// // Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved. // Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information. // //---------------------------------------------------------- // CommandLine.cpp - tiny very specific command line parser //---------------------------------------------------------- #include "standardpch.h" #include "commandline.h" #include "logging.h" #include "mclist.h" void CommandLine::DumpHelp(const char* program) { printf("MCS is a utility for examining and manipulating SuperPMI MC files.\n"); printf("\n"); printf("Usage: %s [options] {verb} {verb options}", program); printf("\n"); printf("Options:\n"); printf("\n"); printf(" -v[erbosity] messagetypes\n"); printf(" Controls which types of messages MCS logs. Specify a string of\n"); printf(" characters representing message categories to enable, where:\n"); printf(" e - errors (internal fatal errors that are non-recoverable)\n"); printf(" w - warnings (internal conditions that are unusual, but not serious)\n"); printf(" m - missing (failures due to missing JIT-EE interface details)\n"); printf(" n - information (notifications/summaries, e.g. 'Loaded 42, Saved 23')\n"); printf(" v - verbose (status messages, e.g. 'Jit startup took 151.12ms')\n"); printf(" d - debug (lots of detailed output)\n"); printf(" a - all (enable all message types; overrides other enable message types)\n"); printf(" q - quiet (disable all output; overrides all others)\n"); printf(" e.g. '-v ew' only writes error and warning messages to the console.\n"); printf(" 'q' takes precedence over any other message type specified.\n"); printf(" Default set of messages enabled is 'ewmnv'.\n"); printf("\n"); printf(" -writeLogFile logfile\n"); printf(" Write log messages to the specified file.\n"); printf("\n"); printf("Verbs:\n"); printf("\n"); printf(" -ASMDump {optional range} inputfile outputfile\n"); printf(" Dump out the asm file for each input methodContext.\n"); printf(" inputfile is read and output is written to outputfile.\n"); printf(" e.g. -ASMDump a.mc a.asm\n"); printf("\n"); printf(" -concat file1 file2\n"); printf(" Concatenate two files without regard to internal formatting.\n"); printf(" file2 is appended to file1.\n"); printf(" e.g. -concat a.mch b.mch\n"); printf("\n"); printf(" -copy range file1 file2\n"); printf(" Copy methodContext numbers in range from file1 to file2.\n"); printf(" file1 is read and file2 is written\n"); printf(" e.g. -copy a.mch b.mch\n"); printf("\n"); printf(" -dump {optional range} inputfile\n"); printf(" Dump details for each methodContext\n"); printf(" e.g. -dump a.mc\n"); printf("\n"); printf(" -dumpMap inputfile\n"); printf(" Dump a map from MC index to function name to the console, in CSV format\n"); printf(" e.g. -dumpMap a.mc\n"); printf("\n"); printf(" -dumpToc inputfile\n"); printf(" Dump a TOC file\n"); printf(" e.g. -dumpToc a.mct\n"); printf("\n"); printf(" -fracture range inputfile outputfile\n"); printf(" Break the input file into chunks sized by range.\n"); printf(" If '-thin' is also passed, CompileResults are stripped from the input file when written.\n"); printf(" e.g. '-fracture 3 a.mch b-' leads to b-0.mch, b-1.mch, etc., with 3 mc's in each file.\n"); printf("\n"); printf(" -ildump {optional range} inputfile\n"); printf(" Dump raw IL for each methodContext\n"); printf(" e.g. -ildump a.mc\n"); printf("\n"); printf(" -integ inputfile\n"); printf(" Check the integrity of each methodContext\n"); printf(" e.g. -integ a.mc\n"); printf("\n"); printf(" -merge outputfile pattern\n"); printf(" Merge all the input files matching the pattern.\n"); printf(" e.g. -merge a.mch *.mc\n"); printf(" e.g. -merge a.mch c:\\foo\\bar\\*.mc\n"); printf(" e.g. -merge a.mch relpath\\*.mc\n"); printf(" e.g. -merge a.mch .