// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements. // The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license. // See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information. // ==++== // // // ==--== /* * This file defines the support classes that allow us to operate on the object graph of the process that SOS * is analyzing. * * The GCRoot algorithm is based on three simple principles: * 1. Only consider an object once. When we inspect an object, read its references and don't ever touch * it again. This ensures that our upper bound on the amount of time we spend walking the object * graph very quickly reaches resolution. The objects we've already inspected (and thus won't inspect * again) is tracked by the mConsidered variable. * 2. Be extremely careful about reads from the target process. We use a linear cache for reading from * object data. We also cache everything about the method tables we read out of, as well as caching * the GCDesc which is required to walk the object's references. * 3. Use O(1) data structures for anything perf-critical. Almost all of the data structures we use to * keep track of data have very fast lookups. For example, to keep track of the objects we've considered * we use a unordered_set. Similarly to keep track of MethodTable data we use a unordered_map to track the * mt -> mtinfo mapping. */ #include "sos.h" #include "disasm.h" #ifdef _ASSERTE #undef _ASSERTE #endif #define _ASSERTE(a) {;} #include "gcdesc.h" #include "safemath.h" #ifdef _ASSERTE #undef _ASSERTE #endif #ifndef _ASSERTE #ifdef _DEBUG #define _ASSERTE(expr) \ do { if (!(expr) ) { ExtErr("_ASSERTE fired:\n\t%s\n", #expr); if (IsDebuggerPresent()) DebugBreak(); } } while (0) #else #define _ASSERTE(x) #endif #endif // ASSERTE inline size_t ALIGN_DOWN( size_t val, size_t alignment ) { // alignment must be a power of 2 for this implementation to work (need modulo otherwise) _ASSERTE( 0 == (alignment & (alignment - 1)) ); size_t result = val & ~(alignment - 1); return result; } inline void* ALIGN_DOWN( void* val, size_t alignment ) { return (void*) ALIGN_DOWN( (size_t)val, alignment ); } LinearReadCache::LinearReadCache(ULONG pageSize) : mCurrPageStart(0), mPageSize(pageSize), mCurrPageSize(0), mPage(0) { mPage = new BYTE[pageSize]; ClearStats(); } LinearReadCache::~LinearReadCache() { if (mPage) delete [] mPage; } bool LinearReadCache::MoveToPage(TADDR addr, unsigned int size) { if (size > mPageSize) size = mPageSize; mCurrPageStart = addr; HRESULT hr = g_ExtData->ReadVirtual(mCurrPageStart, mPage, size, &mCurrPageSize); if (hr != S_OK) { mCurrPageStart = 0; mCurrPageSize = 0; return false; } #ifdef _DEBUG mMisses++; #endif return true; } static const char *NameForHandle(unsigned int type) { switch (type) { case 0: return "weak short"; case 1: return "weak long"; case 2: return "strong"; case 3: return "pinned"; case 5: return "ref counted"; case 6: return "dependent"; case 7: return "async pinned"; case 8: return "sized ref"; } return "unknown"; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // GCRoot functions to cleanup data. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void GCRootImpl::ClearSizeData() { mConsidered.clear(); mSizes.clear(); } void GCRootImpl::ClearAll() { ClearNodes(); { std::unordered_map::iterator itr; for (itr = mMTs.begin(); itr != mMTs.end(); ++itr) delete itr->second; } { std::unordered_map::iterator itr; for (itr = mTargets.begin(); itr != mTargets.end(); ++itr) delete itr->second; } mMTs.clear(); mTargets.clear(); mConsidered.clear(); mSizes.clear(); mDependentHandleMap.clear(); mCache.ClearStats(); mAll = false; mSize = false; } void GCRootImpl::ClearNodes() { std::list::iterator itr; for (itr = mCleanupList.begin(); itr != mCleanupList.end(); ++itr) delete *itr; mCleanupList.clear(); mRootNewList.clear(); } GCRootImpl::RootNode *GCRootImpl::NewNode(TADDR obj, MTInfo *mtInfo, bool fromDependent) { // We need to create/destroy a TON of nodes during execution of GCRoot functions. // To avoid heap fragmentation (and since it's faster), we don't actually new/delete // nodes unless we have to. Instead we keep a stl list with free nodes to use. RootNode *toReturn = NULL; if (mRootNewList.size()) { toReturn = mRootNewList.back(); mRootNewList.pop_back(); } else { toReturn = new RootNode(); mCleanupList.push_back(toReturn); } toReturn->Object = obj; toReturn->MTInfo = mtInfo; toReturn->FromDependentHandle = fromDependent; return toReturn; } void GCRootImpl::DeleteNode(RootNode *node) { // Add node to the "new list". node->Clear(); mRootNewList.push_back(node); } void GCRootImpl::GetDependentHandleMap(std::unordered_map> &map) { unsigned int type = HNDTYPE_DEPENDENT; ToRelease handles; HRESULT hr = g_sos->GetHandleEnumForTypes(&type, 1, &handles); if (FAILED(hr)) { ExtOut("Failed to walk dependent handles. GCRoot may miss paths.\n"); return; } SOSHandleData data[4]; unsigned int fetched = 0; do { hr = handles->Next(_countof(data), data, &fetched); if (FAILED(hr)) { ExtOut("Error walking dependent handles. GCRoot may miss paths.\n"); return; } for (unsigned int i = 0; i < fetched; ++i) { if (data[i].Secondary != 0) { TADDR obj = 0; TADDR target = TO_TADDR(data[i].Secondary); MOVE(obj, TO_TADDR(data[i].Handle)); map[obj].push_back(target); } } } while (fetched == _countof(data)); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Public functions. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// int GCRootImpl::PrintRootsForObject(TADDR target, bool all, bool noStacks) { ClearAll(); GetDependentHandleMap(mDependentHandleMap); mAll = all; // Add "target" to the mTargets list. TADDR mt = ReadPointerCached(target); RootNode *node = NewNode(target, GetMTInfo(mt)); mTargets[target] = node; // Look for roots on the HandleTable, FQ, and all threads. int count = 0; if (!noStacks) count += PrintRootsOnAllThreads(); count += PrintRootsOnHandleTable(); count += PrintRootsOnFQ(); if(count == 0) { count += PrintRootsOnFQ(true); if(count) { ExtOut("Warning: These roots are from finalizable objects that are not yet ready for finalization.\n"); ExtOut("This is to handle the case where objects re-register themselves for finalization.\n"); ExtOut("These roots may be false positives.