// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements. // The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license. // See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information. using System.Buffers; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Globalization; using System.IO; using System.Text; using System.Threading; using System.Security; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using Internal.IO; namespace System { public sealed partial class TimeZoneInfo { private const string DefaultTimeZoneDirectory = "/usr/share/zoneinfo/"; private const string ZoneTabFileName = "zone.tab"; private const string TimeZoneEnvironmentVariable = "TZ"; private const string TimeZoneDirectoryEnvironmentVariable = "TZDIR"; private TimeZoneInfo(byte[] data, string id, bool dstDisabled) { TZifHead t; DateTime[] dts; byte[] typeOfLocalTime; TZifType[] transitionType; string zoneAbbreviations; bool[] StandardTime; bool[] GmtTime; string futureTransitionsPosixFormat; // parse the raw TZif bytes; this method can throw ArgumentException when the data is malformed. TZif_ParseRaw(data, out t, out dts, out typeOfLocalTime, out transitionType, out zoneAbbreviations, out StandardTime, out GmtTime, out futureTransitionsPosixFormat); _id = id; _displayName = LocalId; _baseUtcOffset = TimeSpan.Zero; // find the best matching baseUtcOffset and display strings based on the current utcNow value. // NOTE: read the display strings from the tzfile now in case they can't be loaded later // from the globalization data. DateTime utcNow = DateTime.UtcNow; for (int i = 0; i < dts.Length && dts[i] <= utcNow; i++) { int type = typeOfLocalTime[i]; if (!transitionType[type].IsDst) { _baseUtcOffset = transitionType[type].UtcOffset; _standardDisplayName = TZif_GetZoneAbbreviation(zoneAbbreviations, transitionType[type].AbbreviationIndex); } else { _daylightDisplayName = TZif_GetZoneAbbreviation(zoneAbbreviations, transitionType[type].AbbreviationIndex); } } if (dts.Length == 0) { // time zones like Africa/Bujumbura and Etc/GMT* have no transition times but still contain // TZifType entries that may contain a baseUtcOffset and display strings for (int i = 0; i < transitionType.Length; i++) { if (!transitionType[i].IsDst) { _baseUtcOffset = transitionType[i].UtcOffset; _standardDisplayName = TZif_GetZoneAbbreviation(zoneAbbreviations, transitionType[i].AbbreviationIndex); } else { _daylightDisplayName = TZif_GetZoneAbbreviation(zoneAbbreviations, transitionType[i].AbbreviationIndex); } } } _displayName = _standardDisplayName; GetDisplayName(Interop.Globalization.TimeZoneDisplayNameType.Generic, ref _displayName); GetDisplayName(Interop.Globalization.TimeZoneDisplayNameType.Standard, ref _standardDisplayName); GetDisplayName(Interop.Globalization.TimeZoneDisplayNameType.DaylightSavings, ref _daylightDisplayName); if (_standardDisplayName == _displayName) { if (_baseUtcOffset >= TimeSpan.Zero) _displayName = $"(UTC+{_baseUtcOffset:hh\\:mm}) {_standardDisplayName}"; else _displayName = $"(UTC-{_baseUtcOffset:hh\\:mm}) {_standardDisplayName}"; } // TZif supports seconds-level granularity with offsets but TimeZoneInfo only supports minutes since it aligns // with DateTimeOffset, SQL Server, and the W3C XML Specification if (_baseUtcOffset.Ticks % TimeSpan.TicksPerMinute != 0) { _baseUtcOffset = new TimeSpan(_baseUtcOffset.Hours, _baseUtcOffset.Minutes, 0); } if (!dstDisabled) { // only create the adjustment rule if DST is enabled TZif_GenerateAdjustmentRules(out _adjustmentRules, _baseUtcOffset, dts, typeOfLocalTime, transitionType, StandardTime, GmtTime, futureTransitionsPosixFormat); } ValidateTimeZoneInfo(_id, _baseUtcOffset, _adjustmentRules, out _supportsDaylightSavingTime); } private unsafe void GetDisplayName(Interop.Globalization.TimeZoneDisplayNameType nameType, ref string displayName) { if (GlobalizationMode.Invariant) { displayName = _standardDisplayName; return; } string timeZoneDisplayName; bool result = Interop.CallStringMethod( (buffer, locale, id, type) => { fixed (char* bufferPtr = buffer) { return Interop.Globalization.GetTimeZoneDisplayName(locale, id, type, bufferPtr, buffer.Length); } }, CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture.Name, _id, nameType, out timeZoneDisplayName); // If there is an unknown error, don't set the displayName field. // It will be set to the abbreviation that was read out of the tzfile. if (result) { displayName = timeZoneDisplayName; } } /// /// Returns a cloned array of AdjustmentRule objects /// public AdjustmentRule[] GetAdjustmentRules() { if (_adjustmentRules == null) { return Array.Empty(); } // The rules we use in Unix care mostly about the start and end dates but don't fill the transition start and end info. // as the rules now is public, we should fill it properly so the caller doesn't have to know how we use it internally // and can use it as it is used in Windows AdjustmentRule[] rules = new AdjustmentRule[_adjustmentRules.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < _adjustmentRules.Length; i++) { var rule = _adjustmentRules[i]; var start = rule.DateStart.Kind == DateTimeKind.Utc ? // At the daylight start we didn't start the daylight saving yet then we convert to Local time // by adding the _baseUtcOffset to the UTC time new DateTime(rule.DateStart.Ticks + _baseUtcOffset.Ticks, DateTimeKind.Unspecified) : rule.DateStart; var end = rule.DateEnd.Kind == DateTimeKind.Utc ? // At the daylight saving end, the UTC time is mapped to local time which is already shifted by the daylight delta // we calculate the local time by adding _baseUtcOffset + DaylightDelta to the UTC time new DateTime(rule.DateEnd.Ticks + _baseUtcOffset.Ticks + rule.DaylightDelta.Ticks, DateTimeKind.Unspecified) : rule.DateEnd; var startTransition = TimeZoneInfo.TransitionTime.CreateFixedDateRule(new DateTime(1, 1, 1, start.Hour, start.Minute, start.Second), start.Month, start.Day); var endTransition = TimeZoneInfo.TransitionTime.CreateFixedDateRule(new DateTime(1, 1, 1, end.Hour, end.Minute, end.Second), end.Month, end.Day); rules[i] = TimeZoneInfo.AdjustmentRule.CreateAdjustmentRule(start.Date, end.Date, rule.DaylightDelta, startTransition, endTransition); } return rules; } private static void PopulateAllSystemTimeZones(CachedData cachedData) { Debug.Assert(Monitor.IsEntered(cachedData)); string timeZoneDirectory = GetTimeZoneDirectory(); foreach (string timeZoneId in GetTimeZoneIds(timeZoneDirectory)) { TimeZoneInfo value; Exception ex; TryGetTimeZone(timeZoneId, false, out value, out ex, cachedData, alwaysFallbackToLocalMachine: true); // populate the cache } } /// /// Helper function for retrieving the local system time zone. /// May throw COMException, TimeZoneNotFoundException, InvalidTimeZoneException. /// Assumes cachedData lock is taken. /// /// A new TimeZoneInfo instance. private static TimeZoneInfo GetLocalTimeZone(CachedData cachedData) { Debug.Assert(Monitor.IsEntered(cachedData)); // Without Registry support, create the TimeZoneInfo from a TZ file return GetLocalTimeZoneFromTzFile(); } private static TimeZoneInfoResult TryGetTimeZoneFromLocalMachine(string id, out TimeZoneInfo value, out Exception e) { value = null; e = null; string timeZoneDirectory = GetTimeZoneDirectory(); string timeZoneFilePath = Path.Combine(timeZoneDirectory, id); byte[] rawData; try { rawData = File.ReadAllBytes(timeZoneFilePath); } catch (UnauthorizedAccessException ex) { e = ex; return TimeZoneInfoResult.SecurityException; } catch (FileNotFoundException ex) { e = ex; return TimeZoneInfoResult.TimeZoneNotFoundException; } catch (DirectoryNotFoundException ex) { e = ex; return TimeZoneInfoResult.TimeZoneNotFoundException; } catch (IOException ex) { e = new InvalidTimeZoneException(SR.Format(SR.InvalidTimeZone_InvalidFileData, id, timeZoneFilePath), ex); return TimeZoneInfoResult.InvalidTimeZoneException; } value = GetTimeZoneFromTzData(rawData, id); if (value == null) { e = new InvalidTimeZoneException(SR.Format(SR.InvalidTimeZone_InvalidFileData, id, timeZoneFilePath)); return TimeZoneInfoResult.InvalidTimeZoneException; } return TimeZoneInfoResult.Success; } /// /// Returns a collection of TimeZone Id values from the zone.tab file in the timeZoneDirectory. /// /// /// Lines that start with # are comments and are skipped. /// private static List GetTimeZoneIds(string timeZoneDirectory) { List timeZoneIds = new List(); try { using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(Path.Combine(timeZoneDirectory, ZoneTabFileName), Encoding.UTF8)) { string zoneTabFileLine; while ((zoneTabFileLine = sr.ReadLine()) != null) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(zoneTabFileLine) && zoneTabFileLine[0] != '#') { // the format of the line is "country-code \t coordinates \t TimeZone Id \t comments" int firstTabIndex = zoneTabFileLine.IndexOf('\t'); if (firstTabIndex != -1) { int secondTabIndex = zoneTabFileLine.IndexOf('\t', firstTabIndex + 1); if (secondTabIndex != -1) { string timeZoneId; int startIndex = secondTabIndex + 1; int thirdTabIndex = zoneTabFileLine.IndexOf('\t', startIndex); if (thirdTabIndex != -1) { int length = thirdTabIndex - startIndex; timeZoneId = zoneTabFileLine.Substring(startIndex, length); } else { timeZoneId = zoneTabFileLine.Substring(startIndex); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(timeZoneId)) { timeZoneIds.Add(timeZoneId); } } } } } } } catch (IOException) { } catch (UnauthorizedAccessException) { } return timeZoneIds; } /// /// Gets the tzfile raw data for the current 'local' time zone using the following rules. /// 1. Read the TZ environment variable. If it is set, use it. /// 2. Look for the data in /etc/localtime. /// 3. Look for the data in GetTimeZoneDirectory()/localtime. /// 4. Use UTC if all else fails. /// private static bool TryGetLocalTzFile(out byte[] rawData, out string id) { rawData = null; id = null; string tzVariable = GetTzEnvironmentVariable(); // If the env var is null, use the localtime file if (tzVariable == null) { return TryLoadTzFile("/etc/localtime", ref rawData, ref id) || TryLoadTzFile(Path.Combine(GetTimeZoneDirectory(), "localtime"), ref rawData, ref id); } // If it's empty, use UTC (TryGetLocalTzFile() should return false). if (tzVariable.Length == 0) { return false; } // Otherwise, use the path from the env var. If it's not absolute, make it relative // to the system timezone directory string tzFilePath; if (tzVariable[0] != '/') { id = tzVariable; tzFilePath = Path.Combine(GetTimeZoneDirectory(), tzVariable); } else { tzFilePath = tzVariable; } return TryLoadTzFile(tzFilePath, ref rawData, ref id); } private static string GetTzEnvironmentVariable() { string result = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable(TimeZoneEnvironmentVariable); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(result)) { if (result[0] == ':') { // strip off the ':' prefix result = result.Substring(1); } } return result; } private static bool TryLoadTzFile(string tzFilePath, ref byte[] rawData, ref string id) { if (File.Exists(tzFilePath)) { try { rawData = File.ReadAllBytes(tzFilePath); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(id)) { id = FindTimeZoneIdUsingReadLink(tzFilePath); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(id)) { id = FindTimeZoneId(rawData); } } return true; } catch (IOException) { } catch (SecurityException) { } catch (UnauthorizedAccessException) { } } return false; } /// /// Finds the time zone id by using 'readlink' on the path to see if tzFilePath is /// a symlink to a file. /// private static string FindTimeZoneIdUsingReadLink(string tzFilePath) { string id = null; string symlinkPath = Interop.Sys.ReadLink(tzFilePath); if (symlinkPath != null) { // symlinkPath can be relative path, use Path to get the full absolute path. symlinkPath = Path.GetFullPath(symlinkPath, Path.GetDirectoryName(tzFilePath)); string timeZoneDirectory = GetTimeZoneDirectory(); if (symlinkPath.StartsWith(timeZoneDirectory, StringComparison.Ordinal)) { id = symlinkPath.Substring(timeZoneDirectory.Length); } } return id; } private static string GetDirectoryEntryFullPath(ref Interop.Sys.DirectoryEntry dirent, string currentPath) { Span nameBuffer = stackalloc char[Interop.Sys.DirectoryEntry.NameBufferSize]; ReadOnlySpan direntName = dirent.GetName(nameBuffer); if ((direntName.Length == 1 && direntName[0] == '.') || (direntName.Length == 2 && direntName[0] == '.' && direntName[1] == '.')) return null; return Path.Join(currentPath.AsSpan(), direntName); } /// /// Enumerate files /// private static unsafe void EnumerateFilesRecursively(string path, Predicate condition) { List toExplore = null; // List used as a stack int bufferSize = Interop.Sys.GetReadDirRBufferSize(); byte[] dirBuffer = null; try { dirBuffer = ArrayPool.Shared.Rent(bufferSize); string currentPath = path; fixed (byte* dirBufferPtr = dirBuffer) { for(;;) { IntPtr dirHandle = Interop.Sys.OpenDir(currentPath); if (dirHandle == IntPtr.Zero) { throw Interop.GetExceptionForIoErrno(Interop.Sys.GetLastErrorInfo(), currentPath, isDirectory: true); } try { // Read each entry from the enumerator Interop.Sys.DirectoryEntry dirent; while (Interop.Sys.ReadDirR(dirHandle, dirBufferPtr, bufferSize, out dirent) == 0) { string fullPath = GetDirectoryEntryFullPath(ref dirent, currentPath); if (fullPath == null) continue; // Get from the dir entry whether the entry is a file or directory. // We classify everything as a file unless we know it to be a directory. bool isDir; if (dirent.InodeType == Interop.Sys.NodeType.DT_DIR) { // We know it's a directory. isDir = true; } else if (dirent.InodeType == Interop.Sys.NodeType.DT_LNK || dirent.InodeType == Interop.Sys.NodeType.DT_UNKNOWN) { // It's a symlink or unknown: stat to it to see if we can resolve it to a directory. // If we can't (e.g. symlink to a file, broken symlink, etc.), we'll just treat it as a file. Interop.Sys.FileStatus fileinfo; if (Interop.Sys.Stat(fullPath, out fileinfo) >= 0) { isDir = (fileinfo.Mode & Interop.Sys.FileTypes.S_IFMT) == Interop.Sys.FileTypes.S_IFDIR; } else { isDir = false; } } else { // Otherwise, treat it as a file. This includes regular files, FIFOs, etc. isDir = false; } // Yield the result if the user has asked for it. In the case of directories, // always explore it by pushing it onto the stack, regardless of whether // we're returning directories. if (isDir) { if (toExplore == null) { toExplore = new List(); } toExplore.Add(fullPath); } else if (condition(fullPath)) { return; } } } finally { if (dirHandle != IntPtr.Zero) Interop.Sys.CloseDir(dirHandle); } if (toExplore == null || toExplore.Count == 0) break; currentPath = toExplore[toExplore.Count - 1]; toExplore.RemoveAt(toExplore.Count - 1); } } } finally { if (dirBuffer != null) ArrayPool.Shared.Return(dirBuffer); } } /// /// Find the time zone id by searching all the tzfiles for the one that matches rawData /// and return its file name. /// private static string FindTimeZoneId(byte[] rawData) { // default to "Local" if we can't find the right tzfile string id = LocalId; string timeZoneDirectory = GetTimeZoneDirectory(); string localtimeFilePath = Path.Combine(timeZoneDirectory, "localtime"); string posixrulesFilePath = Path.Combine(timeZoneDirectory, "posixrules"); byte[] buffer = new byte[rawData.Length]; try { EnumerateFilesRecursively(timeZoneDirectory, (string filePath) => { // skip the localtime and posixrules file, since they won't give us the correct id if (!string.Equals(filePath, localtimeFilePath, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) && !string.Equals(filePath, posixrulesFilePath, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { if (CompareTimeZoneFile(filePath, buffer, rawData)) { // if all bytes are the same, this must be the right tz file id = filePath; // strip off the root time zone directory if (id.StartsWith(timeZoneDirectory, StringComparison.Ordinal)) { id = id.Substring(timeZoneDirectory.Length); } return true; } } return false; }); } catch (IOException) { } catch (SecurityException) { } catch (UnauthorizedAccessException) { } return id; } private static bool CompareTimeZoneFile(string filePath, byte[] buffer, byte[] rawData) { try { // bufferSize == 1 used to avoid unnecessary buffer in FileStream using (FileStream stream = new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read, bufferSize: 1)) { if (stream.Length == rawData.Length) { int index = 0; int count = rawData.Length; while (count > 0) { int n = stream.Read(buffer, index, count); if (n == 0) throw Error.GetEndOfFile(); int end = index + n; for (; index < end; index++) { if (buffer[index] != rawData[index]) { return false; } } count -= n; } return true; } } } catch (IOException) { } catch (SecurityException) { } catch (UnauthorizedAccessException) { } return false; } /// /// Helper function used by 'GetLocalTimeZone()' - this function wraps the call /// for loading time zone data from computers without Registry support. /// /// The TryGetLocalTzFile() call returns a Byte[] containing the compiled tzfile. /// private static TimeZoneInfo GetLocalTimeZoneFromTzFile() { byte[] rawData; string id; if (TryGetLocalTzFile(out rawData, out id)) { TimeZoneInfo result = GetTimeZoneFromTzData(rawData, id); if (result != null) { return result; } } // if we can't find a local time zone, return UTC return Utc; } private static TimeZoneInfo GetTimeZoneFromTzData(byte[] rawData, string id) { if (rawData != null) { try { return new TimeZoneInfo(rawData, id, dstDisabled: false); // create a TimeZoneInfo instance from the TZif data w/ DST support } catch (ArgumentException) { } catch (InvalidTimeZoneException) { } try { return new TimeZoneInfo(rawData, id, dstDisabled: true); // create a TimeZoneInfo instance from the TZif data w/o DST support } catch (ArgumentException) { } catch (InvalidTimeZoneException) { } } return null; } private static string GetTimeZoneDirectory() { string tzDirectory = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable(TimeZoneDirectoryEnvironmentVariable); if (tzDirectory == null) { tzDirectory = DefaultTimeZoneDirectory; } else if (!tzDirectory.EndsWith(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar)) { tzDirectory += Path.DirectorySeparatorChar; } return tzDirectory; } /// /// Helper function for retrieving a TimeZoneInfo object by time_zone_name. /// This function wraps the logic necessary to keep the private /// SystemTimeZones cache in working order /// /// This function will either return a valid TimeZoneInfo instance or /// it will throw 'InvalidTimeZoneException' / 'TimeZoneNotFoundException'. /// public static TimeZoneInfo FindSystemTimeZoneById(string id) { // Special case for Utc as it will not exist in the dictionary with the rest // of the system time zones. There is no need to do this check for Local.Id // since Local is a real time zone that exists in the dictionary cache if (string.Equals(id, UtcId, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { return Utc; } if (id == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(id)); } else if (id.Length == 0 || id.Contains('\0')) { throw new TimeZoneNotFoundException(SR.Format(SR.TimeZoneNotFound_MissingData, id)); } TimeZoneInfo