// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements. // The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license. // See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information. // ==++== // // // ==--== #include "exts.h" #include "disasm.h" #ifndef FEATURE_PAL #include "EventCallbacks.h" #define VER_PRODUCTVERSION_W (0x0100) // // globals // EXT_API_VERSION ApiVersion = { (VER_PRODUCTVERSION_W >> 8), (VER_PRODUCTVERSION_W & 0xff), EXT_API_VERSION_NUMBER64, 0 }; WINDBG_EXTENSION_APIS ExtensionApis; ULONG PageSize; OnUnloadTask *OnUnloadTask::s_pUnloadTaskList = NULL; // // Valid for the lifetime of the debug session. // ULONG TargetMachine; BOOL Connected; ULONG g_TargetClass; DWORD_PTR g_filterHint = 0; PDEBUG_CLIENT g_ExtClient; PDEBUG_DATA_SPACES2 g_ExtData2; PDEBUG_SYMBOLS2 g_ExtSymbols2; PDEBUG_ADVANCED3 g_ExtAdvanced3; PDEBUG_CLIENT g_pCallbacksClient; #else DebugClient* g_DebugClient; ILLDBServices* g_ExtServices; #endif // FEATURE_PAL IMachine* g_targetMachine = NULL; BOOL g_bDacBroken = FALSE; PDEBUG_CONTROL2 g_ExtControl; PDEBUG_DATA_SPACES g_ExtData; PDEBUG_REGISTERS g_ExtRegisters; PDEBUG_SYMBOLS g_ExtSymbols; PDEBUG_SYSTEM_OBJECTS g_ExtSystem; #define SOS_ExtQueryFailGo(var, riid) \ var = NULL; \ if ((Status = client->QueryInterface(__uuidof(riid), \ (void **)&var)) != S_OK) \ { \ goto Fail; \ } // Queries for all debugger interfaces. #ifndef FEATURE_PAL extern "C" HRESULT ExtQuery(PDEBUG_CLIENT client) { g_ExtClient = client; #else extern "C" HRESULT ExtQuery(ILLDBServices* services) { g_ExtServices = services; DebugClient* client = new DebugClient(services); g_DebugClient = client; #endif HRESULT Status; SOS_ExtQueryFailGo(g_ExtControl, IDebugControl2); SOS_ExtQueryFailGo(g_ExtData, IDebugDataSpaces); SOS_ExtQueryFailGo(g_ExtRegisters, IDebugRegisters); SOS_ExtQueryFailGo(g_ExtSymbols, IDebugSymbols); SOS_ExtQueryFailGo(g_ExtSystem, IDebugSystemObjects); #ifndef FEATURE_PAL SOS_ExtQueryFailGo(g_ExtData2, IDebugDataSpaces2); SOS_ExtQueryFailGo(g_ExtSymbols2, IDebugSymbols2); SOS_ExtQueryFailGo(g_ExtAdvanced3, IDebugAdvanced3); #endif // FEATURE_PAL return S_OK; Fail: if (Status == E_OUTOFMEMORY) ReportOOM(); ExtRelease(); return Status; } extern "C" HRESULT ArchQuery(void) { ULONG targetArchitecture; IMachine* targetMachine = NULL; g_ExtControl->GetExecutingProcessorType(&targetArchitecture); #ifdef SOS_TARGET_AMD64 if(targetArchitecture == IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_AMD64) { targetMachine = AMD64Machine::GetInstance(); } #elif defined(SOS_TARGET_X86) if (targetArchitecture == IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_I386) { targetMachine = X86Machine::GetInstance(); } #elif defined(SOS_TARGET_ARM) if (targetArchitecture == IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_ARMNT) { targetMachine = ARMMachine::GetInstance(); } #elif defined(SOS_TARGET_ARM64) if (targetArchitecture == IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_ARM64) { targetMachine = ARM64Machine::GetInstance(); } #else #error "Undefined target architecture" #endif if (targetMachine == NULL) { g_targetMachine = NULL; ExtErr("SOS does not support the current target architecture 0x%llx.\n", targetArchitecture); return E_FAIL; } g_targetMachine = targetMachine; return S_OK; } // Cleans up all debugger interfaces. void ExtRelease(void) { EXT_RELEASE(g_ExtControl); EXT_RELEASE(g_ExtData); EXT_RELEASE(g_ExtRegisters); EXT_RELEASE(g_ExtSymbols); EXT_RELEASE(g_ExtSystem); #ifndef FEATURE_PAL EXT_RELEASE(g_ExtData2); EXT_RELEASE(g_ExtSymbols2); EXT_RELEASE(g_ExtAdvanced3); g_ExtClient = NULL; #else EXT_RELEASE(g_DebugClient); g_ExtServices = NULL; #endif // FEATURE_PAL } #ifndef FEATURE_PAL BOOL IsMiniDumpFileNODAC(); extern HMODULE g_hInstance; // This function throws an exception that can be caught by the debugger, // instead of allowing the default CRT behavior of invoking Watson to failfast. void __cdecl _SOS_invalid_parameter( const WCHAR * expression, const WCHAR * function, const WCHAR * file, unsigned int line, uintptr_t pReserved ) { ExtErr("\nSOS failure!