// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements. // The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license. // See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information. using System.Diagnostics; using System.Globalization; using System.Runtime.CompilerServices; namespace System.Reflection { public abstract partial class FieldInfo : MemberInfo { protected FieldInfo() { } public override MemberTypes MemberType => MemberTypes.Field; public abstract FieldAttributes Attributes { get; } public abstract Type FieldType { get; } public bool IsInitOnly => (Attributes & FieldAttributes.InitOnly) != 0; public bool IsLiteral => (Attributes & FieldAttributes.Literal) != 0; public bool IsNotSerialized => (Attributes & FieldAttributes.NotSerialized) != 0; public bool IsPinvokeImpl => (Attributes & FieldAttributes.PinvokeImpl) != 0; public bool IsSpecialName => (Attributes & FieldAttributes.SpecialName) != 0; public bool IsStatic => (Attributes & FieldAttributes.Static) != 0; public bool IsAssembly => (Attributes & FieldAttributes.FieldAccessMask) == FieldAttributes.Assembly; public bool IsFamily => (Attributes & FieldAttributes.FieldAccessMask) == FieldAttributes.Family; public bool IsFamilyAndAssembly => (Attributes & FieldAttributes.FieldAccessMask) == FieldAttributes.FamANDAssem; public bool IsFamilyOrAssembly => (Attributes & FieldAttributes.FieldAccessMask) == FieldAttributes.FamORAssem; public bool IsPrivate => (Attributes & FieldAttributes.FieldAccessMask) == FieldAttributes.Private; public bool IsPublic => (Attributes & FieldAttributes.FieldAccessMask) == FieldAttributes.Public; public virtual bool IsSecurityCritical => true; public virtual bool IsSecuritySafeCritical => false; public virtual bool IsSecurityTransparent => false; public abstract RuntimeFieldHandle FieldHandle { get; } public override bool Equals(object? obj) => base.Equals(obj); public override int GetHashCode() => base.GetHashCode(); [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)] public static bool operator ==(FieldInfo? left, FieldInfo? right) { // Test "right" first to allow branch elimination when inlined for null checks (== null) // so it can become a simple test if (right is null) { // return true/false not the test result https://github.com/dotnet/coreclr/issues/914 return (left is null) ? true : false; } // Try fast reference equality and opposite null check prior to calling the slower virtual Equals if ((object?)left == (object)right) { return true; } return (left is null) ? false : left.Equals(right); } public static bool operator !=(FieldInfo? left, FieldInfo? right) => !(left == right); public abstract object? GetValue(object? obj); [DebuggerHidden] [DebuggerStepThrough] public void SetValue(object? obj, object? value) => SetValue(obj, value, BindingFlags.Default, Type.DefaultBinder, null); public abstract void SetValue(object? obj, object? value, BindingFlags invokeAttr, Binder? binder, CultureInfo? culture); [CLSCompliant(false)] public virtual void SetValueDirect(TypedReference obj, object value) { throw new NotSupportedException(SR.NotSupported_AbstractNonCLS); } [CLSCompliant(false)] public virtual object? GetValueDirect(TypedReference obj) { throw new NotSupportedException(SR.NotSupported_AbstractNonCLS); } public virtual object? GetRawConstantValue() { throw new NotSupportedException(SR.NotSupported_AbstractNonCLS); } public virtual Type[] GetOptionalCustomModifiers() { throw NotImplemented.ByDesign; } public virtual Type[] GetRequiredCustomModifiers() { throw NotImplemented.ByDesign; } } }