import lldb import re import testutils as test def runScenario(assembly, debugger, target): process = target.GetProcess() res = lldb.SBCommandReturnObject() ci = debugger.GetCommandInterpreter() # Run debugger, wait until libcoreclr is loaded, # set breakpoint at Test.Main and stop there test.stop_in_main(debugger, assembly) ci.HandleCommand("dumplog", res) print(res.GetOutput()) print(res.GetError()) # Interpreter must have this command and able to run it test.assertTrue(res.Succeeded()) output = res.GetOutput() # Output is not empty test.assertTrue(len(output) > 0) # Specific string must be in the output test.assertNotEqual(output.find(" dump "), -1) # TODO: test other use cases # Continue current process and checks its exit code test.exit_lldb(debugger, assembly)