// // Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved. // Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information. // // ==++== // // // ==--== #include "strike.h" #include "util.h" #include "genericstackprobe.h" /**********************************************************************\ * Routine Description: * * * * This function is called to find the name of a TypeDef using * * metadata API. * * * \**********************************************************************/ // Caller should guard against exception // !!! mdName should have at least mdNameLen WCHAR static HRESULT NameForTypeDef_s(mdTypeDef tkTypeDef, IMetaDataImport *pImport, __out_ecount (capacity_mdName) WCHAR *mdName, size_t capacity_mdName) { DWORD flags; ULONG nameLen; HRESULT hr = pImport->GetTypeDefProps(tkTypeDef, mdName, mdNameLen, &nameLen, &flags, NULL); if (hr != S_OK) { return hr; } if (!IsTdNested(flags)) { return hr; } mdTypeDef tkEnclosingClass; hr = pImport->GetNestedClassProps(tkTypeDef, &tkEnclosingClass); if (hr != S_OK) { return hr; } WCHAR *name = (WCHAR*)_alloca((nameLen+1)*sizeof(WCHAR)); wcscpy_s (name, nameLen+1, mdName); hr = NameForTypeDef_s(tkEnclosingClass,pImport,mdName, capacity_mdName); if (hr != S_OK) { return hr; } size_t Len = _wcslen (mdName); if (Len < mdNameLen-2) { mdName[Len++] = L'+'; mdName[Len] = L'\0'; } Len = mdNameLen-1 - Len; if (Len > nameLen) { Len = nameLen; } wcsncat_s (mdName,capacity_mdName,name,Len); return hr; } /**********************************************************************\ * Routine Description: * * * * This function is called to find the name of a TypeDef using * * metadata API. * * * \**********************************************************************/ // Caller should guard against exception // !!! mdName should have at least mdNameLen WCHAR /* static HRESULT NameForTypeDefNew(mdTypeDef tkTypeDef, IMDInternalImport *pImport, WCHAR *mdName) { DWORD flags; ULONG nameLen; char *name = (char *)_alloca((mdNameLen+1)*sizeof(char)); char *namesp = (char *)_alloca((mdNameLen+1)*sizeof(char)); HRESULT hr = pImport->GetNameOfTypeDef(tkTypeDef, name, namesp); if (FAILED(hr)) { return hr; } strcpy (namesp, "."); strcpy (namesp, name); MultiByteToWideChar (CP_ACP,0,namesp,-1,mdName,mdNameLen); return hr; } */ /**********************************************************************\ * Routine Description: * * * * Find the Module MD Importer given the name of the Module. * * * \**********************************************************************/ IMetaDataImport* MDImportForModule(DacpModuleData* pModule) { IMetaDataImport *pRet = NULL; ToRelease module; HRESULT hr = g_sos->GetModule(pModule->Address, &module); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) hr = module->QueryInterface(IID_IMetaDataImport, (LPVOID *) &pRet); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) return pRet; return NULL; } IMetaDataImport* MDImportForModule(DWORD_PTR pModule) { DacpModuleData moduleData; if(moduleData.Request(g_sos, TO_CDADDR(pModule))==S_OK) return MDImportForModule(&moduleData); else return NULL; } /**********************************************************************\ * Routine Description: * * * * Find the name for a metadata token given an importer. * * * \**********************************************************************/ HRESULT NameForToken_s(mdTypeDef mb, IMetaDataImport *pImport, __out_ecount (capacity_mdName) WCHAR *mdName, size_t capacity_mdName, bool bClassName) { mdName[0] = L'\0'; if ((mb & 0xff000000) != mdtTypeDef && (mb & 0xff000000) != mdtFieldDef && (mb & 0xff000000) != mdtMethodDef) { //ExtOut("unsupported\n"); return E_FAIL; } HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; PAL_CPP_TRY { static WCHAR name[MAX_CLASSNAME_LENGTH]; if ((mb & 0xff000000) == mdtTypeDef) { hr = NameForTypeDef_s (mb, pImport, mdName, capacity_mdName); } else if ((mb & 0xff000000) == mdtFieldDef) { mdTypeDef mdClass; ULONG size; hr = pImport->GetMemberProps(mb, &mdClass, name, sizeof(name)/sizeof(WCHAR)-1, &size, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (SUCCEEDED (hr)) { if (mdClass != mdTypeDefNil && bClassName) { hr = NameForTypeDef_s (mdClass, pImport, mdName, capacity_mdName); wcscat_s (mdName, capacity_mdName, W(".")); } name[size] = L'\0'; wcscat_s (mdName, capacity_mdName, name); } } else if ((mb & 0xff000000) == mdtMethodDef) { mdTypeDef mdClass; ULONG size; hr = pImport->GetMethodProps(mb, &mdClass, name, sizeof(name)/sizeof(WCHAR)-1, &size, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (SUCCEEDED (hr)) { if (mdClass != mdTypeDefNil && bClassName) { hr = NameForTypeDef_s (mdClass, pImport, mdName, capacity_mdName); wcscat_s (mdName, capacity_mdName, W(".")); } name[size] = L'\0'; wcscat_s (mdName, capacity_mdName, name); } } else { ExtOut ("Unsupported token type\n"); hr = E_FAIL; } } PAL_CPP_CATCH_ALL { hr = E_FAIL; } PAL_CPP_ENDTRY return hr; } /**********************************************************************\ * Routine Description: * * * * Find the name for a metadata token given an importer. * * * \**********************************************************************/ /* HRESULT NameForTokenNew(mdTypeDef mb, IMDInternalImport *pImport, WCHAR *mdName, size_t capacity_mdName, bool bClassName) { // TODO: Change calls to use the secure versions (string as well as to functions defined here) // Simply uncommenting this function will not result in a clean compile // --chirayuk @ 11/23/2004 mdName[0] = L'\0'; if ((mb & 0xff000000) != mdtTypeDef && (mb & 0xff000000) != mdtFieldDef && (mb & 0xff000000) != mdtMethodDef) { //ExtOut("unsupported\n"); return E_FAIL; } HRESULT hr; __try { static WCHAR name[MAX_CLASSNAME_LENGTH]; if (TypeFromToken(mb) == mdtTypeDef) { hr = NameForTypeDefNew (mb, pImport, mdName); } else if (TypeFromToken(mb) == mdtFieldDef) { mdTypeDef mdClass; ULONG size; MultiByteToWideChar (CP_ACP,0,pImport->GetNameOfFieldDef(mb),-1,name,MAX_CLASSNAME_LENGTH); hr = pImport->GetParentToken (mb, &mdClass); if (SUCCEEDED (hr)) { if (mdClass != mdTypeDefNil && bClassName) { hr = NameForTypeDefNew (mdClass, pImport, mdName); _wcscat (mdName, W(".")); } name[size] = L'\0'; _wcscat (mdName, name); } } else if (TypeFromToken(mb) == mdtMethodDef) { mdTypeDef mdClass; ULONG