value; Exception e; TimeZoneInfoResult result; CachedData cachedData = s_cachedData; lock (cachedData) { result = TryGetTimeZone(id, false, out value, out e, cachedData, alwaysFallbackToLocalMachine: true); } if (result == TimeZoneInfoResult.Success) { return value; } else if (result == TimeZoneInfoResult.InvalidTimeZoneException) { Debug.Assert(e is InvalidTimeZoneException, "TryGetTimeZone must create an InvalidTimeZoneException when it returns TimeZoneInfoResult.InvalidTimeZoneException"); throw e; } else if (result == TimeZoneInfoResult.SecurityException) { throw new SecurityException(SR.Format(SR.Security_CannotReadFileData, id), e); } else { throw new TimeZoneNotFoundException(SR.Format(SR.TimeZoneNotFound_MissingData, id), e); } } // DateTime.Now fast path that avoids allocating an historically accurate TimeZoneInfo.Local and just creates a 1-year (current year) accurate time zone internal static TimeSpan GetDateTimeNowUtcOffsetFromUtc(DateTime time, out bool isAmbiguousLocalDst) { bool isDaylightSavings; // Use the standard code path for Unix since there isn't a faster way of handling current-year-only time zones return GetUtcOffsetFromUtc(time, Local, out isDaylightSavings, out isAmbiguousLocalDst); } // TZFILE(5) BSD File Formats Manual TZFILE(5) // // NAME // tzfile -- timezone information // // SYNOPSIS // #include "/usr/src/lib/libc/stdtime/tzfile.h" // // DESCRIPTION // The time zone information files used by tzset(3) begin with the magic // characters ``TZif'' to identify them as time zone information files, fol- // lowed by sixteen bytes reserved for future use, followed by four four- // byte values written in a ``standard'' byte order (the high-order byte of // the value is written first). These values are, in order: // // tzh_ttisgmtcnt The number of UTC/local indicators stored in the file. // tzh_ttisstdcnt The number of standard/wall indicators stored in the // file. // tzh_leapcnt The number of leap seconds for which data is stored in // the file. // tzh_timecnt The number of ``transition times'' for which data is // stored in the file. // tzh_typecnt The number of ``local time types'' for which data is // stored in the file (must not be zero). // tzh_charcnt The number of characters of ``time zone abbreviation // strings'' stored in the file. // // The above header is followed by tzh_timecnt four-byte values of type // long, sorted in ascending order. These values are written in ``stan- // dard'' byte order. Each is used as a transition time (as returned by // time(3)) at which the rules for computing local time change. Next come // tzh_timecnt one-byte values of type unsigned char; each one tells which // of the different types of ``local time'' types described in the file is // associated with the same-indexed transition time. These values serve as // indices into an array of ttinfo structures that appears next in the file; // these structures are defined as follows: // // struct ttinfo { // long tt_gmtoff; // int tt_isdst; // unsigned int tt_abbrind; // }; // // Each structure is written as a four-byte value for tt_gmtoff of type // long, in a standard byte order, followed by a one-byte value for tt_isdst // and a one-byte value for tt_abbrind. In each structure, tt_gmtoff gives // the number of seconds to be added to UTC, tt_isdst tells whether tm_isdst // should be set by localtime(3) and tt_abbrind serves as an index into the // array of time zone abbreviation characters that follow the ttinfo struc- // ture(s) in the file. // // Then there are tzh_leapcnt pairs of four-byte values, written in standard // byte order; the first value of each pair gives the time (as returned by // time(3)) at which a leap second occurs; the second gives the total number // of leap seconds to be applied after the given time. The pairs of values // are sorted in ascending order by time.b // // Then there are tzh_ttisstdcnt standard/wall indicators, each stored as a // one-byte value; they tell whether the transition times associated with // local time types were specified as standard time or wall clock time, and // are used when a time zone file is used in handling POSIX-style time zone // environment variables. // // Finally there are tzh_ttisgmtcnt UTC/local indicators, each stored as a // one-byte value; they tell whether the transition times associated with // local time types were specified as UTC or local time, and are used when a // time zone file is used in handling POSIX-style time zone environment // variables. // // localtime uses the first standard-time ttinfo structure in the file (or // simply the first ttinfo structure in the absence of a standard-time // structure) if either tzh_timecnt is zero or the time argument is less // than the first transition time recorded in the file. // // SEE ALSO // ctime(3), time2posix(3), zic(8) // // BSD September 13, 1994 BSD // // // // TIME(3) BSD Library Functions Manual TIME(3) // // NAME // time -- get time of day // // LIBRARY // Standard C Library (libc, -lc) // // SYNOPSIS // #include // // time_t // time(time_t *tloc); // // DESCRIPTION // The time() function returns the value of time in seconds since 0 hours, 0 // minutes, 0 seconds, January 1, 1970, Coordinated Universal Time, without // including leap seconds. If an error occurs, time() returns the value // (time_t)-1. // // The return value is also stored in *tloc, provided that tloc is non-null. // // ERRORS // The time() function may fail for any of the reasons described in // gettimeofday(2). // // SEE ALSO // gettimeofday(2), ctime(3) // // STANDARDS // The time function conforms to IEEE Std 1003.1-2001 (``POSIX.1''). // // BUGS // Neither ISO/IEC 9899:1999 (``ISO C99'') nor IEEE Std 1003.1-2001 // (``POSIX.1'') requires time() to set errno on failure; thus, it is impos- // sible for an application to distinguish the valid time value -1 (repre- // senting the last UTC second of 1969) from the error return value. // // Systems conforming to earlier versions of the C and POSIX standards // (including older versions of FreeBSD) did not set *tloc in the error // case. // // HISTORY // A time() function appeared in Version 6 AT&T UNIX. // // BSD July 18, 2003 BSD // // private static void TZif_GenerateAdjustmentRules(out AdjustmentRule[] rules, TimeSpan