// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements. // The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license. // See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information. using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Globalization; using System.IO; using System.Security; using System.Text; using System.Threading; using Microsoft.Win32; using Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles; using Internal.Runtime.CompilerServices; using REG_TZI_FORMAT = Interop.Kernel32.REG_TZI_FORMAT; using TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION = Interop.Kernel32.TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION; using TIME_DYNAMIC_ZONE_INFORMATION = Interop.Kernel32.TIME_DYNAMIC_ZONE_INFORMATION; namespace System { public sealed partial class TimeZoneInfo { // registry constants for the 'Time Zones' hive // private const string TimeZonesRegistryHive = @"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Time Zones"; private const string DisplayValue = "Display"; private const string DaylightValue = "Dlt"; private const string StandardValue = "Std"; private const string MuiDisplayValue = "MUI_Display"; private const string MuiDaylightValue = "MUI_Dlt"; private const string MuiStandardValue = "MUI_Std"; private const string TimeZoneInfoValue = "TZI"; private const string FirstEntryValue = "FirstEntry"; private const string LastEntryValue = "LastEntry"; private const int MaxKeyLength = 255; #pragma warning disable 0420 private sealed partial class CachedData { private static TimeZoneInfo GetCurrentOneYearLocal() { // load the data from the OS TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION timeZoneInformation; uint result = Interop.Kernel32.GetTimeZoneInformation(out timeZoneInformation); return result == Interop.Kernel32.TIME_ZONE_ID_INVALID ? CreateCustomTimeZone(LocalId, TimeSpan.Zero, LocalId, LocalId) : GetLocalTimeZoneFromWin32Data(timeZoneInformation, dstDisabled: false); } private volatile OffsetAndRule _oneYearLocalFromUtc; public OffsetAndRule GetOneYearLocalFromUtc(int year) { OffsetAndRule oneYearLocFromUtc = _oneYearLocalFromUtc; if (oneYearLocFromUtc == null || oneYearLocFromUtc.Year != year) { TimeZoneInfo currentYear = GetCurrentOneYearLocal(); AdjustmentRule rule = currentYear._adjustmentRules == null ? null : currentYear._adjustmentRules[0]; oneYearLocFromUtc = new OffsetAndRule(year, currentYear.BaseUtcOffset, rule); _oneYearLocalFromUtc = oneYearLocFromUtc; } return oneYearLocFromUtc; } } #pragma warning restore 0420 private sealed class OffsetAndRule { public readonly int Year; public readonly TimeSpan Offset; public readonly AdjustmentRule Rule; public OffsetAndRule(int year, TimeSpan offset, AdjustmentRule rule) { Year = year; Offset = offset; Rule = rule; } } /// /// Returns a cloned array of AdjustmentRule objects /// public AdjustmentRule[] GetAdjustmentRules() { if (_adjustmentRules == null) { return Array.Empty(); } return (AdjustmentRule[])_adjustmentRules.Clone(); } private static void PopulateAllSystemTimeZones(CachedData cachedData) { Debug.Assert(Monitor.IsEntered(cachedData)); using (RegistryKey reg = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey(TimeZonesRegistryHive, writable: false)) { if (reg != null) { foreach (string keyName in reg.GetSubKeyNames()) { TimeZoneInfo value; Exception ex; TryGetTimeZone(keyName, false, out value, out ex, cachedData); // populate the cache } } } } private TimeZoneInfo(in TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION zone, bool dstDisabled) { string standardName = zone.GetStandardName(); if (standardName.Length == 0) { _id = LocalId; // the ID must contain at least 1 character - initialize _id to "Local" } else { _id = standardName; } _baseUtcOffset = new TimeSpan(0, -(zone.Bias), 0); if (!dstDisabled) { // only create the adjustment rule if DST is enabled REG_TZI_FORMAT regZone = new REG_TZI_FORMAT(zone); AdjustmentRule rule = CreateAdjustmentRuleFromTimeZoneInformation(regZone, DateTime.MinValue.Date, DateTime.MaxValue.Date, zone.Bias); if (rule != null) { _adjustmentRules = new[] { rule }; } } ValidateTimeZoneInfo(_id, _baseUtcOffset, _adjustmentRules, out _supportsDaylightSavingTime); _displayName = standardName; _standardDisplayName = standardName; _daylightDisplayName = zone.GetDaylightName(); } /// /// Helper function to check if the current TimeZoneInformation struct does not support DST. /// This check returns true when the DaylightDate == StandardDate. /// This check is only meant to be used for "Local". /// private static bool CheckDaylightSavingTimeNotSupported(in TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION timeZone) => timeZone.DaylightDate.Equals(timeZone.StandardDate); /// /// Converts a REG_TZI_FORMAT struct to an AdjustmentRule. /// private static AdjustmentRule CreateAdjustmentRuleFromTimeZoneInformation(in REG_TZI_FORMAT timeZoneInformation, DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate, int defaultBaseUtcOffset) { bool supportsDst = timeZoneInformation.StandardDate.Month != 0; if (!supportsDst) { if (timeZoneInformation.Bias == defaultBaseUtcOffset) { // this rule will not contain any information to be used to adjust dates. just ignore it return null; } return AdjustmentRule.CreateAdjustmentRule( startDate, endDate, TimeSpan.Zero, // no daylight saving transition TransitionTime.CreateFixedDateRule(DateTime.MinValue, 1, 1), TransitionTime.CreateFixedDateRule(DateTime.MinValue.AddMilliseconds(1), 1, 1), new TimeSpan(0, defaultBaseUtcOffset - timeZoneInformation.Bias, 0), // Bias delta is all what we need from this rule noDaylightTransitions: false); } // // Create an AdjustmentRule with TransitionTime objects // TransitionTime daylightTransitionStart; if (!TransitionTimeFromTimeZoneInformation(timeZoneInformation, out daylightTransitionStart, readStartDate: true)) { return null; } TransitionTime daylightTransitionEnd; if (!TransitionTimeFromTimeZoneInformation(timeZoneInformation, out daylightTransitionEnd, readStartDate: false)) { return null; } if (daylightTransitionStart.Equals(daylightTransitionEnd)) { // this happens when the time zone does support DST but the OS has DST disabled return null; } return AdjustmentRule.CreateAdjustmentRule( startDate, endDate, new TimeSpan(0, -timeZoneInformation.DaylightBias, 0), daylightTransitionStart, daylightTransitionEnd, new TimeSpan(0, defaultBaseUtcOffset - timeZoneInformation.Bias, 0), noDaylightTransitions: false); } /// /// Helper function that searches the registry for a time zone entry /// that matches the TimeZoneInformation struct. /// private static string FindIdFromTimeZoneInformation(in TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION timeZone, out bool dstDisabled) { dstDisabled = false; using (RegistryKey key = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey(TimeZonesRegistryHive, writable: false)) { if (key == null) { return null; } foreach (string keyName in key.GetSubKeyNames()) { if (TryCompareTimeZoneInformationToRegistry(timeZone, keyName, out dstDisabled)) { return keyName; } } } return null; } /// /// Helper function for retrieving the local system time zone. /// May throw COMException, TimeZoneNotFoundException, InvalidTimeZoneException. /// Assumes cachedData lock is taken. /// /// A new TimeZoneInfo instance. private static TimeZoneInfo GetLocalTimeZone(CachedData cachedData) { Debug.Assert(Monitor.IsEntered(cachedData)); // // Try using the "kernel32!GetDynamicTimeZoneInformation" API to get the "id" // var dynamicTimeZoneInformation = new TIME_DYNAMIC_ZONE_INFORMATION(); // call kernel32!GetDynamicTimeZoneInformation... uint result = Interop.Kernel32.GetDynamicTimeZoneInformation(out dynamicTimeZoneInformation); if (result == Interop.Kernel32.TIME_ZONE_ID_INVALID) { // return a dummy entry return CreateCustomTimeZone(LocalId, TimeSpan.Zero, LocalId, LocalId); } // check to see if we can use the key name returned from the API call string dynamicTimeZoneKeyName = dynamicTimeZoneInformation.GetTimeZoneKeyName(); if (dynamicTimeZoneKeyName.Length != 0) { TimeZoneInfo zone; Exception ex; if (TryGetTimeZone(dynamicTimeZoneKeyName, dynamicTimeZoneInformation.DynamicDaylightTimeDisabled != 0, out zone, out ex, cachedData) == TimeZoneInfoResult.Success) { // successfully loaded the time zone from the registry return zone; } } var timeZoneInformation = new TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION(dynamicTimeZoneInformation); // the key name was not returned or it pointed to a bogus entry - search for the entry ourselves string id = FindIdFromTimeZoneInformation(timeZoneInformation, out