size; MultiByteToWideChar (CP_ACP,0,pImport->GetNameOfMethodDef(mb),-1,name,MAX_CLASSNAME_LENGTH); hr = pImport->GetParentToken (mb, &mdClass); if (SUCCEEDED (hr)) { if (mdClass != mdTypeDefNil && bClassName) { hr = NameForTypeDefNew (mdClass, pImport, mdName); _wcscat (mdName, W(".")); } name[size] = L'\0'; _wcscat (mdName, name); } } else { ExtOut ("Unsupported token type\n"); hr = E_FAIL; } } __except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { //ExtOut("Metadata operation failure\n"); hr = E_FAIL; } return hr; } */ /**********************************************************************\ * Routine Description: * * * * This function is called to find the name of a metadata token * * using metadata API. * * * \**********************************************************************/ void NameForToken_s(DWORD_PTR ModuleAddr, mdTypeDef mb, __out_ecount (capacity_mdName) WCHAR *mdName, size_t capacity_mdName, bool bClassName) { DacpModuleData ModuleData; mdName[0] = L'\0'; if(ModuleData.Request(g_sos, TO_CDADDR(ModuleAddr))==S_OK) NameForToken_s(&ModuleData,mb,mdName,capacity_mdName,bClassName); } BOOL IsValidToken(DWORD_PTR ModuleAddr, mdTypeDef mb) { DacpModuleData ModuleData; if(ModuleData.Request(g_sos, TO_CDADDR(ModuleAddr))==S_OK) { ToRelease pImport = MDImportForModule(&ModuleData); if (pImport) { if (pImport->IsValidToken (mb)) return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } void NameForToken_s(DacpModuleData *pModule, mdTypeDef mb, __out_ecount (capacity_mdName) WCHAR *mdName, size_t capacity_mdName, bool bClassName) { mdName[0] = L'\0'; HRESULT hr = 0; ToRelease pImport = MDImportForModule(pModule); if (pImport) { hr = NameForToken_s (mb, pImport, mdName, capacity_mdName, bClassName); } if (!pImport || !SUCCEEDED (hr)) { const SIZE_T capacity_moduleName = mdNameLen+19; LPWSTR moduleName = (LPWSTR)alloca(capacity_moduleName * sizeof(WCHAR)); // for the "Dynamic Module In " below FileNameForModule(pModule,moduleName); if (moduleName[0] == L'\0') { DacpAssemblyData assembly; assembly.Request(g_sos,pModule->Assembly); if (assembly.isDynamic) { wcscpy_s(moduleName, capacity_moduleName, W("Dynamic ")); } wcscat_s (moduleName, capacity_moduleName, W("Module in ")); if(g_sos->GetAssemblyName(pModule->Assembly, mdNameLen, g_mdName, NULL)==S_OK) { wcscat_s(moduleName, capacity_moduleName, g_mdName); } } swprintf_s (mdName, capacity_mdName, W(" mdToken: %08x (%ws)"), mb, moduleName[0] ? moduleName : W("Unknown Module") ); } } #define STRING_BUFFER_LEN 1024 class MDInfo { public: MDInfo (DWORD_PTR ModuleAddr) { m_pImport = MDImportForModule(ModuleAddr); if (!m_pImport) ExtOut("Unable to get IMetaDataImport for module %p\n", ModuleAddr); m_pSigBuf = NULL; } MDInfo (IMetaDataImport * pImport) { m_pImport = pImport; m_pImport->AddRef(); m_pSigBuf = NULL; } void GetMethodName(mdTypeDef token, CQuickBytes *fullName); GetSignatureStringResults GetMethodSignature(PCCOR_SIGNATURE pbSigBlob, ULONG ulSigBlob, CQuickBytes *fullName); GetSignatureStringResults GetSignature(PCCOR_SIGNATURE pbSigBlob, ULONG ulSigBlob, CQuickBytes *fullName); LPCWSTR TypeDefName(mdTypeDef inTypeDef); LPCWSTR