\n"); } } mCache.PrintStats(__FUNCTION__); return count; } bool GCRootImpl::PrintPathToObject(TADDR root, TADDR target) { ClearAll(); GetDependentHandleMap(mDependentHandleMap); // Add "target" to the mTargets list. TADDR mt = ReadPointerCached(target); RootNode *node = NewNode(target, GetMTInfo(mt)); mTargets[target] = node; // Check to see if the root reaches the target. RootNode *path = FindPathToTarget(root); if (path) { ExtOut("%p %S\n", SOS_PTR(path->Object), path->GetTypeName()); path = path->Next; while (path) { ExtOut(" -> %p %S%s\n",SOS_PTR(path->Object), path->GetTypeName(), path->FromDependentHandle ? " (dependent handle)" : ""); path = path->Next; } mCache.PrintStats(__FUNCTION__); return true; } mCache.PrintStats(__FUNCTION__); return false; } size_t GCRootImpl::ObjSize(TADDR root) { // Calculates the size of the closure of objects kept alive by root. ClearAll(); GetDependentHandleMap(mDependentHandleMap); // mSize tells GCRootImpl to build the "mSizes" table with the total size // each object roots. mSize = true; // Note that we are calling the same method as we would to locate the rooting // chain for an object, but we haven't added any items to mTargets. This means // the algorithm will scan all objects and never terminate until it has walked // all objects in the closure. FindPathToTarget(root); mCache.PrintStats(__FUNCTION__); return mSizes[root]; } void GCRootImpl::ObjSize() { ClearAll(); GetDependentHandleMap(mDependentHandleMap); mSize = true; // Walks all roots in the process, and prints out the object size for each one. PrintRootsOnAllThreads(); PrintRootsOnHandleTable(); PrintRootsOnFQ(); mCache.PrintStats(__FUNCTION__); } const std::unordered_set &GCRootImpl::GetLiveObjects(bool excludeFQ) { ClearAll(); GetDependentHandleMap(mDependentHandleMap); // Walk each root in the process without setting a target. This has the effect of // causing us to walk every object in the process, adding them to mConsidered as we // go. PrintRootsOnAllThreads(); PrintRootsOnHandleTable(); if (!excludeFQ) PrintRootsOnFQ(); mCache.PrintStats(__FUNCTION__); return mConsidered; } int GCRootImpl::FindRoots(int gen, TADDR target) { ClearAll(); GetDependentHandleMap(mDependentHandleMap); if (gen == -1 || ((UINT)gen) == GetMaxGeneration()) { // If this is a gen 2 !FindRoots, just do a regular !GCRoot return PrintRootsForObject(target, false, false); } else { // Otherwise walk all roots for only the given generation. int count = PrintRootsInOlderGen(); count += PrintRootsOnHandleTable(gen); count += PrintRootsOnFQ(); return count; } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // GCRoot Methods for printing out results. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void GCRootImpl::ReportSizeInfo(const SOSHandleData &handle, TADDR obj) { // Print size for a handle (!objsize) TADDR mt = ReadPointer(obj); MTInfo *mtInfo = GetMTInfo(mt); const WCHAR *type = mtInfo ? mtInfo->GetTypeName() : W("unknown type"); size_t size = mSizes[obj]; ExtOut("Handle (%s): %p -> %p: %d (0x%x) bytes (%S)\n", NameForHandle(handle.Type), SOS_PTR(handle.Handle), SOS_PTR(obj), size, size, type); } void GCRootImpl::ReportSizeInfo(DWORD thread, const SOSStackRefData &stackRef, TADDR obj) { // Print size for a stack root (!objsize) WString frame; if (stackRef.SourceType == SOS_StackSourceIP) frame = MethodNameFromIP(stackRef.Source); else frame = GetFrameFromAddress(TO_TADDR(stackRef.Source)); WString regOutput = BuildRegisterOutput(stackRef); TADDR mt = ReadPointer(obj); MTInfo *mtInfo = GetMTInfo(mt); const WCHAR *type = mtInfo ? mtInfo->GetTypeName() : W("unknown type"); size_t size = mSizes[obj]; ExtOut("Thread %x (%S): %S: %d (0x%x) bytes (%S)\n", thread, frame.c_str(), regOutput.c_str(), size, size, type); } void GCRootImpl::ReportOneHandlePath(const SOSHandleData &handle, RootNode *path, bool printHeader) { if (printHeader) ExtOut("HandleTable:\n"); ExtOut(" %p (%s handle)\n", SOS_PTR(handle.Handle), NameForHandle(handle.Type)); while (path) { ExtOut(" -> %p %S%s\n", SOS_PTR(path->Object), path->GetTypeName(), path->FromDependentHandle ? " (dependent handle)" : ""); path = path->Next; } ExtOut("\n"); } void GCRootImpl::ReportOnePath(DWORD thread, const SOSStackRefData &stackRef, RootNode *path, bool printThread, bool printFrame) { if (printThread) ExtOut("Thread %x:\n", thread); if (printFrame) { if (stackRef.SourceType == SOS_StackSourceIP) { WString methodName = MethodNameFromIP(stackRef.Source); ExtOut(" %p %p %S\n", SOS_PTR(stackRef.StackPointer), SOS_PTR(stackRef.Source), methodName.c_str()); } else { WString frameName = GetFrameFromAddress(TO_TADDR(stackRef.Source)); ExtOut(" %p %S\n", SOS_PTR(stackRef.Source), frameName.c_str()); } } WString regOutput = BuildRegisterOutput(stackRef, false); ExtOut(" %S\n", regOutput.c_str()); while (path) { ExtOut(" -> %p %S%s\n", SOS_PTR(path->Object), path->GetTypeName(), path->FromDependentHandle ? " (dependent handle)" : ""); path = path->Next; } ExtOut("\n"); } void GCRootImpl::ReportOneFQEntry(TADDR root, RootNode *path, bool printHeader) { if (printHeader) ExtOut("Finalizer Queue:\n"); ExtOut(" %p\n", SOS_PTR(root)); while (path) { ExtOut(" -> %p %S%s\n", SOS_PTR(path->Object), path->GetTypeName(), path->FromDependentHandle ? " (dependent handle)" : ""); path = path->Next; } ExtOut("\n"); } void GCRootImpl::ReportOlderGenEntry(TADDR root, RootNode *path, bool printHeader) { if (printHeader) ExtOut("Older Generation:\n"); ExtOut(" %p\n", SOS_PTR(root)); while (path) { ExtOut(" -> %p %S%s\n", SOS_PTR(path->Object), path->GetTypeName(), path->FromDependentHandle ? " (dependent handle)" : ""); path = path->Next; } ExtOut("\n"); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// int GCRootImpl::PrintRootsInOlderGen() { // Use a different linear read cache here instead of polluting the object read cache. LinearReadCache cache(512); if (!IsServerBuild()) { DacpGcHeapAnalyzeData analyzeData; if (analyzeData.Request(g_sos) != S_OK) { ExtErr("Error requesting gc heap analyze data\n"); return 0; } if (!analyzeData.heap_analyze_success) { ExtOut("Failed to gather needed data, possibly due to memory contraints in the debuggee.\n"); ExtOut("To try again re-issue the !FindRoots -gen command.\n"); return 0; } ExtDbgOut("internal_root_array = %#p\n", SOS_PTR(analyzeData.internal_root_array)); ExtDbgOut("internal_root_array_index = %#p\n", SOS_PTR(analyzeData.internal_root_array_index)); TADDR start = TO_TADDR(analyzeData.internal_root_array); TADDR stop = TO_TADDR(analyzeData.internal_root_array + sizeof(TADDR) * (size_t)analyzeData.internal_root_array_index); return PrintRootsInRange(cache, start, stop, &GCRootImpl::ReportOlderGenEntry, true); } else { int total = 0; DWORD dwAllocSize; DWORD dwNHeaps = GetGcHeapCount(); if (!ClrSafeInt::multiply(sizeof(CLRDATA_ADDRESS), dwNHeaps, dwAllocSize)) { ExtErr("Failed to get GCHeaps: integer overflow\n"); return 0; } CLRDATA_ADDRESS *heapAddrs = (CLRDATA_ADDRESS*)alloca(dwAllocSize); if (g_sos->GetGCHeapList(dwNHeaps, heapAddrs, NULL) != S_OK) { ExtErr("Failed to get GCHeaps\n"); return 0; } for (UINT n = 0; n < dwNHeaps; n ++) { DacpGcHeapAnalyzeData analyzeData; if (analyzeData.Request(g_sos, heapAddrs[n]) != S_OK) { ExtErr("Error requesting gc heap analyze data for heap %p\n", SOS_PTR(heapAddrs[n])); continue; } if (!analyzeData.heap_analyze_success) { ExtOut("Failed to gather needed data, possibly due to memory contraints in the debuggee.\n"); ExtOut("To try again re-issue the !FindRoots -gen command.