bool dstDisabled); if (id != null) { TimeZoneInfo zone; Exception ex; if (TryGetTimeZone(id, dstDisabled, out zone, out ex, cachedData) == TimeZoneInfoResult.Success) { // successfully loaded the time zone from the registry return zone; } } // We could not find the data in the registry. Fall back to using // the data from the Win32 API return GetLocalTimeZoneFromWin32Data(timeZoneInformation, dstDisabled); } /// /// Helper function used by 'GetLocalTimeZone()' - this function wraps a bunch of /// try/catch logic for handling the TimeZoneInfo private constructor that takes /// a TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION structure. /// private static TimeZoneInfo GetLocalTimeZoneFromWin32Data(in TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION timeZoneInformation, bool dstDisabled) { // first try to create the TimeZoneInfo with the original 'dstDisabled' flag try { return new TimeZoneInfo(timeZoneInformation, dstDisabled); } catch (ArgumentException) { } catch (InvalidTimeZoneException) { } // if 'dstDisabled' was false then try passing in 'true' as a last ditch effort if (!dstDisabled) { try { return new TimeZoneInfo(timeZoneInformation, dstDisabled: true); } catch (ArgumentException) { } catch (InvalidTimeZoneException) { } } // the data returned from Windows is completely bogus; return a dummy entry return CreateCustomTimeZone(LocalId, TimeSpan.Zero, LocalId, LocalId); } /// /// Helper function for retrieving a TimeZoneInfo object by . /// This function wraps the logic necessary to keep the private /// SystemTimeZones cache in working order /// /// This function will either return a valid TimeZoneInfo instance or /// it will throw 'InvalidTimeZoneException' / 'TimeZoneNotFoundException'. /// public static TimeZoneInfo FindSystemTimeZoneById(string id) { // Special case for Utc as it will not exist in the dictionary with the rest // of the system time zones. There is no need to do this check for Local.Id // since Local is a real time zone that exists in the dictionary cache if (string.Equals(id, UtcId, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { return Utc; } if (id == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(id)); } if (id.Length == 0 || id.Length > MaxKeyLength || id.Contains('\0')) { throw new TimeZoneNotFoundException(SR.Format(SR.TimeZoneNotFound_MissingData, id)); } TimeZoneInfo value; Exception e; TimeZoneInfoResult result; CachedData cachedData = s_cachedData; lock (cachedData) { result = TryGetTimeZone(id, false, out value, out e, cachedData); } if (result == TimeZoneInfoResult.Success) { return value; } else if (result == TimeZoneInfoResult.InvalidTimeZoneException) { throw new InvalidTimeZoneException(SR.Format(SR.InvalidTimeZone_InvalidRegistryData, id), e); } else if (result == TimeZoneInfoResult.SecurityException) { throw new SecurityException(SR.Format(SR.Security_CannotReadRegistryData, id), e); } else { throw new TimeZoneNotFoundException(SR.Format(SR.TimeZoneNotFound_MissingData, id), e); } } // DateTime.Now fast path that avoids allocating an historically accurate TimeZoneInfo.Local and just creates a 1-year (current year) accurate time zone internal static TimeSpan GetDateTimeNowUtcOffsetFromUtc(DateTime time, out bool isAmbiguousLocalDst) { bool isDaylightSavings = false; isAmbiguousLocalDst = false; TimeSpan baseOffset; int timeYear = time.Year; OffsetAndRule match = s_cachedData.GetOneYearLocalFromUtc(timeYear); baseOffset = match.Offset; if (match.Rule != null) { baseOffset = baseOffset + match.Rule.BaseUtcOffsetDelta; if (match.Rule.HasDaylightSaving) { isDaylightSavings = GetIsDaylightSavingsFromUtc(time, timeYear, match.Offset, match.Rule, null, out isAmbiguousLocalDst, Local); baseOffset += (isDaylightSavings ? match.Rule.DaylightDelta : TimeSpan.Zero /* FUTURE: rule.StandardDelta */); } } return baseOffset; } /// /// Converts a REG_TZI_FORMAT struct to a TransitionTime /// - When the argument 'readStart' is true the corresponding daylightTransitionTimeStart field is read /// - When the argument 'readStart' is false the corresponding dayightTransitionTimeEnd field is read /// private static bool TransitionTimeFromTimeZoneInformation(in REG_TZI_FORMAT timeZoneInformation, out TransitionTime transitionTime, bool readStartDate) { // // SYSTEMTIME - // // If the