\n"); printf(" e.g. -merge a.mch onedir\n"); printf("\n"); printf(" -merge outputfile pattern -recursive\n"); printf(" Merge all the input files matching the pattern, in the specified and all child directories.\n"); printf(" e.g. -merge a.mch *.mc -recursive\n"); printf("\n"); printf(" -removeDup inputfile outputfile\n"); printf(" Copy methodContexts from inputfile to outputfile, skipping duplicates.\n"); printf(" e.g. -removeDup a.mc b.mc\n"); printf("\n"); printf(" -removeDup -legacy inputfile outputfile\n"); printf(" Copy methodContexts from inputfile to outputfile, skipping duplicates.\n"); printf(" Comparisons are performed using the legacy method and may take much longer\n"); printf(" e.g. -removeDup -legacy a.mc b.mc\n"); printf("\n"); printf(" -removeDup -thin inputfile outputfile\n"); printf(" Copy methodContexts from inputfile to outputfile, skipping duplicates.\n"); printf(" CompileResults are stripped from the input file when written.\n"); printf(" e.g. -removeDup -thin a.mc b.mc\n"); printf(" e.g. -removeDup -legacy -thin a.mc b.mc\n"); printf("\n"); printf(" -smarty range inputfile outputfile\n"); printf(" Write smarty Test IDs of the range from inputfile to outputfile.\n"); printf(" e.g. -smarty 2 a.mc b.mc\n"); printf("\n"); printf(" -stat {optional range} inputfile outputfile\n"); printf(" Report various statistics per method context.\n"); printf(" inputfile is read and statistics are written into outputfile\n"); printf(" e.g. -stat a.mc a.csv\n"); printf("\n"); printf(" -strip range inputfile outputfile\n"); printf(" Copy method contexts from one file to another, skipping ranged items.\n"); printf(" inputfile is read and records not in range are written to outputfile.\n"); printf(" e.g. -strip 2 a.mc b.mc\n"); printf("\n"); printf(" -toc inputfile\n"); printf(" Create a Table of Contents file for inputfile to allow better random access\n"); printf(" to the mch file.\n"); printf(" e.g. '-toc a.mch' creates a.mch.mct\n"); printf("\n"); printf("Range descriptions are either a single number, or a text file with .mcl extension\n"); printf("containing a sorted list of line delimited numbers.\n"); printf(" e.g. -strip 2 a.mc b.mc\n"); printf(" e.g. -strip list.mcl a.mc b.mc\n"); printf("\n"); printf("Note: Inputs are case insensitive.\n"); } // Assumption: All inputs are initialized to default or real value. we'll just set the stuff in what we see on the // command line. Assumption: Single byte names are passed in.. mb stuff doesnt cause an obvious problem... but it might // have issues... Assumption: Values larger than 2^31 aren't expressible from the commandline.... (atoi) Unless you pass // in negatives.. :-| bool CommandLine::Parse(int argc, char* argv[], /* OUT */ Options* o) { size_t argLen = 0; size_t tempLen = 0; bool foundVerb = false; bool foundFile1 = false; bool foundFile2 = false; if (argc == 1) // Print help when no args are passed { DumpHelp(argv[0]); return false; } for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++) { bool isASwitch = (argv[i][0] == '-'); #ifndef FEATURE_PAL if (argv[i][0] == '/') // Also accept "/" on Windows { isASwitch = true; } #endif // !FEATURE_PAL // Process a switch if (isASwitch) { argLen = strlen(argv[i]); if (argLen > 1) argLen--; // adjust for leading switch else { DumpHelp(argv[0]); return false; } if ((_strnicmp(&argv[i][1], "help", argLen) == 0) || (_strnicmp(&argv[i][1], "?", argLen) == 0)) { DumpHelp(argv[0]); return false; } else if ((_strnicmp(&argv[i][1], "ASMDump", argLen) == 0)) { tempLen = strlen(argv[i]); foundVerb = true; o->actionASMDump = true; if (i + 1 < argc) // Peek to see if we have an mcl file or an integer next goto processMCL; } else if ((_strnicmp(&argv[i][1], "concat", argLen) == 0)) { tempLen = strlen(argv[i]); foundVerb = true; o->actionConcat = true; } else if ((_strnicmp(&argv[i][1], "copy", argLen) == 0)) { tempLen = strlen(argv[i]); foundVerb = true; o->actionCopy = true; if (i + 1 < argc) // Peek to see if we have an mcl file or an integer next goto processMCL; } else if ((_strnicmp(&argv[i][1], "dump", argLen) == 0)) { tempLen = strlen(argv[i]); foundVerb = true; o->actionDump = true; if (i + 1 < argc) // Peek to see if we have an mcl file or an integer next goto processMCL; } else if ((_strnicmp(&argv[i][1], "fracture", argLen) == 0)) { tempLen = strlen(argv[i]); foundVerb = true; o->actionFracture = true; if (i + 1 < argc) // Peek to see if we have an mcl file or an integer next goto processMCL; } else if ((_strnicmp(&argv[i][1], "dumpmap", argLen) == 0)) { tempLen = strlen(argv[i]); foundVerb = true; o->actionDumpMap = true; } else if ((_strnicmp(&argv[i][1], "dumptoc", argLen) == 0)) { tempLen = strlen(argv[i]); foundVerb = true; o->actionDumpToc = true; } else if ((_strnicmp(&argv[i][1], "ildump", argLen) == 0)) { tempLen = strlen(argv[i]); foundVerb = true; o->actionILDump = true; if (i + 1 < argc) // Peek to see if we have an mcl file or an integer next goto processMCL; } else if ((_strnicmp(&argv[i][1], "merge", argLen) == 0)) { tempLen = strlen(argv[i]); foundVerb = true; o->actionMerge = true; } else if ((_strnicmp(&argv[i][1], "recursive", argLen) == 0)) { tempLen = strlen(argv[i]); o->recursive = true; } else if ((_strnicmp(&argv[i][1], "toc", argLen) == 0)) { tempLen = strlen(argv[i]); foundVerb = true; o->actionTOC = true; } else if ((_strnicmp(&argv[i][1], "input", argLen) == 0)) { if (++i >= argc) { DumpHelp(argv[0]); return false; } processInput: tempLen = strlen(argv[i]); if (tempLen == 0) { printf("ERROR: CommandLine::Parse() Arg '%s' is invalid, name of file missing.\n", argv[i]); DumpHelp(argv[0]); return false; } if (foundFile1 == false) { o->nameOfFile1 = new char[tempLen + 1]; strcpy_s(o->nameOfFile1, tempLen + 1, argv[i]); foundFile1 = true; } else if (foundFile2 == false) { o->nameOfFile2 = new char[tempLen + 1]; strcpy_s(o->nameOfFile2, tempLen + 1, argv[i]); foundFile2 = true; } else { printf("ERROR: CommandLine::Parse() Arg '%s' is invalid, too many files given.\n", argv[i]); DumpHelp(argv[0]); return false; } } else if ((_strnicmp(&argv[i][1], "integ", argLen) == 0)) { tempLen = strlen(argv[i]); foundVerb = true; o->actionInteg = true; } else if ((_strnicmp(&argv[i][1], "mcl", argLen) == 0)) { if (i + 1 >= argc) { DumpHelp(argv[0]); return false; } processMCL: i++; processMCL2: bool isValidList = MCList::processArgAsMCL(argv[i], &o->indexCount, &o->indexes); if (!isValidList) i--; } else if ((_strnicmp(&argv[i][1], "removeDup", argLen) == 0)) { tempLen = strlen(argv[i]); foundVerb = true; o->actionRemoveDup = true; } else if ((_strnicmp(&argv[i][1], "stat", argLen) == 0)) { tempLen = strlen(argv[i]); foundVerb = true; o->actionStat = true; if (i + 1 < argc) // Peek to see if we have an mcl file or an integer next goto processMCL; } else if ((_strnicmp(&argv[i][1], "strip", argLen) == 0)) { tempLen = strlen(argv[i]); foundVerb = true; o->actionStrip = true; if (i + 1 < argc) // Peek to see if we have an mcl file or an integer next goto processMCL; } else if ((_strnicmp(&argv[i][1], "thin", argLen) == 0)) { o->stripCR = true; } else if ((_strnicmp(&argv[i][1], "legacy", argLen) == 0)) { o->legacyCompare = true; } else if ((_strnicmp(&argv[i][1], "smarty", argLen) == 0)) { tempLen = strlen(argv[i]); o->actionSmarty = true; foundVerb = true; if (i + 1 < argc) // Peek to see if we have an mcl file or an integer next goto processMCL; } else if ((_strnicmp(&argv[i][1], "verbosity", argLen) == 0)) { if (++i >= argc) { DumpHelp(argv[0]); return false; } Logger::SetLogLevel(Logger::ParseLogLevelString(argv[i])); } else if ((_strnicmp(&argv[i][1], "writeLogFile", argLen) == 