TypeRefName(mdTypeRef tr); LPCWSTR TypeDeforRefName(mdToken inToken); private: // helper to init signature buffer void InitSigBuffer() { ((LPWSTR)m_pSigBuf->Ptr())[0] = L'\0'; } HRESULT AddToSigBuffer(LPCWSTR string); HRESULT GetFullNameForMD(PCCOR_SIGNATURE pbSigBlob, ULONG ulSigBlob, LONG *plSigBlobRemaining OPTIONAL); HRESULT GetOneElementType(PCCOR_SIGNATURE pbSigBlob, ULONG ulSigBlob, ULONG *pcb); ToRelease m_pImport; // Signature buffer. CQuickBytes *m_pSigBuf; // temporary buffer for TypeDef or TypeRef name. Consume immediately // because other functions may overwrite it. static WCHAR m_szTempBuf[MAX_CLASSNAME_LENGTH]; static WCHAR m_szName[MAX_CLASSNAME_LENGTH]; }; WCHAR MDInfo::m_szTempBuf[MAX_CLASSNAME_LENGTH]; WCHAR MDInfo::m_szName[MAX_CLASSNAME_LENGTH]; GetSignatureStringResults GetMethodSignatureString (PCCOR_SIGNATURE pbSigBlob, ULONG ulSigBlob, DWORD_PTR dwModuleAddr, CQuickBytes *sigString) { MDInfo mdInfo(dwModuleAddr); return mdInfo.GetMethodSignature(pbSigBlob, ulSigBlob, sigString); } GetSignatureStringResults GetSignatureString (PCCOR_SIGNATURE pbSigBlob, ULONG ulSigBlob, DWORD_PTR dwModuleAddr, CQuickBytes *sigString) { MDInfo mdInfo(dwModuleAddr); return mdInfo.GetSignature(pbSigBlob, ulSigBlob, sigString); } void GetMethodName(mdMethodDef methodDef, IMetaDataImport * pImport, CQuickBytes *fullName) { MDInfo mdInfo(pImport); mdInfo.GetMethodName(methodDef, fullName); } // Tables for mapping element type to text const WCHAR *g_wszMapElementType[] = { W("End"), // 0x0 W("Void"), // 0x1 W("Boolean"), W("Char"), W("I1"), W("UI1"), W("I2"), // 0x6 W("UI2"), W("I4"), W("UI4"), W("I8"), W("UI8"), W("R4"), W("R8"), W("String"), W("Ptr"), // 0xf W("ByRef"), // 0x10 W("ValueClass"), W("Class"), W("CopyCtor"), W("MDArray"), // 0x14 W("GENArray"), W("TypedByRef"), W("VALUEARRAY"), W("I"), W("U"), W("R"), // 0x1a W("FNPTR"), W("Object"), W("SZArray"), W("GENERICArray"), W("CMOD_REQD"), W("CMOD_OPT"), W("INTERNAL"), }; const WCHAR *g_wszCalling[] = { W("[DEFAULT]"), W("[C]"), W("[STDCALL]"), W("[THISCALL]"), W("[FASTCALL]"), W("[VARARG]"), W("[FIELD]"), W("[LOCALSIG]"), W("[PROPERTY]"), W("[UNMANAGED]"), }; void MDInfo::GetMethodName(mdTypeDef token, CQuickBytes *fullName) { if (m_pImport == NULL) { return; } HRESULT hr; mdTypeDef memTypeDef; ULONG nameLen; DWORD flags; PCCOR_SIGNATURE pbSigBlob; ULONG ulSigBlob; ULONG ulCodeRVA; ULONG ulImplFlags; m_pSigBuf = fullName; InitSigBuffer(); WCHAR szFunctionName[1024]; hr = m_pImport->GetMethodProps(token, &memTypeDef, szFunctionName, _countof(szFunctionName), &nameLen, &flags, &pbSigBlob, &ulSigBlob, &ulCodeRVA, &ulImplFlags); if (FAILED (hr)) { return; } szFunctionName[nameLen] = L'\0'; m_szName[0] = L'\0'; if (memTypeDef != mdTypeDefNil) { hr = NameForTypeDef_s (memTypeDef, m_pImport, m_szName, _countof(m_szName)); if (SUCCEEDED (hr)) { wcscat_s (m_szName, _countof(m_szName), W(".")); } } wcscat_s (m_szName, _countof(m_szName), szFunctionName); LONG lSigBlobRemaining; hr = GetFullNameForMD(pbSigBlob, ulSigBlob, &lSigBlobRemaining); // We should have consumed all signature blob. If not, dump the sig in hex. // Also dump in hex if so requested. if (lSigBlobRemaining != 0) { // Did we not consume enough, or try to consume too much? if (lSigBlobRemaining < 0) ExtOut("ERROR IN SIGNATURE: Signature should be larger.