time zone does not support daylight saving time or if the caller needs // to disable daylight saving time, the wMonth member in the SYSTEMTIME structure // must be zero. If this date is specified, the DaylightDate value in the // TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION structure must also be specified. Otherwise, the system // assumes the time zone data is invalid and no changes will be applied. // bool supportsDst = (timeZoneInformation.StandardDate.Month != 0); if (!supportsDst) { transitionTime = default; return false; } // // SYSTEMTIME - // // * FixedDateRule - // If the Year member is not zero, the transition date is absolute; it will only occur one time // // * FloatingDateRule - // To select the correct day in the month, set the Year member to zero, the Hour and Minute // members to the transition time, the DayOfWeek member to the appropriate weekday, and the // Day member to indicate the occurence of the day of the week within the month (first through fifth). // // Using this notation, specify the 2:00a.m. on the first Sunday in April as follows: // Hour = 2, // Month = 4, // DayOfWeek = 0, // Day = 1. // // Specify 2:00a.m. on the last Thursday in October as follows: // Hour = 2, // Month = 10, // DayOfWeek = 4, // Day = 5. // if (readStartDate) { // // read the "daylightTransitionStart" // if (timeZoneInformation.DaylightDate.Year == 0) { transitionTime = TransitionTime.CreateFloatingDateRule( new DateTime(1, /* year */ 1, /* month */ 1, /* day */ timeZoneInformation.DaylightDate.Hour, timeZoneInformation.DaylightDate.Minute, timeZoneInformation.DaylightDate.Second, timeZoneInformation.DaylightDate.Milliseconds), timeZoneInformation.DaylightDate.Month, timeZoneInformation.DaylightDate.Day, /* Week 1-5 */ (DayOfWeek)timeZoneInformation.DaylightDate.DayOfWeek); } else { transitionTime = TransitionTime.CreateFixedDateRule( new DateTime(1, /* year */ 1, /* month */ 1, /* day */ timeZoneInformation.DaylightDate.Hour, timeZoneInformation.DaylightDate.Minute, timeZoneInformation.DaylightDate.Second, timeZoneInformation.DaylightDate.Milliseconds), timeZoneInformation.DaylightDate.Month, timeZoneInformation.DaylightDate.Day); } } else { // // read the "daylightTransitionEnd" // if (timeZoneInformation.StandardDate.Year == 0) { transitionTime = TransitionTime.CreateFloatingDateRule( new DateTime(1, /* year */ 1, /* month */ 1, /* day */ timeZoneInformation.StandardDate.Hour, timeZoneInformation.StandardDate.Minute, timeZoneInformation.StandardDate.Second, timeZoneInformation.StandardDate.Milliseconds), timeZoneInformation.StandardDate.Month, timeZoneInformation.StandardDate.Day, /* Week 1-5 */ (DayOfWeek)timeZoneInformation.StandardDate.DayOfWeek); } else { transitionTime = TransitionTime.CreateFixedDateRule( new DateTime(1, /* year */ 1, /* month */ 1, /* day */ timeZoneInformation.StandardDate.Hour, timeZoneInformation.StandardDate.Minute, timeZoneInformation.StandardDate.Second, timeZoneInformation.StandardDate.Milliseconds), timeZoneInformation.StandardDate.Month, timeZoneInformation.StandardDate.Day); } } return true; } /// /// Helper function that takes: /// 1. A string representing a registry key name. /// 2. A REG_TZI_FORMAT struct containing the default rule. /// 3. An AdjustmentRule[] out-parameter. /// private static bool TryCreateAdjustmentRules(string id, in REG_TZI_FORMAT defaultTimeZoneInformation, out AdjustmentRule[] rules, out Exception e, int defaultBaseUtcOffset) { rules = null; e = null; try { // Optional, Dynamic Time Zone Registry Data // -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- // // HKLM // Software // Microsoft // Windows NT // CurrentVersion // Time Zones // // Dynamic DST // * "FirstEntry" REG_DWORD "1980" // First year in the table. If the current year is less than this value, // this entry will be used for DST boundaries // * "LastEntry" REG_DWORD "2038" // Last year in the table. If the current year is greater than this value, // this entry will be used for DST boundaries" // * "" REG_BINARY REG_TZI_FORMAT // * "" REG_BINARY REG_TZI_FORMAT // * "" REG_BINARY REG_TZI_FORMAT // using (RegistryKey dynamicKey = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey(TimeZonesRegistryHive + "\\" + id + "\\Dynamic DST", writable: false)) { if (dynamicKey == null) { AdjustmentRule