baseUtcOffset, DateTime[] dts, byte[] typeOfLocalTime, TZifType[] transitionType, bool[] StandardTime, bool[] GmtTime, string futureTransitionsPosixFormat) { rules = null; if (dts.Length > 0) { int index = 0; List rulesList = new List(); while (index <= dts.Length) { TZif_GenerateAdjustmentRule(ref index, baseUtcOffset, rulesList, dts, typeOfLocalTime, transitionType, StandardTime, GmtTime, futureTransitionsPosixFormat); } rules = rulesList.ToArray(); if (rules != null && rules.Length == 0) { rules = null; } } } private static void TZif_GenerateAdjustmentRule(ref int index, TimeSpan timeZoneBaseUtcOffset, List rulesList, DateTime[] dts, byte[] typeOfLocalTime, TZifType[] transitionTypes, bool[] StandardTime, bool[] GmtTime, string futureTransitionsPosixFormat) { // To generate AdjustmentRules, use the following approach: // The first AdjustmentRule will go from DateTime.MinValue to the first transition time greater than DateTime.MinValue. // Each middle AdjustmentRule wil go from dts[index-1] to dts[index]. // The last AdjustmentRule will go from dts[dts.Length-1] to Datetime.MaxValue. // 0. Skip any DateTime.MinValue transition times. In newer versions of the tzfile, there // is a "big bang" transition time, which is before the year 0001. Since any times before year 0001 // cannot be represented by DateTime, there is no reason to make AdjustmentRules for these unrepresentable time periods. // 1. If there are no DateTime.MinValue times, the first AdjustmentRule goes from DateTime.MinValue // to the first transition and uses the first standard transitionType (or the first transitionType if none of them are standard) // 2. Create an AdjustmentRule for each transition, i.e. from dts[index - 1] to dts[index]. // This rule uses the transitionType[index - 1] and the whole AdjustmentRule only describes a single offset - either // all daylight savings, or all stanard time. // 3. After all the transitions are filled out, the last AdjustmentRule is created from either: // a. a POSIX-style timezone description ("futureTransitionsPosixFormat"), if there is one or // b. continue the last transition offset until DateTime.Max while (index < dts.Length && dts[index] == DateTime.MinValue) { index++; } if (rulesList.Count == 0 && index < dts.Length) { TZifType transitionType = TZif_GetEarlyDateTransitionType(transitionTypes); DateTime endTransitionDate = dts[index]; TimeSpan transitionOffset = TZif_CalculateTransitionOffsetFromBase(transitionType.UtcOffset, timeZoneBaseUtcOffset); TimeSpan daylightDelta = transitionType.IsDst ? transitionOffset : TimeSpan.Zero; TimeSpan baseUtcDelta = transitionType.IsDst ? TimeSpan.Zero : transitionOffset; AdjustmentRule r = AdjustmentRule.CreateAdjustmentRule( DateTime.MinValue, endTransitionDate.AddTicks(-1), daylightDelta, default(TransitionTime), default(TransitionTime), baseUtcDelta, noDaylightTransitions: true); if (!IsValidAdjustmentRuleOffest(timeZoneBaseUtcOffset, r)) { NormalizeAdjustmentRuleOffset(timeZoneBaseUtcOffset, ref r); } rulesList.Add(r); } else if (index < dts.Length) { DateTime startTransitionDate = dts[index - 1]; TZifType startTransitionType = transitionTypes[typeOfLocalTime[index - 1]]; DateTime endTransitionDate = dts[index]; TimeSpan transitionOffset = TZif_CalculateTransitionOffsetFromBase(startTransitionType.UtcOffset, timeZoneBaseUtcOffset); TimeSpan daylightDelta = startTransitionType.IsDst ? transitionOffset : TimeSpan.Zero; TimeSpan baseUtcDelta = startTransitionType.IsDst ? TimeSpan.Zero : transitionOffset; TransitionTime dstStart; if (startTransitionType.IsDst) { // the TransitionTime fields are not used when AdjustmentRule.NoDaylightTransitions == true. // However, there are some cases in the past where DST = true, and the daylight savings offset // now equals what the current BaseUtcOffset is. In that case, the AdjustmentRule.DaylightOffset // is going to be TimeSpan.Zero. But we still need to return 'true' from AdjustmentRule.HasDaylightSaving. // To ensure we always return true from HasDaylightSaving, make a "special" dstStart that will make the logic // in HasDaylightSaving return true. dstStart = TransitionTime.CreateFixedDateRule(DateTime.MinValue.AddMilliseconds(2), 1, 1); } else { dstStart = default(TransitionTime); } AdjustmentRule r = AdjustmentRule.CreateAdjustmentRule( startTransitionDate, endTransitionDate.AddTicks(-1), daylightDelta, dstStart, default(TransitionTime), baseUtcDelta, noDaylightTransitions: true); if (!IsValidAdjustmentRuleOffest(timeZoneBaseUtcOffset, r)) { NormalizeAdjustmentRuleOffset(timeZoneBaseUtcOffset, ref r); } rulesList.Add(r); } else { // create the AdjustmentRule that will be used for all DateTimes after the last transition // NOTE: index == dts.Length DateTime startTransitionDate = dts[index - 1]; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(futureTransitionsPosixFormat)) { AdjustmentRule r = TZif_CreateAdjustmentRuleForPosixFormat(futureTransitionsPosixFormat, startTransitionDate, timeZoneBaseUtcOffset); if (r != null) { if (!IsValidAdjustmentRuleOffest(timeZoneBaseUtcOffset, r)) { NormalizeAdjustmentRuleOffset(timeZoneBaseUtcOffset, ref r); } rulesList.Add(r); } } else { // just use the last transition as the rule which will be used until the end of time TZifType transitionType = transitionTypes[typeOfLocalTime[index - 1]]; TimeSpan transitionOffset = TZif_CalculateTransitionOffsetFromBase(transitionType.UtcOffset, timeZoneBaseUtcOffset); TimeSpan daylightDelta = transitionType.IsDst ? transitionOffset : TimeSpan.Zero; TimeSpan baseUtcDelta = transitionType.IsDst ? TimeSpan.Zero : transitionOffset; AdjustmentRule r = AdjustmentRule.CreateAdjustmentRule( startTransitionDate, DateTime.MaxValue, daylightDelta, default(TransitionTime), default(TransitionTime), baseUtcDelta, noDaylightTransitions: true); if (!IsValidAdjustmentRuleOffest(timeZoneBaseUtcOffset, r)) { NormalizeAdjustmentRuleOffset(timeZoneBaseUtcOffset, ref r); } rulesList.Add(r); } } index++; } private static TimeSpan TZif_CalculateTransitionOffsetFromBase(TimeSpan transitionOffset, TimeSpan timeZoneBaseUtcOffset) { TimeSpan result = transitionOffset - timeZoneBaseUtcOffset; // TZif supports seconds-level granularity with offsets but TimeZoneInfo only supports minutes since it aligns // with DateTimeOffset, SQL Server, and the W3C XML Specification if (result.Ticks % TimeSpan.TicksPerMinute != 0) { result = new TimeSpan(result.Hours, result.Minutes, 0); } return