\n"); throw "SOS failure"; } // Unregisters our windbg event callbacks and releases the client, event callback objects void CleanupEventCallbacks() { if(g_pCallbacksClient != NULL) { g_pCallbacksClient->Release(); g_pCallbacksClient = NULL; } } bool g_Initialized = false; extern "C" HRESULT CALLBACK DebugExtensionInitialize(PULONG Version, PULONG Flags) { IDebugClient *DebugClient; PDEBUG_CONTROL DebugControl; HRESULT Hr; *Version = DEBUG_EXTENSION_VERSION(1, 0); *Flags = 0; if (g_Initialized) { return S_OK; } g_Initialized = true; if ((Hr = DebugCreate(__uuidof(IDebugClient), (void **)&DebugClient)) != S_OK) { return Hr; } if ((Hr = DebugClient->QueryInterface(__uuidof(IDebugControl), (void **)&DebugControl)) != S_OK) { return Hr; } ExtensionApis.nSize = sizeof (ExtensionApis); if ((Hr = DebugControl->GetWindbgExtensionApis64(&ExtensionApis)) != S_OK) { return Hr; } // Fixes the "Unable to read dynamic function table entries" error messages by disabling the WinDbg security // feature that prevents the loading of unknown out of proc tack walkers. DebugControl->Execute(DEBUG_OUTCTL_IGNORE, ".settings set EngineInitialization.VerifyFunctionTableCallbacks=false", DEBUG_EXECUTE_NOT_LOGGED | DEBUG_EXECUTE_NO_REPEAT); ExtQuery(DebugClient); if (IsMiniDumpFileNODAC()) { ExtOut ( "----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" "The user dump currently examined is a minidump. Consequently, only a subset\n" "of sos.dll functionality will be available. If needed, attaching to the live\n" "process or debugging a full dump will allow access to sos.dll's full feature\n" "set.\n" "To create a full user dump use the command: .dump /ma \n" "----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"); } ExtRelease(); OnUnloadTask::Register(CleanupEventCallbacks); g_pCallbacksClient = DebugClient; EventCallbacks* pCallbacksObj = new EventCallbacks(DebugClient); IDebugEventCallbacks* pCallbacks = NULL; pCallbacksObj->QueryInterface(__uuidof(IDebugEventCallbacks), (void**)&pCallbacks); pCallbacksObj->Release(); if(FAILED(Hr = g_pCallbacksClient->SetEventCallbacks(pCallbacks))) { ExtOut ("SOS: Failed to register callback events\n"); pCallbacks->Release(); return Hr; } pCallbacks->Release(); #ifndef _ARM_ // Make sure we do not tear down the debugger when a security function fails // Since we link statically against CRT this will only affect the SOS module. _set_invalid_parameter_handler(_SOS_invalid_parameter); #endif DebugControl->Release(); return S_OK; } extern "C" void CALLBACK DebugExtensionNotify(ULONG Notify, ULONG64 /*Argument*/) { // // The first time we actually connect to a target, get the page size // if ((Notify == DEBUG_NOTIFY_SESSION_ACCESSIBLE) && (!Connected)) { IDebugClient *DebugClient; PDEBUG_DATA_SPACES DebugDataSpaces; PDEBUG_CONTROL DebugControl; HRESULT Hr; ULONG64 Page; if ((Hr = DebugCreate(__uuidof(IDebugClient), (void **)&DebugClient)) == S_OK) { // // Get the page size and PAE enable flag // if ((Hr = DebugClient->QueryInterface(__uuidof(IDebugDataSpaces), (void **)&DebugDataSpaces)) == S_OK) { if ((Hr = DebugDataSpaces->ReadDebuggerData( DEBUG_DATA_MmPageSize, &Page, sizeof(Page), NULL)) == S_OK) { PageSize = (ULONG)(ULONG_PTR)Page; } DebugDataSpaces->Release(); } // // Get the architecture type. // if ((Hr = DebugClient->QueryInterface(__uuidof(IDebugControl), (void **)&DebugControl)) == S_OK) { if ((Hr = DebugControl->GetActualProcessorType( &TargetMachine)) == S_OK) { Connected = TRUE; } ULONG Qualifier; if ((Hr = DebugControl->GetDebuggeeType(&g_TargetClass, &Qualifier)) == S_OK) { } DebugControl->Release(); } DebugClient->Release(); } } if (Notify == DEBUG_NOTIFY_SESSION_INACTIVE) { Connected = FALSE; PageSize = 0; TargetMachine = 0; } return; } extern "C" void CALLBACK DebugExtensionUninitialize(void) { // execute all registered cleanup tasks OnUnloadTask::Run(); return; } BOOL DllInit( HANDLE /*hModule*/, DWORD dwReason, DWORD /*dwReserved*/ ) { switch (dwReason) { case DLL_THREAD_ATTACH: break; case DLL_THREAD_DETACH: break; case DLL_PROCESS_DETACH: break; case DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH: break; } return TRUE; } BOOL WINAPI DllMain(HANDLE hInstance, DWORD dwReason, LPVOID lpReserved) { if (dwReason == DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH) { g_hInstance = (HMODULE) hInstance; } return true; } #else // FEATURE_PAL HRESULT DebugClient::QueryInterface( REFIID InterfaceId, PVOID* Interface ) { if (InterfaceId == __uuidof(IUnknown) || InterfaceId == __uuidof(IDebugControl2) || InterfaceId == __uuidof(IDebugControl4) || InterfaceId == __uuidof(IDebugDataSpaces) || InterfaceId == __uuidof(IDebugSymbols) || InterfaceId == __uuidof(IDebugSystemObjects) || InterfaceId == __uuidof(IDebugRegisters)) { *Interface = this; AddRef(); return S_OK; } else { *Interface = NULL; return E_NOINTERFACE; } } ULONG DebugClient::AddRef() { LONG ref = InterlockedIncrement(&m_ref); return ref; } ULONG DebugClient::Release() { LONG ref = InterlockedDecrement(&m_ref); if (ref == 0) { m_lldbservices->Release(); delete this; } return ref; } #endif // FEATURE_PAL