rule = CreateAdjustmentRuleFromTimeZoneInformation( defaultTimeZoneInformation, DateTime.MinValue.Date, DateTime.MaxValue.Date, defaultBaseUtcOffset); if (rule != null) { rules = new[] { rule }; } return true; } // // loop over all of the "\Dynamic DST" hive entries // // read FirstEntry {MinValue - (year1, 12, 31)} // read MiddleEntry {(yearN, 1, 1) - (yearN, 12, 31)} // read LastEntry {(yearN, 1, 1) - MaxValue } // read the FirstEntry and LastEntry key values (ex: "1980", "2038") int first = (int)dynamicKey.GetValue(FirstEntryValue, -1, RegistryValueOptions.None); int last = (int)dynamicKey.GetValue(LastEntryValue, -1, RegistryValueOptions.None); if (first == -1 || last == -1 || first > last) { return false; } // read the first year entry REG_TZI_FORMAT dtzi; if (!TryGetTimeZoneEntryFromRegistry(dynamicKey, first.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), out dtzi)) { return false; } if (first == last) { // there is just 1 dynamic rule for this time zone. AdjustmentRule rule = CreateAdjustmentRuleFromTimeZoneInformation(dtzi, DateTime.MinValue.Date, DateTime.MaxValue.Date, defaultBaseUtcOffset); if (rule != null) { rules = new[] { rule }; } return true; } List rulesList = new List(1); // there are more than 1 dynamic rules for this time zone. AdjustmentRule firstRule = CreateAdjustmentRuleFromTimeZoneInformation( dtzi, DateTime.MinValue.Date, // MinValue new DateTime(first, 12, 31), // December 31, defaultBaseUtcOffset); if (firstRule != null) { rulesList.Add(firstRule); } // read the middle year entries for (int i = first + 1; i < last; i++) { if (!TryGetTimeZoneEntryFromRegistry(dynamicKey, i.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), out dtzi)) { return false; } AdjustmentRule middleRule = CreateAdjustmentRuleFromTimeZoneInformation( dtzi, new DateTime(i, 1, 1), // January 01, new DateTime(i, 12, 31), // December 31, defaultBaseUtcOffset); if (middleRule != null) { rulesList.Add(middleRule); } } // read the last year entry if (!TryGetTimeZoneEntryFromRegistry(dynamicKey, last.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), out dtzi)) { return false; } AdjustmentRule lastRule = CreateAdjustmentRuleFromTimeZoneInformation( dtzi, new DateTime(last, 1, 1), // January 01, DateTime.MaxValue.Date, // MaxValue defaultBaseUtcOffset); if (lastRule != null) { rulesList.Add(lastRule); } // convert the List to an AdjustmentRule array if (rulesList.Count != 0) { rules = rulesList.ToArray(); } } // end of: using (RegistryKey dynamicKey... } catch (InvalidCastException ex) { // one of the RegistryKey.GetValue calls could not be cast to an expected value type e = ex; return false; } catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException ex) { e = ex; return false; } catch (ArgumentException ex) { e = ex; return false; } return true; } private static unsafe bool TryGetTimeZoneEntryFromRegistry(RegistryKey key, string name, out REG_TZI_FORMAT dtzi) { byte[] regValue = key.GetValue(name, null, RegistryValueOptions.None) as byte[]; if (regValue == null || regValue.Length != sizeof(REG_TZI_FORMAT)) { dtzi = default; return false; } fixed (byte * pBytes = ®Value[0]) dtzi = *(REG_TZI_FORMAT *)pBytes; return true; } /// /// Helper function that compares the StandardBias and StandardDate portion a /// TimeZoneInformation struct to a time zone registry entry. /// private static bool TryCompareStandardDate(in TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION timeZone, in REG_TZI_FORMAT registryTimeZoneInfo) => timeZone.Bias == registryTimeZoneInfo.Bias && timeZone.StandardBias == registryTimeZoneInfo.StandardBias && timeZone.StandardDate.Equals(registryTimeZoneInfo.StandardDate); /// /// Helper function that compares a TimeZoneInformation struct to a time zone registry entry. /// private static bool TryCompareTimeZoneInformationToRegistry(in TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION timeZone, string id, out bool dstDisabled) { dstDisabled = false; using (RegistryKey key = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey(TimeZonesRegistryHive + "\\" + id, writable: false)) { if (key == null) { return false; } REG_TZI_FORMAT registryTimeZoneInfo; if (!TryGetTimeZoneEntryFromRegistry(key, TimeZoneInfoValue, out registryTimeZoneInfo)) { return false; } // // first compare the bias and standard