result; } /// /// Gets the first standard-time transition type, or simply the first transition type /// if there are no standard transition types. /// > /// /// from 'man tzfile': /// localtime(3) uses the first standard-time ttinfo structure in the file /// (or simply the first ttinfo structure in the absence of a standard-time /// structure) if either tzh_timecnt is zero or the time argument is less /// than the first transition time recorded in the file. /// private static TZifType TZif_GetEarlyDateTransitionType(TZifType[] transitionTypes) { foreach (TZifType transitionType in transitionTypes) { if (!transitionType.IsDst) { return transitionType; } } if (transitionTypes.Length > 0) { return transitionTypes[0]; } throw new InvalidTimeZoneException(SR.InvalidTimeZone_NoTTInfoStructures); } /// /// Creates an AdjustmentRule given the POSIX TZ environment variable string. /// /// /// See http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man3/tzset.3.html for the format and semantics of this POSX string. /// private static AdjustmentRule TZif_CreateAdjustmentRuleForPosixFormat(string posixFormat, DateTime startTransitionDate, TimeSpan timeZoneBaseUtcOffset) { if (TZif_ParsePosixFormat(posixFormat, out ReadOnlySpan standardName, out ReadOnlySpan standardOffset, out ReadOnlySpan daylightSavingsName, out ReadOnlySpan daylightSavingsOffset, out ReadOnlySpan start, out ReadOnlySpan startTime, out ReadOnlySpan end, out ReadOnlySpan endTime)) { // a valid posixFormat has at least standardName and standardOffset TimeSpan? parsedBaseOffset = TZif_ParseOffsetString(standardOffset); if (parsedBaseOffset.HasValue) { TimeSpan baseOffset = parsedBaseOffset.Value.Negate(); // offsets are backwards in POSIX notation baseOffset = TZif_CalculateTransitionOffsetFromBase(baseOffset, timeZoneBaseUtcOffset); // having a daylightSavingsName means there is a DST rule if (!daylightSavingsName.IsEmpty) { TimeSpan? parsedDaylightSavings = TZif_ParseOffsetString(daylightSavingsOffset); TimeSpan daylightSavingsTimeSpan; if (!parsedDaylightSavings.HasValue) { // default DST to 1 hour if it isn't specified daylightSavingsTimeSpan = new TimeSpan(1, 0, 0); } else { daylightSavingsTimeSpan = parsedDaylightSavings.Value.Negate(); // offsets are backwards in POSIX notation daylightSavingsTimeSpan = TZif_CalculateTransitionOffsetFromBase(daylightSavingsTimeSpan, timeZoneBaseUtcOffset); daylightSavingsTimeSpan = TZif_CalculateTransitionOffsetFromBase(daylightSavingsTimeSpan, baseOffset); } TransitionTime dstStart = TZif_CreateTransitionTimeFromPosixRule(start, startTime); TransitionTime dstEnd = TZif_CreateTransitionTimeFromPosixRule(end, endTime); return AdjustmentRule.CreateAdjustmentRule( startTransitionDate, DateTime.MaxValue, daylightSavingsTimeSpan, dstStart, dstEnd, baseOffset, noDaylightTransitions: false); } else { // if there is no daylightSavingsName, the whole AdjustmentRule should be with no transitions - just the baseOffset return AdjustmentRule.CreateAdjustmentRule( startTransitionDate, DateTime.MaxValue, TimeSpan.Zero, default(TransitionTime), default(TransitionTime), baseOffset, noDaylightTransitions: true); } } } return null; } private static TimeSpan? TZif_ParseOffsetString(ReadOnlySpan offset) { TimeSpan? result = null; if (offset.Length > 0) { bool negative = offset[0] == '-'; if (negative || offset[0] == '+') { offset = offset.Slice(1); } // Try parsing just hours first. // Note, TimeSpan.TryParseExact "%h" can't be used here because some time zones using values // like "26" or "144" and TimeSpan parsing would turn that into 26 or 144 *days* instead of hours. int hours; if (int.TryParse(offset, out hours)) { result = new TimeSpan(hours, 0, 0); } else { TimeSpan parsedTimeSpan; if (TimeSpan.TryParseExact(offset, "g", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out parsedTimeSpan)) { result = parsedTimeSpan; } } if (result.HasValue && negative) { result = result.Value.Negate(); } } return result; } private static DateTime ParseTimeOfDay(ReadOnlySpan time) { DateTime timeOfDay; TimeSpan? timeOffset = TZif_ParseOffsetString(time); if (timeOffset.HasValue) { // This logic isn't correct and can't be corrected until https://github.com/dotnet/corefx/issues/2618 is fixed. // Some time zones use time values like, "26", "144", or "-2". // This allows the week to sometimes be week 4 and sometimes week 5 in the month. // For now, strip off any 'days' in the offset, and just get the time of day correct timeOffset = new TimeSpan(timeOffset.Value.Hours, timeOffset.Value.Minutes, timeOffset.Value.Seconds); if (timeOffset.Value < TimeSpan.Zero) { timeOfDay = new DateTime(1, 1, 2, 0, 0, 0); } else { timeOfDay = new DateTime(1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0); } timeOfDay += timeOffset.Value; } else { // default to 2AM. timeOfDay = new DateTime(1, 1, 1, 2, 0, 0); } return timeOfDay; } private static TransitionTime TZif_CreateTransitionTimeFromPosixRule(ReadOnlySpan date, ReadOnlySpan time) { if (date.IsEmpty) { return default(TransitionTime); } if (date[0] == 'M') { // Mm.w.d // This specifies day d of week w of month m. The day d must be between 0(Sunday) and 6.The week w must be between 1 and 5; // week 1 is the first week in which day d occurs, and week 5 specifies the last d day in the month. The month m should be between 1 and 12. int month; int week; DayOfWeek day; if (!TZif_ParseMDateRule(date, out month, out week, out day)) { throw new InvalidTimeZoneException(SR.Format(SR.InvalidTimeZone_UnparseablePosixMDateString, date.ToString())); } return TransitionTime.CreateFloatingDateRule(ParseTimeOfDay(time), month, week, day); } else { if (date[0] != 'J') { // should be n Julian day format which we don't support. // // This specifies the Julian day, with n between 0 and 365. February 29 is counted in leap years. // // n would be a relative number from the begining of the year. which should handle if the // the year is a leap year or not. // // In leap year, n would be counted as: // // 0 30 31 59 60 90 335 365 // |-------Jan--------|-------Feb--------|-------Mar--------|....|-------Dec--------| // // while in non leap year we'll have // // 0 30 31 58 59 89 334 364 // |-------Jan--------|-------Feb--------|-------Mar--------|....