\n"); else ExtOut("ERROR IN SIGNATURE: Not all of signature blob was consumed. %d byte(s) remain\n", lSigBlobRemaining); } if (FAILED(hr)) ExtOut("ERROR!! Bad signature blob value!"); } GetSignatureStringResults MDInfo::GetMethodSignature(PCCOR_SIGNATURE pbSigBlob, ULONG ulSigBlob, CQuickBytes *fullName) { if (!m_pImport) return GSS_ERROR; m_pSigBuf = fullName; InitSigBuffer(); m_szName[0] = '\0'; LONG lSigBlobRemaining; if (FAILED(GetFullNameForMD(pbSigBlob, ulSigBlob, &lSigBlobRemaining))) return GSS_ERROR; if (lSigBlobRemaining < 0) return GSS_INSUFFICIENT_DATA; return GSS_SUCCESS; } GetSignatureStringResults MDInfo::GetSignature(PCCOR_SIGNATURE pbSigBlob, ULONG ulSigBlob, CQuickBytes *fullName) { if (!m_pImport) return GSS_ERROR; m_pSigBuf = fullName; InitSigBuffer(); m_szName[0] = '\0'; ULONG cb; if (FAILED(GetOneElementType(pbSigBlob, ulSigBlob, &cb))) { if (cb > ulSigBlob) return GSS_INSUFFICIENT_DATA; else return GSS_ERROR; } return GSS_SUCCESS; } inline bool isCallConv(unsigned sigByte, CorCallingConvention conv) { return ((sigByte & IMAGE_CEE_CS_CALLCONV_MASK) == (unsigned) conv); } #ifndef IfFailGoto #define IfFailGoto(EXPR, LABEL) \ do { hr = (EXPR); if(FAILED(hr)) { goto LABEL; } } while (0) #endif #ifndef IfFailGo #define IfFailGo(EXPR) IfFailGoto(EXPR, ErrExit) #endif #ifndef IfFailRet #define IfFailRet(EXPR) do { hr = (EXPR); if(FAILED(hr)) { return (hr); } } while (0) #endif #ifndef _ASSERTE #define _ASSERTE(expr) #endif HRESULT MDInfo::GetFullNameForMD(PCCOR_SIGNATURE pbSigBlob, ULONG ulSigBlob, LONG *plSigBlobRemaining) { ULONG cbCur = 0; ULONG cb; ULONG ulData = NULL; ULONG ulArgs; HRESULT hr = NOERROR; cb = CorSigUncompressData(pbSigBlob, &ulData); // 0 is a valid calling convention byte (IMAGE_CEE_CS_CALLCONV_DEFAULT w/ no flags) //if (ulData == NULL) // goto ErrExit; AddToSigBuffer (g_wszCalling[ulData & IMAGE_CEE_CS_CALLCONV_MASK]); if (cb>ulSigBlob) goto ErrExit; cbCur += cb; ulSigBlob -= cb; if (ulData & IMAGE_CEE_CS_CALLCONV_HASTHIS) AddToSigBuffer ( W(" [hasThis]")); if (ulData & IMAGE_CEE_CS_CALLCONV_EXPLICITTHIS) AddToSigBuffer ( W(" [explicit]")); AddToSigBuffer (W(" ")); if ( isCallConv(ulData,IMAGE_CEE_CS_CALLCONV_FIELD) ) { // display field type if (FAILED(hr = GetOneElementType(&pbSigBlob[cbCur], ulSigBlob, &cb))) goto ErrExit; AddToSigBuffer ( W(" ")); AddToSigBuffer ( m_szName); if (cb>ulSigBlob) goto ErrExit; cbCur += cb; ulSigBlob -= cb; } else { cb = CorSigUncompressData(&pbSigBlob[cbCur], &ulArgs); if (cb>ulSigBlob) goto ErrExit; cbCur += cb; ulSigBlob -= cb; if (ulData != IMAGE_CEE_CS_CALLCONV_LOCAL_SIG) { // display return type when it is not a local varsig if (FAILED(hr = GetOneElementType(&pbSigBlob[cbCur], ulSigBlob, &cb))) goto ErrExit; AddToSigBuffer (W(" ")); AddToSigBuffer (m_szName); AddToSigBuffer ( W("(")); if (cb>ulSigBlob) goto ErrExit; cbCur += cb; ulSigBlob -= cb; } ULONG i = 0; while (i < ulArgs && ulSigBlob > 0) { ULONG ulDataUncompress; // Handle