date information between the data from the Win32 API // and the data from the registry... // bool result = TryCompareStandardDate(timeZone, registryTimeZoneInfo); if (!result) { return false; } result = dstDisabled || CheckDaylightSavingTimeNotSupported(timeZone) || // // since Daylight Saving Time is not "disabled", do a straight comparision between // the Win32 API data and the registry data ... // (timeZone.DaylightBias == registryTimeZoneInfo.DaylightBias && timeZone.DaylightDate.Equals(registryTimeZoneInfo.DaylightDate)); // Finally compare the "StandardName" string value... // // we do not compare "DaylightName" as this TimeZoneInformation field may contain // either "StandardName" or "DaylightName" depending on the time of year and current machine settings // if (result) { string registryStandardName = key.GetValue(StandardValue, string.Empty, RegistryValueOptions.None) as string; result = string.Equals(registryStandardName, timeZone.GetStandardName(), StringComparison.Ordinal); } return result; } } /// /// Helper function for retrieving a localized string resource via MUI. /// The function expects a string in the form: "@resource.dll, -123" /// /// "resource.dll" is a language-neutral portable executable (LNPE) file in /// the %windir%\system32 directory. The OS is queried to find the best-fit /// localized resource file for this LNPE (ex: %windir%\system32\en-us\resource.dll.mui). /// If a localized resource file exists, we LoadString resource ID "123" and /// return it to our caller. /// private static string TryGetLocalizedNameByMuiNativeResource(string resource) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(resource)) { return string.Empty; } // parse "@tzres.dll, -100" // // filePath = "C:\Windows\System32\tzres.dll" // resourceId = -100 // string[] resources = resource.Split(','); if (resources.Length != 2) { return string.Empty; } string filePath; int resourceId; // get the path to Windows\System32 string system32 = Environment.SystemDirectory; // trim the string "@tzres.dll" => "tzres.dll" string tzresDll = resources[0].TrimStart('@'); try { filePath = Path.Combine(system32, tzresDll); } catch (ArgumentException) { // there were probably illegal characters in the path return string.Empty; } if (!int.TryParse(resources[1], NumberStyles.Integer, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out resourceId)) { return string.Empty; } resourceId = -resourceId; try { StringBuilder fileMuiPath = StringBuilderCache.Acquire(Interop.Kernel32.MAX_PATH); fileMuiPath.Length = Interop.Kernel32.MAX_PATH; int fileMuiPathLength = Interop.Kernel32.MAX_PATH; int languageLength = 0; long enumerator = 0; bool succeeded = Interop.Kernel32.GetFileMUIPath( Interop.Kernel32.MUI_PREFERRED_UI_LANGUAGES, filePath, null /* language */, ref languageLength, fileMuiPath, ref fileMuiPathLength, ref enumerator); if (!succeeded) { StringBuilderCache.Release(fileMuiPath); return string.Empty; } return TryGetLocalizedNameByNativeResource(StringBuilderCache.GetStringAndRelease(fileMuiPath), resourceId); } catch (EntryPointNotFoundException) { return string.Empty; } } /// /// Helper function for retrieving a localized string resource via a native resource DLL. /// The function expects a string in the form: "C:\Windows\System32\en-us\resource.dll" /// /// "resource.dll" is a language-specific resource DLL. /// If the localized resource DLL exists, LoadString(resource) is returned. /// private static string TryGetLocalizedNameByNativeResource(string filePath, int resource) { using (SafeLibraryHandle handle = Interop.Kernel32.LoadLibraryEx(filePath, IntPtr.Zero, Interop.Kernel32.LOAD_LIBRARY_AS_DATAFILE)) { if (!handle.IsInvalid) { const int LoadStringMaxLength = 500; StringBuilder localizedResource = StringBuilderCache.Acquire(LoadStringMaxLength); int result = Interop.User32.LoadString(handle, resource, localizedResource, LoadStringMaxLength); if (result != 0) { return StringBuilderCache.GetStringAndRelease(localizedResource); } } } return string.Empty; } /// /// Helper function for retrieving the DisplayName, StandardName, and DaylightName from the registry /// /// The function first checks the MUI_ key-values, and if they exist, it loads the strings from the MUI /// resource dll(s). When the keys do not exist, the function falls back to reading