|-------Dec--------| // // // For example if n is specified as 60, this means in leap year the rule will start at Mar 1, // while in non leap year the rule will start at Mar 2. // // If we need to support n format, we'll have to have a floating adjustment rule support this case. throw new InvalidTimeZoneException(SR.InvalidTimeZone_NJulianDayNotSupported); } // Julian day TZif_ParseJulianDay(date, out int month, out int day); return TransitionTime.CreateFixedDateRule(ParseTimeOfDay(time), month, day); } } /// /// Parses a string like Jn or n into month and day values. /// /// /// true if the parsing succeeded; otherwise, false. /// private static void TZif_ParseJulianDay(ReadOnlySpan date, out int month, out int day) { // Jn // This specifies the Julian day, with n between 1 and 365.February 29 is never counted, even in leap years. Debug.Assert(!date.IsEmpty); Debug.Assert(date[0] == 'J'); month = day = 0; int index = 1; if (index >= date.Length || ((uint)(date[index] - '0') > '9'-'0')) { throw new InvalidTimeZoneException(SR.InvalidTimeZone_InvalidJulianDay); } int julianDay = 0; do { julianDay = julianDay * 10 + (int) (date[index] - '0'); index++; } while (index < date.Length && ((uint)(date[index] - '0') <= '9'-'0')); int[] days = GregorianCalendarHelper.DaysToMonth365; if (julianDay == 0 || julianDay > days[days.Length - 1]) { throw new InvalidTimeZoneException(SR.InvalidTimeZone_InvalidJulianDay); } int i = 1; while (i < days.Length && julianDay > days[i]) { i++; } Debug.Assert(i > 0 && i < days.Length); month = i; day = julianDay - days[i - 1]; } /// /// Parses a string like Mm.w.d into month, week and DayOfWeek values. /// /// /// true if the parsing succeeded; otherwise, false. /// private static bool TZif_ParseMDateRule(ReadOnlySpan dateRule, out int month, out int week, out DayOfWeek dayOfWeek) { if (dateRule[0] == 'M') { int monthWeekDotIndex = dateRule.IndexOf('.'); if (monthWeekDotIndex > 0) { ReadOnlySpan weekDaySpan = dateRule.Slice(monthWeekDotIndex + 1); int weekDayDotIndex = weekDaySpan.IndexOf('.'); if (weekDayDotIndex > 0) { if (int.TryParse(dateRule.Slice(1, monthWeekDotIndex - 1), out month) && int.TryParse(weekDaySpan.Slice(0, weekDayDotIndex), out week) && int.TryParse(weekDaySpan.Slice(weekDayDotIndex + 1), out int day)) { dayOfWeek = (DayOfWeek)day; return true; } } } } month = 0; week = 0; dayOfWeek = default(DayOfWeek); return false; } private static bool TZif_ParsePosixFormat( ReadOnlySpan posixFormat, out ReadOnlySpan standardName, out ReadOnlySpan standardOffset, out ReadOnlySpan daylightSavingsName, out ReadOnlySpan daylightSavingsOffset, out ReadOnlySpan start, out ReadOnlySpan startTime, out ReadOnlySpan end, out ReadOnlySpan endTime) { standardName = null; standardOffset = null; daylightSavingsName = null; daylightSavingsOffset = null; start = null; startTime = null; end = null; endTime = null; int index = 0; standardName = TZif_ParsePosixName(posixFormat, ref index); standardOffset = TZif_ParsePosixOffset(posixFormat, ref index); daylightSavingsName = TZif_ParsePosixName(posixFormat, ref index); if (!daylightSavingsName.IsEmpty) { daylightSavingsOffset = TZif_ParsePosixOffset(posixFormat, ref index); if (index < posixFormat.Length && posixFormat[index] == ',') { index++; TZif_ParsePosixDateTime(posixFormat, ref index, out start, out startTime); if (index < posixFormat.Length && posixFormat[index] == ',') { index++; TZif_ParsePosixDateTime(posixFormat, ref index, out end, out endTime); } } } return !standardName.IsEmpty && !standardOffset.IsEmpty; } private static ReadOnlySpan TZif_ParsePosixName(ReadOnlySpan posixFormat, ref int index) { bool isBracketEnclosed = index < posixFormat.Length && posixFormat[index] == '<'; if (isBracketEnclosed) { // move past the opening bracket index++; ReadOnlySpan result = TZif_ParsePosixString(posixFormat, ref index, c => c == '>'); // move past the closing bracket if (index < posixFormat.Length && posixFormat[index] == '>') { index++; } return result; } else { return TZif_ParsePosixString( posixFormat, ref index, c => char.IsDigit(c) || c == '+' || c == '-' || c == ','); } } private static ReadOnlySpan TZif_ParsePosixOffset(ReadOnlySpan posixFormat, ref int index) => TZif_ParsePosixString(posixFormat, ref index, c => !char.IsDigit(c) && c != '+' && c != '-' && c != ':'); private static void TZif_ParsePosixDateTime(ReadOnlySpan posixFormat, ref int index, out ReadOnlySpan date, out ReadOnlySpan time) { time = null; date = TZif_ParsePosixDate(posixFormat, ref index); if (index < posixFormat.Length && posixFormat[index] == '/') { index++; time = TZif_ParsePosixTime(posixFormat, ref index); } } private static ReadOnlySpan TZif_ParsePosixDate(ReadOnlySpan posixFormat, ref int index) => TZif_ParsePosixString(posixFormat, ref index, c => c == '/' || c == ','); private static ReadOnlySpan TZif_ParsePosixTime(ReadOnlySpan posixFormat, ref int index) => TZif_ParsePosixString(posixFormat, ref index, c => c == ','); private static ReadOnlySpan TZif_ParsePosixString(ReadOnlySpan posixFormat, ref int index, Func breakCondition) { int startIndex = index; for (; index < posixFormat.Length; index++) { char current = posixFormat[index]; if (breakCondition(current)) { break; } } return posixFormat.Slice(startIndex, index - startIndex); } // Returns the Substring from zoneAbbreviations starting at index and ending at '\0' // zoneAbbreviations is expected to be in the form: "PST\0PDT\0PWT\0\PPT" private static string TZif_GetZoneAbbreviation(string zoneAbbreviations, int index) { int lastIndex = zoneAbbreviations.IndexOf('\0', index); return lastIndex > 0 ? zoneAbbreviations.Substring(index, lastIndex - index) : zoneAbbreviations.Substring(index); } // Converts an array of bytes into an int - always using standard byte order (Big Endian) // per TZif file standard private static unsafe int TZif_ToInt32(byte[] value, int startIndex) { fixed (byte* pbyte = &value[startIndex]) { return (*pbyte << 24) | (*(pbyte + 1) << 16) | (*(pbyte + 2) << 8) | (*(pbyte + 3)); } } // Converts an array of bytes into a long - always using standard byte order (Big Endian) // per TZif file standard private static unsafe long TZif_ToInt64(byte[] value, int startIndex) { fixed (byte* pbyte = &value[startIndex]) { int i1 = (*pbyte << 24) | (*(pbyte + 1) << 16) | (*(pbyte + 2) << 8) | (*(pbyte + 3)); int i2 = (*(pbyte + 4) << 24) | (*(pbyte + 5) << 16) | (*(pbyte + 6) << 8) | (*(pbyte + 7)); return (uint)i2 | ((long)i1 << 32); } } private static long TZif_ToUnixTime(byte[] value, int