\n"); continue; } ExtDbgOut("internal_root_array = %#p\n", SOS_PTR(analyzeData.internal_root_array)); ExtDbgOut("internal_root_array_index = %#p\n", SOS_PTR(analyzeData.internal_root_array_index)); TADDR start = TO_TADDR(analyzeData.internal_root_array); TADDR stop = TO_TADDR(analyzeData.internal_root_array + sizeof(TADDR) * (size_t)analyzeData.internal_root_array_index); total += PrintRootsInRange(cache, start, stop, &GCRootImpl::ReportOlderGenEntry, total == 0); } return total; } } int GCRootImpl::PrintRootsOnFQ(bool notReadyForFinalization) { // Here are objects kept alive by objects in the finalizer queue. DacpGcHeapDetails heapDetails; // Use a different linear read cache here instead of polluting the object read cache. LinearReadCache cache(512); if (!IsServerBuild()) { if (heapDetails.Request(g_sos) != S_OK) { ExtErr("Error requesting heap data.\n"); return 0; } // If we include objects that are not ready for finalization, we may report // false positives. False positives occur if the object is not ready for finalization // and does not re-register itself for finalization inside the finalizer. TADDR start = 0; TADDR stop = 0; if(notReadyForFinalization) { start = TO_TADDR(SegQueue(heapDetails, gen_segment(GetMaxGeneration()))); stop = TO_TADDR(SegQueueLimit(heapDetails, CriticalFinalizerListSeg)); } else { start = TO_TADDR(SegQueue(heapDetails, CriticalFinalizerListSeg)); stop = TO_TADDR(SegQueue(heapDetails, FinalizerListSeg)); } return PrintRootsInRange(cache, start, stop, &GCRootImpl::ReportOneFQEntry, true); } else { DWORD dwAllocSize; DWORD dwNHeaps = GetGcHeapCount(); if (!ClrSafeInt::multiply(sizeof(CLRDATA_ADDRESS), dwNHeaps, dwAllocSize)) { ExtErr("Failed to get GCHeaps: integer overflow\n"); return 0; } CLRDATA_ADDRESS *heapAddrs = (CLRDATA_ADDRESS*)alloca(dwAllocSize); if (g_sos->GetGCHeapList(dwNHeaps, heapAddrs, NULL) != S_OK) { ExtErr("Error requesting heap data.\n"); return 0; } int total = 0; for (UINT n = 0; n < dwNHeaps; n ++) { if (heapDetails.Request(g_sos, heapAddrs[n]) != S_OK) { ExtErr("Error requesting heap data for heap %d.\n", n); continue; } // If we include objects that are not ready for finalization, we may report // false positives. False positives occur if the object is not ready for finalization // and does not re-register itself for finalization inside the finalizer. TADDR start = 0; TADDR stop = 0; if(notReadyForFinalization) { start = TO_TADDR(SegQueue(heapDetails, gen_segment(GetMaxGeneration()))); stop = TO_TADDR(SegQueueLimit(heapDetails, CriticalFinalizerListSeg)); } else { start = TO_TADDR(SegQueue(heapDetails, CriticalFinalizerListSeg)); stop = TO_TADDR(SegQueueLimit(heapDetails, FinalizerListSeg)); } total += PrintRootsInRange(cache, start, stop, &GCRootImpl::ReportOneFQEntry, total == 0); } return total; } } int GCRootImpl::PrintRootsInRange(LinearReadCache &cache, TADDR start, TADDR stop, ReportCallback func, bool printHeader) { int total = 0; // Walk the range [start, stop) and consider each pointer in the range as a root. while (start < stop) { if (IsInterrupt()) return total; // Use the cache parameter here instead of mCache. If you use mCache it will be reset // when calling into FindPathToTarget. TADDR root = 0; bool res = cache.Read(start, &root, true); if (res && root) { RootNode *path = FindPathToTarget(root); if (path) { func(root, path, printHeader); total++; printHeader = false; } } start += sizeof(TADDR); } return total; } int GCRootImpl::PrintRootsOnAllThreads() { ArrayHolder threadList = NULL; int numThreads = 0; // GetThreadList calls ReportOOM so we don't need to do that here. HRESULT hr = GetThreadList(&threadList, &numThreads); if (FAILED(hr) || !threadList) return 0; // Walk each thread and process the roots on it. int total = 0; DacpThreadData vThread; for (int i = 0; i < numThreads; i++) { if (IsInterrupt()) return total; if (FAILED(vThread.Request(g_sos, threadList[i]))) continue; if (vThread.osThreadId) total += PrintRootsOnThread(vThread.osThreadId); } return total; } int GCRootImpl::PrintRootsOnThread(DWORD osThreadId) { // Grab all object rootson the thread. unsigned int refCount = 0; ArrayHolder refs = NULL; int total = 0; bool first = true; if (FAILED(::GetGCRefs(osThreadId, &refs, &refCount, NULL, NULL))) { ExtOut("Failed to walk thread %x\n", osThreadId); return total; } // Walk each non-null root, find if it contains a path to the target, // and if so print it out. CLRDATA_ADDRESS prevSource = 0, prevSP = 0; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < refCount; ++i) { if (IsInterrupt()) return total; if (refs[i].Object) { if (mSize) ClearSizeData(); RootNode *path = FindPathToTarget(TO_TADDR(refs[i].Object)); if (path) { bool reportFrame = refs[i].Source != prevSource || refs[i].StackPointer != prevSP; ReportOnePath(osThreadId, refs[i], path, first, reportFrame); first = false; total++; } if (mSize) ReportSizeInfo(osThreadId, refs[i], TO_TADDR(refs[i].Object)); } } return total; } int GCRootImpl::PrintRootsOnHandleTable(int gen) { // Get handle data. ToRelease pEnum = NULL; HRESULT hr = S_OK; if (gen == -1 || (ULONG)gen == GetMaxGeneration()) hr = g_sos->GetHandleEnum(&pEnum); else hr = g_sos->GetHandleEnumForGC(gen, &pEnum); if (FAILED(hr)) { ExtOut("Failed to walk the HandleTable!\n"); return 0; } int total = 0; unsigned int fetched = 0; SOSHandleData handles[8]; bool printHeader = true; do { // Fetch more handles hr = pEnum->Next(_countof(handles), handles, &fetched); if (FAILED(hr)) { ExtOut("Failed to request more handles."); return total; } // Find rooting info for each handle. for (unsigned int i = 0; i < fetched; ++i) { if (IsInterrupt()) return total; // Ignore handles which aren't actually roots. if (!handles[i].StrongReference) continue; // clear the size table if (mAll) ClearSizeData(); // Get the object the handle points to. TADDR root = ReadPointer(TO_TADDR(handles[i].Handle)); // Only inspect handle if the object is non-null, and not one we've already walked. if (root) { // Find all paths to the object and don't clean up the return value. // It's tracked by mCleanupList. RootNode *path = FindPathToTarget(root); if (path) { ReportOneHandlePath(handles[i], path, printHeader); printHeader = false; total++; } if (mSize) ReportSizeInfo(handles[i], root); } } } while (_countof(handles) == fetched); return total; } GCRootImpl::RootNode *GCRootImpl::FilterRoots(RootNode *&list) { // Filter the list of GC refs: // - Remove objects that we have already considered // - Check to see if we've located the target object (or an object which points to the target). RootNode *curr = list; RootNode *keep = NULL; while (curr) { // We don't check for Control-C in this loop to avoid inconsistent data. RootNode *curr_next = curr->Next; std::unordered_map::iterator targetItr = mTargets.find(curr->Object); if (targetItr != mTargets.end()) { // We found the object we are looking for (or an object which points to it)! // Return the target, propogate whether we got the target from a dependent handle. targetItr->second->FromDependentHandle = curr->FromDependentHandle; return targetItr->second; } else if (mConsidered.find(curr->Object) != mConsidered.end()) { curr->Remove(list); DeleteNode(curr); } curr = curr_next; } return