0)) { if (++i >= argc) { DumpHelp(argv[0]); return false; } Logger::OpenLogFile(argv[i]); } else { LogError("CommandLine::Parse() - Unknown verb '%s'", argv[i]); DumpHelp(argv[0]); return false; } } // Process an input filename else { char* lastdot = strrchr(argv[i], '.'); if (lastdot != nullptr) { if (_stricmp(lastdot, ".mcl") == 0) goto processMCL2; } goto processInput; } } if (o->recursive) { if (!o->actionMerge) { LogError("CommandLine::Parse() '-recursive' requires -merge."); DumpHelp(argv[0]); return false; } } if (o->actionASMDump) { if ((!foundFile1) || (!foundFile2)) { LogError("CommandLine::Parse() -ASMDump needs one input file and one output file."); DumpHelp(argv[0]); return false; } return true; } if (o->actionConcat) { if ((!foundFile1) || (!foundFile2)) { LogError("CommandLine::Parse() '-concat' needs two input files (second will be used as output)."); DumpHelp(argv[0]); return false; } return true; } if (o->actionMerge) { if ((!foundFile1) || (!foundFile2)) { LogError("CommandLine::Parse() '-merge' needs an output file (the first) and a file pattern (the second)."); DumpHelp(argv[0]); return false; } return true; } if (o->actionCopy) { if ((!foundFile1) || (!foundFile2)) { LogError("CommandLine::Parse() '-copy' needs one input and one output."); DumpHelp(argv[0]); return false; } if (o->indexCount == 0) { LogError("CommandLine::Parse() -copy requires a range."); DumpHelp(argv[0]); return false; } return true; } if (o->actionDump) { if (!foundFile1) { LogError("CommandLine::Parse() '-dump' needs one input file, but didn't see one."); DumpHelp(argv[0]); return false; } return true; } if (o->actionFracture) { if ((!foundFile1) || (!foundFile2)) { LogError("CommandLine::Parse() '-fracture' needs one input and one output."); DumpHelp(argv[0]); return false; } if (o->indexCount == 0) { LogError("CommandLine::Parse() -fracture requires a range."); DumpHelp(argv[0]); return false; } if (o->indexCount > 1) { LogWarning("CommandLine::Parse() -fracture found multiple ranges, we'll use the first one."); } return true; } if (o->actionDumpMap) { if (!foundFile1) { LogError("CommandLine::Parse() '-dumpMap' needs one input."); DumpHelp(argv[0]); return false; } return true; } if (o->actionDumpToc) { if (!foundFile1) { LogError("CommandLine::Parse() '-dumpToc' needs one input."); DumpHelp(argv[0]); return false; } return true; } if (o->actionILDump) { if (!foundFile1) { LogError("CommandLine::Parse() '-ildump' needs one input."); DumpHelp(argv[0]); return false; } return true; } if (o->actionTOC) { if (!foundFile1) { LogError("CommandLine::Parse() '-toc' needs one input."); DumpHelp(argv[0]); return false; } return true; } if (o->actionInteg) { if (!foundFile1) { LogError("CommandLine::Parse() '-integ' needs one input file, but didn't see one."); DumpHelp(argv[0]); return false; } return true; } if (o->actionRemoveDup) { if ((!foundFile1) || (!foundFile2)) { LogError("CommandLine::Parse() -removeDup needs one input file and one output file."); DumpHelp(argv[0]); return false; } return true; } if (o->actionStat) { if ((!foundFile1) || (!foundFile2)) { LogError("CommandLine::Parse() '-stat' needs one input file and one output file."); DumpHelp(argv[0]); return false; } return true; } if (o->actionStrip) { if ((!foundFile1) || (!foundFile2)) { LogError("CommandLine::Parse() -strip needs one input file and one output file."); DumpHelp(argv[0]); return false; } if (o->indexCount == 0) { LogError("CommandLine::Parse() -strip requires a range."); DumpHelp(argv[0]); return false; } return true; } if (o->actionSmarty) { if ((!foundFile1) || (!foundFile2)) { LogError("CommandLine::Parse() '-smarty' needs one input file and one output file."); DumpHelp(argv[0]); return false; } return true; } DumpHelp(argv[0]); return false; }