the sentinal for varargs because it isn't counted in the args. CorSigUncompressData(&pbSigBlob[cbCur], &ulDataUncompress); ++i; if (FAILED(hr = GetOneElementType(&pbSigBlob[cbCur], ulSigBlob, &cb))) goto ErrExit; if (i != ulArgs) { AddToSigBuffer ( W(",")); } if (cb>ulSigBlob) goto ErrExit; cbCur += cb; ulSigBlob -= cb; } AddToSigBuffer ( W(")")); } // Nothing consumed but not yet counted. cb = 0; ErrExit: if (plSigBlobRemaining) *plSigBlobRemaining = (ulSigBlob - cb); return hr; } LPCWSTR MDInfo::TypeDefName(mdTypeDef inTypeDef) { if (m_pImport == NULL) { return W(""); } HRESULT hr; hr = m_pImport->GetTypeDefProps( // [IN] The import scope. inTypeDef, // [IN] TypeDef token for inquiry. m_szTempBuf, // [OUT] Put name here. MAX_CLASSNAME_LENGTH , // [IN] size of name buffer in wide chars. NULL, // [OUT] put size of name (wide chars) here. NULL, // [OUT] Put flags here. NULL); // [OUT] Put base class TypeDef/TypeRef here. if (FAILED(hr)) return (W("NoName")); return (m_szTempBuf); } // LPCWSTR MDInfo::TypeDefName() LPCWSTR MDInfo::TypeRefName(mdTypeRef tr) { if (m_pImport == NULL) { return W(""); } HRESULT hr; hr = m_pImport->GetTypeRefProps( tr, // The class ref token. NULL, // Resolution scope. m_szTempBuf, // Put the name here. MAX_CLASSNAME_LENGTH, // Size of the name buffer, wide chars. NULL); // Put actual size of name here. if (FAILED(hr)) return (W("NoName")); return (m_szTempBuf); } // LPCWSTR MDInfo::TypeRefName() LPCWSTR MDInfo::TypeDeforRefName(mdToken inToken) { if (RidFromToken(inToken)) { if (TypeFromToken(inToken) == mdtTypeDef) return (TypeDefName((mdTypeDef) inToken)); else if (TypeFromToken(inToken) == mdtTypeRef) return (TypeRefName((mdTypeRef) inToken)); else return (W("[InvalidReference]")); } else return (W("")); } // LPCWSTR MDInfo::TypeDeforRefName() HRESULT MDInfo::AddToSigBuffer(LPCWSTR string) { HRESULT hr; IfFailRet(m_pSigBuf->ReSize((_wcslen((LPWSTR)m_pSigBuf->Ptr()) + _wcslen(string) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR))); wcscat_s((LPWSTR)m_pSigBuf->Ptr(), m_pSigBuf->Size()/sizeof(WCHAR),string); return NOERROR; } HRESULT MDInfo::GetOneElementType(PCCOR_SIGNATURE pbSigBlob, ULONG ulSigBlob, ULONG *pcb) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; // A result. ULONG cbCur = 0; ULONG cb; ULONG ulData; ULONG ulTemp; int iTemp = 0; mdToken tk; const size_t capacity_buffer = 9; cb = CorSigUncompressData(pbSigBlob, &ulData); if (cb == ULONG(-1)) { hr = E_FAIL; goto ErrExit; } cbCur += cb; // Handle the modifiers. if (ulData & ELEMENT_TYPE_MODIFIER) { if (ulData == ELEMENT_TYPE_SENTINEL) IfFailGo(AddToSigBuffer(W(" "))); else if (ulData == ELEMENT_TYPE_PINNED) IfFailGo(AddToSigBuffer(W("PINNED "))); else { hr = E_FAIL; goto ErrExit; } if (FAILED(GetOneElementType(&pbSigBlob[cbCur], ulSigBlob-cbCur, &cb))) goto ErrExit; cbCur += cb; goto ErrExit; } // Handle the underlying element types. if (ulData >= ELEMENT_TYPE_MAX) { hr = E_FAIL; goto ErrExit; } while (ulData == ELEMENT_TYPE_PTR || ulData == ELEMENT_TYPE_BYREF) { IfFailGo(AddToSigBuffer(g_wszMapElementType[ulData])); IfFailGo(AddToSigBuffer(W(" "))); cb = CorSigUncompressData(&pbSigBlob[cbCur], &ulData); cbCur += cb; } // Generics if (ulData == ELEMENT_TYPE_VAR) { IfFailGo(AddToSigBuffer(W("__Canon"))); // The next byte represents which generic parameter is referred to. We // do not currently use this information, so just bypass this byte. cbCur++; goto ErrExit; } // A generic instance, e.g. IEnumerable if (ulData == ELEMENT_TYPE_GENERICINST) { // Print out the base type. IfFailGo(GetOneElementType(&pbSigBlob[cbCur], ulSigBlob-cbCur, &cb)); cbCur += cb; // Get the number of generic arguments. ULONG numParams = 0; IfFailGo(CorSigUncompressData(&pbSigBlob[cbCur], 1, &numParams, &cb)); cbCur += cb; // Print out the list of arguments IfFailGo(AddToSigBuffer(W("<"))); for (ULONG i = 0; i < numParams; i++) { if (i > 0) IfFailGo(AddToSigBuffer(W(","))); IfFailGo(GetOneElementType(&pbSigBlob[cbCur], ulSigBlob-cbCur, &cb)); cbCur += cb; } IfFailGo(AddToSigBuffer(W(">"))); goto ErrExit; } // Past this point we must have something which directly maps to a value in g_wszMapElementType. IfFailGo(AddToSigBuffer(g_wszMapElementType[ulData])); if (CorIsPrimitiveType((CorElementType)ulData) || ulData == ELEMENT_TYPE_TYPEDBYREF || ulData == ELEMENT_TYPE_OBJECT || ulData == ELEMENT_TYPE_I || ulData == ELEMENT_TYPE_U) { // If this is a primitive type, we are done goto ErrExit; } AddToSigBuffer(W(" ")); if (ulData == ELEMENT_TYPE_VALUETYPE || ulData == ELEMENT_TYPE_CLASS || ulData == ELEMENT_TYPE_CMOD_REQD || ulData == ELEMENT_TYPE_CMOD_OPT) { cb = CorSigUncompressToken(&pbSigBlob[cbCur], &tk); cbCur += cb; // get the name of type ref. Don't care if truncated if (TypeFromToken(tk) == mdtTypeDef || TypeFromToken(tk) == mdtTypeRef) { IfFailGo(AddToSigBuffer(TypeDeforRefName(tk))); } else { _ASSERTE(TypeFromToken(tk) == mdtTypeSpec); WCHAR buffer[capacity_buffer]; _itow_s (tk, buffer, capacity_buffer, 16); IfFailGo(AddToSigBuffer(buffer)); } if (ulData == ELEMENT_TYPE_CMOD_REQD || ulData == ELEMENT_TYPE_CMOD_OPT) { IfFailGo(AddToSigBuffer(W(" "))); if (FAILED(GetOneElementType(&pbSigBlob[cbCur], ulSigBlob-cbCur, &cb))) goto ErrExit; cbCur += cb; } goto ErrExit; } if (ulData == ELEMENT_TYPE_SZARRAY) { // display the base type of SZARRAY or GENERICARRAY if (FAILED(GetOneElementType(&pbSigBlob[cbCur], ulSigBlob-cbCur, &cb))) goto ErrExit; cbCur += cb; goto ErrExit; } if (ulData == ELEMENT_TYPE_FNPTR) { cb = CorSigUncompressData(&pbSigBlob[cbCur], &ulData); cbCur += cb; if (ulData & IMAGE_CEE_CS_CALLCONV_EXPLICITTHIS) IfFailGo(AddToSigBuffer(W("[explicit] "))); if (ulData & IMAGE_CEE_CS_CALLCONV_HASTHIS) IfFailGo(AddToSigBuffer(W("[hasThis] "))); IfFailGo(AddToSigBuffer(g_wszCalling[ulData & IMAGE_CEE_CS_CALLCONV_MASK])); // Get number of args ULONG numArgs; cb = CorSigUncompressData(&pbSigBlob[cbCur], &numArgs); cbCur += cb; // do return type if (FAILED(GetOneElementType(&pbSigBlob[cbCur], ulSigBlob-cbCur, &cb))) goto ErrExit; cbCur += cb; IfFailGo(AddToSigBuffer(W("("))); while (numArgs > 0) { if (cbCur > ulSigBlob) goto ErrExit; if (FAILED(GetOneElementType(&pbSigBlob[cbCur], ulSigBlob-cbCur, &cb))) goto ErrExit; cbCur += cb; --numArgs; if (numArgs > 