NULL; } /* This is the core of the GCRoot algorithm. It is: * 1. Start with a list of "targets" (objects we are trying to find the roots for) and a root * in the process. * 2. Let the root be "curr". * 3. Find all objects curr points to and place them in curr->GCRefs (a linked list). * 4. Walk curr->GCRefs. If we find any of the "targets", return the current path. If not, * filter out any objects we've already considered (the mConsidered set). * 5. Look at curr->GCRefs: * 5a. If curr->GCRefs is NULL then we have walked all references of this object. Pop "curr" * from the current path (curr = curr->Prev). If curr is NULL, we walked all objects and * didn't find a target, return NULL. If curr is non-null, goto 5. * 5b. If curr->GCRefs is non-NULL, pop one entry and push it onto the path (that is: * curr->Next = curr->GCRefs; curr = curr->Next; curr->GCRefs = curr->GCRefs->Next) * 6. Goto 3. */ GCRootImpl::RootNode *GCRootImpl::FindPathToTarget(TADDR root) { // Early out. We may have already looked at this object. std::unordered_map::iterator targetItr = mTargets.find(root); if (targetItr != mTargets.end()) return targetItr->second; else if (mConsidered.find(root) != mConsidered.end()) return NULL; // Add obj as a considered node (since we are considering it now). mConsidered.insert(root); // Create path. RootNode *path = NewNode(root); RootNode *curr = path; while (curr) { if (IsInterrupt()) return NULL; // If this is a new reference we are walking, we haven't filled the list of objects // this one points to. Update that first. if (!curr->FilledRefs) { // Get the list of GC refs. curr->GCRefs = GetGCRefs(path, curr); // Filter the refs to remove objects we've already inspected. RootNode *foundTarget = FilterRoots(curr->GCRefs); // If we've found the target, great! Return the path to the target. if (foundTarget) { // Link the current to the target. curr->Next = foundTarget; foundTarget->Prev = curr; // If the user requested all paths, set each node in the path to be a target. // Normally, we don't consider a node we've already seen, which means if we don't // get a *completely* unique path, it's not printed out. By adding each of the // nodes in the paths we find as potential targets, it prints out *every* path // to the target, including ones with duplicate nodes. This is much slower. if (mAll) { RootNode *tmp = path; while (tmp) { if (mTargets.find(tmp->Object) != mTargets.end()) break; mTargets[tmp->Object] = tmp; tmp = tmp->Next; } } return path; } } // We have filled the references, now walk them depth-first. if (curr->GCRefs) { RootNode *next = curr->GCRefs; curr->GCRefs = next->Next; if (mConsidered.find(next->Object) != mConsidered.end()) { // Whoops. This object was considered deeper down the tree, so we // don't need to do it again. Delete this node and continue looping. DeleteNode(next); } else { // Clear associations. if (curr->GCRefs) curr->GCRefs->Prev = NULL; next->Next = NULL; // Link curr and next, make next the current node. curr->Next = next; next->Prev = curr; curr = next; // Finally, insert the current object into the considered set. mConsidered.insert(curr->Object); // Now the next iteration will operate on "next". } } else { // This object has no more GCRefs. We now need to "pop" it from the current path. RootNode *tmp = curr; curr = curr->Prev; DeleteNode(tmp); } } return NULL; } GCRootImpl::RootNode *GCRootImpl::GetGCRefs(RootNode *path, RootNode *node) { // If this node doesn't have the method table ready, fill it out TADDR obj = node->Object; if (!node->MTInfo) { TADDR mt = ReadPointerCached(obj); MTInfo *mtInfo = GetMTInfo(mt); node->MTInfo = mtInfo; } node->FilledRefs = true; // MTInfo can be null if we encountered an error reading out of the target // process, just early out here as if it has no references. if (!node->MTInfo) return NULL; // Only calculate the size if we need it. size_t objSize = 0; if (mSize || node->MTInfo->ContainsPointers) { objSize = GetSizeOfObject(obj, node->MTInfo); // Update object size list, if requested. if (mSize) { mSizes[obj] = 0; while (path) { mSizes[path->Object] += objSize; path = path->Next; } } } // Early out: If the object doesn't contain any pointers, return. if (!node->MTInfo->ContainsPointers) return NULL; // Make sure we have the object's data in the cache. mCache.EnsureRangeInCache(obj, (unsigned int)objSize); // Storage for the gc refs. RootNode *refs = NewNode(); RootNode *curr = refs; // Walk the GCDesc, fill "refs" with non-null references. CGCDesc *gcdesc = node->MTInfo->GCDesc; bool aovc = node->MTInfo->ArrayOfVC; for (sos::RefIterator itr(obj, gcdesc, aovc, &mCache); itr; ++itr) { if (*itr) { curr->Next = NewNode(*itr); curr->Next->Prev = curr; curr = curr->Next; } } // Add edges from dependent handles. std::unordered_map>::iterator itr = mDependentHandleMap.find(obj); if (itr != mDependentHandleMap.end()) { for (std::list::iterator litr = itr->second.begin(); litr != itr->second.end(); ++litr) { curr->Next = NewNode(*litr, NULL, true); curr->Next->Prev = curr; curr = curr->Next; } } // The gcrefs actually start on refs->Next. curr = refs; refs = refs->Next; DeleteNode(curr); return refs; } DWORD GCRootImpl::GetComponents(TADDR obj, TADDR mt) { // Get the number of components in the object (for arrays and such). DWORD Value = 0; // If we fail to read out the number of components, let's assume 0 so we don't try to // read further data from the object. if (!mCache.Read(obj + sizeof(TADDR), &Value, false)) return 0; // The component size on a String does not contain the trailing NULL character, // so we must add that ourselves. if(TO_TADDR(g_special_usefulGlobals.StringMethodTable) == mt) return Value+1; return Value; } // Get the size of the object. size_t GCRootImpl::GetSizeOfObject(TADDR obj, MTInfo *info) { size_t res = info->BaseSize; if (info->ComponentSize) { // this is an array, so the size has to include the size of the components. We read the number // of components from the target and multiply by the component size to get the size. DWORD components = GetComponents(obj, info->MethodTable); res += info->ComponentSize * components; } #ifdef _TARGET_WIN64_ // On x64 we do an optimization to save 4 bytes in almost every string we create, so // pad to min object size if necessary. if (res < min_obj_size) res = min_obj_size; #endif // _TARGET_WIN64_ return (res > 0x10000) ? AlignLarge(res) : Align(res); } GCRootImpl::MTInfo *GCRootImpl::GetMTInfo(TADDR mt) { // Remove lower bits in case we are in mark phase mt &= ~3; // Do we already have this MethodTable? std::unordered_map::iterator itr = mMTs.find(mt); if (itr != mMTs.end()) return itr->second; MTInfo *curr = new MTInfo; curr->MethodTable = mt; // Get Base/Component size. DacpMethodTableData dmtd; if (dmtd.Request(g_sos, mt) != S_OK) { delete curr; return NULL; } // Fill out size info. curr->BaseSize = (size_t)dmtd.BaseSize; curr->ComponentSize = (size_t)dmtd.ComponentSize; curr->ContainsPointers = dmtd.bContainsPointers ? true : false; // If this method table contains pointers, fill out and cache the GCDesc. if (curr->ContainsPointers) { int nEntries; if (FAILED(MOVE(nEntries, mt-sizeof(TADDR)))) { ExtOut("Failed to request number of entries."); delete curr; return NULL; } if (nEntries < 0) { curr->ArrayOfVC = true; nEntries = -nEntries; } else { curr->ArrayOfVC = false; } size_t nSlots = 1 + nEntries * sizeof(CGCDescSeries)/sizeof(TADDR); curr->Buffer = new TADDR[nSlots]; if (curr->Buffer == NULL) { ReportOOM(); delete curr; return NULL; } if (FAILED(g_ExtData->ReadVirtual(TO_CDADDR(mt - nSlots*sizeof(TADDR)), curr->Buffer, (ULONG)(nSlots*sizeof(TADDR)), NULL))) { ExtOut("Failed to read GCDesc for MethodTable %p.