from the standard /// key-values /// private static void GetLocalizedNamesByRegistryKey(RegistryKey key, out string displayName, out string standardName, out string daylightName) { displayName = string.Empty; standardName = string.Empty; daylightName = string.Empty; // read the MUI_ registry keys string displayNameMuiResource = key.GetValue(MuiDisplayValue, string.Empty, RegistryValueOptions.None) as string; string standardNameMuiResource = key.GetValue(MuiStandardValue, string.Empty, RegistryValueOptions.None) as string; string daylightNameMuiResource = key.GetValue(MuiDaylightValue, string.Empty, RegistryValueOptions.None) as string; // try to load the strings from the native resource DLL(s) if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(displayNameMuiResource)) { displayName = TryGetLocalizedNameByMuiNativeResource(displayNameMuiResource); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(standardNameMuiResource)) { standardName = TryGetLocalizedNameByMuiNativeResource(standardNameMuiResource); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(daylightNameMuiResource)) { daylightName = TryGetLocalizedNameByMuiNativeResource(daylightNameMuiResource); } // fallback to using the standard registry keys if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(displayName)) { displayName = key.GetValue(DisplayValue, string.Empty, RegistryValueOptions.None) as string; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(standardName)) { standardName = key.GetValue(StandardValue, string.Empty, RegistryValueOptions.None) as string; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(daylightName)) { daylightName = key.GetValue(DaylightValue, string.Empty, RegistryValueOptions.None) as string; } } /// /// Helper function that takes a string representing a registry key name /// and returns a TimeZoneInfo instance. /// private static TimeZoneInfoResult TryGetTimeZoneFromLocalMachine(string id, out TimeZoneInfo value, out Exception e) { e = null; // Standard Time Zone Registry Data // -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= // HKLM // Software // Microsoft // Windows NT // CurrentVersion // Time Zones // // * STD, REG_SZ "Standard Time Name" // (For OS installed zones, this will always be English) // * MUI_STD, REG_SZ "@tzres.dll,-1234" // Indirect string to localized resource for Standard Time, // add "%windir%\system32\" after "@" // * DLT, REG_SZ "Daylight Time Name" // (For OS installed zones, this will always be English) // * MUI_DLT, REG_SZ "@tzres.dll,-1234" // Indirect string to localized resource for Daylight Time, // add "%windir%\system32\" after "@" // * Display, REG_SZ "Display Name like (GMT-8:00) Pacific Time..." // * MUI_Display, REG_SZ "@tzres.dll,-1234" // Indirect string to localized resource for the Display, // add "%windir%\system32\" after "@" // * TZI, REG_BINARY REG_TZI_FORMAT // using (RegistryKey key = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey(TimeZonesRegistryHive + "\\" + id, writable: false)) { if (key == null) { value = null; return TimeZoneInfoResult.TimeZoneNotFoundException; } REG_TZI_FORMAT defaultTimeZoneInformation; if (!TryGetTimeZoneEntryFromRegistry(key, TimeZoneInfoValue, out defaultTimeZoneInformation)) { // the registry value could not be cast to a byte array value = null; return TimeZoneInfoResult.InvalidTimeZoneException; } AdjustmentRule[] adjustmentRules; if (!TryCreateAdjustmentRules(id, defaultTimeZoneInformation, out adjustmentRules, out e, defaultTimeZoneInformation.Bias)) { value = null; return TimeZoneInfoResult.InvalidTimeZoneException; } GetLocalizedNamesByRegistryKey(key, out string displayName, out string standardName, out string daylightName); try { value = new TimeZoneInfo( id, new TimeSpan(0, -(defaultTimeZoneInformation.Bias), 0), displayName, standardName, daylightName, adjustmentRules, disableDaylightSavingTime: false); return TimeZoneInfoResult.Success; } catch (ArgumentException ex) { // TimeZoneInfo constructor can throw ArgumentException and InvalidTimeZoneException value = null; e = ex; return TimeZoneInfoResult.InvalidTimeZoneException; } catch (InvalidTimeZoneException ex) { // TimeZoneInfo constructor can throw ArgumentException and InvalidTimeZoneException value = null; e = ex; return TimeZoneInfoResult.InvalidTimeZoneException; } } } } }