0) IfFailGo(AddToSigBuffer(W(","))); } IfFailGo(AddToSigBuffer(W(")"))); goto ErrExit; } if (ulData == ELEMENT_TYPE_INTERNAL) { IfFailGo(AddToSigBuffer(W("MT "))); void *pvMethodTable; cb = CorSigUncompressPointer(&pbSigBlob[cbCur], (void**)&pvMethodTable); cbCur += cb; const size_t capacity_szMethodTableValue = 10; WCHAR szMethodTableValue[10]; itow_s_ptr((INT_PTR)pvMethodTable, szMethodTableValue, capacity_szMethodTableValue, 16); IfFailGo(AddToSigBuffer(szMethodTableValue)); IfFailGo(AddToSigBuffer(W(" "))); IfFailGo(g_sos->GetMethodTableName(TO_CDADDR(pvMethodTable), mdNameLen, g_mdName, NULL)); IfFailGo(AddToSigBuffer(g_mdName)); goto ErrExit; } if(ulData != ELEMENT_TYPE_ARRAY) return E_FAIL; // display the base type of SDARRAY if (FAILED(GetOneElementType(&pbSigBlob[cbCur], ulSigBlob-cbCur, &cb))) goto ErrExit; cbCur += cb; IfFailGo(AddToSigBuffer(W(" "))); // display the rank of MDARRAY cb = CorSigUncompressData(&pbSigBlob[cbCur], &ulData); cbCur += cb; WCHAR buffer[capacity_buffer]; _itow_s (ulData, buffer, capacity_buffer, 10); IfFailGo(AddToSigBuffer(buffer)); if (ulData == 0) // we are done if no rank specified goto ErrExit; IfFailGo(AddToSigBuffer(W(" "))); // how many dimensions have size specified? cb = CorSigUncompressData(&pbSigBlob[cbCur], &ulData); cbCur += cb; _itow_s (ulData, buffer, capacity_buffer, 10); IfFailGo(AddToSigBuffer(buffer)); if (ulData == 0) { IfFailGo(AddToSigBuffer(W(" "))); } while (ulData) { cb = CorSigUncompressData(&pbSigBlob[cbCur], &ulTemp); _itow_s (ulTemp, buffer, capacity_buffer, 10); IfFailGo(AddToSigBuffer(buffer)); IfFailGo(AddToSigBuffer(W(" "))); cbCur += cb; ulData--; } // how many dimensions have lower bounds specified? cb = CorSigUncompressData(&pbSigBlob[cbCur], &ulData); cbCur += cb; _itow_s (ulData, buffer, capacity_buffer, 10); IfFailGo(AddToSigBuffer(buffer)); while (ulData) { cb = CorSigUncompressSignedInt(&pbSigBlob[cbCur], &iTemp); _itow_s (iTemp, buffer, capacity_buffer, 10); IfFailGo(AddToSigBuffer(buffer)); IfFailGo(AddToSigBuffer(W(" "))); cbCur += cb; ulData--; } ErrExit: if (cbCur > ulSigBlob) hr = E_FAIL; *pcb = cbCur; return hr; } //***************************************************************************** // Used when the method is tiny (< 64 bytes), and there are no local vars //***************************************************************************** typedef struct tagCOR_ILMETHOD_TINY : IMAGE_COR_ILMETHOD_TINY { bool IsTiny() const { return((Flags_CodeSize & (CorILMethod_FormatMask >> 1)) == CorILMethod_TinyFormat); } DWORD GetLocalVarSigTok() const { return(0); } } COR_ILMETHOD_TINY; //***************************************************************************** // This strucuture is the 'fat' layout, where no compression is attempted. // Note that this structure can be added on at the end, thus making it extensible //***************************************************************************** typedef struct tagCOR_ILMETHOD_FAT : IMAGE_COR_ILMETHOD_FAT { bool IsFat() const { return((Flags & CorILMethod_FormatMask) == CorILMethod_FatFormat); } mdToken GetLocalVarSigTok() const { return(LocalVarSigTok); } } COR_ILMETHOD_FAT;