\n", SOS_PTR(mt)); delete curr; return NULL; } // Construct the GCDesc map and series. curr->GCDesc = (CGCDesc *)(curr->Buffer+nSlots); } mMTs[mt] = curr; return curr; } TADDR GCRootImpl::ReadPointer(TADDR location) { // Reads a pointer from the cache, but doesn't update the cache if it wasn't in it. TADDR obj = NULL; bool res = mCache.Read(location, &obj, false); if (!res) return NULL; return obj; } TADDR GCRootImpl::ReadPointerCached(TADDR location) { // Reads a pointer from the cache, but updates the cache if it wasn't in it. TADDR obj = NULL; bool res = mCache.Read(location, &obj, true); if (!res) return NULL; return obj; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// UINT FindAllPinnedAndStrong(DWORD_PTR handlearray[], UINT arraySize) { unsigned int fetched = 0; SOSHandleData data[64]; UINT pos = 0; // We do not call GetHandleEnumByType here with a list of strong handles since we would be // statically setting the list of strong handles, which could change in a future release. // Instead we rely on the dac to provide whether a handle is strong or not. ToRelease handles; HRESULT hr = g_sos->GetHandleEnum(&handles); if (FAILED(hr)) { // This should basically never happen unless there's an OOM. ExtOut("Failed to enumerate GC handles. HRESULT=%x.\n", hr); return 0; } do { hr = handles->Next(_countof(data), data, &fetched); if (FAILED(hr)) { ExtOut("Failed to enumerate GC handles. HRESULT=%x.\n", hr); break; } for (unsigned int i = 0; i < fetched; ++i) { if (pos >= arraySize) { ExtOut("Buffer overflow while enumerating handles.\n"); return pos; } if (data[i].StrongReference) { handlearray[pos++] = (DWORD_PTR)data[i].Handle; } } } while (fetched == _countof(data)); return pos; } void PrintNotReachableInRange(TADDR rngStart, TADDR rngEnd, BOOL bExcludeReadyForFinalization, HeapStat* hpstat, BOOL bShort) { GCRootImpl gcroot; const std::unordered_set &liveObjs = gcroot.GetLiveObjects(bExcludeReadyForFinalization == TRUE); LinearReadCache cache(512); cache.EnsureRangeInCache(rngStart, (unsigned int)(rngEnd-rngStart)); for (TADDR p = rngStart; p < rngEnd; p += sizeof(TADDR)) { if (IsInterrupt()) break; TADDR header = 0; TADDR obj = 0; TADDR taddrMT = 0; bool read = cache.Read(p-sizeof(SIZEOF_OBJHEADER), &header); read = read && cache.Read(p, &obj); if (read && ((header & BIT_SBLK_FINALIZER_RUN) == 0) && liveObjs.find(obj) == liveObjs.end()) { if (bShort) { DMLOut("%s\n", DMLObject(obj)); } else { DMLOut("%s ", DMLObject(obj)); if (SUCCEEDED(GetMTOfObject(obj, &taddrMT)) && taddrMT) { size_t s = ObjectSize(obj); if (hpstat) { hpstat->Add(taddrMT, (DWORD)s); } } } } } if (!bShort) ExtOut("\n"); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Some defines for cards taken from gc code // #define card_word_width ((size_t)32) // // The value of card_size is determined empirically according to the average size of an object // In the code we also rely on the assumption that one card_table entry (DWORD) covers an entire os page // #if defined (_TARGET_WIN64_) #define card_size ((size_t)(2*DT_OS_PAGE_SIZE/card_word_width)) #else #define card_size ((size_t)(DT_OS_PAGE_SIZE/card_word_width)) #endif //_TARGET_WIN64_ // so card_size = 128 on x86, 256 on x64 inline size_t card_word (size_t card) { return card / card_word_width; } inline unsigned card_bit (size_t card) { return (unsigned)(card % card_word_width); } inline size_t card_of ( BYTE* object) { return (size_t)(object) / card_size; } BOOL CardIsSet(const DacpGcHeapDetails &heap, TADDR objAddr) { // The card table has to be translated to look at the refcount, etc. // g_card_table[card_word(card_of(g_lowest_address))]. TADDR card_table = TO_TADDR(heap.card_table); card_table = card_table + card_word(card_of((BYTE *)heap.lowest_address))*sizeof(DWORD); do { TADDR card_table_lowest_addr; TADDR card_table_next; if (MOVE(card_table_lowest_addr, ALIGN_DOWN(card_table, 0x1000) + sizeof(PVOID)) != S_OK) { ExtErr("Error getting card table lowest address\n"); return FALSE; } if (MOVE(card_table_next, card_table - sizeof(PVOID)) != S_OK) { ExtErr("Error getting next card table\n"); return FALSE; } size_t card = (objAddr - card_table_lowest_addr) / card_size; DWORD value; if (MOVE(value, card_table + card_word(card)*sizeof(DWORD)) != S_OK) { ExtErr("Error reading card bits\n"); return FALSE; } if (value & 1<= heap.background_saved_lowest_address) && (o < heap.background_saved_highest_address)) m = mark_array_marked(heap, o); return m; } BOOL fgc_should_consider_object(const DacpGcHeapDetails &heap, CLRDATA_ADDRESS o, const DacpHeapSegmentData &seg, BOOL consider_bgc_mark_p, BOOL check_current_sweep_p, BOOL check_saved_sweep_p) { // the logic for this function must be kept in sync with the analogous function in gc.cpp BOOL no_bgc_mark_p = FALSE; if (consider_bgc_mark_p) { if (check_current_sweep_p && (o < heap.next_sweep_obj)) { no_bgc_mark_p = TRUE; } if (!no_bgc_mark_p) { if(check_saved_sweep_p && (o >= heap.saved_sweep_ephemeral_start)) { no_bgc_mark_p = TRUE; } if (!check_saved_sweep_p) { CLRDATA_ADDRESS background_allocated = seg.background_allocated; if (o >= background_allocated) { no_bgc_mark_p = TRUE; } } } } else { no_bgc_mark_p = TRUE; } return no_bgc_mark_p ? TRUE : background_object_marked(heap, o); } enum c_gc_state { c_gc_state_marking, c_gc_state_planning, c_gc_state_free }; inline BOOL in_range_for_segment(const DacpHeapSegmentData &seg, CLRDATA_ADDRESS addr) { return (addr >= seg.mem) && (addr < seg.reserved); } void should_check_bgc_mark(const DacpGcHeapDetails &heap, const DacpHeapSegmentData &seg, BOOL* consider_bgc_mark_p, BOOL* check_current_sweep_p, BOOL* check_saved_sweep_p) { // the logic for this function must be kept in sync with the analogous function in gc.cpp *consider_bgc_mark_p = FALSE; *check_current_sweep_p = FALSE; *check_saved_sweep_p = FALSE; if (heap.current_c_gc_state == c_gc_state_planning) { // We are doing the next_sweep_obj comparison here because we have yet to // turn on the swept flag for the segment but in_range_for_segment will return // FALSE if the address is the same as reserved. if ((seg.flags & heap_segment_flags_swept) || (heap.next_sweep_obj == seg.reserved)) { // this seg was already swept. } else { *consider_bgc_mark_p = TRUE; if (seg.segmentAddr == heap.saved_sweep_ephemeral_seg) { *check_saved_sweep_p = TRUE; } if (in_range_for_segment(seg, heap.next_sweep_obj)) { *check_current_sweep_p = TRUE; } } } } // TODO: FACTOR TOGETHER THE OBJECT MEMBER WALKING CODE FROM // TODO: VerifyObjectMember(), GetListOfRefs(), HeapTraverser::PrintRefs() BOOL VerifyObjectMember(const DacpGcHeapDetails &heap, DWORD_PTR objAddr) { BOOL ret = TRUE; BOOL bCheckCard = TRUE; size_t size = 0; { DWORD_PTR dwAddrCard = objAddr; while (dwAddrCard < objAddr + size) { if (CardIsSet(heap, dwAddrCard)) { bCheckCard = FALSE; break; } dwAddrCard += card_size; } if (bCheckCard) { dwAddrCard = objAddr + size - 2*sizeof(PVOID); if (CardIsSet(heap, dwAddrCard)) { bCheckCard = FALSE; } } } for (sos::RefIterator itr(TO_TADDR(objAddr)); itr; ++itr) { TADDR dwAddr1 = (DWORD_PTR)*itr; if (dwAddr1) { TADDR dwChild = dwAddr1; // Try something more efficient than IsObject here. Is the methodtable valid? size_t s; BOOL bPointers; TADDR dwAddrMethTable; if (FAILED(GetMTOfObject(dwAddr1, &dwAddrMethTable)) || (GetSizeEfficient(dwAddr1, dwAddrMethTable, FALSE, s, bPointers) == FALSE)) { DMLOut("object %s: bad member %p at %p\n", DMLObject(objAddr), SOS_PTR(dwAddr1), SOS_PTR(itr.GetOffset())); ret = FALSE; } if (IsMTForFreeObj(dwAddrMethTable)) { DMLOut("object %s contains free object %p at %p\n", DMLObject(objAddr), SOS_PTR(dwAddr1), SOS_PTR(objAddr+itr.GetOffset())); ret = FALSE; } // verify card table if (bCheckCard && NeedCard(objAddr+itr.GetOffset(), dwAddr1)) { DMLOut("object %s:%s missing card_table entry for %p\n", DMLObject(objAddr), (dwChild == dwAddr1) ? "" : " maybe", SOS_PTR(objAddr+itr.GetOffset())); ret = FALSE; } } } return ret; } // search for can_verify_deep in gc.cpp for examples of how these functions are used. BOOL VerifyObject(const DacpGcHeapDetails &heap, const DacpHeapSegmentData &seg, DWORD_PTR objAddr, DWORD_PTR MTAddr, size_t objSize, BOOL bVerifyMember) { if (IsMTForFreeObj(MTAddr)) { return TRUE; } if (objSize < min_obj_size) { DMLOut("object %s: size %d too small\n", DMLObject(objAddr), objSize); return FALSE; } // If we requested to verify the object's members, the GC may be in a state where that's not possible. // Here we check to see if the object in question needs to have its members updated. If so, we turn off // verification for the object. if (bVerifyMember) { BOOL consider_bgc_mark = FALSE, check_current_sweep = FALSE, check_saved_sweep = FALSE; should_check_bgc_mark(heap, seg, &consider_bgc_mark, &check_current_sweep, &check_saved_sweep); bVerifyMember = fgc_should_consider_object(heap, objAddr, seg, consider_bgc_mark, check_current_sweep, check_saved_sweep); } return bVerifyMember ? VerifyObjectMember(heap, objAddr) : TRUE; } BOOL FindSegment(const DacpGcHeapDetails &heap, DacpHeapSegmentData &seg, CLRDATA_ADDRESS addr) { CLRDATA_ADDRESS dwAddrSeg = heap.generation_table[GetMaxGeneration()].start_segment; // Request the inital segment. if (seg.Request(g_sos, dwAddrSeg, heap) != S_OK) { ExtOut("Error requesting heap segment %p.\n", SOS_PTR(dwAddrSeg)); return FALSE; } // Loop while the object is not in range of the segment. while (addr < TO_TADDR(seg.mem) || addr >= (dwAddrSeg == heap.ephemeral_heap_segment ? heap.alloc_allocated : TO_TADDR(seg.allocated))) { // get the next segment dwAddrSeg = seg.next; // We reached the last segment without finding the object. if (dwAddrSeg == NULL) return FALSE; if (seg.Request(g_sos, dwAddrSeg, heap) != S_OK) { ExtOut("Error requesting heap segment %p.\n", SOS_PTR(dwAddrSeg)); return FALSE; } } return TRUE; } BOOL VerifyObject(const DacpGcHeapDetails &heap, DWORD_PTR objAddr, DWORD_PTR MTAddr, size_t objSize, BOOL bVerifyMember) { // This is only used by the other VerifyObject function if bVerifyMember is true, // so we only intialize it if we need it for verifying object members. DacpHeapSegmentData seg; if (bVerifyMember) { // if we fail to find the segment, we cannot verify the object's members bVerifyMember = FindSegment(heap, seg, objAddr); } return VerifyObject(heap, seg, objAddr, MTAddr, objSize, bVerifyMember); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// typedef void (*TYPETREEVISIT)(size_t methodTable, size_t ID, LPVOID token); // TODO remove this. MethodTableCache already maps method tables to // various information. We don't need TypeTree to do this too. // Straightfoward to do, but low priority. class TypeTree { private: size_t methodTable; size_t ID; TypeTree *pLeft; TypeTree *pRight; public: TypeTree(size_t MT) : methodTable(MT),ID(0),pLeft(NULL),pRight(NULL) { } BOOL isIn(size_t MT, size_t *pID) { TypeTree *pCur = this; while (pCur) { if (MT == pCur->methodTable) { if (pID) *pID = pCur->ID; return TRUE; } else if (MT < pCur->methodTable) pCur = pCur->pLeft; else pCur = pCur->pRight; } return FALSE; } BOOL insert(size_t MT) { TypeTree *pCur = this; while (pCur) { if (MT == pCur->methodTable) return TRUE; else if ((MT < pCur->methodTable)) { if (pCur->pLeft) pCur = pCur->pLeft; else break; } else if (pCur->pRight) pCur = pCur->pRight; else break; } // If we got here, we need to append at the current node. TypeTree *pNewNode = new TypeTree(MT); if (pNewNode == NULL) return FALSE; if (MT < pCur->methodTable) pCur->pLeft = pNewNode; else pCur->pRight = pNewNode; return TRUE; } static void destroy(TypeTree *pStart) { TypeTree *pCur = pStart; if (pCur) { destroy(pCur->pLeft); destroy(pCur->pRight); delete [] pCur; } } static void visit_inorder(TypeTree *pStart, TYPETREEVISIT pFunc, LPVOID token) { TypeTree *pCur = pStart; if (pCur) { visit_inorder(pCur->pLeft, pFunc, token); pFunc (pCur->methodTable, pCur->ID, token); visit_inorder(pCur->pRight, pFunc, token); } } static void setTypeIDs(TypeTree *pStart, size_t *pCurID) { TypeTree *pCur = pStart; if (pCur) { setTypeIDs(pCur->pLeft, pCurID); pCur->ID = *pCurID; (*pCurID)++; setTypeIDs(pCur->pRight, pCurID); } } }; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // HeapTraverser::HeapTraverser(bool verify) { m_format = 0; m_file = NULL; m_objVisited = 0; m_pTypeTree = NULL; m_curNID = 1; m_verify = verify; } HeapTraverser::~HeapTraverser() { if (m_pTypeTree) { TypeTree::destroy(m_pTypeTree); m_pTypeTree = NULL; } } BOOL HeapTraverser::Initialize() { if (!GCHeapsTraverse (HeapTraverser::GatherTypes, this, m_verify)) { ExtOut("Error during heap traverse\n"); return FALSE; } GCRootImpl::GetDependentHandleMap(mDependentHandleMap); size_t startID = 1; TypeTree::setTypeIDs(m_pTypeTree, &startID); return TRUE; } BOOL HeapTraverser::CreateReport (FILE *fp, int format) { if (fp == NULL || (format!=FORMAT_XML && format != FORMAT_CLRPROFILER)) { return FALSE; } m_file = fp; m_format = format; PrintSection(TYPE_START,TRUE); PrintSection(TYPE_TYPES,TRUE); TypeTree::visit_inorder(m_pTypeTree, HeapTraverser::PrintOutTree, this); PrintSection(TYPE_TYPES,FALSE); ExtOut("tracing roots...\n"); PrintSection(TYPE_ROOTS,TRUE); PrintRootHead(); TraceHandles(); FindGCRootOnStacks(); PrintRootTail(); PrintSection(TYPE_ROOTS,FALSE); // now print type tree PrintSection(TYPE_OBJECTS,TRUE); ExtOut("\nWalking heap...