2->applyRelocs(roDataBlock_2, roDataSize_2, orig_roDataBlock_2); if (!compareCodeSection(mc, cr1, cr2, hotCodeBlock_1, hotCodeSize_1, roDataBlock_1, roDataSize_1, orig_hotCodeBlock_1, orig_roDataBlock_1, orig_coldCodeBlock_1, coldCodeSize_1, hotCodeBlock_2, hotCodeSize_2, roDataBlock_2, roDataSize_2, orig_hotCodeBlock_2, orig_roDataBlock_2, orig_coldCodeBlock_2, coldCodeSize_2)) return false; if (!compareCodeSection(mc, cr1, cr2, coldCodeBlock_1, coldCodeSize_1, roDataBlock_1, roDataSize_1, orig_coldCodeBlock_1, orig_roDataBlock_1, orig_hotCodeBlock_1, hotCodeSize_1, coldCodeBlock_2, coldCodeSize_2, roDataBlock_2, roDataSize_2, orig_coldCodeBlock_2, orig_roDataBlock_2, orig_hotCodeBlock_2, hotCodeSize_2)) return false; if (!compareReadOnlyDataBlock(mc, cr1, cr2, roDataBlock_1, roDataSize_1, orig_roDataBlock_1, roDataBlock_2, roDataSize_2, orig_roDataBlock_2)) return false; if (!compareEHInfo(mc, cr1, cr2)) return false; if (!compareGCInfo(mc, cr1, cr2)) return false; if (!compareVars(mc, cr1, cr2)) return false; if (!compareBoundaries(mc, cr1, cr2)) return false; return true; }