startIndex, TZVersion version) => version != TZVersion.V1 ? TZif_ToInt64(value, startIndex) : TZif_ToInt32(value, startIndex); private static DateTime TZif_UnixTimeToDateTime(long unixTime) => unixTime < DateTimeOffset.UnixMinSeconds ? DateTime.MinValue : unixTime > DateTimeOffset.UnixMaxSeconds ? DateTime.MaxValue : DateTimeOffset.FromUnixTimeSeconds(unixTime).UtcDateTime; private static void TZif_ParseRaw(byte[] data, out TZifHead t, out DateTime[] dts, out byte[] typeOfLocalTime, out TZifType[] transitionType, out string zoneAbbreviations, out bool[] StandardTime, out bool[] GmtTime, out string futureTransitionsPosixFormat) { // initialize the out parameters in case the TZifHead ctor throws dts = null; typeOfLocalTime = null; transitionType = null; zoneAbbreviations = string.Empty; StandardTime = null; GmtTime = null; futureTransitionsPosixFormat = null; // read in the 44-byte TZ header containing the count/length fields // int index = 0; t = new TZifHead(data, index); index += TZifHead.Length; int timeValuesLength = 4; // the first version uses 4-bytes to specify times if (t.Version != TZVersion.V1) { // move index past the V1 information to read the V2 information index += (int)((timeValuesLength * t.TimeCount) + t.TimeCount + (6 * t.TypeCount) + ((timeValuesLength + 4) * t.LeapCount) + t.IsStdCount + t.IsGmtCount + t.CharCount); // read the V2 header t = new TZifHead(data, index); index += TZifHead.Length; timeValuesLength = 8; // the second version uses 8-bytes } // initialize the containers for the rest of the TZ data dts = new DateTime[t.TimeCount]; typeOfLocalTime = new byte[t.TimeCount]; transitionType = new TZifType[t.TypeCount]; zoneAbbreviations = string.Empty; StandardTime = new bool[t.TypeCount]; GmtTime = new bool[t.TypeCount]; // read in the UTC transition points and convert them to Windows // for (int i = 0; i < t.TimeCount; i++) { long unixTime = TZif_ToUnixTime(data, index, t.Version); dts[i] = TZif_UnixTimeToDateTime(unixTime); index += timeValuesLength; } // read in the Type Indices; there is a 1:1 mapping of UTC transition points to Type Indices // these indices directly map to the array index in the transitionType array below // for (int i = 0; i < t.TimeCount; i++) { typeOfLocalTime[i] = data[index]; index += 1; } // read in the Type table. Each 6-byte entry represents // {UtcOffset, IsDst, AbbreviationIndex} // // each AbbreviationIndex is a character index into the zoneAbbreviations string below // for (int i = 0; i < t.TypeCount; i++) { transitionType[i] = new TZifType(data, index); index += 6; } // read in the Abbreviation ASCII string. This string will be in the form: // "PST\0PDT\0PWT\0\PPT" // Encoding enc = Encoding.UTF8; zoneAbbreviations = enc.GetString(data, index, (int)t.CharCount); index += (int)t.CharCount; // skip ahead of the Leap-Seconds Adjustment data. In a future release, consider adding // support for Leap-Seconds // index += (int)(t.LeapCount * (timeValuesLength + 4)); // skip the leap second transition times // read in the Standard Time table. There should be a 1:1 mapping between Type-Index and Standard // Time table entries. // // TRUE = transition time is standard time // FALSE = transition time is wall clock time // ABSENT = transition time is wall clock time // for (int i = 0; i < t.IsStdCount && i < t.TypeCount && index < data.Length; i++) { StandardTime[i] = (data[index++] != 0); } // read in the GMT Time table. There should be a 1:1 mapping between Type-Index and GMT Time table // entries. // // TRUE = transition time is UTC // FALSE = transition time is local time // ABSENT = transition time is local time // for (int i = 0; i < t.IsGmtCount && i < t.TypeCount && index < data.Length; i++) { GmtTime[i] = (data[index++] != 0); } if (t.Version != TZVersion.V1) { // read the POSIX-style format, which should be wrapped in newlines with the last newline at the end of the file if (data[index++] == '\n' && data[data.Length - 1] == '\n') { futureTransitionsPosixFormat = enc.GetString(data, index, data.Length - index - 1); } } } private struct TZifType { public const int Length = 6; public readonly TimeSpan UtcOffset; public readonly bool IsDst; public readonly byte AbbreviationIndex; public TZifType(byte[] data, int index) { if (data == null || data.Length < index + Length) { throw new ArgumentException(SR.Argument_TimeZoneInfoInvalidTZif, nameof(data)); } UtcOffset = new TimeSpan(0, 0, TZif_ToInt32(data, index + 00)); IsDst = (data[index + 4] != 0); AbbreviationIndex = data[index + 5]; } } private struct TZifHead { public const int Length = 44; public readonly uint Magic; // TZ_MAGIC "TZif" public readonly TZVersion Version; // 1 byte for a \0 or 2 or 3 // public byte[15] Reserved; // reserved for future use public readonly uint IsGmtCount; // number of transition time flags public readonly uint IsStdCount; // number of transition time flags public readonly uint LeapCount; // number of leap seconds public readonly uint TimeCount; // number of transition times public readonly uint TypeCount; // number of local time types public readonly uint CharCount; // number of abbreviated characters public TZifHead(byte[] data, int index) { if (data == null || data.Length < Length) { throw new ArgumentException("bad data", nameof(data)); } Magic = (uint)TZif_ToInt32(data, index + 00); if (Magic != 0x545A6966) { // 0x545A6966 = {0x54, 0x5A, 0x69, 0x66} = "TZif" throw new ArgumentException(SR.Argument_TimeZoneInfoBadTZif, nameof(data)); } byte version = data[index + 04]; Version = version == '2' ? TZVersion.V2 : version == '3' ? TZVersion.V3 : TZVersion.V1; // default/fallback to V1 to guard against future, unsupported version numbers // skip the 15 byte reserved field // don't use the BitConverter class which parses data // based on the Endianess of the machine architecture. // this data is expected to always be in "standard byte order", // regardless of the machine it is being processed on. IsGmtCount = (uint)TZif_ToInt32(data, index + 20); IsStdCount = (uint)TZif_ToInt32(data, index + 24); LeapCount = (uint)TZif_ToInt32(data, index + 28); TimeCount = (uint)TZif_ToInt32(data, index + 32); TypeCount = (uint)TZif_ToInt32(data, index + 36); CharCount = (uint)TZif_ToInt32(data, index + 40); } } private enum TZVersion : byte { V1 = 0, V2, V3, // when adding more versions, ensure all the logic using TZVersion is still correct } } }