\n"); m_objVisited = 0; // for UI updates GCHeapsTraverse (HeapTraverser::PrintHeap, this, FALSE); // Never verify on the second pass PrintSection(TYPE_OBJECTS,FALSE); PrintSection(TYPE_START,FALSE); m_file = NULL; return TRUE; } void HeapTraverser::insert(size_t mTable) { if (m_pTypeTree == NULL) { m_pTypeTree = new TypeTree(mTable); if (m_pTypeTree == NULL) { ReportOOM(); return; } } else { m_pTypeTree->insert(mTable); } } size_t HeapTraverser::getID(size_t mTable) { if (m_pTypeTree == NULL) { return 0; } // IDs start at 1, so we can return 0 if not found. size_t ret; if (m_pTypeTree->isIn(mTable,&ret)) { return ret; } return 0; } #ifndef FEATURE_PAL void replace(std::wstring &str, const WCHAR *toReplace, const WCHAR *replaceWith) { const size_t replaceLen = _wcslen(toReplace); const size_t replaceWithLen = _wcslen(replaceWith); size_t i = str.find(toReplace); while (i != std::wstring::npos) { str.replace(i, replaceLen, replaceWith); i = str.find(toReplace, i + replaceWithLen); } } #endif void HeapTraverser::PrintType(size_t ID,LPCWSTR name) { if (m_format==FORMAT_XML) { #ifndef FEATURE_PAL // Sanitize name based on XML spec. std::wstring wname = name; replace(wname, W("&"), W("&")); replace(wname, W("\""), W(""")); replace(wname, W("'"), W("'")); replace(wname, W("<"), W("<")); replace(wname, W(">"), W(">")); name = wname.c_str(); #endif fprintf(m_file, "\n", ID, name); } else if (m_format==FORMAT_CLRPROFILER) { fprintf(m_file, "t %d 0 %S\n", ID,name); } } void HeapTraverser::PrintObjectHead(size_t objAddr,size_t typeID,size_t Size) { if (m_format==FORMAT_XML) { fprintf(m_file, "\n", (PBYTE)objAddr,typeID, Size); } else if (m_format==FORMAT_CLRPROFILER) { fprintf(m_file, "n %d 1 %d %d\n", m_curNID,typeID,Size); fprintf(m_file, "! 1 0x%p %d\n", (PBYTE)objAddr,m_curNID); m_curNID++; fprintf(m_file, "o 0x%p %d %d ", (PBYTE)objAddr,typeID,Size); } } void HeapTraverser::PrintObjectMember(size_t memberValue, bool dependentHandle) { if (m_format==FORMAT_XML) { fprintf(m_file, " \n", (PBYTE)memberValue, dependentHandle ? " dependentHandle=\"1\"" : ""); } else if (m_format==FORMAT_CLRPROFILER) { fprintf(m_file, " 0x%p", (PBYTE)memberValue); } } void HeapTraverser::PrintObjectTail() { if (m_format==FORMAT_XML) { fprintf(m_file, "\n"); } else if (m_format==FORMAT_CLRPROFILER) { fprintf(m_file, "\n"); } } void HeapTraverser::PrintRootHead() { if (m_format==FORMAT_CLRPROFILER) { fprintf(m_file, "r "); } } void HeapTraverser::PrintRoot(LPCWSTR kind,size_t Value) { if (m_format==FORMAT_XML) { fprintf(m_file, "\n", kind, (PBYTE)Value); } else if (m_format==FORMAT_CLRPROFILER) { fprintf(m_file, "0x%p ", (PBYTE)Value); } } void HeapTraverser::PrintRootTail() { if (m_format==FORMAT_CLRPROFILER) { fprintf(m_file, "\n"); } } void HeapTraverser::PrintSection(int Type,BOOL bOpening) { const char *const pTypes[] = {"","","",""}; const char *const pTypeEnds[] = {"","","",""}; if (m_format==FORMAT_XML) { if ((Type >= 0) && (Type < TYPE_HIGHEST)) { fprintf(m_file,"%s\n",bOpening ? pTypes[Type] : pTypeEnds[Type]); } else { ExtOut ("INVALID TYPE %d\n", Type); } } else if (m_format==FORMAT_CLRPROFILER) { if ((Type == TYPE_START) && !bOpening) // a final newline is needed { fprintf(m_file,"\n"); } } } void HeapTraverser::FindGCRootOnStacks() { ArrayHolder threadList = NULL; int numThreads = 0; // GetThreadList calls ReportOOM so we don't need to do that here. HRESULT hr = GetThreadList(&threadList, &numThreads); if (FAILED(hr) || !threadList) { ExtOut("Failed to enumerate threads in the process.\n"); return; } int total = 0; DacpThreadData vThread; for (int i = 0; i < numThreads; i++) { if (FAILED(vThread.Request(g_sos, threadList[i]))) continue; if (vThread.osThreadId) { unsigned int refCount = 0; ArrayHolder refs = NULL; if (FAILED(::GetGCRefs(vThread.osThreadId, &refs, &refCount, NULL, NULL))) { ExtOut("Failed to walk thread %x\n", vThread.osThreadId); continue; } for (unsigned int i = 0; i < refCount; ++i) if (refs[i].Object) PrintRoot(W("stack"), TO_TADDR(refs[i].Object)); } } } /* static */ void HeapTraverser::PrintOutTree(size_t methodTable, size_t ID, LPVOID token) { HeapTraverser *pHolder = (HeapTraverser *) token; NameForMT_s(methodTable, g_mdName, mdNameLen); pHolder->PrintType(ID,g_mdName); } /* static */ void HeapTraverser::PrintHeap(DWORD_PTR objAddr,size_t Size, DWORD_PTR methodTable, LPVOID token) { if (!IsMTForFreeObj (methodTable)) { HeapTraverser *pHolder = (HeapTraverser *) token; pHolder->m_objVisited++; size_t ID = pHolder->getID(methodTable); pHolder->PrintObjectHead(objAddr, ID, Size); pHolder->PrintRefs(objAddr, methodTable, Size); pHolder->PrintObjectTail(); if (pHolder->m_objVisited % 1024 == 0) { ExtOut("."); if (pHolder->m_objVisited % (1024*64) == 0) ExtOut("\r\n"); } } } void HeapTraverser::TraceHandles() { unsigned int fetched = 0; SOSHandleData data[64]; ToRelease handles; HRESULT hr = g_sos->GetHandleEnum(&handles); if (FAILED(hr)) return; do { hr = handles->Next(_countof(data), data, &fetched); if (FAILED(hr)) break; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < fetched; ++i) PrintRoot(W("handle"), (size_t)data[i].Handle); } while (fetched == _countof(data)); } /* static */ void HeapTraverser::GatherTypes(DWORD_PTR objAddr,size_t Size, DWORD_PTR methodTable, LPVOID token) { if (!IsMTForFreeObj (methodTable)) { HeapTraverser *pHolder = (HeapTraverser *) token; pHolder->insert(methodTable); } } void HeapTraverser::PrintRefs(size_t obj, size_t methodTable, size_t size) { DWORD_PTR dwAddr = methodTable; // TODO: pass info to callback having to lookup the MethodTableInfo again MethodTableInfo* info = g_special_mtCache.Lookup((DWORD_PTR)methodTable); _ASSERTE(info->IsInitialized()); // This is the second pass, so we should be intialized if (!info->bContainsPointers) return; // Fetch the GCInfo from the other process CGCDesc *map = info->GCInfo; if (map == NULL) { INT_PTR nEntries; move_xp (nEntries, dwAddr-sizeof(PVOID)); bool arrayOfVC = false; if (nEntries<0) { arrayOfVC = true; nEntries = -nEntries; } size_t nSlots = 1+nEntries*sizeof(CGCDescSeries)/sizeof(DWORD_PTR); info->GCInfoBuffer = new DWORD_PTR[nSlots]; if (info->GCInfoBuffer == NULL) { ReportOOM(); return; } if (FAILED(rvCache->Read(TO_CDADDR(dwAddr - nSlots*sizeof(DWORD_PTR)), info->GCInfoBuffer, (ULONG) (nSlots*sizeof(DWORD_PTR)), NULL))) return; map = info->GCInfo = (CGCDesc*)(info->GCInfoBuffer+nSlots); info->ArrayOfVC = arrayOfVC; } mCache.EnsureRangeInCache((TADDR)obj, (unsigned int)size); for (sos::RefIterator itr(obj, info->GCInfo, info->ArrayOfVC, &mCache); itr; ++itr) { if (*itr && (!m_verify || sos::IsObject(*itr))) PrintObjectMember(*itr, false); } std::unordered_map>::iterator itr = mDependentHandleMap.find((TADDR)obj); if (itr != mDependentHandleMap.end()) { for (std::list::iterator litr = itr->second.begin(); litr != itr->second.end(); ++litr) { PrintObjectMember(*litr, true); } } } void sos::ObjectIterator::BuildError(char *out, size_t count, const char *format, ...) const { if (out == NULL || count == 0) return; va_list args; va_start(args, format); int written = vsprintf_s(out, count, format, args); if (written > 0 && mLastObj) sprintf_s(out+written, count-written, "\nLast good object: %p.\n", (int*)mLastObj); va_end(args); } bool sos::ObjectIterator::VerifyObjectMembers(char *reason, size_t count) const { if (!mCurrObj.HasPointers()) return true; size_t size = mCurrObj.GetSize(); size_t objAddr = (size_t)mCurrObj.GetAddress(); TADDR mt = mCurrObj.GetMT(); INT_PTR nEntries; MOVE(nEntries, mt-sizeof(PVOID)); if (nEntries < 0) nEntries = -nEntries; size_t nSlots = 1 + nEntries * sizeof(CGCDescSeries)/sizeof(DWORD_PTR); ArrayHolder buffer = new DWORD_PTR[nSlots]; if (FAILED(g_ExtData->ReadVirtual(TO_CDADDR(mt - nSlots*sizeof(DWORD_PTR)), buffer, (ULONG) (nSlots*sizeof(DWORD_PTR)), NULL))) { BuildError(reason, count, "Object %s has a bad GCDesc.", DMLObject(objAddr)); return false; } CGCDesc *map = (CGCDesc *)(buffer+nSlots); CGCDescSeries* cur = map->GetHighestSeries(); CGCDescSeries* last = map->GetLowestSeries(); const size_t bufferSize = sizeof(size_t)*128; size_t objBuffer[bufferSize/sizeof(size_t)]; size_t dwBeginAddr = (size_t)objAddr; size_t bytesInBuffer = bufferSize; if (size < bytesInBuffer) bytesInBuffer = size; if (FAILED(g_ExtData->ReadVirtual(TO_CDADDR(dwBeginAddr), objBuffer, (ULONG) bytesInBuffer,NULL))) { BuildError(reason, count, "Object %s: Failed to read members.", DMLObject(objAddr)); return false; } BOOL bCheckCard = TRUE; { DWORD_PTR dwAddrCard = (DWORD_PTR)objAddr; while (dwAddrCard < objAddr + size) { if (CardIsSet (mHeaps[mCurrHeap], dwAddrCard)) { bCheckCard = FALSE; break; } dwAddrCard += card_size; } if (bCheckCard) { dwAddrCard = objAddr + size - 2*sizeof(PVOID); if (CardIsSet (mHeaps[mCurrHeap], dwAddrCard)) { bCheckCard = FALSE; } } } if (cur >= last) { do { BYTE** parm = (BYTE**)((objAddr) + cur->GetSeriesOffset()); BYTE** ppstop = (BYTE**)((BYTE*)parm + cur->GetSeriesSize() + (size)); while (parm < ppstop) { CheckInterrupt(); size_t dwAddr1; // Do we run out of cache? if ((size_t)parm >= dwBeginAddr+bytesInBuffer) { // dwBeginAddr += bytesInBuffer; dwBeginAddr = (size_t)parm; if (dwBeginAddr >= objAddr + size) { return true; } bytesInBuffer = bufferSize; if (objAddr+size-dwBeginAddr < bytesInBuffer) { bytesInBuffer = objAddr+size-dwBeginAddr; } if (FAILED(g_ExtData->ReadVirtual(TO_CDADDR(dwBeginAddr), objBuffer, (ULONG) bytesInBuffer, NULL))) { BuildError(reason, count, "Object %s: Failed to read members.", DMLObject(objAddr)); return false; } } dwAddr1 = objBuffer[((size_t)parm-dwBeginAddr)/sizeof(size_t)]; if (dwAddr1) { DWORD_PTR dwChild = dwAddr1; // Try something more efficient than IsObject here. Is the methodtable valid? size_t s; BOOL bPointers; DWORD_PTR dwAddrMethTable; if (FAILED(GetMTOfObject(dwAddr1, &dwAddrMethTable)) || (GetSizeEfficient(dwAddr1, dwAddrMethTable, FALSE, s, bPointers) == FALSE)) { BuildError(reason, count, "object %s: bad member %p at %p", DMLObject(objAddr), SOS_PTR(dwAddr1), SOS_PTR(objAddr+(size_t)parm-objAddr)); return false; } if (IsMTForFreeObj(dwAddrMethTable)) { sos::Throw("object %s contains free object %p at %p", DMLObject(objAddr), SOS_PTR(dwAddr1), SOS_PTR(objAddr+(size_t)parm-objAddr)); } // verify card table if (bCheckCard && NeedCard(objAddr+(size_t)parm-objAddr,dwChild)) { BuildError(reason, count, "Object %s: %s missing card_table entry for %p", DMLObject(objAddr), (dwChild == dwAddr1)? "" : " maybe", SOS_PTR(objAddr+(size_t)parm-objAddr)); return false; } } parm++; } cur--; CheckInterrupt(); } while (cur >= last); } else { int cnt = (int) map->GetNumSeries(); BYTE** parm = (BYTE**)((objAddr) + cur->startoffset); while ((BYTE*)parm < (BYTE*)((objAddr)+(size)-plug_skew)) { for (int __i = 0; __i > cnt; __i--) { CheckInterrupt(); unsigned skip = cur->val_serie[__i].skip; unsigned nptrs = cur->val_serie[__i].nptrs; BYTE** ppstop = parm + nptrs; do { size_t dwAddr1; // Do we run out of cache? if ((size_t)parm >= dwBeginAddr+bytesInBuffer) { // dwBeginAddr += bytesInBuffer; dwBeginAddr = (size_t)parm; if (dwBeginAddr >= objAddr + size) return true; bytesInBuffer = bufferSize; if (objAddr+size-dwBeginAddr < bytesInBuffer) bytesInBuffer = objAddr+size-dwBeginAddr; if (FAILED(g_ExtData->ReadVirtual(TO_CDADDR(dwBeginAddr), objBuffer, (ULONG) bytesInBuffer, NULL))) { BuildError(reason, count, "Object %s: Failed to read members.", DMLObject(objAddr)); return false; } } dwAddr1 = objBuffer[((size_t)parm-dwBeginAddr)/sizeof(size_t)]; { if (dwAddr1) { DWORD_PTR dwChild = dwAddr1; // Try something more efficient than IsObject here. Is the methodtable valid? size_t s; BOOL bPointers; DWORD_PTR dwAddrMethTable; if (FAILED(GetMTOfObject(dwAddr1, &dwAddrMethTable)) || (GetSizeEfficient(dwAddr1, dwAddrMethTable, FALSE, s, bPointers) == FALSE)) { BuildError(reason, count, "Object %s: Bad member %p at %p.\n", DMLObject(objAddr), SOS_PTR(dwAddr1), SOS_PTR(objAddr+(size_t)parm-objAddr)); return false; } if (IsMTForFreeObj(dwAddrMethTable)) { BuildError(reason, count, "Object %s contains free object %p at %p.", DMLObject(objAddr), SOS_PTR(dwAddr1), SOS_PTR(objAddr+(size_t)parm-objAddr)); return false; } // verify card table if (bCheckCard && NeedCard (objAddr+(size_t)parm-objAddr,dwAddr1)) { BuildError(reason, count, "Object %s:%s missing card_table entry for %p", DMLObject(objAddr), (dwChild == dwAddr1) ? "" : " maybe", SOS_PTR(objAddr+(size_t)parm-objAddr)); return false; } } } parm++; CheckInterrupt(); } while (parm < ppstop); parm = (BYTE**)((BYTE*)parm + skip); } } } return true; } bool sos::ObjectIterator::Verify(char *reason, size_t count) const { try { TADDR mt = mCurrObj.GetMT(); if (MethodTable::GetFreeMT() == mt) { return true; } size_t size = mCurrObj.GetSize(); if (size < min_obj_size) { BuildError(reason, count, "Object %s: Size %d is too small.", DMLObject(mCurrObj.GetAddress()), size); return false; } if (mCurrObj.GetAddress() + mCurrObj.GetSize() > mSegmentEnd) { BuildError(reason, count, "Object %s is too large. End of segment at %p.", DMLObject(mCurrObj), mSegmentEnd); return false; } BOOL bVerifyMember = TRUE; // If we requested to verify the object's members, the GC may be in a state where that's not possible. // Here we check to see if the object in question needs to have its members updated. If so, we turn off // verification for the object. BOOL consider_bgc_mark = FALSE, check_current_sweep = FALSE, check_saved_sweep = FALSE; should_check_bgc_mark(mHeaps[mCurrHeap], mSegment, &consider_bgc_mark, &check_current_sweep, &check_saved_sweep); bVerifyMember = fgc_should_consider_object(mHeaps[mCurrHeap], mCurrObj.GetAddress(), mSegment, consider_bgc_mark, check_current_sweep, check_saved_sweep); if (bVerifyMember) return VerifyObjectMembers(reason, count); } catch(const sos::Exception &e) { BuildError(reason, count, e.GetMesssage()); return false; } return true; } bool sos::ObjectIterator::Verify() const { char *c = NULL; return Verify(c, 0); }